Victory Over Satan and Saving the World With Only Christ in God’s Word (Daniel 10:10-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Victory Over Satan and Saving the World With Only Christ in God’s Word (Daniel 10:10-20)

Today we read about the content of Daniel’s prayer.  I think that Daniel was someone who served as a governor the longest.  I think he did it so well that he was able to maintain his position of wisdom even as the nation was changing and over four kings.  It’s difficult to be the prime minister or governor for even one king, but he held that position over the reigns of four kings, and the reason for that is that he was aligned with God.

In order to be aligned with God, means you have to be aligned with the Word of God.  If the Word of God and I are not aligned, then I am irrelevant to the turning of the world, and I’m irrelevant to the spinning of the economy because God moves the economy.  Your success and failure are in God’s hands, so you aren’t going to align with God.  Satan works so that we’re not aligned with God.  Satan keeps us oblivious so we fall into our own desires.  

We fall into our own thoughts, thinking “I can do this without God’s Word.” However, you must be within God’s Word in everything, and that’s the evidence God is working upon my work. If this doesn’t have the word of God, it is evidence that God is not working upon it, so I’m just doing it with my own abilities, and ultimately you’ll be enslaved by Satan and the country.  

Today, Daniel was praying to God with this content.  In Daniel 6, we read how Faniel continued praying even when facing death.  Even though he was separated very far from Jerusalem, the mystery Daniel had to survive and be victorious is prayer.  It was a prayer that received answers because he was praying, holding onto God’s word, then God’s work will go upon anybody, wherever they are.

Because, regardless of my abilities, God’s power comes upon me, I will be victorious.  That is why even though the foreign kings were idol worshipers, they didn’t want to let go of Daniel. Where was that written? It was in Daniel’s prayer. When you guys think of prayer, you think of prayer religiously, “The things I want, the things I need,” but you don’t pray for the things that God wants, the things God desires.

How can we know what God wants?  That’s why God gives us His word.  John 1:1 tells us the Word is God, and when the Word of God comes upon us, it means that God has come upon us. Daniel 10:10 says, “A hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees. ” Simply put, Jesus came to him.  Daniel 10:11, “‘Daniel, you who are highly esteemed, consider carefully the word I’m about to say to you and stand up, for I have been sent to you.’ And when he had said this to me, I stood up trembling.” Then he continued, “Do not be afraid Daniel, since the first day you’ve set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God.”  So in the very moment that Daniel resolved in his heart, God sent him an angel in response.

This was not a resolution that came from his scars.  Daniel resolved in his heart the moment he received God’s Word, and at that point, God has already opened up the gates of heaven and began answering.  In other words, the moment you lay down your resolution, not the time I resolve on my own will, but for the resolution of God’s will.  Psalms 103:20-22 talk about the heavenly hosts who fulfill God’s will, and whenever anyone prays for God’s will, God mobilizies His heavenly hosts.

Why does God mobilize the heavenly hosts? It means that a spiritual battle is necessary.  It means that there are those who are disturbing you, blocking you from praying for God’s will.  The prayer of all prayers is seeking God’s will and that’s what Daniel did.  

What is God’s will? John 6:40 says that the will of the Father is this: Anyone who believes in the son will have eternal life.  Gaining eternal life means, to save people.  Missions and evangelism is God’s will but Satan will block your mouth so you’ll never pray for that, and your situation will be so confused that you can never pray this prayer.  But immediately in the moment where you resolve in God’s will, God begins his answers, but the spiritual battle has also begun and that’s the reason God mobilizes His heavenly hosts.

Who is attacking when the heavenly armies are mobilized?  The archangel Michael is fighting.  Michael, the Archangel is the leader of the fighting angels, so a generic angel will not do.  The reason is because in the next verse, “The prince of Persia’s kingdom resisted me for 21 days,” and this isn’t talking about the king of Persia, but it is talking about the spiritual armies that completely control Persia and the culture of idolatry.

Even among the evil spirits, there are special forces for fighting, there are evil spirits that tempt and cause disease, and there are evil spirits that are for fighting, and these are the ones who block God’s will. The reason churches have no answers is because they’re not aligned with God’s will. The reason the members of the church have no power is they are not aligned with God’s will.  And the reason they don’t want to pray is because they don’t want to live according to God’s will. They are saying, “I will live with my own mental strength. I can study with my own mental ability, I can make money with my own mental strength and God’s will is irrelevant to my life.”

But Daniel resolved, he was not in Israel but he was in his mission field, but his mouth was blocked so he could not pray this prayer, and we are made so we can complain and grumble all we want, but we can never pray this prayer.  We can talk about the things of the world so well, but we can never pray this prayer. The forces of darkness will never allow us to pray this prayer.  

That’s how Satan is holding onto the churches, but Daniel was alone.  Daniel prayed alone, so even by this prayer of one person, an entire nation can be moved.  That’s the reason God entrusted this kingdom to Daniel even across four kings, because that was his vessel.  So, he resolved on his own and fought the spiritual battle.  From our perspective, he was beginning the prayer that saves lives.  

Satan will allow every other prayer except the prayer to save lives, and missions and evangelism. “It’s fine to pray about this or that,” but he will block you so that you can never save those who are seized by Satan’s spirit.  He will let you succeed in everything because who cares if you succeed? You’ll be worried again and it’s not aligned with God’s will and after being successful, something else will happen to you, so he allows you to succeed, he allows you to make money, he even leaves you to study well.  But he will only block you from saving lives.  

However, Satan mobilized his greatest armies against Daniel who was able to do this, and of course, God won’t just let that be, so He mobilized Michael the archangel and his armies.  It is talking about the answers that come within the victory of that spiritual battle, and the time period of that spiritual battle was 21 days.  Without a doubt, the people who seek God’s will will receive answers. If you keep praying for the life movement in your company, the ones who resolve in their heart, there are not many people like that, but there is a small minority.  For such people, answers will come to them that move the entire region, and God will give them the answers such that  nonbeliever kings will think, “I need this person.”  

Just by being a little better than others won’t be enough.  Four different unbeliever kings said, “I must have this person,” why? Because he was within God’s will, and that’s what we call a remnant.

For 21 days, how intense and severe was this spiritual battle? The moment you pray in resolution, the heavens engage in spiritual battle.  Praying to receive this or that does not result in a spiritual battle because Satan doesn’t move for that, but if you pray and kneel down for missions and evangelism, 237 nations, 5000 unreached people groups and the temple construction, then the spiritual battle will take place.  The darkness that has been piled up in your family line for a long time.  When you resolve in mission movements, when you resolve to save lives, that’s the moment when the darkness in your family line is broken.

“I will do American evangelism.” It’s not me, it’s God’s will, “and I will save the 237 nations.”  The Word of God has to go into you for you to reach this resolution and that’s when the spiritual battle begins.  

This archangel Michael is described in Revelation 12:8, at the end times there will also be a spiritual battle against the evil spirit.  What is it that the church does? We pray. When we say “prayer,” you just think “pray”, but the Word of God is contained within that prayer, and when we pray, it involves evangelism.  The members of the Early Church prayed for 10 days and it was a prayer that included the covenant as evangelism.  It doesn’t matter how vulnerable your situation is; because God is with you, it doesn’t matter.  

If my mouth is slow, or I cannot speak the language, that doesn’t matter to God.  Those are just excuses of a weak person that do not get through to God.  That’s the characteristic of failures, they make excuses, “I can’t do it because of this,” but successful people don’t make excuses like that because they have faith, and things will work out according to God’s covenant.  

There are forces of darkness in your region, especially the evil forces that work through religion.  There’s the forces of darkness going down your family line for generations, “But I believe in Jesus Christ!” it doesn’t matter, the forces of darkness are there, they only break down when you start to believe, but every time you fall into unbelief, they attack again.

There’s a line of darkness in your family that does not believe in God.  Every time you have unbelief, they enter and attack again, the darkness in your family line and region.  When people move, they are thrown off, and it’s because they haven’t understood the spiritual state of their region, yet. “When I was living in this region, I was okay, but when I moved,” of course the spiritual state is different compared to LA and out of state, because there are evil spirit in that region but you don’t know that so you’re taken in by it.  Then, things that aren’t here will be over there, the things in your family line.

That’s why you move in your company as a commissioned missionary.  That’s why, especially the remnants, must create a system for prayer. Unless you want to live like an unbeliever like your parents, then you don’t have to listen to this, but if you want to taste the answers and the blessings that comes from evangelism, you have to build up a prayer system.  But right now, your goal and desire in life is in the world, you have no desires to live like the Bible.  The image that the remnants are illustrating of their own lives in the future are the images they get from the world.  That’s why they’re drawing an image of the future that is not aligned with God.  You have to draft your life in a way that is aligned with the Word of God in the Bible, that’s how you’ll receive the instruction of “how,” and that’s why the Word of God is our method and prayer.

If you don’t design your life this way, then the design of your life will be whatever you dreamt of when you were little; you don’t need God’s power to do that. All you have to do is receive the tips for success from successful people in the world, but if there are any remnants who desire to live their lives biblically, you have to follow the Bible.

Some parents say, “I want to raise my children biblically, I want to raise the next generation according to the design in the Bible,not the world,” then you must kneel; there is no method other than the power of God coming upon them. But you’re not going to kneel down because you’re drawing the image of the world.  You’re living with the same demonic ideology like unbelievers have, “If you meet the right person, then our lives will work out.”  These kids have the exact same demonic ideologies, “If I meet the right husband, my life will work out well,” and your life won’t work out that way.  You’re going to meet someone in the same state as yourself. 

“If I meet the right person, my life will change,” but Jesus Christ is the answer, that person is not the answer.  Jesus Christ came as your answer, but it’s not the answer for you. Even in your business, Jesus is not the answer so you keep trying to meet successful people.  You think, “Maybe if I coincidentally meet the right people,” that’s not Jesus’ answer.  You read these books and get caught up in these fantastical things from demons, but that’s not the answer from Jesus.

I look at the books that kids are reading, my daughter likes to read, and I don’t know if she knows what she’s reading.  People say that if it’s a book and you’re reading, that’s good, but that’s not true; they’re written by people so of course it has bad things.  A person’s ideologies have gone into that book, and that ideology goes straight into the children, and if that ideology gets hooked into their heart, then it’s a channel for Satan their whole life long. It’s impossible to not read and study the things of the world, that’s why we have to put the Words of the Bible into their hearts first.

Deuteronomy 6 already tells us how to conquer Canaan, and the background of the world, and the first generation of Israel, he saw the spiritual state of his family line and accurately saw why his nation was crumbling. He made that resolution within that background, and that’s why God was bound to use him.

How will we live in America? You just have to do what Daniel did.  Stop holding onto the things of people in the world, stop looking for the educational methods of people in the world. Study and do your business according to the methods of God.  Even evangelism, do it according to the Bible.  Evangelism doesn’t take place just because you speak a few good words.  Do you think you can speak as well as a pastor? Have you studied theology? What have you done, your speaking without even knowing what’s what, how would you follow?  But why are pastors being destroyed, too? Why is it that the spiritual state of pastors are falling?  God doesn’t hold onto pastors just because of their title; it means the covenant and spiritual strength is in that person.  

The covenant and prayer are not within that person, they have to win over the field before they go in.  The pastor must go into the field and save the people after having already conquered the field with prayer missiles.  Can you do it well by speaking well? It is not with the words and wisdom of man; only with the power of the spirit, and the power of the spirit comes upon those who pray.  That’s why you have to completely conquer your family line and the region.

That’s the first thing that must happen for the things you see with your eyes to change.  You shouldn’t do evangelism backwards. “That person speaks so well,” then maybe all the anchormen should be evangelists, and doctors should be evangelists. The one who has the power of God, that’s how the forces of darkness break, that’s how the armies of Satan that conquer a region will be broken down in like in Mark 5.  This means that these legions are holding onto the regions with organizations. 

How will you overcome that? They’re invisible and they don’t leave. The legion of demons in Mark 5 are still in that region today. Does LA not have demons?  There are armies of demons destroying LA. They work transcending time and space, invisible to our eyes, so how would you win?  It’s no contest between God and the devil, but the devil fights against us, and we can only be victorious if we fight with the name of Jesus Christ who is already victorious.  The one who resolves in this will receive God’s answers from that moment.

This is the time it takes for you to have spiritual victory in the coming battle.  There was a nightclub right next to our church that was filled with all sorts of people with mohawks and piercings who would come every Friday.  They would all wait in a line outside, and within six months, they’d move somewhere else.  So, God has His time schedule.  Those are the things we see with our eyes.  But there are things happening unseen to our eyes.  Because of those things, the act of saving lives will take place.  

Why else would we pray for intercessory prayer? Our spiritual battle for saving other people begins with prayer, and that’s God’s will. God doesn’t give you money; He wants you to save lives first, and that’s intercessory prayer.  Praying for unbelievers in the region.  Do you think police officers can win the spiritual battle, to fight against demons with their guns? Maybe they can fight against gangs, but the forces of darkness will not flee, after time passes, the darkness works again.  That is why when one church arises that can fight the spiritual battle properly, the entire region is shaken.

But if the church doesn’t know the spiritual things at all and only know the physical, they’re completely seized. The reason evangelism is not taking place is because we’re not fighting the spiritual battle. If you’re just meeting with people you already know, that is not evangelism you’re just meeting with each other.  If you want to save the people who are lost in Satan’s grasp for hundreds of thousands of years, then you have to begin the spiritual battle, and that’s how you receive the answers that transcend time and space.  

All the people of the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached people groups have gathered here in this region, and if you don’t know that, and you’re not aligned with God’s will, you’re praying the prayer of a religious person or a Buddhist. Then God is not going to answer your prayer even if he takes care of your basic needs because you’re his child, but there’s nothing else God can do for you because you’re not aligned with God’s will.  The one person who is aligned with God’s will, the church aligned with God’s will, the moment we kneel over is the time when God works.

A remnant must arise to do this, and that’s why we can’t fight with our courage or boldness, but it must be the spiritual battle. If you’re holding onto a model of the world and you say you want to do world evangelization like this, that’s not aligned with God.  That’s why you design your life looking at the models of Joseph, Daniel, and David, and you make a design of your life, then the answers of prayer come.  

How did the businesspeople of Romans 16 and the church officers do their business?  The businesspeople who want to do world evangelization through Rome evangelization must have this design first, and that’s how the Word is fitting with me, and that is how you find the method as well, as the coworkers of the evangelists, as the protector of the evangelists, and as the host of the evangelists.  That’s the way to do missions and evangelism.  

You’re completely far from this, but you’re up in the air, drawing these complete delusions, you ask for the business to save the 237 nations and that will never happen to you. God tells you to be the host of the evangelist but you don’t want to do that, you just draw these delusions for yourself. God tells you to be the protector of the evangelist, but you’re up in the clouds in your delusion; the Word of God hasn’t come into you yet.

You have the spiritual state that is exactly derived from your family line.  The reason we keep telling you to have victory in worship is because God is delivering the word he desires for you.  The Word of God has come upon you for you to resolve correctly and for prayer to begin.  Everything else is irrelevant to the Bible meaning it’s irrelevant to God.  There’s no middle ground between the Bible and the world, it is only the Bible.  Only God’s methods are victorious.  I’m not saying to do this or that legalistically, but I’m saying that, within God’s Word, seek His will to save lives.

“I’m going into my company to save lives.”  From the moment you resolve that way, there will be forces of darkness in that region and in that company for a long time, and the forces of darkness that have been in your family line for a very long time for every individual, and because of that one person who resolved, all that begins to break down.  As a result of the darkness being broken down, the life movement takes place.  The life movement doesn’t take place as you muster up your courage.  Because the life movement is taking people out of the authority of Satan, is not something you can muster up courage for.  

Senior Deaconess Jo has a new believer who converted. You have to tell me about the new converts so I can pray about them and give lectures to them, whether I ask you about them or not.  When she was a little child, she would follow her mother to a Buddhist temple and was influenced by that.  She works now in downtown LA and the owner of the business is a church officer at a regular church, and she’s been praying for this person to revive salvation for ten years.  That one person that’s been receiving  prayer for ten years came to this church.

Shall I talk about my life?  When I was a child, I moved in with my relatives because my grandmother told me to come into this region, and in that region there was a church.  My mother moved me to our relative’s house one month before she came, so I lived with my relatives.  I didn’t know anything because I was young, but there was an older person who was in fifth grade who went to church, and he was adopted so his grandparents became his parents.  

I followed this older boy and went to Vacation Bible School because I didn’t want to stay with my old relatives, and it seems like a random coincidental event, but it was God’s hand to move towards the salvation of my soul.  Because it was a Vacation Bible School, there was a mat on the floor upon which we would sit, and a deaconess would have forum with us.  After on, when my mom moved in with my relatives, I stopped going to that school.  

In seventh grade, there was a ping pong tournament so I went with my other friends to play ping pong.  I kept mingling with this church so I was invited to a Christmas event and that night, I decided to never go back to that church because it was so cold and late at night, but they made us walk around the neighborhood.  I just went there because they said they were going to give me something, and I didn’t know they were going to make me walk around the neighborhood until the early morning.  It was so difficult; they wouldn’t even let us sleep, we were so cold and my feet were freezing, we sang carols all night, so I vowed never to go back.

So, those may have been my thoughts, but don’t you think that as I went back and forth to that church, were they not praying for me?  When I went to college, there was a Christian friend. And he never told me to believe in Jesus Christ but he was different than a nonbeliever, and when it came to the time schedule for God to save me, I was looking for a faith-prayer.  After I left Korea, I actually accepted Jesus Christ. 

If you think about the journey it takes for one person to be saved, there are parts that people play all the way through.  In order for one person in one family line to be saved, there are so many people whom God attached to pray for that person.  Because this one soul was saved, what’s it like now? It doesn’t end with just one soul. We are giving influence to so many different places, and that’s God’s will.  

My grandma was an unbeliever, and she told me to move into the same neighborhood as her and it seems like a coincidence, but it was actually God’s journey and plan. What would have happened if I moved into a region with another religious temple? You see God’s hand moving.  That’s how an unbeliever like myself accepted Jesus Christ for the first time, and this background of a nonbeliever always follows me around.

As soon as I believed in Jesus Christ, everything was finished, but everything is in disbelief, this unbeliever background came back. There were things I was imprinted and rooted in while I was living, and I’m seized by those. What will I do about that?  That’s why every moment, worship, prayer, and the Word of God, and when I go into the world, I evangelize; that’s God’s will. 

As soon as you go out into the field, why do we tell you to have the nature of evangelism? Because the word of God and prayer can be done individually, because whenever you meet someone, you have to have the thought to change the person’s imprint and nature that this person has with evangelism, but you don’t have that thought so you can’t evangelize.  You meet people, but you still have the nature of a nonbeliever, so all you do is work with them, talk with them, make money with them, then that’s it, so you can’t evangelize because you don’t have the nature of evangelism.

For your walk of faith, you listen to the word and pray, but if you’re praying, you have to confirm it in the field, and that must be your nature. When you go out into the field, that’s your nature to change your incorrect imprint, root, and nature within that person. That’s the reason why you go out into the world, but instead, you have the nature of making money or have the nature of studying, and I’m not saying you don’t need to study or you don’t need money, but that’s not the main thing.

The main thing is saving people and you must have that while you’re young, it has to be your nature, then as soon as these people go out into the field, the first thing they have is, how to change people and how to save people. That’s how it becomes your nature. Remnants, listen carefully.  If evangelism doesn’t become your nature, then you’re going to go to church but your life will just end with you just working, because that’s what you learned life is, because the church didn’t teach you.  All you learned is, “I have to work diligently and do something.” You have to have the nature in evangelism.

Let’s conclude the word for today. In order to do this, we must conclude in the Word of God.  We are the soldiers who fight the spiritual battle, and whenever we begin to pray, the spiritual battle takes place. That’s why as soon as you go out into the field, as evidence God’s Holy Spirit is working, the life movement takes place.  You always have to confirm, “Maybe it’s to this person today.” then your business becomes a second priority.  Whenever you go into your school field, “Perhaps this person is that person today,” and that’s how you talk to your friends at school.  Unless that becomes your nature, you have no choice but to be enslaved by your work and studies.  May you have this kind of nature.


Let us pray holding onto the Word we received today. The church is the place for the life movement.  I believe that when you pray to break down the forces of darkness in this region and your family line, the spiritual battle takes place. 

World Remnant Conference begins next week, and the way to save the 237 nations is the remnants rising up and the multiethnic people among the remnants to rise up.  I believe our prayer is missions. Our devotion is missions, let us pray together for WRC.  For the remnants to arise to save the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached people groups.  May this be the time when the forces of darkness working all around the world are broken.  May this be the time for the disciples who have been prepared to arise.  Let us pray. 

Let us pray for the Sunday message and the missions fields.  Among the 237 nations, the places where the church must concentrate and pray on is the mission field that God has allowed us. The Utah region requires our prayers.  It is a place that is completely seized by Mormons, spiritually, materially, completely conquering the area.  So, may our prayer be the answer for the life movement there.

We have to pray for the Native Americans, the Navajo, and South America.  We have to pray for Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Nigeria.  We have to pray for Karen and Mongolia, we also have to pray for the Pakistani and Muslims.  In March 2022, I’m going to be giving a message in the seminary there, and next month, I will be giving a lecture to Mexico.  After we pray, the forces of darkness are broken and lives are saved.  Let us pray.

Let us pray for the Sunday message.  Why is the Sunday message important?  Because as the Word comes upon me, it’s related to prayer.  The result of that prayer is connected to saving lives.  Your business simply follows this, and your studies simply follow this.  So instead of praying for your business and studies, pray for what God desires.  Let us pray for Sunday worship.  

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God who resolve in the moment to stake their lives on missions and evangelism, be upon the heads of all the remnants and the multiethnic people, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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