Throw Away and Follow Me (Mt. 19:12-30)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Throw Away and Follow Me (Mt. 19:12-30)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” The weather forecast said that there may be a hurricane or tropical storm, but you guys have come well regardless.  Especially for the people who are coming from afar, you are all here.  I don’t really pay a lot of attention to things like that, because I’m somebody who has already faced death and is living, I’m not worried about weather warnings and things like that. 

No matter what happens, I just say, “Okay, I guess that’s happening,” and I pass by. If I don’t have money, I say, “Okay, that’s what’s happening,” and I pass by.  If I do have money, I say, “I guess that’s what’s happening, I do have money,” and I pass by.  I’m able to pass by all these things because I have something else. I have confidence in something else, so I believe in that and pass by.  

If there’s a gold medal marathon Olympic runner, then if somebody is heckling them from the sidelines, the marathon runner will not stop and ask the heckler, “Why are you heckling me?”  Because there is a goal for which we are running, we just pass by.  But if somebody does not have a goal in life, they will be stopped by all of these things and they will have to fight.  

In Revelation, it says that during the end times, even greater and more fearsome things than this will happen, but in the path of doing the work of the Lord and establishing God’s Kingdom, none of these matter.  It is such a great blessing to live a life where none of these things matter.  The fact that you’re racing forward towards something you know will be fulfilled is the greatest knowledge.

1. Successful young man

There are many successful people living in America.  People are racing to America for success as well.  In today’s scripture, there is a rich, young man, and in Luke 18, it says he is a rich young ruler who comes to ask Jesus a question.  

  1) Wanted to get eternal life (Mt. 19:16)

    (1) What good thing (Mt. 19:16)

The question he asks is quite strange, he says, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” So he has already determined the answer and is asking Jesus, but that is the arrogance that successful people typically have.  If he had asked the correct question, he would have received an answer immediately, but he had already determined his own answer and asked the question.  

    (2) Spiritually desperate state (Jn. 3:2)

This young man is very wealthy, he’s very successful in the world, and it seems from the Bible that he has not lived a very sinful life; then, why do you think he came and found Jesus? It’s because those things did not satisfy his life.  So he is somebody who is very thirsty, and he is going to Jesus to try to quench his thirst, but he has already determined the answer that he wants to hear when he asks the question to the Lord, so he is someone who is strictly religious, only centered on his actions.  

    (3) Own actions – Person who wants to earn the cost

All religions are centered on the cause of our actions and the result.  

  2) Jesus

    (1) Only One who is good (Mt. 19:17)

There’s nothing for Jesus to say to that because the question itself is wrong.  Because the rich young man asked about good actions, Jesus responds by saying, “There is only One Who is good.”  

    (2) One who can do good works 

This means that only the One Who is good can do the work that is good.  

    (3) Keep the commandments (Mt. 19:17)

Then He says, “Keep the commandments.”  The “commandments” here is talking about the Ten Commandments given in the Old Testament, and there were also 600 other commandments or additional rules to apply the commandments to their everyday lives that they must keep.  

  3) Young man

    (1) 6 commandments regarding people (Mt. 19:18-19)

Of the Ten Commandments, He talks about the six commandments on how we are to treat our neighbors or other people.

    (2) Responds with “All these I have kept” (Mt. 19:20)

    (3) What do I still lack? (Mt. 19:20)

The young man says, “All these I have kept. Is there anything else that I lack?” That’s the characteristic of elites.  They think they can do something with their own strength.  They think they can accomplish something with their own strength. That’s how they’ve lived their entire lives and they think the spiritual things are attainable in the same way.  

    (4) Law – Become conscious of our sin (Rom. 3:20)

But for this person, everything they have seen and heard from the Bible, everything is the opposite.  Rom. 3:20 says the reason God gave us the law is so that through the law, no one can be declared righteous; in other words, no one can say that they are righteous by keeping the law.  So, the reason God gave us the law is for us to realize what kind of person we are.  In other words, God gave us the mirror of the law so that we may realize we are sinners.  

In Phil 3:8, Paul said, “In regards to the law, I was blameless.” If these people are keeping the law physically, it is only talking about the external, physical actions. They think, “If I’ve never murdered anyone, I have kept that law. I have never committed adultery, I have never stolen, then I have kept the law.”  But the reason God gave us the law is so that we can look at the state of our own heart.  

When I look at the standard of the law and when I look at my heart with that lens, I realize I’m always coveting other people’s things.  I’ve never swindled anybody else, but strangely enough, I’m lying occasionally. Or, I curse others in my heart, but that is the same as murder.  God gave us the law so we realize we cannot be anything on our own.  But if somebody stands in front of the law and says, “I have kept all of them,” that is incorrect.  

Rom. 3:20-21 says, no one is righteous by the law, but there is one who is righteous, and that is only the one who has faith in Jesus Christ.  We are sinners who can never keep the law, but by believing in Jesus Christ, God promises to cover over our sins and call us “sinless” or “righteous.” But the young adult in this scripture says, “I have kept all the law,” and instead of Jesus saying, “That’s impossible; you’re a sinner,” He says, “Only God can be righteous.” 

2. Jesus’ standard

  1) Condition to go into heaven

John 6:29 says that the good work of God is to believe in Jesus Christ.  Before that point, we cannot be good.  There is no way for us to be righteous other than believing in the One Who is righteous and has fulfilled all the law Himself.  If the young adult had just asked plainly, “How can I gain eternal life?”, then the Lord would have answered plainly, but the young man put in his own conditions and asked, “What good work must I do to receive eternal life?”  

You need to ask the right question in your prayers.  Stop arguing with God based on the standard of your own actions, but simply ask God, “What is it that You desire, what is the work that You’d like to give to me?” That is the prayer that believes in the Lord.  But instead of believing in the Lord, you believe in your own actions, “But Lord, I have done this and done that,” not that, but simply, “What is the plan that You desire?”  

    (1) Sell your possessions and give to the poor (Mt. 19:21)

    (2) You will have the treasure in heaven (Mt. 19:21)

    (3) Then come, follow me (Mt. 19:21)

Then, Jesus answers the young man, “Sell your possessions to the poor, then you will have treasure in heaven. Then, come follow Me.”  Even now, there are so many nonbelievers who give all their possessions to the less fortunate and then die with no possessions.  People respect nonbelievers like that, but the Lord doesn’t stop there. He says, “Then come, follow Me.”  That is the way for you to have eternal life.

  2) Young man 

    (1) Went away sad, because he had great wealth (Mt. 19:22)

Today’s message is, “Throw away and follow Me.”  Then it says the young man turned away sad.  This young man wanted to maintain his wealth and success and then wanted to gain eternal life as well.  

    (2) You cannot serve both God and money (Mt. 6:24)

Mt. 6:24 says in response to that, “You cannot serve both God and money. You will either hate one and love the other.” This young man ultimately loved money and turned away from eternal life.  Young adults especially must listen carefully to understand what is the Lord’s perspective of wealth and success.  Members of the church do not know this standard, so they are confused about material wealth, they think, “This is my wealth so I must save it,” or, “This is my money so I need to use it to make myself feel better,” but the Bible never says that. 

    (3) Love money (Idol) – Those who want to get rich – Destruction, root of all kinds of evil (1 Tim. 6:7-10, Ex. 20:3-4, Col. 3:5)

In 1 Tim. 6:7-10, God tells us very specifically regarding money. It says, “We brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of it,” and 1 Tim. 6:8 says, “If we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.”  If you have enough to eat three meals a day, have a place to sleep and clothes to wear, you should be content with that.  For the Israelites after the Exodus, they were not content with that.  They kept on desiring the things of their greed that they used to live with in Egypt, and because of that, all of them died.

What does 1 Tim. 6:9 say?  “People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.”  If we are not completely content and our heart continues to move in the direction of becoming wealthy, then we will fall into temptations and a trap.  Those are actually foolish and harmful desires.  

“For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” The Bible specifically tells us, we cannot want both money and eternal life. If you love one, then you are absolutely bound to hate the other.  Becoming wealthy is not the issue; the issue is the love of money.  What does it mean to love money? That is idolatry.  

Then, what does it mean to serve an idol? It says in Exodus 20:3-4.  God said, “You shall have no other gods before me.”  “Another god” means, do not worship the devil and Satan of this earth.  The method for us to serve demons is in Exodus 20:4, “You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.” These were words given 5,000 or 6,000 years ago.  2000 years ago, we received the Word of Col. 3:5 that greed is idolatry, so you and I must organize this. 

Am I going to follow money, or am I going to follow Jesus?  Then, among you, I’m sure there are people who ask, “Then, should I not succeed? Is it bad for me to make a lot of money?” You can do those things, but the reason should not be for yourself.  All of these things are given to you by God for the reason of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.  If you chase after money and success because what you have is not enough and you’re trying to fill your void, that is what will pierce you, because it turns out, that is how you serve demons.  

“I believe in Jesus Christ; what do you mean I’m serving the devil?” That is what the Bible tells us.  In the Old Testament, in 1 Samuel 7, during the Mizpah movement, Samuel said to get rid of all the idols in your heart and to concentrate fully on the LORD God.  These were people who were all worshiping God, but in their hearts, they were worshiping and following after idols.  Strangely enough, when they let go of all their idols and they only followed the LORD God, the Philistines, who were always attacking them, were blocked and cast out by God.  

Before we do anything, we must have a heart and a state where we are following only after God; then, God will work.  Then, the works took place where all the lands they had once lost to the Philistines were all restored back to Israel.  I’m not telling you that becoming rich or successful is bad, but if you pursue those things with your own reason, then you will destroy yourself.  But if you follow after the Lord and the Kingdom of the Lord, then God will fill whatever you need.

Why are you studying? Why are you making money? Why are you trying to succeed?  If it is for yourselves, then you are continuously piercing yourself.  Not because of money, but because you are serving something else, an idol in you.  For the students today, I hope you will determine firmly why you are studying, and for professionals, I hope you will determine why you are earning money; then, you will have freedom.  Now, you are simply following after the Lord and all of your work and making money is for the Lord; then your burden will be very light, and the Lord will work for you.  

  3) Jesus

    (1) Rich – Hard to enter the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 19:23)

The young adult asked this question, the Lord responded, and the disciples were able to hear His response.  Then, Jesus says, “It is easier for a camel to go into the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to go into the Kingdom of God.”  That doesn’t mean that if you are rich, you cannot go into the Kingdom of God; it means, you cannot go into the Kingdom of God with the strength of man. 

Before this point, earlier in the scripture, the children were trying to approach Jesus, but the parents were blocking them, and Jesus says, “Do not block the little children for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”  These little children do not go into the Kingdom of Heaven because they did good works; it means, we cannot go there with our own strength, we must rely on somebody.  Relying on only Jesus Christ is the way to receive the Kingdom of Heaven.  

    (2) Disciple – Left everything to follow you! What then will there be left for us? (Mt. 19:27)

Then the disciples responded by asking, “We have left everything to follow you, including our homes and our families; what, then, will be left for us?”  These are the 12 disciples who have faith and follow Jesus Christ, but there is still something they want in their hearts, they say, “We followed You and gave up everything, what are You going to give us in return?” 

    (3) Sit on the throne with Jesus (Mt. 19:28, Eph. 2:6)

The disciples are thinking, once Jesus Christ goes into Jerusalem, He will be the King, and they’re following Jesus with the heart of wondering, “If You become King, what position will You give to us?” 

3. Those who follow Jesus

What about you guys?  Is there a chance that the reason you are following after Jesus Christ is so that He may give you whatever you desire in your heart?  Later on, the disciples will come to realize that being with the Lord Himself is the answer. As of now, the disciples don’t yet know that being with the Lord Himself is everything.  They still don’t fully believe that this is the Creator God Who controls our life and our death.  Then, they will pray these unnecessary prayers.  We have to pray unnecessary prayers because of our disbelief.  If we truly believe in Jesus Christ, we would entrust our entire lives to Him. That’s why the Bible tells us to throw away all that we have and to follow Jesus.

If you follow Jesus, there is no reason or goal of your own. Jesus becomes your reason and Jesus becomes your goal.  Then, there is nothing that will be a problem for you because the reason is not my own; it belongs to the Lord.  I am okay whether I am destroyed or whether I am in abundance, because the reason is the Lord’s. 

Why do we get sad and suffer when things don’t work out the way we want? It is because we live with our own reasons.  Let go of all of that and follow the Lord, then you will have freedom regarding money.  If you become rich, that’s not a good thing because you become a slave to money and will be piercing yourself. There are some people who lose sleep over that; they lose sleep in case they lose their money.  Or, when they get a lot of money, they become very hyper.  In reality, I’ve actually become a slave to money where my life is actually determined based on money. In reality, you are not a slave to money, you are a slave to Satan.  But you are still giving worship and you think you are worshiping, but that’s not real worship. That’s why you’re always dragged around by the world.  

Before you make money, you must receive the freedom from money.  Because of Jesus Christ, you are okay whether you are in abundance or poverty.  Then, God will realize, “This is somebody who will live for the Lord,” then He will pour upon you. That is the work of God, a hidden and different economy.  The more people have accomplished their own success by themselves, they don’t believe this; that person has no peace.  If there are any of you like that then even as you are sitting here, you’re always worried about money because your life is being controlled by that.  You should rule over and subdue money, but you’re being dragged around by it, then living is not even living; your freedom is not true freedom.  

How could a material possession control me?  You’re being controlled by it because in your heart, you are serving that thing.  In America, we are a capitalistic nation where success and money are the greatest.  That’s why it doesn’t matter how many churches or seminaries there are, if we’re not able to come to an answer in this.  It is normal to be content with whatever God has given you now and whatever you have, but we are not content.

After the disciples asked this, Jesus Christ answered them, “The reason you are following me is because after all things are renewed, you will sit at the throne of heaven,” and this is also stated in Eph. 2:6.  We are seated with Christ and the throne of heaven.  And we rule over the Kingdom of God with the Lord. 

If we are on earth, how can we be at the throne of heaven?  The Lord Who is seated on the throne of heaven is with us now through the Holy Spirit. Our body  may be on earth, but in reality, we are seated in the throne of heaven, that is the Kingdom of God.  Christ is the head, and we are His body; we are connected. So, with the Lord, we go into the work of reigning over the Kingdom of God. That can never happen with the things of earth; it will never happen with material possessions or success; it can only happen with the things of the throne of heaven.  These are the blessings you will receive. 

Do you think the disciples understood? They still don’t understand.  There will be a time when they do, then they will truly believe it.  From that point on, nothing on earth can block them, because they died on the cross with Christ.  

  1) For the name of Jesus

    (1) Those who leave their house, family, field (Mt. 19:29)

    (2) Receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life (Mt. 19:29)

Then, Jesus says, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and inherit eternal life.”  Does that mean I need to sell all my possessions and give them to the poor to believe in Jesus Christ? I know that you’re very focused on this area because you’re very interested in money.  No longer live your family life with your brothers and sisters and your business for your own self, but do it for the Lord.  Throwing these things away doesn’t mean to actually throw them away, but don’t do these for yourself.

Jesus came to this earth and He had His own family.  The disciples told Jesus one day, “Your mother and brother are here,” and Jesus said, “Who are my parents and who are my siblings? They are the ones who do the will of my Father in heaven.”  This means that, no longer live for your physical family, but live for the spiritual family.  

The church is your family. What do you think about the fact that a husband and a wife make one body? Especially for men, you and your wife are one body, but you treat her however you like.  What does it mean that you treat her however you want to? It means you are doing that to yourself, you say whatever you want or treat her because she thinks she is somebody else, but you’re actually doing all of that to yourself, you are not harming another person; you are actually harming yourself.  That is what it means to be one body in Jesus Christ, the same way we are one body in Jesus Christ.  I hope you will have an accurate view of wealth and success and the family through the Bible.  

The same thing for the church, the Lord and we are one body.  Then, you are united in one body with the person next to you.  Jesus Christ said, “They are my brothers and my sister if they do the will of the Lord.”  Then, if my brother is lacking or falling short, if I help them and raise them up, that is actually for myself.  That is the view of the church and the family from the Kingdom of God.  That is what it means to follow Jesus Christ.  This person, even if they go out into the world, they will be needed by the world. 

These words are 120% true, so I hope you will believe them. Before that point, it doesn’t matter what you try.  Even if you give them a bouquet of flowers every day, it’s not going to work, because as long as you think of them as somebody else, it’s not going to work. As long as you think the members of the church are somebody else, you’re bound to speak spiteful words to them, but ultimately, those words will come back to you. If you come into the church and follow Jesus Christ, those words are not simple words.  

    (3) First will be last (Mt. 19:30)

Then He says, “The first will be the last.”  Just because you’ve believed for a long time doesn’t mean you’re following Jesus correctly. So, for any new believers, I hope you will not follow after the long-term believers, but follow after the Bible.  

  2) With God all things are possible (Mt. 19:26)

    (1) Eternal life – Know Jesus (Jn. 17:3)

Then, what exactly is eternal life?  Is eternal life just living forever?  Yes, that is true, but there is a condition.  Jn. 17:3 says this, “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” So “knowing” here doesn’t just mean, “knowledge.”  There are many people who know me, but  do they really know me?  Do you think people know me as much as my wife knows me? You need to know me as much as my wife knows me, you need to know all of my different states and faces.  

The one who knows Jesus like that is the one who has eternal life.  Then, this doesn’t mean we just have the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  How must we know Jesus Christ? So thoroughly, as a body and the head are connected together.  If the head and the body are connected, then they are always attached, moving together in every small detail.  “Even in the midst of despair, the Lord is with me,” that is how you must know Him. It is not just knowing the knowledge of Christ as the prophet, priest, and king; yes, it might start like that, but when you are in despair, when you feel betrayed, or when you are in success, how is the Lord with you there? That is how you must know Him. In that relationship, you go on to eternity. That is eternal life. 

You don’t earn eternal life by doing something.  Even at this moment, the way for you to enjoy eternal life is to live with the Lord.  You need to know that the Lord is with you, even when you’ve failed and received scars in your past.  You need to know that, even in the midst of the storm, the Lord is with you.  Nobody may know your situation or circumstance, but you believe the Lord is with you? Knowing that means you live the eternal life.  There are so many scientific advances that we’re afraid of in the future; the fifth industrial revolution that we haven’t met, but believing that the Lord is with you, even in that future, is eternal life.  

Some people may be suffering from depression or mental illnesses.  There may be some people who are suffering unspeakably because of betrayal.  There may be some people who are suffering because of a physical disease. But what is eternal life?  It means that you know that the Lord is with you, moving so specifically in your life, and even right now, you are living that eternal life forever.  

After your body dies, it will disappear, but your spirit will live with the Lord forever, then you’ve received everything.  You need to have the view of success that is satisfied with that alone.  Then, this person will not be struggling to succeed, but they will be able to be with the Lord, seeing the work the Lord is doing. 

    (2) Cross – It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

Jesus Christ says, “I have finished everything on the cross.”

    (3) Me – Die, Christ – Live within me (Gal. 2:20)

I have died on the cross with the Lord, and now, Christ lives within me.  How does He live with me? It is the relationship of a head and body that is always connected, forever with me.  

  3) Kingdom of God

    (1) Raise church members

So, the church is the place that raises up the members of the church that are all one body.  

    (2) Nonbelievers in the field to child of God

Why do you go to your job? It is for the Kingdom of God, because there are nonbelievers in the field who will receive the gospel and become children of God. There are people who have gone to church but they have heard the gospel incorrectly.  You need to raise up people like that. God is pushing you into the field of the world, using the tool of your job. That’s the reason why you must study and why you must work. With the materials you gain, you use them for the Kingdom of God.  Then you will receive freedom from material things, freedom from success.  

Even if you don’t try to succeed, look at Joseph, success just happens.  That’s what we’re talking about. We’re not saying to throw away everything and just live inside of the church, only praying amongst yourselves, that’s what heretics do.  The Lord tells us to go and make disciples of all nations.  For business people, hold onto your business and go towards making disciples of 237 nations.  Those people do not know the gospel, so heal them with the correct gospel so that they can follow Jesus Christ as well.  

    (3) Through only the Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:8)

Because that is the Word of God, the Holy Spirit will begin to work at that time, and even if you don’t pray, God will work because you are aligned with the Word of God, and that itself is prayer.  If a child is aligned with their parent, then even if they don’t ask for anything, the parent will provide everything. In fact, on the other hand, if the child and the parent are not aligned, then the child will beg to get more things from their parents.  But if the child knows what the parent wants and follows those desires, then even if they don’t ask for anything, the parents already provide it.  Then, the child is not doing those things just to get more money; they do them just to do the will of their parents.  

If you study and you work for the motive of Jesus Christ and establish His Kingdom, then even if you stay still, God will work because that person is aligned with the will of God.  God already knows you’re treated unfairly and God says He will show you the future.  The future is very uncertain now, but the Lord will reveal it to you, that’s why Joseph knew the future in the Bible. That’s how he had success in the economy.  

If the gas companies knew the war in Ukraine and Russia would take place, they would’ve used a different strategy.  If they knew what would have happened, they would have stored up so much gas.  But now look at them, they are having to sell it, in the past, it was $3, and now it is $5, but that is the wisdom God gave to Joseph.  Instead of having to compete with other gas stations that are also selling for $5, God makes it so that nobody can compete with you.  

For anybody who is suffering, mentally or emotionally, without a doubt, you have an idol in your heart.  Throw that away.  “Oh, but I can’t.” I hope you will hold onto Christ in faith.  Then, the cause of your suffering will disappear.  For people who have depression, there is a cause of depression, and that cause is your idol.  No matter what anybody else says, you will know.  People who are so angry that they take a gun and kill other people with it, there is an idol in their heart.  When things don’t happen the way they want, they have their own idol, and that is worshiping demons.  Instead of worshiping Christ, worshiping something else? That is worshiping another God.  

So for us, we need to have the view of success that is the reason of Christ.  We need to have the reason for Christ for our material possessions.  Then, just like Paul, you will learn how to be content in all circumstances, whether you are in abundance or have nothing.

Last week, somebody I knew 30 years ago reached out to me on Kakao Talk. I knew her 28 years ago, she was a young adult who led me to the church when I first accepted Jesus Christ. So, somehow she found out that I’m here, and she was so happy that she called me over Kakao Talk and I recognized her name, but I pretended to not know who she was. She heard I had become a pastor and she said, “I knew that would happen,” because she was the girlfriend of one of my friends and she led me to the church when I was a nonbeliever and saw how I was in the church, so it was so good to talk to her.  

When I first believed in Jesus Christ, the young adults would gather together and we would sing gospel songs, and she remembers that part of me.  She says, “Since then, I’ve gotten married, my husband is working in politics, my daughter is working in the medical field, and my second daughter is studying at USC,” and she’s been living in the region for 10 years. I cannot forget back then, it’s so difficult to enter into a church.  You may not know this, but it’s so difficult for an outsider to enter into the threshold of a church.  You guys are so used to the culture of the church, but a nonbeliever is like a young child, they don’t know what they’re supposed to do.  At that time, she was the person who helped me and situated me so I could get used to it.  

After one of my best friends committed suicide, I lost all hope for life. I was racing my life for success and power, but then I realized the ultimate end was going to be death, and by God’s grace, I lost all hope for life.  Most people will just see that same death and then pass on with their life, but the grace God gave me was to realize that this would be my end as well.  

“Are you living your life, struggling so hard just so you can end up dying like your friend?”  I didn’t know the Lord at the time, so I began to wander.  That’s how I met the Lord.  I received a new hope, I received a new reason to live.  She was the girl who knew me as a young adult who had just discovered the Lord and led me very well, and she got married very well, too. All of her kids are elites, and in my opinion, I think, even though she didn’t try to do that, God just gave that to her as a present.  


1. Christ is my and our master

I cannot forget when I first believed in Jesus.  The young adults gathered together and sang praises and worshiped together, and it doesn’t seem like much, but I realize 30 years later, even if they didn’t try to succeed, God brought them to the seats of success. So, I decided to meet with her next week, and I’m sure she’s very curious to hear about me because she was the girlfriend of one of my friends.  If you have the reason of your life set on yourself, then just like my past, you’ll be in despair. That must disappear at the cross. That’s what it means to die at the cross.  Then, how do I find the new reason for life? It is Christ.  Now, if the reason for making money and studying and getting a family, everything is for the Kingdom of God, then God has no choice but to work.  

2. 237, healing, summit – Temple construction

That is why we go all in to the temple construction to save the 237 nations, heal people, and raise the future generation to the summit.  

3. All in with my life – Answer of the finances of light

If you look at Hawaii, everything is being burned up, but only the churches are remaining. There was a picture taken from a birds-eye-view showing this. What does this mean? There’s nothing that will remain on this earth unless the reason for it is God.  I hope you will enjoy satisfaction with the things God has given you and live the rest of your week for only the reason of Christ.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray holding onto the Word God has given to us each individually.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You. Thank You for allowing us to know and believe in the gospel that this world cannot understand.  We thank You for giving us the blessing of salvation and eternal life.  We thank You for being with us, forever united. We thank You for allowing us to give our materials as an offering for the temple construction, 237, healing, and summit.  We pray You will bless the hands that have given this offering, and we pray You will work upon them with the economy of light You have prepared.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  Lord, we pray You will bless him so he may be a young adult who lives for Jesus Christ, for the Kingdom of God, according to Your Word.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer.

2. 9/2 (Sat.) Boston Immanuel Church – Lecturer

3. 9/5-6  North America Business conference, college retreat

4. 9/30 (Sat.) LA Young Adult Retreat

5. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to throw away all the hidden idols in their heart, and follow and believe in only Jesus Christ, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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