Work of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 16:1-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Work of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 16:1-15)

February 23rd, 2025

Work of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 16:1-15)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  The title of today’s message is, “Work of the Holy Spirit.”  Our walk of faith is about believing and looking for and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and even though there is a Holy Spirit, this world also has evil spirits.  For example, there are many people who are borrowing the power of evil spirits and using that to influence other people, for example, religious leaders, fortune tellers, and shamans.  They are not accomplishing those things by the abilities of mankind; it is by a different, spiritual power.  For a very long time, this world has done self-meditation, but it’s extra popular nowadays in America.  What is the content of their message?  Their message says, “Empty yourself.”  It says, “There is a tremendous and real power inside of you, so you must empty yourself, then there is a quiet god inside of you that will be revealed.”  There is another belief that says, “You need to empty yourself and fill yourself with the energy and strength of the universe,” and then they make people do chants.  Once somebody gets to the point of chanting, then they get filled by evil spirits.  

1. Those with religious lives

This is how America is changing, spiritually, and there are so many people who do not have a religion, but they practice self-meditation or spirituality.  The practice of yoga is great, but once you start combining the yoga with meditation and chanting as it was intended, that is when you’re filled with evil spirits.  There are many people who are filled with evil spirits, and their thoughts and emotions are dragged away because of it.  Especially religious leaders, they use the spiritual power of evil spirits, and they exert that influence.  However, the spirit of Satan will always result in destruction.  In the beginning, the evil spirits do demonstrate power, so people flock and follow towards that power, but it leads towards destruction.  There are some cultures where Satan tricks you into thinking, “This is the spirit of your ancestors,” so in those cultures, they bow down, worship, and give offering to their ancestors.  But actually, they are not doing all of that to their ancestors; there is an evil spirit that is simply pretending to be their ancestor.  1 Corinthians 10:20, Paul says that any worship of the pagans that is not done in the name of Jesus Christ is offered to demons, and I do not want you to be participants with them.  

That means, there are many people in LA that are using the evil spirits’ power to do things like tell fortunes.  Somebody asked me once, “Could those people curse others?” and I said, “Yes, they can.”  Why can they curse people?  Because these shamans, these fortune tellers, whatever they are, they are using the power of evil spirits, and with that power, they can curse others.  Because that evil spirit has possessed them, or they have become one, now, that evil spirit works through that person.  In certain countries, there are even businesspeople who make more money using evil spirits’ power.  So, for example, a businessperson could go look for somebody else who has great spiritual power, and then ask them to put a curse or a hex on their competitor so that they make more money.  

So, why am I talking about this in the introduction?  You need to know the spiritual world.  If you don’t know the invisible, spiritual world, then you only live for the visible, physical things.  Today, we hear a lot about the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God the Father and Jesus Christ.  If you come to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then the Holy Spirit dwells within you.  Humans are created as spiritual beings, so we only have one of two options: either we are controlled by the Holy Spirit, or we’re controlled by the evil spirits.  Then, our personality becomes one with whatever spirit is controlling us, and we are led by that spirit.  Most people try to live their lives with their own personality and their own will, and if you become one with the evil spirits, then you have power.  For Christians, when we are aligned with the work that Jesus wants to do through our lives, then God’s work will be revealed through us.

  1) Offering a service to God (Jn. 16:2)

    (1) Law – Centered on actions

    (2) Put people with the gospel of grace out of the synagogue (Jn. 16:2)

In today’s Bible passage, we read about the words Jesus Christ said before He was about to die on the cross and resurrect.  He tells His disciples of what will happen in the future. In John 16:2, He says, “They will put you out of the synagogue” and sometimes kill you.  The Jewish people centered all aspects of their lives on the synagogue, so the fact that they are now being put out of the synagogue means they are being excommunicated from their society, why?  

    (3) Kills you (Jn. 16:2) 

Because they believe in Jesus, and they will also even kill them.  What is the reason why these people do these things? It’s because they will think they are offering a service to God, for them, they think that the way for them to serve God is by killing people who believe in Jesus.  Then, why is it that these people believe that their best way to serve God is to kill people who believe in Jesus?  Because, during these times, the Jewish people received the law from God, and they thought, “We have to keep the Law of God with our own actions in order to glorify God and to become righteous ourselves,” and it is true that the LORD did give them the Word of the Law, but God has a different reason for why He gave the Law.  God gave us the Law so that, through it, we can realize, “I have sin and I am unable to keep God’s Law, even if I tried.”  However, the Jewish people tried to keep the law of God by their own actions, and they thought they had no sin because of that.  

Even before God ever gave the Law through Moses, humans were still sinners with Original Sin.  So, whether we have the law of God or not, we are still sinners, but God gave us the law so that through it, we can see just how sinful we are.  Then, one day, this guy named Jesus Christ was born, and He said, “You cannot become righteous by keeping the actions of the law; you can only become righteous by believing in Me,” and that’s the opposite of what the Jews believed. That’s why the Jewish people thought, “We have to kill this Jesus in order to glorify God.”  There is no “good” action that humans could ever perform that is seen as “good” in God’s eyes.  That’s why Jesus Christ Himself had to come Himself, completely and perfectly fulfill the Law, die on the cross, and resurrect for us, and anybody who believes in Jesus Christ by the grace of God is now considered righteous.  But the Jewish people said, “You have to act good, you have to keep the law with your actions in order to be righteous.  You cannot become righteous by believing in Jesus.”  

Even now, inside of the churches, there are those two groups, I mean, even inside of Christian churches, there are those two groups.  There are churches that really emphasize, “You believe in Jesus Christ now, which means you have to live a good life.”  They keep on saying that, “Now you believe in Jesus Christ, but you still have to live a very clean and pure life.”  Then there are also churches that say, “We have received salvation by the grace of God and the faith of Jesus Christ, but we have no ability to be clean or good by ourselves, so we must live by the guidance and grace of the Holy Spirit.”  For the first church that emphasizes the actions, without a doubt, there will be fighting, conflicts, and division, because somebody who has lived their life very upright or morally will look down on other people who do not live up to the standard.  Yes, the Bible does tell us how to live a good life, but it also tells us that we are not capable of doing that; that’s why God promised to give us the Holy Spirit.  Through today’s worship, I hope you will realize that that repetitive problem, the mental problem, the family problem, whatever problem keeps repeating in your life, you cannot solve it by yourself.  You can only overcome that problem once you realize what the Holy Spirit is doing inside of you.  

  2) Reason for persecution

    (1) They have not known the Father God (Jn. 16:3)

    (2) They have not known Jesus Christ (Jn. 16:3)

    (3) Jesus’s work – Do not know it is God’s work

In John 16:3, Jesus says, “The reason these people will persecute you is because they don’t know the Father and they do not know Me.”  The work that Jesus Christ came to earth to do is the work of God.  The words of Jesus Christ are not His own words; they are the words of God the Father Who is speaking through Him.  That is why, anyone who has seen Jesus Christ has seen the Father, and all of Jesus’ words are the words of God the Father.  

  3) Reason for not knowing the Gospel

    (1) Don’t know sin (Jn. 16:8)

But why is it that the Jewish people didn’t know the gospel?  It is because they did not have the working of the Holy Spirit, and in John 16:8, it says, they do not know what “sin” is.  They just thought that breaking the Ten Commandments, like “Do not steal, do not covet your neighbor’s belongings,” they thought that was a sin, and yes, that is a sin, but there is a more fundamental, deeper level of sin.  Not knowing Jesus is the sin.  That is the most fundamental, Original Sin.  

    (2) Don’t know righteousness (Jn. 16:8)

So, when you repent, yes,  you do have to repent for the actions of sin that you’ve committed, but more fundamentally, you need to repent for being in a spiritual state that does not believe in Jesus.  A lot of Christians will repent in the same way that nonbelievers show remorse, every religion has something like that.  But Jesus Christ is saying that the reason the Jewish people do this is because they don’t know Jesus, they don’t know the ruler of the world, and they don’t know God.  

    (3) Don’t know the prince of this world (Jn. 16:8)

The ruler of the kingdom of the air, that’s Satan.  John 8:44 says that the Jewish people’s father is the devil, but they don’t know it.  The devil lies and he makes it so that we cannot know God’s Word, that’s the reason the Jewish people were under a misconception that by just keeping the Word of God’s Law with their actions, they can be righteous, so they don’t know God at all.  

2. Jesus Christ

  1) Reason for telling about the works of the future and departure (Jn. 16:4)

    (1) So that you will remember when you are persecuted (Jn. 16:4)

The reason Jesus is telling the disciples what will happen in advance is because He’s not going to be there.  And then in the future, when the disciples are getting persecuted, they’ll think back and remember what Jesus said.  

    (2) None asked Jesus where he was going (Jn. 16:5)

John 16:5 says, “Now I am going to Him Who sent me,” and nobody asked where He was going.  But they actually did ask, they asked, “Lord, where are you going?”  But the reason they asked, “Where are You going, Lord?” is because they’re really interested in the things of the earth; they’re not actually interested in where Jesus is going.  That’s what Jesus means when He says, “No one is asking.”  

    (3) Disciples – Filled with grief (Jn. 16:6)

Because the disciples hear that the Lord has to go somewhere, their hearts are troubled. If your heart is worried or troubled, it is because you’re losing hold of something you used to rely on.  For Jesus’ disciples, they were relying on Him to make money, to gain success, to have their retirement taken care of if they become His right hand man, but when He says He will go away, they are now troubled.  So they did not actually know Jesus Christ correctly.  If you know Jesus Christ incorrectly, you’ll always be worried.  Then, you’re going to think, “Instead of relying on Jesus Christ, if I make more money, then I’ll no longer be anxious.”  Or, you’ll think, “If I have someone who’s power and strong to protect me, then my fears will go away.”  But as soon as you lose that source of power, you’ll face trouble again.  That’s the level the disciples believed in Jesus, they only were interested in the physical things, so when Jesus was about to go away, they were filled with troubled hearts.

  2) Send the Advocate (Jn. 16:7)

But Jesus Christ is saying, “I will send you the Holy Spirit, the Advocate.”  That is why it’s actually better, for Jesus, to leave.  If the Holy Spirit comes, then what does He do?  

    (1) Sin, righteousness, judgment – Teach the world (Jn. 16:8)

John 16:8 says, “When He comes, He will prove the world to be wrong about sin, righteousness, and judgment,” so that means, without the Holy Spirit, people can never understand what is sin, what is righteousness, and what is the ruler of the kingdom of the air who is now judged.

    (2) Sin – Do not believe in Jesus (Jn. 16:9)

John 16:9 says that “sin” is people not believing in Jesus.  This doesn’t just mean whether you go to church or not; this means, do you believe 24 hours a day that Jesus Christ is with you now?  If you don’t really trust that Jesus Christ is with you 24 hours a day, that is when you commit actions of sin.  Let’s say you don’t have money but you also don’t believe Jesus Christ is with you.  Because of that, you’re going to have to lie, cheat, and steal to get whatever money you can.  Even if that person believes that Jesus is the Christ, if they don’t believe that Jesus Christ is their Lord, these things are bound to happen. 

    (3) Righteousness – Going to the Father (Death, Resurrection, Ascension) (Jn. 16:10)

Then, in John 16:10, Jesus Christ says, “Convict them about righteousness, for I am going to the Father,” so Him going is righteous.  So how is it righteous for Jesus Christ to go to the Father?  So this means that Jesus Christ is about to die on the cross to forgive all of the sins of mankind and to get rid of all of their curses and disasters, and then go to heaven, and believing in that is righteousness.  He says, “Going to the Father,” which includes His death, His resurrection, and His ascension, so believe in that Christ.  Believing in that Christ is righteousness, there is no other way for us to be righteous.  You might think, “I’m a little better than that person.”  But God says, “Everything is like filthy rags.  no matter how good you try to be, it’s like filthy rags.”  The only way to be righteous in God’s eyes is by believing in Jesus Christ, and in Jesus Christ is revealed God’s full righteousness. Therefore, if we believe in the Covenant of Christ, then we become righteous to God. I do not become good and righteous through my actions, but simply through believing in Jesus Christ.  That’s why, when we speak of the name, “Jesus,” God delights in that.  No matter how good your actions are or how well you try to behave, God does not look twice.  Only when your actions follow from faith in Jesus Christ does that please God. 

    (4) Judgment – Prince of this world stands condemned (Jn. 16:11)

Then, convict the world regarding Judgment, because the prince of the world now stands condemned.  The prince of this world is Satan, the devil, and Satan, the devil, has been pushing Jesus Christ to be killed and crucified on the cross but in reality, it is the devil who is condemned.  Why?  Because the Lord resurrected.  In fact, if anything, the authority of the devil was broken.  Now that the authority of the devil has been broken down, that is how we can save people from his clutches into Jesus Christ’s Kingdom.  If the authority of the devil is not broken down, we can never go to the Lord.  The Bible says that Satan is holding onto people’s lives with the authority of sin and death.  Romans 8:2 says that through Christ Jesus, the law of the spirit that gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.  That’s why we never have to be afraid of death, because we are living in the eternal life.  For nonbelievers, they are locked under the authority of death, heading towards hell, and that’s why they were afraid, but Jesus Christ overcame death so we will also resurrect with Him.  So there’s no need for us to fear death.  Why?  Because the Lord Who has already overcome death is with me, forever, and in the Lord’s second coming, we will be changed into our resurrected body?  

There are some people who say, “What will my makeup look like when I resurrect?”  A long time ago, they used to use mummies to try to think about this resurrection or afterlife.  They mummified people so they could preserve their body for the resurrection or the rebirth.  There are some tombs of Egyptian pharaohs where they had their favorite pets mummified next to them in their tombs, because they were thinking of some resurrection.  You have to believe in Jesus Christ in order for you to be resurrected in the body, like Jesus.  What happens if you don’t have to put up makeup but your body is all decayed, so God is the creator God, God works with re-creation.  So whether you wear makeup or have had work done, it doesn’t matter at all.

  3) Spirit of truth (Jn. 16:13)

    (1) Will guide you into all the truth (Jn. 16:13)

When the Spirit of Truth comes, this spirit will Guide you to all Truth.  When the Holy Spirit comes into us, He will guide us into the Truth.  The devil guides us to lies, it’s not talking about the lies of the standards of the world, but the way the devil lies is by twisting the Word of God.  That’s how he kills our spirit, so fundamentally speaking, if you receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will be led to the Truth.  What does it mean to be led to the Truth?  It means, finally, we will be able to read the Truth, then if we’re able to understand the Word of God, then we can make our actions following the Word of God.  If you only understand the Word of God with your brain but it doesn’t result in a change in action, it means nothing.  However, if the Holy Spirit of Truth allows me to realize the Word of God truly, then it changes my heart, my thoughts, and my emotions, and I make my decisions, following the Word.  Not only that, but the Spirit of Truth guides me towards testifying the Truth to the rest of the world.  

    (2) Will make you realize, follow, and testify of the word

If we don’t follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Gal. 5:16-18 says that the flesh and the spirit are opposite of one another.  So what are the desires of the flesh?  The desires of the flesh, or the greed of our sinful nature, is wanting to live however I want to live, based on my life, based on my will.  So, if you don’t receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then every person has to live following the cravings of their sinful nature.  So in order for me to be led by the Holy Spirit, I pray and then God confirms it with His Word.  If we don’t actively do this, we are bound to walk based on our nature.  

What happens if we keep following the greed of our sinful nature?  Gal. 5:19 says that the acts of the flesh are sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, envy, drunkenness, orgies.  In order to change somebody, you can never do that with your own strength.  However, if somebody receives the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they change naturally.  So, if there are any of you who are facing a problem that you feel is impossible or can never be changed, you need to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, not try to change it yourself.  What does it mean?  Let’s say the same thing keeps happening again and again and again.  What does it mean for you to live by the standards of your sinful nature?  “I’m never going to do this again,” that’s you trusting in your strength and your resolution.  I’m sorry to tell you this but if you have the ability to change your situation or problem, you would’ve done it already, so the more you try to run away and try to solve it with your own strength, the more you will face the results of the flesh that we just read about in Galatians 5. 

    (3) Will tell you what is yet to come (Jn. 16:13)

Instead, we must receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Moment by moment, my inner sinful nature will just explode out, that’s why we get angry and into arguments.  Then even if you repent, you’re remorseful and you try to change, it’s going to happen again.  Repentance is saying, “I must go to God, I must be led by the Holy Spirit,” Then the Holy Spirit controls your thoughts and heart, then you will have the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit, that’s our walk of faith.  If you don’t know this, then you keep trying to accomplish something with your strength even though the Lord is already inside of you.  For example, depression, addiction, mental illnesses, you cannot solve them with your own strength; the scars hidden in your past, you can never change them yourself.  No matter how much you try to volunteer or serve the community, it will never change.  It does not change with your actions. Only when I rely on and follow the Holy Spirit Who guides me will I change.  If you are battling addiction, it is the result of living life, chasing after the greed of your sinful nature.  If everywhere you go, there’s trouble, fighting, and division, it is a result of you living your entire life based on your standards, and if you’re going to look for witches or magicians or fortune-tellers, it is because your will is so strong.  Drunkenness, orgies, all of these, hedonism and drunkenness is for physical pleasure, and then people are grifting where they try to make money and they steal from other people using dishonest ways.  

If you receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, there is a way that God does things.  The reason there are so many people doing illegal things and there is so much corruption, is because people are chasing after the cravings of their sinful nature, and they want more greed, and they break the law to get it.  They steal because of their greed, and if you tell someone, “You shouldn’t steal,” stealing doesn’t just mean breaking into someone’s house and taking something; it also means, taking something you don’t deserve, or you didn’t earn.  As long as you have the cravings of your sinful nature, it will never change.  The only way to change is to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You know and acknowledge that the Holy Spirit and God is your Lord, so you pray and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Magicians, fortune-tellers, these people with spiritual power, they receive evil spiritual power.  Then it says, once the Holy Spirit comes, He will show you things of the future.  Tomorrow is also the future, 10 years into the future is also the future, and the Holy Spirit will tell you of what is yet to come.  When I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit inside of me will teach me of things that are yet to come.  If I pray, then God keeps on giving me the heart, “Oh, this is what’s going to happen.”  If you don’t know this, how can you run a business?  You need to know the future in order to make your decisions correctly, and what’s the point of studying if you don’t know the future?  We’re going into the age of Artificial Intelligence where everything about our society is bound to change, and the Lord is telling us what that future will be like.  However, if somebody is not receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then all of the preparations that they’ve built up will become nothing.  

3. Glorify Jesus Christ (Jn. 16:14)

  1) Will make known to you Jesus’s things (Jn. 16:14)

John 16:14, Jesus says, “He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.”  He will make known what is known to you, so the Holy Spirit comes into us and then reveals the things of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit does not speak with His own words, instead He gives the Word of Jesus Christ into us.  Then Jesus Christ came to earth and He said the words of God the Father.  So the words of Jesus are the words of God the Father, and the words of the Holy Spirit are the words of Jesus, so what words do you think we should say?  We must say the words that the Holy Spirit gives us.  This is our walk of faith.  Before you say anything, God will give the Word of God into your thoughts and heart.  That’s when power will be revealed.  For people who have an evil spirit, their thoughts will be filled with evil words, and that’s the influence they’ll have on others, and there is power, but it is power of the evil spirits being revealed.  But for us, the Holy Spirit revealed the future to Joseph.  That wasn’t from his brain, it is because the Holy Spirit of God was upon him.  By the work of the Holy Spirit, Joseph was able to tell that there will be seven years of harvest and seven years of famine. so, the Lord gives us the Holy Spirit and tells us what will happen in the future so we can go ahead. So what does it mean to live a life that glorifies God? It means that we follow the Word that the Holy Spirit gives us, and we reveal the works of the Holy Spirit.  You getting a gold medal at the Olympics does not glorify God. If your studies do really good grades, that glorifies you, that doesn’t glorify God.  If there are any of you who are praying, “God, help me to be successful, so I can glorify you,” you’re not glorifying God at all; you’re only glorifying yourself.  

    (1) All that belongs to Father God is Jesus’s (Jn. 16:15)

    (2) Spirit will receive from Jesus what he will make known to you (Jn. 16:15)

    (3) Holy Spirit – Glorify Jesus (Jn. 16:14)

Jesus Christ is glorified only when the words that the Holy Spirit gives you are fulfilled and revealed in the field.  Religious people think the wrong thing all the time, “If the God that I believe in makes me successful, then I’ll build a shrine or a temple in His honor,” but that’s all for your glory.  But for us, God promised to give us the Holy Spirit inside of us, to place the words of Jesus Christ into our hearts and follow it with our lives.  How do we do this specifically? Your spirit must be filed with the Spirit of God.  If you’re filled with your own thoughts, you’ll be worried and troubled. When you don’t have money or you’re facing a type of problem, when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you will be afraid, but if you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, then you will see the work God is doing. Because if something has been hidden by God, no one can see it unless the Holy Spirit reveals it.  

Joseph went to Egypt as a slave, and the average Christian or average believer will probably pray, “Oh no, he was sold as a slave, I need to pray for God so that Joseph is set free,” but that’s wrong.  God allowed Joseph to be a slave and He had a plan in that, why would you ask God to change that?  God has allowed your present circumstance, why would you ask God to change that?  Instead, you need to look and find the plan that God has in allowing this. It is only revealed by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit revealed to Joseph, “You’re not going to Egypt as a slave; you’re going to Egypt, and the only way for you to go to Egypt to do my work is as a slave,” so why did Joseph have to go to Egypt?  So that he could go ahead and save his family, that is how Joseph was able to discover and see the hidden things by the working of the Holy Spirit.  

  2) Life for the glory of Jesus

    (1) Filling of Holy Spirit – Power (Ac. 1:8)

    (2) Guidance of Holy Spirit – To the ends of the earth (Ac. 1:8)

    (3) Works of Holy Spirit – Witness of Gospel evangelization (Ac. 1:8)

Are you perhaps under difficulty or these stubborn, repetitive problems just don’t go away?  Is there one person in your family who is making everybody suffer?  It can be one person in your family with a mental illness who makes the whole family suffer. Or, even if there’s one family or one person in the family who has a disease or sickness, everybody has to accommodate them now.  However, the true answer is discovering God’s plan in allowing that, then that situation becomes a blessing.  That problem might be changed or you might discover the real blessing inside of that problem.  By your standards, you want it to change, don’t you?  No, you need to live by God’s standards and God’s plan.  I keep praying here, and God keeps opening my heart towards Hollywood, because there’s been so much back-and-forth about whether this building is going to be demolished or sold, and I said, “That’s it, we have to challenge towards God to just purchase it.”  

Then where would we go?  I heard from the message that American churches are being sold off quickly and we cannot let American churches go the same way that European churches did, where the churches are being sold as bars and clubs.  So we were praying and looking around for American churches, and the closest was in Hollywood, and if you want to look for more, I’m sure there are plenty, but this is very aligned with our church.  And then when I went there, it seemed like they were getting ready to sell it anyways, they said, “Originally, we didn’t have an intention to sell,” but when we asked about it, they said they would consider it, and now here we are.  Why do we have to go to that church?  There are many reasons, but what’s the reason?  Because Hollywood is the place where the evil spirits are controlling and spreading the culture of darkness and idolatry through movies and broadcasts, and that is when the gospel must be proclaimed.  That is why we are challenging to that region, and your thoughts must also be updated, your spiritual knowledge must be upgraded, your finances of faith must be upgraded, because in order to maintain that building, it takes a lot more money than just renting.  But even that will be done by God.  For us, all we have to do is change and update our faith.  God prepared the answers already and wants to change the vessel of your faith.  Of course, there’s a difference between the renter and the owner, so you have to change your mind to be in the ownership mentality now.  Then, God’s appropriate answers will follow accordingly, including financial answers, because when God works, He prepares everything already and then guides us. 

What does it mean to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit?  It means God guides us all the way until the ends of the earth.  So let’s say we’re living in LA; just being here and living is not the guidance of the Holy Spirit, how is God guiding us to the ends of the earth while we are here?  You just working and going to work is not the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  You need to see how the Holy Spirit is working through your job.  Then, by the work of the Holy Spirit, you will be a witness of Jesus Christ until the ends of the earth.  You don’t need your own strength.  You don’t need your education or your experiences, all of those things will be used by God and for God, remnant.  Then when you proclaim the gospel to the world, what is the content that you have to relay?  Your problems were all finished on the cross, because you’re crucified with Christ, and now, you are no longer the one who is living; God lives in you.  Now, you have to believe in this Holy Spirit of God as your Lord. Even once you receive salvation, the only problem you ever face is not trusting in Jesus as your Lord.  If you don’t trust in Jesus, you make your own decisions and follow your own thoughts. however, if you received the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then you will see Him moving you so accurately.  

  3) Testify to the world

    (1) It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

    (2) Lord of life and resurrection (Gal. 2:20)

    (3) Citizen of heaven – Background of the throne of heaven (Phil. 3:20)

Phil. 3:20 says that now, we are citizens of heaven.  What does that mean?  It means we live here on earth but we are living with the spiritual background of the throne of heaven.  This means that, when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God answers you from the throne of heaven.  What does this mean more specifically? It means that you could be sitting here praying for Hollywood, then God will work and send His angels there. Through prayer, enjoy your background of the throne of heaven.  Don’t just pray for anything you want, but when you pray in the direction that God desires, then without a doubt, He will work. If you live your life so diligently, working hard without knowing your background and citizenship, then you become worse than a nonbeliever. 

    (4) Mission – God’s kingdom (Ac. 1:3,8)

Our mission in life now is to raise the Kingdom of God.  Now, the mission of our lives is to move people from the grasp of Satan into the Kingdom of God, and the Holy Spirit does that.  The real issue is, are my thoughts, heart, and spirit aligned with the Holy Spirit or not, because that is the one who will do the work of the Holy Spirit.   Though Satan the devil is a robber and a thief.  Satan will break into your heart without even asking for permission.  However, the Holy Spirit is very personal.  If the Holy Spirit and I are aligned, that’s when the Lord works.  The Lord keeps on waiting for us to be aligned with Him, and while the Lord is waiting patiently for us, we keep making the wrong decisions and that’s why we’re suffering.  


1. Guidance of Holy Spirit – God’s standard

2. Filling of Holy Spirit – God’s power

3. Works of Holy Spirit – God’s goal of saving the world

I hope you will entrust everything to God, that is how you believe that He is your Lord.  If you entrust everything to God, are you worried?  No, instead, you will see the works of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t know this, think about a witch. when the evil spirits become one with them, then they will exert power. But even for fortune-tellers or shamans, if their thoughts are too strong, then the evil spirit will run away.  When does the evil spirit work most powerfully?  When the subject completely relinquishes their own thoughts.  For the Holy Spirit, we must also completely let go of our thoughts, then the Lord gives us the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Even right now, I hope you are praying.  My things are unnecessary; they’re not going to work even if I tried.  That’s how you let go of those things.  Only the Holy Spirit of the Lord, of God, of Jesus Christ, reign over me.  That is a powerful person, then, the standard of God is being led by His Holy Spirit.  The standard is not your thoughts; the standard is, “What does the Word of God say?” Where should I go? Should I do this or do that?  The standard is being led by the Holy Spirit, then without a doubt, when the works of the Holy Spirit take place, then you will have the fruits of the Holy Spirit, missions and evangelism.  May your life be within the life of the Holy Spirit throughout the week.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray holding onto the Word we have received together.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We have returned Your materials as offering.  We pray that everywhere this offering is used, the future generations, healing, and missions will take place.  We believe You will answer us with the answers in our business and our academics for temple construction and world evangelization.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  God, we pray You will allow every newcomer today to go into the filling, working, and guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Allow them to see and enjoy the unknowable blessings of God that we can never imagine.  We believe Your power to save America and the world will be upon them.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Hollywood camp – Temple

3. Education department meeting, 3:30pm

4. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, working, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to change people by the work and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, upon all of their fields and churches, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.

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