Search Results for “worship”

Not My Will But God’s Will (John 18:1-11

Our bodies, intelligence, and money, everything we have needs to be used as a holy weapon to glorify God.  God has told us that we must use this as a holy weapon, not to save ourselves and kill other people, but to save other people.   Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the…
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Oneness That Is In God (John 17:20-26)

Good evening, everyone.  To all the remnants listening on the broadcast and to their families, hello.  The title for today’s message is, “Oneness That Is In God.”  What do you think “oneness” means?  When you ask the people of this world, “What does it mean to be One?” What do you think the answer will…
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Why Did Jesus Have To Die? (Philippians 3:5-14 )

Let us turn to Philippians 3:5-14.  This is Paul’s confession, who was in the Jewish church, and met Jesus Christ.  This is not a confession that comes because he was well educated, and it’s not a confession that is impossible to make if you’re not educated. It is a confession of value that anyone can make…
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Doing God’s Work and Devoting Everything to God is True Joy (Leviticus 25:1-12)

The content of today’s scripture from Leviticus 25 is talking about the Sabbath year and the year of Jubilee. The Sabbath year is talking about a year of not farming anything after six years of farming.  Up until this point, when the Israelites were living in Egypt, they just kept working, 24 hours a day. …
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The Life of Jesus Christ: His Teachings

Today we will share the Word of God regarding the life of Jesus Christ: His Teachings.  Once we believe in Jesus, we are already changed, but we ourselves aren’t aware of this so we live our lives, holding onto incorrect things. Introduction 1. Me So first and foremost, we are already changed, so the thing…
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Align Your Life with God’s Word and Plan to Save the 237 Nations (Genesis 16:1-14)

We will share the word of God today using Genesis 6. First and foremost human beings must be aligned with God. Even if we are not aligned with people we cannot go aligned with them. And for our family the spouses must be aligned. If they are not aligned they will be separated. And every…
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The Feast of Tabernacle, The Feast of Ingathering (Leviticus 23:33-44)

Today we are hearing the word about the festival of the Tabernacle, which is also called the feast of the Ingathering.  Why is it that God is continuously telling the Israelites to keep the festivals and feasts after the Exodus?  Among the seven feasts that God told the Israelites to keep, for these three special…
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Aligning ourselves and enjoy the blessing of the covenant (Genesis 12:1-3)

Genesis 12:1-3. The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. “I will make you into a great nation,  and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who…
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