Search Results for “worship”

The Standard by which We Make Decisions is the Word of God, to Make Disciples of All Nations (Numbers 36:1-13)

We will share God’s grace with Numbers 36, which is the last chapter in Numbers.  God has given His Word following the stream of His covenant.  What kind of stream of the covenant is the book of Numbers in?  God is telling each of the tribes to prepare before going into Canaan.  God has already…
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7 Journeys: 10 Mysteries, 10 Platforms, 5 Assurances, 9 Streams

Last week’s pulpit message was, “Those who stand in the line of the covenant,” I have to be within the stream of God’s promise.  But what’s the Bible talk about? Where does this biblical stream take us?  Towards relaying the covenant.  My church and business must be within this stream, otherwise it’s the beginning of…
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The Value of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Phil. 3:4-14)

Those who don’t know the gospel will live like this, they don’t like the church because the church says the opposite things to this. Paul lived diligently to become a perfect and renowned figure, but he persecuted the church, so it says he a was righteous. These things can be the reason why someone succeeds,…
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The Decision of the Covenantal Faith (Heb. 11:23-27)

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  May the unprecedented and never depleted unprecedented, never repeated blessings of God be upon all the individuals and families worshiping in the church, in their homes, out of state, or out of the country. The title of today’s message is,…
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Following the Word to Save Myself, the Church, and the Field (Matthew 28:18-20)

The Lord Jesus declared these words to his disciples in the Mount of Olives. This is the Word He gave after he resurrected. Before he resurrected he never said these words to them. This means these words are only applicable to people who have experienced the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In other words,…
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The City of Refuge that Saves My Field within Jesus Christ (Numbers 35:1-15)

Today we will share the grace of God with Numbers 35. Until Numbers 34 we were talking about dividing the land of Cannan for different tribes. And each of the tribe raised a representative leader. When the Israelite people were living in Egypt, they did not have the grace of God, and they didn’t even…
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7 Journeys – 10 Mysteries, 10 Foundations, and 5 Assurances

Even now, God is fulfilling the Word. It’s not the Word I desire, but it’s the Word God desires for me.  It’s not the word I desire to receive, but it’s what God desires to relay.  Whoever has the Triune God has this status and authority and can survive alone. 10 Mysteries Alone/Independent Spiritual Facts…
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Believe! (Romans 9:1-14)

Grace, Faith, Blessing God’s grace comes upon us, and then we can believe in God’s Word.  The Israelites received the law and worship, but they did not receive the covenant of God.  Does that mean God’s promises disappeared? No, by God’s grace, it is continuously fulfilled. The physical descendants of Abraham are not his descendants. …
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