What God Does as We Concentrate on Him (Gen. 13:18, 41:38)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

What God Does as We Concentrate on Him (Gen. 13:18, 41:38)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We’ve read the two verses together, these are the mysteries of concentration that Abraham and Joseph had.  Concentration on God is what we call “concentration,” and if you become fixated on something other than God, it becomes an obsession; if you continue to pour your heart into that, it becomes idol worship. It’s easy for us to become confused about this because God is invisible, then how are you going to concentrate on God?

Some people say they have seen God; some people say God is within the church building.  But that’s the words of shamans who say evil spirits are in this location or not.  God is moving all creation, even right now, with His Word.  Even this man is moving according to the principle of God’s Word, and God is moving the entire earth with the principle of His Word.  Even President Biden was elected and will come out of office through God’s Word.  How much our individual lives will be used is within God’s Word as well.

Then, the one who is able to concentrate on God has power. However, if we concentrate on creation instead of God’s Word with our time and our lives, then we get spiritual problems.  We were created by God to live with and by the life of the Triune God, that life means that everything comes from there.  That life doesn’t belong to you; it is from the Christ, and we are concentrating on the fact that everything comes from Christ.  Every person who did that was used because that is the way God created us.

But this world moves not according to God’s Word but Satan’s principles that, “everything in life comes from within you,” that is what the devil has planted. Even right now, the devil is moving the world with those words, then what messages come into us will determine our lives.  “I can make it on my own,” that person will definitely fail. “I cannot do anything,” that person will also fail because for both people, their standard is themselves, but for us, the Word of God is our standard.

If the Word of God says so, we can do it; if the Word of God says no, we cannot do it. Then what is the style of the walk of faith of such people?  God gave Abraham His covenant, God called Abraham out of idolatry, meaning Abraham held onto God’s covenant and left.  In Genesis 3:15, Abraham believed in the covenant of the offspring of the woman to come, and he left.  God promised this Abraham the land of Canaan, the land where Jesus Christ would come, that’s the covenant, and you will be a blessing.

If you live within the covenant of God, you will be a blessing and all nations of earth will be blessed through you. “I will make your name great,” that means success.  In Genesis 11, people were using their efforts to elevate their name, and there was no life in those efforts.  God will make your name great.  Success, fame, and glory are within God’s time schedule and God does it.  Abraham knew this, so under the great trees at Mamre, he built an altar, meaning he worshiped the Lord, because God works upon the Word, and we have this time to look upon God.

Without this time, we try our best and work hard, and no matter what it takes, you gather the efforts of many people and gather strength.  Those are the thoughts of people who will fail in Genesis 3, 6, and 11. Even if we gather the strength and knowledge of all people, they cannot fight the authority of Satan. It must be the one of the covenant in God’s power. The characteristic of such people is worship.  

Remnants, you must be used to thinking this way, “I will receive all answers of my life through concentration and worship,” that person will be confident no matter where you place them in the world. But if someone doesn’t have that, they always have to make deals.  We make deals about this or that, it means you have no confidence in life. Daniel had something that made him confident, he could survive without eating the food offered to idols. Otherwise you have to be wary of what the majority thinks. “What if I’m outcasted?” Such a person cannot survive. It’s not about being counter-culture or opposing the majority; it is the one who follows God’s Word. That is the mystery for your success. Nothing else is there.

All the things written in human knowledge are devoid of God’s Word.  When Napoleon dominated the world, they wrote that into a book but they don’t talk about how he died.  All these books are written by the momentary moments humans live with their strength.  But afterwards, even these great kings who become legends will die lonely deaths.  But some people say, “Pastor, everyone will die once, you might as well live a bright and flashy life and then die.” Maybe 50% of remnants think like that. I’m saying, if you’re a legend, you should remain a legend, but if you did something with your own strength and later on, it doesn’t work? That’s not the will of God.  Daniel and Joseph are still legends now, and that’s eternal. That’s the work God does. The work people do is temporary and they die pitiful deaths later.  That’s not something God does. 

Everything you do by God before God is eternal, and that’s legendary.  The church always wants to remember such people and accept such people and become like such people. That’s a legend, isn’t that right? We need a modern-day legend, not one of the past.  If there’s a legend of today’s age, it means God used them for world evangelization.  If you say you have no model to follow after, you have the models in the Bible and Jesus Christ Himself, but people who ask for a model are focused on actions.  “What did they do? How did they act?” They need to concentrate on God instead, that’s the mystery.

Then what happens? Our lacking becomes irrelevant, our scars become irrelevant.  Our many circumstances don’t matter because I concentrate on the One Who moves all of that.  That’s the mystery that enabled Abraham to go until the very end. If you don’t think about that, and you think Abraham was someone great, you’re misinterpreting. First of all, he was already 75, he wasn’t at an age where he could do anything, isn’t that right?  If he were to be called, he should be called earlier. Why did God call an old man? Because God is saying He can do things through even powerless men like Abraham, just hold to the covenant and what must we do, then?  Have a time to concentrate on the covenant.

That’s the mystery behind the parable of the vine and the branches.  External circumstances won’t matter; if you have nutrients and water from within, you’ll thrive.  God works every day. If not, you’d have to work, but God works 24 hours a day, so we do this 24 hours a day. Even if we don’t, just doing it once a day is enough because these are the invisible, spiritual things. The one time per day where you concentrate on the things above, holding to the covenant. 

But if you receive a training that isn’t like this, it’s not good.  Only train Charles in Africa if it’s like this, not the methods of humans.  This the covenant that can work in Nigeria and Africa, so concentrate on God.  The reason he is leaving his home to go to Tanzania, it’s not just to receive training; it is to do this. Other people have other motives; this is a training for him to look to God, but because the environment in his home prevents him from doing this, he’s moving somewhere else.  He’s not going to learn something, that’s a misconception; it is not about what is there, but looking at the covenant that has everything.  It’s the same for you, God is moving every day, look upon that God with that covenant.

The next Bible verse we read today was Genesis 41:38, Abraham’s great grandson. This means even if you’re just 17 years old, this is possible. What could a child possibly do? It’s possible; it means age is irrelevant. “Can our children do anything?” That’s not right.  He was taken as a slave to Egypt, that means everything is irrelevant.  But if you don’t have the covenant and what it takes to look upon God, of course you cannot gain influence.  The disciple we’re talking about is, no matter what environment or circumstance we’re placed in, we can look to God.

If you have many things to say, you’re not a disciple because you have too many thoughts, you’re living a life centered on your own self. Everything is already within the Triune God, you don’t need to speak of anything, just look upon God and the covenantal answers will come to you. Then it doesn’t matter if you’re enslaved or go to a fortress. It doesn’t matter if you’re treated unfairly because the covenant doesn’t change.  It may seem like an unfair event to me, but from God’s perspective, it’s a shortcut to become governor.

If Potiphar’s wife hadn’t lied, Joseph wouldn’t have gone to prison. But we gnash our teeth about what’s right or wrong, and that’s just an introductory life. We enforce our own opinions until the very end, but we have no covenant. Why is your plan so important? God’s covenant is more important. Why is your pride so important? Where did God’s pride go? Why are you only talking about your pride? 

What is God’s plan through this incident? That’s what we need to look at.  Then he closed his mouth, because if he opened his mouth, he wouldn’t resolve anything. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t speak, but there’s no need to say unnecessary things.  Just talk about God’s word and the answers God gave you; that’s an evangelist.  But if you say your own thoughts, you’re not an evangelist, you relay Gen. 3 because your thoughts are not holy; that’s Gen. 3. Why do others have to listen to that? Why do you have to say that? You don’t meet with people just to say that. Give them the plan and Word of God that enables them to live.

The person who prays will change things.  He went into prison, but the environment doesn’t matter. That prison became an opportunity for him to become governor, and the people were prepared there. At the critical moment, God brought him before Pharaoh through the cupbearer.  Just because he’s in front of the king doesn’t mean he can interpret the Pharaoh’s dreams.  God will give the answers to the one who concentrates on God’s Word, that’s uniqueness, it’s something no philosopher or scholar can do.  Joseph received the things of God and relayed it.  You may have the same job as anyone else, but there’s something no one else can do. 

Even if we face the 4th industrial revolution and the age of artificial intelligence, there’s something no one else can do and the remnants must prepare for that. If the remnants don’t prepare for this, it doesn’t matter how much you study, but you spend your life thinking, “Will I be pushed out or not?” and you’ll die that way.  Be trained in what no one else can do, the answer that saves, you must be able to relay the answer of Christ. It’s not a simple thing.  This person has these problems but you can’t give the answer? Then you need to receive training.  Then you will receive the answer of uniqueness that is able to save people with the spiritual skills no one else has.

In the future, it will be even worse for you guys, you have to live 50 more years.  Then you won’t only face the fourth industrial revolution, but the fifth and sixth as well, you’ll enter a world that is extra-developed, and everything you’ve studied cannot be used.  That’s just basic.  Machines and AI are so much more advanced than you, so if you don’t study that, you can’t survive. Only the minority will be left. Why do you have to be left in that seat?  You will only be used if you have the uniqueness of God.

God wants to place you in that position, and you must prepare from now on, knowing the future.  You guys need to be different; the way you receive the Word must be different than the church officers. The church officers only must maintain the age today, but for you, it will get worse in the future. You must receive the blessing of uniqueness, the uniqueness no one can compete with, that only you have. That was Joseph; no one could follow Joseph; no elite scholar of Egypt could follow Joseph, and that’s the answer that saves people.

AI cannot have that answer, AI cannot do anything about spiritual problems.  The more businesses advance, the worse spiritual problems become, and uniqueness is being able to give them the answer, and God will bring you to the position of the governor to do that work. He influenced all of Egypt, and you will influence a whole nation. You will have the skill that influences 70 disciples and 70 regions. That is the biblical answer of God.  You will have a business that influences 70 nations and 70 tribes.  Then, what must you do?  You must receive that answer.

This is not something you can do. Its’ only possible when you receive the answer of only and uniqueness. If there’s any one of you who thinks, “I can do this with my own strength,” you cannot even save yourself. The history of all mankind is humans trying this, getting born again, and destroyed.  The people who have hope in themselves.  It is the answer to the life that is only in Jesu Christ, you receive everything from that and you live with that. 

Joseph had nobody, there was nobody who cold help him, and there was nothing that they had, then how is this possible?  It is possible when the God Who creates something out of nothing works upon you.  What I keep telling the multiethnic remnants is, you must start from a place that has nothing, because otherwise, you limit God’s power. Businesspeople must have this habit of faith. If you don’t have this, you look for people to help you, then that’s not right. This means you don’t have confidence in God; you must back up and receive more training.

It must be possible for you in a place where nobody can help you. Why/ Because you are within God’s covenant, and wherever you are, that’s God’s covenantal location for you. You must become very sure in this, especially the remnants. Nobody can help you because God is helping you. No reason to look to others, I have that kind of pride.  I always had a strong pride and God uses that trait because if I don’t have something, I’d rather die or fail.  But because you haven’t gone to rock bottom, you shake and tremble.

You must experience the cross once to gain that strength.  We all go to heaven; either way, my business will be used for world evangelization.  What is there to shake or tremble about ? If it doesn’t work, I fail; if it works, I save and bless others.  It should be simple. Is it right? Am I being too extreme? That’s how I was trained, that’s how God guided me, and it’s the same right now. If I don’t have it, then I don’t have it; if I don’t have it, I don’t do it, but I hold to the covenant and move forward. God will move away from someone who says it won’t work and will move into someone who does, God’s covenant will not be blocked.

Joseph had something, that is why in Gen. 41:38, it was not another believer, but other people saw that in Joseph.  When other people, when unbelievers looked at Joseph, they thought, “Whom can we find that is filled with the spirit of God like him?” Why was that? Was he speaking in tongues or healing diseases?  How is it that the wisdom and answers coming from the voice of this young boy are greater than the answers coming from idol worshipers? It is only possible by the filling of the Lord’s spirit.  Why did God give this answer to Joseph? There are so many Christians; why do some receive answers and others do not? Don’t you think it’s because of the covenant?  God works through the one who believes in and holds to the covenant every day. 

I’m sure that people who have a nature of diligence may understand these words and will revert to their nature, there’s a difference between what’s in our nature and what’s in our brains.  We understand, but our human nature goes back to what we knew, and that’s why the remnants must make this your nature while you are young. Otherwise you understand it, but in reality, your body is elsewhere. Without you realizing it, you’re elsewhere. You don’t know it, you aren’t conscious of it, but you’re there that’s your nature. 

I know it and think I know it, but in reality I’m somewhere else. That’s why, have a time of concentration, standing before God every day, then you don’t have to ask anybody, “Pastor, what should I do in this situation?” You won’t have to say that because as you stand before God, God gives you the answer. What will you do if you’re in a situation where nobody can help you like Joseph?  Stand before God. “How can I evangelize in my business field?” Asking that is wrong itself.  Stand before God, it won’t be a confusing answer, but everyone will be able to recognize it. That’s what God’s answers are like.  It’s very detailed and thorough; there’s no other method or strategy.

It is talking about the training of your nature, the training of concentration that enables you to get all your answers from the Triune God.  This is that time now, a time to concentrate.  If you’re sitting here with a blank mind, that’s how much this person will stray towards a different path.  Worship and concentrating on God is enough; this must be deeply embedded in you. What happens if it’s not?  If your business becomes very busy, you’ll be dragged in that direction because I’m limited. I lack time and abilities, so I have to try 100 times more.  That’s what happens to your life when you don’t have this mystery. If you keep going that way, you’ll become an unbeliever one day. Absolutely it’s not what I wanted, but without me realizing it, that’s where I ended up.

What’s not taking place? You have not once experienced, “This is what I need and it is enough.” You haven’t experienced, “All I need to do is worship and that is sufficient,” and because of that, you must move according to your circumstance and environment, meaning this person doesn’t have or is weak in the covenant because these are the reactions that you have when you try to do something by yourself This isn’t something you can do; the covenant is only fulfilled by God’s working and power.  That is why it is important for us to have a concentration time on God where we receive power and answers from God.  That message must be organized within you, then you will not shake.

It doesn’t matter if you go on a business trip wherever, it’s the same: Concentrate on God in that place. You know you believe in something, but there’s no channel for you to receive anything through that faith.  You know it with your brain; you received salvation and grace, but there’s no channel or pathway between you and God. That’s the time of concentration, of prayer and worship, that is the time of meditation. Then God will do it according to God’s time schedule, and He wants that kind of witness to arise.

Until now the witnesses who have arisen are those who tried with their efforts 70% and only 30% with the pulpit message, so instead of revealing God’s glory, they reveal diligence. That’s halfway towards an unbeliever because even among believers, there are those who are smart like unbelievers. But witnesses who become witnesses because of only Christ, the Kingdom of God, and only the Holy Spirit.

This is for the powerless, so even the arrogant and powerful will crumble down and come before God. It was possible for the Early Church and it’s possible for you and me.  What? Concentrate upon the Lord who has already planned the past, present, and future.  Look upon God, holding to the covenant, and receive strength at that time, then everything will come to you as answers, money and everything.

You haven’t looked at the Bible correctly; you see it with a religious lens like a Pharisee. If you properly knew the Bible and God, this is how you would believe: God plans everything and you need to discover and find it. That’s why we listen to God’s word, that’s why we hold to the covenant and listen so God will give me power to fulfill that Word. If you need financial power, God will give that. If you need wisdom, God will give you wisdom. If you can’t do this alone, God will bring people to you, so everything is within the Christ. 

That’s why Paul was imprisoned and was thankful for everything he received, but he said he had plenty.  David made the same confession when he had nothing and was chased to death, “I lack nothing.” What does that mean? He definitely had nothing, but he was so hungry and lacking that he went to the temple and ate the priest’s bread, then how could he confess he lacked nothing? That’s a mystery and it’s only possible with faith; that’s how you won’t worry about tomorrow.

Today is enough on your plate; tomorrow is not yours, but you worry so much about tomorrow that you pile it up today.  Even the kids are worrying about tomorrow, today. It’s because they don’t believe in God.  It’s because they don’t believe in the God of the covenant.  If you do believe in God, there’s no reason to worry about tomorrow; just today alone is enough.  Just look upon God today and look at the work God is doing, then tomorrow is tomorrow’s words.  That means tomorrow is not yours, tomorrow is the Lord’s as well. You need to stay in your lane.

You don’t know if you’ll die tomorrow. If God holds your nose today, you can die tomorrow. You’re nothing great; why worry about tomorrow?  You think you’re not going to die, right? That’s how you live today.  Then one day, you pass away and wonder, “How could this happen?” But it can. You think incorrectly. If God only gives us today, then that’s it.  “But that person is healthy,” that has nothing to do with longevity. People die when God calls them, not when they’re sick. You’ve seen this a lot.

That’s why you must stand before God.  That’s a time for you to concentrate and meditate upon God, upon the covenant.  Then, God will do the work he has promised you, saving the 237 nations, the5000 tribes, and world evangelization.  But that person will see what will happen in the future in advance and enjoy it today. The person who doesn’t have that will be worried and it will be hard because they don’t have this, they’re not satisfied with Christ alone. It’s because they’ve never been hit in the heart, that, “All I need is the Triune God,” and they’re so burdened with their self-centeredness.  The only thing that remains within them is their physical, mental, spiritual, and future generation problems. 

If I lack strength, I can’t do anything, I don’t have the personality and style; I can’t even work in an office. I look at that style and that’s it. I think God called the weakest person and gave me grace.  There’s not a single thing I could do on my own, and God gave me grace to use me; I can’t do anything with  my brain butt God gave me the covenant and looking upon God is easy. Entrusting everything to God is something I can do.  I never put hope on being able to do something myself; I’ve experienced I cannot do anything in my life by myself.  People who have abilities will rely on themselves, but I have nothing to rely on by myself.   

Even Apostle Paul had so many abilities and education, but he made the same confession as me, that is a person who has received grace.  If you receive God’s grace you’re bound to make that same confession.  He said, “Why would I not have anything to boast about physically?” But he’s saying, “What was that all for? It was all necessary for Christ; but without Christ, it is all rubbish,” and he considered it all rubbish.  Everything we’ve studied is so important, but why did he consider it all rubbish?  Because without Christ, all of that is a heavy burden and a weapon to make my life miserable. He holds onto those things so he couldn’t hold onto Christ, but now he considers them rubbish and wants to gain Christ.  He is racing forward to take hold of that for which Christ had take hold of him, and he races towards that goal.

Form that point on, the power of God which he had never experienced was poured upon him. That’s’ why he confessed, “I’m content in both poverty and wealth; I can do all things in Christ Who gives me strength.” What does it mean to be within the One Who gives me strength? It means, in the covenant of the Lord.  God will do it so I can do it all.  In the past, when he was by himself and his methods, he had a limit to his life and things didn’t work out; that was Paul’s limitation who struggled so hard for 30 years.  Everyone else may have said he’s succeeded as a talented young adult, but inside, he had so many limitations, so he went all the way to the end for the Christ.

Today, the world isn’t the problem.  Other people are not the problem.  Is your own powerless the problem? It is not. It is not believing in God; that’s the problem, so you have to make an honest confession, you shouldn’t keep being possessed by demons and lying.  For kids, are the parents your problem? It’s not; why do you keep lying? Why hold onto the voice of devils? If anything because of your parents, you heard the gospel.  If your parents gave you birth, that’s enough for you to be thankful for, but y8our’e so seized about Satan’s scars and the evil things they said or did.

Let’s think about it logically. Did you build this building? You didn’t somebody built this building, but because of that person, you’re sitting here, isn’t that right? Were you guys the one who started this church?  Who went through the wilderness and made all this? It’s the people who made this, but you’re under a misconception that you made everything and you’re sitting here. 

Did you guys make America to be socially and financially beneficial to live in? We live in America after countless wars and deaths against the Native Americans. Do you have any idea how many people died as they laid down roads and railroad tracks?  It’s just a thought that you think you can go anywhere you want with $100. 

What am I saying? You don’t know what position you’re in, you are just one small portion.  Even if you think of just the city of Los Angeles, you’re such an extremely small portion; even if you think about that, you receive an answer: what must I do? Did we make the beach? We just go and enjoy but we think it’s rightful.  Can you make the beach? Can you make the sand you walk on?  But we think we can do everything. 

If God gave you the message through COVID, then that’s enough.  God stopped everything in the world with COVID and it’s not enough with science. If you receive that message, you should surrender but already, you think you can do something? God has to move. That is why people must be humble, stand before God, concentrating on God, holding onto His covenant.  God attaches that to people by giving them cancer. “I can’t do anything; the doctor says I have no hope; what do I have to do?” God will send them after making them experience this so closely.  There’s not a single person who said, “I can do this,” until the very end. God will allow you to experience this once before He sends you because the glory of God will not be stolen by man. God will make you experience, “I cannot do this,” and that’s what will happen in your everyday life.

“I can’t do this; God has to do it.” It means it’s not about whether you should do it or not, but God works according to His covenant, and God told this to Job.  He said, “Who do you think you are? Were you there when I created the earth? Where were you when I created the seas?”  You think it’s rightful that your parents should help you, but what happens if they don’t? Be thankful for all people. That is a healed person, isn’t that right? 

Be thankful for President Biden.  If we didn’t have a president, we would not have order; it would be chaos.  Whether he’s an evil or good person, if God  made him the president, be thankful. That’s why we have police. Be thankful for the church, for the people next to us. Because this person is next to me, they fill my needs.  Because the remnants are here, you are being used as church officers. Be thankful for them. There’s a reason for God to work.  May you enjoy this blessing.


God, we thank You. Thank you for giving us this time of concentration to look onto and concentrate on the covenant.  Allow us to stand before You and be thankful for all things by Your grace. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

We are going towards saving the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached tribes by faith. You only live once. Why would you waste it on the shore?  God gave us five oceans so we can swim to our hearts’ content and swim to all 237 nations. Why be stuck in a lake or stay in a river?  237 nations, 5000 unreached tribes.  Because God is the covenant, you must put it within you with faith. For this, 70 regions and 70 disciples. Put what God desires within you to make this happen.

If you’re worried about how to survive or eat, you’re worse off than an unbeliever.  Let us pray for those close to us, “Let us influence those who will save the 70 disciples, 70 regions, 70 tribes, and 70 nations,” because it’s God’s covenant, He has to work.  We go before God as we save the 237 nations and 5000 unreached tribes.

Let us pray together for Temple Construction. I’m super excited and have great expectations because it doesn’t come from me; it was given by God, and I’m so excited to see how God will work, but if I have unnecessary things within me, I’ll be anxious, but if you put hope within you, you’ll become healthy.  If you have hope and faith within you, even the color of your skin will change. But if you put unnecessary things within you, you’ll be full of concern and worry, and even your facial color will change and the cancer cells will take over your body. Let us have faith in the covenant of God. We must do the gospel movement until the day of Jesus’ second coming. The demon-possessed people are doing the freemason movement and dominate the region with their temples, even though everything comes from God, so of course, we must receive your answer.  Let us pray together for Temple Construction to save the 237 nations, healing, and summit, and do regional and world evangelization. 

Whenever there’s a church that builds a temple or building, there is a miraculous work of God because it’s impossible for this work to take place unless it is a miracle.  So if you loo at the testimonies of those who do Temple Construction, these are special words because it is the things of God and God works. It is not our efforts, but God pours His special works upon it, and that’s always been the case. You wonder, “How did this happen?” It does. Yewon church was rebuilt two or three times, and they have so much money.   It’s not done by people.  This is something we can participate in maybe once or twice in a lifetime, and many die without knowing that blessing.  They just live their life like that, “I need to do this before I die,” then there’s no need to evangelize, you just hold to the covenant.

We went to the Synod on Monday, “You guys do college evangelism so much, and if you set up mission homes then you could evangelize to people who come, but you don’t have that, and you go to the field and that’s it.”  Temple Construction is the same, you evangelize hard but nothing remains.  It is a masterpiece. Let us pray at this time for the Temple and the future generations.  Let us especially pray for the remnants.  Are the remnants not receiving answers? You must receive them at your age, not when you’re older. Pray. Even elementary school students must pray for works to take place in God’s time schedule, otherwise there’s no opportunity for the covenant of Temple Construction to go into them. You need to put this into them right now for the time schedule for them to enjoy answers. These words are applicable to every person. God has to work urgently on older people but that’s all in God’s hands.  Let us pray especially for remnants and the church officers and businesspeople. Let us pray.

Next week I’ll go to Utah for three days.  I don’t know how you guys understand me, but I want to be very clean and transparent with money.  If a pastor goes on a mission trip, I absolutely hate ulterior motives with which pastors go on trips. If you are businesspeople, I hope you will receive covenantal answers through your business, and I’m saying this in all aspects, but if you make things complicated, you cannot stand in a simple and pure way before God.

If many things come to me, I cut them out.  Because you’re businesspeople, it’s possible for you to think many different thoughts. I cut them all off. If I do missions, it’s missions.  I concentrate on ly on my ministry. If a pastor is poor, then be poor; I don’t add business. I don’t have image of doing a mission home because the way I live is fine. What this means is, acknowledge that I’m only doing the ministry as a pastor.  Everything else is an answer you receive. The mission home is what you must receive; give it to the church or do it yourself. Stand before God with this posture.

This is how I tell the disciples in the field as well, you must be clean when it comes to money.  I think of that very importantly.  Most important to the point when I ask, “Is it God or money?” Especially for ministers, if they’re not completely clean when it comes to money, it’s a zero. They cannot do ministry; they’ll be afflicted by money and cannot do their ministry. They must give their life and won’t be able to, so it’s very important and determines whether you can stake your life or not.  There’s a lot of things being said about Pastor Kim in Utah, but don’t you think God will work as he stands there, planting the flag of Christ?  We are looking from that lens of missions and think of him so preciously and pray for him; even if it is small, we give him our offering, otherwise, who will go to Utah? We cannot go, so let us pray for this person.  Allow us to see God’s plan for Utah, and how will our church go together and receive answers together? Please pray for Utah.

Let us also pray for the remnants in Mongolia, Karen, El Salvador, and Africa.  Let us pray together.

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God, the heads of all the remnants and the multiethnic people who hold onto only Christ in the Kingdom of God through only the Holy Spirit, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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