The Mystery and Power of Prayer

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Mystery and Power of Prayer

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Today I will summarize and give you the word of the second message of the world missionary’s conference.  It is a Word regarding the mystery and the power of prayer.  How shall we pray?  It’s not talking about the method of prayer, but the content of prayer. Every religion prays, so the biggest difference is whether we pray in the name of Jesus Christ or by another name, but of course, the content with which we pray must be different from any other religion. 

What’s important is the prayer that is bound to receive answers is one that prays, holding to the covenant of God.  Is it bad for us to pray for something we want instead of praying for what God has promised? No, because we have the freedom of prayer, but we won’t receive important answers, and if we’re not able to receive those answers, then I cannot work out and our family doesn’t come to life, and my business doesn’t come to life.  So, prayer is extremely important.

Before we pray, we must first save ourselves.  There are things inside of us that are bound to kill us. That thing is “me,” so we need to uproot “myself” and fill ourselves with Jesus Christ.  Not just momentarily but we must continuously be filled with Christ. If you’re continuously filled with yourself, that is how you kill yourself.  Its’ not that the situation becomes harder, your circumstances will be the same, however, God will open up your environment and give you a way out.

The issue is, “Who am I?”  Because the incorrect “me” is inside of me, it will continuously destroy me, and among that, the most important is our thoughts. Where are our thoughts from? It’s what I think and I have a standard with which I think; that means I am my own standard.  We think with the standard of what I like and what is a benefit to me.  The reason you think about what is bad for you and what is a loss to you is because you have a standard of yourself.

The reason we’re afraid of the future is because we don’t know the future.  How great would it be if we could know our future? But only God can know our future, then how great would it be if we could comfortably resolve the problems of our past? Only God can do that, and it’s the same for our present reality. If we were omniscient and omnipotent, nothing would be a problem, but instead, we have no choice but to constantly face problems.  That is why I must replace “myself” with the Triune God.  We need to think, “I’m not the standard; the Triune God is.”

What is the most specific way to do that? It is to discover God’s plan. It is not about thinking and making positive decisions but it is about having God’s decisions and thoughts. We must first replace “myself” with the bartizan of the Triune God for me to come to life.  It doesn’t matter how difficult the age becomes, it is relevant to me, because the bartizan of God is with me, but of course, if that doesn’t take place, I have to struggle and if someone hurts my pride, I get angry. If someone is sick, they are bound to get weak.  If someone gets older with nothing to them, they get sad.

I need the bartizan of Christ within me, and it must go into me as “only.” Nothing else will work. If you eat food, your physical body is revived but the inner “you” is not coming to life.  If you  make a lot of money, it may be good and comfortable, but on the inside, it may not come to life. There is no correlation between making a lot of money and your inner life.  Success doesn’t make my inner self come to life, but if someone saves someone else, then that success has meaning.  I hope everyone without exception will come to church and realized, “It must be ‘only’ for this to work.”

But you’re confused because you need to eat and you need inner things, too.  You keep wavering back and forth because you haven’t had the correct priorities.  But if you’re inside of “only,” the physical things will follow as well. That is how you have “only.”  Only Christ can save me.  Only when God’s Kingdom is upon me and I’m racing towards the Kingdom, then you must have this system to save all nations of the world If anybody has this, then no matter where they are put. This person holds onto that nation for the rest of their life.  We will answer the prayer to save one nation.

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