Wait for the Lord to Open the Door of Evangelism (2 Timothy 4:1-3)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Wait for the Lord to Open the Door of Evangelism (2 Timothy 4:1-3)

Before God tells us to go and evangelize to our field he has prepared the door to evangelism, why does he do that? It would be best if he would help me along with my business but why does he do his work? The things I want and what God wants are different. The things we want are physical things that are apart from God, but saving people is what God wants. So the person that is aligned with God in these things. 

So as soon as you open your eyes in the morning how should you pray? You don’t pray regarding the things you want but you have to pray so that God can fulfill the works He has planned to carry out through me.  That’s what it means to properly believe in God.  You believe in God on Sunday, but Monday through Saturday, you do not believe in Him? That means your prayers are different. “Are you saying I can’t pray regarding the things that I want?” That’s your freedom to do so, but even today, the things God does is to fulfill the things that He will carry out through you.

Introduction – Word

God, in order to fulfill His plan, will absolutely give us the Word.  In front of a problem, because your standard is your will, you’re not able to see it, but God has definitely put aside His Word inside of that problem.  Because God is the Word, He will always work through His Word.  So, prayer must take place. 

Prayer, Evangelism – Me

How will you be able to save every person you meet?  These are the works God does, through whom? That is through me. 

Early Morning

And to wake up early in the morning to do this means to be aligned with God, because God is waiting in the field, having already opened the doors of evangelism.

Doors of Evangelism 

We’re not saying it’s your time or not to go evangelize, but God has already prepared In your fields to open the doors of evangelism.  

Gospel – Gospel

Therefore, this gospel  must become your gospel.  Jesus being the Christ must become, “Jesus is my Christ.”  

Christ – (Sin, Curses, Satan, the way to meet God) 

What does it mean that Jesus is the Christ?  Christ is the work God has done. What work has He done? He has solved the problems of sin and curses on the cross, He has broken down the authority of Satan, and the way to meet God. This is the work Christ has done.


What is the work Christ has done for me?  Christ is Christ, Jesus is the Christ, but what does that have to do with me?  Even today, the curse of unbelief, the curse of not believing in God, is broken down, and the authority of Satan that blocks me from holding onto God’s Word is broken down, and God is working through me through the Word He has given to me, and that is the Christ being the Christ.  

My thoughts, plan, method  X Word

We believe in Jesus Christ and accepted him in our hearts but till today we think about my thoughts, it’s not God’s plan but my plan, and even today it’s my method. If I’m within this, then that means Christ is not Christ, and that’s what it means to be a failure.  Jesus is the Christ and the works He does must be confirmed in me today.  


He works through me with power.  

Disasters, Darkness

All the disasters and forces of darkness are broken down.  So every morning, the start of your day must be this.  That’s why God gives us His Word.  What Word am I going to be relaying to the person I’m meeting today?  If you pray regarding this, God will definitely open up the doors.  Your work is contained inside of this, your studies are contained inside of this.  But you have to see how most of the believers are living their walk of faith, they hold on diligently to their work and their studies, but even unbelievers can be good at this, even Buddhist can be good at this, but it’s not correctly aligned with what God desires.  

You can ask, “Isn’t it enough to work hard and give money for offering?” That’s not really a correct thought.  There are many unbelievers who give donations.  God has opened the doors of evangelism and He is waiting in the field right now.  God has opened the doors of evangelism and is waiting in the field of your business.  That’s what you must be aligned with God with, every morning when you wake up, then God will work through this. 

This should be your everyday start, then God will work upon you with power because we don’t have strength.  Why would God give you power if you just do these things with our own strength? God’s interest lies in this, but your interest lies in that, why would God give you power, but we keep holding onto this and keep asking God for power, but there is no such thing written in the Bible like this. You can do this even without believing in God. Even those who worship demons can do this.  You must definitely remember this and not lose hold of this. If you lose hold of this, your day will not be aligned with God.

1. Eternal Time Schedule

God is holding onto the eternal time schedule. We are wearing watches but God holds onto the time schedule.  When will we die? God knows the method, the time, and the day on which we will die, because God is moving, holding onto the eternal things.  

(1) Predestination

God has predestined us, everything is predestined.  

(2) Providence (Preparation)

God has the providence, in other words, He has prepared everything.  He has predestined and prepared everything. 

(3) Purpose 

God has a purpose, He has a goal in mind.  

(4) Decree

So, the time schedule in which God carries out His Word is called His decree. Those who have been decreed to receive salvation will believe, meaning those who are within God’s time schedule and have that decree to believe, will believe.  

Time Schedule, Me

You have to be inside of this time schedule. Then you must be aligned with this and that in order to be inside of the time schedule.  So, look, work and studies are important, have I ever said it’s not important? it’s important, but there is something even more important.  That is this, it is us saving lives.  People are dying and there’s nothing more important than this.  If you’re aligned with God’s interest in saving lives, that means you’re inside of God’s time schedule. 

But you must see that most believers are not aligned with God’s time schedule. Even when they pray, you can see their content is regarding these things. “Pastor, I requested prayers, there’s something going on with my  business,” I don’t do any of those prayers.  You may ask, “Why isn’t the pastor praying?” But why should I pray for useless things? It says in the Bible that you don’t have to pray for these things.  But what must we pray for? We must first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness and those are the things I pray for. Such prayers are for those who are unbelievers and possessed by demons.

If you go to a Buddhist temple, these monks do these special kinds of prayers; am I that kind of person? Is God working through us in order to carry out these works?  So, people go to church but they don’t really know God.  Then, they throw a celebration whenever these things work out, but that’s the work that even unbelievers can do, saying, “I got a job! I’ll treat you all,” that’s something nonbelievers can do, then is this not necessary? I’m not saying it’s unnecessary, but why is it necessary? It is for this, that’s what i said. 

But you must know what these words mean in order to be aligned with God, but that’s what most believers cannot understand.  The only people who have been appointed to do those things can do it, but does it mean the pastor has to go into the business field to do these things? But it is a  mission God has given to us, so there are people in the field who are to receive salvation, so that’s why I’m a missionary.  If you know and understand this, then God will pour His power upon you. 

What’s repentance?  Repentance is coming back to this. You must have this fundamental repentance of going back to God.  Every day when you wake up, because you’re not aligned with God, you must start your day of repentance regarding this.  People who work diligently without coming and aligning with God, that’s just their own diligence, and what is the result of their diligence?  They will face many problems that cannot be solved with their diligence.  You are living and walking this walk of faith.  

2. Those Who Have Received Salvation

And God works through those who received salvation, and you must search for God’s vision. 

(1) Vision

Not my vision, but the vision God has given to me. When you discover this, you will be able to see in advance, you just have to go, following what you have already seen in advance, and it’s so simple.  But those who have received salvation, instead of looking forGod’s vision, they seek their own mission and go for their own mission.  That’s not a vision, but you call that a dog’s stream. “Vision” is something God has given to those Whom God has saved, and He will carry out His work through us.  And you must be able to quickly discover the vision. Success is contained inside of God’s vision, success inside of faith. 


Look at Joseph, He held onto God’s vision and success followed him.  When did Joseph fast and pray diligently in order to become emperor?  The sun and the moon will bow down before you, the stars in the sky will bow down before you.  Joseph held onto the mission and that’s not something I made up, but something God had given to me. You’re not holding onto the books of the lway and trying to carry out your own dream, not something God gave to you. So that’s why God sent you to America in order to fulfill this. Whether you’ve come this way or that way, that’s just your own thoughts.  But God has given us salvation, so He has to spiritually revive America. It is the vision of proclaiming the gospel.  


There are some people who have discovered this vision late, but if you correctly and accurately discover the vision, it’ll also do big works. That’s Moses.  It’s important that, despite discovering it late, you discover this accurately.  Ask people, what is your vision?  Listen to what they say.  I’m telling you, just listen to them.  Once you listen, you’ll be able to know whether it’s their own vision or the vision God has given to them.  But God has prepared everything and will give everything to those who have salvation. 

(2) Absolute Sovereignty

God with his absolute sovereignty continues to do world evangelization.  This work must be finished in order for the world to be finished.  God is continuing to work in America through this time schedule through each of us.  God uses your failures, lackings, for the sake of Matthew 24:24, that is world evangelization. 

Matthew 24:14 

And the gospel will definitely be proclaimed

Blood Sacrifice

The gospel will necessarily be proclaimed.  

Rightful Absolute Necessary 

This gospel’s absolute, so no one can block it. You must hold onto this.  If you do not hold onto this, you’ll be shaken by the word sod people, situations, and one day, you’ll become sick, then how can we continue to be living in a superpower nation? Physically it’s so good, but it’s just a facade.  Satan steals our souls with tremendous, great looking things.  That’s why we just need to hold onto this; everything else will just follow.

There’s a worker, and the owner will make sure the worker has everything prepared in order for  the worker to do this work, the owner will prepare everything in advance for the worker to carry out his will. But we are putting ourselves in the place of the Master.  If we’re sick, God will heal us and carry out His work through us.  In our failures, God will make us recognize and realize our failures and push us forward because proclaiming the gospel is definite, absolute and necessary. But look at Moses, no one could come and block him. Joseph  was put in jail but that was a blessing, his brothers sold him off the slavery but that was a blessing because He was holding onto the things God was going to do, and that’s what we call a main figure.

Have you ever seen the main figure in a movie die? They look like they’re about to die, but they come back to life. That’s what we call the main figure.  Who’s the main figure of this world? That’s  God.  But the one who holds onto the things God will carry out is the main character.  Everyone else is such a side character.  There’s a lot of extras as well., because those extras cannot be the main thing.  The extras just help the main character. 

When you go into the workplace, the owner isn’t the main figure, Joseph went into a field of slavery, but inside that field, Potiphar wasn’t the master but Joseph was, because God had sent Joseph.  Potiphar was just an extra, because that is what happens to a person who has these things. Without these things, the multiethnic will die off, because they’re not the main characters.  They’re just side characters, and although they’ve been called as main characters, they live their life as side characters, and they think they just need to go into the role of the main character, but it doesn’t work out. 

You have to become the main character whom God uses.  Those were the figures like Daniel, Esther, and Daniels’ three friends who went into the field of Babylon.  In the field of Rome, Rome was not the main character, but it was the people in the early church who gathered in the early church that were the main characters, so it doesn’t matter wherever they are because God pours upon all his interest onto these people, all His interest and power upon these people, so like not all churches are in God’s interest, there are some churches that act as exciting others.  But there are churches who do the level of the main character. 

 If you see in the Bible, you can see there’s the jerusalem temple and there’s the marks upper room, they are different. The Jerusalem temple is humongous, and many people gather there. But that’s not the main character. The main characters were the people at the mark’s upper room, they persecuted for the sake of the gospel. and eventually, God’s spirit is poured upon them and God so with them. They continue the works that the temple of Jerusalem were not able to carry out. The things the temple of Jerusalem can carry out are just the physical things, they have money, but they can never win over this.  You all are inside of this blessing.


1. Proclaim (Repent)

It is all good as long as you have the correct repentance. 

(1) Unbeliever – Possessions

These nonbelievers have a lot of things but are still dying off.  They have so many possessions and inheritance, but because they lost hold of the path, many rich people will conclude this. It’s not that the nonbelievers are lacking physical things that they are dying off, but the life they’re supposed to live as God’s creation they cannot live that life so they lost hold of their path and they are wandering with the power they physically have and they always throw parties. 

(2) Way X

People without money are wandering shut money. 

3) Hear X

There are so many people who have not been able to hear the gospel once and they die. I’m saying  there are so many people who are dying without hearing the gospel once in the field. There are so many people who attend church but not able to hear the gospel. How can newcomers confirm that the people who came to church for a long time has listened to the gospel? 

(4) Church

There are so many newcomers who come back and forth from church like it’s a temple. And there’s so many newcomers who listen to the pastor speaking his sermon just how Buddhist monks are reciting  their prayers.  That is why it’s important to relay the accurate gospel to everyone who attends church, so it’s important to train the newcomers. 

(5) Church Attendees

Even among churchgoers, there are so many people who don’t have assurance. Have you received salvation? They don’t even know if they’ve received salvation. Because if their situation is a little hard they doubt whether they received salvation. And for Elderly people, they can say, “I have received salvation,” but once their body gets worse they say “‘maybe I haven’t received salvation,” so they don’t even know the standard of salvation. They don’t even have the assurance of answers to prayer

If they fall into limitations, they don’t even have the assurance of victory.  God says, “I have prepared a way for you to escape.”  But because they don’t have that assurance, they keep swinging right and left. 

God says he will definitely lead us but they don’t have the assurance so they question and doubt.  And that is why the lay leaders of the gospel, of the remnants, have gathered together.

6) Church Officer – Committed Worker

Why are you coming the the evangelism healing school? Are you saying you won’t receive salvation if you don’t come? There are so many people who suffer under curses and disasters. And you must first solve the fundamental, because they are weak in their fundamental. And even when they got to the doctors it is incurable. Their fundamentals has been broken. Their spiritual strength has been broken down. Because their spiritual strength has been broken down, they don’t have the mental strength and that’s why it affects their spiritual state. We don’t have the strength to overcome things that come to you. That’s why we have short breaths. There must be enough oxygen to supply your body but your no able to. And if you look at people who get angry easily, they also fall quickly to illness, because they keep getting angry, and being angry means their breaths are also short. So breath efficiently. And that’s how you can listen to the word and receive spiritual strength. 

Salvation X Spiritual Strength, Deep Breathing

No matter how much you pray, it goes over and over again.  Because the person themselves must heal and restore their natures. The fundamentals must first be restored and established in order for them to eat solid food.  It’s just a waste of money. 

My uncle used to go up to a quiet place in the mountains, and no matter how much you try to feed them solid food, because they don’t have the spiritual strength, they will just fall down. That’s what it means for us to receive the strength that starts from the gospel which is Jesus Christ. 

Everything, all fundamental problems have been fundamentally solved on the cross, so this strength must arise from the gospel.  Jesus has solved everything on the cross, but you doubt that, so you don’t have strength. Everything has been finished, and you must go inside of that in order for problems not to surprise you. Everything has been finished, that’s a fact. If a problem arises, you have to see how God will guide you through that.  But everyone has been living whether they are a believer or a non believer with this lack of strength. 

That is why, they’re always so shaken after each and every problem, but everything has been finished. You just have to see how God will lead you.  Instead of being anxious and worried, God has finished everything. You can see that the gospel has not gone into the church members. They don’t have the strength of the gospel. God has given us the gospel, nothing else. The gospel has solved the problems of the past present and future is with me. No matter what problem comes to me it isn’t a problem, why is that so?  Why are the problems not a problem?  

Relaying this is evangelism.  You can just say these words, like, repeat the words I’m speaking, but that becomes Satan’s playing, and Satan knows this. He knows everything has been finished, but what has been finished? You have nothing to say.  Then, this person has to continue to live a life of them solving everything. And you are unable to proclaim the future in this so everything becomes shaken. But some people say everything has been finished and a problem comes to them and how has this been finished? That’s our walk of faith. If you cannot understand this, then I hope you pray. “Pastor, can’t you say this in a sure way?” It’s not by your intellect or your lack of intellect you can understand this but by the grace of the spirit. That’s why Nicodemus was not able to understand. Just how you cannot see where the wind is going to. 

– Possess

If you hold onto this strength, Satan will run away, he can’t stand up to this. Inside the strength of the gospel, that’s where you get your mental strength and if you have the strength of the gospel will go away, and through that, you’re breathing.  This breathing has actually been fact-checked by science, and you can see many cancer patients and depression patients say they have been healed through deep breathing. “Why is it that there are many advancements but there are more patients. Is it a lack of food? But it’s because breathing is not happening.  You must live, restoring these two fundamental things.

2. Field 

There are no workers, but how will we find people in the field.  

1) Acts 17:1-9

It was a situation where there were no workers.  So we must go to the Synagogue where many people gather.  

(2) Acts 18:1-4

There are workers in the church. What should we do with them? Paul gathered these workers, the couple Priscilla and Aquila, and they worked through him.  The workers gained strength inside of the church; they were able to relay the strength in their respected field. 

(3) Acts 19:1-8  Disciple

And it is the same for today and Sunday, you must receive strength in order to save the field. There were these disciples who were raised up in Myanmar for two years, and they were spread to the synagogues and to the world. And this must all align, and I pray God will align this with you.  Inside of this is success, your future, as well as your past will be used. 

Conclusion – Do Not Fear

In conclusion, do not be afraid of anything.  God is with us in the work He has done. Today’s hardship is tomorrow’s blessing. Because God is the God of blessings. When you are with God and aligned with my God, then God will bless you. David faced the weirdest hardship after feeding goliath.  How can it be like this? How could your walk of faith be after doing a tremendous work that you face hardship instead of success and celebration. 

David said that was the time of his greatest thankfulness. Not just saying thanks because even nonbelievers can do that. If you look at meditation techniques there are things where you just say thanks, and there are some truth to that. But because we know the vision of God using us in the future we know that in advance so we can say our thanks to him. Our hardships become tomorrow’s blessing.  Paul is one who went through the greatest hardship proclaiming the gospel. 

Today’s believers tend to associate good beliefs with success of the world but that wasn’t what Paul did. That is how to say the church is diseased. It’s because they join success with great belief. This isn’t untrue, but  is it really like this? Because the early church had great faith but they all died. So I’m saying that our faith is somewhat diseased, because the things of the world are joined together with faith. Proclaiming the gospel can lead to destruction and disasters, you may be persecuted and beaten down, so in today’s terms, you could proclaim the gospel and your business can shine. 

And Paul, because Satan put a thorn in his side, he was in suffering all his life, but you have to realize how thankful you have to be that you are in the midst of evangelism. If you’re not inside of evangelism, you must repent and  go back quickly into evangelism. We keep looking at the wrong things and expect the wrong things from them, but that’s not how the Bible relays. It is only when evangelism is all around the world. 

Why has this church been established here?  The church was established in the world as the salt and the light of the world. We don’t resemble the church here, because it would be good business. That’s something Shamans do. Being established in this region is to be the salt and light of Jesus Christ in this region.  The work field being that place means you are to be the light and salt of Jesus Christ, so you just have to do that role while giving that.   

There’s a figure in Korea and I thought he was very oppressive because he’s a prosecutor, and the prosecutors in Korea have so much authority over getting the bad guys, but they also get paid as well.  


We are to save the dying people, but how much more admirable is it that we can get money while doing that, But you can also see that this thinking is similar to that of unbelievers who just don’t have the gospel, and that person, as a prosecutor, had that kind of thought. He said that the emotion that comes from the justice of capturing the bad guy and helping the victims, there’s no greater justice than that, but he’s also getting an income while doing that. What a great job that is, he is a true prosecutor. If everyone else is not like that then they aren’t prosecutor. If a nonbeliever is up to that standard we must also be up to that standard as an evangelist. 

Your life must be inside of the gospel, not that you must go into this, but God has prepared this for you.  Whether your income is big or small, the fact is that you don’t know about this evangelism.  Young adults go into the field and worry about whether their supervisors like them or not, but it has nothing to do with this.  At first, their breathing is actually very short because they hold anger and stress, and going into the field, they’re so stressed, “Am I here to do this thing?” They have no thankfulness.  God has sent them in order to do world evangelization.  Relay the gospel to the field, save the dying person, see how thankfulness it will come to you. If a person is revived then  the physical things will definitely follow. Isn’t that usually what humans do? Even if you help a person just a little bit, that person will not stay still.  Look at Joseph, he gave Pharaoh just a little thing, and he became governor. 

2. Prayer

First seek His Kingdom and His righteousness.  God’s Kingdom and righteousness, that is the gospel. Proclaim the gospel to break down the forces of darkness and establish God’s Kingdom, and because you will not be able to do it with your own strength, God will give you the filling of the Holy Spirit. And so you must always have that strength.  When you receive the filling of the holy spirit, you will have authority. And it’s not speaking touches but rather God will provide and strengthen us. 

Acts 1:8, “When you receive power, you will become my witnesses until the ends of the earth.” I’m weak so that’s why God promised to give me this power.  You don’t have any money, but that’s why God promised to give you money. You don’t have health. God will restore your health, why would God just work upon you without no reason? In fact, continuing to be poor and unhealthy is God’s plan, that’s how you discover God’s will. You and I have received salvation and this blessing today.  I hope you will enjoy and relay this blessing to the field.


Father God, we thank You.  Raise up the disciples to do the true healing evangelism movement.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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