Witness of the Resurrection, Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Witness of the Resurrection, Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | |Interpreter Tiffany Han

Problems come because you are seized by yourself. You can never escape from that unless you entirely believe in God, like Mary Magdalene who received incredible grace.

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. I pray that the blessing and grace of God be overflowing in the individuals worshipping in the church, the home, and especially out of state. The title of today’s message is Witness of the Resurrection, Mary Magdalene.

There are many times when we shake as we live our life and walks of faith. There are times when we are not very sure or are afraid. There are many times when situations of our past will be holding onto our ankles in the present. Even the things of my past that I’m not even aware of will take control of my life, or the fears of my future that haven’t even happened yet will come into my present and seize me. These are the things of our lives. 

What is God telling us about this today? I hope you will become a witness of the resurrection. God is with us with His Word. Only the Word of God is the evidence you must hold onto to become a witness. Jesus died upon the cross then was buried in a tomb wrapped in linen. When Mary Magdalene went to the tomb, the door was open. That was a big problem! There were supposed to be Roman guards in front of the tomb. Mary ran to Jesus’ disciples, Simon Peter and John, and told them about it, “Jesus’ body is missing,” and they ran to the tomb to confirm. Without a doubt, the linen wraps were still there but the body was gone.

1. Mary Magdalene

Then we read the content where Mary met two angels. We also read about Jesus Christ who came and had a conversation with Mary. There is a message God wants to give us with this story. What kind of woman was Mary Magdalene? Mary was a woman and a Jew who was a part of the Jewish community. 

  1) A Jew

    (1) Law

The Jewish people emphasized the law because it was the Word of God. They did not recognize the gospel but only kept the law. 

    (2) Tradition

    (3) Consciousness

They had their diligence and conscientiousness that passed on for many generations.  Mary Magdalene was someone involved in that organization of the Jews, serving very diligently. In other words, she was part of a religion. 

  2) Fundamental Problem

What does Eph. 2:1-3 say about people like this?

    (1) Original sin (Eph. 2:1)

It says they are dead in their transgressions and sins. How are we dead, even if we believe in God through religion?  Unless you are alive in Christ, you will be spiritually dead, meaning you are dead before God. No matter how much you cry out to God, as long as your spirit is dead, you cannot meet God. 

All religions are created to do good works, which is why they emphasize doing good works and they even teach people how to pray. However, their spiritual problems cannot be solved because their spirit is dead. 

    (2) Satan (Eph. 2:2)

In Ephesians 2:2 it says they follow the ruler of the kingdom of the air. These people are following and are dragged around by the forces of darkness without being aware, this spirit that is now at work in those who are disobedient. 

    (3) Cravings of our flesh – Wrath (Eph. 2:3)

In Ephesians 2:3, the way these people live is following their flesh and physical desires; they are, by nature, objects of wrath. What does it mean to follow the greed of your flesh? It means you are living however you want according to how your thoughts and emotions dictate you. It means you do whatever you want, filled by thinking your thoughts are correct. But by nature, you are objects of wrath. 

Many people think that true freedom is living according to however you want and your thoughts and heart. A lot of people try to live their lives not being impeded on by others and trying to live according their own emotions.  What happens if you live that way? You will be bound by yourself. All the people who say “Do not impede me,” will eventually fall because they’re bound by themselves. Look at people and try to interpret them correctly.  If they try to live however they desire, they will later realize that life is not in their control as God’s wrath comes upon them. 

  3) Met Jesus Christ

That is the lady that Mary Magdalene was. 

    (1) Seven demons driven out (Mk. 16:9)

In Mk. 16:9, it says there were 7 demons in her and Jesus cast them out. “Seven demons” doesn’t just mean seven, but it means there were many demons in her.  Does that mean that these demons only existed back then and not now? No, they exist even now.  Does that mean that Jesus who resurrected back then no longer exists now? No, he still exists now. 

    (2) Longtime suffering (Spiritual, Mental Problems)

What happens when you’re demon-possessed? You can no longer control yourself.  The characteristic of people who are possessed by demons is that they try to live however they want but things don’t go the way they want. If something very depressing happens, it’s rightful to become depressed, but if you become depressed even though nothing happens, it means you don’t have control. Sometimes, nothing good is happening, but my emotions are elevated, or nothing bad is happening and my emotions go bad. That’s bipolar disorder.

There are people who are schizophrenic, they are able to see or hear demons. Or there is nothing to be fearful about but they are always in fear. Someone should be afraid if there’s something to fear, but even when there’s nothing to fear, they are struck by panic attacks.  This is not solvable with anything in the present reality. If there is something to be afraid about, you can think about it and create a strategy so you don’t have to be afraid of it, but you are afraid even when there isn’t anything going on. You look at your life and you think, “This is so depressing,” even if there’s nothing bad happening; you’re depressed by yourself.

There are sometimes when you have a scar in your heart and you become very wrathful. As people mature, they have scars and trauma inside of them that become a subject of wrath. Will that scar become a source of wrath and control them for their entire life? Then they’ll be very angry, even when there’s nothing to be angry about.  

In Ephesians 4:27,  it says that this is Satan that is burrowing in with a foothold. Everybody is someone like Mary Magdalene. It’s not something you can solve by studying or through a religion or with any amount of counseling. If you think you can solve it with counseling, you must think that there is some content that can be counseled. If it is caused by some incident, then you can solve that incident so you no longer have any misunderstanding, but there are times when fear comes without a source, so it’s not up to you, and that’s when we’re dragged around. 

    (3) Healing

This can only be resolved if we meet Jesus Christ because every human being is born in original sin under the authority of Satan, living their life they live however they want according to their emotions and greed. Later on, things don’t work out how they want, because when God created human beings, He did not create us to live however we desire. But the Devil plants into us an illusion of fake freedom and enslaves us with demons. The only way to escape from myself is to be completely engulfed by God. 

If you want to be victorious in worship I pray that can be completely freed from yourself and completely seized by God.  Lay down all of your thoughts and ambitions. The more you hold onto that the more you will suffer. That is religion. It will never solve your personal problems. You need to be set free, to be freed from yourself to have true freedom.  You need to quickly escape from the things that you want, your greed, and the things you are looking for. You need to meet God today and be completely seized by God. 

But Satan blocks that, he says that if you are completely seized by God, you will be like a slave. You don’t need anyone, you can just live however you want. “You don’t need anyone to interfere with your life, just live based on however you want, however you feel.”  Look at how people who think like this end up. They suffer when things are out of their control, and that’s their characteristic, but if you are completely seized by God, you will have true freedom. This is strength and grace, and that’s what we mean by saying every problem is finished. 

What do you think is a problem that you face? Problems come because you are seized by yourself. You can never escape from that unless you entirely believe in God. This is the Mary Magdalene who received incredible grace. She served the Jewish church for all her life and there was nothing that could solve the 7 demons possessing her, so imagine how sad she must have been when Jesus passed away. She was the very first person who found Jesus at His tomb. 

When someone receives grace, they will reveal how much grace they have received. Just as when someone has received love, they are able to give love. The reason someone is so critical and bitter is because that is what they received. The reason they only think about themselves in the world is because that is what they received. However, if you receive the grace and love of God, the characteristic is that you will give that grace and love to others. 

If you want to give grace to the 237 nations of the world, it means that is how much grace you have received. I hope this will be the time when that grace comes upon you.  If you are trying to gain something through your studies and diligence, that is simply your efforts. But grace is something that is given from God without anything done on your own. Those people will hold onto Christ all the more.

2. Resurrected Jesus Christ

  1) Empty tomb

Mary went to the tomb and there were only the linens and no body. 

    (1) Strips of linen remained (Jn. 20:5,7)

    (2) Jesus’ body not in the tomb (Jn. 20:8)

    (3) Did not understand the Scripture of resurrection (Jn. 20:9)

However, John 20:9 says they still didn’t know that Jesus had to resurrect from the dead. Jesus Christ and the scriptures of the Old Testament continuously told them that Jesus had to resurrect after 3 days but they still did not understand. Just because there is a message every Sunday does not mean you will understand it. Some people come to me much later and say “So that’s what you meant.” That is God’s time schedule for understanding His message. 

Mary Magdalene and his disciples were continuously hearing about Jesus’ having to die and resurrect but they still did not understand. That is why we must be continuously moved and inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Now it is possible to give worship without killing the lamb and spilling its blood. Now we can worship the invisible God in truth and spirit. In other words, worship is only possible with the Word of God and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. At this time, it is impossible for you to understand the word of God unless it is by the movement and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that’s why it’s not something you can do by studying. If you could study it, then only the studious people would receive all the grace.  I pray that the grace and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit must be upon each of you for you to understand the word, and that is why we stake our lives on worship. 

If you don’t stake your life on worship, you will stake your lives on people, and later on, you will stake your life on suffering and useless things like money or success. Because you stake your life on these things, you’ll end up killing people, but if you stake your life on God, everything around you will be revived, and everything in your surroundings will be saved. You can’t fix something by telling someone to do this or that. If there is something that can be fixed, then morals and ethics and religion and law would be sufficient. But it’s not something we can fix. We must come to life. Only if I am saved and living can these works take place. I pray that this worship will be that worship.

  2) Two angels

As Mary is in the tomb, there are two angels conversing with Mary.

    (1) In the tomb (Jn. 20:12)

Angels are the messengers of God and they run His errands. The fact that they are messengers of God means they act according to His commands. When an angel appears, sometimes they appear in the appearance of a person. They don’t appear with wings like angels but they appear in the form of a human, and that is how they are conversing with Mary. If they had appeared in the form of angels, Mary would’ve been afraid and ran away, but they came in the form of a human and conversed with her.  Angels appeared in the Old Testament many times to Abraham and they come like this to you as well. Heb. 1:14 says that God will send angels to help those who are destined to receive salvation. I have experienced this multiple times myself, but I’m the only one who knows.  They show up out of nowhere and help you.

    (2) Most Holy Place – Two angels on top of the Ark (Ex. 37:9)

There are two angels that are seated where Jesus’ body used to be which means that is where Jesus was present, it means that that was the Kingdom of God. In Ex. 37:9, it talks about the Holy of Holies and the Ark of the Covenant, where there were two cherubim which demonstrates where God will be, this is the place God resides. 

    (3) Presence of Jesus Christ – Kingdom of God

The One Who is seated at the throne of heaven was also with the Israelites at the plate of atonement, so that is why they made the Ark of the Covenant with the cherubim. That means that even though he is invisible to our eyes, the resurrected Jesus Christ is with us as well.  Wherever the king moves, the helper angels are there to help.

Look at when a president has to go anywhere. His secretaries and assistants will plan everything in advance. There was a time when I was in the military and the president came to visit us. For many months in advance, there were many special forces that came into the camp to make sure nothing bad happened. They stayed with us and put snipers up on the building. They taped everything off so that we couldn’t touch anything to prepare for the president’s visit. They stamped out the ground and put new asphalt on the ground, too. They did all this because the president was coming, and all the secretaries and ambassadors came as well. If President Biden were to come here, they would have set up all the special forces to make sure there isn’t a security breach. Of course, wherever Jesus Christ goes, His angels go too. 

Then what kind of people are we? Jesus Christ is with us, and wherever we go, these two angels of the Lord follow as well, and that is why the forces of darkness and evil run away. Why are we not able to enjoy this? Because we are looking at ourselves too much. “I’m weak because I’m too elderly,” you may be correct but you’re wrong. “I have no power or skill,” or “I’m actually very okay.” You might be correct, but you’re also wrong. 

What is correct? “I may be powerless and elderly, but the One with all the power is with me.” If you’re afraid of a future that has not yet come, in some sense, that is rightful, however, the Lord to whom the future bows down, is with me. This is correct. It says that all things will bow their knee before the Lord and He is with me. Then wherever I go, that is the Kingdom of God, and when the Kingdom of God is established, the forces of darkness are crumbling down and run away.  There is a difference between a member of church who enjoys this whenever they go and one who doesn’t know this and only looks at the physical reality. 

  3) Resurrected Jesus Christ

There is a person who stands before Mary, and she talks with Him as well.  It’s Jesus Christ for sure, but the Bible tells us that even though she saw Jesus, she doesn’t realize that he is Jesus. There are some people who say “I will only believe if I see Jesus.” Even if you were to see him, you wouldn’t know, you wouldn’t believe. People say, “If I saw Jesus, I would believe,” but that’s foolishness.  There were many people who saw Jesus in his day and didn’t believe. Later on, even when Jesus Christ resurrected, even the disciples didn’t believe.  “Oh, I saw Jesus in my dream.” That’s a lie. There’s no reason that Jesus would show himself to you physically, because he speaks through his word. 

Why were there so many miracles in the Word in the Old Testament, and why are there no miracles today?  Because what’s more important than miracles is God’s Word.  In the past, God had to reveal His message through miracles, but now we have the Word so we no longer need these miracles; Jesus Christ being with me is the miracle of all miracles, and the fact that I’m receiving God’s Word in His grace is the miracle of miracles. 

    (1) Mary looked but did not realize (Jn. 20:14)

In the past, only the prophets and the priests could experience this. Now, any person can come worship before God and experience His presence. But if you disregard this and say “I need to see Jesus in person to believe”, these people don’t actually believe at all.  Mary looks at Jesus face-to-face but doesn’t recognize Him as Jesus; Mary saw Jesus and thought he was the gardener. It’s not that she wasn’t looking clearly and mistook Him.  She just didn’t believe.

    (2) Calls Mary (Jn. 20:16)

When Jesus said to her “Mary”, she believed. Only when the Word of God comes to you personally will you believe. 

    (3) Experienced the resurrected Jesus through the Word (Jn. 20:16)

How can we experience the resurrected Jesus now through the Word?  If we say, “Show me,” how will He show us?  He reveals himself to us through his Word. You can listen to the words of people haphazardly, but you need to listen very carefully to the Word of God, and this is why we listen to worship and proclaim the Word of God. This is the principle by which God moves.  

If the word of God is alive in the field where you are working, there are no problems. If there is an incident you face but you remember the Word of God, then there’s no problem.  If you have cancer but the Word of God is alive in you, there is no problem, because the Word is God and there is no one who can overcome the Word. As evidence of this experience, I hope the Word of God can come to each of you personally. If the Word of God doesn’t come to you, you’ll have to live according to the thoughts that come up in your head, and the things that repeatedly happen is that you will be bound by yourself and you will make yourself suffer. I pray that this word will come upon each of you individually. 

3. Ascension of the Resurrected Jesus

Mary experienced this resurrected Jesus Christ through His Word. Then Jesus Christ said, “I have not yet ascended to the Father” which means he has not yet risen to the throne of heaven. “Do not hold onto Me,” expecting to live with Jesus in the physical world.  

  1) Witness of the resurrection – Mary

Everything will only be completely when Jesus ascends to the Father God and sends the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ gives Mary the mission of relaying this message to the other disciples that Jesus must ascend to the Father. 

  2) Came as the Holy Spirit

    (1) Within me (1 Cor. 3:16)

What about for you and me? The Holy Spirit dwells in us as the temple of God (1 Cor. 3:16). The fact that we are the Temple of God means God takes complete care of us as we escape from our destiny and fate.  Now regardless of my thoughts, God is moving me through His will and His Word. The only reason you’re confused is because you confuse the Word of God with your thoughts.  Because you don’t believe in the Word of God, you believe in your thoughts more, but our level isn’t even an IQ of 150. I hope you believe and trust in the Lord who has unlimited IQ. 

He is the One who has the power of Creation, who can make something out of nothing and control success and failure. He gives disease and heals as well. I hope you will stop limiting God in your thoughts.  “I’m so old, what can I do for God anymore?” One day God will give you a disease so you live according to your thoughts. Until the day God calls you to heaven, you live as a witness of Jesus Christ, but if you limit God in your own thoughts, “I will only live for the Lord until I’m this old,” are you God? You’re managing your own life. If the Lord lives within me, it means the Lord is in charge of my life.

A failure is not a failure and a crisis is not a crisis. The one who has the complete and perfect plan is with me forever. Christianity is not like other religions. There is no religion that speaks of the resurrection, about God dying and coming back to life. Everyone says that you die and that’s it.  There are some religions that talk about reincarnation, you die and come back as a cow, etc., but there is no other religion that speaks of eternal life. 

It doesn’t matter how good your actions are; when you die, it’s finished.  It doesn’t matter how great of a doctrine you create, once you’re dead, it’s finished. But summarizing this in a few words, we live forever. As evidence of that, God lives with us through the Holy Spirit. This is the core of Christianity. If you don’t have this, fear will find you.  “I live forever with the Lord.” Why are you worried about tomorrow? You are living forever with the Lord. Why are you worried about today? You are living forever with the Lord.  Why are you hanging onto the past? You are living today and eternity with His plan and blessings.  You must be strengthened in your heart. That is how you can overcome your own life. 

There is only one way.  The eternal Lord is with me. I do not live by my own abilities but with the power of the Lord. It doesn’t matter what difficulties come my way, I exist forever with the Lord. That is how David overcame; that is how Joseph overcame. There is no other way. What other method or strategy would there be?  Jesus would be that only way. 

    (2) With us – Immanuel (Mt. 1:23)

Now He is with the church as Immanuel. He is with us and He is with me.  When I look at a person and he is very lacking, you wait for them because of God’s time schedule. If you see someone with greater faith than you, you should try to follow after them, not pull them back with your lack of faith. If you enjoy Immanuel, you acknowledge God.  There is no reason for you to pull back someone with greater faith or push down someone with less faith. By acknowledging Immanuel, you acknowledge that God has a perfect time schedule. 

God has a time schedule for every person, and it comes together to save the world. It is the church that saves the world. The reason Israel failed is because they didn’t want to save the world. “I’m just gonna die after receiving all the blessings for myself.” God didn’t call the Israelites because they were smart or special. But they were under the misconception that they were something special, so they failed because of their arrogance.  You and I have received the grace and been chosen by God to save the world, and I hope you will hold onto this covenant.  I say “Hallelujah” because I’m talking about the Jews and the Jewish person is saying “Amen,” and if he agrees with me, I say “Hallelujah.”  I think worship is really coming to life.  You should all say “Hallelujah” a few times, it’s correct. We praise the Lord.

    (3) Works for the good (Rom. 8:28)

He fulfills his good purpose through all things. Imagine how great of a God this is. “You messed up in your past, didn’t you? I’m gonna punish you for that.”  But that’s not what God does. That is what people and religion do, but God says, “I’m going to take everything you’ve done and use it for the purpose of saving lives, and that’s such a good God.  Unless your life changes this way, there is no way for you to be liberated from life. 

All the scars of your past, your pain and successes, God will use all of that to save lives. He is with you always, eternally. If He tells you to fail, just fail. If you fail with the Lord, that will be a blessing because the Lord Himself is a blessing and you will be a source of blessing. If you hold onto Jesus, a failure will not be a failure because Jesus himself is the blessing. That is our walk of faith.  Do not ever look at your personal circumstances and be discouraged, losing hold of the gospel. You must not be seized by the thoughts that come into your brain; you must hold onto the gospel and be seized by it. 

  3) Church

    (1) Jesus Christ who finished everything (Jn. 19:30)

The church is a place that is one with the gospel. In other words, we gather and become one in Christ. Jesus is Jesus, but who is Jesus?  Jesus has finished everything, Jesus is the Chirst who has solved all the problems of our past, present, and future and is with us eternally. If Jesus had died on the cross and said “I’ve taken care of 50% of your problems, you do the rest,” that would be a headache. That’s not God; God is perfect and complete, and if God works, He works completely and perfectly. If God said it is finished, then everything is finished.

    (2) Power of the Holy Spirit – Witness until the ends of the earth (Ac. 1:8)

He is with me and now we pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit. God is with me but my thoughts are still taking precedence of taking the way. Instead of that, pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit realistically works.  The Holy Spirit isn’t some energy like the Jehovah’s Witness say, because the Holy Spirit realistically works.  Just as the resurrected Jesus Christ was invisible to people’s eyes, the Holy Spirit works in reality.  Praying for the filling of the Holy Spirit means you are giving up all your thoughts and heart and spirit to Jesus Christ so that His spirit will fill you and control you.

Praying while holding onto your thoughts and stubbornness, that’s actually not prayer.  You’re just protesting or demonstrating before God, you’re telling God, “Do whatever I want.”  That must mean God is lacking, doesn’t it? You’re saying that God really doesn’t know what’s up.  The best thing is to completely give it up to God. As evidence of that, pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to completely take hold of your thoughts, heart, and spirit. 

If you don’t understand what this means, I’ll give the example of shamans. What kind of power comes upon these fortune-tellers? They receive the works of being filled with the devil. It’s not their own power, but what does it mean to be filled with demons? It is a state where their thoughts, heart, and emotions are completely controlled by demons. Then the works of being demon-possessed arise. They even heal diseases, they can tell people’s fortunes.  They can jump upon a stick and their feet will still be secure. That is the spiritual power of demons. 

In America, demons don’t work that way. The demons fill people who are very successful and clean on the outside. I went to Sedona and there were pamphlets of fortune tellers. If you go to Asian countries, those shamans aren’t like that, but shamans in America are demon-possessed in a very different way from other nations. They have pamphlets that explain everything and they’re completely filled with demons.  They give a testimony, “This is how I was possessed,” so you shouldn’t look at things like that and be deceived. Any person can receive the filling of evil spirits and any person can receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. We call this meditative concentration. The filling of the Holy Spirit is when you are completely filled and controlled by the Word and Holy Spirit. 

If you keep trying to be stubborn with God, something else will come to you because you’re only stubborn with God as you do not believe in God.  God knows what you need, and God is preparing things that are even better than you think, but instead of trusting in God, you’re telling Him to give you this because you think you know what’s best. You are stubborn, filled with yourself and evil. One day something will come to you but it will be different, it will seize your thoughts. That’s why there are so many Christian believers with mental problems. They think it’s God, but it’s actually not God.

If you believe in God, you need to trust Him entirely. If a child only trusts their parent 50%, the parent will be offended by that because a child must completely rely on their parent 100% ever since they are born. They never doubt, “Are you really my mom and dad?” because they completely give up everything to them.  At this time today, I hope you will lay down everything of yourself and pray for God to completely control and reign over you as the Kingdom of God. That is the faith that is correctly relayed to your field and the world, so that God can completely reign over you in the field as well. The evidence of this is that the Word of God will be living in your thoughts. That is why God is with you and His kingdom is established. It’s invisible, but the darkness, curses, and disasters are fading away.  The devil makes you unable to see that, but you only see the present reality. You must not be deceived; that’s why the Word of God is the evidence.

    (3) Pray together with one heart with the covenant (Ac. 1:14)

If this takes place, the church members will gather together in one place to pray with one heart. It is a place where you gather with one heart holding onto the word of Jesus Christ. Everyone has different levels and backgrounds, but everyone becomes one with Jesus Christ, The thing you must connect with one another is that Jesus is the Lord and Savior, the Christ who has finished all our problems of the past, present and future. He is with me even now, and He is working with us through worship, with the Word and the Spirit. This is how the church becomes one so we can save the world, not succeed or survive in the world. 

But the way you are born into this world is with the imprinted mentality of having to survive. There are no exceptions. Even if you are a believer, you have the belief that you need to survive. You need money and health and people to survive. You can’t even think of the fact that you need to save people. You’re seized by yourself because you have to save yourself. Satan seizes you with this. You must quickly escape from this. The plan of God is to save, and you can’t do that unless it is by the level of God.  I am the church and a child of God who will save the world. How? With the power of God. It is impossible with our own strength. That is how God works upon us with the power of the Holy Spirit. 

    (4) 237 Nations, 5,000 people groups

How can you save the whole world?  How could you have those thoughts? This is only possible for those who receive God’s grace Then God will work through you with the power to save the whole world. But most people think, “I must survive in the world,” and that is the fate that seizes you.  I hope you will quickly break this down and go into the thoughts where God has saved you and you must save others. 

    (5) Healing, summit – Church construction

If you think you have to survive, it honestly means you don’t believe in God. God says you will live eternally, what do you mean “survive?”  Jesus will be with you until the end of the age, why do you need to survive? Unless your thoughts change, no matter how much you listen to the Word of God, your fundamental nature won’t change.  You will live in a frame that is very similar to non-believers. Quickly change your thoughts and always be imprinted, rooted, and natured in God’s Word. We are the church that saves because God is the One who saves.  God doesn’t just fix but he saves. Religion and parents try to nag you into fixing yourself. God overcomes that level and saves them.  I believe this is the gospel. 


1. Experience the death and resurrection of Jesus

2. Jesus Christ who finished everything

3. Live the life of a witness


I pray that you and I may have this blessing this week and God gives us the money, health, and everything we need to be able to save the world. Let us pray together, holding onto the Word God has given us.


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