Those Who Proclaim Only the Cross of Jesus Christ (Mt. 27:11-26)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” May you remain within the unprecedented and never-repeated answers today. The title of today’s message is, “Those who Proclaim Only the Cross of Jesus Christ.” There are many people today who are suffering because of diseases or illnesses. There are some people who are suffering because of mental suffering. There are others who are suffering because of the problem of addictions. There are some people who are continuing to do things that they don’t even want to do. There are some people who go to the hospital, and they’re not able to diagnose what’s wrong with their body, but their body is in pain. These are the problems we face every day as we live on this earth.
The world does not know the root cause of those problems. If we did know the root cause of those problems, we should solve those problems more and more, but because they don’t know the root cause of the problem, they don’t know the solution, either. 2000 years ago, the Lord came to earth as a human being in order to solve that problem, but the people of Earth reject Him as the answer. Not only did the nonbelievers of the world reject Him, even the believers inside of the church rejected Him as the answer.
1. Those who don’t know the message of the cross
Today, we are talking about the cross, and the cross is the answer to biblical times as well as for America today, but even after we hear about it, we don’t recognize it as the answer, so we keep on getting lost in problems. Back in those times and today, the state of people is the same. For the people who crucified Jesus Christ, it was all part of God’s plan, but they did it out of the evil and wickedness of their hearts. Even their evil and wicked hearts were used in the incident of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection that saved all of mankind.
In America, there is great development in knowledge and science, and people look down on this, they say, “Why is the cross so important?” As evidence that they are looking down on the cross, the churches are closing their doors, and as evidence of that, there are more and more disasters in the world. Do you have the answer to your problems today? If you don’t have the answer, I hope you will find the answer today. Stop trying to find the answer because the answer is already with you. Jesus Christ came to this earth as the answer to that problem, but nobody recognized that. Even though those people went to church so much and for so long, they were still not able to find that Jesus Christ is the answer to the problem of their life.
1) Judas sold Jesus (Mt. 26:15)
Among the people who did not know the message of the cross, there was Judas Iscariot. Judas was somebody who was following and learning from Jesus for three years. He was the treasurer of their group, and he sold Jesus Christ for money.
(1) The devil prompted Judas to betray (Jn. 13:2)
(2) Satan entered into Judas (Jn. 13:27)
In Jn. 13:2, it says that Satan had already placed the thought to betray Jesus in Judas’ head, and then later in Jn. 13:27, it says that Satan entered into Judas directly, but people in this world do not know this problem. Because they don’t know this problem, they think, “What’s wrong with that person?” Satan doesn’t work from out of nowhere. For Judas, even as he was following Jesus for three years, he was always interested in money.
Jesus Christ was God Himself and He is salvation in the flesh, and He was right next to Judas, but Judas was more interested in money. Satan knew that heart and went into Judas’ heart. I don’t know, maybe Judas had a childhood scar regarding money, but without a doubt, Satan will seize your insides using your scars. Eph. 4:27 says that your scars will bring about anger or wrath. If you receive a scar regarding money when you are a young child, you will be very sensitive to money. Even though Judas is sitting right next to Jesus Christ Who is the Savior, he had no interest.
(3) Judas was seized with remorse – Suicide (Mt. 27:3,5)
The devil knew that and went into Judas, and he sold Jesus Christ for 30 shekels of silver, and when Jesus Christ stands in court, He is sentenced to death. The cross of Jesus Christ that you and I think about today is so glorious and full of grace, but back in those days, it was a mode of execution. Judas Iscariot came back to his senses and realized he’d made a mistake. Judas thought, “Even if I sell Jesus for 30 shekels of silver, He has enough power to free Himself from death,” but now, Judas can no longer turn back.
2) Chief priests and elders (Mt. 27:3)
(1) Placed responsibility on Judas (Mt. 27:4)
So, Judas takes the money back to the High Priest and asks, “What can I do? I want to give this money back to you,” but the words the High Priest said opposed that. The role of the High Priest is to atone for the sins of the people, but instead, the High Priest says, “You did it, so you take responsibility for your actions.” If you don’t know the words of Jesus Christ correctly, even the ones who are holding onto and teaching the words of the Bible will use the words of the Bible to kill others. Those are legalistic people.
(2) Cannot save people through actions of the law
The point of the law is to make us feel our limitations so that we have no choice but to hold onto Jesus Christ, but instead, they use the words of the law to judge and condemn other people. That is what the legalistic religious leaders do, so Judas was under such regret that he killed himself. Why do you think there are so many suicides? There are many different reasons, but with those reasons, we cannot fix this with education. Why are there continuously so many mass shootings in schools and churches? It’s not because something is wrong with the American education system.
What’s really wrong? What we read in the Bible passage, the works of Satan upon Judas, is still taking place today. How is Satan going into you? Jesus is truly everything and He is perfect and complete, but if I don’t really believe this in my heart, and I seek something else, then Satan will use that as an opportunity to enter me. Satan went into the couple, Ananias and Sapphira, in the Early Church. In 1 Peter. 5:7, there’s a warning that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour, and that is how the devil finishes a life just like that. If the churches and religious leaders become corrupted because of that, they cannot give the answer to Satan.
(3) The returned thirty pieces of silver – Bought a burial place for foreigners (Mt. 27:7)
Judas Iscariot then throws the thirty shekels of silver into the Temple’s Holy Place, but there is a verse in Leviticus that says, we must not receive offering that is from dirty money or impure money, so they used that money to buy a plot of land where foreigners are buried. The situation in this time was that Judas actually ended up committing suicide because of his love for money, and also, the people who crucified Jesus Christ did so because of the jealousy in their hearts, so now, Jesus is turned to the court of law.
3) World – Governor
(1) Jesus made no reply (Mt. 27:14, Is. 53:7)
There is a governor from the Roman Empire who is ruling over the Jewish people, and in court, he saw that Jesus had no sin. This Pontius Pilate keeps questioning Jesus, but Jesus remains silent. This was to fulfill the prophecy in Is. 53:7, “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth.” He didn’t speak, because there is nothing He can say. Either way, He is bound to die on the cross, so there is no reason for Jesus to speak, but this governor could see that this was a problem inside of the church.
(2) Self interest of the Jews – The governor knew (Mt. 27:18)
He could see that this was definitely a division inside of the church, because the members of the Jewish church were saying, “You can receive salvation if you obey the words of the law with your actions,” but this young adult Jesus is saying He has come to save the sinners, and He seems like a heretic to the Jews, so the Jewish leaders were filled with jealousy, and the governor who was an nonbeliever of the world, could recognize that.
How do you think nonbelievers see the church? These things happen a lot in the church; there are people who use the money they get from offering and they hire police officers to guard the building. There is so much fighting inside the church, and when that escalated, they had to call the cops, and the police don’t just come for no reason, you have to pay them in order to break up the fight inside the church. There are even churches that fight and then sue each other in the court of law, and when a nonbeliever judge looks at this case, it’s so ridiculous. The church is supposed to be preaching about love, forgiveness, and grace, but instead, they’re fighting and killing each other in front of a nonbeliever’s court. So, from the perspective of this nonbeliever governor, the church is laughable.
These are things that are happening in today’s age as well. The same thing happens in churches today; there’s fighting if the people have a legalistic sense. What is legalism? It is thinking, “Because I have done these actions of God’s Word, I am okay. I can see you are not following the Word of God, or you don’t know the Word of God as well as I do,” so it divides people, and if that becomes even more severe, there are these groups or cliques, and later on, when those groups fight, they are not able to come to an agreement, so they go to the judge to get judged. There is no difference between biblical times and today; it’s the same. It’s because people do not know the reason why Jesus Christ must come to earth and die on the cross. Jesus Christ came to earth to solve my problems and my life, but we don’t know the value of that. Jesus kept on telling His 12 disciples that He would have to die on the cross and resurrect in three days, but they could not understand those words.
Today, it’s the same. Everybody knows Jesus Christ, but they don’t know the reason why He must die on the cross and why He must resurrect. Then, we have to suffer. Jesus Christ took upon Himself all the sufferings of our sins, but if we don’t know the meaning of that, we have to take the suffering ourselves. That’s what today means. Through today’s Word, may you and I realize that Jesus Christ took all of our suffering from our sin and curses on our behalf, through the cross. You need to change by faith, by knowing the meaning of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection: what does that have to do with me?
(3) Saw an uproar was starting – Observed an innocent Jesus (Mt. 27:24)
There’s a tradition on the day of the feast that the governor would release one of the prisoners to the Jewish people, and even before this court happening took place, the religious leaders convinced the rest of the crowd to demand that Barrabas is set free instead of Jesus, so the crowd just follows what they say without any thought; that’s the characteristic of the masses. Whenever there is a large movement in the crowd, there is a small minority of leaders, and the opinion of the small minority of leaders moves the entire opinion of the masses. Right now, whether you guys are identifying as conservative or liberal, you are stuck in the masses. The political leaders are saying whatever they want through broadcast news to become the president. Then the civilians will just take whatever words those politicians say, without any thought of their own, and repeat it like their parents. It’s the same thing in the biblical times and today. Those politicians are only making up their own opinions so they can have a better chance of becoming president, but the masses are following them and eating it up.
In today’s scripture, the masses were so convinced and assured of their own decision that they said, “If it is wrong for us to crucify Jesus, may His blood be upon us and our children.” They are not just saying these words because they sound poetic; the Jewish people knew that the curses of the parents flow down to their children. So, they’re so certain they are doing the right thing by crucifying Jesus Christ, that they said, “May the curse of this blood be on us and on our children.” The spiritual state of your children is actually your spiritual state, and if you stand upright, your children will stand upright as well. If Jesus Christ is not that high of a value to you, that’s what your children will receive, too. Even until now, the Jewish people are stuck in curses and disasters, it’s exactly according to God’s Word.
2. Perspective of the cross
Then, what is the perspective from which we must look at the cross?
1) Followed the religious leaders (Mt. 27:20)
(1) Wanted to release the religious leaders (Mt. 27:17,21)
(2) Wanted to crucify Jesus (Mt. 27:22)
(3) His blood is on us and our children (Mt. 27:25)
2) Message of the cross
(1) Foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Cor. 1:18)
1 Corinthians 1:18 says that the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God. Jesus Christ Himself is power, Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection itself is power, but nonbelievers don’t know this, so they think that intellect and knowledge are power. Then they’re going to dig into research. Jesus Christ is right in front of them, but they don’t believe in Jesus’ power; they try to gain more knowledge and wisdom for their own power.
(2) The world through its wisdom did not know him (1 Cor. 1:21)
1 Cor. 1:21 says that all the wisdom of this world could not know Jesus. You could not understand these words by studying well. In fact, the more well you study, it might be harder to understand because the words of God are not like the words of people. The Creator God gave His Word and those words have been documented. We are reading the Bible from page to page, trying to understand with our brain, but that’s not how it works. There are some people who even read it in the original language of Hebrew or Greek, but that’s not how it works. This is the language of God, they have just put it into a text so that we can understand.
(4) Gentiles – Foolishness (1 Cor. 1:23)
But we could never understand it unless the Holy Spirit of God works. That’s why we must worship in spirit and in truth. While you are worshiping right now, you must be in prayer, relying on the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s Word. If you’re just sitting here like a college lecture, trying to understand the words of the professor with your brian, then your problems will never be resolved. Only when the works of the Holy Spirit of God work upon me will the words of Truth come into me.
Why is it that we’ve lived our walk of faith for a long time but we have no strength? The characteristic of those people is they know so much of God’s Word. Whenever they hear a pastor’s message, they immediately judge that pastor, saying, “Oh, that’s not what that passage means.” It’s because they know everything with their brain. The characteristics of that person? They have no power. But how is it that there are some old ladies, over 100 years old, who can’t read, but they understand so well. They’ve never learned how to read, so how could she understand? What does it mean? It is only by the working of the Holy Spirit that we understand. THis is the language of God, so we cannot learn or study more. We cannot solve spiritual problems by learning or studying more. Humans are spiritual beings so we cannot become better by putting a lot of the worldly things in us. God designed us and built us to be the image of God, so we can never be restored unless God Himself resides in us. But human beings are living their lives, separated from God, trying to be their own God, so they try to fill their lives up with knowledge and wisdom, and that’s why they try to shove so much knowledge into their children, ,or they try to fill that void with money, or they try to fill themselves up with glory, power, and authority.
(3) Jews – Stumbling block (1 Cor. 1:23)
The Triune God must come into us and fill us. Your spirit must get along well, first. If your spirit is not resolved first, you will continue to face problems that you can’t even express, because wisdom and power are inside of Christ, and you are lacking that. If anything, it says in 1 Cor. 1 that the cross is an obstacle or a stumbling block to the Jews. “Why does he keep on saying the same sermon again and again?” That person does not have the working of the Holy Spirit. Because they don’t realize through the Holy Spirit, they are only understanding with their brain, so of course, if we’re always talking about Jesus, it’s always about the same thing. But the evidence that the Holy Spirit is working upon you is that you realize, “Oh, these words thre the same, but it’s different.” but if you don’t have the working of the Holy Spirit, even if you read all 66 books of the Bible multiple times, it’s not going to work. Even if you find all the best Bible Studies, it’s not going to work, until when? Until you realize, “This message of the cross is the greatest knowledge.”
3) Cross
(1) Power of God (1 Cor. 1:18)
How can we know that? “The knowledge of the world is obviously better, what can the church offer me?” So they completely look down on this. They look down on the pastor of the church, “How much are they educated, how much do they own?” They say, “I’m really successful in the world,” so they look down on the church. I’m sure you guys are not like that, but people can become like that. But if you understand the message of this gospel, then you realize how precious the pastor is, and how precious this gospel is; I must relay this to my kids. That is a normal Christian, and any Christian who goes outside of that is abnormal. I’m telling you surely, you need to surely know what is normal and what is abnormal. For the people who are abnormal, they don’t think that the gospel is everything. The death on the cross and resurrection are everything, but they don’t see it that way, that’s why even the religious leaders of the church are shoving Jesus Christ further and further away.
(2) Wisdom of God (1 Cor. 1:24)
The 12 disciples, including Peter, did not know the meaning of Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection, so they ran away. It’s not as if they didn’t know or believed in Jesus Christ, they even confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, yet because they did not know the meaning of Jesus’ death on the cross, they ran away.
(3) Surpassing worth of knowledge (Phil. 3:8)
But in Phil. 3:8, Paul confesses that the knowledge of Christ is the greatest knowledge, why is that? You need to know that reason. Peter actually tried to prevent Jesus from dying on the cross. He was surely someone who followed Jesus and confessed that Jesus is the Christ, but from the moment he was able to confirm the true meaning of that, he began to change. I think once you guys change, the problem you have will no longer seem like a problem to you. It Only seems like a problem because you lack power. If you had money, then you would not have financial problems, but if you don’t have money, then you do have financial problems. Even though they are the same person, if I have power, then this is not a problem for me. It’s only a power because I don’t have the power. Christ is power, and He is wisdom and He is everything, but that’s not taking place for you, and that’s the problem, and I’ll tell you the reason why that is happening. There was a gathering of people who were rejecting Jesus.
If you ask a group of believers where Jesus is, they would say, “Inside of me.” How would you answer? If Jesus Christ is inside of you, then where will you be? You need to answer that question. Where will you be? You tell your kids so confidently, “Where is Jesus Christ?” and they say, “In here, He’s in my heart,” but when they get older, they might become very strange, because you never ask them where they are, “Where are you?” Are you inside of the church building, or are you inside of your company? Are you in America? That’s evidence that you don’t understand the question. If the Lord is inside of me, then I must be in the Lord. In order for me to go into the Lord, I must die, because if I’m alive, I can never go into the Lord, that is the incident of the cross.
The Lord took upon Himself all the problems and curses of our sin. Then He resurrected and is seated at the right hand of the throne of heaven, and He lives inside of me. Now, I must go into Him, me going into Him means, I believe in Him as my Lord. Then, He will reveal his wisdom and power through me. But if I don’t know the meaning of the cross and I try to live my life as my own lord, I’m limited by my power and my wisdom, then I’ll always have problems, and your problems will never be solved. Whether those problems are mental problems, physical problems, any kind of problem. But if the Lord is my Lord, then His power and wisdom become mine. If there’s a storm outside, then it doesn’t matter how athletic you are; you’ll have to get hit by the rain. Even if I buy a building with my money, if I’m outside the building, I have to get wet from the rain. You need to quickly go into the building, then what happens, the power of the building becomes my power, and the wisdom of the building becomes my wisdom.
3. The one who proclaims the cross
1) Only Jesus Christ and the cross (1 Cor. 2:2)
You and I believe in Jesus Christ and He is surely within us, but we are outside of Jesus. If you’re outside of Jesus, then you are always going to face the elements on your own, then of course, you’re going to face your limitation. We need to quickly come into Jesus. Then the power of Jesus becomes mine. Then a problem will no longer be a problem. There are many people who are sick, and of course, we must go to the doctor, but if the doctor could heal everything, then we should never be sick. If this person has a disease, then we must diagnose them spiritually first. Because if we lose spiritual strength, then we lose mental and emotional strength, too, and then when we lose oxygen and strength in our body, that is how cancer cells develop.
(1) My words and evangelism – By the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 2:4)
On the other hand, if the Holy Spirit’s power and life fills me up, that will influence my thoughts and my heart as well. Then, without a doubt, even the cells in my body will be strengthened and revived, and all of these things are happening invisible to the eye. So, what does it mean to run your business inside of Jesus Christ? It means to run your business in prayer. That’s also what it means to study in prayer. Jesus Christ Who is power, is with me as my Lord, then with that power, do your business and studies, that is what the meaning of the death on the cross and resurrection. Even today, you must be listening while you pray. That’s the way for you to experience the power of the death on the cross and resurrect. If you’re just sitting here with a blank mind, then your spiritual state will keep on decreasing. The Bible says, “May all go well with you and your health as your Spirit gets along well,”
(2) Faith – Not rest on human wisdom (1 Cor. 2:5)
The problem in America is not really the problem; not knowing the spiritual problem is the true problem. The problem inside the churches is not knowing the meaning of the death of the cross and the resurrection. The real problem is that Jesus Christ is inside of me, and I’m not going into Jesus. Relentlessly, I’m remaining alive and active. Then, it’s obvious what’s going to happen: in time, you are going to collapse because we don’t have unlimited power, so some time, we are bound to collapse. At that time, you’re going to face a problem, and you’re going to start praying again, and until you’ve confirmed and experienced the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and the resurrection, this cycle will repeat. I hope that today will be the time for you to understand, experience, and really believe this fact. That’s why Paul says, “I die every day,” why do I have to die? Because the thoughts Satan planted into me, the thought of wanting to be like God, is rooted very deeply within me, and that is why I must die on the cross every day. Because I must die in order for the Lord to live in me, I must empty myself in order for the Holy Spirit to work within me. Without death, there is no resurrection.
If I want to fill this cup with coke, I have to throw away the water inside of it first. I have to throw away the water and I have to pour the coke inside in order for me to drink coke out of this cup, then how could we empty ourselves? Meditation will teach you to empty yourself, and even Buddhism will teach you to empty yourself. And transcendental meditation will teach you to fill yourself with the energy of the universe. But for us, we cannot empty ourselves. I’ve experienced things in my past, how do I get rid of that? You must die through faith. I have nothing except sin and death. No matter how hard I work, the only result is sin and death, and the ultimate result is only curses and death. That’s why, through Christ, I must be changed to the law of the Spirit Who gives life. That is how I will live. These are very difficult words to understand. But, I assume that you’ve understood and we’ll keep going.
(3) Chose the weak things of the world – To shame the strong (1 Cor. 1:27)
The Bible also tells us that God calls the weak to shame the strong. God does not use people specifically because they are weak, but because the people of the world can live in the world with the knowledge of the world, God is showing them a counterexample. That’s why God places His gospel and His power into weak people to shame and show an example to the powerful. People who are strong with the knowledge of the world will deny the cross of Christ. Even as they go to church, they might keep the cross of Christ as a reference, but they mostly rely on their knowledge. Ultimately they will be ensnared by their own knowledge because Satan uses that. You’ve seen a lot of movies like that, haven’t you? You’ve seen how people get twisted up in their own schemes and die. That’s what the devil does. If you’re holding onto something else and moving for that, Satan will use that to destroy you. So the resurrected Lord must live inside of me, He is guiding me even now, you have to keep entrusting more and more to Him, and you must go in the way that He guides you. That becomes wisdom and power. You need to understand this to be a Christian. If you’re not able to understand this, then you always have to blabber in front of problems, or make excuses, or try to run away.
2) Field of the world
(1) Man – Live like God (Gen. 3:5)
(2) Fill oneself with the physical things, success (Gen. 6:3, 11:4)
(3) Meditation, Religion, Demons – Rely on
(4) Cannot restore God’s image – Caught in a snare
Now, you and I need to fill ourselves with the things of God. The “Image of God” means that the Triune God must come into me. Jesus Christ is with each of you, now, you must be completely filled up with that Triune God, then it’s bound to be revealed externally, if you’re full of anxiety and stress, it’s going to be revealed externally. If you’re always obsessed with money, it’s going to show up outside, and if you’re always focused on success, success, then it’s going to show up externally. You’re going to become seized by that, but if you’re filled with God, then you will conquer the world, then because you’ve conquered the world, the things of the world will follow you.
3) Me – Fill up with God’s things
(1) Triune God – With
(2) Power of the throne, Holy Spirit – Spirit, Body
(3) Field of me, church, work – Answer, Revival
(4) All nations, Healing, Future generation summit (3 Courtyards)
If the promise and the things of God are filling me, then everything in the world is bound to bow down to God and me. Money must bow down before Him too. The money of the world must attach itself to the work that God is doing. Wisdom must follow this, too. Health must follow, even the people of blessings must follow, because everything is bound to follow in the work God is doing. That thing of God must be inside of me, and we must dream of that. Whatever you dream of is whatever you have inside of you. If you’re always having nightmares, it means you’re always filled with fear. I’m not talking about the dreams you have while you’re sleeping, but even while you’re awake, what’s the image inside of you? There are some people who are always thinking, “You just wait and see, I’m going to have two homes,” or, “You just wait and see, I’m going to buy another house and move to a better place,” or they say, “You just wait and see, I might not be much, but I’m going to raise my kids to be the greatest individuals,” That’s what comes out if that’s what’s inside of you, but the problem is that Satan will use that and seize you.
Just like Satan went into the thoughts of Judas Iscariot and possessed him because of his love for money, that’s how the spiritual things happen today. If the Triune God completely fills my heart and my spirit, then that Triune God will influence and share His power externally. It’s even related to the cells in our body. This is the spiritual mystery, and the world doesn’t know that. The reason Jesus Christ died on the cross and resurrected was to give us this. But the world says that money is everything, and money thinks that power is everything, that’s why they deny Jesus.
And in the church, they are following Jesus, but they throw Him away. As evidence, they are holding onto their desires firmly as they believe in Jesus, that’s the real problem, so, we must believe in the correct and accurate gospel, the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, and His resurrection. Then, the works of God will take place in me, my church, and the field where I’m working. This blessing will be relayed to the entire world. If you go to a hospital, they can give you medication and surgery and treat you like that physically, but if you go to a church, they must be able to save you fundamentally, spiritually. They save your spirit. If somebody’s spirit is not saved, then they’re going to have a repetition of all these illnesses and problems. I hope that throughout the week, you and I will stand as the witnesses who are able to believe in, enjoy, and testify of the fact that the Lord is with me in all of your fields.
1 3 Concentrations (Morning, Afternoon, Evening)
2. 3 Answers (Problem – Answer, Conflict – Renewal, Crisis – Opportunity)
3. 3 Settings (Answer – Platform, Relay – Watchmen, Antenna of Communication and Healing)
Message Prayer
Let us pray together, holding onto the Word we have received and pray for the works of God.
Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing
God, we thank You. We pray that You will bless all the hands that have returned Your materials as offering, for tithe, temple construction, future generations, thanksgiving, Sundays, etc. We believe You will work upon their businesses and studies with the economy of light according to their faith in the covenant. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.
1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer
2. Every Saturday, 2 pm – Core Message broadcast
3. 3/12 (Tues.) – 13 (Wed.) RU Doctorate, Dallas
4. 3/31 (Sun.) – Baptism and communion
5. 3/31 (Sun.) – Easter worship
6. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch
Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to testify of Jesus Christ accurately to the world, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.