Search Results for “worship”

Staking my Life and Blocking Curses Through Worship (Deut. 28:15-24)

Today, we will receive the grace of God Word with Deut. 28:15-24.  Deut. 28 is divided between blessings and curses.  God does not give us His Word in an ambiguous way. He gives it to us in a definite way. He says so definitely and specifically that if you follow God’s word you’ll be blessed,…
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Worship: Where God’s Words of Truth Overcome the World’s Lies (Deuteronomy 8:11-20)

I hope that today will be the time where we receive the grace of God’s word as we look at Deuteronomy 8:11 to the last verse.  We were told to worship in spirit and in truth.  We don’t need any other conditions to worship.  We can only worship by relying on the Holy Spirit and…
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Restore Worship to be Aligned with God’s Accurate Covenant for Canaan Conquest (Numbers 28:1-15)

We will share the grace of God today with Numbers 28.  The beginning of Numbers 28 takes place after 40 years of wandering around in the wilderness, when most of the first generation of the Israelites had passed away, including Aaron, and Moses had passed over into the next generation, Joshua.  The reason God is…
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Idol Worship, Greed, and Christ (Ex. 20:3-5, Col 3:5)

Why do I live so diligently? You should be living diligently with God, and I’m a child of God, but you always must enjoy “with,” and if you’re not enjoying that, you’re afraid. If you’re separated from “with,” that’s sin, because from the moment you forget about “with,” you’ll be swept up into Satan’s stream…
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