[ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Remnant Day Departmental Meeting – Isaiah (Isaiah 6:13)

God is with everything.  Even in the midst of your problems, God is there. Even in the midst of failures, God is there, and that is how Paul was able to be happy and content in poverty and wealth.  You must become like that in order to save the world and relay the gospel to…
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Remnant Night Worship – Jesus Christ (John 14:6)

Jesus says, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. What is the opposite of Jesus. It is Satan. John 844- You belong to your father the devil and you longed to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning,…
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Ordination of the Priest

Today we are talking about the ordination of priests. Before that, we Today we are going to receive the word about how priests are to be ordained. We go through the Old Testament, and what relevance, does the Old Testament have for us right now. It’s not like we need a priest to wear the…
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Pray in Jesus’ Name

The lack of prayer is evidence that you want to live your life according to your own strength and abilities, so as you live your lives, you won’t be able to overcome your environment or problems.  The reason is because God never created us to live alone; without a doubt, God created us to have…
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God Works through the Name of Jesus (John 14:8-15)

Bible tells us to pray for anything in the name of Jesus Christ. Pray about all your thoughts and emotions, then God will work. When you’re afraid, when you lack power or abilities, pray in the name of Jesus Christ and God will work. What does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus?…
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Three Things the Young Adult Must Have

Three Things the Young Adults Must Have: Gospel, Gospelization, and Mission

The 10 Platforms of Faith

God’s Absolute Sovereignty. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you’re in the most important position. Because God is in that place. This is the time for you to have faith, regarding this fact. If you look at the present reality and wonder why things are happening the way they are. You need to see…
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