Those who Believe, Enjoy, Proclaim the Essence (Jn. 5:1-18)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Those who Believe, Enjoy, Proclaim the Essence (Jn. 5:1-18)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, from the Yakima and Seattle Regional Churches and those worshiping online, and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  The title of today’s message is, “Those who Believe, Enjoy, and Proclaim the Essence of the Gospel.” There are some people who have lived their walk of faith for a long time but it’s not fun. I don’t even have a lot of faith, and I’m working out in the world, and the world is so hard.  God is almighty; why is it so hard for me to live?  There are some people who are suffering mentally to the point where they can’t even express it.  Physically, on the outside, they have accomplished some level of success, but on the inside, they are suffering to the point where they can’t express it externally. 

Today, if you restore the essence, then all things will be restored.  Even for people who are studying science, you need to study the essence of a chemical or a material in order for us to have scientific advancements. If we don’t have the knowledge of the essence, we cannot have development.  As we live our lives, we need to know what is the greatest essence of our lives in order for lives to continue to develop and advance.  This microphone can amplify our voice, but we need to understand the essence of a microphone in order for us to make advancements to this mic.  You need to know the essence of mankind in order for you to know, “Why am I living my life this way? Why am I like this?” You need to know the essence of your faith in order for your faith to continue to rise. 

1. World that doesn’t know the essence

  1) Pool of Bethesda (Jn. 5:2)

Today, Jesus is trying to teach that.  That’s why He goes to the pool of Bethesda where many diseased people are lying.  In the Bible, it tells us that near the Sheep Gate, there is a pool named Bethesda, and inside the Sheep Gate, there is a courtyard for the Gentiles, and inside, there is a courtyard for the women and children, and then the Holy Place.  

    (1) House of mercy

Bethesda, broken down, means “The House of Mercy,” and the Sheep Gate is the gate where the sheep are supposed to go in, but in John 17, Jesus Christ says, “I am the Gate,” so everything inside of the Temple is built to show and represent Jesus Christ.  If you don’t know the true essence, then you are bound to get bound up by just the form.  If you have the form, then you need to know the essence, and then understand the form.  If there is a shadow, it means there is a true object.  If the Old Testament is a shadow, then Jesus Christ is the object, and He has come to earth.  

    (2) A great number of disabled people (Jn. 5:3)

In the Old Testament, the diseased people were considered cursed people, and they were exiled to the point where they could not go into the Temple to worship.  

    (3) Wait for the water to move (Jn. 5:3-4)

Because they were quarantined, they would pool around the pool of Bethesda, and every now and again, the water would move, and there was a rumor that whoever goes in will be healed.  Among the crowds of diseased people who were around the pool, there was one person who Jesus spoke to today who had been there for 38 years.  

  2) People’s hope

    (1) Angel would stir up the waters time to time (Jn. 5:4)

    (2) First one into the pool – Healing (Jn. 5:4)

This is showing us the image of the world.  People have problems, and the same logic of the world is that whoever gets first place or whoever beats everyone else can solve their problem.  We really need to meet the Creator of the universe, the Creator of human beings, and that is the essence of solving the problem, but instead, they use the competition of the world, “Whoever can get into the pool of Bethesda first will be healed.”  That is the same logic that people use today. So, this entire world is functioning with the logic that leaves people with no choice but to compete.  If your company is better than the competing company, then your problem will be solved.  If you immigrate to America and you help your children succeed, then your family line can make it.  We keep programming these lies into our children, too.  These diseased people who are laying next to the pool of Bethesda just need to meet Jesus Christ because He is the God Who created them and can heal them, but instead, they are following the logic of the world and waiting for the pool to be moved to go in.

    (3) Invalid for 38 years (Jn. 5:5)

There was one invalid who had been there, unable to move or paralyzed, for 38 years, which means he must have been older than 38 years if that is how long he’d been at the pool, but because he could not move, he could not be the first one to go into the pool, and he’s in a state of giving up.  If the schools and families are not able to teach these children the gospel, then they follow the logic of the world that they have to be number one or first place, and anyone who cannot be first place just has to give up.  If anybody meets Jesus Christ, whether they are first place or last place, they will have victory in life.  There is a way for someone to be happy, whether they are first place or last place; other than that, there is nothing.  

Right now, especially in the immigrant society, that is disappearing from every family.  All of these children have to struggle so hard and study so diligently to become first place, but inside, they are dying without the gospel.  We must meet with Jesus Christ, and with the life of Jesus Christ, be happy.  What is that word, “happiness” or “joy”? Is it doing whatever I like?  That’s not happiness; that’s just your personal satisfaction.  If your will is aligned with God, then the Holy Spirit guides you and you are filled with the Kingdom of God; that is true happiness.  

  3) Jesus – Only

    (1) Do you want to get well (Jn. 5:6)

So, Jesus Christ goes and finds this one man who had been there for 38 years, and asks, “Do you want to get well?” 

    (2) No one to help me into the pool (Jn. 5:7)

    (3) Get up! Pick up your mat and walk (Jn. 5:8)

So, all this man had to do was, “Yes, sir,” but instead, he answered with his own logic, saying, “I have no one to help me get into the pool when the water is stirred.”  He is asking Jesus to help him get into the pool.  That’s the level of us humans.  That’s why Jesus Christ died on the cross without discussing it or debating with us; He just gave us a unidirectional way to salvation.  This diseased person is face-to-face with Jesus Christ and he is saying, “Oh, I can get better if you can help me get into the pool,” and the Lord knows this, and I’m sure on the inside, He was thinking, “Oh, shut up; just pick up your mat and walk.”  

The Word of Jesus Christ is the Word of Creation.  The Word of Jesus Christ is the Word of Life, and if this Word goes into someone, then life is going into them. The words of people are not the words of life, only Jesus Christ can say, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Even people who just touch the edge of Jesus’ garment come to life. Today, I hope that you will be able to tell your children that getting first place is not really the way to win, but if the life of Jesus Christ goes into you, you will not only be first place but you will save the world. Living with God is being in first place, and that is the one who is blessed. The person who is with God will bear fruit in season, and everything they do will prosper.

2. Religious people who don’t know the essence

  1) Jews

    (1) Sabbath (Jn. 5:10)

After this man was cured and he was walking around, the Jewish people saw this, and they were not focused on the healing that occurred, but the Jewish leaders were focused on the fact that he was walking around and carrying his bed on the Sabbath.  

    (2) The law forbids you to carry your mat (Jn. 5:10)

The reason the Jewish leaders might have seen from this perspective, is because it does say in the Word of God that you are not to work on the Sabbath, so the Jewish leaders were not interested in a life being saved; they were interested in the work he was doing on the Sabbath.  If people come to church and they don’t receive the true essence of Jesus Christ, they will receive only the Word of God, and that creates a standard for us, and if we look at everyone through the standard, everyone looks like the type of people who should be put to death.  That is why members of the church who don’t understand the true gospel will fight very well. They come to church and they try to endure it, and then once they’re at their limit, they explode and it’s really scary.  However, if someone goes to church for the first time, and through the Word of God, they receive the essence of the gospel, then they will be healed.  

    (3) Who is this fellow who told you to pick it up and walk? (Jn. 5:12)

So these Jewish people then ask the healed person, “Who is it who told you to pick up your mat and walk?” He said, “I don’t know.”

  2) Jesus

    (1) You are well again (Jn. 5:14)

   (2) Something worse may happen to you (Jn. 5:14)

Later, Jesus goes and finds the healed invalid in the Temple. Right now, the disease being cured is not the issue; it’s about the problems that will come in the future. Right now, the fact that I believed in Jesus Christ and He solved my problems is not the main issue; in the future, we may face even more severe problems. 

   (3) Stop sinning (Jn. 5:14)

The Lord finds this person and tells them exactly this, “Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” This person was healed without really understanding what was going on.  But his current issue being solved is not the current issue; in the future, he might face more suffering, spiritually, mentally, and physically.  How will he deal with those problems?  There may be something more severe than his disease in his future, then what must he do?  “Do not sin.”  When we talk about “sin,” there is a visible sin that comes as a result, it is the sin of breaking morals and ethics, that’s why this world creates laws to maintain that order.  But, the “Sin” that the Lord is talking about in today’s scripture comes before the visible sin; the sin that is revealed or committed comes as a result of the invisible “Sin.”  The problem you can see with your eyes actually stems from an invisible problem. The Bible tells us that “Sin”  is not believing in Jesus.  There are people who do not believe in Jesus, but still live in society without committing any acts of sin, but God still calls them a “sinner.”  If you are separated from the life of the Creator God, that is sin.  The Bible tells us that only when you are within Jesus Christ will you not sin.  

As soon as you separate from the Word of God, from the Word of Jesus Christ, just as Adam and Eve separated from the Word that God gave them in Genesis 2:17.  From the point that they sinned against God’s Word, they received all the problems of life, including financial problems, social problems, and personal problems.  

  3) Persecute Jesus (Jn. 5:16)

So after Jesus warns this healed man of that, the man goes away and tells the Jewish leaders that it was Jesus Who had made him well. So, now the Jewish leaders recognize this “Jesus” from John 2, He was the One Who had made a mess of the Temple, and said it was His Father’s house, making Him equal to God, so they were saying, “Now He is breaking the Sabbath; He is a heretic!”  From this point on, they decided to persecute and put Jesus to death, and all of this was based on the words of the Bible.

    (1) For doing these things on the Sabbath (Jn. 5:16)

    (2) Holy, whoever works is put to death (Ex. 31:15-17)

In Ex. 31:15, it says, “For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day must be put to death,” so this was the basis with which they wanted to kill Jesus.  God created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh.  Then, God created the Sabbath day as a sign to unify the sinful human beings with God, saying, “On the sixth day, you must have this rest to gain spiritual strength and focus on Me.”  

    (3) Lasting covenant (Ex. 31:16)

This is an eternal command, it is true even today.  Even today, if you don’t know the spiritual meaning of the Sabbath, then your walk of faith will not work out.  Then, what is the goal with which God gave us the law of the Sabbath?  Why did God tell us not to work on the Sabbath?  There is a goal with which God gave us the law, but the Jewish leaders were not focused on God’s goal; they were focused on the Law and the word, “work.”  There are some times when we are raising our children, and there is a reason that we tell them not to do something, but the kids don’t understand your intention at all, and they say, “You told me not to do it, so I didn’t do it; then it should be fine,” they don’t understand your intention.  

Let’s say all your life you raise your children to save their money and be frugal, and then one day, you give them money and tell them, “I’m going to back late, so buy yourself something to eat with this money,” and instead the child doesn’t buy anything and they are just starving, hungry at home.  This child was so stuck on the time that their parent told them to be frugal, so until you come back, they are so hungry; they are starving at home. Imagine how angry the mother must be, “I even gave you the money for it! You’re so foolish, I meant, don’t waste money, but if you have money, you should buy something when you’re hungry.” It actually happened to me one time, I was just too naive and I just listened to my mom’s voice exactly as she said it.  I thought I did well but I was actually beaten up for it, because from the mother’s perspective, imagine how angry she would be to imagine that her son was starving at home, and I didn’t know why I was getting spanked.  

3. Those who believe, enjoy, proclaim the essence

  1) Sabbath

There is a reason why God told us not to work on the Sabbath.  The first reason is that, back in those days, there were slaves, women and children who were not considered to be part of society, so they would be overworked to no end, and so this law was actually created to protect those underprivileged classes of people. It’s only recently that women and children got human rights. It’s the same thing, we’re living in a democratic nation now, but even America was not always like that.  The second reason is because if they are working, then they cannot be looking and focusing on God, so lay down your work and concentrate on God.  In other words, receive spiritual strength and rest.  It is with that intention that God told them not to work on the Sabbath.  

The Jewish people staked their lives on obeying the law of God, so they tried to define, “Okay, if we’re not supposed to work, what does it mean to work?” And they added hundreds of additions to that law. So they made a limit,” You’re only allowed to walk this distance,” and they created additional laws, saying whether or not you’re allowed to wash dishes, because we’re not supposed to work.  If you go to Israel even now, there is an elevator that is only used by the Jewish people that stops at every floor so that they do not have to press a button and work, because if you go from the first floor to the second floor and you press the button for the second floor, that’s work, so they made an elevator that stops at every floor.  These people did that because they thought that following God’s Word accurately was the way to believe in God. So, if you don’t understand the intention or the reason for the law of keeping the Sabbath, then all that is left is just the form of the rules and law.  

The reason why people say to dress very clean and well to come to worship is because it represents the entire posture with which you come to worship; it should be clean and pure of heart.  But there are some people who really hang onto that, they come to worship, just in slippers.  People will criticize them saying, “Why are you coming to worship wearing a T shirt? Why can’t you be pious?”  That’s how people become.  The reason why the law was created was to allow people to have their hearts more centered on God during worship. When you go to a wedding or a funeral, you don’t dress however you want; there is an attire that is appropriate for the situation.  If you go to the White House to receive an award, you wouldn’t take your slippers or slip-ons.  Have you ever seen anyone receive an award from the President while they’re chewing gum in their shorts?  Do you understand what I’m saying?  When you come to worship before God, you do everything with this faithful heart to the Lord, including how you are dressed.  The intention for that is so that you may receive God’s true grace and rest during this time of worship and receive His power; that is the goal with which this form of worship was created. 

In the Korean churches, since the beginning, they prohibited smoking and drinking.  Why did they do that? Because people would come to worship and they would be smoking these long cigarettes and they would come to church drunk after drinking.  Because it was disrupting worship, they made this law to no longer allow smoking or drinking.  But now, this law has gone so extreme that people say, “Anyone who smokes or drinks should be put to death,” that is another example of how your walk of faith will fall into legalism if you don’t understand the true essence.  Even drunkards need to come to church and receive God’s grace. Even people who are addicted to smoking need to come to church to receive God’s grace. Even drug users must receive God’s grace.  Even LGBTQ+ members must come and receive God’s grace, but if you are so stuck in the law, you have to cut all those people out. If you do not know the goal with which God gives you His Word, that is how your walk of faith will become.  Yes, the outer form is important, but the content is also important.  Inside of our body, the spirit of God resides, so you shouldn’t say your body is unnecessary, but you also shouldn’t say that your body is everything.  Because inside of the form of your physical body, the Spirit of God dwells.  

So yes, the outer form is important and the inner content is more important.  Because there is the outer form, the content is there.  This physical body only exists while we are on earth, but our spirit is for eternity. If you live your walk of faith incorrectly, you will not be able to discern in the social world as well, and you will lean or skew to one side.  Especially immigrants are so focused on eating and making a living, and they say, “Of course, we have to eat and make a living, Pastor, that’s important.” “Yes, it is,” I didn’t say it is not, but you don’t understand.  Nobody told you that eating and making a living is not important, but there is a goal for which we are eating and making a living. There is an important goal with which I study and I work.  However, if you don’t have the gospel of Jesus Christ and you only eat and make a living for the sake of eating and making a living, then that is not a walk of faith.  Just like the Jewish people who didn’t understand the intention of the essence of the law that God gave them, they only stuck to the form of the law, they thought they were righteous on their own.  

There are some groups of Christianity who attack the Protestants and Presbyterians, saying, “Saturday is the Sabbath, why are you worshiping God on Sunday?,” which is actually when the Romans worshiped the Sun god. The reason we worship on Sunday is because the Lord died on the cross on a Thursday, and resurrected on the third day, that’s Sunday, and that’s why we worship on Sunday.  Simply put, He was dead Friday and Saturday and Sunday and resurrected on the Sunday. That’s why we worship on Sundays, but people don’t understand that.  Col. 2:16 says, “Therefore, do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival or a Sabbath day.”  The Lord of the Sabbath is Jesus Christ, the Sabbath is not what’s important itself, but what’s more important is the Lord of the Sabbath, the Christ.  

In the Old Testament, before the Exodus, God told Moses to tell Pharaoh, “We must go three days in the wilderness and give a blood sacrifice.” It’s not that they walked all that time and then worshiped in a location. They applied the blood of the Lamb, which represents the blood of Jesus Christ Who died on the cross, and then three days later, they worshiped God there, that’s what it represents. So, that is another shadow that represents Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection, through the Old Testament. If the main figure has come, then that is where we must worship. Even setting the Sabbath day was to talk about the Word of Jesus Christ.  So, first service, it went through very gracefully, and on the second service, I don’t want to say it anymore, because I’m getting the feeling that some of you are confused about what I’m talking about, so try to listen to the first service. During second service, I just want to pass by this because it’s hard for me to get it out.

    (1) My Father is always at his work to this very day (Jn. 15:17)

    (2) Jesus also works (Jn. 15:17)

Ultimately, the essence of the Sabbath is to receive the grace and rest from Jesus Christ Who is the Lord of the Sabbath. The Jewish leaders went to Jesus and asked, “Why are you working on the Sabbath?” Jesus replied, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” In other words, “My Father told me to heal the sick man, so I did.”  Then the Jewish leaders heard him say that and asked, “Are you comparing yourself to God?” And from that point on, because the law said that anyone who disobeys the Sabbath must be put to death, the Jewish leaders resolved to put Jesus to death as a blasphemer.  There is a goal with which God gave us the Ten Commandments. There is a goal with which we have this form of worship. What is the goal of all of that?  

    (3) Law – Love God, people (Mt. 22:37-40)

Matt. 22:37-40 says that the reason God gave us the law is so that we may love the Lord with all our heart and all our soul and all our mind, and to love our fellow man.  So, the reason why God gave us this form is so that we can love God more and love our fellow man. The reason God told us not to work on the Sabbath is so that we may have plenty of time to receive God’s grace and concentrate on God.  The goal with which God gave us the law is to love and save people.  Loving God and loving people is the reason God gave us the Sabbath, but the Jewish people are now attacking Jesus, saying, “Why are you working on the Sabbath?”  

People who live their walk of faith for a long time but do not have the gospel inside of them, they are only filled with the Word of God as the law, so even as they listen to the message, they begin to criticize.  They criticize the message as if they are the judge of the message.  Maybe I can understand if they studied theology, but they haven’t even really done that.  They have their firm standard, “That’s not what that Bible verse means,” and they start criticizing on their own. They start criticizing saying, “Oh, the world doesn’t work like that.” Why is that? Because that person only knows the outer form, they do not know the essence.  There are many different forms of vessels or containers, but that person thinks of their own vessel as the standard.  If there is a vessel that is uglier than theirs, they keep criticizing that vessel, saying, “Why are you uglier than my vessel?” What’s important is whatever is inside of the vessel; what’s important is the goal for the Sabbath.

    (4) Culmination of the law – Christ (Rom. 10:4)

Ro. 10:4 says that Christ is the end of the Law; this means that Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law on the cross. This means that, because He loved the Word of God, Jesus Christ obeyed even to death on the cross and He died on the cross to save all of mankind, so Jesus Christ actually fulfilled all of the law.  If you and I know the law well, we must know that God gave us the law so that we may know the Christ.  When we make laws in the world, it is so that we can reveal who the criminals are. In other words, the law was created so that people would not commit crimes.  But people who don’t know the intention of the law will say, “Why did they make that law to make me into a criminal?” It’s the same thing with our faith.  Because there is the law, it reveals our sin, and as a result of our sin, we are spiritually dead, captured by Satan.  So, we can never keep the law with our own actions.  That is why, only through Jesus Christ, only by Jesus Christ, we have been set free from the law of sin and death, into the law of the Spirit of life. Are you understanding?  

  2) Jesus Christ (Jn. 19:30)

Then what is the law that Jesus Christ finished on the law? Everyone who believes in Jesus, their sins are forgiven.  They are no longer under the law; they are now with Christ.  In John 19:30, Jesus said, “It is finished.” Everything that was mentioned in the Old Testament has been finished because now Christ is here. So, stop debating and arguing with the form from the Old Testament, because all of the Old Testament was just to testify of Christ.  

Because we have that form, then we recognize that Jesus Christ is the Christ.  Jesus Christ has finished all of our problems, the problems of Sin, Satan, and Hell on the cross.  This means that the “me” who was under the authority of Sin, Satan, and Hell was crucified on the cross.  Now, I have a new beginning in life where Christ is my Lord and I live with that faith. Do you have a problem with that?  I hope you will believe in the Christ Who is your Lord, that’s how we’ve been changed.  Do you have problems with your health?  Do not be bound by that, but instead, be bound by your Lord. Because Christ is now the Lord and Master of my life, you can simply ask Him.  Are you suffering because of depression? Don’t hold onto that. I hope you will hold onto the Lord instead, but there are people who never hold onto the Lord; they hold on tightly to their depression. That has been finished on the cross; why are you holding on that, in other words, holding onto yourself, still? You need to hold onto Christ, your Lord and Master; then the Lord will begin to work.  No matter what the problem is, if Christ becomes your Lord, then that problem actually changes into a blessing. 

    (1) Those who believe – Enter rest (Heb. 4:2-3)

    (2) Jesus gives rest (Mt. 11:28-29)

    (3) Lord of the Sabbath (Mt. 12:8)

    (4) My Lord (Gal. 2:20)

In Mt. 11:28, Jesus Christ says, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened” from holding onto the Law, and come to the gospel, “I will give you rest.” Christ is the Lord of rest, He is the Lord of my life. Who is the Lord of America and this nation? It is Christ, so the guidance of the Holy Spirit is receiving the guidance of Him Who is the Lord. In order to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I must acknowledge Christ as my Lord. The Bible tells us that if you’re within the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you are no longer under the curse of the law. Then, our life will be filled with the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit.  

  3) Holy Spirit

    (1) Guidance of the Holy Spirit – Fruit (Gal. 5:18, 22-24)

Who is the Lord of America and this nation? It is Christ, so the guidance of the Holy Spirit is receiving the guidance of Him Who is the Lord. In order to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I must acknowledge Christ as my Lord. The Bible tells us that if you’re within the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you are no longer under the curse of the law. Then, our life will be filled with the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit.  People who are receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit can now be filled with the Holy Spirit.  

    (2) Filling of the Holy Spirit – Authority – Witness (Ac. 1:8)

    (3) God’s kingdom (Mt. 12:28-29)

Being completely filled with Christ Who is your Lord is what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit. In other words, completely entrusting everything to Christ is the filling of the Holy Spirit. Why are you so seized by your mental problems?  You have to completely entrust it to the Lord so that He will reign over it completely.  Then the Lord will begin to work, and even your future you must entrust to Christ Who is your Lord. Then, the Lord will carry your future forward. 


1. Apostle’s teaching, fellowship, bread, prayer (Ac. 2:42)

If you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, then you will receive power and become a witness until the ends of the earth. On the Sabbath day, in other words, the Lord’s Day, the members of the Early Church gathered together, devoted themselves to prayer, and they broke bread. They received the teaching of the Word of God through worship, and they also had fellowship with one another, this means they shared forum with one another with the Word of God, and they broke bread, meaning they shared food together, and they prayed for each other with the prayer topics of the church; that is the meaning of the Lord’s Day. That is how the members of the Early Church conquered Rome, and for the people who just come to worship and then leave afterwards, I hope you’ll enjoy this blessing.  Apostle Paul went on the Sabbath Day to testify of Jesus Christ to the Jews. Because the Jewish people were so stuck in the Old Testament, they didn’t know who Jesus Christ was, so Paul went to testify of the necessity of Christ.  Everything you’ve learned from the Old Testament was captured in the reality of Christ Whom you crucified.  He taught them about that from the Old Testament scriptures, and Christ being established in you is the Kingdom of God being established in you. 

2. On the Sabbath – Christ

3. Proclaim God’s kingdom (Ac. 19:8)

Then, Paul lived with the mission and taught the mission to other members of the church, that our life must spread the Kingdom of God to the whole world.  I hope you will become the truly successful people throughout the week who remember to believe, enjoy, and proclaim the true essence of your life to America and the world.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray holding onto the Word God has given us together.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You. We have returned Your material blessings as offering.  We believe You will give the economy of light to save the world upon all the hands that have given this offering.  May we all live a life that establishes the true essence of the gospel and escapes from the introductory part of life. Lord, we pray You will bless us so that we may become Your precious children who are not stuck living an introductory life but can race forward towards the future. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Region – Summer camp (Children), 7/20 (Sat.)

3. Mexico Tecate camp, 7/17(Wed.)

5. Florida camp (7/28-8/2)

6. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, filling, and working, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to follow only the essence of only Jesus Christ, only the Kingdom of God, and only the Holy Spirit, to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth, be upon the Mexico Tecate camp on Wednesday and the VCS on Saturday, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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