Remnant Day Departmental Meeting – Isaiah (Isaiah 6:13)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Remnant Day Departmental Meeting – Isaiah (Isaiah 6:13)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

God is with everything.  Even in the midst of your problems, God is there. Even in the midst of failures, God is there, and that is how Paul was able to be happy and content in poverty and wealth.  You must become like that in order to save the world and relay the gospel to elites and the religious people and the remnants.

We have the gospel but it’s mixed in with religion and mysticism.  We talk about the legalism, the laws of Moses, which is about seeing the problem first. If the first thing you see is the problem, then you have the nature of legalism.  You need to hold onto only the gospel, but because you have the nature of legalism, you cannot hold onto only the gospel.  When you see the problem, you cannot see the answer.  Mysticism is trying to experience the gospel through your body; get rid of that nature.

(3) Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

You must confirm the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross.  You must confirm Matthew 28:18-20.  What does that mean?  Anyone can confirm that Jesus died on the cross, anyone who goes to church will say that Jesus Christ died for their sins, but you have to confirm that Jesus Christ resurrected and is with you right now.  If you just know this as knowledge or as a theory, you won’t be able to pray.  You just know theology; that is why you’re not able to pray. You must absolutely confirm this.  Has he truly resurrected and is with you right now? Did He finish all problems on the cross? You must be sure about this, and that is why we use the word “confirm.” Without confirming, you do not have the correct prayer, and even though all the blessings of world evangelization are prepared, you cannot enjoy them.

(4) Restore

What we must restore.  Simon Peter ran away, so we must restore and heal the character we have that runs away from the Lord. As soon as we face a problem, we run away.  This is a scar, causing us to avoid things.  You shouldn’t avoid it, but you should hold onto the covenant and wait because Jesus’ death is rightful. We keep trying to run from our problems because we do not acknowledge that Jesus is there. We have that character, and the Lord has come to earth to restore and heal our character.

(5) Experience (Acts 1:1-8, 2:1-47)

What must we experience?  We must experience the fact that Jesus Christ resurrected and gave us the covenant.  Jesus Christ finished all problems, experience this and the Kingdom of God. When you hold onto that and pray, you must experience the filling of the Holy Spirit. It’s okay if you just experience it once, but you must experience this Biblically.  You can experience it through your problems or while listening to the message or while doing summit time alone.

2) Order 

What is the order of prayer?  When we talk about prayer, first we talk about the concentration.  Don’t worry about your situation, but take it to the Lord who finished all problems and hold onto the name of Jesus Christ.  That is the beginning of prayer. First, you pray about your problems, but later on, you realize it’s not about solving your problems; you realize the Triune God is with you, so it doesn’t matter even if you have problems.  Because you don’t know the important things, you are shaken by visible things.

2) Triune God. 

The second level of prayer is concentration upon the Triune God.

3) Mission.

Then God surely gives you the mission of the Kingdom of God. You need to have this mission to begin 24 hour prayer.

4) 24 Hour. 

You might be worrying 24 hours or doing drugs for 24 hours; you’re breathing for 24 hours. Everyone does 24 hours because everybody lives.  But if you receive the mission God gives to you, that becomes your 24.  You’re not trying to hold onto your mission; God gives it to you.  So, stop trying to figure out what you don’t have, but hold onto what God has given you. The beginning of all this is taking everything to God in prayer.  Then, you’ll have a prayer like David and Joseph where you’re completely satisfied in the Triune God.  David had a lot of problems, but he confessed he lacks nothing because the Triune God is with him; he enjoyed the Triune God. When your faith is weak and you hold onto your problems, pray to God.  God gave the mission of Temple Construction to David, so he did that for 24 hours, because God gave him that mission and will fulfill that mission.  Everything that happened was to fulfill that mission. It’s the same for Paul.  In Acts 27, when he faced a great storm, he went down to the bottom of the boat and prayed about his mission.  God gave Paul the answer through the messenger angel that God would save everyone on that boat.  If he did not have his mission, he would pray for getting out of the storm, but Paul overcame that.

5) 25 Hour – Eternity – Kingdom of God

That’s how Paul had the answer of 25 hours and eternity that fulfills God’s will; in other words, God’s Kingdom is established. That is the order of prayer, so when you pray, first you must concentrate on the Word of God.  Without the Word of God, you cannot begin praying, why is that? You don’t even know what the gospel is.  You’re all mixed up with legalism, mysticism, and the gospel.  Jesus finished all problems on the cross, but not believing that, you crumble.

3) Answer.  What is the answer?

(1) Crises

(2) Death

(3) Problem

None of these matter; those who know the gospel can discern the answer.  Religious people are still focused on visible things and consider those as answers, but if there is something that is invisible to their eyes, they don’t consider that to be the answer. Religious people are centered and seized on those physical things so they cannot concentrate in prayer.  As young adults, time is slipping away. You have to have your specialization and prepare for the blessings of world evangelization, so you must properly prepare for prayer and the answers that will follow.  By concentrating on what you need to receive, you’ll miss out.


The greatest answer is that God is with you, so you don’t need anything of your own, not because you’re where you want to be, but God has placed you there according to His perfect plan.  God is with you, so that is how you can do world evangelization.  By proclaiming religious answers, you cannot do world evangelization. Finding another religious person, you’ll get caught, “I received these answers,” and elites receive these kinds of answers, so world evangelization gets blocked.  What is the answer?  God is with you, that must be enough. It doesn’t matter if you face problems, because God is with you.


When you get married, you fight because you haven’t been able to see the answer of Immanuel.  Not only is God with me, but God is with that person as well.  You need to be able to see what God is doing in our relationships.  Because you interpret based on your understanding, you criticize and judge based on your standards, that only you have the gospel, but that person has the gospel as well and even though they are weak, God is with them. So, why did God give them this meeting in the church?  You need to see this answer very well.


God is with everything.  Even in the midst of your problems, God is there. Even in the midst of failures, God is there, and that is how Paul was able to be happy and content in poverty and wealth.  You must become like that in order to save the world and relay the gospel to elites and the religious people and the remnants.  If good things happen like you get a job, nonbelievers get better jobs, then what is an answer?  The things you see with your eyes are important, but God is working unseen to your eyes, then the standards of your answers is not yourself, but it is God. Not your circumstances, but God is with me.  It doesn’t matter whether things work out or not, but in all things, God is with me.  That is how you overcome yourself, your circumstances, and your meetings.  That’s how you overcome in your field.  Nothing to worry about in your field, but if you don’t have this, you will find things unfair and you will fight.  Marriage won’t work out; it will turn into a war.  Do you know why?  You’re not able to have with, Immanuel, and oneness.  If you can’t see God with both of you, then you’ll fight because the other person is wrong and you’re correct.  If you have financial problems, you can’t restore anything.  This is more than a theory; realistically confirm these answers.

2. Power of the Word

When you give forum, you talk about what the pastor said. You must change many things.  You need to return to the fundamental things, what did the Bible say and what is God telling you through the Word?

1) Background

So, you must know the Biblical background of the Word to apply the Word properly.  Each age had a background, and when they were taken captive or colonized or enslaved, there was a reason; and God brought them out of that.  When God gives you the Word, it is not a theory, but it is appropriate to your time and situation. The problem is that we remain within the 12 problems, but there is one answer.  That is the background the Bible wants to tell you.

2) Stream

The Bible talks about the past, but how does that Word apply right now?  The way that Satan worked through the 12 problems in the past are the same today. Does God stay still?  The Triune God is alive even now. You must ride the flow like this. If you’re not able to do this, then you cannot do world evangelization or the Word movement.  If you are able to do this, you’ll be able to do the Word Movement and see “Today” within your pulpit message, because the problem of “Today” is the same as the problems of the past, of Egypt.  If you cannot understand the background of the Bible, you will only see the problems of today.  But how do you make your judgments on the problems of today? You use the basis of your thoughts or the messages you’ve heard, but you cannot spread the Word movement this way.  You need to go into the stream of the Word by matching the problems and answers in the Bible to the problems and answers today, for example, the problems and answers of Egypt and Rome and America. 

3) Future

The Bible talks about our future, we’re able to see the Exodus and how God worked through the age of the Rome.  But without seeing this, you are afraid of your future, so you must receive your Word like this. 

3. Remnant

Who am I? I am a remnant.  Now, why am I in America?  The Bible talks about the scattered ones, the sojourners.  Why are we here?  God has sent you as the scattered ones and remaining ones, so you must find your answers through the Bible.  If not, you’re going to interpret it based on yourself and how you see America.  Look at Joseph, the scattered sojourner, the remnant. He held onto this, in other words, “God scattered me, and God sent me to do world evangelization through me.”  If you do not restore this, your thoughts will always change. It’s the same with your job, “Do I have to save this company or not? Why did God send me here?” You have to know who you are, a missionary, a remnant, a sojourner, and a scattered one to do world evangelization.

4. Remnant’s Goal.

We are the watchmen.  The young adults have heard and know the gospel, but you are weak in gospelization.  What’s the difference? You have salvation, so you know the gospel, but gospelization means you have the nature of the gospel in the field.  You know that all problems are finished in the gospel, but when a problem comes up, you can’t apply it.  Gospelization is application.  If you apply the gospel and solve all past, present, and future problems, that’s gospelization. You struggle because you have not been gospelized.  “I go to church but my mental problems are not resolved.”

We keep trying to calculate external things like quantities and times, but the gospel is in you to establish the Throne of God.  How much am I able to enjoy the Kingdom of God in my field?  If I have been gospelized, my field must be centered on the Kingdom of God; otherwise, I shake in my field.  The Kingdom of God is there and the angels have been sent ahead.  You don’t just know this, but you establish the Kingdom of God. How much has the Kingdom of God been established in your field?  We are talking about the spiritual summit to save the age, and that needs spiritual strength to save the age.  Not just once, but the fact you have been made into the summit means it continues into your life.  Without this, you cannot overcome the age.  You won’t be able to exert your strength in the fourth industrial revolution, so you need strength. 

The first thing you must do in the morning is summit time, hold onto God’s Word and have summit time and continuously confirm and do this.  Then in the evening when you come back home, examine everything that happened. You must examine how much you held onto the Word of God and how much you lost hold of the word of God.  When you wake up in the morning, pray for all the people you will meet and all the things you will do so that the Kingdom of God may be established as the gospel is relayed.  If you’re not able to have the nature of this as a young adult, you’ll just wake up, eat your breakfast, shower, and leave your house without any spiritual sensitivity or power, and you’ll never change your field. 

Even nonbelievers don’t live like that. They wake up early and look at what they must do, then they go into transcendental meditation.  They live their days filled with evil spirits, then what must you do?  In what direction are you utilizing your 24 hours?  When you’re young adults, establish your specialization within the spiritual things and confirm this within yourself, and if you can’t do that, then you’ll continue to live just like your family line. If you’re not able to change spiritual things, you’ll fall into the spiritual background, so prepare as a young adult.  No need to be hasty,  but do this when God has prepared the time for you every day.  God has given us His Word so we can do this. Doing this alone would be difficult, then what should you do?  Figure it out.  The pastor can’t follow you around, “Hey, sleepyhead, wake up and do this,” and the pastor cannot follow you to your home to tell you to do something. For elementary students, we can follow them around and help them do this, but when you’re young adults, your parents don’t follow you around and help you.  Do this, you have to.  If you do this, then nothing si a problem to you. American evangelization is a rightful thing because it’s not me, but God does it. That’s why we work for the Three Organizations.

It’s not too late; begin today.  Even your past failures?  Just start today, because God has the power.  I’ve heard this Word for 20 years, and I’ve known that I had to pray since the day I received the gospel, but it’s still hard.  Because I know it’s not taking place.  If someone doesn’t continue to tell you, you’ll forget again and again because one day, it will take place. It may be normal for this to take place.  It seems like it will work out, but it doesn’t. Keep listening until it takes place, and you have to enjoy this.  I hope you will make some kind of masterpiece system and enjoy, because without this, you can’t do world evangelization. God wants to make you as a leader for world evangelization.  When I tell you to enjoy, look at the system where you’re able to motivate yourself. 

Finally, it’s just 24 hour prayer. Don’t just hold onto a prayer topic, just pray.  Then even your thoughts will change.  That is the Word God has given us.  For the young adults, you have to create a plan for yourself, “This week, I’ll try this and apply that.” And you have to just follow exactly to Word in the Bible, and that’s why we call this the biblical evangelism movement.


Father God we thank you.  May this be a precious time to fulfill the blessings you have for the young adults. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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