What to Eat and not Eat (Leviticus 11:1-23)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

What to Eat and not Eat (Leviticus 11:1-23)

Leviticus, 11 has to do with what we can or cannot eat the Israelites coming out of Egypt could eat whatever they wanted to eat. Because they lived a life that did not follow after God’s commandments they lived however they wanted because there is no life that followed after God’s commandments.

Living diligently led to their suffering. But through the blood of the Passover lamb, they received salvation. So, this people who gained salvation must live a certain way. They have to live with God, that is holy. The method of being with God was through the five sacrifices.

Even after having received salvation, they continuously lived apart from God. So God told them about these five offerings. Then what is the evidence of my unbelief. regarding God’s word. You can see this through the covenant of the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments are not just about words.

The meaning of the word is loving God and loving people. This is the completion of the law. So, no matter how much you abide by the actual laws. If you do not love God and you do not love other people, then you are still living in your life of sin, being apart from God. People who are legalistic come to the conclusion that they have no sin because they see that they are abiding by the law, that is the words themselves rather than loving God and loving people.

But through these commandments, we are able to see how far we have departed from God. And the way to get back to God is through these five offerings. How did they live in Egypt, they lived very diligently very sincerely, and very kindly. They lived like this. So, why did disasters come upon them in this way. That is our lives. diligence sincerity. Yes, these are important for your life. But that is not all these cannot block disasters. You cannot come out of Satan’s authority, through this.

Because we are spiritual beings, God is absolutely with us. What is the evidence that God is with us. It is his word. If I remain in Jesus words and Jesus remains in me. That is what this verse, refers to but people of Exodus, who have received salvation. They need God’s word. But if God’s word does not remain in them, then they become moved by the things of the world.

Then, no matter how good of a thing, it may be. It has no relevance to God. No matter how elevated you may be in principle, and no matter how good something may be God does not need those things. No matter how well you work and how many fruits, you seem to bear. It is irrelevant to God, why, because even non believers can leave like that. So believers are under this misconception.

If I feel like I’m blessed by God, it may seem like I’m being guided by God, but even non believers can experience that can non believers be guided. But believers misunderstand. They think that if they do not receive anything from God, they will not be guided. But the mystery is that if you have the word, then God is guiding you. Even the ones who are in the hospital after surgery. If God’s word is in you, then you do not need to be afraid. You are being guided by God’s word.

You are not non believers. Why, because if we have God’s word, then God will fulfill that word. But if we don’t have God’s word. Then we are going to live by the standards of non believers, wondering if I am healthy or not. But if I have the word, then it’s okay even if I go to prison. Even if I anything happens, even martyrdom is okay.

Because if I have the word, then God will fulfill His word and do his work. We are not religious people, and we are not non believers, just because something good happens, doesn’t mean that it’s good because I don’t have that word. When the Israelites lived in Egypt. Think about how they did not have the word. If you lived in Egypt, your kids could go to a good college and look at the Bible. If they went to Canaan, and lived in Canaan, they would not have had this opportunity.

There’s nothing in Canaan, there wasn’t even a proper governments in Canaan. So they were able to buy good houses, because the government was doing so well in Egypt, they received so many benefits. So as the people of God, the Israelites thought that living in this way was the best way of living. But one day a disaster came upon them. So while they were living God heard the calls of distress from the Israelites and came down to help them.

Why, because they were people of God, who had lost hold of his word. They were living a life where they were not with God. So, what kind of problem did they have. If you do not have the word, that is the problem. The fact that you’re doing well without the word is the problem. Why, because you’ll continuously not hold on to the word. There are so many reasons, then why you don’t need to hold on to the word.

That is why our standard must be the word. If my words remain in you, then ask whatever you wish. In my name and it shall be given to you. So, our standard is the word, not our circumstances, but people have misunderstood prayer, so people only pray about what they want. They only concentrate on the prayers that fill their own greed and that is an incorrect prayer.

Yes. Prayer is something for us, but it is something that comes from God. The word belongs to God. So what do you pray about, you need to pray about the word. But if you take out God’s word and pray, then you are no better than a religious person or a non believer. So this is the word we were given this week, no matter what kind of circumstances hits you, it doesn’t matter. Because the reason why God allowed that circumstance is to fulfill His Word. Because if something good happens does that mean that’s a good thing. No, it is because we’ve lived this religious lifestyle until now.

So that is why if you do not know the gospel and you do not know spiritual things, then you have no choice but to be living, just like another religious person, then you become somebody, whom Satan messes with delightfully.

God is the Word, and the Word is our standard. What is good or bad. No. It must be according to the word, then it is okay if you are poor, and it is okay if you are rich. It is okay if you are sick. It is okay if you are healthy. Why, because the word is being fulfilled. Paul was in prison, but he said that it was fine as long as the word was being proclaimed, because just because something bad happens to you, does not mean that it is a bad thing, but in that circumstance, if God’s word is fulfilled, then it’s hallelujah.

If something is threatening your life, then stake your life. If a life threatening thing does not happen, then you don’t have to stake your life. But, in the midst of a big circumstance. God has big answers. to you and I. Whenever something big happens to us. God is fulfilling his word so all we have to do is take our lives. What does that mean, If I die, I die.

I’m going to live as an evangelist who proclaims the word God gives us these circumstances, so that we can proclaim this work. You may think, oh I already did. But God is telling you to do even more. This is a message but it is also my testimony. Because, how would I know about things like this, it is because God has guided me so that I know these things, and that is why I’m telling you, to stake your life. Don’t just stake 80% of your life stake your entire life. Don’t hold on to something else for 24 seven, but 100% stake your life on God because God is not someone who makes mistakes.

What is today’s content about in Leviticus, 11. He is telling us to not eat certain things and to eat other things. Is it okay if we just give proper worship. Then we don’t really need these things right. Then all we would need are the five offerings and we could end and chapter, 10, but starting from chapter 11, why does God give us this word, because if you give proper worship, then your life will follow after God’s word. How do you do that then even in the things that you eat you follow God’s word. We are always eating. And God is saying that, even in what we eat, we must follow God’s word, non believers will eat whatever they want.

But children of God who have been set apart, will follow God’s word. In the Old Testament, it tells you that you should eat certain things and not eat other things, but in the New Testament. It tells you that you can eat anything. Why, because it is not what goes into a person that makes them unclean, but it is the stuff that comes out of their mouth, that makes them unclean. So really, it doesn’t matter what you eat or drink, but you do everything for the glory of God.

So why do these words come out in the Old Testament. It is a shadow of Jesus Christ, who is to come. God does not tell us to just give sacrifices and to follow the feasts. But within this is God’s great spiritual meaning. So in verse one. It says that the Lord said to Moses and Aaron.

Before it was just the Lord, talking to Moses, but now it says the Lord is talking to Moses and Aaron together because Aaron is the high priest. So he is telling Aaron to know this properly, and to relay it. In Verses two and three. Of all the animals that live on land. These are the things you may eat verse three, you may eat any animal that has a split hook completely divided and that chews the cud. It is it not important what you eat, but why does God talk about this.

First of all we need God’s guidance, we need to follow God’s Word in our lives. Otherwise, what kind of people do we become even though we receive salvation will become like people who for 400 years lived as slaves. How much did they reject God, even in the things that they ate. God is saying that they need. His guidance. But God does not just do this in a vague way God gives us a reason for the laws, he gives. He says that we can eat the animals that chew cud.

He said that you can eat the animals that chew the cud and have a divided Huff. So, we are not just looking at the physical characteristics of whether an animal has a split hook or not. But there is a spiritual significance behind this. Chewing the cud has a spiritual significance. That is, you are meditating on the word and chewing on it.

Then what must we do, we must choose Gods word meaning we must meditate upon Gods word you receive the word on Sundays. We receive grace on Sunday, but throughout the week, we need to continue to chew on that word that means that the word will really dig into our lives. The fact that it digs into our lives means that the word is coming into our lives.

Then, when an incident happens, you will be able to see the word. When there is a problem, you will be able to see the word. Why, because this person is somebody who is constantly chewing on God’s word. That is the kind of meaning behind this.But the people who are halted immediately as soon as a problem comes, those are the people who listen to the word but do not chew on the word.

So, for example, when you eat, you have to chew the food and really grind it down for you to eat it.So to meditate on God’s word means that you are chewing it and grinding it down. So, how do you meditate. You do it with the word, what is meditation Transcendental Meditation is what non believers do to empty themselves.

You cannot just empty yourself, but you really have to chew and chew and chew on God’s word, and eventually what happens is God’s word begins to seep into our lives for people who can do this when they see a problem, they will immediately be able to see an answer. But if somebody cannot do this, then when a problem comes they’re going to fall into that problem. Then they use humanism to try to solve that problem.

If you are questioning meditation right now it probably means you are a non believer. When somebody says something negative to you You’ll constantly chew on it, you will be saying things like, oh, how could this person say that to me.

If you still cannot understand meditation, then imagine a guy saying to a girl but she is so pretty. Then even if she isn’t pretty she will continue to think about it, wondering. Oh, am I really pretty. What does it mean to have a split Huff. It means that if you have a complete Huff. The entire leg would touch the floor. The entire foot may touch the floor.

But if you have a split off, it means that you can balance. We are people who have been split apart. We are not ones who rely on the world as it is. We are not ones who completely rely on the world we are living balancing between heaven and earth. So, in order for you to eat you constantly have to think about what it is that you will eat. And that is why God gives us His word, because only then are we no longer slaves to Egypt, and we will no longer go into these disasters.

Number two, and verse nine. It talks about what kinds of fish you can eat from the seas and the streams of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams, you may eat any that have fins and scales. You know fins, right, the fins are attached to the back of a fish, which animals do not have fins eels. Also, most fish have scales. If they have scales, it means they are protected. If they have fins, it means they have the ability to swim around powerfully.

So, you must eat fish that have the ability to protect themselves with scales and to swim around with their fins. Why does it matter what we eat. Even through these things God made it so that they were set apart, and had these things in Canaan. God made it so that they lived with spiritual strength. It is not the focus on the fins and scales, but there is a spiritual significance behind these things that God wants to relay.even right now we can eat anything even things with no fins like eels.

There are water snakes that have no fins. Right now we are able to eat all these things. But God is telling us to hold on to these things of spiritual significance even as we eat, then starting from verse 13. We talk about all the birds that we can eat. The eagle the vulture the black vulture kites and ravens are detestable and not to be eaten. What is the common characteristic of all these birds, they eat anything. Eagles and ravens will even eat dead carcasses. Not to mention vultures.

So no matter what. These birds come across, they will simply eat those things. And God is telling us to not eat those things, because we are not people who will just eat anything on this earth. So God actually put the spiritual significance behind what we were supposed to eat, non believers eat whatever they come across, but we are not people who just eat anything.What does it mean that we are set apart. Does it mean that we just go back and forth from church. No.

But it means that we don’t do whatever we want. We don’t just eat anything that is on the table. We don’t take money that is not honestly earned. We are not people who are meant to just take whatever benefits us. We are people who work with the guidance of God so that we can do the works of missions and evangelism. But what happens if you cannot do this, then you are going to become torn apart.

You will become divided. Why, because what happens when you move only based on what benefits you everyone else is doing that so you have no choice but to fight with others, but we were not created to eat like this. First, seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness. We are the ones who look for the opposite things. We are not going in and attacking trying to eat and live.

Otherwise we would die. Absolutely, you will have problems in your interpersonal relationships. Why, because you went in, just trying to eat and survive. So you will end up killing other people. And what happens if this comes into the church, the same behaviors will manifest in church, then what will happen.

We are not people who eat and attack like this. First, seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then what will happen. As we live for that. Then, all these things will be added unto us as answers. How much will this follow, only to the extent that we need it. Students, why do you study. Does everyone need to go to college. Do I have to go to college.

Why do you have to go to college. There must be a reason why you must go to college or a reason why you don’t need to go to college. What is that reason. Is it for your comfort. Is it because you don’t have something Is it because you don’t have money. Those are things based on fear. There has to be God’s reason those opportunities for you to grow your talents can be found in college but we are not suppose to live according to what benefits us We are not just going to college to eat and live.

Why do you have to go to college. There must be a reason why you must go to college or a reason why you don’t need to go to college. What is that reason. Is it for your comfort. Is it because you don’t have something Is it because you don’t have money. Those are things based on fear. There has to be God’s reason those opportunities for you to grow your talents can be found in college, but we are not supposed to live according to what benefits us. We are not just going to college to eat and live.

Some people decided not to go to college, saying that they will just eat and live, but you are not to do what you once, and what moves you, we are people who are set apart, and the direction of our lives is different. We are not people who simply live like this or like that just for the sake of living like everyone else. But what happens if we live like that disasters and slavery will come upon us. Do you think God was just joking around calling us his child and telling us to do this and to do that. He knows our lives so well.

In verse 20, it talks about all the bugs that you can eat.In verse 21, however some winged creatures that walk on all fours that you may eat those that have jointed legs for hopping on the ground.So, grasshoppers locusts.

I ate grasshoppers when I was young.It was very nutritious. We used to eat them when we were children. Right now I don’t really like hamburgers, I like grasshoppers. Because they’re nutritious. I actually ate them crickets are also very nutritional nutritious.

But if they have wings and lack the legs to hop up then don’t eat them .The insects also that don’t have wings and can only hop, do not eat those things that only jump around on the ground ,meaning behind this is to eat something that can race on the ground, but still have the goal of heaven and can fly towards it.

What happens if they run around and cannot fly, they will be enslaved by Satan. Then they will become seized by the world so they can no longer run nor fly .We have to have the filling of the Holy Spirit to where we can jump and fly .What does all this mean it means that you are different from non believers. He is telling us that you are not meant to live like a non believer. When do the problems come. It comes when you live like a non believer.

Because , God has set us apart and has set aside the blessings for us to do well. But instead, if we live according to the ways of the world, then that is one way for us to become seized by Satan. So, there are remnants here and also college students, and also those who are going to college. Here, You have to think properly about why you need to study or why you don’t have to study. You can’t look for your own reason. It’s not based on your own standards or circumstances. You have to find the reason within God’s word.

You think that it’s okay for you just to live and eat. Even animals do that. God is saying to not live like that, the Israelites did that for 400 years and suffered so much. We think that it’s okay if we just live based on our self centeredness or material centeredness or success centeredness, but God is telling us to not do that. Even through the things that we eat, we must hold on to God’s word and live a life that is set apart when they were in the wilderness.

There was manna that came from the heaven because man kept coming down they did not need anything else. manna Exodus, when they went into Canaan and began this system of farming. That is when the manna stopped. This is what happened in Joshua 510 with the things that God has given us we challenge towards God’s goal. If you do not do this, then you will become mixed up in the culture of the world, you will be united with the world.

I have a friend who sends me messages sometimes. But if there is just one thing. They will smile, they will fight over the smallest thing. So I called these two people, what are they fighting about. They have to work according to their own thoughts.

The President has to do one thing, but the vice president wants to go a different way so through this messaging. I called both of them. And I haven’t called them in 30 something years. But if they agree on what must be done that is how we solve the problem. One person says that they need to do something.

And the other person says they need to do that other thing, and I just told them both to simply go and do their things what caused the problem for them was their self, their self centeredness. They were able to reconcile. Another friend said, Pastor Come, drink with me. His wife is a believer, but he does not to believe because he holds on to his own righteousness. So, he is always questioning. Really, did you stop drinking.

Because he kept questioning me I kept asking him. Are you really a friend, if you are only friends. While we drink. So I asked if you can only maintain your relationship with your friends while drinking, then, is that a real friend or is that just a drinking buddy, then this was cleared up. So I asked him this question about whether I was a friend or a drinking buddy, and to him I was just a drinking buddy.

So I asked him this question about whether I was a friend or a drinking buddy, and to him I was just a drinking buddy. Another friend sent me this passage where Paul had just met Jesus. I never send passages like that. I just talked about them. So, because he is a bank manager he always sends positive thinking to his employees but one day because it was Christian themed. He sent it to me. But what I realized through this is that whatever we will are holding on to will come out and reveal itself within the community.

Even within the group of my friends I was constantly The one who really uplifted other people, even if they said something wrong or different, I would accept it, and raise them up. If they had differing opinions I would reconcile them, and help raise them up together. Now they are really treating me like I’m a pastor. They are calling for them to treat me like that. It means that they acknowledge that I am not the person that it was before.

I have friends who are the heads of Samsung or the military or the bank. If I held on to my role as a pastor and tried to talk to them about it, they would immediately shut me down. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. So I do this work, of trying to raise them up. I tell them that within a problem there is an answer and an opportunity. Most people just talk about their problems. So God works, even in that way. As I see these things I’m able to see that I have really changed. Even though everyone comes together in this messaging forum, people will argue and assert themselves over the smallest points, but everyone has good feelings towards me because I never criticize anybody.

It says that if you do not want to be judged, then do not judge others, then there is no reason for other people to judge you, because I never criticize them. that is not neglect it is simply raising them up. There are people who will stab others negatively. Rather than receiving that you simply lay out the truth. Then everybody will see that inside the messaging forum.

The individual who said those things will feel convicted, realizing they did something wrong, and apologize. I am saying that we are not meant to live like the world. We were created to live with God’s Word with spiritual strength to save others. I may be coming poor. But God is strengthening me. No matter how much you pray according to your greed, God will only give you what you need, because God is not one to fill your greed, that our demons, not God. God knows what we need, and fills what we need. And that is why you must hold on to the word and pray because God already knows what you need.

If I am meant to do something big, then God is going to fill me up completely. If I have to do temple construction, then God is going to fill those needs. But instead, people are going to pray according to their greed. Why would you continue to do that for the rest of your life. God is not going to answer that, no matter how much you pray, God will not answer, and God will not allow those answers, because he does not answer with what is unnecessary. mankind will not realize, and they keep giving, but God knows exactly what you need. If you really think you need to do temple construction, then God will fulfill that need. But if you do not hold on to that, then God will only give you enough to eat, maybe three or four meals.

If you need to do missions and evangelism, God will fulfill that need. If you are constantly poor, it means that your direction is going astray from God’s. Why is that it is because you live according to your greed. But God is a God who fulfills our needs. Even if you do not ask for these things. God knows what you need. hold on to the word and pray, then God will give you the words to go and make disciples of all nations, hold on to this word and pray in the messaging forum. We learned that our assistant, Pastor Bay needed to surgeries. How do you think I prayed?

I prayed that the 2 surgeries will arise, so that we can have disciples and bear much fruit. If we do not hold on to the word we will ask God to fix our problems, and there will be a limitation to our prayers. There are different prayers. When people pray holding on to their problems, they do not know that God will fill it. Conversely, there are those who hold on to God’s mission and to pray. Let this be a surgery that fulfills true healing, as in Mark 16.

Did I pray a lot. No, I just prayed holding on to the word like I always do. Why, because I believe that it will happen. I do not believe in the incident but I believe and my god given word in this incident, I cannot control anything, but I believe in God’s word. So, if I hold on to the word and pray God promised that he would do all the work. Then, in all the work that you do in all of your business. Take the word, take the covenant and pray. The work of saving future generations, hold on to this word and pray.

Pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit, then everything will come out during the week, you simply have to think about it, then what is there left to do. According to the word God will fulfill it. Why did this incident happen to me this week, so that God could fulfill His Word. That is why someone who holds on to the word will be able to see the answer, no matter what incident, they face. But if they do not hold on to the words they will think that this problem is so big and they will wonder what they have to do, and wander back and forth, the determining factor is God.

Even when Paul went to prison he would die. The next day, but it did not matter to him so he went to sleep. Peter was brave No he was a coward. But he held on to the mission that he had to do. Jesus told him to feed. Jesus lambs. He could not die without feeding the lambs first so he held on to this promise and went to sleep. But if he did not believe that, then he would have to make all these prayers, there is a time where you should do concentrated prayer.

But Peter did not pray and stay up all night, asking God to save him. For people who have weak faith may be tested by this. How can you not pray for someone when there is an incident that comes up in their lives what kind of pastor are you. I am not saying this, but you need to pray with faith. Just because you are yelling and praying loudly. If you have unbelief. that unbelief is still there.

When God gives you the word you hold on to it and believe that it will happen, then God will make these circumstances happen in your life, so that you become an evangelist who can save you hold on to this word. I do not believe in my experiences, I believe in the word. But if I try to interpret that word based on my own experiences. That is how I fail. That is how your level will remain at the level of the world. I am someone who can overcome and jump over all of the levels of the world.

So in Leviticus, 11, God gave us the word to tell us how we are set apart for the remaining week, I pray that you will be able to have victory. I hope you have a life of blessing, where the word becomes your life and prayer and covenant. Let us pray holding on to the word we have received.


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