Understanding the Background of the Upper Room Field Evangelist (Romans 16:1-16)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Understanding the Background of the Upper Room Field Evangelist (Romans 16:1-16)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh


Lifestyle – Field

Economy – Business

Kingdom – Authority of darkness 

Jesus – Christ = All Problems X

1. 7 Blessings – Prayer (Anxious)

Prayer is just enjoying the blessings given to you, and that’s God’s kingdom.  In the field, you’ll meet anxious people, meaning they are unable to experience God’s Kingdom.

2. 6 Authorities

The 7 blessings are about God being with me, but because we lose hold of this, we’re oppressed in the field. God will certainly guide us and work within us, but because we lose hold of these blessings, we are captured by the darkness.  Wherever we go, the forces of darkness must flee, and God gives the answer of the background of prayer. I stand as a witness.  The location we enjoy these blessings is Mark’s Upper Room.  If no one is able to enjoy Mark’s Upper Room, no one can overcome or enjoy their field.

You might have a misconception that we must do something for evangelism to take place. These unbelievers are seized by Satan so they have no choice but to give idol worship and to worship demons. Wherever we go, we have the authority to overcome this.  We can overcome any future problems, mental problems, or physical problems.  So, that is why the first thing we must do when we go into the field is to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness.

The moment you recognize this in your field, you’re able to experience Mark’s Upper Room, and in the field, you can see the six states of the unbeliever being broken down, and God will give you the blessing of meeting so others may enjoy the 7 blessings as well.  If you cannot experience these blessings, you will have meetings and your work take place in darkness.

This may be a simple message, but who will do this? This is the very important content.

3. Mark’s Upper Room – Field Location

What is the biblical Mark’s Upper Room?  It’s the location in the field where we experience this. First we do this alone, and if this doesn’t take place, you’re seized by darkness and your business is seized by darkness. It’s not a matter of someone telling you to do it or not, it’s not a matter of people telling you to do it together, but whoever is unable to experience this is lost.  You must experience this to know what Mark’s Upper Room is. 

Without understanding this, you’ll have a misconception about what Mark’s Upper Room is.  

(1) Power – Faith

You must have faith in God’s power in Mark’s Upper Room.  God’s power has to work within you for that power to be relayed to the field.  If the forces of darkness are active, how can you overcome it?  In Acts 2, it says the Holy Spirit like tongues of fire came to work upon the disciples. This is what you must enjoy through faith. Instead of this power, you believe in fate, fortune, meeting people, the background of people, and you’re seized by the darkness.  

(2) Door – Evangelism

For people who do business, God will definitely open doors for you.  Doors being opened in your business mean the doors of evangelism are being opened. God opens the doors of evangelism in your business for you, but you’re in your state of the unbeliever so your business isn’t doing well, but God’s plan and goal is evangelism.  God works according to evangelism.  So, last week we talked about acceptance.  People who accept must know the person’s family background for this to be relayed. 

There’s a great problem a person faces from their family background, but if you do not relay the answer, that person will go back and forth from church. We’re not talking about the church, but the field movement.  It is about enjoying God’s Kingdom and relaying God’s Kingdom in the field. When God works, God will definitely open doors.

(3) Word Fulfillment – Experience

It’s not just about knowing and enjoying the Word, but it is experiencing the Word being fulfilled.  God fulfills the Word but I live irrelevant to the Word.  “I will boast only about the cross of Jesus Christ,” but this is irrelevant to me, why is that? It is because you live according to your thoughts, your good thoughts from YouTube.  So you’re living entrapped in Satan’s 12 problems of physical-centeredness, self-centeredness, and success-centeredness. 

You’ve been liberated from this, but you cannot enjoy the state of being liberated.  Becoming the Biblical Mark’s Upper Room is not a simple work.  Not being able to carry out Mark’s Upper Room means you’re entrapped in a serious problem.  It’s not a matter of that. If you think about it like this, you’re in big trouble. If you don’t enjoy God’s Kingdom, you’ll be seized by forces of darkness.  Whether you do it or not, I’m talking about what will come to fruition.  

If this Upper Room movement is not taking place for you, you’re definitely entrapped in the 12 problems and the 6 states of the unbeliever, because you’re living according to your own level, you’re stuck in the state of not being able to enjoy the blessings God has prepared for you. You must be able to experience this fulfillment of God’s Word taking place in the field.

When I see how God has led me, I can honestly say it was hard for me to boast of only Jesus Christ.  The pulpit message this week was to boast of only Jesus Christ, but it’s not just about boasting of Jesus Christ, but finding yourself in a situation where you have no choice but to boast of Jesus Christ. It’s not simply holding onto the pulpit message and choosing to boast of only Jesus Christ, but it is according to God’s time schedule, that He will fulfill His work in you.

Unknowingly even though you’ve heard this message, you tend to boast of yourself, your past accomplishments, or current accomplishments. Even Paul confessed, “I have more to boast about than you.” In the past, Paul used to boast as well, but the mystery is that Paul has no choice but to boast of only Jesus Christ.  

You meet Jesus Christ, then you will receive tremendous blessings but many people tend to have a physical sort of prayer.  They don’t really have to pray for these things, but it’s according to their respective time schedules where they’re bound to pray for physical things, meaning they don’t know the fundamental, true spiritual state, so they seek after physical things.  So, although these people have received the gospel, the true and absolute gospel hasn’t resonated with them yet. 

Even before praying for physical things, if they come to realize how important the spiritual state is, they’re bound to pray to hold onto only Christ. For those who resonate with this message, this will become their prayer topic.  They have received the grace of Jesus Christ, but if this doesn’t resonate with them, they will continue to seek physical things.  You can also see and view them as religious people.

But for those who are able to hold onto the message of only Christ and realize why it is only Christ, they will go forth with this message. The physical things will follow you as an answer. Why do people keep boasting of physical things?  Their goal is to boast about themselves and the fact that God has prepared a time schedule for them doesn’t resonate with them; in fact, it’s something they should be proud of and boast about, because failing isn’t the only option for a child of God, but they’re successful and must have people follow after them as children of God.  But is it something to boast about?  When you come to know that this is a God-given answer for gospel evangelization, you cannot boast about that.  

Speaking about Word fulfillment, the Word being fulfilled word-by-word is something shamans do.  It’s fortune telling with the word. Word fulfillment means, according to that person’s time schedule set by God, it is being carried out and the person is being shaped into a state where they have no choice but to boast of only Christ. There’s a person’s past and current state, and that’s what it means to follow the flow of the pulpit message.  God gives us the Word and carries out His Word in each and every one of us, so we have our respective time schedules.  

Even though my time schedule and God’s time schedule may not align right now, I just have to hold onto the direction God gave me.  Following after the pulpit message is holding onto the goal God has prepared for each one of us, and we follow. There is a separate time schedule for the church but because we don’t know this, we tend to hold onto any message.  You can see right now, we hold onto the message of 3, 9, 3, and we’ve come this far. This message doesn’t come from out of nowhere.  From the beginning of the Upper Room Movement, this message has continued even now.  If people do not hold onto these fundamental messages and chase after current messages, it will not be well-aligned.

So, remnants particularly if they do not know what the Mark’s Upper Room movement is and they chase after the message of the prayer journal, they don’t know about establishing and enjoying God’s kingdom, they just add knowledge to their head and it’s like Bible study.  So, what happened in Mark’s Upper Room in the Bible must be restored and relayed to the next generation.

Just having Bible study is not the Upper Room Movement.  The question is, whether your friend in Africa or Nigeria will be able to really understand this.  I was able to see that everyone gives their forum and prayer topics after receiving the Word, but does the friend relay this, knowing this?  In order to know this, we tell him to go to RU for training because this is the field.  If you have the knowledge, you’re able to relay the knowledge everywhere, and many churches are doing this, and it’s not that the mental problems are prospering us.  They can’t solve spiritual problems.  They won’t be able to solve them.

(4) Disciple (Meeting)

God will open the door for disciples, in other words, through meeting, God will deliver people to become the disciple.  When you are able to do this, God will assign a person to you, and that person will also bring about other people, and that’s what it means to raise disciples.  You will go into the world and the field for this person.

(5) Field, God’s Kingdom

Mark’s Upper Room that, within the field, the six states of the unbeliever will be born and God’s kingdom will be established. This is the content of Acts in the Bible, and Mark’s Upper Room movement is about restoring this. Remnants, business people, and workers in the field ,must be able to restore this. If this is not restored, you’ll be enslaved by the 12 problems and the 6 states of the unbeliever.  In other words, are you in the light or in darkness? If you’re within the light, this is bound to happen.  But having the authority of light while being trapped in darkness means you’re enslaved to the darkness.

Saying you want something is a luxury.  Everything has been prepared for you, but God’s Kingdom and righteousness is irrelevant to you and you just beg for the things that are bound to come.  

1. World

(1) Jewish Ideology

The Jewish ideology persisted from the Old Testament, then how can we overcome it? If you spoke one word of disagreement against this, you would forfeit your house.

(2) Greek Wisdom

This was also the time when the philosophies of Greece were prevalent, and Paul actually went against these philosophies.  That’s how strong these philosophies were, and how strong Roman politics was at that time.  But how did the Early Church break through and overcome these things? They should have no qualms against it, but with the power of the gospel, you can overcome this. 

Even by the Roman politics, the Early Church looked like it was about to be overcome, so it’s nonsense to say you’re within this and to not have this movement, twice.  So, it seems to be sucha nonsensical thing to say, but the culture of America is about humanism.

– Humanism, Freedom, Human Rights

America is influencing the world with these philosophies.  America’s philosophy regarding freedom and individual rights extends to the UN.

Military Power

America’s military influences the world. So it’s nonsense to try to fight against this, in other words, it’s something that cannot be done, but it’s not possible except by God’s power.  


Mark’s Upper Room is the location where God pours His power.  “We have church, let’s forum about the Word at church,” this cannot overcome the world.  Between us, it would be all good as we enjoy it together, but this is the world that is the field; we must go into the field.  Mark’s Upper Room is the place where God pours out His power, and it is the place where you hold to the covenant and pray.  The Upper Room isn’t just a place to gather to pray; anyone could do that, but we have to see that the field is a place of darkness where these things depart from it, so we have to gather together with God’s power and pray.

Mark’s Upper Room doesn’t just call anybody, it is the necessary people who are gathered to pray.  If there’s a person who is an outlier, then the scattered ones cannot react.  If people are gathered it becomes a crowd of people.  It’s not about people coming in and inviting themselves in.  It’s not about gathering people all together in one place, but God has prepared and will bring those people there.  We can see some churches where they have a gathering of many people and make a lot of money, but it’s not the gospel or evangelism movement. I’m not saying big gatherings are bad, but the ideology of making money cannot save the world.

This is the kind of world we live in.  I’m not saying it’s a bad thing; you cannot  overcome the world with this.  You cannot overcome the world with this, “This person is in a failed spiritual state,” and you may have failed, but my life isn’t mine, my future isn’t mine, but it is tightly given to me by God. If God places His hands over you, He will guide you. 

In America if you cannot see how God is leading you and working through you, you will be led by other things. I see everything.  Churches in Korea are well-developed, so they have the ideology of having large gatherings, but the masterpieces are strange.  Newcomers will go to large churches instead of the Upper Room.  They don’t give offering, but just one person gives to the church, and if you see in Rome, there are some people who lost everything.  

Those people have that spiritual state in which they have no choice but to be dragged by those kinds of things, and you will experience suffering in the end.  For us, it is quite simple, God’s will is for us to establish God’s Kingdom in the field and to relay only Jesus Christ.  We’re not looking for elites everywhere in the world, but we just need people to do this; it’s not that we need elites.  The entire world is full of elites.  It’s’ not that America came to this state because they were lacking in Elites.  It’s not, people were 

2. Dark world – Light

What the world needs is light. When you run a business, the world doesn’t need money; they need light.  When you go into school, the students need not only knowledge, but they need the light.  There are children dying in elementary schools because of shooting incidences, then what must the adults do?  There must be many teachers who attend church, but what they are theys …  My daughter’s head started to hurt after going to the beach with some friends, so we were going to the ScienCenter, and her heard started to hurt after that.  Thankfully, I thought, “It’s good that your head hurt after that,” and I’m thankful because my child discerned it’s not accurate.

Fanny went to that place and after she came back, she started seeing ghosts.  She went today as well and now she’s a middle schooler, but her heard started hurting again.  No matter how much I tell this to the children, because she had a chance to experience this, I thought it was the time to experience the filling of the Holy Spirit and breaking forces of darkness.  She’s similar to her mom, she has a sense of spirituality, and you’re weak because of Satan.  For her, this appears physically restorective there are those who cannot hear or thee this. Some people are entirely trapped physically, so they live 

I thought this was such a good thing, to pray before she went out. The reason she was training was because she needed power.  The reason why we ask for the filling of the holy spirit, is to receive.  No matter how much the child is with the child of God, if the child doesn’t receive, but they are constantly overcome by the world.

(1) Training – Light

You must already know you are the Light.  Legalistic and religious people attempt to become the light but you’re already the light.  I am an evangelist to save them. 

(2) Life Movement (Mark’s Upper Room)

The volunteer services at church are important, but if there’s no life movement happening in the church,; In other words, it’s not about making a lot of money, but doing this life movement. God gives you answers in the business for technological fitness.  Communication between disciples.

(5) Commissioned Workers

They will gather and continue their ministries.  There’s continuous evangelism and operating light.  They were able to see the works of the Spirit.  

(6) Regional Church

If this doesn’t align with you, you’ve been putting up an act. Confirm the Word.

(7) Working of the holy spirit

(8) Nurture

(9) Disciple Movement

Upper Room movement is mentioned like if the church doesn’t have any problems, But it is about establishing God’s kingdom and enjoying it in the field first.  

3. Direction – Way – continuation

The Upper Room must have continuation, that place, that time, that setting, where they have the DRB meetings continuously. 

(1) Continuation

(2) Possessed

Even though they may not have problems at the time, they will experience problems because those people are not able to come to church to receive the answer.  In the field, reveal them the way, and so it must be a place where the forces of darkness are eliminated.  

(4) Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit works independently as well. It is God’s power, not our strength. Even though america is a superpower nation, they can’t fix this, so let them go forward in God’s plan. It is impossible.  People try to do thing everything in their heads, they try to understand the message with their heads.  

It’s not just the word, but it is the Word to be fulfilled because God carries this out.  It is not about memorizing the work, but that my life will be led according to the Holy Spirit.

(1) Spiritual reality

… the churches did not hold the true gospel message and they talked about the way of salvation on mute.  


Because the world doesn’t have this upper room, they do not know the meaning to salvation.  Don’t tell these people to come; we must go to them, go to all nations, That’s why God said He has commissioned you to go into the world.  As God has sent Jesus Christ into the world, I have also sent you into the world  You have a mission, sent by God, but you’re sent by Satan, dragged by the world.  There are so many people there, they attend church and wander without saying it out loud.

4) Mission-Person

They have a mission but only when relaying the mission will their eyes be opened.  No other message will open their suppliers.  They are now delayed. We may judge ourselves as “enough,” but it can’t. I’m going to tell them about the works that are to take place eternally.  That is how the newcomers are able to receive proper guidance. If you don’t know the works being carried out internally, you’re blind.  God Is guiding you to the works to carry that out eternally but without knowing that, 

1. Mark’s Upper Room – Things

You must tell them about the five things that happened in Mark’s Upper Room, and that’s how they’ll walk the pack. Not the things of people, but the things of the Holy Spirit, like fire and tongues.  

1) Working of the Holy Spirit 

If the studies open for you, that’s the doors of evangelism. 

2) Evangelism Doors

God will open up the evangelism doors in your business, that’s Acts 2:9-10.  We must tell them this so people will not be oppressed.  

3) Pulpit Message (Acts 2:16-24)

Never lose hold of the pulpit message because you can discover all the answers within this.  God gives the Word through the message. Though you may dislike me, don’t look at me; look at God’s Word, because it’s not just a person. God gives the Word through the presider giving the pulpit message so you just have to hold onto the Word God has given to you.  You can say something about his tie or hairstyle, but hold onto the Word God has prepared for you.  Not the word I desire, but the Word God.  

God will not give you an answer just because you feel bad. This is how God delivers His will.  I feel bad, whether you feel.  In the past, people would be mad at me, “Why are you singling me out?” “This is the word God has given to you.”

4) Upper Room

In the field, whether you’re at home or in the church, Jesus is the Christ and must be relayed int ot he field.  In the field, there are disciples, people who are to receive the gospel, waiting for you. Your eyes must be aligned to God.  But if these eyes are not opened and you focus only on studies, your eyes won’t be opened. 

5) Saving (Acts 2:

The Upper Room is about saving. The field is not about anything but saving.  

6)  (Acts 2:19-30)

This expresses the Antioch Church, the gospel relayed through missionaries.

7) Romans 16:1-16

Just as we learned about how we must do world evangelization, we must form the RUTC to deliver the gospel to the future generation.  The work you’re doing in the field is aligned with this.  The regional church gathering in your field is correctly aligned with this; otherwise, change it. Gathering because it brings you joy is not aligned with this.  Even though in this place, God is working in your field and the Upper Room movement to save lives.  The church is doing training and the person who delivers the training must not have the mindset, that’s the wrong path.  Knowing this, you must go through training.  I’m not saying whether you understood or not, but there’s respective time schedules and you must know this path.

People who know this path will not be shaken.  They already know the path to take so they don’t have any reason to be shaken.  We must relay this accurately to newcomers and future generations and deliver the Word to them.


Dear Father God, thank You.  Let us raise up the Upper Room Movement and the Life Movement You desire in the field.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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