Remnant Night Worship – Jesus Christ (John 14:6)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Remnant Night Worship – Jesus Christ (John 14:6)

Jesus says, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. What is the opposite of Jesus. It is Satan. John 844- You belong to your father the devil and you longed to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth. For there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Revelation 12:9

The great dragon was hurled down. That is the devil who leads the whole earth astray. He was hurled to earth, and his angels with him. So, from these two Bible verses, we see that when Jesus, leads us in the way. Satan leads us astray. When we don’t know the way. What does that mean it means you are always wandering. You are always confused.

I know a lot of remnants who are in this place right now asking themselves, where they are going. What are we doing. Why should I study. I was talking to one of our remnants Carlos. And he asked, Why do I have to study. I need to make money. That is what happens when we do not know the way we are going. And we just think money is important. But when you look in the dictionary, a stray literally means that you are going away from the correct path or direction.

What else does the Bible say about Satan. If Jesus Christ says that he is the truth, Satan is a liar. He is the father of lies. If Jesus Christ is life, then Satan is death. How do we know, Satan is death. What does Romans chapter eight verse six, say, it says, the mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind, that is governed by the Spirit is life.

It means, if you are living according to the world, then Satan who controls the world is ultimately it means that your normal state leads to death. That means, even if your thoughts are so great and elevated. And you think that you are such a kind person with great thoughts. It doesn’t matter. Your mind is still governed by Satan and governed by death by looking at these things.

We have the kingdom of God And the kingdom of Satan When we listen to the message there is also a third world, and that is the kingdom of the world. remnants. I want to tell you about this. I’ve talked to a lot of you. And right now, I think the most difficult part for you is under standing these three different worlds.

Because you are listening to the messages but you also listen to your friends and parents and society, you think that there’s all these three worlds that are jumbled together. When you listen to people who tell you that you can just be successful and do whatever you want to look up at them and you think wow that is so true. So we’ve talked about the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of Satan but what about the kingdom of the world.

People are living under the control of Satan. What does the world, telling you to do work where they say to work hard It’s about success that success is the way. It’s about your diligence. Money is the way. Love is the way, and friends are the way. Your family is the way. Everyone thinks that the way to live their lives is to have these things. That is what we do as well.

When we study, we think, Oh, I need to study hard. And I do not know about you guys, but when I was a student, I, I did not study very well When I studied I crammed at the last second. One day, one time, I wrote a 20 page paper. The night before Every semester, I would resolve in my heart I thought, you know this semester I did so poorly, but next semester I will do better. I’m going to make my parents proud.

My parents work so hard to support my tuition. And I feel bad. By getting bad grades, so I will make their efforts worth it. Did it work? It did not at all. That’s because I did not have the way, no matter how much I want to try, or to study well, this is not the way. Now, let us talk about the lies that Satan gives. because Satan is a liar. What does he tell us about the world, then Satan, always asks you what do you see in your circumstances, and in your present reality. What are your problems? And we received the word about this, the problems that you cannot see are the real problems.

But there is a difference between what is correct. And what is true, because only Jesus Christ is the truth. But instead, you are holding on to these false answers. You hold on to the present reality and think that that is the truth. How many remnants here have thought, man. my parents are super strict. Raise your hands. This is not the. This is not fair. My parents are wrong.

They don’t know how hard it is to study and to pay attention to a zoom meeting for two hours. They don’t know how hard it is to make friends in America, or listen to other people and wander, Why did my friend say that man thing. That is wrong those may be correct thoughts but they are not the truth. You know its not the truth because it changes. Why does it change its because it does not come from God.

So for example, let us say that Fanny  came up to me after message and said I hate you and pinched me in the face. Because she has spiritual problems. Thought but if I got mad at her and said, You are such a brat. And just yelled at her.v But that is not the truth Here’s another example. What if I went up to, Fanny and slapped her. If I did that. Then, when she hits me back and says that she hates me She is justified, If I did that. Then, when she hits me back and says that she hates me She is justifie.

How many of you, remnants get angry because you are hungry. How many of you remnants got angry because you’re tired, what you think and feel might be correct, but it is only momentary. It is not the truth. What is the truth. JOHN 1930. It is when Jesus said, It is finished. What is finished our sin, being separated from God has been finished. Christ.

The state of being so desperate. Meaning, cept, being separated from God. That is finished. Satan using our hearts, thoughts and emotions and everything in this world to hypnotize and deceive us that problem is finished because of Christ. So, all of these problems. The circumstances you think are problems. It’s actually problem, simply because you don’t believe that it is finished. For example, there was a woman at my workplace. And she has a daughter who got tested positive for COVID-19.

But our office, sent out an email saying that nobody has anything to worry about. And she’ll just get tested. But in that moment, I was so mad. First of all, why is this woman, not getting tested. Because of her decision she’s potentially risking the lives of everybody around her. The thing is, when I thought about myself getting corona Wouldn’t it be bad if the pastor got the coronavirus. virus, I was not afraid. But I was thinking about all of you guys at church. There are people here who are elderly who easily get sick.

So I got so mad at this lady. I thought, because of her selfishness. My Church is at risk. Because of that, I got really angry. So many people in the office hated that woman.  My thoughts were correct. But they are not the truth. But they are not the truth. have Christ. I don’t have to worry about the coronavirus. Because I believe in God, but God is with not just me, but he is with us, then I don’t have to worry about the coronavirus.

But instead, I was caught up in all these issues and wondered how she could behave that way. In that moment, I was so weak spiritually and now everyone hates her. And so I’m so disappointed in myself and full of regret. Because that was an opportunity for me to show the truth of Jesus Christ. And I had no reason to be afraid. Lot of remnants are focused on what is fair or not there. Don’t fall into the circumstances and present reality.

What is that you do what you want to do That’s the state of America right now. Tiffany says, You do you. That is the culture that has seized all the remnants. Oh, you don’t want to study, don’t study. You know you can just go and tick tock. You don’t want to pray and then just don’t pray. Almost every remnant I’ve talked to, not just in my church, But every one I talk to young adults. We just want to do what we want to do in that moment.

For example, last week. When I broadcast the early morning prayers in the morning. I broadcast it while laying in bed. Then I woke up. As the message was about to end and prayed. That is not worship. That is not summit time. But in that moment, I would rather be comfortable. I would rather go to sleep. That was a decision that I made, because my mind was being governed by the flesh. Because of that, I just didn’t do spiritually well last week.

I was not able to help this woman instead I saw how she was this liability to me. So, we need to be able to tell what comes from God. And what comes from Satan, and the world. It is the difference between being able to save a life, or to destroy it period. Why, why, why do you care whether or not we save lives. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. in the kingdom of God. There is righteousness, and joy and peace.

Satan is saying that true peace and joy comes from the world remnants. How many times do you do something because you want to be happy, or because you want to feel at peace. In order to try to get righteousness, peace and joy. We keep looking at what the world tells us to do. But here is the thing, righteousness, peace and joy, come from the kingdom of God. Only when you are filled with the Holy Spirit.

So you might ask, How can I enjoy the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit. The answer is through prayer. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Because in john 14:12-14 First of all, begins. Very. Truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do, even greater things, because I am going to the Father. And verse 14 says you may ask anything in my name and I will do it.

So Jesus says if you ask anything in his name. He promised he would do it So, it only makes sense that Jesus would give you righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Here’s the thing. If you just ask Jesus for peace, because I want to feel at peace. Do you think he would give that to you. If you just ask Jesus, Jesus, I want joy, and I don’t want to be sad anymore. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen. Will you feel that joy.

You will not because, in verse, 13. It says that Jesus will do whatever we ask in his name so that the Father will be glorified. So, whenever we ask for has to be glorifying God. But what glorifies God then in verse 12. Whoever believes in me will do the work that I’m doing. And what is that work It is the work of saving lives. So if we pray, not asking God to give us things.

But when we pray with the focus of saving lives. Then this word will be fulfilled. In Romans 14:17. That is why prayer is so important. It is not about me praying for whatever I want. Because otherwise, what would make Christianity different from other religions. you pray, holding on to God’s word. So remnants all the things you see in the world are not everything, all the things you think are correct or not everything.

But a lot of times we get messed up thinking it is correct. So the next time you get upset or the next time you get sad or the next time you just want to do whatever you want. Understand that. That is what Satan wants you to do. He uses the things of the world that you can see to convey his lies. But that is why you need Jesus Christ because you can’t overcome Satan. The reason why we pray is that so we can do this work. But a lot of times we do what we want And we don’t believe that we are going to save lives. We don’t believe that Jesus Christ finished all problems. And we don’t believe that satan is making suffer out of us.

We don’t believe that Satan makes us suffer. That’s okay. But that is why you pray. If you pray and ask God for the strength to save lives, He will give it to you. Let us say forget faith. Let’s talk about saving lives I know there are some remnants who don’t care about saving lives. That ok that’s why you have to pray to Gos se we have.

If you have a heart to see the difference between God’s kingdom Satan’s kingdom and the kingdom of the world. Just pray so that you can see it. But if you guys. Completely give up on prayer and think, whatever. Then you are only inside of this. You are only stuck in death. remnants I know it’s really hard. Your parents are always nagging.


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