Person who Saves Centered on the Gospel (Jn. 13:21-38)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” The title of today’s message is, “Person who Saves Centered on the Gospel.” The scripture that we read from John 13 was during the Last Supper, right before Jesus Christ was about to be crucified on the cross. So, He is having His communion with His disciples, and right before He dies on the cross, there is a person who is responsible for doing this. There needs to be one person who will sell Jesus to the Roman soldiers, and who is that person? The scripture today says it is Judas Iscariot. When you act, it doesn’t come out of nowhere.
1. Those who can’t save
1) Judas Iscariot
(1) Charge of the money (Jn. 13:29)
The scripture says that Judas Iscariot was the one in charge of finances. You can tell that he is intelligent, he has a financial mindset, and he is pretty calculative.
(2) Devil prompted Judas to betray Jesus (Jn. 13:2)
However, in John 13:2, it says that the devil had prompted Judas to betray Jesus. The devil does not work for no reason. Satan always works through people who are centered on money, “What will be a financial benefit or loss to me?”
(3) Found the opportunity to hand over Jesus for 30 pieces of silver (Mt. 26:15-16)
That is why Judas actually takes the opportunity to sell Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver. This is the incident that ultimately led to Jesus Christ dying on the cross, but the person who was used by Satan to make that happen ultimately ends his life with suicide. If somebody kills themselves or kills somebody else, that is not the work of God. Without a doubt, that is something happening within the work of the devil.
2) Jesus
(1) Troubled in spirit (Jn. 13:21)
For Jesus Christ Who knew this, it says in today’s scripture that He was tormented. He was troubled in spirit for He knew that Judas would betray Him that night. I’m sure in Jesus’ heart, He wanted Judas to turn around and repent. Even though it is God’s plan that Judas betrays Jesus Christ so He can die on the cross, Jesus Christ by nature wants people to repent and come to Him.
(2) One of the disciples will betray Jesus (Jn. 13:21)
So, at last the disciples are gathered with Jesus, Jesus tells them that one person among them will betray Him tonight, and the disciples are looking at one another, trying to figure out who it is. In today’s scripture, Jesus Christ uses the word, “betray,” in John 13:21. If somebody is centered on money, then they will betray Jesus because of money, but you can betray Jesus for something other than money as well. In other words, people who always go back to being centered on themselves are constantly betraying. The beginning point of this betrayal is actually when one of the angels opposed God, and that was the beginning of Satan.
Then, that Satan went into the serpent in the Garden of Eden and tempts human beings to also betray God and Jesus in the same way. So, Satan works upon us so that we betray God, but the center of that betrayal is being centered on ourselves. When are friendships broken? Friendships are broken when that person is no longer of benefit to me. When are marriages broken? When that person no longer aligns with me. The reason why there are divisions inside of your company or your job is because people do not get along with “me,” then either one of the parties or both parties will be scarred because of the betrayal.
When two people get married, it’s because they love each other, however, human love is conditional. Of course, some people say it’s not, there are people who get married through the love of Jesus Christ; however, most people get married because the other person seems to be of benefit to “me.” Let’s say, for example, “This person is better looking than I am,” or, “They’re better educated than me,” or “They have more money than I do,” or, “They’re healthier than I am,” there is some quality that attracts you to them. Because of that characteristic, that is the reason you are attracted and begin to love that person. However, that is always opening the condition for betrayal, because if those conditions are no longer aligned, then you will split up. Human beings betrayed God to begin with, so inside of every single human being, there is the potential for betrayal inside of them.
(3) Disciples were suspicious of one another (Jn. 13:22)
In today’s scripture, Judas Iscariot sells and betrays Jesus for money. Because the disciples were trying to figure out who it was, Jesus Christ says, “It is the one to whom I give this piece of bread,” and then Jesus gives that piece of bread to Judas.
3) Judas Iscariot
(1) Judas took the bread (Jn. 13:26-27)
As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered him. The devil, Satan, exists even today. Only the Bible will tell you about this. Every other religion is telling us to serve the devil. Only the Bible reveals the devil.
(2) Satan entered into Judas (Jn. 13:27)
What is the channel through which Satan attacks us? Satan places thoughts into our head. For example, if somebody is always centered on making money, then Satan will use the thought of money to control this person in a pivotal moment. However, the next step is, if you don’t take that thought out of you, then Satan will go into you with that thought and he makes you act on it. That’s how the betrayal happens. It’s the same thing when there are extramarital affairs. There is always the standard that people have. That standard is always inside of this person, and one day when they meet that opportunity, that’s when the betrayal happens, and that’s when you have to realize that every single human belongs in this category.
What is another channel through which Satan enters you? It’s through your scars, your traumas. What happens when you get a scar? Eph. 4:26-27 says that you are filled with anger or wrath. We are mostly scarred by our families, we get scarred by our parents. Our parents did something without thinking twice about it, but it became a scar for the child, but actually, the parents themselves were scarred, and that’s why they scar their children in the same way. That’s why this is a family-line-problem. Eph. 4:27 warns us, make sure Satan does not gain a foothold. There’s no way to escape from that. The reason we struggle with alcoholism is because of the scars of our past, why else do people fall into addiction? It’s because they are suffering under the scars of their past. But people don’t know that the reason is because of their past scars, they think they just have to change their outfit a lot or look good on the outside. There are some people who think, “I just have to move to a better location,” so they keep moving houses, but those things will only affect your mood temporarily; it doesn’t affect your scar. Or, there are some people who think they can feel better by going on a lot of vacations or traveling, but that is only your mood, not your scar. They think, “Maybe if I meet another partner,” but that doesn’t work.
Why did you get that scar to begin with? There was an incident, but what’s really important is that incident happened while you were in a state that did not have God, that’s why it resulted in a scar. Joseph lost his mother at a young age, and there’s no greater scar than that. Because of that scar, Joseph was crying and praying to God, but that resulted in receiving answers. There was one group of people who prayed about their scars and received answers from God, and there’s another group of people who are bound by their scars and enslaved by them their entire lives. Joseph’s older brothers also tried to kill him and sell him into slavery. There’s no greater scar than that, there’s no greater trauma than that. Most people would resolve to kill their older brothers, that’s why we see shootings today.
So, all of these scars, they come from our families, and later on, they come from our schools. If somebody is bullied or outcasted at school, that becomes a scar to them. If you don’t change that scar inside of that child while they are young, then they will be enslaved to it for the rest of their lives; then they will be filled with anger and wrath. Can you go and live a professional life when you’re filled with wrath? When you’re overflowing with rage, can you live a normal family life? You can’t, that’s why you have to take substances. Wealthier people will buy upscale drugs. People who do not have as much money will buy drugs that you can get for a couple bucks, and it will just completely destroy their brains. However, that scar can never be solved unless that person’s spiritual state is healed.
(3) Judas went out to do his work (Jn. 13:30)
After Satan goes into Judas, Jesus tells him, “What you are about to do, do quickly.” Then Judas stands up and leaves, and his actions are not coming from out of nowhere. These are actions that are bound by Satan; he is being dragged. Actually, this results in Judas indirectly killing Jesus. He may not have physically killed Jesus but he sold Jesus to the murderers. All the shootings, the murders, the suicides that are happening, they are not happening from out of nowhere. This is a result of a longstanding problem. “A longstanding problem” means that this person actually got that problem from their parents, and their parents got it from their parents before. Without a doubt, somebody who receives a scar will relay that scar to other people. That flows down the family line, it doesn’t happen overnight. Some people get angry, saying, “My child became this way overnight,” but it’s not overnight, it’s been there lifelong. “Oh, it’s because my environment changed so drastically,” no, it was always there, and that’s not something you can solve just by changing partners; you have to change what is inside of you. You cannot resolve this without changing your spiritual state. There are people who are continuously suffering from powerlessness, it’s because we’re in a spiritual state that leaves us no other choice but to be powerless.
2. Jesus Christ
1) When Judas was gone (Jn. 13:31)
(1) The Son of Man is glorified (Jn. 13:31)
After Judas leaves the building, Jesus says, “The Son of Man is glorified.”
(2) God is glorified in the Son of Man (Jn. 13:31)
And then in Jn. 13:31, Jesus says, “God is glorified in the Son of Man.” Whenever the Bible talks about glorifying God, it is talking about the cross. After Judas leaves, he is going to sell Jesus Christ to die on the cross; therefore, God is glorified by the cross. After Jesus Christ dies on the cross, He resurrects, and He receives the glory of the resurrection. Therefore, God is glorified, and God Himself sent Jesus Christ for the cross, therefore, through the cross, God is glorified.
(3) God will glorify Jesus (Jn. 13:32)
2) To children of God (Jn. 13:33)
(1) As I have loved you (Jn. 13:34)
In Jn. 13:34, Jesus Christ tells His disciples, “A new command I give you: love one another as I have loved you.” “As I have loved you disciples, so you must love one another in the same way.”
(2) You must love one another (Jn. 13:34)
(3) Everyone will know that you are my disciples (Jn. 13:35)
“By this, everyone will know that you are My disciples” (Jn. 13:35). What kind of love is this talking about? Jesus Christ tells us to love one another, but can we really love one another like He wants us to? But we have to love one another like that for people to know that we are His disciples. Leviticus 19:18 says to love your neighbor as you love yourself, the Ten Commandments are the ten laws that were given in order to maintain a relationship with God. You can summarize the Ten Commandments as, love for God and love for people, but why did God give us the law to begin with? God gave us the law so that we can realize our sin.
The law of the Old Testament was not given to us so that we could fulfill it or follow it, but it’s so that we can realize we are sinners. Because it is impossible for us to keep the laws by our own strength, in Jeremiah 31:33, God promises to give us a new commandment. The law will only show us that, “I am a sinner.” We cannot fulfill or keep that law. So, Jesus Christ says, “I will give them a new covenant and I will inscribe it into their hearts,” when is that? When the Holy Spirit comes. Only when Jesus Christ comes to us through the Holy Spirit will we understand the will of God and have the strength to fulfill it. Therefore, without the Holy Spirit, there is nothing we can do at all.
3) Weakness of child of God
(1) Simon Peter wanted to follow Jesus (Jn. 13:36)
Peter was the same way; the Lord says, “Where I am going, you cannot come,” because Jesus is asking him, “Can you die on the cross?” And the disciples can’t, but one day, they will be there with Him. At that current time, the disciples were not able to follow Jesus to the cross, but later on, they would. And Simon Peter says, “Lord, why can’t I follow You now?”
(2) I will lay down my life for you (Jn. 13:37)
In Jn. 13:37, he says, “I will lay down my life for You,” and that was his truth. If there’s not at least a few times when you receive God’s grace and you say, “I will give my life to You,” then you’re fake.
(3) Told him that he will disown Jesus three times (Jn. 13:38)
Then the Lord said, “You will deny me three times before the rooster crows,” and this is so shocking for Simon Peter, because he really meant it when he said he’d give his life for Jesus. But Jesus Christ is saying, “Don’t fool yourself, because even before 4 am this night, you will disown Me three times.” Same thing for Simon Peter, same thing for Judas Iscariot, for human beings, we can’t do it. Even the great evangelist Paul himself made a confession in Acts that his state is impossible until the day he meets the Lord Jesus. In Romans 7:18, Paul confesses, “I desire to do good, but I’m not able to.” So, yes, I do have a desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.” That was his confession. The Lord Jesus also knew Simon Peter’s heart; he said, “I know that is what you want in your heart, but you cannot fulfill it.” Then how is it possible to love one another like Jesus loved us?
It is only possible after one thing happens. Today, there is one way for us to restore all of our spiritual problems, our scars, and our powerlessness. It’s only possible if we make the same confession as the Apostle Paul, that, “I have a desire to do good, but I cannot carry it out.” After he says that in Romans 7, he says in the next chapter, Romans 8:1-2, “Therefore, now in Jesus Christ, you have been set free from the law of sin and death into the law of the spirit that gives life.” So, I cannot carry it out on my own, however, through Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit that gives life allows me to fulfill this law. That’s why, when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, He will give us the power to be able to carry it out. So, stop telling me that you’re powerless, but I hope you will instead pray, holding onto the almighty and all-powerful God.
For everyone in the world, from Judas Iscariot to Simon Peter to us, it is impossible; we cannot do it. Then, at what point can we do it? That is where you and I must focus today. If there are any of you who think you can do this on your own, you’re a liar, because the Lord is going to wait until you completely give up on your own self. There are some of you guys who have some hope in your own righteousness or your own fairness, don’t you? I hope you will quickly get rid of that. Your own sense of justice or righteousness? That’s just from your perspective. And even your love? That’s just your love, and whatever you think is so right, that’s just from your perspective. It’s not the righteousness, or the justice, or the correctness of God. So what do you have to experience?
3. Disciples who save centered on the Gospel
1) Cross
(1) It is finished (Jn. 19:30)
You have to experience that the Lord has finished everything on the cross. In other words, without everything being finished first, I cannot change. What did He finish? He’s finished my spiritual state that was under the law of sin, death, and Satan, and He has changed me into a child of God. All of the scars of my past have been crucified on the cross, and we cannot live with that.
(2) With the Lord of life (Gal. 2:20)
I died on the cross with Christ. Simply put, no matter how much I try to change my life, I cannot; I must die on the cross. It doesn’t matter how much you dream of a “new me” in the new year, “I’m going to change my family, I’m going to change my lifestyle,” you cannot.
What can change? Only when the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ comes into my life as my life will I be changed into a new creation. Then I’m set free from my past, I’m set free from my worries and fears of the future, I’m set free from my present reality. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, it doesn’t matter to me because the new “me” is the Lord with me. Even if I have nothing, it doesn’t matter. Who am I? Because the Lord is my Shepherd, even if I have nothing, I lack nothing. This is how God has changed us on the cross. Without you changing this identity and state, but instead, trying to change your scars by holding onto something else, the more you will fall into powerlessness. If you work really diligently, then on the outside, you could look very good to others, you could succeed and make a lot of money, but the software inside of you won’t change. Right now, our software is broken, but we keep trying to package ourselves externally by upgrading the hardware. If your car is broken inside, then you have to change what’s inside, but instead, you keep getting another paint job; that’s not going to fix the problem.
(3) New creation (2 Cor. 5:17)
The Lord has to come into me and I must be changed into a new creation that follows the guidance of the Lord. Then I am no longer “me.” The new “me” is the Christ living within me as my Lord, then no matter what problem, crisis, or situation I face, it’s no longer “me.” If this doesn’t change in you, then your scars will keep repeating; everywhere you go, around people, you get scarred. You get hurt and scarred from school, from work, from church, from family; wherever you go, you’re getting hurt and scarred. Instead, you need to change your spiritual state that leaves you no choice but to scarred.
Try thinking back to the scars you got in your past, do you know why it hurt so much? That incident itself is not what’s causing the pain, but it’s because you’re reverting back to a spiritual state that did not have God when that incident happened. The incident that happened in your past cannot go away. Even if you try to get rid of that experience by drinking alcohol and taking drugs, it cannot go away. The real problem is, we need to change our spiritual state that we had when we had that incident to begin with. If we look at our past from a spiritual state where the Lord is with us, then it will no longer be a scar. But the reason it still hurts is because as soon as you think about your scar, your spiritual state reverts back to what it was at that time. As soon as you face a problem, your spiritual state reverts back to before you had God. So, what is the real problem? It’s not a revealed situation, but it’s my spiritual state. That’s what David was confessing, “Lacking is not lacking because the Lord is my Shepherd. Because the Lord is my Shepherd, when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I don’t try to run away because of my fear. I have no fear.”
You can change everything through the spiritual state of the Lord being with you. Because the world does not know this, we must go and tell them this. Even people who go to church don’t know the spiritual secrets, so you must tell them. There are many people who go to church but they only have a physical, prosperity-based faith, asking God to give them physical and worldly blessings. We must change that for them.
2) Kingdom of God
(1) Background of the throne
To His disciples, Jesus began to tell them about the Kingdom of God. It is the Kingdom where Christ has the sovereignty, where Christ is the Lord. He is seated at the throne of heaven and He is reigning over us; that is His Kingdom. Even though I’m living here on this earth, my spiritual state is connected with the throne of heaven.
(2) Mission – All nations, ends of the earth (Ac. 1:8, Mt. 28:18-20)
Then, I receive the mission to proclaim this Kingdom of God to the ends of the earth. Why are you here in America? Everybody has their own reason, whether your ancestors came to America, everybody has their reason, but that is a human reason. Why did God push Joseph into Egypt? During Joseph’s time period, Egypt was a superpower nation, and it wasn’t possible for anyone to just become a citizen of Egypt. The same thing is the case during the Roman Empire age, not anybody could become a Roman citizen, and it’s the same thing today. Not anybody can become an American citizen, and there are illegal immigrants crossing the border for that. During Joseph’s time, Egypt was the most powerful and grand nation, and Israel was not even a nation yet; it was a family of 70 people. How could Joseph go into Egypt? There is only one way, he was sold as a slave. Then, he could go into Egypt without a visa, it is God’s amazing method.
(3) Working of the Holy Spirit – Experience, authority, witness (Ac. 1:8, 2:1-4)
Just like God used even Judas Iscariot as part of His plan to save many people through the death of Jesus Christ, God also used Joseph’s brothers to save many people. Joseph knew this, if Joseph only looked at his older brothers and thought about how they tried to kill him, he would have to seek revenge. But for the one who prays, the Holy Spirit works. Joseph confessed to his older brothers, “Even though you tried to harm me, God used your ill intentions to bring me to Egypt to save many.” You have to make that confession yourself in order to be aligned with God as you live here in America. Because we worship the same God and the Word of God doesn’t change, even by one iota, the reason God gave us the Holy Spirit in the Bible is because God is working in the same way today.
3) Age of holy meditation
(1) Change my incorrect standard – Healing
When the Word of God comes into my thoughts, then that is healing. But just like Satan crawled into the thoughts of Judas Iscariot in today’s scripture, Satan keeps making us sink into our scars. “I did not come here, God sent me here.” The Lord specifically said, “I am sending you out into the world.” Then you need to believe that Jesus sent you into the world to receive healing. But if you think, “I’m here to make money,” that’s a headache. You might be there to make money, but God says, “I sent you here for a reason.” If you think you’re here to make money, that’s why you’re enslaved by money, so you shouldn’t be under a misconception. God says, “I sent you out into the world,” and whoever accepts you accepts Jesus Christ. Whoever accepts Jesus Christ accepts God. You need to hold onto your identity according to these words exactly, “The Lord has sent me on this earth with the background of the Kingdom of God. I have been sent to this earth as an ambassador of Christ.” That is how you can transcend and overcome all things. But if you think, “I’m here to make money by working hard, by being kind, and by being honest,” you’re already a slave. If you think, “I came here with heart to succeed,” you will be a slave to success.
(2) Imprint, root, nature in God’s promise
How does the devil work? The devil tempts you with money and success. In Matthew 4, Satan even worked on Jesus Christ with that. No matter how diligently or hard you work, you are not really living diligently, you are running into Satan’s traps. “I am a child of God and I am an ambassador of Christ who will carry out the three roles of Christ.” That’s why Jesus promises to pour out the Holy Spirit upon us. The Christ Who is seated at the throne of heaven will pour the Holy Spirit upon each person individually. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power. We are never capable of living like God, but now we receive the power to love. We are never able to overcome our powerlessness, but by the Holy Spirit, we gain the power to overcome our powerlessness.
Yes, it is possible that we might stay in poverty, but I don’t think that’s the Holy Spirit’s work. Yes, it might be possible that God is specifically saying, “I cannot give that person money,” and withholds money from you, but that’s not what the Bible says. The Bible says, “You will be a witness until the ends of the earth, and if you go to the ends of the earth, you at least need gas money? How are you going to the ends of the earth? You at least need airplane money, you need to travel to the ends of the earth and eat there, and you need hotels and lodging, and you have to get rentals. Not only that, but you need to have makeup for the trip, and you can’t walk around in the same clothes; you have to change clothes if you’re going to the ends of the earth. This means that all of those needs are contained in the promise.
So yes, there is God’s plan within sickness, but if you’re always sick to the point where you can’t go and evangelize, I wonder. Jesus specifically says, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” And yes, people might get sick, but if I’m always sick to the point where I can’t go and make disciples of all nations, then that’s not the work of the Holy Spirit. What am I saying? Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you will you receive power to be witnesses until the ends of the earth. I hope you will pray for the Holy Spirit to be upon your business and job so your job can be used to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. Jn. 1 says that God is His Word, and when the Word of God becomes our standard, it becomes our power. So everything you study in the world, yes, you need it, but it’s elementary level. With that, you can’t do anything; it must be the Word of God to be fulfilled in your life. The elementary things you learn in the world, you will need to do your physical job, but no matter how hard you work, if you don’t have the Word of God, you will get mental and spiritual problems.
Heb. 4:12 says the word of God is sharper than a double-edged sword, it pierces, penetrating the soul and the spirit, joints and the marrow, the thoughts and attitudes of our heart. When we fight the spiritual battle, our weapon is the Word of God, the sword of the Holy Spirit. We need the sword of the Holy Spirit to fight against the devil, and that sword is the Word of God. The Word of God must be accurate in me. Why do I tell you to read the Word of God? You must know it accurately. So, why do I say we must meditate on the Word of God? It is because the accurate Word must be inside of us. We are in an age of addiction and mental illness, and we are in an age of betrayal. Because of that, 2 Timothy 3 says it will be an age of suffering because people loved themselves, money, and pleasure, more than they loved God. People have no choice but to be like that. That is why, every single day, you must experience the work of the gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit, then all of your incorrect standards will change. Simply put, if you try to get your act together and change your life, you’ll never be able to do that. You might change how you look or dress, or maybe you’ll make new friends, right? Maybe you change your house design.
(3) Answer that saves is revealed
But we must change what is inside of us, I have to die on the cross with Christ; I can never change otherwise. I must die and now Christ must live within me, and in order to maintain and continue that spiritual state of Christ being with me, we pray everyday for the filling and working of the Holy Spirit, and there’s nobody who can overcome that work of God. Because you are children of God, when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, you are bound to receive answers from the throne of heaven, but we’re so centered on ourselves that we cannot pray. We keep on thinking and thinking, but we can’t pray. That is somebody who is centered on themselves. If we’re able to pray, it means we are centered on God.
Even right now, I hope you’re praying. I hope you’re not just sitting here with a blank mind, why are you here, then? While you are listening to the sermon, be in prayer. When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ the one who is seated at the throne of heaven continuously answers. Keep on praying, holding onto the promises God gave you, keep on praying for your business so it may be used to make disciples of all nations. Then, God’s Word will be fulfilled and you’ll see it. For students, I hope you will keep praying for God to work upon your studies so they will be used to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. If you keep praying for Temple Construction, then God will answer you. Why would you be blank-minded and stuck in your own thoughts instead of praying? When you pray for your field, then God works, transcending time and space. So, on the Lord’s day, we gather together, holding onto the Word God gave us. it doesn’t matter if you discuss anything else, if you want to talk about something else, do that at your job or at school. But at church, discuss the Word God gave you.
1. All things, people, work – 24 prayer
In conclusion, if you take all of your work, the people, the things that happen in your life, everything you think, hear, and see, you will be destroyed in your spiritual state. Praying means that is how you maintain your spiritual state. In other words, right now, you’re breathing with your nose. If you stop breathing, you die. 24-hour prayer means that, in everything that happens, all of your work, every incident, maintain your spiritual state of being with God.
2. Answer that saves 25 – God’s time schedule
Then, you will receive answers as a result of your spiritual state. Our prayers are not like the religious people’s prayers. God says, “I will reveal everything to my children,” and God knows everything, so why do we need to pray? What we need to pray for is to maintain that spiritual state of being with God, so my spiritual state doesn’t collapse. Then, even if somebody says something hurtful to me, it’s not a scar; instead, I turn it into prayer. Then, when you pray, you’re bound to receive answers. Then, you will receive God’s answers according to God’s method and time schedule. I hope you will pray continuously. If you pile up the prayers, then God will give you the answers. Pray the prayer that God desires.
3. Eternal masterpiece that changes the stream of the culture
When you receive these answers, it changes the stream and the environment of your field. Everyone is in the stream of, “I can’t do this, this isn’t going to work,” change that stream completely. All it takes is just you, one person. May you and I save others, centered on this gospel, throughout the week.
Message Prayer
Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.
Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing
God, we thank You. We have returned Your materials as offering. We pray that everywhere this offering is used, it will be used to change curses and disasters into blessings. May this be the offering that changes the sick and the diseased into “healed.” We believe You will work with the answers of the economy of light and Temple Construction for world evangelization and missions. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.
God, we thank You. We pray You will bless Michael’s family, and may this be the incident where everybody changes to Christ being their only Lord, and may You raise up this family line as witnesses of Christ’s blessing. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.
1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer
2. Hollywood camp – Temple
3. 1/19-23, PK Retreat and New Year’s Meeting.
Accepting donations from business people. (We accept the name of the business and prayer topics as well.)
4. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch
Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, working, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to save people with only Christ, with only the power of the Holy Spirit, upon the heads of all the people of God who are suffering because of the LA fires, or because of mental problems, or spiritual problems, or physical diseases, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.