Upper Room (Acts 2:46-47)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Upper Room (Acts 2:46-47)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

If you know Christ and you do not know the church, which is the Body, then you do not know Christ.  You conquer the world through the church, so instead of conquering the world, a person would be enslaved to the world.  Why is it like this?

Gen. 1:27 God’s Image

Mankind was created in God’s image, to live our lives in God.  Not being 50/50 with God, to have discussions with God, but we entirely rely on God, and we were created with this blessing.

Gen. 1:28 Blessing (Fruitful, Rule Over) – Curse

This relationship was split apart and the blessings disappeared all at once.

Gen. 3:4-5 Satan -> Cause, Effect

You can be like God. This is the cause and intended effect.  Satan tempted them with this cause and effect, if you do this and are like this, you will be like God, knowing good and evil.  Inside of you, you have this motive, “If I do this, I will get this desired effect in the future,” and you live in that way, but Satan invisibly works upon you, your thoughts, and your feelings. 

You will become like God, knowing good and evil, but “good and evil” are based on the standards of yourself. We must be centered on God to have God’s standards, but Satan switches it up and makes it all wrong.

Centered on Me

This is the start of all problems.  When things are centered on God, nothing is a problem, but problems come and continue from the moment you are self-centered.  This is Satan’s fundamental problem. When the Triune God is the source of life, blessings come upon us.

Genesis 6 Evil

Men chased those they liked. Why chase something you don’t like? But the decisions were all made by people.  So, God saw all their thoughts and intentions as evil.  People see this as good, perhaps, and according to people, they may have good etiquette, but from God’s view, it is all evil.  But when God looked upon David, David found favor upon God’s eyes.  When God saw David, David was a good guy, so there was no effect when you appear good before people, so we must stand before God. 

Genesis 11 Name, Against God

Mankind gathered together to glorify themselves, but this was going against God.  This is the form of mankind, separated from God. 

John 8:44 Satan

Things are a problem for me, until I die. This is the walk of faith. 

Exodus 20:3-5 Idol Worship

All things come from the Triune God, then why would I be greedy?  But because we were separated from God, tempted by Satan, we believe ourselves to be the source of blessings and ultimately worship idols. Someone scams me and I fall for that scam, so that person has also fallen but I’m the worst person here, because I have greed for something.  I can work diligently for a year and make money, but a scammer says I can make some money for a year? I fall for it, but then I blame the scammer. It’s not just this person, it’s the same situation, it’s the same when you get married or go to work.  Until this scar of greed goes away, but when does it go away?  This greed goes away when all things are satisfied by God, and you believe all things come from God. 

Mental Matthew 11:28

Why do we have mental problems?  Is the source of life from God or me?  The church is just a building you can come to, but it’s a matter of whether the center of my heart is on God or on myself, and that’s where your life changes.  My life’s center is upon God, and God promises to give us blessings and answers in that direction.  Think about it, if you’re the center of your life, do you have confidence to move forward?

Esther’s dog passed away and she’s emotional and shaken right now.  When I was young, I had five or six dogs pass away at a young age, and I would cry whenever a dog passed away, and my mom would buy another dog of the same breed and color, but it would always die of unnatural causes even until high school.  So, the sadness appears regardless of the situation.  So I said from the very beginning, it’s just there, but if you give a lot, you will receive a lot of suffering, so be happy about having the dog.  But if you fixate on the dog more, you won’t be centered on God.

Do you know why depression enters into us?  We believe in ourselves too much, but it doesn’t work out, and that’s why your emotions are stirred up and the anxiety enters into you. It’s not something that just appears from out of nowhere.  You’re focused on yourself and think you’re someone great so you have no choice but for this to enter inside of you. It’s the same with your scars.  You package your scars so you don’t show them to other people. A person is sad, but before others, they appear to be the happiest person.  That’s just them making something of their sadness.  They could be perpetually oppressed.

When you receive scars, they don’t just go away. Can you make your scars go away? You can’t, do you know why? You’ve received it, and you don’t have any strength.  But you have the misconception that success will heal the scar, so people chase after success.  I met quite a few Catholic nuns, and some were naturally led to be nuns, but others had scars and trauma from men in the past.  So, they cut off their hair in the suffering, or else, they could say, “I’m a nun and married only to Jesus,” and enter the nunnery.  I’m not saying this is all people, but some are like this, and in order to heal this, some other people look towards other things.  Other people try to experience new worlds.  But because they don’t know how to heal or fix it, they try to bring out their own methods to fix it.  But one day, when a circumstance arises, they explode.

Some people drink a lot, some cry when they drink. Normally they’re okay, but they can’t control their emotions, sometimes they can become violent or aggressive, because their inhibitions are released, they explode when they drink.  They live their lives trying to control themselves and live with their emotions and feelings, but what happens when they’re alone? 

Ultimately they have left God. “I believe in God, I go to church, so why do problems come to me?” When they stand before God and reveal their scars, their scars are not an answer.  The family problems become an opportunity, you realize it’s a worldly problem so you hold onto the gospel at that point.  It should be a life where the problem is an opportunity for life to be better, but the problem gets worse and you’re oppressed by it.

Joseph was a snitch about his brothers to his father.  The brothers got angry and were jealous of Joseph, so they eventually wanted to kill Joseph.  How angry were they to the point of wanting to kill Joseph?  But by God’s grace, one of the brothers decided to not kill Joseph.  That is how God eventually turns that into an opportunity.  After that, Joseph went into slavery and did not open his mouth because his brothers picked on him because of his mouth. He realized that his problem of snitching needed to be fixed.  That’s how God changes a person.

Recognizing and acknowledging your weaknesses, problems, and lacking, and stand before God. If you don’t apply this, when you come to church and receive a scar, you will hold onto the fact that the church gave you a scar. When you get married, you’ll say your partner scarred you. No matter how well your spouse may treat you, if they do 99 good things and 1 bad thing, you can’t endure.  You enter into your workplace and a weird colleague hits your scar?  The colleague just said something but it scars you and the work atmosphere becomes strained. It can’t be healed with an anointment, you must discover the answer within the Word of God, and only then can the scar become a platform and your path of success to the world.

Some older adults say, “The church gave me a scar,” and I can clearly state they are spiritually and physically failures.  People may ignore the scars and pain and strive for success, those are people with a somewhat healthy disposition, positive attitude to strike forward, but the scar doesn’t go away; they continue to go forward. 

When I was doing ministry in Seoul National University, I could see the students’ mindsets were different.  This level was different and I could see it very clearly, so they have this strength where, even though they face an obstacle, they press on.  So, people who are physically oppressed are facing a problem and cannot overcome that.  People with positive and driven attitudes cover up their scars and go forward.  Eventually they will explode.  These people are good at studying, but it’s not so.

A person told me about this, that they got married, but all people are the same.  When did this problem arise? You rely on yourself.  As evidence of me lacking strength, I have a scar.  This can only be healed and restores when we go back.

Physical Acts 8:4-8 – XX

There are so many people like this. They seem to be okay but they are homeless on the street.  Their household has a lot of money but they don’t want it. You think money is everything; if you don’t have a lot of money, you can’t understand.  Why did Prince Siddhartha Gautama leave the palace? He would have become a king. You think if you have power and authority, everything would work out, but Buddha left and meditated underneath a tree.  He thought about why people live and die, the point of illness. Buddha did not try to make a religion but he wanted a solution to his suffering so he went into meditation.

Heb. 9:27 Judgment

Sometimes people don’t talk about this so they don’t offend the other person, but the person is actually saying this for themselves.  Evangelism is something they do for themselves, not in a straightforward manner, but shyly, because if you are self-centered, you evangelize for yourself, then you cannot become the salt and light of the world,

Matthew 27:25

Spiritual DNA doesn’t change, it’s invisible.  Even now, when you hear good news about yourself, you’re happy. The reason you’re upset is because someone said something hurtful about you. What makes someone a friend?  When you join a company, people uplift one another in a company, but if you enter into the company as salt and light, God pours out blessings upon you. This will be relayed to the next generation resulting from mankind’s greed. You must die to come out of this  The problem of sin can only be solved by death. 

Sin, Satan, With) Christ

That’s when you need Christ, Christ Who has solved all problems of sin and Satan through His death, and He has overcome Satan’s authority and made a way to be with me.

Jesus is the Christ

The moment you believe and accept Jesus Christ as the master of your life, you become a child of God, then Satan cannot touch you.

Team Ministry – Meeting

Mission Home – Answer

Even though you have money doesn’t mean you’ll have a sweet home.  The VP of Samsung was married to someone in the entertainment industry, they were both rich.  Why would they separate?  The woman became a slave to the family household and for entertaining guests.  There’s an example of a person who went to a hospital because they couldn’t endure.  That is why a famous person’s wife also committed suicide after a while.  There was another woman who married into a rich household, and divorced and was separated with an unsolved, messy custody battle.  I think I can see this generally where a lot of women end up marrying into rich households, but they are looked down on. An evil-hearted woman can just take the money and leave.  She attended a few times but went home to Korea.

What is the source of these problems? I’m the king, I think I’m perfect, but you’re self-centered; people aren’t perfect. People are constantly focused on themselves.  Imperfect people try to be a perfect god, so they are committed to mental institutions.  Some people have OCD trying to clean everything.

Specialized Church – ?

Regional Church – Answer

These are the five basics.


God, we thank You. Bless the remnants.  Will You work so they may be the salt and light of the world. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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