Those Whose Spiritual Eyes are Opened and Closed (Mt. 20:29-34)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Those Whose Spiritual Eyes are Opened and Closed (Mt. 20:29-34)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

But if their spiritual eyes were open, they’d be happy when a problem happens. “Jesus, son of David, control this problem.”

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God.  May this be a time of great blessing where the spiritual eyes are opened for all the individuals and families worshipping in the church, the home, and especially out of state. 

When do you think God is especially with us? The Lord Who is with us in praise, and the Lord who is with us while we worship. Then what do you think will happen? It is the work of all the forces of darkness and all the forces of Satan fleeing. When David praised with his lyre and harp, the demon possessing King Saul fled. And today we gave our praise to God and God is with us in our praise. He is with us within our worship, then the fate of our lives is different. You can now see the things that were closed. Things in your business that were shut so darkly are now open and you can see. You thought death was the end, but now you can see eternal things beyond death. People who were lost in the despair and darkness of life are now able to see the light beyond the darkness. These works take place when God comes upon us.

1. Two blind men

The background of this scripture is that Jesus Christ came to earth and he was doing works of many miracles and healings and the crowds began to follow him. In Mt. 20:29 it says that when Jesus was leaving Jericho, a large crowd began to follow him because they saw his miracles and signs. 

  1) Heard (Mt. 20:30)

In Mt. 20:30, it says two blind men were sitting by the roadside. “Blind” means they can’t see with their eyes. They can hear with their ears but they can’t see. We don’t know whether these people were born blind or if they lost their sight during their life. These people’s desire is to be able to see, so they have a problem that can’t be solved by the solutions and technology of their age. These two blind men were trapped in a fate that no human could help them with. 

    (1) Jesus was going by (Mt. 20:30)

However, they heard that Jesus Christ was going by. Being able to hear is very important. There are people who hear the same things but they aren’t able to hear. The blessed opportunity of a lifetime is passing by, but some people aren’t able to hear that opportunity. However, others are able to hear it and hold onto that opportunity. Today is the time for these two blind men to change their lives. 

    (2) Shouted – With whole heart (Mt. 20:30)

They didn’t hear anything except, “Jesus is coming by.” They heard that and shouted. Thousands of people were following Jesus so they couldn’t speak quietly. They gave everything they could to shout out loud. The fact that they’re shouting so loud shows that they’re putting themselves centered in Christ. 

    (3) Have mercy on us (Grace) – Only (Mt. 20:30)

They cry, “Have mercy on us.” This is very important. May this worship today be this kind of worship. There are people who listen to the same messages but don’t hear it. These people don’t listen to the messages, but instead, follow the ways of the world. But the two blind men knew how important of a time this was. We may not be able to shout loudly during worship but I hope in your heart, you are able to shout out to the Lord, “Have mercy on me. Lord, you are the only One who can solve my problems. The problem me being trapped in my destiny, that no human can help me, except You, Lord. Please give me your grace.” 

  2) Spiritual eyes opened

    (1) Descendants of David – Jesus Christ (Mt. 1:1)

Then, they say, “Son of David.” We may just say, “Son of David” but for these people it has a different meaning. Instead of us calling him “Jesus” they call him “Son of David.” Most of the crowd are following Jesus calling him “Jesus.” But the fact that these two blind men are calling him the “Son of David” is referring to Mt. 1:1, the genealogy of Jesus who is the son of David, the son of Abraham. So who is this Jesus who is passing by? He is the son of David. 

In order to know what this means, you have to go back to Gen. 3:15. Human beings are created with God’s image so we can’t survive unless we have God’s power and grace with us. However, we were separated from God one day because of Satan’s deceit. The thought that we can live without God, that we could be our own God, began to crawl into our brains. That’s how we became separated from God, then we went into the complete control of Satan. 

    (2) Crushed the head of the serpent (Gen. 3:15, Heb. 2:14)

That is why God gave us this message and promise of salvation in Gen. 3:15. The offspring of woman, not a person born from a man’s flesh but conceived by the Holy Spirit and a virgin. “The offspring of woman will crush your head,” in other words, he will destroy Satan’s authority and kingdom. That Satan used to be an angel in heaven, but the moment he thought he wanted to be on the same level as God, he was corrupted and now moves on this Earth. That’s why God had to destroy this kingdom of Satan and save us from it. 

    (3) Forces of darkness -> Kingdom of God (Col. 1:13)

When he says, “The serpent will strike his heel,” He is talking about Jesus Christ’s death on the cross. So this one sentence includes both the offspring of Abraham and of David. He is the Messiah who will save us from our sins, curses, and disasters, and He is the offspring of David, the true king who will bring the Kingdom of God and cast out the kingdom of Satan. That is why the genealogy of Jesus is both the son of Abraham and of David.

    (4) Descendants of Abraham – Solved sin, curses (Mt. 1:1, Gen. 3:15, Col. 1:14)

God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac on Mount Moriah as a symbol to represent Jesus’s death on the cross. God was giving the Word of Jesus Christ through Abraham’s son, who will come to save mankind’s sin. God also told through King David of the true king who will come through temple construction. The Church is the Temple is the place where God resides and is controlling. The throne of the kingdom of heaven is controlling this church and this world. But the two blind men today is crying out to Jesus, “Son of David, have mercy on us.” These are not ordinary words, they are proclaiming that he is the Messiah, the True King to reign over us. 

So Jesus Christ looks at them and points them out. Who is Jesus looking out? God is calling those who confess that Jesus Christ is the True King and Lord. Col. 1:13 says He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness. Col. 1:14 says through Him we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. All of the problems of our curses and sin can’t be solved without Christ. Unless the kingdom of God is reigning over us, we cannot overcome the kingdom of Satan. “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on us.” 

  3) Physical eyes opened

    (1) What do you want me to do for you? (Mt. 20:32)

Then Jesus asks, “What do you want me to do for you?” 

   (2) We want our sight (Mt. 20:33)

They answer, “We want to be able to see.” Lord, we want you to solve the problem that we could never solve with our own efforts. 

    (3) Your faith has healed you (Mk. 10:52)

This same story is told in Mt. 5:24, and Jesus said, “Your faith has healed you.” It means that Jesus Christ is the son of David. The minute we confess that he is the Lord who came into our lives, he asks, “What do you want me to do for you?” They gave him the prayer topic, “We want you to completely reign over us with your kingship.” Do you still have problems that you’re still not able to solve with your own abilities? Are there any of you who are trying to hold onto or shape the direction of your life?  Are any of you still trying to control your own business with your strength? When does Jesus Christ call to you and ask, “What do you want me to do?” 

    (4) Received their sight, followed Jesus (Mt. 20:34)

“We desire for You to reign over myself, my family, and my business as the true King, Lord,” then the works of liberation will take place. Then these people’s eyes opened but that isn’t the end; then they followed Jesus .These are people who will follow Jesus for the rest of their lives. When you believe in Jesus, you don’t simply go to church. There is something you can’t solve with your skills, abilities, money, morality, or ethics: you can’t solve the state you’re in when you’re separated from God. It isn’t solved by simply going to church. There is another way that God has given us to solve it. 

2. The crowd

  1) Followed Jesus (Mk. 20:29)

God sent Jesus to earth as the Christ.  Why do I need the Christ? Because from the moment we are conceived in our mother’s womb, we had original sin and we’re separated from God and we can’t solve that problem. It is because of that state that curses and disasters follow us and we are controlled by Satan. We’re bound by Satan and we have no choice in it. You must know this state and cry out, “Lord have mercy on me. Only the Lord can solve this problem. Only the Lord is the true Master of my life.” The one who has this confession will truly have their eyes opened. The moment you confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord of your business and your life, Jesus Christ will reign. 

    (1) Rebuked the blind, told them to be quiet (Mt. 20:31)

There are thousands of people following Jesus Christ today and we don’t really know why they follow Jesus. Mt. 20:31, when the blind men are crying out to Him, the crowd rebukes them to be quiet. But they shouted all the louder. 

So even if you’re following Jesus Christ, if you’re following like the crowd, your eyes won’t be opened. People go to church and believe in Jesus but they’re not even sure why. They don’t know whether they’re following Jesus Christ as the son of David, the Lord and King of their life, or as simply a teacher. Everyone has a motive for following Jesus. They follow him because He’s of some kind of benefit. Eventually they run away, and it’s because these people don’t know the reason these two blind men are crying out. 

    (2) Jesus for themselves – Turn away the suffering in the field

If they knew that Jesus Christ is the True King, then instead of rebuking and quieting the blind men, they’d lead them closer to Jesus. But instead they look past the suffering in the field and just walk by. What does that mean? These are people whose eyes are still not opened. They follow Jesus and go to church in a state where their eyes aren’t opened. If they truly knew about original sin and the authority of Satan and Hell, they’d know the answer that only Jesus Christ is the only solution. If they’d known that, they’d let the two blind men shout out to the Lord. 

    (3) Don’t know the reason of only Jesus – Spiritually blind

Why do people who go to church have no power? It’s because they’re simply following Jesus. But the church will gain strength when it has people who have experienced the power that comes by proclaiming Jesus as their only source of strength, their “only,” and are liberated from their problem. But if you just have a vague understanding of an optional Jesus, you’ll be swallowed by the world. 

The authority of Satan has been destroyed by Jesus, but he is still deceiving the members of the church. He burrows into your thoughts and minds, causing you to collapse, but people who don’t recognize this are already being seized and dragged around, so they have no reason to cry out “Jesus, son of David,” because they don’t see the limitation of mankind; they have no reason to shout out “Jesus, son of David.” 

Your problem at your job is not your business itself, it’s because your business is lackingJesus, son of David, so you do it with your own strength. That is why when the economy of darkness and Satan goes into your job, it is being destroyed. People who know this will confess that only Jesus Christ is the True King and Lord of their business. People who know this will confess, “Only You, Jesus Christ, my Lord can control and save my life.” This is a very important confession. If that confession truly comes from your heart, then you’ll be freed from your bindings. From that moment on you’ll truly follow Jesus with one heart. 

  2) The crowd – Problem, crisis, incident – see the reality and environment to solve the problem; no interest in God’s plan

People who don’t have this conclusion will only see the facts regarding the problems they’re facing because their physical eyes are open but their spiritual eyes are closed, so they will fall into the problem and are only interested in solving that problem quickly. But then you’ll face another problem and another, you’ll keep facing problems until you die. Their eyes aren’t open. 

But if their spiritual eyes were open, they’d be happy when a problem happens. “Jesus, son of David, control this problem.” Because they can’t make that true confession, they live a religious life, trying to solve their own problems and asking Jesus to solve their problems, because they don’t see the problem that precedes the one they can see. They don’t see the fundamental problem, so they only see the physical problems that they can see, so it gets solved, then it gets worse, it’s solved and it gets worse. But those who open their eyes and confess “Jesus, son of David” they are interested in God’s plan in that problem, because God has allowed and given that problem. 

If it’s a problem that comes from yourself, just change yourself so you won’t have that problem anymore. If it comes from somewhere else, look for God’s plan within that problem. “Jesus, son of David,” that confession means you believe that God has a plan in the midst of your circumstance.  “I believe that you have allowed this problem and you’re opening the way through this problem.” Your eyes begin to open, then.  Through the problems, crises, and situation, you see the blessings God has prepared. Though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you see how God is with you, guiding you. Paul learned how to be completely content whether in poverty or wealth, but he was never seeking that; only Christ. These are all people who all knew the confession, “Jesus, son of David.”  

  3) World – Nonbelievers

    (1) Spiritual death because of original sin – Spiritually blind

So these are the types of people who follow Jesus, but what about the world that doesn’t follow Jesus at all? Eph. 2:1 says they are completely dead in their transgressions and sin. They’re dead, meaning the spirit of God is not with them. If someone is alive, it is the state where the spirit of Jesus Christ has gone into them. The moment we’re born from our mother’s womb, we’re born spiritually dead, without the spirit of Jesus Christ within us. 

   (2) Follow the ways of the world (Eph. 2:2) – Gen. 3, 6, 11

The way these people live is by following the ways of the world. The ways of the world do not have God, but they’re centered on people and human methods. It’s centered on the way I live. Democracy is centered on people. I’m sure it’s a better form of nation than a nation that considers people at the same level as animals. However, the moment we center ourselves on people, God disappears. If the church becomes centered on people, its power will diminish. We need to be the church that is centered on the will of God. If you’re trying to follow the majority opinion, that’s the ways of the world.  The church that follows the Word of God.  Your business and family that follows the Word of God.  

    (3) Follow the ruler of the kingdom of the air – Reign (Eph. 2:2)

If this doesn’t take place, you’ll be following the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the evil spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. Invisible to our eyes, these evil spirits come into ourselves, our families, and our businesses, and lead us to follow our sinful nature and wicked ways. 

    (4) Gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts – Mentally, 

physically blind (Eph. 2:3)

Because we’re not satisfied with God alone, we have to satisfy our cravings of our flesh, but it doesn’t matter how much you succeed, you’ll never be satisfied. We have to be satisfied with God alone, but because we’re not satisfied with Jesus Christ, it doesn’t matter if you become the king of kings; you still won’t be satisfied. This land of America may seem prosperous, but the individuals are not satisfied in their hearts. They try to fill themselves with education and success, but they’re still not satisfied. The reality of this world is that, even if we have money and success, we fall into drugs because we’re not filled.

That is why successful people gather together, they are unsatisfied and do drugs and all sorts of debaucherous things. That’s why the successful and powerful people of the world commit sexual acts with children. If people are not satisfied with God alone, they’ll have no other choice. See, if you get everything you want, you still won’t be satisfied. That’s why people live with whatever thoughts or emotions they have in their hearts.

    (5) Objects of wrath (Eph. 2:3)

Eph. 2:3 says they are by nature objects of wrath, meaning they have no choice. These are the ways of life in America, but you won’t see it that way. Because your spiritual eyes aren’t open, you won’t see it that way. Because only your physical eyes are open, you’ll think America is fine because they have money and power. This is why the churches are continuing to disappear.  If the churches don’t make the confession of “only” in Jesus Christ, the church doesn’t need to exist. These crowds are following Jesus but eventually they’ll run away, just as churches are crumbling today. 

3. Those whose spiritual eyes are opened

  1) Eyes of the Gospel

I hope today will be a great time of blessing where your spiritual eyes are opened and you’ll be able to make the confession, “Jesus, son of David.” In order for you to see Jesus Christ and make this confession, three eyes must be open for you. When I say “We must have Jesus Christ,” this doesn’t mean we don’t need money, material things, or success.  This means that even if we have everything else in the world, we still won’t be satisfied without Jesus Christ. 

Human scars and anger cannot be solved, because even from the mother’s womb, if a woman has stress and scars while pregnant, these will get relayed to the child. If you don’t understand what this means, If a pregnant mother has cravings, these are from the baby’s cravings, so the mother has that craving as well. Because the baby wants to eat this food, even if the mother doesn’t like it, they start craving that food.  In the same way, the spiritual state of the mother and father are relayed directly into the child. 

    (1) Scar, anger (Eph. 4:26)

If a mother is scarred by her husband, these scars are relayed to the child. There are also scars that you develop once you have a sense of consciousness and memory. We have two types of scars: scars in our subconscious and conscious scars. Because of these scars, we have this underlying wrath inside of us. However, Eph. 4:26 warns us to not sin in our anger. Of course, we can get mad at things because wrath-inducing things happen to us. Even if you have anger or receive a scar, do not let it stay for a long time. Do not sin because of it. “Sinning” means, “do not be separated from God because of it.” You need to find God’s plan within your scar.

    (2) Illness of the thoughts and heart – Spiritual snare (Eph. 4:27)

If you sin, in other words, if you’re separated from God, Satan will use that as a foothold. There’s no way to solve this problem unless it is by Jesus, son of David. I’m sorry to say this, but it doesn’t matter how much you understand your parents, it won’t solve your problem. It doesn’t matter how much you try to understand from the other person’s perspective who scarred you while you were a child; you won’t be able to understand them. If you’re born in a nation at war, will you be able to understand that? If you’re born in a nation in Africa and children around you are dying because of malaria, will you be able to understand that? If you don’t have parents as a child, can you understand that? You will live your life with scars and wrath. 

Some people may be able to use these scars as fuel for success, but it won’t satisfy their anger within them. That can turn into a weapon that harms others.  Eventually, they’ll become a person who builds walls around themselves to protect themselves. Looking with the eyes of the gospel means you give all these aspects over to Christ so He can reign in you completely.  

    (3) Need Jesus Christ

The two blind men who confessed, “only Jesus Christ, son of David, can solve my problems,” means they knew the problem. Your repetitive failures aren’t actually failures, but you’re in a state where you have no choice but to fail. “I tried to live my life well,” but you are stuck in a destiny that leaves you no choice but to go in this stream.  Those who really know this will confess, “Jesus Christ, son of David.” 

“What do you want me to do for you?” “I want to be free from this.” Only from that point on will your thoughts and heart  be liberated from your snare. Jesus is Jesus, but you need to understand your state that has no other solution than Jesus, son of David. If you don’t know your own state, it will be impossible for you to confess, “Only Jesus, son of David.” The reason there are so many shootings, drug problems, and mental problems and broken families and individuals in America is because they have not seen this yet. They don’t know what the real problem is. They think if they just remain alert, their lives will be okay, but that’s the problem. The crowds following Jesus could see perfectly fine, but their spiritual eyes were closed, so later on, they leave Jesus because they don’t see why they need “only Jesus.” They don’t feel the need for eternal Jesus, so they have no choice but to leave Jesus, but they will never be able to escape from the snares of their problem. It is ultimately because of this that our lives are destroyed and ruined. 

Why did the Roman Empire fall? It’s not because they didn’t have strength. They weren’t satisfied with Jesus Christ, but they had parties every day and did a lot of crazy things. If people are drunk and corrupted, their judgment becomes off as well, that is why the Emperor Caesar’s friend stabbed him in the back multiple times. This cannot be solved; you cannot be deceived by the lies.  All human beings are separated from God, so we cannot live without Jesus Christ. Even if you go to church, you need to go while knowing the reason why it must be only Christ.

  2) Eyes of the word

    (1) Identity of a child of God (Jn. 1:12)     

The second eyes you need opened are the eyes of the word. You have to open your eyes to see that through Jesus Christ, you are a child of God. As a child of God, Father God will always be guiding you. I am a child of God, and God takes control and responsibility over me and guides me. 

    (2) All meetings – Word that saves (Mt. 1:23)

These eyes of the Word must be open, then God will give His Word in all meetings. If your eyes of the word aren’t open, you’ll always be meeting people with your thoughts. But even now, God is reigning over us with His Word. Jesus, son of David, is still reigning over us with the word of God and this Word will come upon me, so nothing is a problem because God is alive and is with me with His Word. 

    (3) All work – Word that saves (Rom. 8:28)

Within every single thing that happens, it turns into the work that saves. God will use even the mistakes and scars of my past as a stepping stone to save others. 

  3) Eyes of the working of the Holy Spirit

    (1) Overcome my limitation (Ac. 1:8)

The third eyes that open is how and when the Holy Spirit works. Your eyes will open to see that the Holy Spirit works upon making disciples of all nations, the evangelism and missions in Acts 1:8. The Holy Spirit does not work to fill your hunger; that’s not how the Holy Spirit works. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will become Jesus Christ’s witnesses to the ends of the earth. If your eyes are open to confess that you will become a witness of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth, the Holy Spirit will work on you. Then your eyes will open to transcend your physical limitations; it doesn’t matter whether you’re old or sick because people with these eyes opened know that God works. 

Because Joseph’s eyes were opened like this, Pharaoh confessed “I have never seen anyone so filled with the Spirit of God like this man.” (Genesis 41:38) It didn’t matter that he was a slave, so young or powerless, because he knew that the Holy Spirit works, that God works with His mission to evangelize Egypt and show God’s glory to the entire world. It is the people who have their eyes opened to see how God works in your business and studies. 

    (2) Prayer (Ac. 1:14)

That is why people started to pray. They devoted themselves to worship in prayer (Acts 1:14). These people’s lives will never fall. “To the ends of the earth” might mean that you go from nation to nation, but it also means that you are holding onto this until the end of your life. The one who prays will survive no matter where they are. God will guide the one who prays to change Potiphar’s house. 

People do not change because of persuasive words; you only try to persuade them because you don’t know. That’s why you face your limitation.  People don’t change because of words, but there is another thing that changes because of words. Maybe their physical appearance or behavior might change, but the thing inside of them that is binding them and dragging them around will not, so they say, “Oh, this person is hopeless.” It’s not that they’re stubborn but they are seized and being dragged around. You have to be able to see that to be able to pray for this person so the work of the Holy Spirit can take place. The people who have these eyes opened will change the field, wherever they are.

    (3) Answer of evangelism, mission – 237 nations, church construction

What will they change?  Through the working of the Holy Spirit, they change this culture that is centered on people and darkness, thinking that the people’s righteousness and success is everything. This work of the Holy Spirit goes to the ends of the earth to all 237 nations. To people whose eyes are open to see why we need temple construction, God will work upon them with the economy of light. Everyone must open their eyes.  If your eyes are spiritually shut, nothing you do will work out. 


1. Eyes of the Gospel

For you and me today, I pray that this will be a time for you to realize the reason why it must be Only Jesus, son of David, then you will come to life. Who says something is a problem?  Failures will say it is a problem, but successful people will say it’s an opportunity. You have to have true success.

2. Eyes of the word

Your life must not fall because you’re caught up with people’s words.

3. Eyes of the working of the Holy Spirit – Prayer

If you hold onto the covenant and pray, God will move with the power of the throne of heaven. At this time, when you pray, God will mobilize His heavenly armies of angels and the work of transcending time and space will take place.  

4. Answer of saving the church, world

For people who have these eyes open, they will see why worship, the  Word of God, prayer, and the church are so important. 


I hope that throughout the rest of the week, your eyes will be open to see why Only Jesus Christ, Only the Word, Only Prayer, and Only the working of the Holy Spirit. Let us hold onto the Word God has given us today and pray together.   


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