Those Who Are Qualified for the Evangelism Movement – Part 2 (Matt. 16:13-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Those Who Are Qualified for the Evangelism Movement – Part 2 (Matt. 16:13-20)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

We will continue from last week, Those Who Are Qualified for the Evangelism Movement.  We all have heard of the gospel, so we know it, but gospelization is different from the gospel because it means that the gospel is being fulfilled, so when we are gospelized, then it is finished.


Why are people suffering?  It is because they have not been gospelized, so let us confirm what the gospel is.

Gospel – Jesus = Christ.  Why – Satan

When you hear the gospel, you know what it is.  The gospel is that Jesus is the Christ, but why must Jesus be the Christ?  What is the problem of mankind?  It is the problem of sin that Satan has planted.  

Sin – Me-Centered

The sin that Satan planted within us is “me-centeredness.”

Hell – Suffering

That’s why before we go to hell, we live through this suffering of hell on this earth and this is the problem of mankind.  What does Satan plant within us that is unseen to the eyes? It is, “You are God.”  We listen to that and we live centered on ourselves, thinking we can discern good and evil.  There is suffering that comes from that.  

The suffering of mankind doesn’t come because we don’t have physical things; it’s because of these three problems.  The suffering you guys go through is because of your own values and priorities you set for yourself.  Because of that, you have your own passion, that’s where your scars come from, and because of all of this, you encounter suffering.

Christ Gospel

That’s why without Christ, we cannot come out of this.  Having Christ is the gospel, but what does it mean to be gospelized or to have gospelization?


It means Christ is the standard of everything.  The standards and all of the ways you think, those change into Christ.  

Healing – Restoration

That’s what we call healing and restoration.  With this Christ, we stand as a witness before others, and that is also gospelization.  That’s why Christ must be the standard of all your problems, of whatever circumstance, and that’s when you can come out of this.  That’s what it means to be gospelized. You have been liberated from this anytime and now you have Christ, and you relay that Christ, and you must have these three things continuously.  It’s the same when we talk about our past, present, and future.  These are the qualified people who can do the gospel evangelism movement.  

1. Experience of the Gospel – Assurance

If we review the things we talked about last week, the ministers who have been used by God to proclaim the gospel, they know and experience the gospel.  In other words, they have assurance.  You need to experience these things on the left in the introduction. Ifi you just know these as words, you won’t experience it. It means I’m continuously within this sin, and I know it in my head; I need to experience that I have been realistically liberated through Christ. All things have been finished and all things will be finished, and that’s why I can be a witness of Christ.

Christ – Witness

This is everything. If I align myself to Christ in everything, then the forces of darkness and disasters will all crumble.  

2. Blessing

And number two, we talked about the blessings in the gospel. 


What is the blessing in Christ? Like a Rock. Christ does not shake. When I have myself as my rock, then I have no choice but to shake.  Don’t raise yourself as the rock; Christ must be your Rock. 

Church (Evangelism)

Christ said He would raise His church and that is evangelism.  Through those who have Christ as their Rock, Chris will be relayed through them, and the church will also be raised, and that is when the gates of Hades will be broken.  When Christ is your Master, that is when the Gates of Hades are broken down.  

Gates of Hades

The problems of your family, family line,  and nation, all of these come because we are not with Christ, and that’s why without Christ, they will never be broken down. No matter how much you succeed, it will never be broken down. I have succeeded but I haven’t been able to overcome this.

Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven – Answers to Prayer

Then He will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. You’ll be able to open the gates of heaven through Christ. 

3. Faith – 10 Foundations

The faith we have in Christ becomes our 10 foundations, and you must really simply believe this. You must believe in God’s absolute sovereignty.  Even today, at this time, in God’s absolute sovereignty, God will give His absolute Word.  If you’re sitting here with your experience, you’re not believing, but you’re just sitting here with your experience, and that’s why you have no choice but to shake.

Christ has created this earth, and all of creation is being moved with the goal of Christ. Through Christ, we have received salvation. You must be sure of this.  We talked about these 10 Foundations last week.  

4. God’s Goal

1) Existence 

God’s Goal is the goal of my existence.  What is God’s goal for me existing on this earth?  I must discover this.  If I try to find a reason in myself why I exist, that is being in control of the devil. This cannot solve the sufferings of this  earth.  My existence on this earth must be found from God.  

2) Church

Why does the church exist in this region?  Why am I attending this church and living my walk of faith in it?  You must discover this in order to see your reason for existence within the pulpit message.  Isn’t the greatest reason evangelization? And to say this even further, the gospelization of california? And then the 50 states and then the 237 nations?  The goal God gave to the church in acts 1:8 of proclaiming to all Judea and Samaria and to all nations, that is the same goal God is giving us today.

3) Field

We must know the goal of the field. That is not my goal. My goal may be to make a lot of money; my goal must be to succeed, or my goal might be to receive all the welfare from the government and live off of that.  That’s my goal, but I need to discover God’s goal for me, and those are the ones who are qualified to do the gospel movement. Why am I existing? It is for the glory of God. When the name of Christ is revealed, that is when God is glorified.  When I believe in Christ, that is when God says amen and is glorified.  God’s goal is for the  church to share this gospel of Christto the region.  Even in the field, God’s goal for you is to conquer that field in Christ.  Because all of these goals are centered around myself, I could not possibly be the person who does everything.  If I am really going after the gospel and the answers follow accordingly, that is the True answer in God’s time schedule.  All the things you chase after because of your goal will crumble down one day, and those are the disasters of the Tower of Babel.  Buta  lot of the church members don’t believe this, why is that? It’s because they have been rooted in my standard. They’re rooted in the standard of the world, they look after the successful people of the world and think, “I could follow after them” because of Christ I can succeed but if it’s not with Christ and it’s my goal, then those things will surely crumble one day.  

5. Problems Preceding Proclamation of the Gospel

What are these problems?  

1) Motive

If your motive is not aligned with God, then one day, it will crumble.

2) Medieval Churches

3) Churches in Russia, look at the churches in Europe, because they aren’t aligned with God’s notice, it will surely crumble.   This motive must be Christ, when this motive is for Christ, that is when the disasters of your family and family line will crumble down.  It says those who are meek are able to see the kingdom of heaven.  What is the motive for you to volunteer at the church and work in your field?  What is the motive for why you are evangelizing and also a customer?  It’s because their motive is in themselves, and that’s why they say it’s not taking place. And some people jump around saying it’s taking place, but those things will not last long, because that motive is centered on me. All things are contained in the biblical term definition of evangelism, but if you don’t  know this biblical definition but instead you follow after your own motives, it will crumble. And it’s because it’s not the evangelism the Bible talks about. The biblical evangelism is gospel, so all things are contained within that.  That’s why for evangelism, if it is for the Lord, then all the things that didn’t seem to work out will bear fruit later on.  Not one word will fall to the ground.  Because you have invested your time, your material wealth and your health into that, later on it will bear fruit. It’s the same for this church, Until when does this continue? Did this church begin with the church members being centered on Christ? If that isn’t so, you’ll be taken away by this world. 

 But we’re seized by the world and we think, “The answers that I expected aren’t coming,” so we have no choice but to follow the world, that’s why our motives are important, I am living my walk of faith because of Christ, that is when Satan cannot do anything to me.   

You must check your motive but also your method. It isn’t the method of the people or the systems or programs of the world; it is the method God has given.  If we do God’s work with our experiences  we learned in the world, that’s not right. Following the word of God, I must let go of my own thoughts and follow after.

2) 4 laylesders


And when that takes place, how we manage things will be different. If my motives are within it, I can’t manage these things properly. Because the goal is incorrect , I’m not able to do the works correctly. 

In Matthew Jesus said you’re going around evangelizing and you’re bringing them to this mountain side but ultimately you will bring them to hell. And that’s one of the messages given this week. You don’t know the gospel and you try to share the gospel but instead you block it. And you’re trying to reveal yourself, that’s your motives. And that’s why this follows up management is incorrect until the very end. 

There are four different types of layleaders. The first group are the non believers because we don’t tell them not to come, and there’s some people who do come to church but don’t have assurance in salvation. But there are some people who go to church 20-30 years. And there are those who listen to the world of God and they chase after the gospel. They are the loyal ones. There are those who are commissioned, those who have the mission. We must be able to differentiate these type of people correctly. For non believers we must have them be believers. For those who dotn ahev assurance, we must give them assurance. For those who are loyal we need to give them the mission so they become the commissioned ones. And for the commissioned ones, we must help them so they do it in a biblical manner. 

6.  Basic strategy 

These are the basic strategies of the evangelist. So when we talk about the basic strategies of an evangelist, let’s give an example of a building. Buildings are something we can see. These are visible things that appear in your walk of faith. But before these visible things, the things under the buildings are important.

1 Corinthians 3:11 foundation (Life)

What must those foundations be like? It says in 1 Corinthians 3:11, we must lay our foundation in Jesus Christ. In other words, a new life. This life is everything. All things come from this life. Think about this very carefully. 

Where is your life?  You learned biology, where is life?  It says in a physical body, our life is in the blood, but what about your spiritual life?  Where is our spiritual life from?  Only in Christ do we have life.  It’s not in myself.  But when I revert to myself, that’s not life, that’s death. Because I have life and that’s Christ it means all things come from this.  These must be laid as our foundation before we go onto doing all these visible acts of our walks of faith.  Christ is God, He is the Creator, and He is moving  all things towards His goal. This must be laid down as the foundation of our lives.  

If this doesn’t take place, but you’re lying your  building on top of sand, even though you do so may things in your walk of faith, it will one day crumble.  Long time ago there were a lot of second generation remnants who left the church, why is that?  It is because they don’t have this foundation.  They worked diligently, spoke English very well, but because they didn’t have this foundation, one day, they crumbled down.  If the first generation pastor doesn’t know about this foundation in Christ, they will encourage their remnants to speak English, to study well, and do all sorts of things. Because the pastor can’t speak English well but the remnants do and know the culture well, it seems like something is working out, but if it doesn’t come from this life, one day it’ll crumble. All of the churches will disappear. Do you know why the churches of America are disappearing? It is because they do not have this foundation.  When they leave, they need to give some sort of reason, so they say, “It’s becauseof my scar, or because of this person” it’s basically because they don’t have the right foundation. They don’t have this answer so even if they get married and they have children, the baby continues to grow up. But life within Christ, this foundation must be strongly and firmly implemented and these are things we can t see.  

Because of this, you must utilize your time for this.  If this doesn’t take place but you work very diligently, one day, you will crumble down too. When that crumbles down, you will be a grey and upset saying “I’ve done so many things for the church,” Did someone  tell you to do it with your own strength? No you must do it with the power and strength of the Holy Spirit. When your walk of faith crumbles down, it means your life has crumbled down.  If my life is not within Christ, there’s no way for me to live, then what must be on top of that?

Luke 9:23-25

It says, whoever wants to follow me must deny themselves and take up the cross. This is what we call devotion, it is to deny myself. Why do people receive scars? We must tell this to the people who have scars, tell them to think very carefully why you have this scar. Is it really because of the other person or is it because of something you have? It may be both but it’s because you had this scar already, and someone else touched that scar. How could that other person know? They just talked about it normally but for this person they see scarred. They have this scar but they don’t see the problem and they put the blame on others. And it might be correct, those are people who don’t believe  in God. 

And in this situation we must discover God’s plan but we are arguing instead who is right and wrong, so you’re not able to see that and you’re saying the words of the devil. If this scar isn’t solved then you’ll suffer until you die and if someone touches it, it hurts. And it all stems from the family. And if the parents see that it’s different from what is expected , they become scarred because they have their own motives and thoughts. They received their own scar themselves, thinking, “Why are those parents elite but not my parents?” 

And where does that standard  come from? It comes from myself, then what’s God’s standard? You must discover the plan of why God placed you in that family, but instead you don’t do that and that’s why it becomes a scar. You must quickly come out of this. Later on you will meet another person and it seems you guys are comforting each other’s scars but later it leads to destruction. Why’s that? These people are connecting because they have similar scars. But as time goes on if another persons says something to scar you, then that’s when you end 

When you go out into the field to evangelize, it seems not everyone has scars, but everyone has scars. Especially the scars from the church, but the things the other person says might be correct. But because they say correct things all the time they can crumble. They crumble because they don’t believe in christ. People are not perfect; they cannot follow the 10 Commandments perfectly.  But then when you talk about the scars, it’s actually saying, “why can’t you follow the Ten Commandments perfectly because you scarred me,” but these are already words that are not aligned with the word of God.

That’s why you must listen to the gospel.  It seems like I’m listening to the gospel, but actually we are legalistic, so within this true life we must do the real things. I must bear my cross,  I must deny myself. “But I did so much for the church and worked so diligently,” why do you need to say those words? For those who say those words, you need to help them restore these things. Then they will bear the fruits that stem from this. One day, they will crumble down and leave. 

Is it okay if they leave? Unless they restore this life, they will continue to crumble. They can go to another church, but the most important  thing is they must have this new life and I must deny myself, take on the cross and do real devotion.  No matter how quickly or slow it takes, all of the church members one by one lay their foundation in this and that’s why the church can be strongly built. Even if one person says something that is completely different, then the ninety nine percent of the other people will fall down as well, why? It’s because the darkness will not overcome the light.  If this is not relayed to the future generation, then everyone will crumble down together. And that’s why before we talk about the visible things of the church, the foundation is more important. We must enjoy this true thanksgiving of this salvation and that’s where our devotion comes from and from there we do things for the church like volunteer and help out.  People cannot follow the 10 Commandments perfectly, so when you look at people they are always lacking, why? Because when you look at them with the eyes of the Ten Commandments, everyone is lacking. 

But people say, “I have been discouraged by that,” but it’s because they have this incorrect standard. “I didn’t think they would act like that,” but the person who’s saying this also cannot follow the Ten Commandments.  that also cannot follow the 10 Commandments. That’s why with the law, when you discover that the person needs Christ, too, you have victory. If you look at this perfect standard and this lacking person, you have no choice but to resent it.  Even though they can’t follow it themselves, God has given us the law so we can hold only onto Jesus Christ but people have lived this walk of faith backwards. Even if you know the law and legalism correctly, you’ll be able to save the people in the church.  

There are people who rebuke and get mad at other people for not being able to follow the law perfectly, even though they themselves cannot. Those people have not been gospelized. As you look at that, that person needs Christ, and you pray for them. That’s what we are talking about. 

And just because you call it a church doesn’t mean it’s actually a church.  Go to a legalistic church, you will be able to hear all of the correct and incorrect words. They say, “Don’t we need to follow God’s Word?” And those are good words, and if you can’t follow after it, you repent, but you rebuke others saying, “Why can’t they follow the law,” and the other person rebukes that person, this us what we call legalism, the pharisees.  Does it mean, we don’t need the law?  There is no gospel without the law. 

You must know the law in order to know sin and know why we need Christ. When you look at them with the gospel for the gospel and see they are lacking, we can see why we need Christ.  It’s hard for me because I have such a legalistic nature.  Because God has given me the grace, that’s why I can. Or else, on the pulpit, I’ll have no choice but to say all the legalistic words, and they are correct but once I turn back I’m embarrassed. 

Why? Because I have been standing on the side of the law.  Then, people say things with a loud voice because they think they are righteous, these people get cancer easily, that is the characteristic.  Because they have their own sense of justice, they get angry, and that’s why their lifespan is short and their health deteriorates. Then they become very tired easily, that’s why you must change it to gospelization. It is not rebuking them, but, “oh, they need the gospel.”  In order for this person to change from this one time schedule to the next they need this.  

7.  Lifestyle

1) Word

What happens if I don’t follow the Word?  Then I live with my thoughts and experiences, and that’s why evangelists must follow the Word.  Among all of you, think of it carefully. How many of you have been following the Word throughout the week? There are some people who think they don’t need this at all because they just want to live with their own experiences, they’re not able to come out of themselves, and that’s why they’re constantly in suffering.  They are deceived by Satan and seized. 

Why do I follow the Word? Christ is our Master, so we follow after the words of our Master.  It’s not that it’s right or wrong for me; our opinions don’t matter, we just follow after the words of our masters. I talked about it on Wednesday. How can my 13 year old daughter understand everything I’m trying to explain to her? She doesn’t understand it clearly but she believes in her father’s words and that’s why she follows after it.  She may say, “Oh, but in my opinion, I think this,” and that’s what we call prayer to God. “God, I think in this way, but why have You given me this Word?”  If you think, “God, I think I”ll just go my own way and not follow after Your Word,” that is when you will be rebuked.  Those things don’t happen because once you pray and meditate on the Word of God, even though you have your own opinions, that’s when God will change your heart and reveal his words. God gives you the Word, knowing your circumstance, incidences, and problems.

2) Ministers

We are ministers who serve, and that’s why ministers must be careful.  In other churches, I realized there were ministers who did whatever they pleased, and I realized they were people with a lot of scars.  Because they have a lot of scars, they want to taste something in their ministry.  They try to succeed in a worldly way, but that doesn’t work out, but their ministry is taking place and they have a lot of people following them, so they do whatever they want with those people and they think it’s okay.

But we are servants who serve; we can’t just use other people recklessly. If I’m serving the Lord, that means I’m serving other people.  That’s why I can’t tell them to do whatever I want, because that’s spreading negative things and that’s against God.  Because, for these church members, they think of all these other possibilities.  

One time, when I was an assistant pastor, there was a lady in Pasadena and I went to visit her.  She studied in seminary, her friends’ husband was an assistant pastor, and told her to come join another church but she said she didn’t want to, she wanted to stay in my church, but after a few weeks, she stopped coming, and I felt pity for her, so I went to go visit her. And I met with her and she said all sorts of things.

She told me, “How can ministers treat other people like their slaves?  That Assistant Pastor probably learned from the Head Pastor, right?” I told her, “That’s not the church I know,” because for her, she says, “When I see their actions, I see the person’s inner state,” so I told her in my testimony, “Once I started coming to church, I realized there’s so many things I didn’t like, but one day, God gave me grace and I had faith. I received this grace and at this place and time, I do the work of God.”

I told her this, but she said, “It’s possible for you to do this because you’re a pastor, but it’s impossible for me.” That’s why this is important.  Whether it’s this or that, there are many ways to serve, whether it’s to pray for them or to give them the Word.  If you want to do this gospelization in the long term, you must follow after what the Lord says.

3) Abandoned Ones

We may be able to throw things away. If there’s something more valuable, we throw other things away. If you aren’t able to do this, then you can’t do this gospelization in the long run, because for those who have their eyes set on monye, they will be limited to materialistic wealth because they’re doing this gospelization movement for money. In the visible sense, these things are appearing, but one day, they will crumble.  If it touches upon their own pride, they will crumble as well because they have lived a walk of faith based on their pride.

But one day, Satan will touch upon that pride.  Ultimately they will not be able to continue, and so that’s why, throwing it away, “I don’t need it, Christ must be my everything; I don’t need anything for myself.”  Just like Paul said, “I have abandoned the elementary principles of the world and held onto Christ,” and followed after that.  All the visible things in the church aren’t the church.  The invisible things lead to these visible things.  That’s why, for remnants, they received this blessing of gospelization for the rest of their lives, and that’s why your foundation must be laid correctly.

I have done this for over 20 years; there are so many different types of people, there are so many different types of pastors, they evangelize so well, but one day, they’re gone. If they’re gone, but they still evangelize, is that okay?  If that were the case, that would be good, but it’s not.  It’s not just one or two people, I’ve done this movement for 27 years and there are so many changes.  

For those for whom this takes place, it doesn’t seem like much, but later on, the fruits will be revealed, so that’s why we have to see it long term. We don’t talk about it taking place or not right now, because that’s words of unbelief.

4) Ambassador

I’m an ambassador commissioned by Christ

5) Cross

I’m the person who bears the cross, He says, “Take up your cross and follow Me.”  You have died with Christ on the cross, He didn’t say, “Abandon your cross and follow after Me,” He said, “Take up your cross and follow after Me.” follow after Christ in this state. Don’t follow after Christ by saying, “This isn’t what I think.”  People say things incorrectly but the Lord within you speaks to you, talks to you, the Holy Spirit dwells within us.  The servant of the Lord speaks the word of God but the Holy Spirit must work upon you in order for you to understand God’s Word.  It seems like that Word isn’t aligned with  me, but once you pray to the holy sorority to reveal this word to you, then God will work.  Your cross.  

We shared about the Word of the qualifications of those who do the gospelization movement.  These are the people who are commissioned out into the field and do the gospel movement, then all the questions in the world will naturally come up because that is right, because all people have their own standards with which they look.  They say, “I have a scar because of that,” and we must change all of that.  If this doesn’t take place for you, it will be hard when you  meet other people because you won’t know what to say. I hope you have this blessed grace.


God, thank You. We have received the message of those who are qualified to do this evangelism movement.  Bless us to be the ones who relay this answer to the world.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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