The Works through which the Authority of the Lord (Jesus) Appears (Mt. 8:28-34)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Works through which the Authority of the Lord (Jesus) Appears (Mt. 8:28-34)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  The title of today’s worship message is, “The Works through which the Authority of the Lord (Jesus) Appears.”   If today’s message truly goes into your consciousness, I believe that for the businesspeople, the way you run your businesses will change and the way you perceive the Word will change.  In other words, we will be able to see people through the correct eyes.  Who is causing the destruction of the world?  What is the reason that all of our families, our personal lives, and the world are being destroyed?  Through today’s Word, may your spiritual eyes be opened. 

1.  Region of the Gadarenes 

  1) Demon-possessed men (Mt. 8:28)

    (1) Coming from the tombs (Mt. 8:28)

Today, Jesus Christ goes into this region of the Gadarenes and when He went into that region, there were two demon-possessed men, and it says these two demon-possessed men came from between the tombs. 

    (2) So violent (Mt. 8:28, Mk. 5:3-5)

    (3) No one could pass that way (Mt. 8:28)

In Mk. 5, it says they were so strong that even if they were bound by metal chains, they could break through them, so they blocked people from going through this path. The reason these things are happening is to show us the spiritual state of the region of the Gadarenes.  What is the spiritual state of the region in which you live? It is the same state and you must be able to see it is the same state in which you are living in order to be connected with God. 

“But there’s not anyone who’s so crazy that they’re tormenting people like this in my region.”  A few weeks ago, someone on the intersection of 6th St. and Vermont beat someone with a rod so badly, and they still haven’t caught who it was. in certain regions, there are gangs, and in order to join, some gangs’ initiation is to stab someone to death, so the initiation to join that gain is to stab a passerby to death. That’s how you enter as part of that gang.

Do you think people do things like this because their personality is bad?  There are also these mass shootings where someone kills dozens of people, or there are people who kill themselves. Do people commit suicide because their business is failing? Even successful people have gone through failure, and they pass through it to succeed, but are people filled with so much wrath and vengeance because somebody hurt their pride?  A truly successful person is someone who is able to overcome that and turn it into victory.  There are also situations where people may be doing very well in life, and they meet one wrong person who destroys their life.  In other words, there are problems that don’t disappear until Jesus Christ returns, but in the past, present, and in the future forever, there is a problem that will never disappear.  Through today’s worship, may you have the blessing of opening your spiritual eyes to see this.

If your eyes are not opened to see this, you can’t even run a business, and if your eyes are not opened to see this, you cannot protect your family. if your eyes are not opened to see this, you cannot correctly educate your children. Because if your eyes are not opened to see this, you’ll only work hard physically.

  2) Met Jesus (Mt. 8:28)

    (1) Son of God (Mt. 8:29)

These two demon-possessed men could not be controlled by humans, however, when Jesus Christ passed by these people, they came to Jesus and said, “Son of God.” And I’m not sure if there are any among you who think, “Well, if He’s the Son of God, He can’t actually be God Himself. Does God have a daughter or a wife?” People argue with this very strange logic. The “son of God” in this context means that God Himself has come to Earth in the form of a human.  The reason this is so important to understand is because, for example, in Catholicism, people pray in the name of Mary because they say, “This is Jesus’s mother, so she can communicate with the Father God more quickly,” and there is also a religion that started in Korea that believes in God the Mother, and this is also very popular in America as well.  They say, “Because there’s a Father God, there must be a Mother God.” Where did this begin? It all stems from when you don’t understand what the “Son of God” means.

    (2) Heir of all things, Creator (Heb. 1:2)

When we try to use our human knowledge and understanding to interpret the Bible, it doesn’t make sense.  What does Heb. 1:2 say about this “Son”?  He is appointed heir of all things, meaning everything belongs to Him, and through Him, He made the universe.  Do you know why He used the word, “Son”?  Back in those days, the Roman Emperor was known as god on earth, so he was known as the “son of the sun.”  They are saying, “The emperor is not a person; he is a god,” so they called him the son of god, which also meant just god. 

    (3) Radiance of God’s glory, Exact representation of his being (Heb. 1:3)

He is also the radiance of God’s glory, the exact representation of His being,

    (4) Word – Sustain all things, Purification for sins (Heb. 1:3)

In Heb. 1:3, it says He is sustaining all things by his powerful Word.“ All things” means even your business is controlled by the Word, and if your business is not aligned with the principle of the Word, it will not work. Everything you’re doing in your personal life, God is holding onto it through His Word. Your family is also sustained by God’s Word, and if it goes outside of God’s Word, it will not work out.  We have come to this worship to receive God’s Word.  So, if you do not have God’s Word, your life is irrelevant to God.  If you go outside of the way God is moving everything, that is called sin, and that’s what we call curses. 

Remaining within God’s order is a blessing, then how is the Word moving, and how is God giving me the Word for my future?  What is the Word God is giving me for my business?  What is the Word God is giving for my children? Everything works according to God’s Word, that’s what it means that God is holding onto and sustaining all things through His powerful Word.  It doesn’t matter how stubbornly you want something; things do not work out according to your will. I hope you will let go of your stubbornness and hold onto God’s Word. It doesn’t matter how firmly you hold onto your ideologies, because things do not move according to that. They move according to God’s Word.  

Heb. 1:3 says that He has provided purification for our sins, which means He is saving people even now. Even right now, the Lord is carrying out the movement for evangelism and missions, and I go into that, my business goes into that, and that is how God is with us. 

    (5) Right hand of the Throne of Heaven (Heb. 1:3)

Heb. 1:3 says, He is seated at the right hand of the throne of heaven.  When we say “right hand”, it doesn’t mean the right side, so if you think about this from the way humans understand words, you cannot understand it. It doesn’t mean the right or left side. He is at the throne of heaven, it means He has the power.  This all describes Jesus Christ who came to earth in the form of a human, and these demon-possessed individuals recognized Him as the Son of God immediately.  If anything, even the disciples were uncertain of who He was, and they said, “Who is this man who can even quiet the seas and the wind?” but the demons recognized Him accurately, just as the demons know your state accurately as well.  Because these demons are fallen angels, they have spiritual power.  

Because they are the ones who used to worship God and Jesus Christ Who was seated at the right hand of the throne of heaven, they see it immediately.  If you are not able to know this, you cannot do evangelism and missions.  I took these kids to a fortune-teller’s house to show them the spiritual field, and the spiritually weak, they had a headache and they had to run out.  I went to El Salvador and there were witch doctors all throughout the region.  There is a certain mountain there where there is a gathering of witch doctors from all around the world, and people go there to receive healing, and every time a pastor goes there to raise up a church, they are not able to endure, so they have to leave. 

The demons really know.  The demons really know whether this pastor truly knows the spiritual secret or not.  I said, “Let’s go there,” and I wanted them to follow. If you don’t have this assurance, then you cannot go.  In that country, it is Catholic, so they’re not able to do abortions, so people go onto that mountain to get abortions, and they would get stabbed on the way down.  These people told me that.  There was no pastor or Christian who could endure in that kind of dark area without spiritual power. 

  3) Reaction of the demons

    (1) What do you want with us? (Mt. 8:28)

    (2) Before the appointed time – Judgment (Mt. 8:29)

This is not the words of the demon-possessed people, but it is the words of the demons that are speaking through the people they’re possessing; they say, “What do you want with us, son of God? Have you come here before the appointed time?”  The “appointed time” is talking about Jesus Christ’s second coming where all the demons will be locked in hell forever, and that is just judgment time.  They are saying, “Why are you here before the second coming to torture us?”

    (3) Torture us (Mt. 8:29)

They say, “Why are you here to torture us?” The demons do not budge because of your great personality, so yes, we do need a great personality, but that’s not enough. All your hard work, your diligence, all of your money, it’s not going to do anything.  It doesn’t matter even if your children have the greatest knowledge.  Demons are only trembling in fear and are tortured before the authority of Jesus Christ. These demon-possessed people do not tremble before people’s power, and the same thing is happening in America today. These things are currently taking place in your region.  “Oh, but there’s nobody in my region who is possessed by a legion of 2,000 demons.”  Do not misunderstand, demons sometimes reveal themselves like this, but there are other ways they reveal themselves.  Especially in America, the superpower nation, they reveal themselves in another way. They represent themselves in a very sophisticated, logical, and objective way.  

    (4) Send us into the herd of pigs, Stay in the area (Mt. 8:31, Mk. 5:10)

Jesus Christ commands them to go, and they go into a herd of pigs. When He casts them out into the pigs, the demons beg Jesus in Mark 5:10 to not send them out of the area.  In today’s message, the words “region” and “household” are important.  There is a different spiritual state in every region.  For the demon-possessed people in this region, they will show their demon possession in the way of the spiritual state of that region.  These two men were possessed by a legion of demons.  Mark 5:13 says the demons went into about 2,000 pigs and they drowned in the lake.  

2. Authority of Christ

  1) Command with the word (Mt. 8:32)

    (1) Legion of demons (Mk. 5:9)

    (2) Demons -> 2,000 pigs (Mt. 8:32, Mk. 5:13)

    (3) Died in the water (Mt. 8:32)

So, the pigs died, but did the demons die? What do you think happened?  The pigs died, however, demons and spirits do not die.  Even right now, they are still in that region.  That’s what it means that the spiritual state remains the same because those demons are still in that region doing the same thing. Then what about the region in which you are living? Is that an exception? Unless the light of Jesus Christ goes into that region, there is no exception, because in every region, there is the organizational structure of Satan, and region by region, the way that this structure is revealed is different.

  2) Demon-possessed Man

    (1) Right mind  (Mk. 5:15) 

Sometimes there are a lot of diseased patients; sometimes there are a lot of murders. In certain areas, there are a lot of drug or alcohol addicts.  These are all the different ways that the spiritual state of the region is revealed.  You have to know this as you do your business and send your kids to the schools in that region in order to solve that problem.

It says in Mark 5:15 that, now that the demons have been cast out of these people, they are in the right sense of mind. In today’s terms, they have a mental illness and I’m not saying that all mental illness is because of demon possession.  However, the mental diseases that are a result of demon possession cannot be healed by anything else. no kind of medication, it doesn’t matter how successful of an area they’re living in, only when the authority of Jesus Christ is revealed.

    (2) Tried to follow Jesus (Mk. 5:18) 

    (3) Pitied him – Told what had happened (Mk. 5:19-20)

We have been given the authority to use the name of Jesus Christ, and now that these two individuals are in their right mind, in Mk. 5:18, they try to follow after Jesus.  In Mark 5:19, Jesus did not let them and said, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord had done for you and how much he had mercy on you.” 

  3) Reaction of this tending the pigs and the people

Now we shall look at the spiritual state and the reaction of all the other people who lived in that region, not just the two demon-possessed individuals.  

    (1) Went into town and reported all this (Mt. 8:33)

    (2) Whole town went out to meet Jesus (Mt. 8:34)

    (3) Pleaded with him to leave their region (Mt. 8:34)

In Mt. 8:34, it says the whole town went out to meet Jesus. When they saw Him, they pleaded with Him to please leave their region. The person to whom the pigs belonged had just lost a tremendous fortune, because when all their pigs died, their whole business was destroyed, so our business does not fail because of our mistakes.  Our business fails because of a spiritual cause we do not even know about. Yes, we do have to work hard, but when we are failing, it is because of another reason. What is the reason our life is being destroyed? It is something else.  Simply put, it is because of our spiritual state.  What is the problem of the past, present, and future, until Jesus Christ’s second coming? It is because of one problem, it’s a spiritual problem, and because the spiritual problem is invisible, you cannot take a picture of it.  

What is the problem of your whole family line? It is not a problem of a lack of education or having too much money; it is a spiritual problem.  But because we’re not able to diagnose the spiritual problem, people keep saying other things.  “It’s because you didn’t act a certain way, if you make a mistake, it’s a big problem.”  We can make mistakes and we can fix that later on, but for the spiritual problem we cannot know and cannot see, there is no other solution. The reason you guys are destroyed is because of your spiritual state.  However, in today’s passage, if the way you see people and the world is changed in your eyes, then you will have the answer. 

All of these people should see and believe in Jesus Christ, but they are asking Him to leave their region. How do you guys believe in Jesus?  Jesus had mercy on you and gave you the grace to believe. We are also part of these villagers.  We were in a state that did not believe in Jesus Christ.  So, in the region where there are two demon-possessed people, what is the Bible saying about the spiritual state of the rest of the 99% of people?

3. The devil authority and my authority

  1) Ruler of the kingdom of the air (Eph. 2:2)

The Bible tells us in Eph. 2:2 that they were dead in their sins and transgressions, and they were following the ways of the ruler of the kingdom of the air.  

    (1) Authority of sin and death (Eph. 2:1, 1 Jn. 3:8)

What is sin? People say it is lying or stealing, but that’s just the result of sin. The reason why people can’t help themselves from doing those actions is because they’re seized by the authority of sin. Because they are seized by the authority of Satan, it results in the sin where they’re separated from God. We have to win over the authority of Satan with the word of God and Jesus Christ, but in Gen. 3, we lost the battle with sin.  The fact that we’re dead because of our sins means we are trapped within the authority of death, and it doesn’t matter how much you struggle and try; you can’t solve this problem.  You must be set free from this authority.

If a child is kidnapped, it doesn’t matter how nicely that child acts; they cannot escape from their kidnappers.  If they are kidnapped by some thieves, it doesn’t matter how nice they are or how diligently they work; they are still kidnapped.  If we are not able to escape from this authority, then our life flows in that way.  

    (2) Culture of the world (Eph. 2:2)

In Eph. 2:2, it says we are following the ways of this world, the ways that are being controlled by Satan and by the culture.  People just follow the culture without questioning it.  In America, everyone around the nation celebrates the Halloween culture on Oct. 31.  What is that culture? It is the culture of the world; it is a demonic culture.  People decorate their houses with these demonic faces in order to prevent other demons from coming into their house. That doesn’t take place even if you put a cross up there.  This is the culture that was created by people who have been separated from God because of their sin and Satan, and they are trapped in fear.  But people just go into that culture without questioning it, saying it is a culture of playing.  

In Korea, 159 people died because of Halloween.  It doesn’t matter how much we investigate that; because it happened because of a spiritual thing, we cannot discover it. If you don’t know spiritual things, how can you raise your kids? If an accident has taken place, it doesn’t matter if you ask, “Did your kids go there?” It’s already too late. Our spiritual state has no choice but to be dragged in that. Our spiritual state has no choice but to be dragged into those shootings. It’s not because of our own analysis, it just happened that way. 

There’s a culture in America of partying, sex, drugs, and debauchery, and it’s created in colleges. That is the demonic culture.  Kids can experience drugs once or twice, but if they continuously do drugs, it’s no longer a problem of drugs. When we have surgery, we need drugs in order to numb the pain, but this is another problem; it is a spiritual problem.  For people who are seized spiritually, they are dragged into addictions and that’s not something we can solve by trying to do something.  There are people who gamble occasionally, but if somebody’s spiritual state is seized, then they get addicted to gambling.  There are also people who drink occasionally, the Bible has drinking and people say it’s good for your health, but if someone is seized spiritually, they get lost in the drinking.

If you don’t know the spiritual secret, then you yourself cannot be liberated. Even playing, we can all play, but if you’re constantly playing, that is another problem.  It is a spiritual problem.  There is no education that can solve that problem.  

    (3) Spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient (Eph. 2:2, James 5:19)

There’s a small minority of people who were demon-possessed in a strong way, like the two people possessed by 2,000 demons, but 99%, the vast majority of people, are possessed in this way.  Eph. 2:2 says that this is the spirit that is now at work in those who are disobedient; it is invisible to our eyes, and we need to be able to see the invisible things with our eyes to be a true Christian. Because we cannot see the spiritual things, we cannot know why these things are taking place. Why do kids keep committing suicide? Is it because we send them to the wrong school? Is it because they don’t have a lot of money? No, it is another problem.

  2) People – Wisdom of the earth (James 3:15)

    (1) Cravings of the flesh, following its desires (Eph. 2:3)

Let’s say that’s the case for unbelievers, then do you think Christian believers don’t have this problem?  In the book of James, it tells us that even Christian believers who are saved have this problem.  First of all, if somebody is not completely satisfied with God alone, they live their life, trying to fill their greed.  

    (2) By nature deserving of wrath (Eph. 2:3)

Unbelievers are by nature objects of wrath; they have no choice but to suffer like that. Then what about the people who go to church, the people who believe in Christ and are the people of God. Do they not have the things of Satan? If you say they do not have the demonic things, that is the wrong diagnosis. The book of James says there is.

    (3) Demons – Envy, ambition, boast, lies (James 3:14-15)

In James 3:15, it says they absolutely have demonic things.  How is it? It is through bitter envy.  If somebody receives a great answer, “I’m so jealous.”  If somebody’s business goes along very well, instead of being happy for them, you’re jealous and you have a stomach ache.  This is said in the book of James, meaning it is said to churchgoers.  Humans are not normally like this, but this is all over the world because of demons and Satan, and that is why we have division.  Everywhere we go, there are conflicts and division. Because we cannot put ourselves in the seat of God, we think our thoughts are correct, and everywhere we go, we get into fights. That is not from heaven; it is from Satan.  

Also, boasting of yourself.  There are some people who just boast of themselves very openly and they actually have no sense of that. That person does not have God either.  Everything comes from God, but what does it mean when you boast of yourself? It means this is something given to you from Satan, and you need to have the eyes to see this to help that person correctly.  if you don’t have the eyes to see this, you’ll only see them and say, “They brag so much of themselves and not of Jesus,” so you keep criticizing them, but that’s not what you should do.  “This is not coming from heaven; this is actually coming through demons,” and that’s why you help them through prayer. Even as you pretend to listen to them, you are actually praying for them and you want to help them because you feel bad for them.  

Satan also lies.  I told my daughter this morning, “We need to dress well because today, Stephaine is practicing the musical with us, “Why do I have to do that?” I said, “Because we’re practicing the musical today, we need to dress appropriately for that.”  I said, “When you went to your friend’s birthday party yesterday, you were dressed differently, but why is it that you are dressed like this in your Father’s house?” “It’s okay how I dress at my Father’s house, but I dress differently for my friends.”  What am I trying to say? We can deceive people, and that person may not know and we think that’s okay, but do you think it really is?  That person’s spiritual state is being influenced by demons and they continuously lie. That person will ultimately fall.  

If you know this, then you wouldn’t do that.  But because you don’t know this, you keep lying to people, we keep exalting ourselves.  “Do you know who I am? Do you know who my family is?” That may pass for people and they don’t care if you do things like that, but the devil knows, and that is the reason you will ultimately fall. But if you really knew this mystery, even if you wanted to do that, you couldn’t. Because we don’t know the spiritual knowledge, people only act by their morals and ethics.  This is not something you can stop by saying, “You shouldn’t lie.” You need to tell them what spiritual state they’re in.

I told my daughter this, “You shouldn’t try to do this to show other people.  You show your other friends that you dress well, but you need to act like this in front of your family, in front of other people, you have to show them who you really are, that’s your spiritual state, because everything is determined by your spiritual state.”  People who know this will not fundamentally hold onto the things of demons. 

    (4) Disorder and evil practice (James 3:16)

In James 3:16, it says they will find disorder because there’s always division and every evil practice.  We would like it if these things didn’t happen, but they’re bound to happen because of our spiritual state.  Today, I am telling you guys about three types of people.  The first is the people who were demon-possessed. The second is the most general people who don’t believe in Jesus and ask Him to leave, and the third is people who believe in Jesus, how are they deceived by Satan?  

  3) Wisdom that comes from heaven (James 3:17)

    (1) Peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy, good fruit

However, in James  3:17, it says the people who get wisdom from heaven are pure and they are peace-loving. “Pure” means they are set apart. We cannot set ourselves apart by our actions.  Only when God Who is seated at the throne of heaven completely controls and rules over my thoughts, my heart, my emotions, and my spirit, are we set apart.  That is the spiritual state that changes the result of our lives.  Your personal life, your family life, and everything in your life comes from the spiritual things, so everything will be healed, and there’s no way to save the problems of America other than this.

If any of you think America is a great nation that is successful, you are seeing without spiritual eyes. If they say they don’t need Jesus, you need to see their state spiritually.  Or if you wonder, “Why are they like this even though they believe in Jesus?” See them spiritually; there’s no method. Only when God Who is in heaven completely fills me, does my spiritual state change.  “I have to change my thinking to be good,” even unbelievers think that.  If your spiritual state is elsewhere, it doesn’t matter how good your thinking is; the result will always be wrong.

But for the people who have wisdom from heaven, everywhere they go, they make peace. This is how we should live. You shouldn’t divide people.  There are people who create division wherever they go, and they don’t do it on purpose, they just say words and create division.  These people just say the facts, but they divide parties. It’s the same in the family, when someone says, “My words are correct,” their family is divided.  What is their spiritual state?  It’s the state where they don’t have the Word of God from heaven.  Even the family is being held and sustained by God’s Word. Then it’s not about your words or my words; what does God’s Word say? Then your family will be whole.

    (2) No prejudice, lies – Harvest of righteousness (James 3:18)

You might think you’re okay right now, but you’re really not.  “My kids got into this kind of college,” but they’re not actually okay because the things that will happen in the future are determined by their spiritual state.  They will also have fruits of consideration, submissiveness, fruits of mercy. It will be a fruit that is impartial and sincere. You will bear good fruit.  When you look at a tree, the roots are invisible, but you can see what the fruits are like if you look at the roots.  We do not know the deep spiritual roots inside of people, however, we can know if we look at their fruits.  The fruits must begin from the Triune God in order to have the correct fruits.  On the other hand, if somebody is deeply rooted in freedom or democracy, they will have these other wicked, evil fruits.  

Our fruits must begin in Christ and our roots must begin with words of Christ.  Then, starting from that spiritual state, we will have good fruits.  Ultimately, we go forward already knowing the result of our life. The way we live our walk of faith, the way we live our life, are revealed through the fruits. “I’ve done this for the church, I’ve done that for the church,” elites do more for the church than you do.  But the truly determining factor is whether this person received the good things from heaven to bear the good fruits.  If not, then they are rooted in the things of earth and the things of Satan, so their fruits will always be evil.

    (3) Authority to overcome the power of the enemy (Lk. 10:19)

We’ve been given the authority of the name of Jesus Christ for this. What is “authority”? Let’s say there is a very frail female police officer who has no physical strength, but she is a police officer, so she can arrest all of us.  That female does not have strength but she has received authority from the government, and if anyone attacks her, the government will not leave that person alone.  

Power is something else; strength is trying to get power for yourself, but it doesn’t matter how physically weak this woman is; she has the authority of a police officer, so if she tells us all to stand up, we have to stand up. We have no power of our own, but we have the authority of Jesus Christ, and you must believe that.  If you don’t believe in this, you cannot change the culture of your region or the culture of your family.  

There are some people who really strongly emphasize education. It’s necessary but it’s not going to change everything.  America is supposed to have had the greatest education but look at the state of America now.  All the elites are educated here, but look at the state of the world with this education.  I’m not saying we don’t need an education, but with education alone, we cannot have accurate healing. We need to also educate them spiritually.  

If I have the authority, the devil already knows that.  Even if you drive by a police officer, you’re going to decrease your speed, why? Because of the police officer’s authority. If you truly know your authority, then the demons know, but what if you don’t know your authority?  It’s like a police officer who has the authority to arrest people, they have a gun and everything but they don’t know their authority so they just live like a civilian, so there is a lot of crime.  In the region where christinas are living, they have to change the culture through prayer, but if they don’t know that, the demons will overpower them, and the first people the demons attack are the Christians, don’t you think that’s true?  Because Satan has to continually bind the Christians in order for them to keep running around.  But if somebody truly knows the authority of Jesus Christ and prays in the name of Jesus Christ, then the forces of darkness in that region cannot budge.  

    (4) King, priest, prophet (1 Pt. 2:9)

In 1 Peter 2:9, it says we have been called the royal priesthood. People of this world try so hard to be successful, but that doesn’t exist in God’s Kingdom.  Already, in the name of Jesus Christ, He has fulfilled the roles of the king, priest, and prophet and that’s where our authority is. We do not believe in Jesus so we can succeed, we do not believe in Jesus Christ so we can have a crown on our heads.  We already have the authority of Jesus Christ that has called us to be a royal priesthood, the One Who has declared the praises of His wonderful light.  We are not living our lives to go into an Ivy League school, we are not believing in Jesus to gain more strength and exalt ourselves.  If we keep finding the wrong goal, your walk of faith will not take place. 

You have something greater than power; you have authority.  You have the authority that the presidents, the teachers, the police officers of this world can never know of.  You have the authority to break down Satan’s kingdom and heal people spiritually.  With the wisdom and power that comes from heaven, then the throne of heaven comes upon me, then our spiritual state completely changes.  And all the blessings we see with our eyes come as a result of that spiritual state.  Religion says you have to beg so diligently to ask for blessings.  But we don’t have to beg for blessings, we already have them.  When the Lord completely fills us, everywhere we go is a blessing.  This is our walk of faith; why do we stake our life on worship? Because of our spiritual state.  But if you don’t know the importance of your spiritual state, you’ll wonder, “Do I have to give worship? Do I not have to give worship?” Do you think God is so bored that He just calls you to worship on Sundays instead of working? It is because of the blessing of your spiritual state.  

The final thing you must know today, Jesus Christ went into that region and then He went into another one, and there was one person in the right state of mind.  What must He do now?  The demons are still in that region; they don’t leave.  Just like in the war between Russia and Ukraine, until you actually plant the flag to mark your territory, the enemy will not flee.  

There must be a platform in that region to continuously shine the light of Jesus Christ in order for the darkness to break down, and that blessing is yours.  Your business must receive that blessing.  Your business must be the platform of blessings to save other people.  Your family must become a platform to save the people of that region. If your church is not a platform to change and save the culture of that region, then that church will close its doors, and the demons know that.  The goal of demons is to break people down no matter what it takes.  So, if you truly know this, then you can heal and change and save those spiritual states.  


1. Me who has the authority of Jesus Christ

I’ll summarize this into one: as God showed you in today’s Bible passage, you need to realize things take place because of people’s spiritual state.  

2. Power from the throne

So if our spiritual state is not changed by the authority of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Throne of heaven, then these things will keep happening in your region and family.  

3. My platform that saves those demon possessed (Family, business, work)

May you and I become the people who save the region, our families, and our businesses, by the authority of Jesus Christ and the wisdom from heaven.  

Message Prayer

When you hold to the Word you received today and you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, you are shining the light strongly.   Let us hold onto that Word and pray together.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  We pray that Lord, you will guide us to be the main figures to change the lecture of this region, as we hold onto the word of God, the authority of Jesus Christ, and the power from the throne of heaven.  We have returned Your material blessings as offering.  We believe you will work upon this blessing with the economy of light for the remnants, evangelism and missions, and temple construction. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we thank You. We pray that You will bless the newcomers so they may know and testify of the authority of Jesus Christ and change the culture of Mongolia.  In Jesus’ Christ’s name we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, and the remnants, who desire to save and change the culture with the authority of Jesus Christ and the power of the throne of heaven from now until forevermore always, amen.

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