God Is with You Forever (John 14:16-24

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God Is with You Forever (John 14:16-24

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

In John 14:16, Jesus says, “I will ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate.” That means Jesus Christ will ask the Father on our behalf to give us an Advocate to be with us forever.

Let us bless one another, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that this will be a time where all the families and individuals who are worshipping in the church, in their homes, and those out of state are overflowing with the Thanksgiving of God. After an entire year where God has been watching over us so carefully, protecting us and guiding us, we are restoring all of our thanks to Him. In our lives, there are things we lose and gain, things we couldn’t even fathom with the coronavirus pandemic this year, and I’m sure things are unfair, but God is telling us that these are all conditions and opportunities for us to be thankful.

How can we be thankful even when we have lost something? Because God has an important plan within that. Today, Jesus Christ is telling His disciples that He will soon die on the cross and resurrect into heaven and He is giving us His Word today. If there is someone you relied on and trusted on all your life and they disappeared one day, you would be dismayed. Especially from the disciples’ point of view, they thought Jesus Christ was the Messiah who would be with them forever, but He said He was going to go away; imagine how afraid they were.

1. Love Jesus

In response, Jesus says in John 14:15, “If you love Me, keep My commands.” So, the Lord is giving us His Word today regarding two things, love and keeping His commands.

1) Keep His Teachings

It might be possible that our interest and object of love is money or things like success. If those things go away, we become afraid. Because Jesus Christ was there and said He would go away, imagine how unsettled His disciples were. At this time, Jesus gives them an answer, “If you love Me, keep My commands,” because our lives are determined based on what we love.

Even if we want to keep God’s Words, it’s very difficult, but if you love Jesus, you will naturally keep His commands. If you love material things, you’ll follow after material things. You’re going to make your decisions and move according to what will benefit you materially, but the Lord never says anything like that. “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.”

If anything, some people may say this is nonsense, but in reality, these are the words that are an answer for us living in the 21st century. After the Exodus from Egypt, the Lord gave His word to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 6:5, to love the LORD their God with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength. What do you think this means? It means that the problems of your life are based on whether you love God or not.

The way for us to love God is to put the Word of God into our hearts. How do you love God? You put the Word of God into your hearts. If we do not keep the Word of God in our hearts, we will put something else in our hearts instead. He also says to teach this to your children, therefore, if you love God, you will keep the word of the commandments in your heart and teach them to your children.

They went into the land of Canaan following these commands, but even in Canaan, they didn’t love God; they worshiped idols. Idols means loving yourself, because you create an idol for yourself so that you can create your best life and protect your own life. If you love God, you would realize that God is protecting your life, but even though they had gone into the land of Canaan, they still fell into wars, captivity, colonization, and slavery because of their idolatry.

2) New Covenant (Hebrews 8:8)

The LORD said, “I cannot leave them like this; I will give them a new covenant.” In Hebrews 8:10, it says He will put His laws into our minds and hearts. He told us to keep His Words in our hearts, but no matter how much He told us, we couldn’t do it, so He gives us a new covenant, “I will put My law in their minds and write them down on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be My people.” The fulfillment of this Word is the Word that Jesus Christ is speaking of in today’s passage.

3) Through Jesus

If we love Jesus Christ, we keep God’s Word, but how can do we do that? In John 14:16, Jesus says, “I will ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate.” That means Jesus Christ will ask the Father on our behalf to give us an Advocate to be with us forever.

2. Advocate

What is the meaning of this word, “Advocate”?

1) Meaning

In Greek, this word “advocate” translated to parakletos. The root word “para” means “next to” or “beside,” and “kletos” means “with.” If we just look at the word “advocate,” it might be confusing in English, but “parakletos” means He will give us an Advocate to be with us forever. The meaning of “Advocate” also includes the meaning of “the One who comforts us,” “our Representative,” and “our Helper.” This means there will be things in our life that require us to receive comfort. What happens when we cannot receive comfort? We will be resentful and sad. Things like this will happen in our lives, but the Advocate will come to us and comfort us. He will be our representative, our lawyer who pleads our case for us to be without sin, and He will help us.

People who know this fact won’t require help from other people. People who know this won’t keep trying to assert their own opinions on other people. People who know this won’t need to be comforted by listening to music, and they won’t need to comfort themselves by drinking alcohol, because the perfect and complete comforter is always with us.

The devil keeps pushing into us with our guilt, but the Holy Spirit, the Advocate within us is our Representative and declares us to be free of sin, and He also helps us as our helper. The ones who knew this in the Old Testament were all victorious.

1 John 2:1 says that Jesus Christ is our Advocate. It says, “We have One who speaks to the Father in our defense, Jesus Christ.” The One who speaks to the Father in our defense is the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, the Paraclete. He is Jesus Christ who speaks in our defense, the One who comforts and helps us.

So, Jesus Christ is our Advocate, but He is telling us He will send another advocate. It is not a different advocate, but it is another advocate. Jesus Christ is our Advocate, but He is sending us another Advocate, not a different one, but another one, and when He comes, He will be called the Spirit of Truth.

2) Holy Spirit

That means there are also spirits of lies, but this is the Spirit that tells the Truth and leads forth the Truth, and He is the Holy Spirit, and this Holy Spirit will come into our thoughts and minds, and He will comfort us and help us. David was able to enjoy this as well.

In the Old Testament, whom did the Holy Spirit come upon? God had to do His work, and He raised people to do His work. There are three things God does, He does the work of the prophets, the priests, and the kings. That’s why God raises those three positions, the prophets, priests, and kings, and anoints them with oil to do His work through them.
When David was a young boy, he was anointed as the future king and received the Holy Spirit. We, too, when we believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit comes upon us, and now the Lord is carrying out the work of the prophet, priest, and king through us. The Holy Spirit is there as the Spirit of Truth.

In Romans 8:15, it says He has also given us the Spirit of Sonship. Because of this, we are able to cry out, “Abba, Father,” meaning it is finished because our relationship with God is a parent-child relationship, and God is our Father. The child never has to do their own research and ask on their knees; the parents know what the child needs and will give it. If it’s not the parent, the child will have to be careful about what they say. They have to try to earn favor from their parents by obedience and cleaning their room, and that’s religion.

Many people who go to church live a religious life, “Lord, if I do this for You, will You do this for me?” However, for the people who have received the spirit of sonship, if they just say, “Father,” it’s finished. Even if we don’t say, “Father,” He’ll already know, but if we say it, everything is finished because He is already in our hearts and mind through the Spirit.

Many people who go to church live a religious life, “Lord, if I do this for You, will You do this for me?” However, for the people who have received the spirit of sonship, if they just say, “Father,” it’s finished.

He knows our circumstance. If you face something unfair, God already knows your unfair circumstance. He knows you but He is leading you in the way of Truth, and the Truth will set you free. The one who knows Jesus Christ receives freedom.

You might be struggling financially because of the pandemic, and even though we have financial difficulties, we still have spiritual freedom as the fact that you are within God’s Word. That is how Apostle Paul was able to confess that he is happy in all circumstances, whether in poverty or abundance, because it’s all irrelevant to him.

3) World

Because the Spirit of Truth is within our hearts and minds, guiding us in the Way of Truth, we have freedom in our mind and soul. But what about the unbelieving world? In John 14:17, it says the world does not receive this spirit. Why can the world not receive the Holy Spirit? Because they can neither see Him nor know Him.

Even though they saw Jesus Christ in the flesh, they did not receive Him as Messiah. They only saw Jesus as a young adult, the son of a carpenter. They did not see Him as the Messiah, so they had eyes just like us, but they saw differently. They faced the same problems we do, but they saw things differently. That means you need to have your eyes changed.

People who are good at making money can see the flow of money well, and even though we’re doing the same financial work, you need to be able to see the flow of money, but no matter how hard the world tries, they cannot see the Christ. Even if God showed Himself, they cannot see Him.

That is why in John 14:18, they are left as spiritual orphans. The Lord says He will not leave us as orphans. An orphan doesn’t have parents to help them. The Spirit of Truth has to come into us and help us, but because they can neither see Him nor accept Him, they must live as spiritual orphans.

That’s why they must ask for help from anyone they can. That is a spiritual orphan. They ask Buddha for help; they ask for help by doing transcendental meditation. Why do they do that? Because the Spirit of Truth has to come into us to help us, so they have no choice but to ask people around them like spiritual orphans.

The Triune God has to come into us in order for us to obey the Words of Truth. But because they do not have that, they have to ask for help from people, they have to worship idols and try different religions. Joseph went in as a slave in the Old Testament, but there wasn’t a moment he did idol worship because the Lord God was with him. If anything, the whole household of Potiphar was blessed because of Joseph, and the center of the universe was inside of Joseph.

Nonbelievers reject this because they cannot see this. If this church becomes the new White House, all the politicians must gather here. If they say, “This building is a little worn down to be the White House,” then people will come here to fix it immediately. If they say, “The elevator is broken; is this really going to work out?” They will fix it on their own. “There’s no banner out in front,” so the people in the White House would change the law so there would be a banner out in front. All the power is deployed because the strongest person in America is in this building.

Do you know who we are? The Triune God who controls and created everything in the universe is within our hearts and minds, controlling us and guiding us. You shouldn’t look at yourself physically, but the Triune God is with me. This is the headquarters, and that is why you’re the main character of history and this age. Nonbelievers look at you and say you’re crazy, but they’re the crazy ones because they only look at the physical things they see with their eyes. That’s why they cannot realize Jesus Christ, the Bible, or the Holy Spirit.

Even though we have never seen Jesus Christ physically, we still see Him. Even though we’ve never seen the situation of the cross with our eyes, we believe as if we have. Even though we have never seen the Triune God with our eyes, we believe He is with us as the Temple and guiding us as the headquarters.

If there is a war, there is always a war headquarters, and everything comes from that headquarters. In America, everything comes from the White House, but in this land, everything is centered on God, that means God is doing His work through the individual, family, and region that has the Triune God, the Spirit of Truth, and the Holy Advocate.

On the other hand, nonbelievers as in John 8:44 have a father, but their father is the spirit of lies. The spirit of lies tell them, “If you eat from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, then you will be like God, knowing right and wrong.” Of course, we should know what is good and evil, of course we should know morals and ethics, but Satan uses those things to take God’s Word away from us.

“Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” but Satan takes those words away from us by telling us, “If you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will be wise, knowing good and evil.” Satan is telling you, “You must eat from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil so you can decide what is right or wrong.”

But God told you not to eat it, that’s it, it’s finished. Because God is living inside of you, He will guide you in the direction of what is right instead of what is wrong, but we’re easily deceived by Satan. We argue about what’s right or wrong, and we lose hold of God’s Word because we’re thinking about what’s a benefit or disadvantage to us. That’s how Satan was a murderer from the beginning, a spiritual murderer.

It is true that we kill each other physically, but we also kill each other spiritually because the thoughts governed by the flesh are death. Satan gives us spiritual death so He can control our mind with physical thoughts.

Romans 8:15 says we have not received a spirit of fear and slavery. Nonbelievers are always afraid. Whether they have money or not, they are afraid. Whether their environment is good or bad, they’re afraid because they have received a spirit of slavery, and they live like that for all eternity, so that’s why they’re afraid. They’re not afraid because of the coronavirus pandemic; they were always afraid, and now they’re even more afraid. Why? Because the spirit they have themselves is a spirit of slavery. Ephesians 2:2 says there is a spirit, the ruler of the kingdom of the air, controlling those who are disobedient.

“Spirit” means invisible, and humans have spirits. There are only two choices for us, are we going to receive the Holy Spirit or evil spirits? Many people in America say they want neither, just like people who say, “I don’t like Biden or Trump, so I’m not going to vote.” Physically, that might be an option, but spiritually, you have no choice; you must have one or the other.

Even if I say that, the kids of America won’t believe that because they’ve been educated to do whatever they feel like doing. “In my thought, there is a middle ground,” that means you’re already seized. Your spirit only has two options. Are you going to follow the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, or will you follow the spirit of lies? If you follow the spirit of lies, your life will be deceived; that’s what we call sin, and that’s what causes curses and disasters in our lives.

3. With the Holy Spirit

What happens to those who believe in Jesus Christ?

1) Those Who Believe in Jesus Christ

In John 14:20, Jesus says, “On that day, you will realize that I am in the Father, and I am in you, and you are in Me.” That means we’ll have a relationship where we’re unified with the Holy Triune God. God is within me, Jesus is within God, and Jesus is within me.

Then in John 14:23 it says, “My Father will love him and come to him and make Our home with him.” It means He will make His home with us, that the Triune God will come and live within us. On Thanksgiving Day, of course we must be thankful for the physical things we’ve received as well, but wealthy people have everything and they’re not even thankful. We shouldn’t be thankful if we’ve received or lost something; we need to be thankful that the Triune God is within us. Romans 5:5 says that the Holy Spirit of God pours out the love of God into our hearts.

2) Holy Spirit

We didn’t love God to begin with, but 1 Corinthians 12:3 says that we cannot confess that Jesus is Lord unless it is by the Holy Spirit. That means God loved us first; God Himself is love and demonstrated His love by crucifying His Son Jesus Christ on the cross, and there’s no way for us to know that love unless the Holy Spirit gives it to us first.

Then we’re able to love the cross of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit comes within us and allows us to obey the commandments of God. Do you have this or that problem? God guides you with His Word, and it doesn’t matter what happens because God is guiding you with His Word.

We put our love in something else, so we’re interested in something else. Because our love isn’t going towards Jesus Christ and we only love ourselves, we only think about what will benefit us, but if you love God, you will naturally follow and keep His commands.

Because our love isn’t going towards Jesus Christ and we only love ourselves, we only think about what will benefit us, but if you love God, you will naturally follow and keep His commands.

As evidence that you love America, you obey American laws, isn’t that right? Who loves America? Do Americans, Europeans or Africans love America? You’ll be able to tell by whether they keep the laws or not. If you love the Lord, you will obey His commands, and the Truth will set you free.

Within the Word of God, there is freedom. A problem isn’t a problem, but if you’re within the Word of God, you still have freedom. You’re able to have freedom even if you face the pandemic. The people who don’t believe in Jesus Christ cannot know or understand these words.

You should be okay if you’re lacking, even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, why? Because the Lord is with me, moving me according to His will. He guides me for His name’s sake along paths of righteousness. If you love God, you will remain within His Word. If you love God, you will put His Word into your heart.

If you love someone, you put their words in their heart. If two people love each other, they promise to marry each other and get married, but if they do not love each other, they don’t keep that promise. How do you keep a promise if you don’t love the other person? The method for us to obey God’s commandments is to love God.

There are many people in the Old Testament who loved God in this way. How were they victorious no matter what situation they were in? These were the people who walked with God, and if you walk with God, that is Truth, and if you walk with God, you will see new works arise. Even though he went into a slave, Joseph was the most victorious person. David was the greatest of all kings. Daniel was the one who helped four kings govern as a governor. Daniel was the greatest politician who was able to govern and help four different kings, and the only condition was that these were the people who walked with God, with the Spirit of God.

It says in the Bible that Noah walked with God. Everyone else in that age did not follow God. They lived their lives according to whatever they saw with their eyes. If they saw a beautiful woman, they would marry her. If they saw another beautiful woman, they would marry her. Marriage isn’t bad, but they did not walk with God.

Why did Solomon confess that everything in this world is in vain? Because only God is Truth; everything else is in vain. Any life that the Triune God does not give us and relay His Word through us is a life lived in vain. The one who walks with God receives the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you receive the guidance of evil spirits.

How does the evil spirit guide us? Galatians 5:16-18 says that the evil spirits guide us with the desires of our hearts. So, evil spirits guide us with the desires of our flesh and greed. If something is a disadvantage to us, we won’t do it, and even though a path may be the path of death, if it is advantageous to me, I will walk it. That is the work of the evil spirit, the spirit of lies, but we’ve received the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

If you receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it says in Galatians 5 what will happen. Even those who are hasty and impatient will be patient and have abundance and self-control, but what of the person who follows their flesh? Galatians 5:18-21 shows what the fruits are. You’re always mad, you cannot hold in your wrath. You’re not angry because there’s something to be angry about, but you’re following the spirit of anger within you. You understand you shouldn’t be drunk all the time, but you have no choice but to be drunk because you’re filled with that spirit of lies.

Dissentions and factions, everywhere you go, you fight and make trouble, and that’s what happens when you follow the desire of your flesh. If you don’t get whatever you want, you get angry. If things don’t go according to the way you want, you start fighting with people, because you’re following the desires of your flesh.

The only way to fix that is to be led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes into our heart and thoughts and allows us to follow God’s Word. Galatians 5:22 says what the fruit of the spirit are. These things don’t belong to us, but we change to become like this when we’re led by the Spirit. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve gotten a lot of material things or not, because anyone can get them through a little effort, but Satan works through your impatience and hastiness, but one day, you’ll realize it’s gone.

Peace. Everywhere you go, you have peace even though that’s not how you used to be. You’re able to have patience and forbearance. People who kill others are unable to endure. You know people who have a very short temper, right? It’s not just because they have a bad personality, but as they continue to follow their fleshly desires, they have no patience, and because we are filled with anger, Ephesians 4:24 says that Satan goes into us through our anger.

Everywhere you go, you have peace even though that’s not how you used to be.

We need to be led by the Holy Spirit, He within us through His Word. That is why in John 4, Jesus Christ says He will come to us when we worship. In that time, their worship was still going to the Temple in Jerusalem and killing lambs and cows. The Samaritan woman couldn’t go to the Temple of Jerusalem, so where was she supposed to worship? He says, “Worship in spirit and in truth,” do you know what that means? It means we don’t have to kill sheep anymore, but it is a time when we can give worship to God in spirit and in truth. Then when we go out into the world, we have a living worship.

Romans 12:1-2 says for us to give a living sacrifice, meaning we are with God through the Word through the Holy Spirit. That is where God’s Kingdom is established. If you’re going to work, that is correct words, but those are the words of an unbeliever. You are going to work to worship, and God’s Kingdom is established there. Because you’ve established God’s Kingdom in your workplace, all the discord and fighting will go away. That’s what everyone in the Old Testament did.

How was Joseph able to completely overturn Egypt? All he did was give worship. Yes, you gather on Sundays to give worship, but you must worship every day. When you think about worship, you think of some kind of ritual like a religious person, but if you remain within the spirit of God, invisible to your eyes, and the Spirit of Truth and you hold onto the Word of God, then worship in the Spirit of God is established, and because the Kingdom of God is established where you are, the forces of darkness are broken.

That is how through one person, Joseph giving worship, all the curses and disasters of Potiphar’s household were broken and the 10 curses and disasters were broken. We are people like that. If you’re going to go to work to make money, that’s the work of unbelievers. It’s the correct words, but it’s wrong; if you’re going to work or study to be successful and make a lot of money, it’s wrong. You need to have worship there that establishes God’s Kingdom.

I’m not telling you to open your Bible and sing praises where you work and study, but it’s the Spirit of Truth. You worship with the Word of God and the Spirit of Truth. Daniel was able to worship where he was in Babylon, and even though people try to be a proconsul for one person, Daniel was raised as the proconsul for four kings.

Therefore, we have been called out of the desires and greed of our flesh by following the Spirit of Truth, and we are called as one to worship in spirit and in truth. Even when you go back to your families, worship. When I say “worship,” you just think about gathering, singing praises, but that’s not what I mean.

For people like Daniel, how could he worship if he didn’t have a temple? In the time of Exodus, they gave worship in their tents, and give worship with the Word of God, but today we give worship with the Word of God and the Spirit of Truth, so on Sunday, if we receive the Word of God through the grace and the filling of the Holy Spirit of Truth, then we take that worship into our fields. For the ones who do that, God will move that person’s work and their school.

We receive the Word of God through the grace and the filling of the Holy Spirit of Truth, then we take that worship into our fields, and God will move our workplaces and our schools.

Do you think the diseases of America and drug addictions will be healed? Do you think anyone in the world was born thinking, “I want to be a drug addict when I grow up?” They have no choice but to live that way because they have not received the spirit of Truth.

Do you think that if someone becomes a world renowned doctor, would they be able to do it? Would they be able to heal the diseases of the heart? We can only become a true human being when the Spirit of the True God begins to work, and if this is the case, it doesn’t matter what state your children are in; it doesn’t matter if the world is rotten to the core, because if the spirit of God comes upon you, God will work, and the Spirit of God is within us. That is why we live a life of worshiping in Spirit and in Truth.

A life of worship. I’m not talking about lighting a candle and playing a piano; I’m not saying to remember they hymns. Live a life where we can worship God with the Spirit of Truth within us and the Word of God, and everywhere you go, the Kingdom of God is established, and everywhere the headquarters moves, everyone has to follow. That is why we are the main figures of this age.

We are unique in this age of America and in this world because we are receiving the guidance of the Triune God. Unbelievers don’t believe that; they only believe if someone has great power, because they’re following their greed and the desires of their flesh, but God is even now controlling whether someone dies or lives, whether someone is born or dies, and God is the One who extends or shortens the pandemic. That Triune God is living within us, fulfilling His work through us.

3) Working of the Holy Spirit

Therefore, we are the ones who save the world, not the ones who follow the world, and that’s why in Acts 1:8, He promises that when the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we will be witnesses of the Word until the ends of the earth, witnesses of the fact that God is with me; witnesses of healing.

If you have strength, everything follows you. If God is within you, showing you the future, don’t you think that is a great strength? The Holy Spirit isn’t some kind of energy or qi; the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and has a personality. He is living within our thoughts and heart, giving us the relationship with God, and if we face a problem or circumstance, God gives us the wisdom to guide us through it.


1. Love Jesus through the Holy Spirit

Even now, during the pandemic, God is doing His work. People who follow the greed of their flesh think God doesn’t exist, but the people who believe in the Triune God see how God is working, and you have no idea how thankful I am. After the pandemic came, I started working out a lot.

You guys don’t know my family line, but after my dad was over 50 years old, he was bedridden, always lying down. My uncle is always lying down. What do you think would happen to me? It means I’ve changed that spiritual flow. Now that I believe in Jesus Christ, more and more those diseases are going away, and God is making me exercise more. This is the characteristic of our family, we drink and sleep a lot. God is Spirit and is within me, guiding me and helping me so that I can keep doing this.

Some families are always impoverished. It’s not that poverty just came to you, but you’re in a state where poverty comes, no matter how much you struggle or try. For my family, no matter how much we try to avoid it, when we become 50, we drink alcohol and sleep all day. How do we overcome that? I’m only able to overcome because the Holy Spirit of God is within me, leading me in the direction of Truth.

That characteristic of the family won’t go away even if you have two doctors. Those characteristics won’t go away if you go to church diligently. Only when the Holy Spirit of Truth controls our hearts and minds will we change. When you gain spiritual strength, everything else will follow you. You’ll see your future.

In the spiritual world, there is no past, present or future. You think about the past, present, and future because you’re living a physical life, but there’s nothing like that. If you go into the spiritual world, you’re able to see the past, present, and future all at once. God has already prepared everything until the day we go to heaven.

2. Follow the Word

If you have that strength, you become a witness, and when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, the characteristic is that the Word of God comes upon you. That is the work of evangelism and missions. You talk about the Bible a lot, but the characteristic is that the Word must be fulfilled. You talk about tongues and all these different things, but the characteristic of the Holy Spirit coming upon you is that you will be able to keep and relay God’s commandments.

3. Figure of Evangelism, Missions Who Relays the Word

That’s what He says in John 21, “He will be loved by My Father and I, too, will love them and show Myself to them.” It means that the word of the Truth of God will come upon us. Instead of thinking your own thoughts, if you are led by the Spirit of God, you will relay the Word of God. The Word of God will be kept in our hearts and minds and we will relay those words. That is how God’s Kingdom is established with the Word of God. It is a heaven where you still have a physical body.

That’s how Paul was happy in all circumstances. It didn’t matter, he was happy in prison or whether he was starving or eating well because heaven was inside of him, and that’s why the inner person will be developed every day. Even the exterior changes as well.

I used to have a very cold stare. When I looked at my old pictures, I thought I could kill people with my stare. My stare was like laser beams, and all the pictures I took in my past were of me hungover after a night of drinking. If I held a grudge against one person, I would hate them for the rest of my life. It doesn’t matter if someone becomes the president or not; I would even fight with police officers and tell them to shape up, why were they acting that way.

If you’re seized, there is no up or down; you’re the only one who’s right, correct, and the truth. That’s how a person becomes, but when God came upon me, I changed. God is making my life into a masterpiece as He fulfills His kingdom. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

As you receive that Kingdom of God, little by little, we change. Even if you don’t try to change something, you’ll change and that is the type of person God has called us to be. God has promised to be with us forever.


May you enjoy this blessing throughout the week wherever you go and establish the Kingdom of God. Let us hold onto the Word we received and pray together. The Triune God is within us and will fulfill His work through us, and I believe that when we pray, the Holy Spirit works. Let us pray.


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