Search Results for “worship”

The Incident of the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-8)

Let’s confess together Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, the only answer and solution to all of our problems. Amen. We start the word with the title, “The Incident of the Tower of Babel.”  I want you to understand that more important than receiving answers is our spiritual state. Receiving answers…
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Understanding the Background of the Upper Room Field Evangelist (Romans 16:1-16)

Introduction Lifestyle – Field Economy – Business Kingdom – Authority of darkness  Jesus – Christ = All Problems X 1. 7 Blessings – Prayer (Anxious) Prayer is just enjoying the blessings given to you, and that’s God’s kingdom.  In the field, you’ll meet anxious people, meaning they are unable to experience God’s Kingdom. 2. 6…
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My Gospel (Romans 1:9-15)

I was able to come here all of a sudden by God’s grace and i didnt know I was going to give Wednesday service. I remember the last few years we received a lot of God’s grace and we met a lot of evangelism and we are here enjoying  the belongings of the remaining ones.…
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Correct Prayer (Matthew 6:32-33)

Because you don’t understand, there’s no solution.  It’s because you don’t understand Jesus Christ well enough.  Paul said knowing Jesus Christ is the greatest thing.  This is something the schools of the world cannot teach you. If you understand, enjoy, and relay this to others, you become the main character. Because the One Who has…
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World Missions: See and Relay the Spiritual State (Matt. 28:16-20)

20220715 Friday Night Message Title: Scripture:  Matthew 28:16-20 The Word at the end of Matthew is still being fulfilled right now.  This Word must be aligned with my life. This is what it means for us to be aligned with God.  If this doesn’t fit with me, then I’m not fitting with God, and no matter…
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Good Works and Good Fruits (Galatians 6:9)

I am standing before you now because Pastor Park said it would be a good idea to report about the El Salvador missions camp as well as the children’s ministry.   Good Works and Good Fruits (Gal. 6:9) If I were to write down the title of today’s message, it is from the pulpit message: Good…
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True Blessings (Mt. 5:1-12)

Every remnant has their own characteristic.  Carlos talked a lot about the blessings of a child of God.  Fanny was good at writing all the Bible verses and explaining them, and just for reference, this doesn’t fit with our DNA at all. My DNA is not one that writes like this, so I’d start writing…
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Fanny’s Way of Salvation

God created man to be with God, Genesis 1:27 we were created in His image.  Genesis 1:28 “Fruitful and increase in number.”  But Satan separated people from God, in Rev. 12:9, it says the great dragon was hurled down, that ancient serpent, called the devil, who leads the whole world astray. He made us sin…
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