The Absolute Bartizan of Egypt

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Absolute Bartizan of Egypt

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Superpower Nation

Through the people who raise up the absolute bartizan, the work of saving lives, without being influenced by other things, continues to take place.  You need to understand what this word means very well.  There was an absolute bartizan in the age of Egypt and one in the age of America today. “Absolute” means it is not influenced by the situation.  Only God is the One Who is not influenced by anything that happens.  But are you holding onto relative things or absolute things? Are you absolute or are you relative?  We’re relative, and what’s the evidence of that?  Are your thoughts absolute?  No, but you think you’re absolute and you think you’re right, so you fight.  Why do you think we fight?  It’s because we think we’re right, because we’re deceived by somebody.  Your thoughts are not absolute.  Only God is absolute. 

Then, if God’s absolute Word comes into you, will it change or not?  The absolute things do not change, that’s what we call a bartizan.  Then, there are things you think are problems right now, but it’s not according to God’s word; it’s just according to your thoughts.  We think with some kind of standard, and that thought is not absolute, that’s why we need to let go of our thoughts and the absolute things come into us.  The absolute things are the truth, it never changes and is not influenced by anything else.  That is God, then God must come into me by His Word, do you understand?  Then, even though I’m weak, because the absolute things are inside of me, I will not shake.  That’s what Joseph raised up in Egypt.  Because of that, people came to life because of Joseph. 

Are the things you learn in school absolute or relative?  Will this work no matter where you go or not?  It won’t work anywhere you go. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but it’s not as if it never works, right?  Are the things you’re learning in school going to work and apply everywhere?  Sometimes it applies and sometimes it doesn’t.  The things you’ve learned in nursing school will apply in hospitals but it doesn’t apply to somebody who’s dying.  Can you save them?  It’s not absolute but there’s something that applies no matter where you go.  That’s the Word of God. 

The Word is Truth.   Whatever you’re studying is not the truth.  It may be relatively correct or incorrect, that’s something you can keep as a reference, but you shouldn’t hold onto it as absolute.  If you hold onto that as absolute, you’re going to face disaster, because if you hold onto it as absolute, it means you believe in it, and if you believe in that then you’re going to have the wrong works happen because you’re believing in the wrong thing.  That’s a disaster.  In Egypt, the Nile River is not bad; the frogs are not bad, it’s good, but they believed that through the frogs and the Nile, they could get what they want. They put their faith into it, what does that mean? It means they believed it as absolute.  As evidence that it’s not absolute, they faced a disaster.

Why are there so many disasters in America today?  We only need to rely on absolute things but we follow other things and that results in disaster, that’s what is happening in America today. The mental illnesses are a disaster because they’re concentrated on something else.  They need to concentrate on what’s absolute, but instead, they’re concentrating on something else, then the disasters happen, right?  Yes, we need money, but if you think money is everything you need, you’ll face a disaster in the wrong thing you think is absolute. 

Do you believe your parents are absolute?  Only God is absolute. You don’t believe in your parents as absolute.  But if you do believe they are absolute, when they pass away, you’ll face a problem.  You believe your parents are absolute, then you realize, “They’re actually worse than I am,” and you’re scarred by that and from that point, you look down on your parents because you thought they were absolute but they’re not. You think incorrectly, your parents are not someone you should absolutely trust in.  God may have placed them as your parents and runs His errands through them, but they are not absolute. 

What about your studies? Should you trust in them as absolute or not?  Should you believe and trust, “My studies will get me here in life,” or not?  What happens if you do believe in that?  You’re going to have the result of the wrong faith, that’s not faith.  You just do it because you need it. But people who don’t know that will think their studies to be absolute, “If I just do this, it’s going to work out,” but your studies are just for knowing the world. If you study well, nothing happens; it happens because of God.  You study the things of this earth to know the will of God. 

In the future, you’ll get married and for the ladies in the front, will you believe in your husbands as absolute or not? Then will you not get married?  Of course you don’t know because you don’t have anyone right now.  What it means to think they’re absolute is that you think you can gain something from them. Should you be like that or not?  No?  Then what should you be like?   Let’s say you get a boyfriend and want to get married, then if you don’t absolutely believe in them, what should you do?  “You should believe in God,” you should look down on him, then?  This is an actual issue.

You need to believe in the things within, and my fiancé must also believe in this, but we don’t trust each other as absolute.  Both individuals believe in God, understand?  If you don’t trust in the absolute thing inside of you, you’re going to try trusting your man.  Trusting in your man doesn’t just mean you believe everything he says, but you believe in his abilities or power.  You shouldn’t be like that.  Then, you’re going to face the result of that incorrect faith, that’s a disaster because you’ve believed in the wrong thing.  Believe in God, and that other person must believe in God, then you have a common mission of God, then you help each other.  For us, we stake our lives on God. 

1. Joseph’s Absolute Bartizan

This absolute bartizan must be established in you.  If you say, “I don’t believe in anything,” it means you believe in yourself and that’s a disaster.  That’s why it’s only, absolute faith, one thing.

1) Gen. 39:1-6 With

It means he doesn’t believe in anything else, he believes in God Who is with him.  He doesn’t trust his thoughts.  If you trust your thoughts, it becomes a problem.  The absolute things of God must come into my thoughts, that’s why we pray, do you understand?  Only that can save me and save others.  The word, “With” is not a simple Word.  You need to believe in the One Who is with you in your present reality. 


As evidence you don’t believe, you shake, and then you have to quickly restore the absolute things.  Then, your reality

Answer, Guidance

When do you shake the most?  Is God with you in that moment?  Do you believe that?  When something causes you to shake, do you believe in that moment that God is with you?  If you don’t believe, you’ll keep on shaking, holding onto relative things. Then, at that moment, if you restore the absolute things of God, you’ll no longer shake, do you understand?  If you receive guidance, you receiver answers. Joseph’s answer of the absolute bartizan was rooted deep in him.  He went to Potiphar’s house and nothing was a problem.  Understand well what it means for God to be in  your circumstance.  Receive His answer.  Otherwise you’ll go to church and be tormented. Young Joseph understood and did not shake. If God is not within me, I can’t pray. 

He died on the cross for me, resurrected, and is with me, but do you find that believable?  Then you are able to pray. But if you lose hold of this, moment by moment, you won’t pray but you’ll concentrate on your present reality.  Whatever is going on right now is not absolute.  It doesn’t matter how much you concentrate on your studies, that’s just your studies.  But if you pray holding onto the One Who is inside of you, you will receive God’s guidance.  God is with you in your studies, why? To fulfill God’s plan.  Joseph was working in Potiphar’s house.  God is with me, with us.  What does it mean to study while you pray? What will happen to your future?  Understand what this means, to study while you pray.  If you can’t, then it’s going to be a headache.  You’ll be like joseph’s older brothers and make enemies. 

For a tree to bear fruit, the roots must be in the ground so that the nutrients in the ground go up and make fruit.  If there’s a tree with shallow roots? There aren’t a lot of nutrients at the top.  If you pray to God, God’s power comes to you.  Prayer is rooting deep down, then what happens?  You receive the power to bear fruit, do you understand?  Study while you pray, then God is invisible.


The Word comes as an answer in your studies.  We must receive answers to our studies from God.  Kids who are good at studying will study without praying, but later on, they will cause accidents. Do you want to be like Joseph’s brothers or Joseph?  He has important Christian thoughts, but he will speak, meaning God. This is a blessing but it may pass by.  Pharaoh didn’t need another person to relay his opinion. Her was able to relay, “God will reveal the meaning of your prayer.  Prayer is not getting what you want, you are praying for God to reveal what He wants.  That’s a prayer of being with God.  If you use prayer incorrectly, you use it to get what you want, that’s a religious and idolatrous prayer.

The Word of God is the standard and answers come from God.  You can pray even right now, right?  Bod, help me understand the Word You desire.  Show me the answer because I don’t know very much, be with me in my studies.  The more you don’t trust in your own brain, the more you can pray.   

Only God. Only God.

2) Gen. 40:1-23

3) Gen. 41:1-38

4) Gen. 45:1-5

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