Search Results for “worship”

Gospel, Word, Prayer, Evangelism, Missions

When you know the Gospel, the Word, Prayer, Evangelism, and Missions, everything will come to you, so I hope you’re able to enjoy this kind of blessing.

If You Bear Much Fruit, You Will Be My Disciples (John 15:1-7)

In order for us to bear the real fruit of disciples that God really desires, we have to pray according to God’s Word.

The Enterprise the Young Adults Enjoy in Advance (Isaiah 60:1-5)

As we are young adults, there are entrepreneurships that God wants to give us to take us into the future, and in order for us to do that, there is something we need to do as Young Adults Introduction – Summit Training If you become the summit, it becomes easy; it’s only difficult becuase you’re…
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The Filling of the Holy Spirit (2 Kings 2:9-11)

Before Elijah was taken up to heaven. His disciples, Elijah only requested one thing. Don’t you think they should have a lot of prayer topics. Imagine how many things Elijah needed. But he only asked for one thing, in the very end. And that was a double portion of the Holy Spirit. So, Elijah actually…
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Why Do Christians Get Discouraged? (Hebrews 11:6, 12:1-3)

1. The reason why people become discouraged  (1)They are merely churchgoers, without any faith. For this reason, they face more trials and tribulations (Mt 12:43-45). There is a reason. If you look at Matthew 12:43 to 45, the devil works seven times as hard in those people. If these people are not centered on Christ,…
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My Peace I Give You (John 14:25-31)

With the meditation that America and the world talks about, it cannot give people peace. Jesus Christ promises us to give us the peace that only God can give. Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I hope that the spiritual blessing of God will be upon…
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2020 RCA Young Adult Departmental Meeting

Session 1: LVTNPO Speaker:  Pastor Dusun Park, General Secretary, Young Adult Department I was requested to speak regarding the six tools, so that is what I’ve prepared.  The six tools are actually something that nonbelievers use a lot.  The “six tools” are just a manmade name, but before that, this is actually a message given…
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Young Adult Evangelism School – RCA Messages

Because of your concentration for the past four days, your spiritual state has changed, but it is always changing, so the important thing is, how can you continue this?  If you continue to receive spiritual strength, you will develop more than you’ve been before.  God has given the message to America and the remnants about…
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