[ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Gideon as Leader (Judges 8:1-35)

You need to understand the context of Judges to understand today’s passage.  Israel was influenced by the culture of idolatry, they were worshiping idols and suffering for a long time. They would ask God for forgiveness, and God would restore them through a judge, and this was the repetitive cycle.  So, from this passage, we…
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The Incident of the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:1-6)

Intro Humans Origin Evolution How was everything created?  What is science?  You can say science is the study of how the world moves and the theories behind it, but there’s also social sciences.  Science is about experimentation and getting consistent results.  For the law of gravity, everything falls down. If something fell down sometimes but…
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Press on Toward the Goal (Phil. 3:1-16)

Let us bless one another for the first time, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  The greatest blessing of this year is that Jesus is the Christ and that He is our Lord, and the secret for you to live the greatest year of 2024 is the day when the Lord…
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God Almighty Who Is the Beginning and End (Rev. 1:8)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Happy New Year.”  This is the final Second Sunday Service message of the year 2023. This is a worship you will only have once in your life, this final Second Sunday Service of 2023 will never happen again in your life, and I believe we are here to…
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The People Who Go All Into Jesus Christ (Mt. 26:1-16)

Let us bless and greet one another, we’ll greet each other, “Merry Christmas” tomorrow, but for today, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  Today is Christmas Eve, but I hope that you will still receive the great blessings and grace of Christmas today.  The title of today’s message is, “The People…
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7 Bartizans, 7 Journeys, 7 Guideposts

Today we’re going to talk about how to actually enjoy the 7, 7, 7 prayer.  This cannot just be words on a whiteboard, it must be what we realistically enjoy. Jesus Christ Finished – Me If it’s not finished, I live a religious life with semi-finished things. Christ finished my past, present, and future, and…
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Those Who are Blessed, Not Cursed (Rev. 1:1-3)

Intro Word Gen. 1:27 Image (With) Gen. 1:28 Blessing, Rule Over, Subdue – Slave When Jesus Christ comes again, He will discern the left and the right. The ones on the right will be blessed; the ones on the left will be cursed, so the ones on the right will go to the land of…
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The Blessed Ones for the Gospel (Mt.25:31-46)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May you remain within the unprecedented and never-repeated answers today. God has chosen the people whom He desires and desires to receive their praise, and the Bible says, if the creation has a mouth, let it praise the…
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