Those Who Remain to Save 70 Regions (Luke 10:17-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Those Who Remain to Save 70 Regions (Luke 10:17-20)

Speaker: Pastor Kwang Su Ryu

Interpreter:  Esther Chang

When we’re traveling down a road, there are some roads that we don’t really need to remember, but there are some roads where we have to think of the guide signs and remember them. This message is like that, so remember with your hearts and look carefully at this.  There are several references in the Bible, but let me introduce two of them to you.

70 Elders -> 70 Workers

When they came out of Egypt, they raised up 70 elders.  During Jesus’ three-year earthly ministry, not only did He raise up the apostles, He raised up 70 workers.  You must gain many answers from here, so, quickly understand the terms first.

Those Who Remained

These are the people we call, “Those Who Remained.”  They survive until the very end, isn’t that so?  Even the Early Church survived until the very end, and God enabled them to go as far as Rome evangelization.  You must not lose hold of this blessing.  One thing to keep in mind, as you walk down the road, if there’s someone in need of salvation, there’s no reason for you to refrain yourself.  [When] you visit your neighbor, there’s no reason to stop yourself from presenting the gospel.  However, the only organization that stands out on the street and starts yelling at the people, saying, “If you believe in Jesus, you go to heaven; if you don’t believe in Jesus, you go to hell.”  Only the church does that, but by doing this, have the churches grown?

Without making a noise, the Three Organizations have seized the world, so we really need to think about this.  Of course, being filled by the Holy Spirit, you go and cry out all day, I’m not saying that’s wrong, but if the head of the household doesn’t take care of his family, doesn’t go to work, and always goes to the train station to try to evangelize, I believe that that’s blocking evangelism. Housewives abandon their homes, they don’t even feed their children, and they always go around, knocking on other people’s doors to evangelize?  I think this is something we really need to reconsider.

The Early Church wasn’t able to do that, and in the approaching age, we cannot do that, either.  In one-third of the nations of the world, if we did that, we will be executed.  Death isn’t even the issue; it’s not beneficial.  The Early Church and the Bible thoroughly used this strategy.  These people found the 70 disciples.

70 Disciples – 70 Regions (Those Who Remain) – 70 Tribes (Those Who Will Remain) – 70 Nations (Those Who Will Leave Behind)

Each of these 70 disciples plowed into the 70 regions.  This is what we call, “Those Who Remain.”  Those people plowed into the neighboring 70 tribes. It’s in the Bible. This is what we call, “Those Who Will Remain.”  Each of these people plowed into 70 nations, and this is what we call, “Those Who Will Leave Behind.”  How did they plow in?  that’s the message I will give.

[Those Who Remained] [Pilgrim] [Conquerer]

The normal believer, through God’s Word, are going to go through the path of those who remain, the path of the pilgrim, and the path of the conqueror. This was our camp training message. You must be aware of that. The normal believer must travel this path and enter into that group of the 70 workers.  Just think that you’ve been preparing until now and start anew.

If you don’t understand these words, then you don’t understand what “Upper Room” is.  What do we mean by that? You can just do your Upper Room meetings, but the Early Church of the gospel movement did this in their homes, in their Upper Rooms, so no one could block this. No matter how terrible a person may be, they have their meetings, so through that, Team Ministry. No matter how lacking a person may be, they have a family, that’s Mission Home.  No matter how lacking a person may be, they have their occupation, and that’s the Specialized Church.  No matter how lacking a person may be, they have their home, they have their region, they have the place they live, and that’s why we have the Regional Church. We made these kinds of terms.  Look carefully at this.  With what content did they carry this out?

The first three was the three lectures for our camp training, and now I’ll give the lectures for the next three, but you need to understand the overall picture.  The first three were done with the camp training.  Those who remained, that means you’ve ended everything with Christ, you’ve ended it with the covenant and you also know the end, then that’s it.  Because you haven’t ended it with Christ, you’re always having conflicts and wandering around, you church hop from here to there, you leave the church and join some religious organization, but you still can’t find the answer. “But if Christ ended it all, how come I still have problems?” That’s the start, that’s the accurate start.  “Christ ended it all; how come I’m facing this crisis?” That’s the accurate start, and because you don’t know it’s ended because you don’t know the end, you don’t know the start.  

Simply put, what is the pilgrim?  The one who has the mystery of prayer to transcend all this, why? Because you need to keep going with this.  There will be pits, there will be mountains and cliffs and everything, but you have to cross them all, you need to be able to overcome them all, that is prayer. What is true conquest?  We might think about fighting and conquering, but what is true conquest? We need to know that.  That was the content for our camp training message and that’s what we call, “Those Who Remained.”  

Let me say once again because many of you have studied theology, but if you look at the many interpretations of the words, “Those Who Remained,” they only vaguely address it.  There are also many heresies who utilize these words, “We are the only ones who remain,” they’re really lacking.  “Those Who Remain” means that, in each age, those who continue to travel this path with only the complete gospel.  Today’s title.

Those Who Remain to Save 70 Regions

Those Who Remain to save the 70 Regions.  We need to hold to that. Those Who Remain end up doing just one thing, and that is to become those who remain.  Because we don’t have much time, let me speak very briefly.  What is the key to those who remain?  The key to those who remain, that’s the gospel, because they’ve received salvation.  Think about it, when they came out of Egypt, God raised up a few individuals who surely knew the gospel.  The Early Church faced complete crises and hardships, but God raised a handful of people who surely knew the gospel, they were the ones who remain, and what’s the first thing they did?  They need to survive, and that’s why they are those who remain.

Power (Acts 1:8) – Power

What does this person need the most?  Power, why? Because they need to cross the mountain.  That’s why Jesus gave this promise in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,” only then will you be those who remain. But this is not difficult. But because many people are not doing this, it becomes quite easy. I haven’t seen many pastors who can do this, and that’s why it’s so simple because nobody else is doing it. There are no competitors.  

When I went to America, I intentionally visited Robert Shuler’s church. It’s built well, but his sermons are pretty evident. It may seem that he’s talking about the gospel, but it’s not the gospel.  Utilizing Christ, he’s saying, “You can do it, just do it, try it!” It’s such hope-filled words.  What happens if you continue to speak about that? “Oh, I can do it, just do it, try it, it’s a good thing,” but if you continue down that path, you continue. 

You no longer need Christ; just do it.  You don’t need God.  It doesn’t end there, though.  You do that and you succeed, then what happens?  You enter exactly into Genesis 3, 6, and 11, isn’t that so? What happens if it doesn’t work?  You become greatly discouraged. That church was sold, I’m not sure exactly who bought it, I heard the Catholic church bought it, but it was sold.

Because nobody else is doing this, it’s so easy, and the reason it was easier for me, I had no one else to rely on, so it was so easy.  What kind of power are we talking about with the power of those who remain?  Paul himself explained this.

Hebrews 11:38

He introduces all of them, but it says the world was not worthy of these people. Simply put, they were people who overcame this world.  In other people’s eyes, they may have faced hardship and persecution, but they overcame the world.  What am I praying about right now? Forming the 70-system through our RLS and RGS students, as well as RTS and RU.  This age has become so advanced, so if we just hold to the accurate covenant, we can do it all.  We can do it all.

I’m not sure how well they’ll do, but Arizona State University made online courses, and there’s over 10 million(?) people who enrolled in that.  So, what is that a sign of? Unbelievers are far more advanced than we are, they want to use media to conquer the world. If it’s possible for them, it’s possible for us, too. If we utilize those kinds of remnants, it’s possible.  It may be difficult for me to directly go to the 5000 universities of America, but I can get connected to them all. I’m going to try this.

I attempted this in Busan, and even before I began, I received answers, even before I began.  To what extent did I receive answers? God just rained down answers for the past 30 years, and I don’t even know if it was 30 years or not; it seemed almost like 3 years, really.  Even though I was attacked so much from the outside, I know I heard about that, but I don’t remember it anymore, why? Because the answers I received were greater than the attacks I received, so that’s why I was okay.

In all aspects, I was not lacking for anything. If you want to talk about food, I’m being more well-fed than they are.  If you really want to nitpick over the basic necessities of life: food, clothing, and shelter, I think I’m better off than them. What could be a problem?  If you want to use health, I feel like I’m healthier than all of them.  

The Power the World Cannot Have

We must remember, as we look at this power, it’s a power that the world cannot have, and that’s why we can’t do it.   However, there is a way.  

Introduction – Those Who Remain (Power)

In our introduction, we have to confirm what is the power we’re talking about regarding those who remain.  

1. Pharisee – Power of the Orthodox Church

What is the power of the Orthodox Church the Pharisees talk about?  These people were always talking about this, it’s right or it’s wrong.  That’s all they’re doing.

1) Incorrect – Correct

No, that’s wrong, this is right, they wasted all their time on this. That was the power of the Pharisaical church, perhaps it might be the same power that the many churches of today are utilizing.

2) Possible – Impossible

Because things are always hard, the words they use will say, “It’s going to work,” or, “It’s not going to work.”  When it works, they get really excited; when it doesn’t, they lose all their strength, and that’s the extent of their power.  Once they get hit by God, they realize, but when things get solved, they go back to the way they were before. 

3) 7 Disasters

That’s why seven disasters came upon them.

4) Problem – Division

Then when problems come, they split and have division. This was the power of the Pharisee’s Orthodox church.  Remember this so you don’t get lost in this.

5) Crisis – Urgent Prayer

Ultimately, when they face a crisis, they can’t do anything else, but all of a sudden, they pray, and that’s why they all had these urgent prayers, and that’s why God always had to give them urgency.  There are some kids who only do the right thing if you beat them, so then you have to beat them every day. But this was the power of the Pharisees’ Orthodox Church. They could not change the world at all, but from among those who remain with the gospel were the ones who solved it all.

2. Power of Religious Organizations

At this time, what kind of power did the religious organizations have? This is the bigger problem.  

1) Three Organizations – Conquer the World

They’ve got names and labels now, but the Three Organizations existed from the beginning. The Three Organizations that moved Genesis 3, 6, and 11 were there from the beginning.  They may have settled down in America and actually have a name but they existed from the beginning. These people have now conquered the world while we’re lost in number 1.  We’re always doing that, that’s all we do, it’s right, this is right, you’re wrong, I’m right, this is bad, this is good, that’s all they waste their time doing.

(1) Transcendental Meditation 

At this time, those people have incorrect prayer but they teach transcendental meditation.  

(2) Qi (Energy) Movement

It’s a very dangerous prayer, but they teach about the qi or energy movement. 

(3) Supernatural Power Movement

Even though these spiritual problems have no choice but to come, they talk about the supernatural power movement, they’re doing this so we’ve lost hold of it all.  

2) Religious Organizations

Also, various religious organizations arise and they do their own thing.  

(1) Temple Stay

We see many examples of this, starting with Buddhism, Temple Stay.  

(2) Shamanistic Ministry

What these people are actually doing are shamanistic ministries.  In our nations, we may look down on the shamans, but if you look at the freemasons, they’re actually doing these shamanistic ministries, and they make it very high class.  

(3) Healing Ministry

They claim to do healing ministry and they’re making a ruckus throughout the nation and the world.  Simply put, all the Nephilim are doing this, then why don’t we, who have the Holy Spirit, do this? It makes no sense. So I began to pray about this ever since I was young, as I prepared. 

3. Power of the Early Church

What was the power God gave to the Early Church? It’s different.  

1) Nobody

Don’t be afraid, no matter what the situation, where there is no one to help you, but that was the power of the Early Church. There isn’t anybody to help you, there’s no need to receive help because “I will be with you.” That was the power of the Early Church.  You don’t have anything. You’ve got nothing.

2) Nothing

“Don’t even take a staff,” He said this to the 70 workers. He sent out the 70 workers to scout out the region because they need to see the region. People who don’t know evangelism might look at that as an example of street evangelism, but no, they were looking at the region.  They sent out 70 workers and they were able to see 70 regions.  It’s very important.  

Starting today, all missionaries, begin worrying over this. “Who will I hold to, to do this 70 disciple movement? How can I enable them to enter into the 70 regions? How will they save the 70 tribes and 70 nations?” If you put that all together, that becomes the 237 nations and the 5000 tribes.

I’m praying right now.  We have to be quick, spiritually, so that’s why I found the answer of the students of the RTS, RLS, RU, and RGS.  We’re not collecting the 70 workers all at once, but one by one, those who really have ended it with the gospel and know prayer, they are the ones I will select first, and absolutely, the works will take place.

Missionaries, you have to leave here with this.  If you know this, then think about Paul, that’s a different story. He didn’t go out to do this, Peter made money for himself. Paul was on a different level.  In one sense, you don’t even need to go out into the field and run around, you need to be doing this, and now is not that kind of age.  We connect with the internet, and we’ve got planes. Back then, if you didn’t go, then you couldn’t meet. That’s what it was like back then. These days, it’s a battle, a battle over media, and it was very difficult for me to convince people.

In order to have this media reach the many nations of the world, it’s not going to work with just a microphone, it’s not going to work with just one internet channel. Everything has to come together in harmony.  For example, a person only knows how to play the harmonica and goes out as a conductor of an orchestra? That makes no sense, isn’t that true?  “All I can play is the guitar,” that person should not be selected as the conductor of the orchestra.  I have to at least be at the level of Elder Lee to be the orchestra conductor.  Right now is the age of Media Orchestra.  If not, we will lose once again.   

The culture has advanced but it’s the same spiritual stream from back then as it is now.  Why is it in that very brief earthly ministry, Jesus raised and selected the 70 workers? The word “70” isn’t just a number, there’s great significance in that number.  But not knowing this answer, all the church officers and pastors are only looking inside the church, but because I’ve seen this, I want to raise up many evangelists, and the more they’re raised, they more they’ll raise, but that’s still not enough because the fields are so vast and so large, isn’t that so?  

Those who are living in America, have you been to the 5000 universities of America? If you wanted to reach them all, it would take a lifetime, then how would you do world evangelization?  Either utilize media or raise up all the church officers in that region so they can receive God’s blessing of becoming spiritual commanders in that region.  Because nobody else is doing this, it’s easy.  

3) With, Immanuel, Oneness

The Triune God is with me, with the blessing of Immanuel, and Oneness, it’s this blessing in power.  

4) Trinity

This is God’s method, and how does He work? He works as the Triune God.  Christ didn’t run away and then return.  He existed before Abraham, He existed before David, isn’t that so? When He was training the 70 workers, it was the unique opportunity where He came clothed as a man and trained them.  The reason why we can pray in the name of Jesus Christ is because He rose again, ascended into heaven, and is with us even now from the Throne.  On the last day, He will stand as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, isn’t that so? 

From 2000 years ago, there were people who were criticizing and judging other people, “Jesus is coming back really soon,” these are people who were into eschatology, so they incorrectly know Christ. They don’t know they’re incorrect, but from the beginning it was like that.  That’s why Jesus said, “Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” and it’s the same thing today, “I am with you always until the very end of the age.” If you look very carefully, there are some places that explain as if Jesus had run away because He was afraid and He will come back one day as a thief.  What kind of power are we talking about?

5) Worldly Kingdom, Satan’s Kingdom, Kingdom of the Throne

There are some very important things.  The worldly kingdoms that act as Satan’s slaves.  What’s the method? It is Satan’s kingdom that is holding onto the power of the air.  The words, “power of the air” are very important.  Satan has seized it all, but we have the kingdom of the Throne in order to save them.  But because nobody believes it, it’s so simple because else nobody believes it. Because they don’t actually believe it, they don’t actually pray about it, so how easy is it for us?  Just really try praying over this and the works will arise. One by one, if you have disciples who understand this and come forward, raise them as the 70 disciples.  Even if you just raise a handful, great works will take place.

Main – Three Urgent Things

Once you raise them up, there are three urgent things you must do for them.   

1) Imprint Movement

Begin this 70 worker movement with the imprint movement.  When we say, “Imprint Movement,” you can begin with training, “Try praying five minutes a day,” and what are we going to imprint?

(1) Thoughts, Mind (Brain)

We’re having this imprint in our thoughts and our minds, and that will get imprinted in our brain.

(2) Soul

More important, in our souls, and that gets communicated with the eternal things, with the Throne.

(3) Throne

It ends with that.  Then, great power to raise the 70 disciples will be given.  If you can’t do this inside of the church, then just do it personally.

2) Individual – 24

I did this myself. They didn’t teach this in the seminary or the church. You go to church and only people’s words are spoken.  If you go to seminary, they just love people’s words, so where would I gain this power? I need power to move this world, but they’re not doing that.  So just begin it by yourself. It’s okay even if it’s just five minutes a day, and one day, when this takes place 24 hours a day, then that’s it.

3) Field

Now do this in your fields, disciples will continue to be made.  It’s the work God is most pleased with.

2. Root Movement [70 Disciple Movement]

There has to be a standard to be rooted in this, this root movement.  Take this into the field and plow in with the movement to raise 70 disciples.  

1) Handbook

Everyone participating here, make a handbook.  You can make it in your cellphone. You have everything but you don’t have this one thing. Try making it.  When I was an assistant pastor in charge of the Youth Group, because I was in charge of the Youth Group, I actually had a notebook inside my bag. It may not seem like much, but I received so much grace from just that. I didn’t have any money, so I just walked around.  I went to their schools, and I may not be able to meet any other students, but I could meet those students.  

Amazingly, every time I would go, I would be connected to someone I would know. You can’t do this these days, but back then, they would even let me look at the students’ grades. There were so many things that shocked me, only then can I individually help them, so I wrote down everything about those students.  I didn’t know much, all I did was write the gospel letters and I wanted to raise people who could continue to relay those messages. Even though I just did it that way, God still worked.  

So, how are we going to make these disciples become rooted?  Mount Calvary.  It’s not just Calvary, it’s talking about the absolute event.  

2) Absolute Event, Absolute Mission, Absolute Condition

You need to imprint that and help them become rooted in that.  What do we mean by the Mount of Olives? We’re talking about the absolute mission.  What is Mark’s Upper Room?  I was speaking from my perspective, when you go into the field, we’re talking about the absolute condition. You can form this absolute condition and if you continue to go with that, you’ll see how it moves on.  What are the blessings the believers, the pastors, and missionaries going to receive? We need to receive this, and truly, God will just pour it down.

Many people ask me, “What’s the method?” There isn’t, really there’s no other method, just do what’s in the Bible.  Later on, when news of this began to spread, my friend who didn’t really come to see me before, he came to see me, Rev. Choi Eun Tek.  He asked me for my material, and I said, “There’s no material.”  “But still, you’ve got to have something,” and I said, “No, I don’t.  Try receiving First Level Camp Training.”  

Back then, I wasn’t giving the first level camp training lectures, someone else was, but I said, “Go and receive that.”  He said, “But still, give me more resources,” and I said, “I don’t have any.” As he was leaving, he said, “Oh, the only one I can trust in this world is Jesus Christ.”  I said, “Okay fine, you don’t have to trust in me, you can go,” but after receiving First Level Camp Training, he finally came over to our side.  So, there’s no method.  

One time I was having a meal with my uncle, and he asked me, “How can you do everything that you’re doing? What’s your secret?” I said, “There isn’t.”  “Oh, but there must be some source to your material?” “No, there isn’t.”  He’s my uncle, and I’m his nephew, and I’m sure he had pride, but he laid down his pride to ask me this. He’s my uncle and I didn’t know what to say to him.  Even though I tried very hard to say something nice, it didn’t come out that nice.  

“Uncle, when I listen to your sermon, everyone is strengthened by it, but my sermon doesn’t give strength to everyone.  Only special people receive strength from my sermons.  People who say, “I must evangelize,” when they hear my sermon, they’re really strengthened by it.  That’s the only way I could explain this, and when I looked at him, I could tell that he wasn’t too happy about my answer. I wasn’t trying to keep things secret at all, there was nothing I could say to him.  You must be rooted in this, and with this, you can equip yourself with the power that nobody else can give you, and that’s why we say prayer is everything. 

3. Nature Movement [70 Region Movement]

What kind of Nature Movement must we change this into? You must plow into the 70 Region Movement. It’s tremendous.  First of all?

1) Weakness (2 Corinthians 12:1-10)

We must acknowledge our weaknesses, and it’s the thing we must be most cautious of when we go.  12 Corinthians 12:1-10, Paul says there’s only one thing to boast about, and that’s his weakness.  If you really want to save that region, the style we have of trying to teach them, trying to give them our testimony, you have to change all of that. “I have nothing; it is Christ in me.”  Especially if you’re trying to explain as if you’re something great, you won’t be revealing Christ.

You have to honestly confess, “I was weak but after meeting Christ, I received blessings to the extent that I could even meet people like you, but if you were to come to Christ, how tremendous that would be, real works would take place.  Think about it, someone like me is raising these kinds of works, then how much more so for someone like you?” That’s how you should speak, because it’s not a lie at all, and when you speak that way, that person will turn their ear to you.  “What is it this person is trying to get at, to try to speak this to me? I’ve met many Christians, I’ve met even pastors and elders, but I’ve never met anyone as honest as this person,” and they’ll open their heart to you.  That’s honestly how Paul plowed into the regions. As they began to set this nature in them, the 70 disciples began to arise in every region.

2) Event

You see that when you look in the Bible, Paul begins to give these important answers during events.  He even went to go meet three very sick people, he went into that field.

3) Summit

Ultimately he saves the summit.  There’s a characteristic to each place he went, he saved the summit, so it began to proliferate throughout that region. In Acts 13, he saved the proconsul, isn’t that so?  In Acts 16, he saved the warden, and of course, Lydia as well. These kinds of works took place. Later on, he even stood before the emperor.  The emperor, even before he met Paul, he knew he was meeting some kind of amazing individual because he heard about the great storm and how Paul saved all the people.  

God did that, and that’s why you must place these messages deeply into your prayers, isn’t that correct?  My church members, the people in the missions field, they must really stand in the line of traveling the path of the ones who remained, the pilgrims, the conquerors, and the reason is they must save their regions as those who remain.  They must save these dying 5000 tribes as those who will remain, and ultimately, they must plow into the 237 nations as those who will leave behind.  Because this is Jesus’ promise, this is bound to work.

Really think about it, if you’re distant from this, then God is not the One Who is wrong; you are.  If you don’t match with the blessing of world evangelization, it’s not the Bible that’s wrong; you’re wrong, then you need to honestly confess, then God will open the doors, isn’t that so? Then the blessings will come to change.  I was like this in the past, when I didn’t have any financial blessings, I didn’t give any offering, but said, “God, if all the church members in the world are like me, then all the churches will go bankrupt and I’m someone who doesn’t need to exist in this world,” and I thought, “That’s right,” and it really made me come to my senses.  If I don’t match with God’s Word, then I need to be corrected, not that I must correct God.  It was this really small realization. 

Conclusion -> One Who Remains

What kind of conclusion must we make as one who remains to save the region? Let me just give a few examples.

1. Exodus – Joshua, Caleb, Rahab

When they had the Exodus, of course you had Moses, but you need to find and raise people up like Joshua, Caleb, and Rahab. It may seem like a small thing, but this is what it means to find the regional disciple, and with this one thing, they overturned everything.  To what extent did God bless Rahab? Through Rahab, God gave the blessing of Rahab.  Putting aside Joshua and Caleb, look at this one person, Rahab.  That’s what I’m talking about.  Now, what did we talk about?

2. David, Babylonian Disciples

There’s a common trait between David and the Babylonian disciples.  What did they confess?  People like David suffered so much but he said, “I shall not be in want.”  He didn’t write this while he was sitting comfortably writing a poem, no.  While he was facing death and crises, he wrote, “The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want.”  He spoke about his suffering as well, “Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” He was “Those Who Remain,” and those are the people who will remain, isn’t that so?  “And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”  

“Even if we go into the fire and die, it’s okay,” that’s what it means to be, “Those Who Remain.”   “Even if I go into the den of lions, it’s okay.”  It’s the same thing Esther said, “It’s okay even if I perish,” that’s what it means to be, “Those Who Remain,” those who overturn the age.

3. Paul – In the Lord / Suffering 

He gave thanks.  “I’m thankful for all the support you gave me, but that’s not what’s important to me.”  I’m thankful that I’m in the Lord.  Every time Paul addressed an individual, he said, so-and-so in Christ, so-and-so in Christ.  It goes beyond that.  “I’m so thankful that I can suffer for the Lord’s work.” Now, he was truly unstoppable.  Those who remain.  We’ve got two lectures left tomorrow, those who will remain and those who will leave behind.  With what will we become those who will remain and those who will leave behind? We can confirm that tomorrow.  

In one sense, we can say this is a turning point in our lives, this is our life forum.  Perhaps it’s something only you can understand; I can’t give this lecture in any university and hope they understand me. If I had politicians gather here and told them this, they wouldn’t understand, so I, too, am very happy and thankful for all of you.  Where else could I go and speak about this amazing word of God, because they wouldn’t even understand it, but is it not a fact? It is a fact, all the powerful nations perished.  May this be your greatest time schedule in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray.


Father God, we thank You, we thank You for Your grace. We give thanks for raising up the missionaries, and may the 70 worker movement arise.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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