Things to Change (Mt. 4:19)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Things to Change (Mt. 4:19)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han


1. Jesus Christ

Finished (Jn. 19:30)


The incident of the cross has been finished, we must hold onto this and believe it, it is finished, then at that point, the darkness begins to go away.  Now, if the Lord does it inside of you, you do it in the name of Christ, and we need to enjoy that. Let’s say something is happening, then we need to ask, what is the Lord’s plan inside of this?  That’s what it means to enjoy the gospel.  But even as people go to church, they’re not able to enjoy the gospel, so when they face a problem, they say, “How can I solve this? What’s going on?” They go back to a “me” that does not have Jesus Christ. 



We saw Gustavo today and he has a way bigger beard and he’s a lot plumper now, he used to be super thin earlier.  It looked a lot like Gustavo, I saw him in the back during first service, like the prodigal son who left the house, got married, had a baby, and came back.  Because from Gustavo’s point of view, he realized that now he has to realign his walk of faith, so this is aligned with our church time schedule of Hollywood.  This is an answer.

On the other hand, people who saw Gustavo returned and were not in prayer, they didn’t see this as an answer.   But the Lord has the answer to save the 237 nations and the time schedule is that these kids need to come and stand up, so God sent Gustavo back.  God will also raise your talent into the specialization in the time schedule for world evangelization, too.  Why? To proclaim the gospel to all nations in the field. There is nothing more accurate than that.  These are God’s Words of promise, so it will be fulfilled without a doubt. 

Earlier I was talking to Senior Deaconess Choi talking about talented people in Korea wanting to come to America, but there’s no platform, so they apply to her company.  Another bank asked her to be the manager for years, they’re scouting her, she kept saying no, even though that’s the greatest position for her, because she has something else.  She’s in a different company, becoming independent, hiring remnants in her company, and now, all these different companies in the world need to be supported with technology or they will die.  In Korea, people with specialization are prepared and advancing very quickly.  But they need to come into the field of America, but they don’t know the field.

There’s a field really good at marketing to the American field. I’m explaining 300% to you.  If the 100% specialization is not prepared, then it’s useless.  On the other hand, if you have the specialization and do not know the field, that’s also nothing.  There needs to be somebody who’s been doing marketing in this field for decades and knows the field.  Then there must be the system, the team; everyone else will die.  You guys must prepare the 300% for world evangelization.  If you don’t prepare 300%, don’t get married; why would you suffer like that?  If they don’t have specialization, why marry them? They would spend their entire life suffering, they can’t make money or give offering, and then they die. They have no specialization. If you have the specialization, you will know the field and the system God has prepared, then they will conquer. Do you understand?  Look, everyone’s being destroyed. Only the technology remains.  Only when you develop your specialization can you survive.  Korea does this well but Korea is so small.  In America, only the small minority of businesses make it; most don’t, so its’ only the ones that set up the specialization and system.

If you don’t have this, you’ll have nothing.  Same with restaurants.  You have to know the field, because otherwise, no matter how good your food is, it won’t fit the area, and then you must continuously develop your skills based on the field.  Then people change.  It needs to be a team; you can’t do it alone.  God must create that team for you.  We do world evangelization with this.  We are praying for this almost impossible-seeming Temple Construction but to me, it’s not impossible because God told us to pray for the 237 nations.  As I keep praying for it, it becomes closer, following the hope and joy God gives me. I can tell from people’s forums that God gives grace to people who are praying in the forefront, first.   God doesn’t just make you do work with nothing; He gives the people who are raising the banner and praying to go first.  So, when you pray for world evangelization, you say, “Yes,” and God will never make you do it with your own strength; God will give you the blessings and the power to do world evangelization. 

Our Senior Deaconess Choi says she wants to give the gospel in the field but she talks so much that the people in the field don’t listen to her.  During the North America Businesspeople Conference, she prayed for this blessing of meeting, and there was another Pastor’s Wife she met in another region who said, “Do you know the mystery for Temple Construction? It’s evangelism.”  I went to her church and saw they had done Temple Construction well, and she said, “It’s not done with money; it’s done with evangelism,” but when this senior deaconess tries to evangelize, she talks too much. We must prepare with the gospel to save America, so that’s what she prayed for, and this meeting took place. 

Someone who received salvation and was so afflicted and had $500,000. This person goes to church and was afflicted but she accepted Jesus Christ and the field opened, so don’t think it’s done by your strength.  God prepares the Temple Construction and then God carries it out.  I’m not saying that person alone will give $500,000, but there are people in the field like that.  I’m saying that God has prepared people in the field, so is it truly the gospel?  For the remnants, are the things you are studying aligned with God’s will? That’s why it’s finished.  When you finish everything with Christ, then the power of Christ follows you. He is the alpha and omega, but if you start with yourself and everything ends with yourself, that’s why it crumbles.  If you do everything for yourself, then you’ll have mental illnesses, because even though you go to church, the gospel hasn’t gone into you, so the curses and disasters of your family line are going into you.  You cannot block curses and disasters with money.  You cannot block mental illnesses with money.  You have to have this firmly. 

There will come a day when you will understand.  I heard this when I was 29 and it’s been a long time for you to have heard this, so you have more potential, do you understand?  Just be in the place where God wants you.  I told you guys that I went to Korea for 10 years, and you can’t stay there because you want to, but what God made me do for 10 years is to throw away everything that belonged to me.

Things to Change (Matt. 4:19)

1. Matthew 5

Matthew 5 Blessings

Matthew 4 Things to Eat

Living and struggling for Christ is a blessing, and the one who looks at the field and mourns is blessed. The ones persecuted for Christ are blessed. Change your idea of blessings. When the true blessings are formed within you, then the physical blessings will follow.  Why do the people in the church struggle?  They have incorrect priorities inside of them, they prioritize and value the things of the earth first.  The things of heaven must be first and we must change that priority, but the things of heaven are spiritual and cannot be seen.  That can only be done through faith.  We don’t get faith from nowhere.


Romans 10:17

You have faith by hearing the words about Christ.  You are also deceived by the words you hear.  I hear this a lot, there was a remnant in Seattle who said her mom married her dad because she thought he graduated from Harvard, but he only graduated from a shoe shining store, but if you married someone, you had to live with them for the rest of your life.  Nowadays, people get divorced, but back then, they did not.  There’s a huge age gap between the mom and dad, and the mom is a seminary professor.  If you look at well-educated people, they’re a little naïve.  At least the people who left school early have some street-smarts and can tell when people are lying, but people who only have book-smarts, their relationship starts to break apart, and the kid is covered in scars.

We gain faith by listening to words about Christ.  What happens when you listen to music?  My life is my life? That’s not true; your life belongs to the Lord.  People read books written by nonbelievers and that’s why people end up committing suicide after reading books.  Those things are not the truth; you can keep them as reference, but only the Word of God is True and life.  No words of people will be fulfilled in your life; only the Word of God will be fulfilled in your life.  That is why if you gain faith while you listen to the Word of God, that’s the blessing, this is the seat of blessing.  People are not blessed because of their actions; if you are in the seat of blessing, then that’s it.

The Word of God gives you grace.  In 1997, I went to a fall conference in Singapore, and I asked God, “What do you want to do with my life?” And I was a nonbeliever, but I had <verse> and Acts 1:8 in my heart.   It’s just those two, and only the physical things I remember, there was a swimming pool and good Udon, bright flowers, I shared a room with Pastor Ahn, but these words were fulfilled.  I thought God was not telling me the answer, but God is His Word, and He has already given you His Word.  The standard with which I keep interpreting the answer is that He will tell me what to do, “study this and do that,” but the Word of God does not change.  I just thought these were random words I received from a conference because I didn’t know there was a standard for answers.  I remembered the Chinese translation for “pastor,” they would say that word when interpreting, that’s all I remembered, and those two Bible verses are the ones God gave to me as an answer. They were embedded in my heart, and as time passes, God gives me the answer in a physical way. 

It’s becoming more specific over time.  I didn’t know before, I didn’t know we would start a church, so we’re in a situation where we had to start our own church and I was told to pray about it but I didn’t know what to pray for, and everyone told me, “You have to make a name for the church,” and I didn’t know about that, but all I knew is that we had to do missions, so I put “Mission” otherwise we’re useless.  The word, “Mission” came to me in 1996, I was going around the missions field myself, so this is not something you hear; it is something you see and it goes into you.  What goes into you does not come out.  Because it is given to you by God, it will never come out; it will always be fulfilled, that’s our God-given dream.  To give me this, God has allowed me to see and experience many things. 

So, we’re praying to begin this church, and when I prayed for multiethnic people, God gave me joy in my heart.  Then  I began to understand my past, “This is the reason why God sent me to the Philippines and see the field there,” and to save people of all nations, I can’t do it because I don’t know English, but that’s why the 1.5 generation is so important, so the English-speakers are important and for that person, the first generation had to set up the foundation.  I thought that was just it, but I’ve seen God carry this out exactly.  Yesterday, you saw the praise team at Remnant Day, right?  I went there at 2:20pm, and I explained the spiritual state of each of the members and how they were being healed.  Caleb, on the praise team, was looking for a hairdresser, and their parents got lost and ended up in our parking lot.  Stephanie was on a plane with Esther Kwa on the way back from a plane, and next to Stephanie was Alexandra who heard the message and was moved.  Camren came all the way from Florida after being connected through a pastor in Sedona, Arizona.  Naysay was on the guitar. 

The more time passes, the more we realize God is fulfilling His Word, so we summarize the Word as 7, 7, 7.  We look back and see, “God is fulfilling His Word and guiding me,” so for us, multiethnic missions is easy.  It’s easy to evangelize to Hollywood because that is how God has led us and that is how God will lead us, and there is a different “only, uniqueness” for each church, and I saw Gustavo today, and thought, “It’s the time schedule,” we need to have a Caucasian-looking guy, we need diverse people.  He’s from Argentina, and there needs to be Asians like me and African Americans.  The church of America must have all the different people God has created, worshiping and praising together, and that’s why we’ve changed everything, the way we make our food and how we think. We keep changing the praise leader, it used to be Esther, now it’s Tim, because if there’s another Korean person, no one else will pay attention.  Because if the adults are Korean and the next generation is also Korean, it’s all for Koreans.  So, I persuaded Esther, “God is going to give you great blessings in the future, let Tim lead praise.”  She doesn’t know this back then, but God had already prepared Esther and Tim to get married.  It’s different when Tim leads compared to when a Korean leads.  When he leads praise, he’s really full of concentration, and he opens his mouth wide.  We need diverse people coming to worship and praise God together, that is the church God desires. 

So today, our lunch, we have more multiethnic people at our church than Koreans.  This is the time schedule where Gustavo left the home and comes back home with a wife and kid. There are also people who used to come to church and then stopped.  I’m not going to say who they are, but they’re there.  Either way, I’m testifying to you now that God fulfills His Word within His time schedule.  Change.  If you think something is a blessing but it’s not, that’s a mental problems.  What’s the characteristic of someone with mental problems? They can hear something nobody else can hear, or see something nobody else can see. That’s a mental problem.  If this is a blessing but you think it’s not a blessing, that’s a mental problem. There’s a real blessing, but you think the fake blessing is real, that’s a mental problem. There’s a real blessing but you hold onto the fake blessing, that’s a mental problem.   The living God is with you right now, working with true blessings, but you don’t recognize that as a real blessing, but you hold onto the fake blessing?  That’s being seized by demons like John 8:44.  You cannot solve your problems with alcohol or drugs; you’re trapped by lies. You need to go to the true blessings to be freed from your problems.  But the devil is holding onto our thoughts and emotions with lies, dragging us in that direction.


How shall I pray?  According to God’s Word, pray for God’s Word to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Praying to accomplish what you want is not prayer.  If you learn prayer incorrectly, it’s impossible for you.

Will    Kingdom    Money

First and foremost, pray for God’s Kingdom to be established fundamentally.  Don’t pray for physical things but pray for God’s Kingdom, then God is bound to work with the physical things according to His need.  Otherwise, you pray, “God, help me study well,” but why would God need to do that?  You can just study diligently, you’re only living for your own kingdom; why does God need to work for that?  You’re working for Satan’s Kingdom, but it must be for God’s Kingdom and world evangelization, that’s the reason for Temple Construction.  This is an important timeline and if you’re able to experience the blessing of the economics that come through offering, that blessing will remain for the rest of your life.  When you’re young, it seems like nothing, but we’re in the time schedule of Temple Construction, and it’s such a tremendous time. It’s not about your money.   It’s about where you place your priority.  When I first received salvation, the pastor told me to start giving offering, but I wondered why. I was a foreign exchange student, with no money or job, but I still spent money throughout the month.  Even though I didn’t have money and I was so young, I still gave my tithe.

Who’s better, me or missionaries who don’t tithe? Who’s giving with the offering they’ve received?  Until now, I have never been blocked financially and it will be the same in the future.  There’s nothing I can’t do because of money, because if I don’t have it, it’s God’s will; if it is God’s will, He will give me what I need.  Even now I give 5/10ths of my offering, it doesn’t matter because I have faith. Is it hard?  It’s joyous.  The Lord is the Lord, it’s not me.  I’m always in the minus but God solves it; He’s the Lord, and it makes Him so happy.  I don’t even know how much offering I’ve given to Temple Construction already, but if you’re only giving offering to maintain your position in the church? That’s not offering.  There are some people who use money to maintain their own position.  All the offering I receive, it’s not for me, but in the Kingdom of God, there’s no waste.  Without a doubt, it seems you have only a small mustard seed you’re planting, but later on, it turns into a gigantic tree; nothing is wasted in the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 7

The Pharisees tried to use the law to stone people to death, but the Lord is changing that.  You’re unable to live according to God’s law, but you’re criticizing and punishing others for not following the law?  That’s how people fight, people always look at their actions and think, “I’m better than you,” but that’s why Jewish people are good at fighting, because they’re legalistic.  What is the gospel?  “This is why we need to go into the grace of the gospel because you’re wrong and I’m wrong,” so the Lord says, “Whoever is without sin, cast the first stone.”  Jesus Christ wrote down all the times you lusted after your neighbor’s wife or husband, because that’s also adultery, even if it’s not with your actions, you committed adultery with your heart.  Do you not have sin?  You do have sin, that’s why God gave us the law so that we can go into the gospel and receive grace.  “Pastor, it’s so watered-down, it doesn’t seem like anything, you need to give them the strict law but you say this or that is good,” but I’m saying, God never broke the law and the gospel is the law and God fulfills the law exactly, now.   Only Jesus Christ has the strength to fulfill the law so if you’re led by the spirit of Jesus Christ, you will fulfill the law, and that begins to change in your heart, first.  That’s why, when God gives you grace, your insides will change first.  That is the true healing.  Right now, the world doesn’t know the gospel, so shine the light there.

Matthew 13

It talks about the small mustard seed, where it’s planted and later on it becomes a huge tree where birds can rest, and you serve the church in a small way but later on it becomes huge.  Evangelism is amazing, it seems like you’re a salesperson but actually you have the pearl of greatest value. You need to know that value for your life to go into the stream of evangelism.  You should not have ulterior motives; you need to know what is truly valuable.  He talks about fishing, “You need to throw away the bad fish and keep the good fish only,” He explains the kingdom of God with analogies, so the average person thinks, “This is valueless and worthless,” it’s because to the people who live with the standards, for the things of the earth, “This person is running around evangelizing but that won’t make them money,” but inside the gospel, if it’s true that Jesus Christ has finished everything, then living a life for Christ is to restore everything.  If you come to this answer, you won’t be shaken no matter what anyone says because you’ve come to an answer in Christ.  Testifying Jesus Christ is the will of God and if you hold onto that as your direction in life?  In the midst of that, there’s Temple Construction, then nothing can shake us. 

I don’t listen to the words of people that come from their experiences, it’s not the truth; I don’t even listen to my own words because that’s not the truth.  Be careful, what must you be careful about? You keep following your emotions; your emotions are not the truth and other peoples’ words are not the truth.  “today, I feel so bad,” that’s just how you feel but God is with you, guiding you even today.  “My situation is so bad,” but your situation in Christ is irrelevant.  Even if you have depression, Christ is still the Christ, do you understand?  But people say, “If I believe in Christ, my depression should go away,” but Christ is Christ and depression is depression.  What would be your priority?  Christ or depression? Do you know why you’re seize by your depression?  Its’ because you’re trying to hold onto Christ and depression, do you understand? Then you’ll never get better.  Your situation is so difficult but you think your situation needs to change, so that’s what’s preventing you from holding onto the gospel. 

You must hold onto only the gospel.  Do you understand? Do not be influenced by the words of other people; you must be influenced by the words of the gospel.  Then, that gospel will take the direction of your life to proclaiming the gospel to the 237 nations.  Exactly according to Jesus Christ’s promise, He will be with you with all authority in heaven and on earth.  The prayer inside of those words are the true prayer.  When we have a few witnesses arise, everything is done.  It’s not possible with the efforts of mankind. Only when the power of God from heaven comes upon you is this possible.  That is how you are within the midst of blessings in your lifetime, it’s the Temple Construction and purchase.  If you don’t know this now, you’ll realize later on, “This is why my pastor was spitting blood,” but then he’s dead and the only thing that remains is faith in God.  God only works upon that, so it’s such an important time. You don’t have to go to class; it’s not eternal.  But if you lose hold of God’s Word while growing up, you won’t develop spiritually.  God will give you the same answers David reci4eved when he was your age.  Do you understand?  Even if you don’t get it now, it doesn’t matter because you’ll get it eventually.

Matthew 16

Christ finished everything, He is the solution to everything in life.  You must not follow these words as my words; you can’t just repeat these words, but follow what the words themselves mean.  At your age, you give forum by summarizing the words because that’s how you’re trained, but the Word of God being established upon you, that has great significance.  How does David and Joseph forum? It’s the word God gave to their heart.  That’s evidence that God works upon that person.  David was anointed with oil when he was young, to be the king, then that Word is fulfilled exactly, isn’t that right?  The Word established within you is fulfilled without a doubt.  What God has given to you, God gave His word to David, “You will be king,” and God poured upon him the Spirit, and that’s the Word.  If you’re unable to stake your life on that word, your life has failed because that person will always be confused because they don’t have the Word of God.  You need to hold onto the Word that God will fulfill in the future.  “You are the Christ, the son of the living God, ”The gates of Hades are broken down, and upon this rock, the church and Temple Construction will be raised up, and Temple Construction follows. This is the key to receive answers. You must pray the prayer that receives answers.  Why pray prayers that don’t receive answers?  Why pray prayers of religious people?  You must pray the prayer that receives answers, but when you pray according to what God desires, stop praying for your studies, but pray with the Word and world evangelization will follow. 

All your prayer topics are in this earth.  That stronghold inside of you is so firm, so receive God’s guidance and receive healing.  The stronghold, the bartizan within you, you have depression and nightmares.  Change that inside, you need spiritual surgery.  Once you become a college student, the surgery is intense.  For young adults, you have to go to the Emergency Room because the things of the world are so intensely and strongly inside.  For adults, they need to get the supercharger every single day, because they’ve been trapped in their own things for decades, when they hear they understand but when they go to the world, they go back.   Do you know the reason why your parents tell you the same thing?  There is something so deep inside of them, it doesn’t change, but they are changing little by little, so it starts from the first generation to the next generation to the people of all nations, and that’s how world evangelization takes place.

Matthew 17

Who is the Lord?  I think I’m the Lord, and I try to look at the future, but I can just ask the Lord.  There is a pastor who spoke at the young adult retreat and wrote down everything every week, for me, that makes me go crazy, but he wrote tiny font the size of a mustard seed. For me, that gives me mental problems, if I see something scribbled, I get grace, so the method isn’t important but what goes into you?  Yes, you have to write it down, but what is it that actually goes into you? You need to change your Lord.  If your Lord has not changed, you’ll be stressed and get cancer.  If you remain as the Lord now, then that stress is going to cause cancer, and you’ll lose all your money to medical bills.  What’s the way to make money now?  You must change yourself now.  The unlimited God has to become my Lord for me to be okay. 

John 2

There’s the tax collector, the woman who committed adultery, the law is not the answer.  Discern well.  Some adults misunderstand and say we’re trying to break the law, and we’re not, but what this means is, I can never fulfill the law. I can never break down the law, but you must not shove the law into a nonbeliever’s face. Why would you tell a nonbeliever to get circumcised? They must go straight into the grace of God.  Through the law, you realize, “I have Original Sin,” and go to the cross.  That is how you stand before Christ every day, “I need the grace of the cross because this is who I am.”  Then when you go to the cross every day, the Lord is with you.  You go with the power of the Lord.  You’re able to go with the same eyes to see the future with the Lord.  Then the results will come to you as answers, little by little. The answers change depending on who you go with. Depending on who your friends are, your life will be different. If your friend is always stealing, it’s going to be a headache. If your friends are always doing drugs, your life will be a headache.  If anything you should be able to influence your friends who do drugs to not do drugs, so I’m not saying we don’t need them; we need to change them.

John 19:30

It is finished.  If you don’t finish it with this, you try to change your own life, but you can’t.  You can never finish it.  The Lord already finished the past, present, and future, and He is with us.  The Lord has already fulfilled the Word and has done world evangelization and is with us.  The Lord prepared world evangelization for Temple Construction and is with us.  See this in advance, enjoy this in advance.  You shouldn’t enjoy after you get it; you need to enjoy this beforehand.  What you must change.


Lord, we thank You. I pray that You will bless the churches so they will change to the correct things the Lord desires.  in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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