To All Nations the Gospel that is Restored within Me (Gal. 4:8-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

To All Nations the Gospel that is Restored within Me (Gal. 4:8-20)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.  May the unprecedented and never repeated grace of God be upon all of us today.  The title of today’s message is, “To All Nations the Gospel that is Restored within Me.”  2000 years ago, the churches of Galatia began with the proper gospel, and then the gospel started to get altered.  The church is raised on the rock of Christ, and the church must not ever be centered on the nonessential things of the world.  If that takes place, then the church will never be able to block the disasters and the essential problems of the world.

There are many issues going on in America and the world right now. Everybody has their own perspectives, there are some people who say in response to the Texas shooting, “If we have gun control policies, we’ll be able to solve this problem.”  People say that the drug addictions and drug problems in the world will be mitigated if the government takes control of drugs.  Everyone speaks from their own perspectives, and I don’t think that they are incorrect, but what is God telling us? 

God tells us that the key to all problems is in the hands of the children of God.  Even your life, as you attend today’s worship, is in God’s hands.  What is that God telling us?  The scripture we read today was the words Paul said as he saw the church of Galatia that started with the correct and complete gospel, but were now going more towards the actions of the law.  He’s saying they must restore the pure gospel, but there were people coming from the church of Jerusalem trying to deceive the churches of Galatia, saying, “We are the original believers, we’re the church that Jesus Christ belonged to, and you must follow our words.” 

They say, “The reason Apostle Paul said the words he did was because he didn’t know very much.  This isn’t what the original church of believers actually follows.” They say, “Yes, you do have to believe in Jesus Christ, but you also have to follow the acts of the law as we have followed for thousands of generations,” and that was starting to go into the churches.  Usually, the churches accept the words of people who speak correctly, however, the churches the Lord raises up should not listen to the words of correct people; they should listen to the words of Jesus.  

Mainly, the correct words that people listen to are “You have to follow the correct words of God, you have to act correctly,” and those words are not incorrect.  But with those words alone, you cannot solve the essential problems of mankind.  If you want to solve the essential problems of mankind and the world, this gospel must go into them. 

1. Slaves by nature (Gal. 4:8)

The churches of Galatia that the Apostle Paul raised up were mostly comprised of Gentiles who used to worship idols. Apostle Paul is saying, “What kind of life did you live before this gospel? You were by nature objects of wrath.”  If someone wants to live their walk of faith, they need to know what their nature was before the gospel.

  1) Problem of nature

The reason why people fail in their walk of faith is because they don’t know the fundamental problems, so Jesus Christ is not their answer. If we don’t have this fundamental problem, then there are many other problems that do not require Jesus Christ to solve. The churches were raised to give the essential answer to these problems, but Satan is blocking that.

Whatever you think is a problem in your life right now, it is not a problem.  The problem seems like a problem but it’s not the fundamental problem.  A religious life talks about your diligence to try to solve this problem with your actions like prayer and diligence, and the churches of Galatia were flowing into that religious stream just like everyone else in the church.  If there are any of you today who are worshiping and believe in the church in this way, I hope you will quickly change yourself.

    (1) Sin – Death (Eph. 2:1)

All human beings are born in Original Sin and their spirit is dead, Ephesians 2:1.

    (2) Follow the ways of the ruler of the kingdom of the air (Eph. 2:2)

Because their spirits are dead, it says in Eph. 2:2 that they are following the ruler of the kingdom of the air.  

    (3) Cravings of our flesh – By nature deserving of wrath (Eph. 2:3)

They live their lives following the cravings of the flesh, which make them, by nature, objects of wrath. If your spirit is dead, it doesn’t matter how much you try to change your outer appearance; you cannot actually change.  What is the problem of America today?  People say many different things. They are correct, but they are not the fundamental nature; their spirit is dead. Because of Original Sin, they are bound to receive curses and death.  This Original Sin is not something I did myself; it flowed down from the beginning.  It is the sin and curses that come regardless of what I do.

It’s so unfair, right?  If I was the source of sin, then I would take responsibility for it, but I’m not even the source.  That’s our life, so we cannot solve it by acting correctly.  I’m not telling you to not act correctly; I’m saying it’s not enough. You have to solve the problem fundamentally, and that is the gospel, that is, Christ.

  2) Gospel – Christ (Gal. 4:13)

Then the solution to all fundamental and essential problems in the world is Christ.

    (1) Law of sin and death → Law of life and spirit (Rom. 8:2)

Rom. 8:2 says, “Through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit of life has set me free from the law of sin and death.” We can never solve this problem without Christ. The high schooler who committed the shooting was under the law of sin and death. If people are trying to solve this problem with family education or school education or gun control laws, that cannot actually solve it.  

If someone is a thief, they will know remarkably well who has money.  If someone does drugs, then they’ll know exactly where the drug dealers are.  It doesn’t matter how much you try to build the wall at the American border; they’ll swim and scuba over.  They have this incredible knowledge of the things of the world.  It must be solved fundamentally, and that answer is in the church.

    (2) Destroyed the devil’s work (1Jn. 3:8)

If the churches do not know this, they are bound to live their walk of faith and pray with nonessential things.  Even President Biden cannot overcome the authority of Satan. 1 John 3:8 says that only Christ can destroy the devil’s work; this fundamental problem can only be solved by the Christ.  The curses that repetitively flow down the family line cannot be solved by anything you do. You cannot beg for it to go away.  You cannot solve it by correcting your actions.  It is only possible by Christ. That is how the curses will be solved.

    (3) Way to God → Way, Truth, Life (Jn. 14:6)

Because we cannot meet God ourselves, Christ himself is God, and He is our way to God.  This is the gospel the Apostle Paul gave to the churches from the beginning.

  3) Evangelist – Paul

    (1) Illness – Disease (Gal. 4:13)

This Apostle Paul was diseased.  Back in those times, whether you were an Israelite or Gentile, they believed if you were diseased, you were cursed.  There are many scholars who say he had some kind of disease with his eyes.  In John 9, Jesus and his disciples passed by a man who was blind since birth, and they asked Jesus, “Was this because of his sins or the sins of his ancestors?” And Jesus said, “There is the plan of God here.”  Apostle Paul was losing his sight and was proclaiming the gospel. Most people in that situation would say, “Why should we listen to you if you cannot even solve your own problems?” 

    (2) Trial, Contempt, Scorn × (Gal. 4:13)

Yet it said in the Bible, that they neither scorned nor condemned him.

    (3) Welcomed me as if I were Christ (Gal. 4:14)

And in fact, in Gal. 4:14, it says they accepted the Apostle Paul as if he were Jesus Christ.  

    (4) Have torn out their eyes and gave them to Paul (Gal. 4:15)

If anything, it says, “If possible, you would have gouged out your eyes and given them to me.”

2. Different Gospel (Gal. 1:7)

In Galatians 1:7, he talks about people who came from Jerusalem.

  1) False brothers from Jerusalem (Gal 2:4)

They came to proclaim the gospel, but in Gal. 2:4, they proclaimed a false gospel that was mixed with other things. 

    (1) Emphasized the law – Elemental spiritual forces (Gal 4:9)

It’s not that they weren’t talking about Jesus Christ, but they mixed Jesus Christ with other things as well; it’s a false gospel, it’s a lie. In Gal. 4:9, it says, “Why are you turning back to these weak and miserable principles?” Not only is it weak, it’s miserable. “Why are you turning back to those weak and miserable principles of being centered on actions of the law?” You are listening to their words and acting like their slaves.  In reality, they are slaves to Satan.  

    (2) Old Testament – Observe special days, months, seasons (years) (Gal. 4:10) 

You are observing the feasts that depend on the days, months, and seasons, but Jesus Christ has completed the feasts.  The worship they give every month, the Sabbath they observe every week. There is the Jubilee they keep every 50 years, and there is the worship they give every season. If you believe in Jesus Christ, then those things have been completed; why do you keep attaching them in addition?  Jesus Christ is not your Master only on the Sabbath; He is your Master every day.  Christmas isn’t only on December 25; every day is Christmas.  The resurrection is not in April; the resurrected Lord is with us every day.  They should finish everything with Christ alone, but why are you spending all of your energy in creating all of these unnecessary programs and requirements?  

Because this completed gospel was starting to get weaker for them, they emphasized other things that are not important.  In today’s words, they think, “My words must be listened to,” but why? People say, “My words are correct,” and that may be true, but that person’s words may be correct as well, so that is not the essential word; the essential words are the Words of Christ.  In the world, people listen to those with more experience or knowledge, and they think the church is the same, so they break down the words of Christ.  Those people’s words are not wrong; they are simply non-essential; those people’s words cannot solve the fundamental problems of man.

When we come to church, we shouldn’t argue about who is right or who is wrong. That is not the essence or the nature. It may change based on the person or the circumstance or the time; that must not be an issue for the church, and that’s how people live in the world.

    (3) World – Me, Materialistic things, Success Center (Gen. 3,6,11)

Also in this world, they are centered on materialistic things, the physical things they see, and this has gone into the churches, as well.  People are under the misconception that if they have a lot of possessions, they have a lot of faith, and they think if a church is poor, they do not have Christ. They are centered on materialistic things and the quantity of things they can see with their eyes.  Yes, it’s great if you have a lot, but you cannot solve the problems of mankind with that.  When people cannot make money, they want to make money, but try doing that. If you don’t have the ability to maintain that money, then that wealth will be your curse. 

If you don’t understand what that means, if your child asks for a knife, give them a knife. The knife is necessary when you need to use it, but if you give it to them, they will hurt themselves.  The money of people who cannot use money for God in the correct way will be their disaster. There are even siblings that kill each other to get their parents’ inheritance. Yes, we do need money, but it cannot solve the essential problem of mankind.  Yes, it’s great that we’re racing towards success because we do need to achieve physical things. However, that must not be the center of the church.  

Because that means all successful people should be fine, but right now, wars are waged by successful people.  Uneducated people do not wage wars.  Look at Russia, why do you think there’s a war?  It’s because the president said, “Yes, do it,” then that president is very educated.  The people who are not very educated and do not have much cannot think that way, but if the idea that, “Success is everything,” comes into the church, then that is a disaster. You must be able to utilize your success for the work of God, but if not, you’ve lost hold of the most essential thing.

  2) Bad Intentions (Gal. 4:17) 

Paul is telling us that people with evil intentions and motives have come into the church.

    (1) People are zealous (Gal. 4:17)

It says in Gal. 4:17 that these people are zealous, foaming at the mouth to teach them correctly.  They are teaching that the gospel the Apostle Paul taught them is incomplete, “You have to follow with your actions, you have to get circumcised, you have to keep all the laws that our ancestors upheld for thousands of years,” and they couldn’t budge against those words. The people of Galatia thought, “That makes sense, Paul was diseased and couldn’t solve his own problem, so of course, it couldn’t be only Christ.” These are the words heretics say.  They are saying that to divide people. The devil is always trying to divide us using any foothold.  He is saying that these false prophets are coming zealously to make disciples for themselves, and to divide them.  

    (2) Try to alienate (Gal. 4:17)

    (3) So that you may have zeal for the teachers (Gal. 4:17)

During those days, the church would give their money in offering to the evangelists going around to proclaim God’s Word.  So, these teachers have a motive of teaching something else so they could take the believers away and receive money for themselves.  There was a period of 3-4 years where I met with shamans every single day, and they’re demon-possessed so they will accurately tell me the future, but what is their nature? They want money, because if they don’t have money, they will starve to death. If they lose their demonic power, they would have to go up to the mountains to receive repossession.  I asked, “When do you come back down from the mountain?” They said, “Only when the demon gives me the specific answer, if someone like this comes into my house, I give them this specific answer and receive their money,” then they can come back down.  I asked, “How long does it take to receive that answer?” They said, “I don’t know, I have to wait until I receive that answer.”

Philippians 4 says these people are enemies of the cross and only live to fill their own stomachs.  “America is a land of freedom, so what if we live like that?” America may say it has freedom, but there is true freedom only within the gospel, freedom where you can only be free even when you’re hard-pressed on all sides, even when you’re being attacked.  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I have the freedom to not be shaken. 

The world tells you, “If you have enemies, you have to fight against your enemies and win. This is how you get freedom for yourself.  If you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you have to try all these different methods and strategies to get through that. That’s what the world tells you. “That is how you can be free from darkness,” they say, but these are the words of the world, which are not the true nature.

  3) Make us slaves (Gal. 2:4)

These people came into the church in order to enslave the church goers.  We should make disciples of Christ, but instead, we make disciples of people.  Through worship, we must hear the words of Christ, but instead, why do we listen to the words of people? “He said this, she said that.” John 4 says that true worship is not the words of the pastor, but it is worship given in spirit and in truth.  People who misunderstand these words say, “Well, If I don’t have to listen to the pastor, then I don’t have to go to church,” there needs to be a separate message for people like that.  

We listen to the words spoken by the pastor, and while we are doing that, we rely on the Holy Spirit to reveal the words of Jesus Christ within us.  This is for someone who believes in God; this is a worship for one who is victorious, then the Word that God gives to me will, without a doubt, be fulfilled.  Even words of shamans given by demons are fulfilled, then of course, the words given by God are fulfilled.  The absolute Word that God gives to me is the Word that God will work the entire week to fulfill.  You have to first capture this essential part, then the other nonessential things will follow.

    (1) Took away freedom (Gal. 2:4)

    (2) Burden the of law (Mt. 11:28)

You keep on adding these non-essential things to the gospel, like the actions of the law, but in Matthew 11:28, Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,” come into the gospel, “and I will give you rest,” so the church that is able to have people completely satisfied with the gospel alone is a good church.  But actually the words people like are saying, “The gospel is not enough; you have to do more things on top of that.”  Then, your walk of faith will be heavily burdened. 

    (3) Enemy of Gospel (Gal. 4:16)

Gal. 4:16 says, “Why are you now the enemy of the gospel?”  The only enemy of God is Satan, the devil.  It means Satan, the devil, has come into the church.  It is not that they don’t talk about Jesus; they still talk about Jesus Christ, but they say He is not enough.  They say, “You also have to do this and that,” they put conditions on Christ and weaken Christ so that Satan attacks.

3. Christ is formed in you (Gal. 4:19)

Apostle Paul is saying, “That’s enough. This gospel must be relayed to Galatia and the rest of the world, and that is your blessing, but right now, the gospel is being lessened and weakened.”  In Gal. 4:19, the Apostle Paul says, “I will go into the pains of childbirth, like a mother giving birth, again until Christ is formed in you.”  Until Christ is formed in you. It means that, “I will labor for you until Christ is formed within you.”

  1) Gospel – Imprint

“Until Christ becomes your imprint, root, and nature, I will help you,” but Apostle Paul did not scorn them, he said, “My dear children,” so he uses the language that a parent speaks to their child.  Parents will understand, sometimes your kids are very stubborn and you know the pattern they’re going in is wrong, and you have to change them.  My daughter went shopping and bought these really baggy pants that drag on the ground, and I was asking, “What are those pants?” She said, “Father, you are too legalistic.” She listens very well.  I said, “Those pants being worn is not the problem, but if they scrape all over the ground, they’ll kick up dust and that’s bad for other people, the Bible says the women in the church must dress modestly,” and she says, “It is modest. Everywhere in school, it’s trendy for girls to wear these pants that drag along the ground. I think this is modest.”

Do we have to smoke or not? Do we have to drink alcohol or not? It’s the same issue.  What’s the standard? What will you teach your children? If you teach them incorrectly, you will oppress them with legalism, but if you just let them be, they will be led astray.  What is the standard?  I said, “If you wear those pants and they drag along the ground, they will kick up dust and it’ll be bad for other people, so either shorten or cut them.” 

Should you smoke cigarettes or not?  The Bible doesn’t tell you if you should smoke cigarettes or not.  It’s not good for your body, and you think you don’t smell, but you’re actually reeking of cigarettes and that will oppress other people. But first, it’s bad for your body, it’s bad for your lungs, and you have to use your body as a weapon for righteousness, so it’s not about whether you should do this or that, but after you have this information, make your analysis.

Should we drink alcohol or not?  The Bible says to sometimes drink wine and sometimes don’t drink wine.  When you drink alcohol, I’ve tried it, it really numbs your brain.  And it’s bad for your health, so I decided not to drink anymore, but that’s not up to me.  You become very strange, you get hangovers the next morning, and if you get drunk, you just say a lot of nonsense. Is that of benefit to the gospel? It’s not, so just know this fact and do what you must.

Should we do drugs or not?  We use drugs for surgery. If we have the gospel, which is a greater pleasure and joy than the drugs, if we try to get that from drugs, we’ll be a slave to drugs all your life.  It’s about having the gospel imprint.  Imprint means it is planted in my heart. It must be imprinted into my heart in order for everything that I have to have that image.  It’s like if you forge a stamp, then every mark you make with that is the same.  If the gospel is imprinted in  my heart, then it will continuously repeat the same way.

    (1) Gospel that finished everything (Jn. 19:30)

John 19:30, Jesus said, “It is finished.”  Everything is finished, Jesus has paid everything.  You don’t have to labor and pay for yourself.  Finish all the laws and feasts of the Old Testament. There’s no need for you to be circumcised.  The Lord has already finished the law, and don’t try to follow the law to get more faith. “I am inside of you and I will fulfill the law inside of you,” so only rely on the Christ. 

    (2) New creation (2 Cor. 5:17)

2 Cor. 5:17 says you are a new creation, so it is no longer the “you” of the past. 

    (3) United with Christ (Gal. 2:20)

I am united with Christ, Gal 2:20. You can never fail. You may think you’re about to fail, but as long as you’re with the Lord, you can never fail. I hope you will believe in that.  Because you don’t believe in this, the gospel is weak in you and you shake.  I have been united with the Lord.  Why would you shake in front of problems?

Do you know why you shake before problems?  It’s because inside of you, there’s the gospel plus something else, and you don’t have that something else, and you think you’re lacking, so you shake.  “Is this happening because I didn’t go to worship? Is this happening because I didn’t give offering?” You keep talking about your actions. “I wonder if it’s because I’ve only been going back-and-forth to church, I have to devote to the church, but I didn’t, is that why this is happening to me?” Do you know why? It’s because you haven’t come to the answer of the gospel.  If someone has come to the answer of the gospel, you’ll believe the Lord is with you there, and you will see the evidence of that.  That is why it’s important for this complete gospel to go into you, then you will see answers to the problems of the world. Things that are not the essential things, it’s not that they are unnecessary, but they cannot change the nature of humans.

  2) Kingdom of God – Root

Now, this gospel must be rooted deeply in me. Do not be moved by all the ways you used to live in the past, but now make the Lord your Master, then what will happen?  Your life will turn out according to the power of the Master and the plan of the Lord, and your life will take place according to the Word the Lord gives you.  Root down in this.  Why do you keep adding other things so you’re not imprinted and rooted in the gospel?

    (1) Throne of heaven – His kingdom rules over all (Ps. 103:19)

Ps. 103:19 says, “Even now the Lord is seated at the Throne of Heaven. He is ruling over everything with His kingship.”  Even your tiny little works are being ruled over by God. Your studies, your job, your business is being ruled over by God entirely. How is He doing that? He doesn’t do it in a reckless way.  He is controlling everything by His Word, Heb. 1:3. When God proclaims His Word, things that were invisible are now created.  When your life goes into the Word of God, then God can create something out of nothing, then the works will take place, where something looks like a curse but it turns into a blessing. It seems like a crisis to me, however, when I receive the Word of God in me, it turns into an opportunity for blessing.  That is why anyone who holds onto the Word of God and prays, they will go into the Kingdom and kingship of God’s reign.

    (2) Transcend time and space – Lord’s angels (Ps. 103:20)

“You heavenly angels who fulfill God’s Word.”  As you hold onto the Word God is giving you right now and you pray, God is sending His heavenly angels and hosts ahead of you to fulfill His Word in your business fields, in the people you will meet, in every part of your life.  You can only enjoy the spiritual blessings that God will fulfill within the gospel. If you emphasize actions of the law even a little more than this, you will lose hold of these blessings, and instead, you’ll have to live with your hard work. There’s no reason for you to do that.  When you hold onto the Word God gives you and pray, then God works to fulfill that Word every day throughout the week.

    (3) Light of 237 nations (Mt. 28:19, Mk. 16:15)

He works as the light to the 237 nations.  In all the fields where I meet people, God works in advance and sends us in. Do you believe in that?  You can only believe in this when you’re within the gospel, and we have to do this for world evangelization to be possible. You have to study and work with this strength.  

  3) Only Holy Spirit – Nature

    (1) Within me – Filling of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:8)

Now, pray for the working and filling of the holy Spirit to be upon me. You can say the filling of the Holy Spirit is the same as the filling of God’s Word because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit. When people go too deep into transcendental meditation, they are filled with a different kind of Spirit.  Michael Jackson created his music when he was filled with a different spirit.  Steve Jobs had the wisdom that came from another spirit when he went through meditation.  

Shamans are filled with another kind of spirit, and they’re okay even as they’re standing on a stick.  The Holy Spirit is actually within me, and that Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ.  Only the people who understand the gospel correctly can pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Otherwise, how will you determine whether this work is by evil spirits or the Holy Spirit? They’re both invisible. May the Spirit of the Lord completely control and fill my thoughts, my heart, and my spirit, then you can actually transcend the power of shamans.  God has given us this strength.

    (2) Outside me – Working of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 2:9-11, Mt. 12:28)

Pray for the working of the Holy Spirit to take place outside of me as well.  If you don’t have the working of the Holy Spirit, you have to live with your own mental strength. In the end, the result will be slavery to Satan, the ruler of the kingdom of the air.  If you’re always educating your children, “You have to live with a good head on your shoulders,” then you’ll make them into mental patients because the authority of Satan, the devil, is conquering all of the world, and that’s why it’s only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. 

    (3) Me, devotion to church, business – Witness (Ac. 1:8)

It’s not about whether you’re in your right senses or not. It doesn’t say, “If you live your walk of faith diligently,” but “Only when the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power,” then the works of wind and fire take place.  It doesn’t say, “If you live a correct life;” if you just live a correct life, these works will not take place. Then, the blessings of meeting will take place in my life. We cannot meet whoever we want to meet, but the Holy Spirit of God will create these blessings of meeting, just as you and I have met. Even in your business, you have to meet with people. 

Even in the business field, the owner and clients have to meet.  Yes, we do have to have good manners and etiquette, but it is impossible for us to get these blessings of meeting unless the Holy Spirit gives them to us.  The future generations will live in the future, and we have to understand that the blessings of meeting are given to us only by the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t matter how much you prepare in the world; if you meet someone strange, you will become strange. Parents say, “I raised my child to become elite, but now she met a strange person, and now her whole life is ruined.” Or they say, “I built my business so diligently, but I met this strange person, and I lost everything.”  That’s what so many immigrants say, “My life is ruined because I met this person.”  

This happens in the family a lot, too, they always say, “If I never met you, my life wouldn’t be like this,” that’s what the father says, “If I never met your mother, my life would have never ended up like this. I should have married my first girlfriend.” These words may sound correct, but they don’t solve any problems.  When the working of the Holy Spirit takes place, these doors of blessing open. 

It doesn’t matter if you graduate from an ivy league school; you have to have these blessings of meetings.  Do you think if someone graduates from an Ivy League school, they shouldn’t do drugs, right?  If you graduate from an Ivy League school, your life should be happy. I’m not telling you to not go to an Ivy League school, but I’m saying that is not the solution. Do you think the problem will be solved if you go to some nameless college? No, that’s the solution either. A school that has the working of the Holy Spirit, a person who has only the working of the Holy Spirit.  That’s the blessing.  

Then, you will become unprecedented and never repeated. You always compare yourself to people, but there’s no need.  If the filling of the Holy Spirit is upon me and the working of the Holy Spirit comes upon the field I go to, then I am a unique individual. Our future generations will become businesspeople working through the fourth industrial revolution, they must have the answer of uniqueness, otherwise, they’re just like any other person, and can be laid off, because we need the unique working of the Holy Spirit inside me and the working of the Holy Spirit in my life.  Then, I become a unique individual. 

Joseph was a unique individual, because of one person, Joseph, he saved all of Egypt.  That blessing is only within the gospel. Do not get this blessing stolen away because you keep adding things to the gospel.  The business I’m doing must be something incomparable to anyone else, something that only I can do.  You’re not trying to gain something for yourself by serving the church, but you are so thankful so you do it naturally.


1. Morning – Word, Prayer

May you enjoy this blessing every day. When you wake up in the morning, I’m sure you take a shower. I’m sure there are some people who don’t, but you at least eat. You need to, but that is not essential; you have to do what is essential. I hope you will hold onto the Word of God and pray. Do not lose hold of the essential thing.  

2. Day – All things you see, hear, think – Prayer

Once you go out into the field, you have to work and study, and I’m sure you’ll hear things, see things, and say things. That’s how you fall.  You need those things, but by nature, we need a prayer that is in communication with God. 

3. Night – Concentrate on word and prayer

Before you go to sleep, I’m sure you just fall asleep, and you have to sleep for your health, but you lose hold of the essential thing. I hope you will not lose hold of the essential thing of listening to the Word of God and going into prayer. If you sleep too much, one day you’re going to get insomnia, you’re going to have so many problems that you cannot sleep, why? Because you’ve lost hold of the essence.  Christ is with us 24 hours a day, and may you have the blessing of communicating with God in essence through prayer.


Let us hold onto the Word of God we received and pray.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

Father God, we thank You.  Allow our walk of faith to be imprinted, rooted, and become the nature in only Jesus Christ so we may stand at the seat of the witness who testifies and saves this world.  We have given Your material blessings to You as offering. We pray that this offering is used to proclaim the accurate gospel.  We believe You will work upon all those who give the offering with the economy of light to proclaim the gospel to the 237 nations.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

Father God, we thank You. We pray that the words You have given to us will be placed in the hearts of the newcomers so they may proclaim Christ to the rest of the world.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, and the remnants, upon all their academics and business, 

be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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