Witness Who Saves the World Through Faith in Only the Word (Jn. 4:43-54)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Witness Who Saves the World Through Faith in Only the Word (Jn. 4:43-54)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” Last week we received the Word of God, entitled, “My Work is to do the Will and Work of God.” And in regards to interacting with other people, the most important thing is the spiritual. If our spirit is healthy, strong, and well, then everything else will take place naturally. The title of today’s message is, “Witness Who Saves the World Through Faith in Only the Word.” Through today’s main scripture, ask yourself if you’re walking the correct walk of faith. As you confirm this, I hope you will become the believer who walks through the correct path.  

1. Region of Galilee

Jesus was proclaiming the gospel in Samaria for about two days, and then He went to Galilee.  While He was passing by His hometown, He said that, “Even a prophet has no honor in his own country.” It’s because the people in His hometown remember Jesus Christ as a young child, so instead of seeing Him doing the works of God, they remember Him as a child. Even me, after I accepted Jesus and went back to my hometown, people were saying, “Why don’t you get married first and then accept Jesus?” And they were saying, “I know who you are, how dare you try and preach to me?” And then I went back home after I got married, and people said, “Why don’t you have a kid first and then come back?” So, these are just the ways that the adults are so focused on the physical things.  That’s how much they look at everyone from what they remember as a child, and they don’t hear the Word of God.  

  1) Cana

    (1) Royal official’s son lay sick (Jn. 4:46)

    (2) People heard that Jesus had arrived (Jn. 4:47)

    (3) Begged Jesus to heal his son’s illness (Jn. 4:47)

Then Jesus goes to the region of Cana in Galilee.  Then, when He goes into this region, there is a royal official who asks Jesus to heal his son who was very sick. In Samaria, even the woman who was at the lowest position in life, even mocked by the excluded Samaritans, needed Jesus.  Now, the highest level of success, the royal official, also needs Jesus; we face the limitations of our life.  It means that, regardless of our position in life, whether it be high or low, whether we have everything or nothing, we have our limitations.  If someone is a royal official to the king, then they are successful, and it would be great if our lives could end with that, but it does not. We have problems with our children.  Until God dwells within us and He fulfills His will within us, we are bound to face our limitations.  

  2) Jesus

    (1) Faith of believing in signs and wonders (Jn. 4:48)

    (2) People who heard about Jesus’ sign at the wedding ceremony of Cana

    (3) Jews’ faith – Demand signs (1 Cor. 1:22)

So, when this royal official asked Jesus to heal his son, Jesus responded, directing it to all of Galilee and the Jewish people, “Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.”  Already, Jesus had done the miracle of turning the water at the wedding in Cana into wine, and the people in the region believed in Jesus because they saw that miracle.  But because the official was so desperate to heal his son, he said, “Please, still come and save my son before he dies.”

  3) Those who demand physical signs

However, there are always believers who are looking to gain the physical answers, back in the biblical days and today as well. In fact, there may be even more of those people in America today because a lot of people move to America to gain physical things, there may be a lot of believers who seek the physical blessings and answers. So, even though a lot of people go to church, they may not have the correct faith when Jesus looks at them.  Then, humans can never be happy.  No matter what we gain or accomplish, we can only be satisfied when we are satisfied with God alone.  

    (1) Mysticism (Ac. 21:10-12)

Then, there are about four types of believers who seek the physical answers.  The first type are the people who believe in unhealthy mysticism.  People who are very mystical will pray a lot, but their prayer is not aligned with God. The mystical people do not pray for God’s glory; instead, they pray to have some kind of physical revelation or some kind of physical, visible evidence of God.  When you believe in Jesus, yes, you will have experiences, however, the mystical people will set those visible signs as the sign of their faith. The characteristic of these people is that they don’t believe in God’s Word. They will only believe if God works in some sort of visible way.  There are some church believers who think that God is only working when you have these great works arise; you need to poke them in the eyes, you need to have them fall over and stand up again.

    (2) Prosperity based faith (Jn. 6:13-15)

The second type of believer is those who have a prosperity-based faith; they are seeking the physical blessings.  After Jesus Christ did the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, seeking that physical blessing, saying, “Let us make Him our king,” and those are people with a prosperity-based faith. 

    (3) Legalism (Rom. 9:32, Rom. 1:17-20)

There is a third type of believer, legalistic people, and it’s hard to tell these kinds of people because from the outside, these people seem like they have such great faith.  In Romans 9:32, it says of the Jewish people, “They pursued it not by faith, but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the ‘stumbling stone.’”  Instead of living by faith in Jesus Christ alone, they lived by the upright correctness of their actions, and they think that’s their walk of faith.  That’s the faith the Jewish people had, and ultimately, they are not aligned with God.  Because everybody says, “Let’s just try to live an upright life, let’s raise our children to be very upright individuals,” but that’s not believing in Jesus, so we’re under that misconception. They think that the goal of their faith is to go to church and to be such a kind, correct, and clean person.  For those people, if they see somebody fall short of their standards, they judge and criticize them.  That’s something you can do even if you don’t believe in Jesus.

It says in Romans 2:17-21, “But if you call yourself a Jew and rely on the law and boast in God, and if you know his will and approve of what is excellent because you are instructed by the law, if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light to those who are in the darkness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of infants, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth–you then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself?” So it means that while they are seeming to be so righteous on the outside, they don’t believe in Jesus on the inside. If you try to live this diligent life with your own efforts, that’s not faith.  But people are under the misconception that that is faith.  Then if somebody acts less righteously than they do, they judge and criticize them.  

Romans 8:4 talks about this “flesh,” and the “flesh” means my strength and my effort to fulfill something.  “Who walk, not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit, to fulfill the righteous requirement of the law.”  If we follow the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ within us, then the law will naturally be fulfilled.  But I am trying to fulfill the Word of God with my own efforts, not even internally, but only externally.  There is so much of that inside of the churches.  The characteristic of these people is that they feel a guilt trip.  Because they are trying to accomplish everything by their own actions, they oppress themselves if they are not able to meet their expectations, and they oppress others.  Those people are like the Jewish church, they are not what Jesus spoke about.  

    (4) Humanism (Jn. 12:4-5)

The fourth type of believer is the humanistic believer.  An example of this humanistic believer is Judas Iscariot.  When there was a woman who poured perfume worth 300 denarii worth of perfume on Jesus’ feet, Judas Iscariot said, “We could have sold this perfume and used it to feed many hungry people,” he thought he was very rational and worked in the ways of man.  But all four of these believers are not centered on following Jesus Christ; they emphasize and seek the physical, visible things.  

2. Faith that Jesus desires

The correct faith is centered on the invisible Jesus Christ, and the visible things follow after that faith. For people who are like these four believers, if they have financial problems, they can’t endure it because they think the goal of their faith is to gain a lot of prosperity, so they wonder, “Why is this happening to me?” That kind of person does not believe in Jesus; they are living a prosperity-based faith.  They say, “Why is this person not changing, even though they go to church?”  If that person is truly a saved child of God, then no matter how destroyed they are right now, they are in the process of changing.  The reason I’m saying this is because many people judge other people’s faith based on their external acts of faith.  Those are the people who are seeking these visible signs, and those people are bound to fall.  The reason why our walk of faith is not continuing is because there is something fundamentally wrong.  To some extent, these four types of believers can endure a little bit, and our life itself is so short, so with that kind of faith, they can endure for a few decades, but it will never work out.  No matter how long they go to church, no matter how many generations of their family are Christians, that is not the faith that Jesus is talking about.

  1) Royal official begged Him to come before his son dies

    (1) Said, “Your son will live” (Jn. 4:50)

    (2) Royal official believed His word and departed (Jn. 4:50)

    (3) Heard that his son is living (Jn. 4:51)

Then, what exactly is the faith that Jesus does want?  This royal official comes to Jesus asking to heal his son, and Jesus is saying, “Your son will live.” Then it says, “The man believed the word Jesus spoke to him and went on his way.”  As he was going down, one of his servants met him and told him his son was recovering.  

  2) Son’s illness is healed

    (1) Inquired as to the time he got better (Jn. 4:52)

    (2) Realized it was the time Jesus proclaimed the word (Jn. 4:53)

Because this royal official is elite, he asked, “When did he get better?”  The servant said, “Yesterday, at the seventh hour, the fever left him,” and the father knew this was the exact time he was speaking with Jesus. Everyone, this is the faith that Jesus desires: not about what I want, but the faith that believes in the Word of Jesus Christ and has that as the beginning.  

    (3) The whole household believed in Jesus (Jn. 4:53)

Because this son was healed, the entire family began to believe in Jesus.  This is the correct faith, and this is the correct evangelist.  Yes, there are some people who were very sick before they believed in Jesus, and afterward, they are immediately healed, so yes, sometimes Jesus does perform miracles and signs.  The faith is not coming from the healing itself; that is just evidence that Jesus’ Word is true.  That faith in the Word of Jesus must be relayed to our next generation exactly.  

Why is it that the church of the Middle Ages was destroyed? Because they lacked faith in this Word.  Why is it that more than 6000 churches are closing their doors every year in America? Because they don’t have this faith.  If the churches are closing down, it means the believers are just completely falling out. It means that people who used to go to churches are just going out into the world and living without any faith at all.  Why can these people not continue?  These people think that the standard of their faith is the visible things that they want, and that’s why they cannot endure with their faith.  It’s because they don’t know who Jesus Christ is.  

  3) Jesus Christ – Word became flesh (Jn. 1:14)

    (1) From Jesus Christ all things (Rom. 11:36)

    (2) Through Christ all things exist (Rom. 11:36)

    (3) For Christ are all things (Rom. 11:36)

Jn. 1:1-14 says that Jesus Christ is God Who is the Word Who became flesh on earth.  Heb. 1:2 says that God speaks to us through His Son.  There are many religions and believers who stay so fixated on the Old Testament, but God speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, and then He said, He raised Jesus Christ as the heir of all things and all things were created through Jesus.  Then, we need to believe in the One Who created the universe; we should not believe in the result of creation.  In Heb. 1:3, it says Jesus is the exact imprint of God’s nature, and it says He upholds the universe by the power of His Word.  

3. Word of Jesus Christ

Your business, your job, your studies, everything you do is included in the universe, and Jesus Christ is maintaining it through His Word even now.  So, everything that is not His Word is not it.  If the Word is not relayed to me, then I shouldn’t move because God is not working in that way.  The evidence that God is working is that His Word will be established upon me.  But as evidence that we don’t really believe in Jesus, we move according to our thoughts regardless of God’s Word. Then we don’t even have to see until the end; they will fall because Jesus Christ is upholding the entire universe with His Word, and this person is moving regardless of His Word. 

The reason we have scars of our past is because we didn’t have the Word there.  You must be liberated from the scars of your past through the Word. The reason we are so afraid of the future is because we don’t have God’s Word about the future. Why are we so afraid about death? Because we don’t have God’s Word about death.  When this Word is truly established in me in worship, then God will begin to work.  The faith that believes in this Word is the correct faith.  Everything in the Old Testament is the Word that says, “Jesus will come.” The first five books of the Old Testament, Moses’ Pentateuch, are the Law.  If you hold onto the law, then you will only reveal sin, and the result of sin is death.  Through the law, we must hold onto Jesus Christ in order for us to be filled with life and grace.

Romans 11:36 says that all things begin from Jesus, and through Jesus, and to Jesus, to Him be the glory forever.  What does this Word mean? It means that all creation was created by Jesus, and all of creation is being fulfilled through Jesus, and all of creation exists for Jesus.  So, if you don’t have the words of Jesus, you have nothing. But the way Satan deceives us is by making us think that we’re okay even without God’s Word. Even right now, the devil is alive and that’s the work he’s doing.

When you guys go up and down, it’s not because of the Word.  You become down if things don’t happen the way you want, but if you get the things you want, you will be “up.” That’s not believing in Jesus; that’s just believing in your own conviction.  We must believe in Jesus Christ correctly through the Holy Spirit in order to receive the biblical answers, but instead, you have your own desire with your conviction, and you think that that is your faith.  There is something you’re so convinced of because your entire family line educated you that way, and you think that that is your faith. You take all of the wonderful things you’ve read from the books of the world and you push that into your faith. All of those things are made by humans. Religion is made by humans and that’s why they fall.  God must be within us.  God must be within us through His Word, must guide us with His Word, and we must believe in that Word, and we live for Him.  The reason you study and work and do all things is for the name of Jesus.  

If we don’t change to be like this, then our walk of faith will go down a different direction.  At first, you will endure with your own conviction, and at first, you just have this hope for the visible things.  That’s the characteristic, especially of immigrants in superpower nations, they immigrated here for the visible things, and then in that state, if they change their faith into one that is centered on only Jesus Christ, that’s the greatest chance, but if you keep thinking that your faith in Jesus is actually faith in your own conviction, that’s not right.  Even if you began with a physical motive, you need to believe in Jesus correctly because you may not believe in the existence of Satan, but he is working even right now.  For people who have a hard time believing in the existence of Satan, try meeting somebody who is demon-possessed.  Revelation says that the Jewish people were under the control of Satan, why? Because they were chasing after something else.  

If you believe in Jesus Christ correctly, you are bound to receive the biblical answers, the biblical restoration, and the biblical healing, and the more time passes, the more you will see your life align with the Word of God so accurately.  Because you go forward in faith, holding onto the Word God has given to you, of course, the Word will be aligned.  That’s why Psalm 1:2 says that the one who is blessed is the one who meditates on the law day and night.  Heb. 4:12 says that the Word of God is living and active, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joint and marrow, even judging the thoughts and the attitudes of our heart.  

The ideologies and the convictions of mankind can endure momentarily, the ideology of capitalism and the individualism of America can endure temporarily, but it cannot go long.  As evidence that it cannot go long, America already has the highest number of people addicted to drugs.  Already, we are seeing a rise in people who have mental illnesses. Why is that, even though there are so many churches in America?  Having a lot of churches is not the issue; we must believe in Jesus Who is God.  “Oh, but I do believe in Jesus.” Think about this very carefully, do I believe in the Word Jesus gave me?  Or, do I just believe whatever I want to believe, and I think that that’s my faith?  What is the world you desire?  Is your goal to live in a world where nobody commits any crime and everybody gets along?  Or is the goal of our faith where everybody can live a prosperous and wealthy life? That’s just the goal you are seeking; it is different from the goal in the Bible.  That is how people can fall into ideologies like democracy and communism. What Jesus desires is the Kingdom of God.  

  1) It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

    (1) Background of sin, Satan, hell (Rom. 8:2, 1 Jn. 3:8, Jn. 14:6)

When you go to heaven, there will be no diseases and there will be no lacking; however, this physical earth is overrun by Satan, curses, disasters, and darkness, so it is impossible.  Then, what exactly is this Word of Jesus?  All of the Old Testament was telling us about Jesus Christ Who will come.  The main point of Jesus Christ’s Word is, right before He died on the cross and before He resurrected, Jesus Christ says, right when He is crucified, “It is finished.”  He said He had fulfilled all the prophecies of the Old Testament on the cross, that’s Jesus’ Word, and now we don’t need Moses; we don’t need Elijah because the Law has been fulfilled on the cross.  Because the cross is the power and the wisdom of God.  

In other words, by dying on the cross and resurrecting, Jesus Christ finished the problems that mankind can never finish: the curses of our Original Sin, Satan, and hell, all at once. But people are so numb to that.  If you come to church, you become numb to that. Even right now, the world is stuck in those three problems and they are suffering, and Jesus Christ is with us right now to solve that problem, but if you have the incorrect faith, then instead of going in that direction, you keep on going in your own direction.  

    (2) Jesus is my master (Gal. 2:20)

If Jesus is really the Christ Who died on the cross for me, then who is He to me?  He must be my Lord and Master.  The “me” of the past has been crucified on the cross with Christ, and now the Lord lives within me as my Lord.  

    (3) God’s kingdom – Background and mission (Ac. 1:3)

So, this royal official, as a symbol of Jesus being his Lord, he believes Jesus’ Word and goes in faith, and when we do that, the Kingdom of God is established inside of me, first.  Among us, there are some parents who are trying to be very strict with their children, with these very legalistic words. That is a legalistic person.  We need to guide our children so they can receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit of Jesus. We need to guide them to believe Jesus Christ has finished the fundamental problems of life.  We need to guide them to believe that Jesus is now the Lord of their life.  We’re not supposed to use the Word of God to beat them up; we’re supposed to guide them so they hold onto the Word of God themselves.  

  2) Only Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:8)

But there’s some kind of incorrect faith inside of us.  The Word of God is not so rash and harsh. When the Holy Spirit works, their hearts will be opened.  Then now, the Kingdom of God is established within me, and the goal of my life is to spread the Kingdom of God.  The mission of our life is to change the people in this world who are slaves to Satan, under the authority of sin, and change them to come into God’s Kingdom. That must come into me as my “only.” What does that mean, “my only”?  It means there is nothing other than this. If something is optional, you can do it but you don’t have to, that’s not “only.  But the Lord says, “I will be with you with the Holy Spirit to do only this.”  If you don’t receive this as your “only,” then you cannot receive the guidance of God, because I cannot do this work with my own strength. 

    (1 Witness to the ends of the earth (Ac. 1:8)

    (2) Filling of the Holy Spirit – Authority (Ac. 1:8)

    (3) Only prayer (Ac. 1:14)

Only through prayer, only when the works of the filling of the Holy Spirit come upon me will I become Jesus’ witnesses until the ends of the earth. These people’s walk of faith will naturally take place, and those people are not going to say, “Money, money, money.” The normal walk of faith, they will seek the Word more and more and they will always communicate based on the Word.  That is evidence because you have the evidence, but for the people who live their four walks of faith that I mentioned at the beginning, they cannot live like this, so even though they say they believe in Jesus, their life is not aligned with the Word of the Bible. Without only Jesus Christ, you cannot escape from the three fundamental problems, and our faith believes that only Jesus is our Lord.  You must not believe in the money you’ve saved up because one day, that will all go away. You must not believe in anything you have now; you need to believe in Jesus. You must not believe in your own personality; you must not believe in the abilities of your children, you need to believe in Jesus. But we don’t, we keep on putting our faith in something else. That’s not faith.  That is where Satan goes in and begins to work.  

I hope you will believe in Jesus as your “only,” and the goal and the mission of my life is to spread the Kingdom of God that testifies of Jesus.  “Oh Pastor, yeah, we need a volunteer in the church, we need to do other things inside of the church, why should we only evangelize?” You serve and volunteer in the church to evangelize; you do intercessory prayer to evangelize. That’s the reason we give offering as well, that’s the reason we do Temple Construction, that’s the reason why we succeed, but if you don’t have that “only,” then even your question will be incorrect.  Only because of Jesus Christ will the darkness be broken down and only because of the mission of testifying of Jesus Christ will the curses and disasters be blocked, and the one who prays for only this, the power of the Holy Spirit of God will be upon them. But if your faith is in something else, it won’t work out.  

  3) Fulfillment of the word

    (1) Working of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 2:1-4)

    (2) Door of evangelism, missions (Ac. 2:9-11)

    (3) Samaria, ends of the earth (Ac. 8,13,16,19,27)

I want you all to examine how God works exactly according to His Word.  When I held onto the Word of Jesus, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses until the ends of the earth,” I prayed about that Word and saw how He worked. The members of the Early Church only held onto that promise and concentrated in prayer for 10 days, then the Holy Spirit came upon them and the doors of evangelism and missions opened. 

And inside of this, your business and job must follow; your business is not the main point, the Word is the main point.  The Word of God being the main point and your businesses following along, that is the work of God. Yes, you can be very skillful without the Word of God, but what’s the characteristic of that? One day, you’re bound to fall, your business might not fall, but you yourself will be collapsed. If you are collapsed, why do you need money? You work so hard and diligently but you have a disease in your heart, or your children will have mental illnesses. Why does this happen? Because we are not receiving or relaying the correct spiritual Word, then of course these problems will come.  From the parents’ perspective, I may be a royal official and my son is sick and about to die, then nothing is important. If my child is sick and dying, it doesn’t matter how much I’ve succeeded, I cannot speak. It becomes a thorn in my side.

Nowadays, there is so much secular meditation, and a long time ago, I watched a YouTube video about how people in the Harvard Hospital meditate.  I watched a video on YouTube because I need to research the field of meditation in the world, and inside of the Harvard Hospital, they would bring the doctors, nurses, and patients into this room and they would make this person meditate, and there was a person whose child died young, and it was a lifelong scar for them. The way they would meditate is they would allow these people to come out of their scars, and the way they’d do that is by making these people concentrate on the “here and now,” because if they think about the things in their past, it makes their thoughts and heart full of pain. So the method to allow this elderly couple to come out of that pain was through meditation, so then they play this music that has this message in it, and if you concentrate on what you hear in the moment, then you will come out of the pain of your past. Do you know why people are addicted to drugs, alcohol, and substances? It’s not because they love to eat and drink that stuff, but it’s because in that temporary moment, they escape from their suffering. And if we don’t know the gospel and we don’t know the Word of Jesus, then that’s the only thing that can medicate us.  They are in a state where they are already mentally afflicted, and because they have no mental strength, they keep relying on visible things. That’s so prevalent in America and that’s why we have so much intake of drugs. Not just America, but all over the world; that’s why we must have biblical healing. 

We can only fight against the devil with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. So when you wake up in the morning, you should think about the Word of God first. Jesus is the alpha and the omega, this means we must begin with His Word, and we must continue the process through His Word. That is how we gain faith.  Through the Word fulfillment, souls will be saved.  If you are good at your business or good at studying, if you’re successful, that’s just the introduction. If that is the goal of your whole life, you will fall into those four walks of faith that I mentioned. You need to have the goal of your life as Jesus Christ, but instead, your goal is something else. Why is success your goal? But everyone comes to church, and they’re clinging onto success. I believe, of course, not in our church, but when you go out into the world and talk to people who say they have great faith, they say their evidence of great faith is that, “Oh, my children are getting into great colleges,” or, “I have no problems eating and living.” Today, the Lord’s Day, when we receive the Word of Jesus Christ, is the beginning of the week, so how can you have the correct beginning? You must begin with the Word of the Lord, because without the Word of the Lord, we have to walk and follow our own convictions.  And without the Word of the Lord, even if you think you’ve believed for a long time, you haven’t, because you haven’t believed in Jesus, you’ve only believed in your own convictions.  Your conviction cannot overcome sin or curses. Your conviction cannot block the work of Satan. 

In Eph. 6:20, it says only the words of Jesus Christ can break down the darkness.  Now, this Word of Jesus Christ must be relayed and spread to the ends of the earth, that is the book of Acts.  I hope you will stop asking, “Why don’t these things happen to me?” but instead, restore His Word first.  May you be a witness of His Word. The Bible was not written by humans, and even right now, God is invisibly moving the entire universe according to His Word. If you want to get married, you have to receive His Word.  If you want to move somewhere, then you have to receive the answer in His Word first. If you want to do something in your business, you have to receive the answer in His Word first. That is how God is doing it. That is how God is the beginning and the end. I hope you will always remember this and ask, “What is the Word?” When you go to your job, “What does the Word say?” That’s how God works. 


1. Satan – Sign, power, false wonders (2 Thes. 2:9-11)

In conclusion, 2 Thess. 2:9-11 says that even Satan can give us visible miracles and signs. “I tried doing this, and my business became successful.“ Even people who are demon-possessed can do that, because Satan actually gives you these deceptive works. Even Shamans can heal diseases.  But what’s important is, is it according to the Word?

2. Only through the word of Jesus Christ

That’s why, only through the Word of Jesus Christ. That is the beginning. If you don’t have the Word, just remain still until you receive the Word. Once the Word is given to you, then you take action with faith.  

3. Only the working of the Holy Spirit – Prayer

Then without a doubt, you will receive the answers in your field of the Word being fulfilled. That is the Kingdom of God and that is only possible through the working of the Holy Spirit.

4. Only evangelism, missions – Glorify Jesus’ name

The goal of our life is to testify of Jesus Christ to the entire world. If that is not taking place, you can just change yourself now.  Yes, you do need to raise your children well and you need to succeed, but that should not be your priority.  May you have a week that is full of faith, that testifies and relays the Word about Jesus Christ to yourself, your family line, and to your field.  If you didn’t receive the Word of Jesus specifically right now, then listen again when you get home. 

Message Prayer

Let us hold onto the Word and pray together.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You. We thank You. Allow us to be Your witnesses in the field, holding onto Your accurate Word, exactly according to Your Word this week. We have returned Your materials as offering.  We pray that You will bless all the hands that have given this offering, for the Temple Construction, the future generations, and missions. We pray that You will also bless the hands that have given the offering for thanksgiving and other miscellaneous topics, for the blessing of the economy of light and world evangelization.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

God, we thank You. God, we thank You for saving a new life, and we pray that You will save the country of Mongolia as well as the entire world, and that You will fulfill Your Word through Pakhee.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. LA Youth Retreat: 7/11(Thurs.)-13(Sat.): $250

3. Region – Summer camp (Children), 7/20 (Sat.)

4. Mexico Tecate camp, 3rd or 4th week of July (TBD)

5. Florida camp (7/28-8/2)

6. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, and working, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to stand as a witness to save the world, holding onto only their faith in the Word of Jesus Christ, upon their studies, their businesses, and their ministries, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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