World Missions: See and Relay the Spiritual State (Matt. 28:16-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

World Missions: See and Relay the Spiritual State (Matt. 28:16-20)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

20220715 Friday Night Message

Scripture:  Matthew 28:16-20

The Word at the end of Matthew is still being fulfilled right now.  This Word must be aligned with my life. This is what it means for us to be aligned with God.  If this doesn’t fit with me, then I’m not fitting with God, and no matter what you do, it will amount to nothing. No matter how much you build your Tower of Babel, your success will mean nothing.  Even if you study diligently for 20 years, it will become nothing.  The words He gave after His resurrection are still being fulfilled right now, and the church is being guided along with these words.

When the church is receiving answers but you as an individual are not, it means your life is not aligned with these words.  Then, why is it that people are unable to hold onto these words? It’s because something else has entered into them first, and that moves them. What is that? The “me” from Genesis 3.  What did I learn? I learned the things of the physical world and my success, that I could have everything, this moves us. Because people come into the church holding onto these things, even though they receive the Word, it doesn’t fit with them.  When do you receive answers of good works? It is only when you match with this Word, when the Holy Spirit is with you, guiding you. I hope everyone here has the blessing of being moved by the Holy Spirit, even as the church is being moved.

The missions opening up for us right now is a work that God is doing.  When we began this church, we held onto this mission of multiethnic people and the future generation, and you see it even as you come upstairs.  It is not the future generations and multiethnic, but it is the multiethnic people and the future generations.  It seems like the same thing, but the important thing is, where is our focus?  God guides us accurately towards that direction with the Word God gave us.

The doors of evangelism opened to El Salvador because of the works that happened with the Hollywood team, going out to evangelize, bringing them in on Friday, and making food for them. Even before Coronavirus started, the Senior Deaconesses made food for them and this is the work God will remember. When you go to heaven, this is your reward.  In the moment, it seems like just a service to serve the multiethnics and the future generations, but that led to missions to El Salvador.

The reason why I wanted the entire church to go into fasting prayer because, ever since I heard about going to El Salvador, other pastors were telling us how nobody went there, so I realized nobody was praying for El Salvador, so I wanted the entire church to gather together. I tried to communicate this during Early Morning prayer, and then that didn’t work.  I don’t know if other remnants participated in fasting prayer, but my daughter did it.  I told her, “It’s very dangerous,” so it’s the first time she did this. 

He never used to hug me before, but she hugged me before I went to El Salvador. She used to think it was disgusting to hug me, but she thought, “What if I die in El Salvador?” so she gave me a hug. I told her, “You need to pray.”  Praying for fellow church members is actually a prayer for yourself.  Why? Because if you do what pleases God, even as you pray for missions, your answers will arise in your field.  After we’re done with missions, I took a taxi to LA, and the taxi driver was a female Korean woman, and we began talking because I wanted to share the gospel with her.  It turns out she lived in Canada for 12 years and came to LA for a month, and she was looking for a church.  If you want to talk in more extremely, she wanted to find a Bible study, but she couldn’t find any.  She wanted to come to church, “What time shall I come tomorrow? 2pm or 3pm?” I told her, “2 or 2:30 will be good.”  So she’ll be here at 2.  She said she’ll give me a call at 2pm when she arrives.

Why is it that I share this with you?  If you pour your prayer and your entire life into the prayer that God desires, God is going to do all the work.  For those who did overnight prayer and prayed for missions, even though others received blessings, I’m sure you will receive the most blessings.  Why? Because you prayed about missions, but God doesn’t just look at that. God looks at the entirety. Just like the young adult we met in the taxi, because if we didn’t go there, I wouldn’t have been able to give the gospel to her. God knows all this.  

If you’re praying for the missions field, God knows your situation right now, so if you’re within the place God desires for you, God will do the work so you have to quickly come out of “me-centeredness.”  What does it mean to follow after the pulpit message?  We’re not talking about the specific word, “It was proclaimed like this so we must do this,” but there is a word God is doing through the church and I have to go into that work through the church.  If I’m not going into the work God is doing in the church, then the church is irrelevant to me. It would be okay like that, but you’d never receive answers, why? Because you’re tied up by “me” and you’ll never be able to escape.  “My field, my child,” these are important, but you never pray for the missions field so you will never receive answers. That’s what it means to be seized by the “me” of Gen. 3.

But God holds onto my life and moves my field, then God does the work according to God’s time schedule.  God gave us that prayer topic. I went to El Salvador, and the president was recently changed, so 300 gang members were imprisoned.  I went to the World Missions Convention in May, and other pastors told me how dangerous El Salvador was.  The people who came to Early Morning prayer continuously prayed for this, and according to what we do, God is working.  Ultimately in El Salvador, when one gang member is imprisoned, it’s not just one gang member, but the entire family is imprisoned for six months, and if they had no children, they would be released, why? Because they were trying to dry up their seed. The region we went to was not really dangerous, so it was all because of your prayers.  Even people in Korea were praying.  

The first region we visited was not where we stayed, it was close to the female pastor and our hotel.  Even though it was a church, it seems the area was dominated by Catholicism.  They were coming out with white robes, and even the baptismal clothes were all white.  I gave the pastor this word, and she asked about evangelism.  As a pastor, that’s the biggest Achilles’ heel, but she kind of listened, kind of not listened, even though the congregation members were listening.  After we were done with the message, we went to evangelize, and she went next door. 

We went to El Salvador on Monday but we met a woman next door whose daughter passed away last Friday, and the daughter’s ashes had been spread throughout the town.  She had been murdered and her body was discovered on Friday, so this woman was in the midst of a lot of grief.  I tried to proclaim the gospel to her, but she wouldn’t listen and kept grieving.  It seems like the situation was, this woman had a son and had some money, but the wife urged him to kick his sister and mother out of the home, so they could have a better home, and then all of this occurred.  She would keep saying, “My son was a good Catholic, he’s a good person.” 

I asked her, “Do you know what it means to be good and kind? If you do not know Christ, then you are wicked.  Knowing Jesus Christ and proclaiming Him is the good work. When you look at your son, you may consider him to be a kind person, but God sees him as wicked. Do you know why something like this happened to your daughter? No one in your family is good or kind.”  I proclaimed the gospel this way and she of course received. Her face completely changed, and she started smiling.  This is what the pastor saw and the pastor was shocked. 

Elvia, to whom we had continuously given the Word, saw this, too.  She was able to see that, even before, she thought evangelism was so difficult, but she saw this pastor do it so easily. Even the door to the pastor’s heart was opened.  Before, she had been of the mindset, “Christians don’t evangelize, but that’s something Jehovah’s Witnesses do.”  I told the pastor, “Continuously nurture them so they can always do this. Continuously go through the Way of Salvation through the bulletin, then once a week, come to Sunday for worship.”

There were torrential rains that came and we couldn’t move, so I called the pastor at this time and explained the content.  I gave her the reason why she must raise this person. I left after that ministry was done.  We did this in the evening.  On the second day, we went to the lake where the women would be able to be baptized, and the women packed lunch for us. When I looked at these people, I realized they were so charitable, they have so many formalities like wearing white coverings that nuns wear, and feeding people as their way of service.  We finished the baptism and came back around 3pm and had camp. 

Everything was so long, their prayers were so long, they’re very different than us.  I was giving the message but in the corner, I saw a young adult who was very excited about the Word, so I realized, “There are disciples here to be found.”  I asked the pastor, “is there anyone here who would like to continue this evangelism training?” She said she would tell me later.  I went back to the hotel to have forum, and I realized the girl in the corner of the room actually knew the women we had evangelized to on the first day.  This woman had told her friend who seemed to be of Spanish descent, because she was kind of fairer skinned, but she was an engineer and a public official who came from someplace 1.5 hours away. 

When I went to El Salvador, I went to the woman pastor because I thought there would be many connections to her, however, rather than this pastor, because of the program we had at this church, without that program, this woman would not have come 1.5 hours. But through this program, we found someone to continue this gospel movement. 

After the message was finished, I saw in front of the swimming pool that this person spoke with Senior Deaconess Song and Elvia, and she seemed oppressed.  This person was oppressed because the woman received baptism who wasn’t her child, but it was a child of a schizophrenic woman, and the woman kept saying, “Kick this person out.” At first, this woman and the girl got along, and the moment they started to not get along was when the mother’s youngest daughter brought back a man 20 years younger, and he practiced sorcery.  The younger sister would go to the mother, “Please kick out the other girl living with us,” but because of that, she kept disturbing everything, including the worship.  At first it seems like it’s the mother’s problem, but the daughter married to a sorcerer is causing the problem.

So, I shared with her the word from Acts 13 where Paul drove out the demon from the sorcerer, Elymas. “You cannot think of her as your mom, but because you think of her as your mom, you’re oppressed as her child.  Unseen to the eyes, Satan is using this sorcerer to reach you through your mom, and if you’re not able to see that, you cannot worship or overcome.” She received the word so well but she was unable to see the spiritual things, so she couldn’t interpret her reality.   The woman was Elvia. Elvia was receiving the Word every day but it was the time schedule for her eyes to be opened.  We finished the Word there and went to another region for ministry.

This new region was no joke.  I went to this region and saw big amazing houses and all of them belonged to sorcerers because people would go to them to receive healing.  This was a region where people became demon-possessed to go around healing people. They would make medicinal concoctions and sell them. The entrance to the entire town was like this, so we went to her house and the house next door was where her little sister and the sorcerer husband lived.  Not just that, but behind the house was an active volcano. 

She told us about this cave in the side of the volcano where famous people would go become demon-possessed.  People who were having difficulty getting pregnant would get impregnated there.  Such works would happen. But whenever women came to the cave for healing, they would come down and die in a traffic accident.  We met with Elvia’s mother. Elvia is the main figure, but we needed to overturn the mother, so we ministered to her for 30-40 minutes.  I asked her mother, “What do you think about this very famous demon-possessed person, healing people?” “I think it’s a good thing.”  I asked her, “Do you really think that?” “Well, he’s healing people, so isn’t that a good thing?” Which means ultimately, her son-in-law is also a sorcerer and she’d think that’s a good thing.

So I began to tell her, “You cannot heal people with human powers.  When doctors do the work of healing, they are educated with the skills to do it. These people are uneducated so they receive a spirit of possession to receive power from some other place.” I shared about my experiences of what happens when you try to block the gospel. “If you disrupt the gospel, you will die.” This was not a threat but this happened to me. “Yes, Elvia is your daughter, but if you think of her as your daughter, it will be bad for you. God is trying to do something through your daughter, so if you disturb that, you’ll be in trouble. God says He will curse those who curse the people doing God’s work.” 

She actually didn’t know about God or Satan, but she persecuted her daughter based on the religious influences she received through her husband, and her face became serious and her legs began to shake.  The retreat started again at 3pm, and the praise went a long time again, so I asked, “What kind of word shall I relay?” I ended up relaying Acts 13.  “Do you know what kind of spiritual environment you live in right now?” because a church was raised by her father, so all the children learned the Word, and earlier, there were a lot of pastors who would come, but they all left.  But when I came to this field, I knew why they left.

The pastors who studied theology without knowing the spiritual ministry could not withstand or endure it here, they were continuously oppressed by demons, so I gave this message during the sermon.  I told them, “Through one person who knows this spiritual mystery, God wants to bless the entire region. When you continuously hold onto God, God will work through that one person to overcome the entire region.”  I actually really wanted to visit this cave, but every time we finished, it was past 5pm.  Anyone spiritually weak would go and return back strange.  I wanted to go; I’ll go next time. 

So, Christ cannot be revealed in this field because they don’t know the spiritual mystery. If they knew Christ, they would know Satan and curses and hell, but because they don’t, they can’t overcome the region.  Pastors would come with a theological background and were not able to endure it.  To know the mystery of Christ means you know the mystery of the field.  If you don’t know the problems of the field, you only know Christ as a theory. It may be possible for children to start out like this, but if you’re an adult, you’ll only know this as a theory. If such a person goes into the field, they will be oppressed.

I was preparing another message and thought of a deacon who used to be conducting the choir at church, and he had an ailing mother at USC. The deacon’s mother was sick, she was about 95 years old, but the deacon never saw her; it was only me and Elder Choi who met her.  The deacon stopped us in the parking lot, “Pastor, my mother has never met with an evangelist and she’ll never accept. She’s a Buddhist and she’s very sure of her Buddhist ways.  Her first son went to war, but because of her prayers, her first son came home safe.”  Looking at this strong-minded deacon, he couldn’t overcome his mother.

I said, “It’s okay.”  I commanded the demon working in this woman, because the demon knows and I know, this old woman has no relevance to me, but if you don’t know the spiritual mystery, you will only see the old woman, and you’ll think about methods, “What should I say or do to convince her?” But even as she thrashes around, that’s the working of demons. I spoke to the demons in the midst of walking, commanding, “in the name of Jesus Christ, depart from this woman.”  The demon knows that. I had never seen that woman and she had never seen me, we had never met, but we continuously prayed this prayer to bind the forces of darkness. 

I went to shake her hand and she was very obedient, “Something like this has never happened.”  She received the gospel so well, and the deacon said, “This has never happened before.” I’m sure God sent me according to His time schedule.  This deacon actually asked me to baptize his mother, so I went with Assistant Pastor Bae, and she had such a strong heart for her, crying and changing her diapers.  We baptized the old woman, took a picture, and sent it to the deacon.  A few weeks before going to Korea, I met him at an auto body shop.  “Thank you so much,” he said. “If you’re so thankful, why don’t you come to church?”

He knows this truth. What am I trying to say? Did I receive a doctorate in theology?  No.  Am I speaking so kindly with words I received from a book to communicate with other people?  No, because you cannot overcome the forces of darkness with those things.  What is America like?  America is doing the same thing but more demurely. The packaging is different, but America is doing the same thing spiritually.  Because the churches do not realize this, they are victims of gun violence. 

A few weeks ago, there was another incident in Chicago.  To that person, if the gospel of Jesus Christ had been proclaimed just once, he would not have gone to the point of pulling the trigger.  Even though he might have still been oppressed and seized, it would never have reached the point of disaster.  There was actually a student we started to meet who killed a lot of students at his school.  His parents blocked us from meeting him further. If the gospel of Jesus Christ had been proclaimed to him a little bit, he would never have reached the point of pulling the trigger.  Virginia Tech.

So, this disaster is a disaster that might not come to you, but your children live in this reality, so you must tell them about proclaiming the gospel to their friends.  If anything, make your mark in the schools nearby where you do the evangelism camps.  You’re going to be able to see who the troublemakers are, because the problems are visible. If you give them the gospel, they won’t reach the point of pulling the trigger.  To know the spiritual mystery means you know what Christ means. It is the Christ Who overcame Satan’s authority. Satan flees in the name of Jesus Christ.  If you do not know the mystery of Christ but keep talking about Jesus, who knows? The demons know.  There are a lot of churches, seminaries, and professors, but they cannot block the disasters in the field.

The daughter of the woman we evangelized to was kidnapped and murdered by gang members, then discarded in the town. I tell my daughter, “You must pray for your school. The teachers do not pray, so you must pray. When you hold onto the name of Jesus Christ and pray, the forces of darkness will flee.  There are many strange kids, even girls engage in fistfights.” She brought a video of this and I told her, “Don’t engage in this.” If there was one teacher doing this, I wouldn’t worry, but none of them are praying.

People say, “How could a child know such things?” Do you have to know about a disaster coming?  It comes regardless. God’s will is for believers to hold onto this and proclaim it in the field.  God does whatever he wants.  We didn’t tell them to study but he just does it.  If you lose hold of the really important things and focus on unimportant things, it’s like unbelievers.  What is she learning from me? “My dad is going into a dangerous region to do missions,” and later on, she’ll do the same because that’s what she’s learning. Why? She’s not my daughter; she’s my field.  Whatever you plant will bear fruit. You reap what you sow into your children.

So, you can’t just keep giving them legalism, because then they will leave.  Assistant Pastor Lim would say, “I failed with Hannah,” but I tell her, “It’s not failure; see the remnants until the end. The process may have been incorrect.” She said, “Instead of the gospel, I gave more legalism.” But I said,  “Just watch. It’s common for college-age people to leave, and that’s how scary legalism is. At first, it seems the kids obey and follow but later on, they leave. You have to give them the gospel.” 

Other people let them do whatever they want, but you have to teach them about the filling of the Holy Spirit, because if you tell them to do whatever they want, they will become powerless. The Bible talks about the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t say you can do whatever you want.  So, if you think that trusting in the gospel means you don’t have any say and you let them do whatever they want, they’re not holding onto the gospel but they’ll fall into powerlessness. You’ve planted this into them and the fruit of powerlessness will bear.

If you plant legalism, the children become oppressed, receive mental problems and leave.  Legalism means kids follow at first, but spiritually they are oppressed.  Because I did a lot of ministry, the common thing I see is that this happens a lot with elites.  Because, instead of the gospel, they were taught to set a goal and to work towards that goal instead of the gospel. They tend to hold onto that.  But ultimately when they come to the proper age, they fall away and leave. They leave behind their legalism. Even though it’s not the gospel, they enjoy their freedom more.  However, they will come back to the gospel eventually, and that’s why the gospel movement is something God does.  God knows every corner of our lives and is changing us.  But what happens if they don’t know? They will continue in this state. 

God’s answer is to allow them to know. We came to this point as we talked about spiritual things.  For you to know what Christ means, it means you know what the problems of the field are, so you enjoy and proclaim Christ. When you do this, you will see this is exactly the field. You will see the problems of America are the same as the problems in El Salvador. It just seems like the outside packaging is different, but the things within are exactly the same.  Children who come to pull the trigger are unseen, but you must be able to see this. Who knows? The parents and friends know.  The adults cannot do this work, so it’s important for the remnants to recognize this.

The remnants may not be able to do anything else, so they just bring these kids into our Upper Room movement.  There was a girl named Jordania who comes on Sundays, but she was actually my daughter’s friend.  We invited her when it was Fanny’s birthday, why? We used that excuse of a festival to proclaim the gospel to her, and at that time, we said, “Why don’t you draw what afflicts you?” She’s good at drawing, even now, and she drew a demon next to her bed.

Do you think she told her parents? She didn’t tell anyone.  But I gave her the gospel and she accepted, so she cannot leave the gospel.  During COVID, my wife would continuously do ministry with her on the phone, but over time, now she’s coming to church on Saturday and Sunday.  Even the Hispanic couple coming to church right now, they have four kids and the daughter has a strange facial expression.  “Do you see or hear something?” She said yes.  The children never tell the parents about these things, otherwise the parents would ask about it, but why? The husband was imprisoned for 10 years and received grace and went to church without knowing spiritual things.

She accepted Christ, so her facial expression completely changed. This isn’t a difficult thing, but why is it difficult?  Because if you do not know why Christ is the Christ, then we don’t know the problems in the field.  Realistically, people are being afflicted by these problems because they don’t know the spiritual things. If you see it, it’s simple.  Even Joel’s (Navajo) mom was sick, and I said, “Your mom isn’t the issue. The problem is that your state has left God.  This also applies to you and me.  Your family problems seem to be family problems, but it’s actually your correct words, “My family has this problem, my church has this problem,” but what kind of problem does the speaker have?  That person who speaks such words are in a spiritual state separated from God.  Their spiritual state, their spiritual problem, their fundamental state has been resolved, but they fall back into that state.

I tell the remnants, “Your mom may have schizophrenia but it’s not a problem. You may believe in God when you see God, but you don’t believe when you see your mom, so pray for your mom. Whether your mom lives or dies is within God’s hands, so believe in God.”  Even Elvia in her region says her mom tells her to leave, so I say, “Just leave.” Do you think you could speak these words? Only those who receive these answers can.  If you think with your head, what would happen to her if she left the region? People are unable to speak these words to them, so they’re unable to save the person. But those who receive this answer can leave. 

Absolutely, God is guiding you.  When I say “absolutely God is guiding you,” the girl felt the spiritual state.  Of the seven spiritual blessings of the child of God, the second is the blessing of the Holy Spirit.  “The Holy Spirit will guide you,” and she knows and the demon knows she really received this answer.  Later on, when we were sharing forum, the female pastor said, “You can come over any time.”  I told her these words without knowing what the female pastor had said, but I wrote Psalm 23:1-6, because the blessing of a believer aren’t to be memorized, but when someone is able to receive the answer and believes, it’s more  than knowing it but going out into the field, being able to see it.

I told Senior Deaconess Song, “Continue to do the Way of Salvation.  Don’t assume the person knows what it is. Emphasize different parts until they can really see the six states of the unbeliever in the field.  It’s not just about knowing it.  Really knowing it means that you see John 8:44 is a reality in the field, that Satan is holding onto them, and you must absolutely see the person is worshiping idols even though you don’t see it with your eyes.  People are only going to talk about the good things happening, ‘my child this, my success that,’ but you must be able to see this to evangelize.  If you cannot see that, then you’re only seeing the good things, and you don’t see Jesus Christ as the answer to everything, and you’ll be oppressed.  You have to continuously give them the way of salvation until they see with their spiritual eyes, and do not make it complex.”

After all this work was finished, this woman and Elvia accompanied us to the airport early in the morning.  We had continuously met Elvia online but this was the first time we met face to face.  I wanted to give a lot of offering but I didn’t have a lot, so I just gave a little bit. They’re doing the gospel movement, so I wanted to give more.  There’s a work God is going to continue to do in El Salvador through our church.

In two weeks, we have the Karen mission camp remaining.  Because the remnants have been trained up now, we give them the responsibilities.  For that purpose, you have to keep raising the remnants, and the business people have to be supporting them with their business.  The Mongolian regional church started meeting on Saturday at 5pm because that is their Sunday. All of these things started happening because of COVID. If we do not receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit and we go forwards with our diligence, we cannot see this. 

For two years, it seemed nothing was happening but God opened the doors. All we did was worship. We never went to camp or anything but we kept giving worship, so this is the work God is doing.  From now on, God is going to raise the workers and at the same time, open the doors to the 5000 tribes.  In Korea I posted the pictures and they were moved because they knew the meaning of baptism.  Those who receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit here also received it in Korea.  Because when I went to Korea, they told me, “Whenever you have a ministry, post it on Kakao, we have a group that will pray for you,” and a pastor who was in charge of missions said, “Put it on Kakao,” so that’s why I sent it.

But that pastor doesn’t just keep it to themselves, they pass it along and lead missions prayers every night, so even those who are praying in this church are receiving answers. You may unknowingly pray, but you also receive answers.  There is also an opportunity to receive students from Korea. May you receive the answer of Mission Home.  Don’t do anything else, but really pray for this space to open for the remnants to come into missions, otherwise you’ll do things with your own strength and you won’t be able to buy a house. Even after you buy a house, it will go away because it is not yours; it is God’s, so you must use it for God’s plan.

You have the blessing of the economy of light, so within the church, may you receive this kind of answer.  After she just got married, I’m telling her to do mission home. Didn’t you marry so you can do mission home?  Why did you get married? If it were me, I wouldn’t get married. That home must be used to save people, then what will be the result? God’s working will come upon that family.  So, the child you don’t have is going to come.  What does that mean? God will do the work.  It seems like I’m doing it, but God is doing the work.  But if you keep saying, “Tomorrow,” God is not going to work, and you’re being self-centered, and that’s how the church is there, but you’re unable to do missions and save people. You keep holding onto, “the house I am going to live in.”  It’s God’s house, please pray for it and you will absolutely receive answers.  It’s the same for missions. May you continue to receive this blessing.


Let us pray holding onto the Word we have received.   

Right now, there’s the youth conference.  The pastor who was supposed to be the speaker got COVID, so they changed the speaker.  I listened to two messages and realized the pastor got COVID because of the messages.  I heard Pastor Ahn’s message and realized God gave the other pastor COVID because Pastor Ahn gave the correct word. I’m not saying this pastor is correct and that pastor is wrong, but God, according to the perfect message, is working. If you go there, you concentrate.  The kids go without knowing this, because they’re not just home; they’re having a time of concentration. They wake up and do prayer journal, they listen to messages and have forum. This continues until tomorrow.

Tim has actually been doing work with the youth and the church for a couple years now. This was given by the Holy Spirit because this is something the youth need.  They can’t just be changed by a single retreat.  On August 6, we’ll have WRC day and have separate lunches and gather at ICSC at 1pm.  However, our church just needs to keep doing children’s ministry because they can’t go and understand, so they do whatever they do, so we have to have this system within the church where the kids are continuously trained and then sent to conferences once a year.  Without a church to come back to, it will amount to nothing.

It’s the same for you.  You must stay within the flow of the church and once in awhile go to conferences, but people have this backwards because they’re looking for a method. Who has this system? It is you. I am not the system, but you individually are a system, because raising the remnants is to save the world and block disasters. But if you keep looking at the faraway things, that’s not ministry.   If you’re unable to do the evangelism movement, you will fall.

Let us pray for the youth conference and the children’s evangelism school, the youth evangelism school, the business message, and the Karen message. 

Finally let us pray for the missions fields, even the missions we just went to, we have to raise the disciples because that’s continuation, and if it’s not continuation, it won’t work. Let us pray for Mongolia and we have disciples in Africa, and the remnants out of state. Let us pray. 

After Karen missions camp, I will go to Utah myself, because it is said the spiritual environment is severe there, but I must go and analyze the region. Then I will come back and receive guidance in what we are going to do.  Right now if we don’t go do missions, the future generations will be oppressed in the field. There’s nothing for you to see yourself; you’ll see it’s exactly as the Word says, but the important thing is that there needs to be someone to properly interpret the Word for them.  So, having the kids go out to see the field will move their hearts and they will see the reality.

There are 5000 unreached people groups, so this is something they must do.  You’re not going to live a weak and feeble life; raise up 5000 disciples and go. If you live with your own strength, you’re a weakened person, but if you go with God’s goal, then God will work.  Isn’t that correct? You have to really stake your life and go.  You have to give this to the future generations and go; otherwise you do this for nothing.

This blessing is given to you, I hope you are able to hold onto the Word and follow.  Let’s pray again for the remnants out of state and the 5000 unreached people groups.

Father God, we thank You.  May you let the church go into the covenant of making disciples of all nations.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who want to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit to go to all nations and to do God’s work, upon all the remnants and the multiethnic people, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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