Those Who have Seen the Important Things (Deuteronomy 4:1-13)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Those Who have Seen the Important Things (Deuteronomy 4:1-13)

Every Saturday, we receive the headquarters’ pulpit Sunday message, and so, since a few years back, I started to write down that message in my prayer journal.  At first, those notes would go beyond 10 pages and on Saturdays, I would be so busy.  One day, something came to me, and it wasn’t my goal or motive, but the Sunday message from headquarters became imprinted within me.  As I was looking at the order of the pulpit message, I realized, “This is how Christ turns out, this is what the pulpit message is going to be,” and I got excited about the Sunday Message.

I eagerly anticipate the Word of God that He will give us on Sunday, and even though the message order came to me in a completely different way the working of the Holy Spirit came to me differently. On the other hand, there were a few days when I wasn’t able to write it down, but even though I listened to the message on Sunday I was wondering, in the past, we would do things like memorize a lot of Bible verses and read the Bible 100 times; however, it is important to read the bible scripture we receive on Sunday message because God is alive and working upon us to reveal to each individual person, the content of the Word.  Now, it’s become such a habit for me that as soon as Pastor Park sends out the outline for the message, that is when I begin to write things down.  It fills me with so much incomparable joy.

I wanted to share the Word of God while doing that.  Before the coronavirus happened, our regional churches were always about recovering the word of God, praying, and going out into the field with the Word.  However, because of the coronavirus, our church is around a lot of schools, so our regional church will always go into our fields, but after the coronavirus, there was no field for us to go.  So, as I was praying, I realized that this was the time schedule that God was giving so that we could receive the filling of the Holy Spirit in the church.  

So, I took all the church officers, and after Early Morning Prayer, I began a regional church with them.  After the Early Morning Prayer, during the regional church, I would think about how to Imprint, Root and Nature the word of God from the Pulpit message  just as Senior Deaconess Ahn prayed earlier.  For us, the mission and goal of our lives is world evangelization, missions, and evangelism.  I believe God gave us the Word on Sunday for us to be fulfilled in the field throughout the week, so He imprints that in us. 

I believe that all of you have a doctorate degree in the Way of Salvation because all of you, even the young children, know this.  So, I decided to put this into practice by applying the pulpit message onto the Way of Salvation.  The goal of that is, in order to make the pulpit message into my own message, for it to be really personalized, it will be fulfilled in the field.

We can all forum well, however, when I really prayed asking if we were taking our forum into deep meditation and personal prayer, and if we were really seeing it in our fields, I received a different answer. All of our fields are different.  We may meet unbelievers and committed workers and disciples; we may also meet elderly people and young children.  However, I realized that when the pulpit message really becomes my own and personalized, I would be able to use the pulpit message in the name of Jesus Christ, and proclaim salvation to unbelievers and to commission the committed workers.  

I believe that it’s been three days since we received the pulpit message so I believe you’ve already personalized it already; I’m just showing my own method of personalizing it by applying the pulpit message to the Way of Salvation.  The title is, “Those Who have Seen the Important Things” (Deuteronomy 4:1-13).  The original pulpit message went only to verse 8, but I am speaking up to verse 13.

The title is, “Those Who Have Seen the Important Things,” meaning the pulpit message contains the important things.  The reason I keep listening to the pulpit message repeatedly is because I’m looking for the important things that I believe are hidden within there.  As God created mankind, He has given us Genesis 1:27.  He created us to be spiritual beings to be with us, and when that takes place, we have true happiness; there is no other time that I’m happier.  If Christ is not with me, I don’t have the power to live on my own, even for one minute.  

Because we are believers in Jesus Christ, God gave us the blessing to be fruitful, increase in number, to conquer and subdue the world.  In the past, I used to interpret “Be fruitful and increase in number” in a physical sense, but I realize now that it actually pertains to evangelism.  Whenever we hear about the 5000 unreached people groups, I think of Genesis 1:28 blessing no matter how fruitful man is without God it is a dead life, unless we go into world evangelization.  

In order for us to do world evangelization, God has given us the status and authority that comes with being children of God.  I’m sure you guys know this because you listen to the message a lot, but whenever I hear about being the states and the authority of children of God, I think about the blessing and the authority of the Throne of Heaven.  God created us to be human beings like this and told us to conquer and to do world evangelization.  

1 Corinthians 3:3.  In the introduction of our pulpit message, it told us to have a childlike faith.  Faith without maturity is a physical faith.  What is a physical faith? When we are physical, we cannot overcome Satan.  Deuteronomy was a book that was given to the descendants who would go and conquer Canaan; however, what happened to us was Genesis 3 where I wanted to be my own master.  In Genesis 6, it was the Age of the Nephilim when the sons of God wanted to marry the daughters of men; we became physical.  In Genesis 11, they tried to make the Tower of Babel to take the place of God, so we departed from all true happiness; we departed from God.

1) Israelite People – Enslaved

Like children who have been separated from their parents, the Israelite people had become enslaved by Satan and Egypt.  Even though the Israelites were the precious, chosen people of God, and God gave them the word, they only thought about their own people; they didn’t go into world evangelization or missions.

2) Egypt Idols – Servants Blood of the Lamb

Then they were enslaved by the idols of Egypt. That is why all throughout the Old testament we hear about how God referring to Himself as the LORD almighty who brought you out of slavery in Egypt.  We live in the superpower nation of America, we need to think from their perspective and they are enslaved by Egypt no one could get out of that, not even the President, unless it was by the blood of the Passover Lamb.  Therefore, if we do not know and remember the blood of the Passover Lamb, it doesn’t matter if we read the Bible and go to church 100 times we are irrelevant to God. We are living separated from God. If we are separated from God, we live, losing hold of all the true happiness and joy.

3) 40 years after Exodus – Slave Mentality, Bondage

Then, even after being liberated from Egypt, they still lived 40 years in the wilderness with the nature of being a slave.  God made everyone get buried in the wilderness because they weren’t able to conquer the land of Canaan with the mindset of a slave.  These are not the words of the past; these are the words for today. God has shown us the power of Jesus Christ and set us free however, if we are still not able to conquer the field, we have the slave mindset and are still slaves to Satan.  For 40 years, God told them to quickly come out of the things that had tied them down.  

(Gospel) – Tabernacle, Worship

The only way for us to come out of that binding is through Only the Gospel and that is why God gave them the Tabernacle to worship in the wilderness.  I calculated how many times I give worship a week, and it turned out to be 9 per week including Early Morning Prayer, and I give offering at each worship for missions.  

4) Hardship, Suffering, Confusion

The hardships, the suffering, and pain never departed from these people; they were always resentful and grumbling in the wilderness because of their mentality, but what God continuously told them was to believe.  He is telling them to believe in God, the Jehovah God who freed you from Egypt.  Even children know the Way of Salvation, that Jesus is the Christ, but when you truly believe this, you will conquer the field.  He is telling you to hold onto the evidence of the Word of God. 

Believe – Evidence of Word

How thankful are we that there is evidence within the Word of God.  Without evidence, I would be filled with thousands of thoughts and I would go my own way, but God is telling us to follow the evidence of the Word.  That’s why everyone else had to be buried in the wilderness and only Joshua and Caleb went to conquer in the land of Canaan.  Joshua and Caleb did not hold onto their money, or their youth; they only held onto the promise of God’s Word that God gave to Moses.  

Deuteronomy 4:4

Read this on your own, but in Deuteronomy 4:4, it says to hold fast to the LORD your God, and you are still alive today, He says.  Remain stuck to the LORD your God. Christ is invisible, God is invisible, so what this means is to never depart from the word of God, the pulpit message that He gives you on Sunday.  Then Jesus Christ came to this earth and solved all of our problems and opened up the way to be with God, for us who were separated from God.

Genesis 3:15

We were separated from God; God told us to hold onto Genesis 3:15, the Messiah, the Christ.  He told us that Jesus Christ is the only solution who can take us out of all these problems.  When we make ourselves be like God, hold onto and make Jesus Christ our Lord.  We who are focused on physical things, be the spiritual summit in Jesus Christ. Instead of trying to be our own God as in the Tower of Babel, make Jesus Christ Who has forgiven our sins as our Lord and Master.  

Acts 1:1, 3, 8 Only by Faith – Hold onto Evidence of the Word

It’s so easy for us, just with Acts 1:1, 3, 8, we receive the message of only: it is only Christ, only the Kingdom of God, and only the Holy Spirit.  This is the Darakbang message.  Whenever I do my Upper Room ministries and go into missions, many people struggle over the terminologies.  So, I will match my level with the people to whom I minister, but in short, it is only faith, to hold onto the evidence of God’s Word.  In Senior Deaconess Ahn’s prayer, she said to hold onto the evidence, and this is it.  The one who has seen what is important, it means they are holding onto the evidence of God’s Word.  

Whenever in the pulpit message, if there is a Word of God that strikes me, and apply to me and for this week, it’s Deuteronomy 4:1.  It says, “Now Israel,” and whenever it says, “Israel,” I put in my name. I shared this on Sunday as well, but Jesus Christ, God is speaking to me personally; there’s nothing more I could want.  Even now, there are so many times where I make myself my own master.  For me, even though I’m an assistant pastor who thinks I’m telling them the right thing, I keep telling the remnants my own words and I make them do many things, thinking it’s education, and the remnants are all running away.  As I was praying before God asking, “Why did all the remnants run away?” You’re relaxing your Genesis 3 because you are your own master did you ever relay “only Christ?” And that’s correct, only now I realize only Christ.

“Hear the decrees and the laws I am about to teach you.”  For me, I believe the laws and decrees are the words God gives us every week through the Sunday message.  During the times of worship, we listen to the decrees and laws God gives us and pray and follow them in faith.  With that simple passage, I apply it to myself. It’s only by faith that I’m able to put it into practice in my field.  

I follow the laws and decrees everywhere I am, and I’ll give you an example.  When you think about the field, you think about going to mission fields  and schools, but that’s not true. I set the main mission field as myself when Christ is sure in myself, then everything outside is bound to change as well.  When I came to America first, many decades ago, I had a visa for being an international chef, and I’m so bad at cooking that even when I make seaweed soup, the main thing I get was criticism in the past, I used to be my own master, so I used to doing big things “Even if this seaweed soup tastes so bad, how could it be used for evangelism and missions?”  

My granddaughters say it’s very tasty, and they are very thankful for it, it is the working of the Holy Spirit but for me, it’s irrelevant.  Because all they need to do is eat this food and receive strength so that they can be world-evangelizing missionaries.  

1. Solved Spiritual Problems – 3 Fundamental – Imprint in God’s Works of Salvation

Therefore, when only Jesus Christ becomes our Master, not ourselves, we are set free from the three fundamental problems, and be imprinted in the work of God’s salvation.  To imprint ourselves in the work of God’s salvation that has set us free from the three curses.  Do you think God is stupid that He’s telling us to imprint us with this when we’re running out of time?  He is telling us to tell this to the world that are dying of mental illness and spiritual problems.  For me, I’m so thankful that the Holy Spirit is always with me, and I’m so thankful that the representative prayer covered these three points so perfectly.  For 40 years, they wandered in the wilderness just to imprint this, why? Because for 400 years, they were imprinted from Egypt and God needed to change that.

2. When Praying, Experience Word Fulfillment

If we pray, we are able to experience urgent Word fulfillment, and He told us to root down into this, because this is the blessing of all blessings that God has given us, to worship and pray.  Even when our parents buy us pretty clothes, we’re so thankful, but when God gives us eternal worship through the word of God, then why would we reject that?

3. Undoubtedly, Future Fulfillment is Mine – Nature

For me, what gives me the most strength is that, without a doubt, the things that will be fulfilled in the future will become mine, and he told us to have this nature.  If God says something will absolutely take place, then it absolutely will. In Genesis 1:28 God gave us the status and authority, the blessing of world evangelization and He told us to make this into our nature.  

4. Deuteronomy 4:9

I held onto Deuteronomy 4:1 and Deuteronomy 4:9.  God says in verse 9 he will make this, an eternal covenant.  He’s saying this will be our eternal covenant, and whenever we think of “eternity,” we should think about 24 hours, 25 hours, and eternity, when we have 24 hours Christ and we receive the power of 25 hours of God’s power and we receive the blessing of eternity and even though I’m an elderly grandma with nothing to show, I have 24 hours with Christ, 25 hours power of God, and the eternal covenant.  He says, “As you hold onto the eternal covenant, teach them to them to your children and teach them to your grandchildren.”  God has given us the Word of Deuteronomy 4:9, which is the reason we are doing the remnant movement of imprinting this Word of God into our next generation who will go into Canaan.  

The reason why I extended the verse up to Deuteronomy 4:13 is because that’s where He talks about the burning bush, it was on fire but it was never burning up and in verse 13 he told us to write the 10 commandments upon stone tablets, which means it is unchanging.  Everything in the world changes. I’ve cried many days because of many people, because the things I put faith in were changed.  The thing I believed in didn’t work out, and it hurt me.  

I was a music major, and every time I got on the stage, I never performed as well as I practiced. It was always 70%, and every night, I cried.  For me, it didn’t matter whether people said I was good or bad, but for me, I knew I didn’t play as well as I should have, and that’s why I was hurt.  That was the old “me” who lived as my own master based on physical things. Now the reason I have true happiness is because he has given me Christ and salvation  so there’s no reason for me to cry.  

In conclusion, I won’t write it down, but in times of hardship, just hold to the covenant.  If you just hold to the covenant, you will receive the answers of 100 years.  Lately, the Word has been telling us, do not be happy when you receive answers; only be happy that God is with you and that Jesus Christ has saved you.  The time we have left is most important.  You have a lot of time left over, but for me, I’m counting one or two years left, so imagine how important that is. It’s important, and I’m not just saying that with words, but may the covenant become our nature. 

I’m a messenger of the covenant, and I’m enjoying a 100-year answer today.  When I hold onto this covenant and enjoy today, that goes to the next generation, to my grandchildren, and our family has this legacy.  I came to America because I didn’t want my three sons to go into the army; I wanted us to be this family line that was very renowned and prestigious, but now I realize, if we just have one person with the covenant, it’s enough to just have one person with the covenant.  

He says that even if there’s one person with the covenant, that’s plenty. When I used to hear one person, I used to wonder, “Is this that one person, is that the one person?” Even if a 10p people were gathered here we are one because Christ is our Master.  When we become one in Christ, we can save this region, the school around us and all schools in America; all we have to do is enjoy and believe in “only.”  

In Deuteronomy 4:4, “Hold fast to the LORD your God.” All of you who have held fast to the LORD your God are still alive today.  We are able to participate in the festival that gives eternal life, and while on Earth relay eternal life even when everything is finished, just like Pastor Park in Korea, we are still rejoicing and relay and we can be the one who do temple construction and relay eternal life to the next generation and the generations after that.  I hope that the words of Romans 16:20 will be fulfilled within ourselves, within our church, and among us, where Satan is completely brought to his knees.  

Every single week, I hold onto the pulpit message and put in the Way of salvation  one, two, three rounds, as many as it takes.  Another thing I do every day is when I have a ministry I’ll listen to the pulpit message even if I listen to one minute, two minutes, or the whole thing, the Spirit gives me the word and I take it to the mission field that day.  When I go out into the missions field, I don’t even remember what I say; however, the people who listen to the message are filled with tears and the Spirit because they see the Spirit that is inside of me. And the only thing I can be thankful for is the Christ; we are the people who see what is important.  Let us pray.


Father God, we thank You so much. We thank God Who has saved us so we can see the important things.  We praise Jesus Christ Who saved us from the curses and disasters that we have no choice but to suffer from, and we thank you for breaking down the forces of darkness we can never win and being with us eternally through Jesus Christ.  We pray that for the rest of the week, the Word may be living within us and to relay this work.  We pray that Antioch Mission Church will be the training system for 237, healing, and summit.  At that time, You have told us that our sons and daughters will come from all corners of the earth and we pray for the economy of light to be given to us. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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