Where Does the Source of Power Come From? (Jeremiah 33:1-9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Where Does the Source of Power Come From? (Jeremiah 33:1-9)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

The title of today’s message is, “Where Does the Source of Power Come From?”  The Scripture reading was about God’s Word to Prophet Jeremiah.  It was the message given at a time when Prophet Jeremiah was jailed.  The reason why the prophet was imprisoned was because God had delivered a message to him that Israel would be taken captive to Babylon.  However, the Israelites did not listen to the prophet.  If they didn’t listen to the prophet, they must have been listening to something else.


God continues to work through his word to this day, and at that time, God was delivering His message to the prophet, but the people at that time imprisoned the prophet. The people called the prophet a spy from Babylon and put him in jail.  After Babylon came and took over Israel, there was a story about how everything was destroyed.  But through the prophet Jeremiah, God gave a promise of restoration and healing.

1. Fundamental

If you look at the Israelites, there are many who lack the fundamentals.

2. Success

Among the Israelites, there are some who are successful and have strength.

3. Failure

But ultimately, there was the history of being captured and and colonized to slavery to Babylon.  Babylon was meant to be a place to be ruled over by the gospel and evangelization, but that did not take place.

Covenant (Gospel, Mission)

That’s because the Israeliets did not have the root of God’s message. God’s covenant doesn’t change, whoever holds onto the gospel comes to life, and when you hold onto the gospel, you have the blessing of relaying it, which is missions.  People lose hold of this covenant and say it’s hard, or even if they’ve been successful, they fall into failure. In other words, the Israelites who were to live by the covenant  lost hold of the covenant.  

(1) Spiritual Eyes (Satan)

This Is what happens when we do not have spiritual eyes.  We lose hold of the spiritual things and focus on the physical things, thinking about whether we have it or not.  Because we’ve lost hold of the spiritual eyes, we fall under Satan who was the god of Babylon.  It’s not that God allowed them to fail,but rather, the Isarelites lost hold of the blessings of God and they fought,  and what must we do to prevent this from happening again?

(2) Prayer Topic

We must hold onto God’s covenant every day as our prayer topic.  

① Lifelong – Prayer Topic

In other words, the prayer topic we always hold onto in order to fulfill God’s will.  If we do not have the prayer topic that will fulfill God’s covenant, we will be restored but end up failing.

② Message – Pulpit, Training

In order to fulfill the prayer topic within us, God gives us the message, and that’s the pulpit message and also the training message.  God gives us the message in order to build up to fulfilling that prayer topic in our lives.

③ 24 Hour Prayer

In order to prevent this from happening, we must always be inside of 24 hour prayer.  If we’re not inside of that prayer, then even though it may seem like it’s being restored, it will end up in failure.  

(3) Uniqueness – Answer

God said he will reveal big and wonderful things. In other words, the answer of uniqueness of something only I can do.  You must become like Jeremiah, the one who holds onto the covenant and prays.  Even though everyone else may fall, the one who holds to the covenant will not fall.  All churches may shut their doors, but the church that has the covenant will not shut their doors.  

(Occupation) Remnant

Your occupation, which is the field of the world, will become the answer of  uniqueness, only to you. God has given and showed the remnant talents he only gave to them. The words of the world are physically correct, but spiritually, they lead to death.  So, everything must come out of the strength of the covenant which are studies and the method.  If it does not come out of the covenant, Christians have no choice but to live the life of the Israelites who had fallen under Babylon.  

The land of America is one of the successful nations, a land filled with physical prosperity, and there are also weaker nations, however, America is not strong in the covenant, so Satan is able to take hold of these people.  Last week, there was an incident where about 20 children died.  It would be enough to ban guns, however, the law cannot do that.  Because of their own motives and benefit, the children end up being victims.  These problems will not end because guns continue to exist. 

And the church members think physically they are doing well but actually they are not  doing well. Because I’m physically lacking, I’m lacking? That’s not right. If we’re in the covenant God gives us, we will move according to the covenant God gives us.  The source of strength comes from God’s covenant.


1. God

In order to receive the source of strength, we must draw closer to God.  

1) Paul (Philippians 4:13)

In Philippians 4:13, Paul confessed, “I can do all things through him who gives me strength.” PAul is someone who reached the conclusion in the gospel. If everything isn’t concluded in the gospel, you will lose hold of the gospel, so you think this will end in success, so people run after success, but people who cannot reach success think they are lacking  so they get discouraged, but the conclusion must be in the gospel.  “Everything in the gospel” means I no longer live for myself, the thoughts of living for myself are the thoughts of sin, and now, I have been finished and Christ lives in me. You must be able to see this ending.

End – See

What is the conclusion?  The end will come when the gospel is proclaimed to all nations, so you must reach this conclusion and see the conclusion.  Paul was in the midst of that difficult circumstance, his environment was very difficult, he proclaimed, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength,” and he saw the conclusion of world evangelization.

2) David (2 Samuel 22:23) (With)

It was the same for David. David confesses in 2 Samuel 22:23, “It is by God I am able to do all things.”  God gave the covenant of restoring the Temple to David, and David carried it out, and the root that came to David was that God is always with him in all things.  The fact that we’re shaken by people’s words means that we’re not rooted.  We shake due to our circumstances, so that means we are not yet rooted.  Remnants, being rooted in the covenant and holding onto the gospel is the road to success. Things of the world are not the truth; you just have to regard them. Those people have succeeded without the covenant, so even though their words may seem correct, they will fail.


David was a person who had faith in the covenant.  It wasn’t that David never made any mistakes, there was the incident of Bathsheba where he killed her husband.  David was not a complete fiend; rather, he believed in the complete covenant.

3) Satan

But Satan knows us too well, he attacks us in the places where we have not been rooted in the covenant.  The channel through which Satan works is the place where I am still living instead of Christ.  Especially to our workers, church members and remnants, they may say, “I find difficulty doing this,” how can we change these problems to  blessings.  How can we change this problem into a blessing? It’s a circumstance through which I have no choice but to face this difficulty, but because I’m the center, it’s obviously difficult.

When we change this by the covenant of Christ, that’s when it becomes an opportunity and a blessing.  When you go to the workplace, there’s no such word as “no,” what could you say “no” to?  Holding onto God’s covenant, thinking of the words  as God’s Word, you must go forward, thinking about world evangelization.  Remnants, you must heed my words well.  If it’s illegal, you must say no, but other than that, you shouldn’t say no.  If someone asks something of you, say yes.  

For world evangelization, God will be with you, but that’s when people lose hold of the blessings because they face their own limitations and say, “I cannot do it.”  God has given you this opportunity to overcome it, but you yourself bow down before your limitation saying, “I cannot do this particular thing,” so you end up choosing something simpler, something you can do. That’s losing hold of the blessing. 

4) Mark 1:35 – [ Personal Time ]

This describes how Jesus would pray in the early morning.  Jesus is God and yet is Man.  Because He is human, he has the same motives and desires as us.  This personal time to pray to God.  It isn’t absolutely necessary because Jesus Christ is God,  but it wasn’t like He was putting up an act of doing it. He’s a person, the same as us, but He is God Who has no sin, so when he gets hit, it will hurt, so it’s a spiritual personal time.  

Remnants who succeed in the future will have this personal spiritual time. It’s not just written in the Bible.  As soon as we wake up before we face the world, we must go forward, receiving that personal connection with God, receiving his strength through personal time. This Is my personal testimony.  This is what God has trained me on, this personal time between me and God.  It is a time when I get rooted in the covenant and receive strength.  Remnants must hold onto this. 

If you don’t have this, even though you listen to the Word, you won’t be able to understand because you don’t have strength and you have no choice but to get dragged.  It is a precious time to get rooted in the covenant and to receive strength.  Remnants can attempt this for only five minutes at a time, especially newcomers, because they don’t know the Word very well, just the fact that they are listening to the word is prayer itself.  All these things become restored.  The fundamental things that haven’t been developed become developed and restored. It becomes a time for successful people to get rooted in the  covenant.  It is a very important message.  

5) Acts 16

In Acts 16:16-28, it describes how when Paul went to jail, the disciples were praying.  Paul being in jail and not being able to relay the gospel is not God’s will, so the church members gathered together and prayed for Paul, and mysterious and wondrous works began to arise.  Even if just one person prayed, they don’t have strength, but even if you have a lot of thoughts, you don’t have strength. The one who holds to the covenant and prays will save the world and raise up churches.  

If possible, I hope everyone may be able to go to Early Morning prayer, especially newcomers and remnants must change their nature.  This is very important, you don’t have to do it if you expect to receive grace for only 1 or 2 days, but this is something you must go forward with for the rest of your life, so you must always start having this habit from your remnant years.  For newcomers, this habit must start taking place from the moment they accept Jesus Christ, and God must restore them according to the covenant.

But when other people have problems, they tend to talk a lot, but talking won’t solve their problems, and they don’t even have money. The world has much more money, but God will work upon the one who prays. 

6) Psalm 23:1 … X  

David confessed “Lord you are my shepherd” this is a state when DAvid was being chased, and he had nothing, but he said, “I lack nothing” this is his faith toward the Lord. The Lord will do world evangelism, temple construction.

God will evangelize to the multiethnic, God will definitely raise up the 70 disciples and the 70 nations. I am lacking but God is not lacking. I saw Canaan and I was afraid, but God will do the work. These people have already done a lot of stuff even before other people start waking up.  These people do alot of stuff even before people start waking up, they have exercised, studied, eaten food,  and this is the system they had set up.  It’s the same 24 hours, but they’re able to do a lot more things than other people. 

24 Priority

People who are busy are because their priority is not set straight.  If their priority is not accurate, they will always be busy. I’m not saying it’s bad to be busy, but I’m saying they’re busy for other reasons and they’re always being chased, their heart is being rushed, why is that? Because of their bad priorities.  So, every day, you must have the habit of finding the highest priority.  Jeremiah states that going before the Lord is prayer. 

2. Word – In Front of

Going before the Word.  That’s the mystery of receiving this souc=rce of strength.  The Word itself is God.  

1) 2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is God-breathed.  The bible isn’t something written by the human mind, but through the Holy Spirit, people are inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible, so this Word will complete us. We cannot be complete, but before the Word, we receive strength.  What strength do I have? The Word has strength.  During training while you’re receiving the Word, you must become seized by the Holy Spirit, and that’s when you receive the answer through the Word. It’s like when you’re wandering but someone points out the road for you.  Every time you receive the message, that’s how it should grab hold of you, every time.  You don’t know how precious this Word is. This Word will become your strength.

But people who don’t know this will not be able to receive strength from the Word, their posture before the word is different,  but you must listen to the Word before God, before the Word.  The way you live in the world is the same as the way you listen to the word.  I’m not saying to fix your posture, but rather, listen to the Word in spirit and in truth.  It’s the same because you can see that this person in front of the world stands before God in front of problems.  People who cannot do this in front of people will shake before people and problems.  People who are held up by repeating problems are a spiritual problem so they have to stop what they are doing,  and it’s the same problem being repeated.  


And something that tempts them will appear before them again, and once again they will be caught in that problem.  So, in the lowest position, it’s important to stand before the covenant.  But if you try to put up a front, you will continue to be shaken. Remnants, be wary of this, especially if the parents of these remnants act like this, then the remnants might too, because they have learned from the world that it’s okay to be like this,  but that’s not right.  They think it’s okay to put up a front but that’s not right.  Especially in your walk of faith, in the lowest position, you just have to bow yourself before God.  But they try not to lower themselves because they have an attitude of thinking they’re someone, but without God’s strength, you only become someone when God give you strength, but Satan keeps attacking you through your pride.

2) Hebrews 4:12

The Word of God is living and active, it’s active. The Word is not dead.  Because the word is living, the day the covenant comes upon you and seizes you, the person is changed because everything is  restored.  I like this so much, Word, prayer, and evangelism, because everything is contained inside of that. There is a reason for me to think of other things. God moves through these three things and everything is contained inside of that, and that’s what the remnants must accurately learn from a young age. 

TI’s not possible with things of the world, but inside of the covenant, you must have that root of world evangelization.  Without this root, they aim for success and will fall.  The answer must come to you in the form of success in the covenant.  Look at that, even though they had success, they were not rooted in the covenant, so they were colonized and taken captive by Babylon.  

3) Matthew 5:17-18

The Word does not change, so seek after God’s covenant when it comes to you.  

3. God – 

You have to go before God.  

1) Jeremiah 33:3 Unknown Mysteries X 

“I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know,” I will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.  

2) Jeremiah 33:6 Healing

“I will bring health and healing.”  God will bring healing to the one who holds to the covenant and prays, it’s not something you can do on your own.

3) Jeremiah 33:7 Restoration

“I will bring Judah and Israelites from captivity.”  He is talking about restoration.  The one who holds to the covenant and prays will receive restoration.  

4) Jeremiah 33:8 Forgive Sins

“I will forgive all their sins of rebellion against Me.” When you hold to the covenant, God will forgive.  I am lacking but we hold to the covenant, and God will restore us with strength.  WIthout the gospel, you’re oppressed because you try to do things with your own actions, and the more you do so, the more Satan will play with you.

5) Jeremiah 33:9 Witness

“They will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it,” it means God will raise you as a witness.  God provides evidence to the one who holds to the covenant and prays, God will provide evidence. So do not be deceived.  No matter the circumstance, restore the covenant because everything has been finished on the cross. God has already promised world evangelization.  You’ve fallen down because you’ve held onto different things, just restore the correct things.  You can repeat this many times, but the person who repeats this many times will just face suffering. If you’re captured, you’ll be captured again and again.  The grace of liberation must take place.  So, in the morning during your quiet time, if you have this personal time and connection with God, there will be this grace of liberation.

David and Joseph are examples of people who not only physically but spiritually succeeded in the world, but it’s not by their own strength. If it were by their own strength, Joseph should have committed suicide while he was a slave. Being governor doesn’t mean he was successful, but it is through success, he used it as a platform for world evangelization.  That only was revealed because Joseph held onto the gospel from a young age.

The Old Testament is not complete.  It’s not the Prophet Jeremiah who holds onto the complete gospel, but we have received the complete gospel. It’s not an age by which we should be captured and colonized by  babylon, of course if you lose hold of the covenant, there are some who will be dragged, but  there are some who will be forever dragged around, but there are these opportunities to receive blessings and grace through messages and trainings, there’s on reason to suffer because if I as one person just holds onto the cnt, then my family and my workplace and my mind will be restored.


What kind of lifestyle must I have in order to not be oppressed?

1. Meeting – 

There are meetings, and as you meet with people, if you talk about physical things, you’ll be captured by it.  During meetings, relay the Word God has given to you.  Relaying means that I have the covenant.  Relaying means I have strength, meaning I have already overcome the atmosphere of the world.  Being unable to relay it means there’s an atmosphere that is preventing you from relaying it. That’s possible, but also, in other words, you do not have the covenant, and that’s why you end at only the physical talk.  Simply put, you don’t have the covenant so you are enslaved by the world.  

1) Word

There’s a message God has given to you. To newcomers, it’s pretty simple to relay this Word, however you can’t just relay it the same day to unbelievers because they don’t have the background or context of the gospel, but with this Work, you just go to the field.  But people who find this burednesome have a root that’s either not there or it is lacking.  Relaying this word, for those who find it difficult  means they are captured by Satan, focused on physical things.  You must change these meetings to the blessing of meeting.  

2) Answer

When I say the Word and pray regarding that word, God will provide an answer.  

3) Evidence

You must always relay this as evidence to the people that you meet. It’s very easy for each other to be revived when you relay this answer to a believer because the context is similar. But to unbelievers, you must structure it accordingly so that it’s easily relayed to the unbeliever.

Some people may think, “is the Word really everything.  God, I believe God promised that there will be people who are ready to listenThe people receive strength through the Word, they just want to relay the word. Because you don’t receive the strength from the word, that’s why you have conflicts, but if you receive the strength, you want to relay the word. 

My friend got promoted and he told me to come.  I don’t really know what this means, exactly, but because he got promoted, he wasn tsto relay the news of his promotion  to other people.  The ceremony took place yesterday.  If the Word gives me strength, it brings me happiness and I want to relay it to other people.  The time to receive this strength is during worship.  

But Satan will work and attack you so that you do not receive the Word, but that’s’ where it ends, because you listen to the Word but you’re not seized by the Word.  The Word must become the answer to you, and it’s similar to when you are lost somewhere  but someone points out the road to you, and that becomes the answer.  You must have that desperation to hear that answer. That’s when your lackings disappear and nothing becomes a problem.  

2. Grace

You must have time to receive grace.  

1) Covenant

2) Prayer- Strength

You must have the time to pray holding onto the covenant. When you hold onto the covenant and pray, there will be strength in understanding that Word.  I wasn’t able to attend Early Morning prayer today, but I was able to meditate on my own,and towards the conclusion of the Early Morning prayer, something struck my heart.  The fact that the seven things will come together is what struck my heart.  I told my wife, “It feels like the forces of darkness have been broken down.  There’s this inexplicable taste to it.  Several days ago, I had already told her about how another stronghold of darkness had been broken down.  This taste is not something that can be replaced.  Before going to Korea and coming back from Korea, God has given me so many sweet messages and that’s why I keep getting assurance in the message, and my wife was able to confess thanksgiving saying it’s so thankful to have been able to meet an evangelist, not just fake gratitude, but actual gratitude.  There is a Bible but because you’re listening to the words of a witness testimony,  it’s something precious, and that’s why the evangelist who gives the Word is  precious.

3. Working of the Holy Spirit

Absolutely there will be the working of the Holy Spirit.  The working of the Holy Spirit will work simultaneously in your field and studies.  We must enjoy these blessings every day.


Let us pray, dear God, We believe the source of strength comes from prayer within the covenant.  Let us have a deep time with you every day.  Will you restore everything inside of that and give us blessing, to give this blessing to everyone we meet.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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