Witness of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Witness of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8-14)

If you’re a witness, we must witness that Jesus is the Christ.

The fact that Jesus is the Christ means that He is the complete, perfect prophet and there’s no need for another after Him.  If you don’t know Jesus Christ accurately, you can’t evangelize and share with people like this.  I met a Muslim student at UCSD and they didn’t accept that Jesus is the True Priest, Prophet, and King.  Then I said, “Before we part ways, you pray and I’ll pray.  Pray for me and I’ll pray for you.”  I prayed everything, to break down the forces of darkness and the demons seizing the student. 

How is this possible?  Because I believe in Jesus Christ.  If it were you, you’d avoid them, “You don’t believe, okay,” and avoid them. But I can say, “You pray for me and I’ll pray for you, “but I know for a fact that by praying in the name of Jesus Christ, the forces of Satan are broken down.

Are you able to talk about Jesus Christ no matter whom you meet?   Can you explain Jesus Christ from their logic? You need to have the gospel that finishes all things with the three roles of Jesus Christ.  He is perfectly and completely Christ and perfectly completely God.  We don’t need Mary, why do you pray through Mary?  That person is saying Christ is not perfect and complete. Then, if you don’t know Christ perfectly, you can’t evangelize, even if you memorize these three roles of Christ.

You have to know the three reasons accurately to enjoy this and evangelize.  Other religions are good, but religions weren’t created so we can live immorally, stealing and killing.  All religions teach good things, but why do even monks need Christ?  It doesn’t matter how good of a religion you have, you can never solve the problems of sin, Satan, and hell through religion, and I’m not telling you to believe in Christianity either, but you have to escape from sin, Satan, and hell. 

The fact that you’re able to explain this means you can actually acknowledge it. If you’re not able to talk about this with monks means you don’t really acknowledge this, and that’s why Christ seems so weak or vague to you. That’s the real problem. That’s how Satan works, and demons won’t just go away.  Monks need these problems solved, they need Christ. I’m not telling them to come to church, I’m saying they need Christ because they are seized by these problems.

When I was an Assistant Pastor, I was drinking coffee in McDonalds and a Jehovah’s Witness came to me and started to talk about God. They know the Old and New Testaments, and they believe in God from the Bible, but their Bible is different from ours.  The Old Testament talks about Jesus Christ, but if your spirit is seized, you can’t understand.  Those people are so spiritually seized that they’ve memorized certain parts of the Bible and fight with believers who don’t know Christ and can’t fight back.  But no matter what I said, they didn’t listen, so I told them, “You have curses in your house,” I’m not cursing them, but because their sins are not atoned for, they have curses in their family. 

Is this true?  “Pastor, how could you say that?” It’s hard for you to see this so it’s hard for you to believe in Christ, and the devils know that.  You must tell the truth to whomever you meet, because these people don’t listen so I really planted something in their heart. “You have curses in your family and it’s never going to be resolved.”  I’m not cursing them. It doesn’t matter what they say, but sin, Satan, and hell must be real to you for Christ to be real to you. This isn’t some theory or doctrine, it’s a fact and Christ is also a fact.  When you use the name of Jesus Christ as a fact, that’s when Satan is broken down.

There’s no church that doesn’t talk about Jesus Christ, but it’s very weak to them and Satan knows that, so that’s why people get confused, and if someone else speaks to you very firmly, you can’t respond, but you have to run away, because the devil knows that. The devil knows that you have Christ but you lack assurance in Christ. 

Because you have Christ without assurance, Satan will play with you. That’s the image of the Christian believers who don’t know Christ.  This isn’t just the basics, this is the beginning and the end. When I talk about sin, Satan, and hell, you just write it down, but this is more than that. The word “sin” and “curse” are easy to say, but they’re realistically in your life.  Satan is actually holding onto you through the demons, and realistically you’re suffering, but nobody knows why they suffer.  “Did I do something wrong to someone?  What did I do wrong?”

When the members of the Early Church confessed Jesus is the Christ, that’s when Satan was broken down. After resurrecting, Jesus ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Throne of Heaven.  Through His death and resurrection, He broke Satan’s power and authority and ascended to the Throne where He controls the Church.  That’s the Kingdom. With what does He control? 

The Word.  That person doesn’t move according to the Word of God but according to the ideologies of the world, and that’s why they’re completely seized by Satan.  What role does Satan play? He pushes us into disaster.  These are the things taking place in Christians today because the Word of Jesus Christ are not coming upon them.

Satan makes it so you go outside of God’s Word, outside of God’s control. Even if you go to church, if you’re outside the Word, you’re outside of God’s reign.  You’re constantly saying, “this is my family background,” but you can’t change it. But when God gives you His grace to receive His Word during worship, you will be restored.

Why do we hold onto and enjoy the Word? That’s how you will receive His guidance and go into His reign, but the devil will stop you from doing this at all costs and make you go outside. Satan works through the scars and makes you have fears of an uncertain future because the Word of God isn’t holding you.  Prayer is fulfilling God’s Word, isn’t that right?  Am I wrong?  God takes care of the people of God. The fact that God saved me means God will take complete care of me until I go to heaven, then what must I pray for?  We pray for the Holy Spirit to come upon us so we can fulfill God’s will of being witnesses of Christ until the ends of the earth.

You may think you believe, but you actually don’t. By God’s grace, you have faith to receive salvation but you don’t believe like this. Jesus Christ is truly with me, and if I pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to be the witness until the ends of the earth, He will really work, so stop trying to study with your limited brain but pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to be His witness.  How do you pray?  You have to pray in faith for the Holy Spirit to completely control my thoughts, my heart, my spirit, and my body.

The Holy Spirit is already within me but I still live with my own thoughts, and that’s what’s not aligned with God.  That’s why you have to pray with faith that the Holy Spirit will take control of my thoughts, heart, mind, and spirit, then what will happen?  You will receive power to be a witness. But we’re under a misconception, holding onto things that aren’t God’s Word.

“I’m so powerless,” but the more powerless you are, the more you need God’s power.  The more you suffer mentally, “I don’t know what I’m doing in the future,” the more you need the Holy Spirit.  Those kids are actually better because they can hold onto God’s accurate plan. If you hold onto your own plan, irrelevant to God’s plan, it’s worse for you and it’ll be hard until your own thoughts break.

How will you break your thoughts?  You have to have some kind of incident.  If you want to stop someone from driving on the freeway, if they get onto a car accident, they can’t drive on the freeway anymore. If you saw the Twin Towers collapse in New York, you would be paralyzed because of the trauma.  In other words, to uproot the things within you, you need some trauma or shock, and that’s how the Holy Spirit works upon a person.

So, are you going to get rid of your thoughts on your own or will you wait for God to give you some shock or trauma to get rid of your thoughts?  Young adults don’t understand, they say they immediately understand but hold onto the things they did before. That’s because their imprint, root, and nature have been there for a very long time.  It’s because they were not imprinted in the gospel of the Triune God, but it was something else that rooted deeply.

They understand but turn around and go back to their own state, but at your age, there aren’t things that are too deeply rooted in you.  My daughter thinks she’s all grown up.  “Dad, do you think you know me?” Of course I do, I was also your age, in fact, I’ve gone through that stage multiple times, and I know, but she thinks I can’t understand her. Of course I do, why wouldn’t I?  I don’t mean that I understand every single emotion she has, but I understand what she’s thinking and her motivations, but even so, I’m telling you these words because these are the words that will take place in your life anyways.  It doesn’t matter how stubborn you are, these will take place.

So, I feel sad because emotionally you’re sad and frustrated and there’s nothing I can do. What happens if you keep holding onto your stubbornness?  Then I have to make an entire program to correct her thoughts, and I pray for God to work in her.  The more power you lack, the more you need to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to come upon you, you can just pray for 5 minutes.  Because the Holy Spirit is God, even if He doesn’t work a lot, just working once is enough.

Every single time before you study, pray “The reason I study is Jesus Christ and world evangelization so give me the filling of the Holy Spirit so I can study,” and the Holy Spirit actually works, so you pray with faith and realistically the Holy Spirit will work. There’s ideologies that come from Satan, and there’s also things in school.  Satan makes you embarrassed to share about Jesus in school. Satan has already created an environment in the schools where you’re too embarrassed, so you’re already seized by your environment.

Overcoming this is to be a child of God in Jesus Christ. Saying this boldly means you have true strength and confidence.  “Through me and my studies, the kingdom of God will be established in this field,” and you see it because you believe that through you, the blessings of the Kingdom of God will come upon you. Such a person has confidence.  The more people make fun of you for being a Christian, God will make sure He takes care of them, so it doesn’t matter what they say.  The more people try to block you, the more God will punish those people. 

If anything, I’m a missionary so that through me, the spiritual problems, disasters, and forces of darkness in the region will be broken down, and holding onto that, the Holy Spirit will work upon you.  Then what will happen?  All creation must follow.  If you’re lacking, then the working of the Holy Spirit will fill your lacking.  Let’s say you’re super not smart, then the Holy Spirit will make you able to think about God’s Kingdom.   The more powerless you are, to be a witness of Christ, God will change your environment.  I’m a child of God, a missionary sent to establish God’s Kingdom and to break down disasters.

Without this level of pride, you’re already a loser. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the first or last place, those are just the words of people, and God doesn’t care about that.  There must be someone like Joseph who had the covenant in the field, praying for God’s will, and God sends the angels and the heavenly armies of angels will go and fight.  After that, you’ll see the physical things taking place, and you’ll see the regular occurrence of people believing in Jesus Christ, turning towards life.  God is working upon you to fulfill all of this.  If you need a little better report card, God will raise your report card and give you wisdom. 

The goal of everything is to save lives. If you’re in last place, you’ll be too embarrassed to share about the gospel, so God will raise you up. If your thoughts and heart are too dirty, you can’t share about the gospel, so God will clean it up. You pray for God to break the forces of darkness upon your family line and school. 

Many of you seem disinterested, you listen but it seems so distant.  Then, you’ll be seized in the field by the standards of demons.  If you’re seized by that, it’s just suffering.  You have to take this and go to school and meditate. People with their own motives cannot do this for a long time, because even if they did, they won’t have any benefit. The kids have their own motives, but if they keep doing this, God will move according to God’s time schedule. It seems nothing is happening at first because Satan also has armies of demons, so they’re fighting.

But if you don’t know this at all, you pray for what you need and want, and that makes the devil happy. I hope you will finish your life in Christ and restore everything with the Word of God.  As a witness, I hope you will use the guidance and authority to reveal the blessings of God in your field.


God, we thank You.  You have given us the words of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God to make us witnesses with the filling of the Holy Spirit.  May we believe and begin the prayer of faith. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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