Title: Throne | Transcend Time and Space | 237 Light – Antenna | Gifted Movement “Second Babylon Movement

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Title: Throne | Transcend Time and Space | 237 Light – Antenna | Gifted Movement “Second Babylon Movement

20210519 5000 People Groups Missions Conference Lecture 1

Title:  Throne | Transcend Time and Space | 237 Light – Antenna | Gifted Movement | “Second Babylon Movement”

Scripture: None

Speaker:  Rev. Ryu Kwang Su

Interpreter:  Missionary Esther Chang

This is the first lecture for the 5000 people groups, but looking at it in succession, it is also our third lecture. The 5000 people groups are completely abandoned, but not only that; Satan has completely seized them.

[Throne][Transcending Time and Space][237 Light] – Antenna – [Gifted Movement] “Second Babylon Movement”

That is why we always talk about this, and it’s something we must always enjoy: the power of the throne, transcending time and space. There is an antenna to the light for the 237 nations.  No matter how great your cell phone may be, if you don’t connect to the wifi, you won’t be able to use it.  This is very important.  Now, where is this antenna to really plow into the 237 nations and the 5000 people groups?  This is the Gifted Movement, we call this the second Babylon movement.  

When we say “the gifted movement,” many elders and church officers say, “We have to raise up our gifted and talented students and really help them evangelize and do the gospel movement.” Of course that’s true, however, that wasn’t always the case in the Bible. Right now, many of the believers are participating in the Wednesday night service, and there are also many church officers participating.  If you’re not the gifted and talented, then who are? Will we find them somewhere or unearth them somewhere?  You need to enjoy the blessing of this movement, so these are very important words. 

We say this is the movement for the 5000 people groups, but right now, we’ve got our greatest disciples gathered here, and if that is so, you need to confirm the greatest message.  Right now, the church officers of the age have gathered, listening to this message.  Who do you think the greatest church officers are, and if you don’t find your answer regarding this, then how great of a loss will this be for you? Then, you cannot enjoy this answer.

This is just my personal opinion but I believe this to be a very important message because Paul was looking out to the 237 nations and targeted Rome, and that’s why he wanted to go as far as Spain.  The church officers who understood those words were the people of Romans 16. If they’re not the gifted, then who are? So, you need to correctly enjoy this blessing. Then, when you meet these gifted and talented people or church officers, there are three things you must do.


1. Accurate Gospel

The accurate gospel may seem a bit obscure, so we need to make this more precise.

1) Motive

What is your motive? You must get rid of it. At first, you might have it. Because you were sick, you believed in Jesus, you received grace and you got well.  That could be a turning point, but if that continues to be a motive, then that’s wrong. What’s going to happen if you don’t get well? Is it not Christ? Do you serve the church because you’re receiving answers? Then, if you don’t receive answers, are you not going to serve?

If you have that kind of faith, you can’t be a proper church officer or proper gifted and talented person.  You have to be very careful because people who have succeeded are very strong in their own motives.  Church officers, listen very well. Because this is so strong, if they don’t match with this, they get so upset that they can’t take it, and that’s why they leave the church or they fight with others.  They’re bound to be that way.  Perhaps they’re not openly fighting, but they’re just grinning and bearing it. Do you look at this as a walk of faith?  No wonder they’re losing the blessings [in the title].  

I said this to the disciples earlier, I began this evangelism movement in Busan, and in Busan, we didn’t even have a building. We rented a hotel in the DaeJangDong resort area and had our training. It was to the point where we had to rent out the entire hotel, so the hotel owner actually asked us to buy the hotel.  We did think about buying it, but later on, they had some kind of karaoke bar in the basement so we didn’t buy it. It was very complicated because that karaoke bar was connected with some underground gang members, so back then I thought, the majority of pastor’s motives are their own opinions as well as church growth. That may seem right, but they lose hold of tremendous things because of that, then it’s difficult for them to receive this answer.  

That’s why I told the headquarters, “Let’s not buy a church,” and yes there was lots of money that came in because so many people would flock to us, and we could greatly build the Busan Immanuel Church, but should we do that? Receiving all your offering and sitting on top of that, world evangelization would not take place, so we said, “Let the headquarters take it.”  More than saying we did it, God allowed that to happen, and I’m simply enjoying that blessing.

Motives can be a fearsome thing, so that’s what the gifted and talented really need to be cautious of. As you’re growing up, without you realizing, you are growing up within Genesis 3, so you may be oblivious to it. You grew up in the midst of Genesis 6, so you only grow up knowing your own things.  This is a very important message for you, so even if we have just one person who is gifted and talented and can reach the 5000 people groups, they can save all of that. The accurate gospel has no motives.

2) Grace

It’s God’s grace, isn’t that so? It’s not even about faith, for it is by grace, through faith, and that faith is God’s gift as well. 

3) Mission

Only then can you find your correct mission. I went to visit a study hall for law students, so the students studied there as they went to the final courses of becoming a judge or lawyer, so they split into two teams as they had some sort of sports day. They were playing badminton and I was really surprised. Think about it, they’re going neck and neck, but finally, one team was going to lose. Some were women, they would become judges and lawyers, but when they would lose, they would drop down to the ground and start crying.

For us, we’d think, “Yeah, we could lose,” but they just can’t take it when they lose.  You can’t view that exactly as a bad thing, but it does make you think.  In one sense, they’re not really gifted and talented.  The really gifted and talented become like this [introduction] in front of the gospel, so you must teach them this. You did not become a child of God because you’re so renowned.  For the sake of world evangelization, God may lead you to a renowned position.

2. Enlightenment Gospel

When you meet the people from the 5000 people groups, not only give them the accurate gospel, but you give them the awakening or enlightenment gospel.  You have to teach them from the beginning, “Become the church that saves the entire world.” Teach them this from the very beginning, “Become a church that really helps others.” Don’t ask for people to send you the gifted and talented, but you send out the gifted and talented. Only then will God really answer you. Simply put, you’re enlightening their mentality.  Enlightenment.  Then, what else?

3. Power of the Gospel

You have to explain the power of the gospel to the gifted and talented. What kind of power is this? It’s three things.

1) Passover.  The Passover which symbolizes salvation.

2) Pentecost. The Pentecost which really signifies the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s power.

3) Ingathering. The Ingathering which has the background of the Throne of Heaven.  Really find your answer here.  You don’t have to do a lot of work; if one gifted person properly understands the gospel, great things will happen.

[Genesis 3:4-5]

[Word (My Thoughts) – God’s Thoughts]

The majority of people are lost in this, Genesis 3:4-5, and even when we receive the Word, our standard of measurement is according to our thoughts.  Tell them that, thats’s not it, but our standard of measurement must be God’s thoughts, and that’s how we need to receive the Word. That’s when those answers come.

[Prayer (Topic X) (Will)]

We even pray incorrectly.  We put out our own prayer topics first, but no, that’s not it.  We need to ask, “What is God’s will?” Even when the people asked Jesus about prayer, He said to get rid of your prayer topics; He talked about your state, “Father, hallowed be Thy name,” it’s hallowed name, it’s not a name like the demons’.  “May Your Kingdom come,” that’s what it is, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  At the very end, He says, “Don’t ask for this or that; that’s what Gentiles do, but seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given unto you as well.”

It’s really frustrating. You are disciples who are well trained but right now, so many church officers, elders, and even pastors are holding onto an incorrect gospel. Let’s say my thinking does not match with this important person’s thinking, then what should you do? I’m important but this person is important as well, then who’s right?  But this person’s thinking is different from mine, then who’s right and what should you do? At that time, you must look at God’s Word and seek God’s will.  David says, “You heavenly hosts who do His will.”

[Evangelism (My Things X) (Things of God)]

We call this evidence, evangelism, but that, too, is wrong. We keep talking about our things, but that’s worthless. If you talk about your things, the other person will fall into a trial. “It’s not working out for me, but how come you’re receiving answers?” That’s how they think. “You’re nothing much in my eyes but how come you keep on saying you received grace? I hear what you’re saying, it’s an amazing message, but what’s amazing about it?” That’s why it’s like that.

Joseph spoke about the things of God. When asked if he could interpret dreams, he said, “No, I cannot, but the LORD will give you an answer.” The people said, “Kill King Saul; he’s completely demon-possessed,” and David said, “You cannot kill King Saul,” and he even gave the reason.  “God does not permit us to raise our hand against His anointed.” It’s this David who overcame because that answer came.  So for those who received answers, each time they received answers, they spoke about the Throne.  “You who obey His Word, praise the LORD. You ministers who do His will, praise the LORD.  All you in the places of His dominion, praise the LORD.” It’s a tremendous message.

If you don’t believe this, then honestly, you don’t believe in God. That’s why they keep fighting.  But it’s not worth fighting over, why? Because no matter how incorrect that person’s words are, it’s not going to happen according to their words, but it’s ultimately God’s Word.  Why do problems keep arising? It’s because you keep trying to explain to that person, but there’s nothing to explain. I just let 90% of things slide because there’s nothing to change about those wrong things.  “Something will happen because of it,” but that’s your thinking; you don’t realistically believe in God’s works.  

Right now, the [people all over the] nation and the world are worshiping together.  Find the gifted people, and teach them the accurate thing: what is the Word, Prayer, and Evangelism. Don’t teach them incorrect things.  This week, I said to the pastor’s wives, “Pastor’s wives, you can’t teach the pastor, but if you’re inside of this, you can help the pastor. The majority of pastors hold onto the Word, prayer, and evangelism incorrectly; that’s amazing, isn’t it? But if you grab hold of it this way, great works will begin.”  May the elders of all the churches become the main figures of the gifted movement; may they become the church officers of the Early Church and of Romans 16.

Do you understand? This is very important. This [prayer] is Genesis 6, so that’s why you lose to the Nephilim.  Number three, [evangelism], is Genesis 11.  You’re evangelizing but you’re talking about your things, and that’s the Tower of Babel so it’s bound to crumble. It’s very important.  It’s the same thing in America and Korea, but strangely, everywhere the Korean churches are gathered together, they keep fighting. I don’t know about the foreign churches, but the Korean churches keep fighting. The elders say, “The pastor is wrong,” and the pastor says, “The elders are wrong,” and it’s okay for them to be wrong because it won’t happen according to their words.  

You say those words because you think God is dead, but God is accurately guiding.  God is guarding you every step that you take, and yes you are doing strange things, but God lets that slide. That’s how God leads you.  Because of one small reason, He must revive you for the evangelism movement to take place so he keeps you alive. How thankful should we be?  In one sense, we should be kind of ashamed but we’re also thankful. We need to go in to save the 5000 people groups.  If you properly have and teach the Word, prayer, and evangelism, the doors will open.  I will verify this through three situations; what kind of situations?


1. Good Opportunity.  A very good opportunity may come to you and the gifted people. 

2. Difficult Situation.  A very difficult situation may come.

3. Crisis.  Or crises may come. These three situations will absolutely come.  It’s at these times that gifted and talented people who are within this blessing must arise.

1. Good Opportunity

1) Daniel 1:8-9

The nation has perished, but what is this? They were promoted to the palace as high government officials. Look at it at this time, they set their will and made a resolution.

2) Daniel 3:8-23

This is not something that just anyone can face; you can only face this when you’ve succeeded. They made this shrine and the entire nation had to bow down to it, and if you do that, then great success is guaranteed for you, but look at it this time.  Before the flames, they said, “Even if the LORD does not rescue us, we cannot bow down.” That’s the gifted, the gifted with the gospel. Take a look at this.  How great are these opportunities?

3) Daniel 4:19-23

Daniel interpreted the king’s dream, so how is the king going to view Daniel?

4) Daniel 5:1-31

What do we see in Daniel 5:1-31? He interpreted the writing on the wall at King Belshazzar’s feast.

5) Daniel 6:10-22

He even went into the lion’s den.  “Last night, an angel of the Lord came and closed the mouths of the lions so they could not harm me.” If you’re accurately holding onto the Word, prayer, and evangelism, God will attach the gifted to you.  What other cases?

2. Difficult Situation

A difficult situation may arise, but these words were given to Isaiah ahead of time.

1) Isaiah 6:13

You will perish even more, however, the remnant, the stump will remain.

2) Isaiah 7:14

A virgin shall conceive and bear a son and His name shall be called Immanuel, the words given during times of difficulties.

3) Isaiah 40:6-31.  

The Word of the LORD will stand forever, and those who hope in the LORD will rise up on wings like eagles.  Because things were hard, God gave His Word, and what is this?

4) Isaiah 43:18.  He is the LORD God Who makes streams of living water in the wilderness and even a path through the waters.

5) Isaiah 60:1-22

“The least of you will become a mighty clan; the smallest, a mighty nation. I, the LORD, will do it swiftly in its time.”

6) Isaiah 62:6-12

You must be the watchman and raise a banner for the nations.  This is the amazing message He gave.  

3. Crisis

Through times of crises, God gave the message through Ezekiel.

1) Ezekiel 3:16-21

“I have raised you as a watchman, and to those who are perishing, speak to them, and if they listen, they will live; if they don’t, they will perish, but if you don’t speak up, that responsibility lies on you.”

2) Ezekiel 37:1-11

As God speaks to Ezekiel about the destruction of all the other nations, he comes to his point.  Right now, all the Israelites are dying like these dry bones.  “Can these bones live?” he didn’t say, “Yes, they can,” and he didn’t say “No, they could not.”  Saying they can live would be too fantastical; saying they cannot live would be unbelief.  “O sovereign LORD, You alone know.” “Then prophesy the Word,” and then speak the Holy Spirit.

3) Ezekiel 47:1-23

We see a tremendous answer, the living Word that comes from the Throne will pass the threshold and go into the land, into the rivers, and into the oceans. It’s simple.  Finding the gifted and talented from among the 5000 people groups is the antenna.  Church officers becoming the true gifted and talented for the 5000 people groups is the key.  

Then, let me give you an extreme example.  Even if the entire church is wrong, if I receive answers, then that’s it. Even if the entire church is right, if I’m not receiving answers, then I’m oblivious to everything else. If you receive answers, others will follow. We call that the truly gifted and talented, and that’s what you must enjoy regardless of your age.  When Joseph received answers, even the king had to follow.


The gifted movement, the antenna, it is the second Babylon Movement

1. Lifestyle

1) Reason X

There’s no reason, why is that?  

2) Reason checkmark…

Because you know the reason. They knew why they became slaves and why they were taken captive.

3) Different Reason

There is a different reason, what is that? Now you must take responsibility for the spiritual parts.

2. Content

The majority of people don’t know about the lifestyle but they don’t know about the content, either. What’s the content? Only, uniqueness, and re-creation. That’s the gifted person, the really gifted person.

1) Only

2) Uniqueness

3) Re-creation. Many gifted people don’t know the method; that’s not being a gifted person. It’s really frustrating.

3. Method

What’s the method? Enjoyment.

1) Enjoyment

All you have to do is enjoy this tremendous blessing. When will the answers come? It doesn’t matter. When will the works arise? It doesn’t matter; it’s okay even if it doesn’t arise.

2) Waiting

God’s Kingdom

3) Challenge

You’re not just blindly challenging, but you challenge when you see God’s Kingdom.  I’m talking about the content to raise the gifted and talented in your churches as well as the 237 nations and the 5000 people groups.  If you omit even one of these things, they are not gifted.  Without properly and accurately enjoying the gospel, how can they be gifted? But there are all too many people like this, and when they come to church, it doesn’t match with them and they keep falling into trials. There’s no way it could match with them, why? Because nobody matches with their thoughts; how could they match with the church?  So the reason why the gifted cannot stick it out in the church is because they’re not truly gifted. Think about it, if you can’t agree with gifted people’s opinions, they can’t stand it, so they’re not truly gifted.

I know she’s missing here, but who was truly gifted in Babylon? It was Esther. First of all, she was pretty. Think about it, if she’s ugly to begin with and her actions are ugly, what’s going to happen?  She was beautiful to the point where the king always wanted to see her, but that was not a problem, but she had faith and she was a person of substance. 

All the Jews were about to die, so it was a very urgent situation. She made the people fast and went against the law to stand before the king.  The law itself was that you couldn’t enter into the palace without permission. If you did, you could be put to death.  If it’s to that extent, then the king knows that it’s an urgent situation.  “Tell me, why did you come?  Tell me, I’ll give you up to half my kingdom,” so she invited him to a feast.

A banquet isn’t about eating; eating is just politics. It’s explaining that person’s position and everything about that person.  So, people who are greatly successful and high class even set a time and level of the food and the times they would eat. Look at our nation, think about it, when the Prime Minister of Japan came to our country, we shared a meal with him and the President also played golf with them, but when the President of our nation went to Japan, they just stuck their hand out of a window and waved to him, and that was it.  There was great significance behind all of these things.

She invited him to the banquet, and when he was invited to the banquet, he knew that wasn’t the real purpose, so again, he says, “What is it?” Most people would speak at that time, but she didn’t. She really was something.  You would probably say 1000 times over plus one.  Then, the second time, she speaks up and that’s how she completely saves Israel. That’s gifted.  

So you must remember, what could be a problem? What makes you worry so much?  Esther Ahn said, “I can go into the fire, and I can go into the waters, because even there, the LORD is there,” isn’t that so? Fanny Crosby said, “It’s okay even if my eyes are not all right; there’s nothing more for me to see. I want to meet God.” Then who could say anything against that?

So right now, it’s really urgent.  The churches that are always fighting with each other don’t even know the gospel, but they say they’re going to go out to evangelize, then no wonder the Holy Spirit isn’t working on them; you must do this, not because we’re renowned, but because we have heard the gospel in the midst of this, towards the 5000 people groups. Let us pray.


Father God, please place Your heart and Your plan within our hearts. Although we may be lacking, may our lives bring about Your will. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen. 

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