Jesus Christ Who Works Even Now (Mt. 28:1-15)

March 31st, 2024
Jesus Christ Who Works Even Now (Mt. 28:1-15)
Let us bless and greet one another, “Happy Easter!” Today we are giving the Easter Resurrection Sunday worship. If the true meaning of the resurrection truly hits our hearts today, then I believe that the power of the resurrection will be upon us. All around the world, people are observing this day as Resurrection Sunday. Did the Lord really die and then resurrect? This is something that every Christian will acknowledge, but what does that have to do with me? When you know how this is related to you, then the power of the death and resurrection will be established in your life, but if it just remains as some part of Christian doctrine to you, then the power of the death and resurrection may not be upon you. However, if by the work of the Holy Spirit, it is connected to my entire life, then my entire life will change.
But because there are so many people in this world who have nothing to do with the death and resurrection of the cross, the people of this world are suffering. Yes, we may all know this because we’ve heard of it for so long, but if you truly believe in it and it’s related to your life, then the work of the resurrection will change your life. Practically speaking, the problem you have right now will no longer be a problem, only if you believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The past, present, and future will not be a problem. But if something continues to be a problem to you, it means that Jesus’ death and resurrection has not really hit your heart as your own. If there are any of you who are thinking like this, then you must listen to today’s worship while you are praying for the grace of the Holy Spirit to be working upon you, and for the biblical meaning of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross to be mine.
God had already given us the answer to America’s problems today 2000 years ago. 2000 years ago, the Lord had already given us the answer to all our future problems through the death and resurrection. But the problem is, if this does not become my answer, then everything is useless. There are people who believe Jesus died, but not His resurrection. They don’t believe Jesus is alive right now. Then, the Bible tells us our entire faith is futile and we are relentlessly in a state where our sins are not forgiven. When I was a nonbeliever looking at Christians, they looked so powerless to me, meaning that I could not see that the Lord was alive and with this person in power. It just seemed like these Christians were repeating the same words that they’d heard in their Christian churches, but they were similar to nonbelievers in my eyes. Those were just the Christians whom I had met. When the nonbelievers are looking at you, the death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection must be revealed. Then, God’s power will continuously be revealed through your businesses and studies. May this be a precious time of blessings where that perspective of the gospel is imprinted through this worship.
A lot of people think of these festivals and traditions as just some kind of action or ritual that we do, but if you don’t believe in the Lord Who is alive and working right now, then this just becomes a festival or a ritual, but for people who genuinely believe in this, every day is new, and when they hold onto God’s promise and pray, their heart races. You know when your heart flutters, right? Your heart flutters because there’s something new and exciting awaiting you. When a boy and a girl date for the first time, their hearts race when they think about each other, and no matter how curious you are of them, if you’ve met each other for a long time, there is no reason for your heart to flutter. But if you think of the plan that the Lord had given to you, then your heart will always race. If your heart is racing, then it means you are filled with God’s joy, hope, and excitement. That is the mystery to maintaining your health, that’s the mystery to solving your mental problems; that’s the mystery to enjoying happiness. The person who has this needs to have money; the person who has this needs to have knowledge. The Lord has given that to us through His death on the cross and His resurrection.
1. Jesus Christ who died on the cross
1) Joseph from Arimathea (Mt. 27:57)
(1) Jesus’ body (Mt. 27:58)
What the Lord has done 2000 years ago should not just be knowledge that we’ve heard, but we believe it by the working of the Holy Spirit. We’re going to speak from Matthew 27, Jesus Christ said, “It is finished,” and then He died. And then they needed to bury the body, but there was nowhere for His body to be buried.
(2) Placed it in his own new tomb (Mt. 27:60)
This rich man from Arimathea, Joseph, who was a disciple of Jesus and an elite of all elites, a politician, bought a tomb for Jesus Christ and buried His body in that tomb. He wrapped it in a clean linen cloth and also put a fragrance on the body so it would not smell.
(3) Those who watched over the tomb (Mt. 27:61)
It’s the same today as back then, a funeral was very costly, and there were some people who were watching over the tomb where Jesus was buried.
2) Chief priests and Pharisees (Mt. 27:62)
(1) Deceiver – Jesus (Mt. 27:63)
(2) Made secure until the third day (Mt. 27:64)
(3) May steal the body – Deceive people that he as been raised from the dead (Mt. 27:64)
There were also the chief priests and the Pharisees who killed Jesus Christ; what were they saying then? They said, “Remember that Jesus Christ is a deceiver, and He said, ‘After three days, I will rise again,’ and so His disciples may come and steal His body and tell the people He raised from the dead, so guard and secure this tomb.” This is the reaction of people who have not received the blessing from God. Even Jesus’ disciples themselves could not understand His death. Because the reason they were believing in Jesus Christ was to gain some kind of advantage from Him, now that He was dead, they all ran away.
Even right now, there are people who believe in Jesus but don’t go to church, and they have all of their different reasons, but what is the main reason? “It’s not a benefit to me, it doesn’t give me an advantage, and that’s why there’s not really a reason for me to go all the way to church,” but that was the same thing for the disciples. For them, the reason they followed Jesus was to gain some kind of advantage from Him, but He’s dead on the cross, so they went back to being fishermen. But there are people like this all across America. It’s not that they don’t believe, they do believe, and the 12 disciples did believe in Jesus Christ, but they didn’t want to follow Him to His death. They only want to believe in Jesus Christ if it’s some benefit to me, or, only if He benefits my job. “I only believe in Jesus Christ if going to church means that He will give me an economic advantage, or I’m expecting Jesus to fix my family problems when I believe in Him, but He does not. So, why is there really a reason for me to go all the way to church? Why is there a reason for me to waste my time and lose my offering?” That was the state of the disciples, then that means every person goes through this time schedule.
3) First day after Sabbath (Mt. 28:1)
At dawn on the first day after the Sabbath, Jesus Christ resurrected. What this means is that He was buried on Friday, and then Saturday is the Sabbath, and on Sunday, He resurrected.
(1) An angel of the Lord (Mt. 28:2)
Then, God sends an angel of the Lord to relay this Word to the disciples that He has risen as He had said. There was no one who had seen Him, but God always gives His Word in advance.
(2) He has risen, just as he said (Mt. 28:6)
God gives His Word in advance, and when you go, it is fulfilled. He gives you the Word of the future in advance. You just have problems because you’re not listening to Him, but if you really heard Him, then you would see that it is fulfilled as He said. The Word is God and the Word is power. If you believe in your thoughts instead of the Word of God, then you are living a limited life, but the people who received the Word of God correctly can know the future.
(3) Go tell his disciples that he will go ahead into Galilee (Mt. 28:7)
Then the angel says, “He is going ahead of you into Galilee, so there you will see Him.” So, the resurrected Jesus Christ, on His way to Galilee, finds His disciples, and the first thing He asks them is, “Do you have peace?” This peace, no matter how much you succeed, you can never have peace. This is not something that humans can create for themselves. The closest we can get to peace is to make things comfortable for ourselves, but peace is something given by God’s spirit. The Prince of Peace, Jesus. Jesus is the One Who moves peace. Jesus must be inside of us in order for us to have peace. Just because there is no war going on does not mean there is peace; Jesus Christ must be inside of us in order for us to have peace.
2. Jesus Christ who has risen
1) Jesus met his disciples (Mt. 28:9)
(1) Greetings (Mt. 28:9)
(2) Worshiped Jesus (Mt. 28:9)
As soon as the women saw Jesus Christ, they knelt and clasped His feet and worshiped Him. He is God and He is the One Who receives all of our worship and glory. Right now, you and I are sitting here worshiping, and who are we worshiping? The Triune God. We are not listening to a college lecture right now, we are worshiping this God. Then what should the posture of our worship be? Before God. You are not postured to study; you are postured to stand before God. Your state must be asking the Creator God, “Please, give me Your Word,” and He has resurrected and is giving His Word even now. That is worship. If you are having victory in worship, it’s the same as experiencing that God is alive.
What is religion? They have no Jesus but they just go to worship on their own; they just worship a stone or they just write down their doctrines or whatever they believe and then they worship that. Then, their prayers say, “Give me what I want.” If there is a Creator God, there’s nothing for you to ask for. If that God is always with me, what more can I ask for? If a baby is with their parent, then there is nothing for it to ask for, it can just stay still, but because we don’t believe that He is our parent, we have to try so hard on our own. Think about this very carefully, that’s not a rightful child. If you know that you are His true child, then you will say, “Rightfully it is mine. Even if I don’t ask for anything, my parent will provide for me.” If somebody has victory in worship before God, then they will have victory. Worship is not about calculating, worship is not about calculating your finances. It’s not about trying to manipulate your brain, because worship is giving your entire self to the Creator God, because you confess that He is the One Who created you.
Whatever problem you have, try giving that in worship and see if it’s still a problem. Try letting down your problems in front of God and see if it’s still a problem. But if you’re not able to have this worship, then a problem will still be a problem, because instead of acknowledging God as the Creator God, you’re trying to make some kind of backdoor deal with some god you’ve created on your own, so of course, you have no answers.
(3) Do not be afraid (Mt. 28:10)
But the resurrected Lord is still alive right now, and then Jesus says, “Do not be afraid.” The Lord is peace and He is rest, so when you stand before Him, your fear goes away. All of our panic attacks, all the fear we have about diseases and cancer, if the Lord is inside of us, then that fear goes away.
(4) See Jesus in Galilee (Mt. 28:10)
Then, the Lord said to them, “Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, there, they will see Me.” Why did Jesus tell them to go to Galilee? Because the place where His disciples were originally fishermen was the Sea of Galilee, and because Jesus Christ was crucified, they all gave up and went back to their fishing place. But from the very beginning, Jesus told them, “After I die and resurrect, I will go to Galilee.” This means that He already knew in advance that all the disciples would turn their backs on Him and go back to fishing, and that’s why He goes back to Galilee to meet His disciples. So, even though the disciples run away, the Lord follows them until the very end. They were only believing in Jesus Christ to gain some kind of advantage for their lives, and then they gave up on Him and ran away, but the Lord followed them to show them what a true blessing is, and I’ll explain what a true blessing is, later.
2) Reactions of the chief priests
(1) The guards reported the resurrection (Mt. 28:11)
Then the soldiers who were guarding the tomb were in an uproar because the linen that was wrapping the body was exactly as it was, but the body was gone. That body, the resurrected body, is a spiritual body. Our body right now is the physical body, but the body with which Jesus resurrected was the body of the spirit, then, what exactly is the spirit of the body? That’s the body with which we will resurrect as well. It’s a body that transcends time and space. Nonbelievers will also resurrect at the end, and they will go to eternal hell with that body. But we will be resurrected with the same spirit-body with the Lord, and we will go to an eternal heaven with the Lord. It’s not like the physical body we have right now, you can’t even think about what dimension this is in. So, these guards go and report this to the chief priests saying, “The clean linen is there, but the body is missing. And there’s a big problem, the body is missing. He said He would resurrect in three days, did He really do it?”
(2) Gave the soldiers a large sum of money to keep quiet (Mt. 28:12)
For the Jewish people, this is a problem because if He really did resurrect, then the Jewish church would be destroyed, because overnight, all the power they built up with the religion and laws of Judaism was being destroyed, so the chief priests paid off the soldiers to keep quiet. The world and Satan typically work with money. Even the problems going on in Korea are about money because if you give somebody money, they think that’s medicine for them. If He has resurrected, then He is the Messiah and He is God, but then they’re trying to block that with money? Then, they try to take the money and keep their mouths shut about it? That’s the world. No matter how honestly and truthfully I want to live, this world is moved by the father of lies, so we have to fall into that system.
(3) Plotted to say that the disciples stole him away (Mt. 28:13)
So, the chief priests paid off the soldiers and said, “Tell people that the disciples came and stole the body.”
3) Scheme
(1) If this report gets to the governor, the guards will be kept out of trouble (Mt. 28:14)
Then, the two soldiers would get in trouble by the governor because they were not able to securely guard the tomb, so the chief priests even said, “We’ll go talk to the governor for you, don’t worry.”
(2) Soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed (Mt. 28:15)
(3) Lie – Widely circulated among the Jews (Mt. 28:15)
Then, this law that was bribed saying the disciples stole the body, was widely circulated among the Jews, even to this day. That’s why the Jewish people hate Jesus because the Jesus they said was a sinner and was crucified has resurrected, that is a big problem for them, so that Jesus needs to stay dead for them. That’s how the Jewish people would be correct. Even though they’re aware of it, they turn the other way, and that is being demon-possessed.
John 8:44, “Your father the devil,” he was a liar from the beginning and you follow the ways of your father. It doesn’t matter how good the politicians try to act in front of us, they will always follow the devil’s lies. How is it that they know the truth but they’re still lying like this? That’s just what happens when someone is seized by the devil. Then, what does this death and resurrection mean to us? When you know the answer to this problem and believe in it, then the works of resurrection will happen in your life. Jesus’ death on the cross has finished all the problems of our past, present, and future, then what are our past problems?
3. Jesus Christ who works even now
1) Cross – Death and resurrection (Jn. 19:30)
(1) Dead in transgressions and sins – Saved – Past (Eph. 2:1)
Eph. 2:1, this is telling the new believers how they lived before Jesus Christ, “You were dead in your transgressions and sins.” You who were dead in your past because of all your Original Sin and all the other sins you’ve committed in spiritual death, have now been saved by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. Because of this sin, there is this continuous disaster that comes to mankind for no reason. We cannot block the disasters if we live a morally and ethically clean life; it happens from our Original Sin ever since we were born.
(2) Devil, the ruler of the kingdom of the air – Liberated – Present (Eph. 2:2)
Eph. 2:2 says, “In which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.” We who were dead in sin follow the invisible devil, our father, and we cannot escape. Right now, making a lot of money is not an issue, we must escape from that state. Right now, living a high class life, living a life according to your beliefs, that’s not an issue; you must escape from the sin.
(3) Eternal hell – Eternal heaven – Future (Eph. 2:6)
And then in that sin, we go to eternal hell. But Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection has brought us up to the eternal kingdom of heaven. So, through Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection, He has fundamentally finished all of our problems of our past, present, and future. You need to know the conclusion. The saved children of God are with the Lord, living in the eternal heaven. If you have a sickness, you’re gonna go to heaven anyways. Are you afflicted by mental illnesses? Eventually you’ll go to heaven anyways. So stop looking at what you have but look at the eternal thing that you have, but instead of enjoying this, you keep concentrating on your problems. If you had the ability to just focus on your problems and fix them, then it wouldn’t be a problem; you could just finish it, but you don’t even have that ability, you’re just focusing on your problems; in other words, you’re concentrating on darkness, then what do you think will happen to your spiritual state? It will become dark. You need to focus on the answer that has finished everything. You must focus on Jesus.
2) With Christ
(1) Died on the cross (Gal. 2:20)
You need to focus on the Jesus Who is with me, why? Because when Jesus Christ died on the cross, it wasn’t just Him; I was crucified with Him. But what happens if you say, “Jesus Christ, You can die on the cross, but I don’t want to die on the cross,” that means, when Jesus Christ becomes a loss to you, you’ll stop believing. The disciples were supposed to die with Jesus, but they didn’t want to. “Why should I be at a loss? Why should I die? I’m believing in Jesus to live; I’m believing in Jesus to succeed, I’m believing in Jesus to study better. But Jesus is telling me to die? I don’t like that.” Until you truly believe in this by God’s grace, it will continuously be difficult for you. Because you’re only believing in Jesus by your calculations. In other words, you’re trying to make a deal with the Creator God with the things of earth. He’s not somebody with whom you should make a deal with; He is someone you should worship. God is the One to Whom we should give our entire lives to, and request His Word. Do not make God into some creation, do not manipulate God in your own brain. God is the One Who created you, and God is the One Who can call you away, even today. God is the One Who can bring about illness and take it away. That resurrected Lord is with me, right now.
(2) I no longer live (Gal. 2:20)
I was crucified on the cross with Christ, then now, who am I? I’m still alive, how can I be dead? Who is the new me? The old “me” who was centered on myself as my own Lord, seized and controlled by Satan, that’s been crucified. My scars, my trauma, my failures; that has been crucified on the cross. You need to understand what this means to understand what the resurrection means. So, I’ve been crucified with Christ, then who is this new “me”? It is the Lord living inside of me now. Until we change like this, you can never escape from your fate. You will never escape from that repetitive problem throughout your whole family line. When the Lord Jesus lives inside of me and He becomes my master, then your faith changes. Then your life will be hard-pressed on all sides, but you will never be crushed. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,” that becomes your life. That is the one who believes in the resurrection, and when you believe in that, the nonbelievers around you are influenced by that. Nonbelievers are not influenced by the Christian doctrines you’ve learned in church; that’s just your logic, you just created that doctrine yourself, and you believe in that; they’ll never believe you.
However, when you truly believe in the death on the cross and the resurrection, this will be revealed through you. When the Lord really becomes my Lord, a problem is no longer a problem. No matter how much I am mentally afflicted or even if I get cancer, it doesn’t matter because the Lord is my Master, it’s talking about the power of the resurrection. When you truly believe this in your field, then the works take place. Even if you’re staying still, everyone will know it. Like I told you, when I was a nonbeliever, I was looking around and I said, “Oh, these Christians are so weak and powerless.” And I didn’t see any example of this. If I just saw one proper Christian, I would have been influenced, but if you correctly believe in Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection, then you will correctly influence others. If you shake in fear whenever you face a problem, it means you don’t believe in the resurrection. You know you are so weak, so you believe in your weakness? It means you do not believe in Christ. I have already died on the cross, and now the new “me” is Christ living inside of me.
(3) Christ lives in me (Gal. 2:20)
Does it make sense? The Creator God is inside of me and I’m walking with Him, then no matter what situation I face, it is irrelevant to Him. When you truly believe in this, you believe in the power of the resurrection, that Lord’s one incident has finished all the problems of our life. When this becomes weakened in the church, the disasters seep over the field. The churches are only repeating the doctrine of Jesus’ death and resurrection, but they don’t acknowledge His power, that’s why nonbelievers are laughing. I hope that this will be a worship that truly allows you to believe in His death and resurrection. Nothing else will work. “Oh, I’m going to work very hard and try to mimic it?” There’s a limit to that. The Creator God must live inside of me and walk with me in order for everything to be finished. No matter how hard the devil is working, if the Creator God is working, then the devil must flee. No matter how weak I am, if the Creator God is with me, that weakness is not a problem. That’s what the death and the resurrection mean.
I talk about this a lot, because when I was a nonbeliever, I looked at Christians and they seemed so fake. “Okay, so He died and resurrected? So what? That’s just something you believe, I don’t believe in that.” What that means is, “I’ve never seen that power.” Even if there was someone who believed correctly just a little bit, it would’ve been different. But the devil knows that, the devil knows whether you really believe or not. As evidence that you really don’t believe, one day, the devil just works upon you and then you collapse again, and then the devil will leave you alone for a little bit, and He’s playing around with you like a cat with a mouse. But maybe it’s because you have a mental illness, you’re trying to fight against the cat. You think you’re going to fight against the cats and scare the cat, I’ve never seen a mouse like that before, it just doesn’t make sense, but that’s what Christians need to be like.
What are we fighting against this cat with? We fight against that cat with the fact that the Lord is with me, and then the devil flees, and then the works of creation take place, and God’s kingdom is established. If God’s Kingdom is established, then we will have righteousness, peace, and joy. Humans cannot make that with laws, and we cannot create that inside of ourselves. Only when God works upon us as our Lord will that be revealed. We call that true happiness. I cannot make myself happy, but when you believe in the Lord of the resurrection, that will come upon you. So, stop wasting so much money; if you really believe in the death and resurrection on the cross and its power, then you don’t have to take so much medication, you don’t have to try so hard to maintain your health. Because the fact that the Lord Jesus has finished everything will really be established in your heart and will influence others as well.
3) Christ’s plan
(1) God’s kingdom – Master (Ac. 1:3, Mt. 6:33)
The resurrected Lord reveals Himself to His disciples, and then tells them of the things that will happen in the future. This is your future too. People keep saying they’re curious about their future, right? I’m sure a lot of you guys want to go to a fortune-teller. There are some people who actually go to fortune-tellers, but the Lord has already promised our future. Be a witness who establishes God’s Kingdom to the ends of the earth. He gave you the mission of God’s Kingdom. This world is seized and controlled by Satan and the Kingdom of darkness, and your mission and future is to establish God’s Kingdom here.
(2) God’s righteousness – Gospel (Mt. 6:33, Rom. 1:17)
And God’s righteousness, which is only the gospel. Human righteousness isn’t righteousness at all. The God Who has no sin died for our sin, that is righteousness, and when we believe in that, we become righteous. So, first seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, that must go into us as our first priority. Before you prioritize studying, money, or working, you must prioritize this. Why do Christians struggle? Because something else has gone into them first. Ever since we are young, we are raised to hold onto the things that humans have made, so God’s Kingdom, that’s later. You know God’s Word because you’ve heard it, but what is inside of you hasn’t changed. How can we change that? There’s no other way than for God’s Word to root deeply inside of me, so the original order of priority must change.
First, God’s Kingdom. When Christ becomes my Master and reigns over me, that’s God’s Kingdom. He has finished everything, He is alive now, He is with me, reigning over me, that’s God’s Kingdom. My first mission in life is to establish that God’s Kingdom where I work, where I study, in my home, in the region where I live, then everything else will be given to you as well. What is “Everything else”? The thing that went into you first before you knew the gospel, God is gonna give it to you after. But why is it that we listen to God’s Word but we keep on getting confused because something went into us first as our number one priority, and because the things of God went into us after that, the order is not right. There’s only one method. Whatever has gone into us first, when the Word of God is deeply rooted into us, whatever was imprinted first cannot influence me. When a tree is deeply rooted into the ground, it bears fruit. If the tree is not rooted deeply, it cannot get enough nutrients from the soil, so then it dries up and dies.
(3) Only Holy Spirit – Power – To the ends of the earth (Ac. 1:8)
When the Word of God is deeply rooted in our spirit, then God’s power, His wisdom, His peace, and His joy will come into me and bear fruit. Yes, you are a Christian, but you are not rooted in this, yet. Because we are not rooted in this yet, we try to do this a little bit, and then we go out into the world a little bit; you’re not able to focus. So, when the things of God, when the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is rooted into you, then with time, the fruits will come out naturally. I’m in my late 50s right now, so the number of years I’ve lived as a nonbeliever versus a believer, is about the same. I didn’t believe in Jesus for 29 years, and now it’s been 29 years since I’ve accepted Jesus, so this is what I’m most curious about. I’m curious, all the things that were imprinted into me when I was a nonbeliever, what would it look like after 29 years of being imprinted with the gospel. And I’m experiencing it now. “Oh wow, this is what it feels like.” Before, when I was not rooted, when I was receiving God’s grace, I loved it, but as soon as I went back, I was shaking.
1. Within me – Raise the absolute bartizan
What about now? I never shake. I’m not even shaken by my emotions. No matter what situation comes, I’m not shaken; that’s what it means to be rooted, and then when I think about my past, I was completely shaken by my emotions. If my emotions were bad, I would be shaking in God’s covenant. If someone said something mean to me, I would be shaking in God’s covenant. If I face even a little bit of a problem, I’m shaking because I hadn’t been rooted down yet; but if you just root down, then you will not shake. I’m telling you this as a witness right now, so that’s why, just do one heart, whole heart, continuation. Then what that means is concentrate every day. That’s it. How can we study? Just keep doing it. How can we exercise? Just do it every day. You’re living right now because you keep on breathing. If you only breathe once every 30 minutes, you’ll die, but if you have the Word of God 24 hours, then you’ll be rooted down.
2. Field – Raise the absolute bartizan
Then, if I’m doing that, how will I study and make money? Getting rooted down doesn’t cost money. You just do it through prayer; you do it through faith. Then, when the invisible God is rooted in my spirit, these fruits will be revealed one by one.
3. Business, academics, temple construction
So, I hope every single day, you will be rooted down deeper with the things of God and the Kingdom of Christ, and that your number one mission is to establish this in the field, then your business, your studies will absolutely follow. There’s no reason to calculate so much, because whenever the Creator God works, all of creation must follow. If the President is coming to this town, they have to clean all these buildings and streets, because they don’t want to be criticized by the President. If the President is coming to this town, they have to repaint all the buildings. If God is leading my life, everything else follows. May you be the true witness of the resurrection that enjoys this blessing.
Message Prayer
Shall we pray together? We pray believing in answers.
Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing
God, we thank You. We give praise to the Lord Who has finished all of our problems on the cross and is living now inside of us as our Lord, Savior, and King. Allow us to live a life that enjoys and testifies of the Lord every day, we pray that the offering we have given will establish God’s Kingdom and spread it. We pray that You will bless the hands that have given the offering for temple construction doubly. We believe You will work upon this precious worship with blessings of the power of resurrection to heal the physically and mentally sick. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.
1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer
2. Korean language school will begin on 4/6(Sat.) at 10:30AM, location?
3. 4/8 (Mon.) – Host West Coast Synod in the sanctuary
4. 4/17(Wed.)-4/21(Mon.) Missions Conference
5. Native American Navajo camp is on 6/16(Mon.)-20(Thurs.), Florida camp (Anticipating end of July, beginning of August)
6. Regional Summer camp (Children’s) in May, June, July.
7. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch
Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who believe in the meaning of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and the resurrection today, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.