Who in the world is Jesus Christ (John 14:6-10)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Who in the world is Jesus Christ (John 14:6-10)

We need to know who Jesus Christ is properly.  Scholars decided to use the word “A.D.” based on when Jesus Christ was born, whether they are believers are not.  Before “A.D.” was “B.C.”  This was not determined by Christians, but scholars determined “A.D” to measure time because Jesus Christ was the most influential person in history. Jesus Christ never even wrote a book but he influences the world in the greatest way, and whenever Jesus Christ enters into a nation, nation changes. Any other nation is stuck in disasters.  And the entire Bible is talking about how to gain eternal life through Jesus Christ.

The Old Testament is a detailed document about how Jesus Christ would come, the Old Testament prophesied exactly how he would come to the earth, die on the cross, and what he would do, and when that Jesus Christ enters into our lives, we change from that point on.  Why does change happen everywhere Jesus Christ goes? Any individual, families, or nation Jesus Christ goes into, they changes into blessing what is the root cause of that? 

1. Mankind – Problem, Origin

Only the Bible tells us the problem of mankind and origins. 

1) Romans 3:23 Sin – Original Sin

The only problem of mankind is told to us in Romans 3:23 that we have been separated from God because of our Sin. The sin that the world talks about is a moral or ethical sin, or if you break a law created by man, you are sinning. However there is a sin before that, it is the sin of separating from God, we call this original sin. Why did we come to sin? 

2) Genesis 3:1-8 Devil’s Temptation

Genesis 3:1-8 it says it’s by the devil’s temptation. The devil tempted us but we were deceived by it because of our lack of faith. 

3) John 8:44 Children of the Devil 

That is why in John 8:44 people have become complete slaves or children to Satan. We cannot escape from the hands of the devil.

4) Romans 6:23 Death

And that is why we’re in a state of death. Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death, and this is the problem of mankind, and we can never become human unless we solve these problems. 

) (Religion), Ethics, Philosophy, Science

All problems we face come from this problem, and we can’t solve these problems by having some kind of religion.  No religion is a bad religion; they’re all good; however, they cannot solve these problems. No matter how ethically great your behaviors are, you cannot escape. No matter how deeply you analyze philosophy, you cannot escape.  No matter how scientifically advanced you become, you cannot escape.  


The only way to escape is through Jesus Christ.  That is why everywhere that Christ goes in, the original problems are broken.  A person’s most fundamental aspect must change in order for the other things to change as well.  Why is it that America has so many mental patients even though from a worldly and scientific perspective, they are so advanced? And every single family has disasters crawling in, so the next generation is destroyed, and addictions keep increasing, especially drug addictions.  People don’t go to schools and shoot up a campus because they’re so happy, but all of these different illegal things are happening. Why is that?

It’s because they don’t know the problem of mankind.  People think that perhaps they can solve the problems of mankind with science and scientific advances, but they’re not able to solve this problem. They keep getting swept up into addictions and suicide, homelessness is a mental problem. Some homeless people ran out of money and have no place to live, yes, but if that is a continuous state, that’s not normal.  I don’t think God would make it so that you’re stuck in homelessness forever, but it means there’s something broken in our spirit. We’re seized by something and have no choice but to live our lives that way.

Therefore, why is it only Christ? It’s not just Christ.  Every single person has this problem of mankind, so it cannot be solved unless you have only Christ.  

2. Problem – kwan ryeon

What does Jesus Christ have to do with the problems of mankind? Of course, he did the work of solving these problems. If you don’t know the problem, then Christ will not become your answer.  Jesus Christ came to this earth as the answer and solution to mankind’s problems, but if you don’t know what the real problem is, Christ will not be your answer.

1) John 1:1-14 Sin, Death

In John 1:1-14, it says that Jesus Christ came to solve the fundamental problem of mankind, sin and death, and this is the problem of original sin and the consequential sins that cause spiritual death.  

2) 1 John 3:8 Authority of Sin, Death

In 1 John 3:8, it says the reason that Jesus Christ came to this earth was to destroy the devil’s work. This devil has authority over sin and death.  Because Satan was actually originally an angel who fell away because of sin, he was the originator of sin.  Because of that sin, all of mankind is stuck in death; therefore, Satan has authority over sin and death.  That is why Jesus Christ came to the world to destroy the work of the devil, sin, and death, and to save us from that.

3. Jesus Christ

Then, the third point is, who does Jesus Christ claim Himself to be?  

1) John 10:30-33

John 10:30-33, Jesus Christ says that He and the Father are One, what does that mean? It means He is God.  It doesn’t mean that there’s one being doing three roles; it’s Three Beings and One God.  So, God sent God into the earth to relay the Words of God exactly to us.  

2) John 14:7-9

In today’s main scripture, John 14:7-9, Jesus Christ says, “Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father.” Anyone who has seen Jesus Christ has seen God, why? Because God the Father and God the Son are One.

3) Matthew 28:18-20

In Matthew 28:18, Jesus Christ says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me,” and then what did He say? “Baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” so in other words, the triune God is one God. But some religions neglect this, especially Jehovah’s Witnesses who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as God. They think that Jesus Christ is a prophet, like other religions.  Jehovah’s witnesses confess that Jesus is the Messiah but they don’t think that Jesus is God, so this confuses Christians. “Jehovah’s witnesses say that Jesus is the Messiah and they know about Satan and everything,” but ask them about the Holy Spirit. You have to acknowledge the Holy Spirit as the spirit of God and Jesus Christ, so if you ask them about the Holy Spirit, they will reveal their true nature.  

The Holy Spirit is God, sent to us by Jesus Christ and the Father God.  There are a lot of other religions that say that Jesus Christ is a rabbi, but these problems will never be solved for those people. That is why religion cannot solve the problems of mankind.  Jesus Christ is the only One who can solve these problems because He is the True Messiah and True God, and this must be proclaimed to new believers with assurance and accuracy.  

So, whoever proclaims Jesus Christ, depending on who it is, it will be different. If this fact is not properly relayed to new believers, they will fall into religious life.  All these other religions may be good, but they’re not able to distinguish well, so these individuals fall into religious living. A lot of people go to church and live religiously, why? Because they’re not able to properly acknowledge the problems of mankind.  

“Legalism” Sin -> Jesus Christ

They become legalistic. The law is the Word of God, He gave us that because we cannot receive salvation through the law alone.  God gave us the law as a guidance, because through the law, our sin is revealed so we can go towards Christ.  The law is the Word of God; however, a legalistic person tries to live every aspect of their life according to the word of God. These people cannot escape their spiritual problems. Legalistic people cannot escape from their problems because they don’t have only Christ, and as evidence that we do not hold onto only Christ, we fall into legalism.   We need to make it so that through our law, our sin is revealed so we can go to Jesus Christ, but instead, we look at everything through the law and become legalistic people, and unbelievers become like this.

Humanism, Prosperity-Based Faith, Mysticism

Humans are important, yes, but there are people who try to live their entire lives centered on humans. New believers go to church and become like this.  Prosperity-based faith.  Yes, we do need physical blessings, however, we turn into people who only look towards physical blessings.  Mysticism.  These things are invisible to our eyes, but we keep trying to experience some visible thing. God is mystical and the Holy Spirit is mystical, however, mystical people live their entire lives centered on mysticism, why is that?  Because when they were a new believer, they didn’t receive the Word that the real problem of mankind is sin, separation from God, and Satan, and that’s why Jesus Christ isn’t there answer and so when they go into church, they fall into legalism, mysticism, and prosperity-based faith. If you go to church without knowing mankind’s answer then you will fall into these three or four categories, and there’s no doubt about it.  

Korean people especially fall into legalism because the background of Korea was Confucianism, which is simply the law. But when they look at the Word of God, they don’t see the Gospel; they see the law.  But also humanism because they focus on what people can do, and they have prosperity-based faith, especially in poor countries and people within difficulties.  Especially the people within difficulties in the 237 nations, if they don’t have the answer to the true problem of mankind, they will fall into a physical-based faith, or they fall into mysticism.  For whoever knows the true problem and true answer, God will prepare and attach people to them.  


What were the realizations of those people who met Jesus Christ?  Simon Peter confessed, 

1)Simon Peter (Matthew 16:16)

“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” Matthew 16:16.

2)Thomas (John 20:25-28)

   My Lord. God

In John 20:25-28, Thomas confesses, “My Lord and my God.”  The Bible actually confesses many times that Jesus Christ is God, but the Jehovah’s witnesses avoid that because they look for what they want to see, or they just erase things from the Bible.  If you don’t believe that Jesus Christ is God, you’re rejecting God Himself.  God sent Jesus Christ, if you don’t accept Jesus Christ, then you reject God.  The Bible tells us there is no other way for us to meet God; it is only through Jesus Christ.  You’re not believing in the God of the Bible, but you believe in your own God.

3)Paul (Acts 9)

In Acts 9:1-10, Paul changed after meeting the resurrected Lord.  In the past, Paul was a persecutor of the church of Jesus Christ, and he was renowned from a worldly sense and blameless in the law, but he never once heard of the problems of mankind. The law could not solve the problems of mankind, of sin, Satan, and death, and because he didn’t know what the problems of mankind were, they fell into prosperity-based faith or mysticism that’s why people fall into legalism so this problem of mankind is very important, then when you hold onto only Jesus Christ, you will be able to see the Christ in the Bible.

If you live your walk of faith without understanding the true gospel, without a doubt, you’re rooted in the incorrect things.  Then even if we talk about the problems of mankind, if you listen a lot, it won’t take place realistically for you.  In order for you to say “only Jesus Chirst,” you must see the problems of mankind.  But because you’re not assured in the problems of mankind, Jesus Christ becomes weak to you and that’s why you emphasize the law instead. Because you don’t see the problems of mankind, you tell other people to live better.  

There are some kids who steal and have other spiritual problems when they’re young.  If they are a normal child they wouldn’t do those things. Their thoughts in their heart are seized because of spiritual problems.  Yes, we do have to discipline them, especially if they’re kids, but adults steal even though they know it’s wrong.  It is true that we have to discipline them, but before that, they are seized by Satan, but because you don’t know that, you stab them with the law.  Act better.  Yes, we have to discipline, it is true we have to educate them, but you also have to see the spiritual background working behind them in order to see Jesus Christ, but you’re not seeing that.  What am I trying to tell you right now?

Some kids say they want to steal even when they’re young, and they’re seized to want to do that. If they’re controlled by Satan spiritually like this, do you think there’s only one form of stealing for them?  No, there are many. Some kids are sexually immoral even at a young age, and they’re completely seized by this, so even at a young age, these people look for and think about sexual things. Yes, you have to educate them, but you have to know the spiritual things.  But because you don’t know the real things, you’re not able to relay the words of Christ.  

But because most people are legalistic, they say, “You better act better or else you’ll be punished and cursed by God.”  Or they fall into unhealthy mysticism, “You just have to receive a prayer.” I hope you will listen to the words I am saying very carefully. Whatever sins a kid may have, you cannot control how they grow up. The Bible never told us to steal or be lustful, but I’m talking about a problem where ever since we’re young, we’re being dragged around and seized by something that isn’t God.  It doesn’t look very severe while they’re children, but it grows bigger with age.  Then how many people do you think are experiencing problems like this while they’re young? Very many. Some children who, ever since from a very young age, are born a boy but want to live as a girl. If God made you a boy, did He make a mistake? Do you think God made a momentary mistake and said, “You should live as a girl instead”? They are seized.  This person is born a boy but they are filled with thoughts and the emotions of being a girl.  It doesn’t express itself very much as a child, but as they mature, they should grow up to be a man, but instead, they become more feminine.

What do legalistic churches say? “This is a sin, you can’t go to church if you’re like this, you’ll be cursed.” That’s a legalistic person.  What do humanistic people say?  “This is the age,” and they open their doors to them, why? These people do not know what the problem of mankind is.  We have been liberated through only Jesus Christ, but the churches don’t know how Satan is deceiving us through our scars and background, and the individuals are in such anguish. They are born a boy but always act like a girl, but they can’t control themselves because their thoughts and emotions are going in that direction; they have fallen into sin, Satan, and death, but they can’t be healed unless it’s by Jesus Christ.

Unless the darkness is bound by Jesus Christ, the gospel will never go into these people.  This is the problem of America, but because the churches do not know about the problems of mankind, the light of Christ is not being shown. If you think you can solve the problems, you’re wrong; you cannot solve problems with the law, you’ll be seized by Satan. I gave three examples today, but there are many forms of this as well. Let’s say you received a scar while as a child.  Everyone has scars, but if you receive a scar, you’re not able to go beyond that scar and you’re in pain because of it, and that’s how Satan seizes you.

When you become an adult and the scar is still within you, you’ll behave very strangely because you have a scar.  When Satan works upon your scar, it will change into these strange images and behaviors, and even when they come to church, no one tells you about the problems of mankind or solution, so they live in a scarred state. One day, they go to transcendental meditation and try to receive healing. I’ve met such people personally.  They say that meditation was the greatest answer to their lives, they went to church a long time and the church never spoke about this.  

There are people like this.  When I was young, in Korea, there was a hill and someone biked downhill and hit a girl.  So, they were in a state of shock, and entered into a bad state. It became a crisis when they ended up in the hospital.  So, this lady who was run over, she was about the same age as the boy on the bike, and she came to Korea as a housekeeper.  There was another situation where someone was skipping stones on a lake, and someone was under the water and was hit by the stone. Fortunately this was solved because the household was very rich, but do you think that scar they received as a young child was resolved? Even if that person goes to church for a long time, following his wife, it still isn’t solved.  

Many different organizations and types of groups and religions do transcendental meditation, and they say it heals them while the church isn’t giving them any answers.  This person was talking with such boldness in front of people including pastors.  If the members of the church do not know about the spiritual problems of mankind, they cannot escape from the spiritual problems of their family, and the longer they go to church, they fall into the problems of humanism, legalism, trying to live with their own brain, prosperity-based faith where they’re only looking for the blessing they can see with their eyes. They think this is what they need because they don’t know the true problem  Or they try to receive “fixing” by going to a place that gives them strong power through prayer. God does have power, yes.

4)Matthew 27:54

In Matthew 27:54, it says there were many Jewish people who crucified Jesus Christ, but some confessed that He was the Son of God. Because when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, there were many natural disasters, and earthquakes and because of that, they confessed that he was truly the son of God. Honestly these were all the works of God.

5. Meeting

1)John 1:12

How can we meet God?  John 1:12 says anyone who accepts Jesus Christ into their heart, and those who believe that Jesus is the Christ. Revelation 3:20 says whoever accepts Jesus Christ into their heart will be with God eternally, but what’s important is what happens after you accept Jesus Christ.  After people accept Jesus Christ, they do not try to change their master.  

Master, Me X

People accept Jesus Christ, but you should accept him as your master instead of your helper.  That takes place because you don’t know what the real problems of mankind are.  The incident of the cross is not irrelevant to me, the situation of the cross was an incident where I was crucified with cross, the old “me,”that was enslaved by Satan sin and hell, and now Jesus Christ lives in me as my master, and therefore, I have changed into a new “me,” where the old “me” is dead , and Christ lives within me, but this is where we make a mistake.

Jesus Christ

Perpetually we’re our own master, so we live however we want, centered on ourselves. That’s why we need to receive healing, a healing that changes Christ into your Master.  You can tell whether someone has received healing or not based on how they pray.  People who are still the masters of their own lives will say and pray whatever they want and meet those they want, and they do the work they want to do; Christ doesn’t  not exist anywhere.  Without a doubt they accepted Jesus Christ but they don’t see it, so they have their own thoughts.  WIthout a doubt, they have received the Word of God, the Word of Jesus Christ, they only think about their own thoughts and exchange the words of man.  

Christ is supposed to be your Master but you don’t have the words of Christ anywhere.  Therefore, if you accept Jesus Christ, He is now your Master. What does the Word say about this?  The words of people aren’t important, they’re not the truth. It is just one of the things that happen on this physical earth.  If they say, “Take out the trash,” you just do it, but that’s not what’s important.  If the Lord is your Master, you have to say that, “What is the Lord, my Master, saying to me?” 

If a problem or incident takes place in your life, then even before thinking about how to solve it, what is the Lord saying about that incident?  Therefore, the life you live after accepting Jesus Christ is the life where Jesus Christ becomes your Master.  In other words, what does it mean for the Triune God to be with me? It means He is my Master. 

Father God- Word

Jesus Christ- Evangelism, Missions

Holy Spirit- Guidance, Works, Strength 

The Father God works upon us with His Word, then you need to know how the Word works upon you so that you can know the Father God is working upon you.  Jesus Christ is opening the doors of evangelism and missions that break down the three problems of mankind, isn’t that right?  The Holy Spirit lives within me, doing the work of guiding me to follow God’s Word and working upon me with the power of the filling of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is with me.  God the Father is seated on the throne of heaven, Jesus Christ is seated at his right hand, and the Holy Spirit is living within me working where I live with the Word, evangelism, and the working of the Holy Spirit.  This Triune God always works simultaneously as One.  The Holy Spirit is within me, however God the Father who sits on the Throne of Heaven and Jesus Christ are working upon me in oneness, at once.  

This is why He gives us the Word as evidence that He is with us.  Jesus Christ not only saved me, but as evidence that He is with me, He is leading me in the direction of saving the 237 nations through evangelism and missions.  God the Holy Spirit ,as evidence that He is with me, gives me the strength of the filling of the Holy Spirit.  May you enjoy this.  This is what we call prayer.  That is what it means to enjoy the blessing of the throne of heaven here, where I am right now.  For this reason, for the work that Jesus Christ is doing to save the 237 nations through world evangelization, we are studying and working.  That is why Jesus Christ would open the door to businesses and studies for that person to do that work. So, pray for 237.

If you’re not aligned with the Triune God, you’re centered on yourself. You may be good at studying and working because even unbelievers can do those things; however, you will have to surrender to the three fundamental problems. You have to accept disasters.  You have to brace yourself for the working of Satan, you have to accept the suffering that comes from the background of hell.  God has given us our talents and so we can enjoy Jesus Christ, the triune God, and the throne of heaven. Why do I tell you to accept it? Because it will take place and you are living like this right now.  That’s why you have to enjoy this without a doubt and relay it.

If you don’t transmit this, you will suffer as you go to church without knowing why. You must enjoy this realistically.  You have to actually enjoy the Triune God with the prayer and the Word,and that is healing.  You have to receive healing yourself to do the work of healing others.  You will only be able to overcome and conquer this world when you know the true problems of this world, when I know the true problem of the world, know the answer of Jesus Christ, the triune God that is within Jesus Christ, and the blessings of the throne of heaven.  That is how you will give proper healing to those who have mental problems and illnesses.  I hope you will become the main figures of enjoying and saving other people through these blessings.


Let us pray holding onto the Word God has given to us today.

We have been liberated through Jesus Christ. The darkness is bound only in the name of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is with me and guiding me. Christ gives me the word for evidence that he is with us. 

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