Why Do We Need to Do Evangelism? (Eph. 2:1-6)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Why Do We Need to Do Evangelism? (Eph. 2:1-6)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

The title of today’s message is, “Why do we need to do evangelism?” There must be an answer regarding evangelism for you to be aligned with God’s direction.  If there’s no answer regarding evangelism, then your direction doesn’t match with God’s direction.  

Introduction – Christ

In order to receive the answer of evangelism, you must accurately know and enjoy Christ.  Last week, we talked about the people who regarded Jesus Christ as other, various people.

Elijah, John the Baptist, Jeremiah, Prophet

Some people said Jesus is Elijah, or John the Baptist, or Jeremiah, or like one of the prophets. We’re not trying to interpret the meaning of the word, “Christ.” The word is just “Christ,” but we are ingrained in our understanding of Jesus as one of these people.

Elijah – Unhealthy Mysticism

John the Baptist – Judgment

Jeremiah – Philanthropy (pouring your heart out for the poor and getting upset at those who have)

Prophet – Law

In order for you to receive the answer of evangelism, you have to match with Christ.  In order to match with Christ, we have to come out of these four aspects.  We may believe in and relay Christ, but we are inside of mysticism. We say, “God’s works are mystical works.”  But making mysticism the standard for everything means we fall into unhealthy mysticism.  One day if a person is ill and through prayers they received, they may be cured of this illness.  But in this process of healing, they should come to know Christ, but instead, they’re focused on the aspect of healing.  

At that time, they fall into mysticism, thinking only of God’s works, but then they went up to a prayer monastery and they got cured, so whenever they face a problem, they’ll go to that prayer monastery because they think something arose due to that location. That’s how they speak of Jesus Christ, but that’s not Jesus Christ. That’s why evangelism cannot take place because it’s not matching with God’s direction. Because they incorrectly know Christ, they incorrectly know evangelism. 

People who know Jesus as John the Baptist may know the gospel but they judge others through the gospel. People who really judge people who have done wrong. We have to let people know they’ve done wrong but that’s not what I’m saying.  I’m talking about people with the nature who stakes their lives on proving people that they are wrong, but these people believe that’s what it means to believe in Christ. When they come to church,they see something wrong, so they can’t hold it in. That’s how they misinterpret Who Christ is.  

Centered on People

People who do philanthropic works, they look at the poor and poor out their heart to them, and when they see someone better than themselves, they get kind of mad. People must be philanthropic but they must not be centered on philanthropy.

And other people see Jesus Christ as a prophet who just upholds the law. When you come to church there are some rules you have to hear and they believe that’s their walk of faith, and that’s what they say as believing in Jesus Christ.  There are so many people like this.  So, you must know l Jesus Christ from the Bible.  Let’s say you have a problem.  So many people judge the problem instead of going to Christ with their problem.  The question is whether who has done right or wrong and ultimately, this is what it means to be centered on humans, humanism. Not Christ being the center, but I am the center. The question is, have I done right or have I done wrong? There’s no God in that. They only question whether the President has done right or wrong.  Inside of that, you cannot enjoy the blessings of Christ. You must quickly come out of this. 


If I’m accurately holding onto this Christ, then He becomes my rock. Because my nature is actually one of these four things, I’m actually shaken. If it’s not Christ, then Satan will always shake me.  Why is my faith always shaken? Because Christ is not my platform. I say “Christ,” but the Christ I actually hold onto is not the accurate Christ, and Jesus said, “upon this rock I will build my church.” Isn’t this evangelism and missions?  


To those who confess Jesus is the Christ, Godwill build His church upon that rock.  Evangelism should be simple; if evangelism is difficult, then it means you’re within one of these natures.  People who are mystical have a very hard time evangelizing, as well as those who are into judgment.  The easiest thing for them to do is to criticize and to fight with other people. So evangelism is so difficult because it’s not Christ and people who are into philanthropy easily give up their possessions to the poor, but it’s very difficult for them to evangelize. People who are legalistic and they are into rules, they are really great at following the rules, but they are unable to evangelize, why is that? Because they don’t know if they have Christ or not.

The confession is, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God,” and on this rock I’ll build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. This is the time the forces of darkness will be broken down in you and your family and your region. If it’s not in Christ, then you are constantly shaken, you’ll not be able to evangelize and be overtaken by Satan.  

Keys – Answers to Prayer

And the keys of heaven will be given to you. It’s not that you receive answers when you pray, but God gives the answers to the people who believe in Christ. THese things must take place. But why is this not happening for me? I call out Jesus Christ but it’s not Jesus from The Bible. Jesus Christ has finished all problems on the cross, but for me, Christ isn’t finished the problems, and because the problems haven’t been finished, I’m holding onto one of these four things. I believe in Christ, but I’m doing the mysticism movement?  Everything must be completed in Christ but I keep going to prayer monasteries to think about the answers I received before. And if problems arises we think about who has done right and who has done wrong.  

Christ is not just a term but if we hold onto the fact that Jesus is the Christ things will take place.

1. The Destiny of People X

The destiny of people cannot be changed.  From birth, mankind is enslaved to Satan because they are within sin and curses.  

1) John 8:44

So our spiritual fate cannot be changed.  If we know Christ, then we’re able to see this. When I constantly enjoy Christ, I can see this, and because I can see this, I must give the answer. If I don’t see this, I’m constantly within one of these four movements, so even though I know of it, I keep relaying a different thing.  It must be the Christ movement, but I keep doing another movement.

Child of Satan

I’m born as a child of Satan. That’s why we do all sorts of idol worship because we’re Satan’s children.

2) Ephesians 2:2 Prince of the Air

We follow the ways of the prince of the air. That’s why we’re being dragged according to our destiny.  So, we’re entrapped in seeing our physical selves, and we strive for success.  Will people who know the spiritual reality be enslaved by the world? No matter how great the world may seem they know the truth. Joseph went to Egypt and saw how great Egypt was but he really saw the spiritual reality.

Exodus 20:4 Idol

We have no choice but to do idol worship because the way to worship Satan is idols. 

3) Eph. 2:3

By nature we are objects of wrath

Matthew 11:28 Weary

Those who are weary and burdened.  Our identity is such that we have no choice but to be objects of wrath. It’s not by our mistake, but by nature, we are objects of wrath.

4) Acts 8:4-8 Physical

One day, physical problems come upon us.  There’s no choice but for us to have physical problems because this is the destiny and time schedule in which humans follow.

Time Schedule

You can see your future through this timeline, everyone is born in John 8:44. 

And in Ephesians 2:2 we are just living according to our greed following the ways of the world, it’s our inner things. So it looks like we are living diligently and it looks like things are going great, but out of nowhere, wrath is poured upon us.  We are living, carrying this wrath inside of us, but one day, it explodes outside of us.  And it comes upon us unseen to eyes so it affects us mentally.  

Mental – Diligence, Work, Affliction, Suffering

We question why life is like this, why is life so difficult and full of suffering? This mental state can be affected by people’s age.  Sometimes these mental afflictions can arise through their teens or their college years. This usually appears in their teen and college years.

As time passes, the mental appears in the physical, it can come after marriage or prior to marriage, why is that? Because this is just the timeline.  

5) Luke 16:19-31 AFterlife – Judgment

This state affects the next generation, everyone leaves their physical state here but their spirit goes elsewhere. And this is something you cannot ignore. This can happen any time, any place no one knows. I was having an Upper Room meeting with a pair of deacons, and they had amassed a lot of money during the pandemic.  They looked so good together because they’re a couple and they’re attending church.  But the man had expressed that it was hard for him physically and out of nowhere, he just passed away.  No one was able to see it coming, no one expected it, then what happens to all that money?  And so the deaconess “I saw him several times I should’ve went over the gospel with him” the sexiness was really regretful of it because she wasn’t able to really relay the gospel. 

Our spirits live eternally and we don’t know when our physical lives are finished, but this is an inevitability. We live each day as if it were our last; but because we think there’s going to be a tomorrow, we live moderately. But that’s why we must live each day as our last because we don’t know when we’re going to be called by God.

6) Matthew 27:25 Next Generation

This is the fate and destiny of mankind.  I’m not just writing down these six terms, but it’s actually a stream that people follow throughout their lives.  These Bible verses must be apparent when you go out into the field, and when you see these six Bible verses, you’ll be able to relay the answer.  But you can’t see it because you’re still within one of these four things. Christ must be Christ, but Christ is not Christ.  But when you hold onto the accurate Christ and enjoy it, you’ll be able to see this.  But no matter how much you go into the world, if you can’t see it, you’ll hold onto this incorrectly, and that’s why you live in one of these four natures.  

2. Salvation

But through Jesus Christ, these problems have been completely finished, “It is finished.”  People who do healing ministry must receive healing, or if someone around you needs healing, you must have this answer.

John 19:30

Jesus said, “It is finished.”  Healing depends on how much assurance and confirmation I have in this answer.  Why is it finished? You must be able to know this through more than just knowledge.  

Satan, Sin, Separation ) Salvation

The three fundamental problems are all our problems: sin, Satan, and separation. The moment you receive Jesus Christ, your fundamental problems are finished. Whether your illness is healed or not, it is not within your hands, but it is within God’s hands.  


What must be certain and … However, the one who relays the message and the one who hears the message does not have assurance in this. Your mental problems have already finished, but the person keeps stating, “I have mental problems,” so the problems continue, but they must know why this problem is finished.  Because the fundamental problems are finished, all problems are finished.  Once you have assurance and are rooted inside of this answer, healing will take place by God’s hands.  

This is a very important message. If you incorrectly understand this, … God has already answered and promised us the blessings of the rock, the church, and other blessings.  When we receive Jesus Christ, I have already become a rock, and God is already moving me according to the path of evangelism, and the forces of darkness are bound to be broken down and I have 

no choice but to receive answers, so this is very important.  

1) Past Problems Solved (Eph. 2:1)

… That was prior to us receiving salvation.  We have been liberated from those curses.  You must properly know this, salvation.  As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, and you have been liberated through this…. 

2) Present Problem (Eph. 2:2) God’s Child

But there is this illness, that’s not for me to worry about. … You must enjoy the fundamental strength, in other words, this life.

Life < Prayer, Breathing

Through prayer, we restore spiritual strength and it’s up to God whether He heals us or not.  The way to restore strength in our physical body is deep breathing. Whether you fix the problem in the body right now or not, the problems will come again because this body is always failing.  So, with prayer and deep breathing, we receive strength.  

For those who are especially weak, I pray you will do deep breathing.  Breathing has been scientifically proven through groups that meditate.  There are subcategories of meditation like healing meditation, and the way people meditate is through breathing.  Breathing has been scientifically proven, so spiritually be strengthened through prayer; physically be strengthened through breathing.

Those who are ill have shallow breaths.  I come in during the Early Morning and I do a lot of deep breathing at that time, because those who are sleeping will sleep with their mouths wide open, but you have to know that when you sleep with your mouths wide open, all the germs will come in. Those people are unhealthy.

Sometimes I exercise and take long walks, and that’s when I do deep breathing, and even while exercising, I found that I can do deep breathing. I’m doing bench press and I’m able to do deep breathing.  Right now, I feel like I’m able to do this a lot. In the past, I used to go to the beach to do deep breathing.  It’s not rapid healing but fundamentally, your body is being restored.  Prayer is fundamentally your spirit being restored.


As time passes according to God’s time schedule, you’ll be healed.  Let’s say someone is healed through prayer. That person will face that problem again shortly thereafter.  Something was cut off from a surgery and they got better, the person will get sick again because this is the answer to the strength we can fundamentally receive. Especially on Sunday or even while you’re giving worship, I pray this will take place. Especially for those who come early in the morning on Sunday and stay until late in the evening, it’s very difficult for them because they just move according to the physical body, so it’s very difficult for their body and spirit.  That means they continue to work just their body in the world and do not overcome problems, because they don’t have the strength to overcome their problems, and that’s why it’s so difficult.  When you come to church, do these two things especially. 

Korean people are very time-sensitive and hasty, if they hear something about a good place, they just rush towards that place. Fundamentally, Korean people are not well-suited for this. However, Japanese people’s nature is well-suited for this.  Korean people have a tendency to just rush towards something that just rose up, no matter if it’s fake news, they rush towards it.  If they hear something good arise, or something happens, they just rush to the scene. That’s just the culture of Korea.  If they hear about a good academy, they send their kids there without researching further. 

Why am I saying this? Because it’s not a simple matter to see. It’ snot a matter of whether the illness was cured or not; it’s not a matter of whether the surgery succeeded or not, because the illness will rise again.  What I’m  talking about is, fundamentally raising our strength, but Korean people may not do this very well because this is unseen to eyes and because they’re especially not having their spiritual eyes open, they become very shallow and hasty, so they give up on things easily. 

But because we’re children of God, we must develop our strength.  How?  As children of God, we have received blessings, the blessing that God is with us, guiding us and leading us.  When we develop that spiritual strength, one day, our mental and physical afflictions will disappear.  I’m talking about these problems in which, if we receive spiritual strength, then these problems will disappear.  I’m saying it has already been finished.  When you develop this strength, God will move according to His time schedule to heal you. 

3) Future (Eph. 2:3)

The answer to future problems. You will go to heaven.  You have the future as living with the background of the citizenship of heaven, adn going to heaven after death.  What is salvation? It is the conclusion of our past, present, and future problems. We have already come out of our past problems which were curses, and within our present problems, there’s an absolute answer.  God’s plans are within our environment and crises.  In the past, Satan would drag us into the present, but right now, we’re being led by God’s guidance, and I’m able to receive and develop strength, physical strength and spiritual strength to do world evangelization.  

3. Eph. 2:7

We have this evidence, in Eph. 2:7, and this evidence will be relayed to the future generations. To those who have salvation God will give them evidence, and this grace will be relayed to the future generations.  

4. Evidence X

There’s a reason why there’s people without evidence, there must be evidence, but why can’t we see this evidence?

1) 1 John 5:10-12 Assurance of Salvation

We don’t have assurance of salvation. To those who believe in Christ they receive salvation. However if you don’t have assurance in this you are shaken. If you’re shaken, then even if evidence comes to you, you cannot see it.

2) John 16:24 Assurance of Answers to Prayer

The Assurance of receiving answers to prayer, but because you don’t have that assurance, you don’t pray. I’m not talking about the action of prayer, but in your heart, there’s already disbelief. It’s not whether you’ve prayed or not physically, but if you have the heart of disbelief.  When you have the faith that God will work through your prayers, then you’ve already received answers.  

3) 1 Cor. 10:13 Victory

Assurance of victory. God will give trials accordingly to each person.  Big trials mean that a person has a big vessel.  If a person doesn’t face any trials, then that person has a small vessel.  Big trials means you have a big vessel, meaning you will absolutely succeed, but because you don’t have this assurance of victory, you’re afraid.  Because you’re anxious and worried, you make up things even before the trial comes. You must have this assurance that no matter what, you’ll have victory, and you’ll receive evidence of this, but if you do not have this assurance of victory, then you already cannot see this evidence.

4) 1 John 1:9 Forgiveness

Jesus Christ has already forgiven all our sins on the cross but we continue to sin. We just need to repent in front of God.  What does it mean to repent.  It means I have come before Christ, my spiritual state comes before Christ. It’s not just words, but my state comes back to Christ.

5) Prov. 3:5-6 Guidance

The assurance of being led, God will absolutely lead me. Through the pulpit message, God has given us the Word and this is the light, I will have this light to walk the path.  Satna makes it so that we don’t have these five assurances, so people aren’t sure of their salvation, but if we hold onto these assurances, we’ll receive the evidence that God is alive, he’s with us, and leading us.  So then we will be able to evangelize with this evidence.

So, why must we evangelize?  There are some people who find this term very burdensome, meaning that Christ is also very burdensome.  There’s a musician, a person who’s good at music, and such people really love music. They’re different, no matter where they go.  What’s a Christian? If you look at Christ are you stressed? If we mention Christ, then they ‘lol lobe Christ and it’s so easy to convey Christ, just as it’s so easy for a musician to love music. To a Christian, it must be easy to evangelize, because Christ is so simple, but in contrast, you’re captured in one of these four natures. 

They say “Christ,” but they know Christ as one of these four people, and if you know Christ as one of these four people, the most difficult thing is Christ.  Even if you’ve gone to church for decades, if you know Christ does these four things, the very worst thing you could do is evangelize.  So, for those who believe and confirm and confess that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God those blessings will be poured out to them, so why must we evangelize? It’s just the right thing, because all people are trapped inside of sin, curses, and disasters in their fate.  

So, the church must move to make a disciple who finds evangelism as the easiest thing.  If the disciple finds it hard to evangelize.  Meaning that they’re just living a religious lifestyle.  That person is continuing to do the false movement, that person continues to do mysticism.  Also, the movement of judgment, and these movements will come, whereas, if you say “Christ,” these blessings should follow.  If you know Christ as one of the prophets, then the movement of legalism will continue.  For me, does evangelism take place?  If evangelism doesn’t take place, that means I don’t really know Christ. 

You must first receive healing and find the right answer because Christ is alive with me now, you must properly and accurately know this. That’s what it means, to properly know the Bible as well as God.  If you can’t properly know Christ, you’ll be looking at the world incorrectly so you receive the incorrect answers. In other wird’s, you aren’t aligned with God and you are aligned with Satan. No matter how long your walk of faith may be, you don’t receive evidence and it’s very hard, and it isn’t anyone’s fault. Jesus asked, “Who do you say that I am?” People who confess that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God, Jesus said, “Blessed are you,” as he is led away by God’s grace, so I’ve just relayed to you, for those who have christ. 


God, we thank you.  Let us please go into the evangelism movement of life with the gospel of Christ.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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