The Works of God – The Work that Saves (John 9:1-12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Works of God – The Work that Saves (John 9:1-12)

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I pray that the double portion of the Holy Spirit will be blessing all the people who are worshipping today, even in this heatwave, and it’s possible if God gives you grace. Why is that? We can confirm the answer when we look at the Word of God today.

There is also a reason for the people who have not heard these words, they say, “What are you talking about, we need to have our own strength,” and we’re going to show you through the Bible exactly why they say those words. When you face a problem, it is important for you to discover the plan behind that problem. If you’re sitting around debating why this problem happened to you, that’s useless because the fastest way to get over your problem is to get the answer to it.

The most useless person in the world is the one who keeps talking about the problems. Those are the ones who are always fired first during a situation like the coronavirus pandemic. Those are the people who talk so much but never give the answer. When your company faces a crisis, the one who saves the company in that situation is the most important, in the boss’s eyes. But the thing that makes someone a failure is pointing out all the problems, “This is a problem, that’s a problem,” but they don’t have a solution, and they live their entire lives without an answer like that.

Believing in Jesus Christ means that you have found the answer to every single problem in your life. If you believe in Jesus Christ but He is not an answer to your problems yet, it means you are still wandering, and I hope that especially in today’s hot heat, Jesus Christ will be the answer to your life’s problems.

  1. Jesus Christ
    The answer to your individual life problems is Christ. There are a lot of personal problems and questions you have, right? The answer to that is Christ. There are a lot of problems within the church, but nobody needs the ones who point out the problems. We need the One who knows the answer, and the answer is with the Lord. Asking the Lord and requesting the answer from Him is the fastest way to save the church.

If you’re debating who is right and who is wrong with just the truth and the facts that you have, you’re just the same as Jesus’ disciples. Today, Jesus Christ is bringing His disciples to this man who was born blind so that He could train His disciples.

1) Disciples
The disciples are only interested in whether this man’s blindness was caused by his sin or his parents’ sin because in Exodus 20, God promises to repay the sins of the people who hate the LORD to the third and fourth generation, so if someone is born blind, they ask this question, “Was this man born blind because of his sins or his parents’ sins?”

It might be possible for us to ask that. When there is a problem in our family, the first thing we ask is, “Whose fault is it?” However that question does not have an answer, and all it does is create more conflict, isn’t that right? Whenever my life is faced with problems and incidences, my life doesn’t have an answer, so I have no choice but to wander. Everybody in this world is trying to research and find their answer. The church is a place that knows the answer and should deliver the answer.

The question that the disciples are asking is, simply put, they are trying to assess blame. That’s how they lived their entire lives. Their standard and level is just, “Who is right, whose fault is it?” Why does it matter whose fault it is? If it is truly a problem, don’t you think the real answer would be for him to open his eyes and see? If there is a man who was born blind, it doesn’t matter whether you’re debating whose fault is it or not.

But we live our entire lives that way. Every single day, politicians are living a lie, saying, “Whose fault is it? Oh, this is why America is like this, it’s this person’s fault,” but there’s no answer in that, and that’s why they are living their lives with the wrong questions and the wrong answers.

2) Jesus Christ
In John 9:3, you can see that Jesus Christ responds, “Neither, no one sinned, but this happened so that the works of God could be displayed in him.” Of course, God’s work can be displayed through sin, but Jesus is saying that their question is useless. Regardless of whose sin caused this problem, do you know the solution?

There are some people who live very healthy lives and then get cancer. Even though they’re living their lives as cleanly and sincerely as they could, they get cancer one day, then when they look at themselves compared to other people, they can’t help but lament, “I lived such an earnest and clean life, why is this happening to me? What have I done wrong?” There is no answer in that, but there is something God has to do. God had something to do when He created this man who was born blind, and there is something God is doing after He makes your business fail. That’s what’s important.

So, you need to ask the right question. If you ask the wrong question, then you’re going to get the wrong answer. If your question is, “Whose fault is it?” That is a question that kills but that is the level of skill that you learn from the world. The level of skill of the laws of Moses, following legalism, was not the gospel at all. This was the problem of the church and the families, this is the problem of the world, “Who is right and who is wrong?” Who cares who is right or wrong? Is that going to be able to save us?

In John 9:4, Jesus Christ says, “I have been sent to this earth to do God’s work.” Even Jesus Christ Himself has work that God sent Him to do; it is for that work that Jesus was able to see the blind man. Among the many people in this world, God has granted His grace upon us, and one day He [gave us] salvation, regardless of what position we were in. That position, that incident or problem or background we were in was the background that was required for us to receive salvation.

Nothing is a problem to Jesus Christ at all. That means that, no matter what kind of environment we are in, if we are able to meet Jesus Christ, it’s not a problem. Let’s say you have nothing at all, but one day, you meet Jesus? Then your situation is a blessing. Some people say, “The real blessing would be if my cancer is healed, pastor. What importance is salvation?” The people who ask people like that are people who belong to the physical world, but the people who believe in Jesus Christ while belonging to the physical world will change the spiritual world.

The reason you are worried and anxious right now is because you are worried about the physical things, so you have no choice but to remain without a solution. If you met Jesus Christ through your cancer, then that cancer is the greatest blessing of your life. But if you say, “Even still…” then you belong to the physical world.

Even if we die, we live, and if we live, we live forever. We’re all on this world for a very limited time, so no matter what, whether we die of cancer or of natural causes, we’re going to die, and even today, unfortunately, there are people who lose their lives unfortunately. Right now, in China, Japan, and Korea, there is such an immense, unprecedented storm, and there are so many people who are dying and losing all their fortunes that they have piled up. Why is that? There is something God is doing in this.

If there are any of you who are physically suffering or ill, I hope you will be restored through Christ. You have received the greatest blessing of the Lord which is eternal life, and if you have cancer right now, and you have a mission for God to live the rest of your life, then He will save you. But if you do not have a mission from God, then He will call you back to heaven. Even if people have a healthy body, if they don’t have a mission from God, then God will call them away in their healthy body, so there is no reason to worry about our physical form.

3) Light of the World (John 9:5) – Work that Saves
Today, Jesus Christ has an interest in this blind man, and when He meets him, he says, “I am the Light of the world.” The fact that Jesus is the Light of the world means that the world is in darkness, and darkness means you cannot see. You are blind but you say that you can see, and that’s why you don’t have an answer. In other words, you say, “I am healthy and I have no problems,” that’s why you can’t find the answer. The Lord is saying through this message to the disciples that the one who is actually blind has more hope and potential than the rest, because people who could see with their eyes had seen Jesus Christ, but Jesus was not an answer to them. That is what Jesus is trying to tell us.

What do you think is a blessing? Do you think that getting a lot of material, physical blessings is a blessing? But your life still doesn’t have an answer. Will your material possessions be an answer to your life? Is your knowledge and intellect the answer to solve the problems of your life? If that is truly the answer, then even if you become the president, you should always be able to live with the same level of strength and fitness.

This is the reason why Jesus Christ is using this man who was born blind to teach a lesson to His disciples. The fact that the world is in darkness means that everyone is living enslaved by Satan, living in sin, lies, and death. What is our greed? Is “greed” wanting more material possessions? There is an even more fundamental greed that you have. What is that? It is you thinking that you can be your own god.

Being your own god simply means that your thoughts are your own standard, and that’s what it means to be captured by darkness. You think that your experiences are everything, that’s why you can’t escape from your own thoughts, and that’s why you have depression, panic disorders, and mental illnesses. Why? Because within your own thoughts, you don’t have the ability to overcome mental illness. Even with a Harvard diploma, you cannot overcome depression, why is that? Because this entire world is in darkness, then you need to escape from that darkness.

Being your own god simply means that your thoughts are your standard… Within your own thoughts, you don’t have the ability to overcome mental illness… Because this entire world is in darkness, you need to escape from that darkness.

However, because you are living centered on yourself, stuck in your own thoughts, you have no choice but to be centered on the physical things you see. When you’re captured by the physical things you see with your eyes, you say, “I don’t have it, so I’m lacking. I don’t have it, so I’m suffering.” That’s the evidence that you are captured by the darkness. That’s the situation of Genesis 6.

Then, when your physical world becomes a little bit better, you gather the power of people to approach God, so you think success is more important than God. That is being seized by the darkness. When we say, “darkness,” it’s not about some demon-possession or hallucination. It is simply not being able to escape out of your self-centeredness.

Because you’re living based on your own thoughts and words, you can never come to meet God in Christ. Then, you will never listen to the words of Jesus Christ; you will only follow the words of renowned people you read in books, and you think that is everything.

People have their own religions in a state where their fundamental problems are not solved, and they have their spiritual idols, and people try to receive healing and see the future through other people who are demon-possessed. That’s what it means to be seized by the darkness.

Only the words of Jesus Christ are the Truth, but because you don’t have the words of Jesus Christ’s Truth, you are enslaved by sin and Satan. What is our standard? Do I have true freedom? If I don’t have true freedom, I’m enslaved by sin. Even if I go to church, I’m enslaved by sin, that’s why my life is full of suffering.

There are some people who have cancer but they are saying, “Hallelujah,” there are also some people whose entire family died but he stands alone and prays before God. That means this person saw something. The logic of the darkness of the world and the logic of the Kingdom of God are complete opposites.

The heatwave is so intense right now, but there are some people who come to worship and there are some people who go to the beach to try to escape the heat. “It’s so hot, why would you come to worship? You should go to the ocean and swim in the beach.” That’s the difference between someone who belongs to the spiritual world and someone who belongs to the physical [world].

The heat is not the problem, but it’s the suffering of a hellish life that we must escape from. We’re living in a hellish life, everywhere we go, there is conflict, why? Because everybody is enslaved by the darkness. Go to jail, it’s suffering there, and in the same way, you are living a hellish life on earth before you go to an eternal hell, but the Truth will set you free.

He has finished everything. You have the freedom so that nothing is a problem for you. Your lack of money is not a problem, your lack of a job is not a problem, whether you have an illness or if you’re healthy, nothing is a problem, why? Because we are the people who have true freedom. Even if the pandemic hits us or not, it is not a problem.

When people of the world look at us, they [think we] are very strange because it’s a problem for everybody else, but for us, it is not a problem. It is the true freedom and peace and truth and life that is in Jesus Christ. This isn’t something you should know with your brain. It should realistically come to you. Everybody knows it with their brain because they hear it in church and study the Bible, but it must come into my life as an answer.

Throughout the week, did you have the true freedom from the Word as an answer, or did you just know it from your thoughts? It needs to realistically come into your life in order for you to experience Word fulfillment. If you still only know it with your brain, you’re still in suffering.

  1. Blind Man – Healing
    So Jesus Christ spits on the ground, makes mud with His saliva, and puts that mud on the man’s eyes, and then in John 9:7, Jesus tells the man, “Go wash in the pool of Siloam,” and when he opens his eyes, his eyes were opened and he could see.

Someone who is born blind does not even know colors. In the Middle East, there are a lot of people who have eye problems because the sun is so harsh there, so there are people who are born with sight but lose their sight over time, but they can still distinguish between colors. But this man who was born blind does not even know what he looks like because he was born blind. I think when he opened his eyes for the first time, he said, “This is what a human looks like,” so imagine how much he was moved. Jesus Christ was able to open his eyes so he could see, something the Jewish people could never do with their legalism,

1) Jesus Christ
So what is the work that God does? He saves people. If there is a crisis going on with your country, it doesn’t matter whether you’re arguing about whose fault is it or what caused this, that person is useless. When the pandemic comes, there is no point in trying to predict when it ends. All you have to do is hold onto the Christ and go in with the Truth.

There is somebody who is always obsessing about Revelation and prophesying about the future, but what difference does it make? Is the answer in Revelation? You keep doing these useless studies without any answer in your Bible studies, and you say, “Oh, Revelation prophesized this.” Regardless of that, you have the answer. The Lord is telling us through the book of Revelation that Jesus Christ is the answer. The Jewish people have the Bible and they still can’t find the answer.

I hope that you guys, in this moment, will be able to realistically find the answer to your life in Jesus Christ. Everything you know in your brain is not an answer. Realistically, in my practical life, Jesus Christ must be my answer. The work that God is doing is to relay the answer of Jesus Christ to all the people in the field, whether they are born blind or not.

The work that God is doing is to relay the answer of Jesus Christ to all the people in the field.

2) The Pharisees – Those Who Cannot Save
Look at the reaction of the Pharisees. When this man rejoices because he has his sight, the Pharisees respond by saying, “Hey, this man was healed on the Sabbath.” They should be happy because a man was saved, but instead, they are upset. They said, “Who did this, that we could not do ourselves?” They are only pointing out the problem, they are saying, “Who caused this?” and they called this person a sinner. They argued like that, and they had no interest in this man other than for gaining knowledge.

The problem of the churches nowadays is that they don’t care about whether people are saved or not. All they do is worry about who is right, who is wrong, and the church crumbles. It’s because they have the spirit of the Pharisees. The spirit of the Pharisees is evil, it is the devil, it is Satan, and that has come into our church and is destroying churches, and that’s why our families are corrupted. You need the answer. What is it? Christ is the answer. Christ needs to go in for you to come to life.

The thing that the Pharisees do to stop this act of saving is to ask the blind man, and they repeatedly ask the blind man, but he just repeats, “Jesus Christ came to heal my life,” and there’s nothing more for him to say, so because the Pharisees couldn’t get an answer out of him, they find his parents because they want to use his parents to quiet this whole situation. They have their own calculations beforehand, they have to block this man from testifying because his testimony will threaten their own authority and control.

3) Spiritual Salvation
If the churches become very wrong, this is how it will be. They will have no interest in saving people, but they will spend all of their effort fighting over the authority, the righteousness, and the words of the church. They’re just arguing and bickering if baptism involves sprinkling with water or if they have to dunk them in a pool. What’s really the thing to rejoice over is the fact that this person now has life in Jesus Christ.

It’s even gone to the point where people ask, “How many angels can sit on a needle?” because they have no interest in saving other people’s lives. They just spend their lives bickering. The reason why Korea has crumbled is because all they do is fight and bicker. Whether someone is being saved in Christ, they have no interest in saving them; they have no interest in saving the nation.

If you yourselves have the answer of Christ, then the church will come to life. I’m sorry to say this, but no matter how much you want to save the church, if you do not have the words of Jesus Christ inside of you, all your words will be used to kill people just like the Pharisees who are saying their words without knowing the meaning.

Even when they went to his parents, there wasn’t an answer because they just said, “Go back to my son and ask.” Then the blind man replied, “Why do you keep asking? I already told you once,” and then he says, “Do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become Jesus disciples’ too?” The Pharisees were so pissed at that because their goal was to quiet this man’s mouth, because they couldn’t save him with their legalism.

So, they debate and bicker with one another with stupid standards, “How long have you believed? I’ve been a believer for three or four generations,” they kill people. They say, “I come from a pastor’s family, I come from an elder’s family,” but why does that matter? Can an elder or pastor save you? The only reason you received that position is because of Jesus Christ. That is why the pastor’s children are the ones who kill, and they themselves are killing, and they have no choice but to kill people because they are not talking about the answer. They keep talking about something else.

These people just have a religious doctrine and they’re trying to force all their doctrines and opinions and interpretations. They say, “You can’t wear slippers to church, you can’t wear shorts to church.” Sure, you need to come and listen, and whether you’re wearing shorts or slippers, that comes next. Whether you come to church with lipstick on or plastic surgery, what’s the point? It doesn’t matter. Whether you come to church after drinking alcohol or not, it doesn’t matter. What’s most important is that you come here and listen to the name of Jesus and come to life.

Whether you come to church after drinking alcohol or not, it doesn’t matter. What’s most important is that you come here and listen to the name of Jesus and come to life.

But there are some people who say, “You can’t come to church if you drink alcohol.” But even the drug addicts need to come to our church to receive life, the homosexuals need to come to our church to receive life. But instead, you’re only focusing on the laws, the ordinances, the structures, and the legalism? That’s why you kill people. That’s what the Jewish people did.

  1. World
    Jesus Christ comes to this blind man once again, and then Jesus Christ asks him, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” The “Son of Man” means that God Himself has come to this earth in the form of a man. This man’s eyes opening is not the solution here, because there are other people who can’t see but are perfectly fine. Being able to see is not the issue; you have to open your real eyes.

1) Those Who See According to the Flesh – Spiritually Blind (John 9:39)
The work that Jesus Christ does is to open your real eyes, and that’s why He went and talked to the man again. The man says, “Who is He, sir? Tell me so that I may believe in Him.” Jesus says, “You have now seen Him, in fact, He is the One speaking with you,” and the man said, “Lord, I believe.” This was the word that liberated him from eternal darkness and hell.

Yes, we do need to serve the homeless, the poor, and the unfortunate, but if you end it with just that, it’s useless. There are more people in the world who are not homeless. Are those people who have homes more normal? The reason why you help others is so that you can give them spiritual salvation. The church should not be standing in the work of making people spiritually blind.

What is the work that God is doing right now? He is showing you that regardless of whether you’re born blind or not, if you meet Jesus Christ, you will come to life. People are debating whether you should come to worship or not because of the coronavirus pandemic, but it doesn’t matter what you argue; it is useless. Some pastors say, “We don’t need the law, God is above the law,” and they come to worship, and they were sued by the people, and the church was the one that was right. The laws in America today are good. You can see that there’s a little bit of justice going on.

I don’t want to emphasize this too much because Pastor John MacArthur is very legalistic, and I think he is a direct descendant of General MacArthur, so he’s very militaristic, and he speaks very correct words. Correct words are very important, but you need to save. That’s what’s important. This person says the correct words because he sees that the American field is dying, but he says, “Homosexuality is wrong,” and he doesn’t even let the homosexuals talk. He says, “We need to worship because the law of God is above the law of the world, and if you want to sue me, sue me.” He was victorious, but I’m not talking about him. I’m talking about legalism.

So let us look at this from a big picture. Everyone looked at this man who was born blind as very weak and vulnerable, even the disciples. However, the Lord comes to this earth and He turns everything upside down. That’s why He says in Matthew 9:12-13, “The people who are healthy do not need a doctor.” Why do you think He said that?

In John 9:39, it says He came to this earth to judge, but what does it mean to judge? He is here to show us who really is the root of the problems. He says, “For judgment I have come to this earth so that the blind will see.” However, those who see will become blind. What does that mean?

It means that the people of the world think that I can see, I have no problems, and I’m normal? But that is the darkness of the world. On the other hand, if someone thinks that they are weak and vulnerable and they have no hope, they are the ones who hold onto Christ. Then, does that mean that successful people can never meet Christ? It’s okay even if they’re successful, if they have a whole heart.

Someone who has everything in the world needs to make the confession that, “I still have nothing,” in order for them to hold onto Christ. As the churches become stronger and stronger, they lose hold of Christ and only focus on the power of people.

I believe that poverty is a blessing, and if you have failed in the standards of the world, it is the beginning of being blessed by Christ. The people who are physical will only pray that God will change their problems into blessings to make them more financially wealthy. However, God is saying, “Through this problem, I want you to realize Jesus Christ.”

1 Corinthians 1:21 says that you cannot know Christ with the wisdom of the world, and 1 Corinthians 1:27 says that the strong people of the world cannot know Christ. They think they are strong so that they do not need Christ, but that’s actually not strength. They just think that strength is everything because they are focused on the physical.

1 Corinthians 1:18 says that, “To those who are perishing, the gospel of Jesus Christ will seem foolish.” In God’s eyes, who is the foolish one? The one who says they do not need Christ is the foolish one, and the one who believes that Christ is the answer to my life will see the power of God.

You shouldn’t know Christ incorrectly. What does it mean to know Christ vaguely? It means that Christ is not the answer for your life, and that’s why you keep on trying to find the answer somewhere else. But the answer to every single problem in the world is Christ. If these words go into your spirit when you are young, then your entire life will change.

You shouldn’t know Christ incorrectly. If Christ is not the answer for your life, you will keep trying to find the answer somewhere else.

What is the answer to the problems of the church? It is Christ, in other words, the answer will come to those who pray in the name of Christ. When we’re doing Temple Construction, the answer will come to those who are praying in the name of Jesus Christ. On the other hand, if someone is arguing whether they have money or not, that’s useless. You’re just analyzing the situation but that’s useless. If you have the answer, then you know the fastest way is to ask the Lord.

But all people do is make enemies with other people. If you just give it all to the Lord who has the answer, then He’ll take care of everything. I hope that you will apply Christ to every single answer. That will make a difference between how weakly or certainly you know Christ.

2) Those Who Don’t See According to the Flesh – Spiritual Eyes (John 9:39)
In John 9:39, He says that those who are blind will be able to see, that means they will open their eyes to see Jesus. Just like He says in Matthew 9:12, the one who knows that one is sick is the one who needs the doctor and healing. You need to be sick in order for you to look for the doctor. If you’re perfectly fine, why would you go to a hospital? But the people who are born of this world say they’re fine, that’s why to them, they don’t need Jesus. They’re holding onto the Bible, but they say they don’t need Christ, and even as they go to church, Christ is not an answer for them. Christ is just one aspect of their faith, but the real answer of their life is in money, success, and people, and those people cannot see Christ. This means they won’t be able to see Christ as the answer to their life.

If anything, Christ says that those who are weak and mourning and have nothing are those who need Christ. How is this possible? In 2 Corinthians 2:13, it is only possible to discern through the Holy Spirit. When I’m giving you a sermon, am I just talking some kind of communist ideology, that the poor will be blessed? Am I telling everyone to be poor? No, I’m saying everyone is weak. Even if you’re successful and you say, “Wow, this is not the answer and I have nothing,” then this person has potential.

There are people around you who say, “I have no problems and I don’t need Christ.” They’re like this right now, but as time passes, their time will come. Something will happen when they realize that what they have is not enough. That is their time schedule, when their heart is poor. Even though they have all the money in the world, they cannot solve the problem of their children. Even if they [marry] their kids off to a very good family, they have mental disorders, or some parents send their kids off to a great college, and they say, “I don’t need Christ at all,” then their child gets married and they become completely insane. They stab their cat with a knife and they hang it on someone else’s fence.

This is the story of someone who graduated from a top college, and they turned out like that, even though their parents were Christians all their life, and even though their entire life was lived so earnestly and they lived their entire lives so gratefully, but all these problems are happening to their kids.

“Is it because of their sin?” Legalistic people will point to the parents and say, “You committed a lot of sins, so that’s why this child is punished.” But it’s an opportunity for you to see that Jesus Christ is the answer to everything. Before you see that Jesus Christ is the answer to your life, all the problems in your life will remain as problems to you, but the time schedule will absolutely come.

Even I had a friend like this, he was a police officer who was very strong and tall, and when I proclaimed the gospel to him, he said he didn’t need that. Now, he is promoted in the ranks and has a couple of badges to show, but one day when the time comes, he will realize. I haven’t met him since then, but his wife is a police officer, too. They think they’re strong enough, they think don’t need Christ, but the devil will steal from them.

You think that because both of them are police officers, they will be protected from thieves? They will be spiritually robbed. No matter how much the police officers try to protect themselves, they cannot protect themselves from disaster, so I’m waiting for that time, because at that time, I want to give him the answer.

If you say evangelism is hard, it means you don’t know God and you don’t know evangelism. If you say that evangelism is easy, it means that you know the answer to problems and you’re able to wait for that time. When you go fishing, you can’t just pull whenever you want, but you have to wait. You wait for them to bite. That is how you know God holistically through the whole Bible. That is why those who are poor in spirit will be blessed.

If someone says, “I have learned everything I need to know, I have everything I need to have,” they have everything and they’re fine, but they need to be poor in spirit. Such a person has hope. This doesn’t mean that everyone who is poor is saved. There are a lot of people who are poor and are still not saved, but, “Blessed is the one who meditates on the law of the LORD day and night.”

The logic of the world does not consider that evidence, however the logic of the LORD says, “Blessed is the one who meditates on the law day and night,” so the one who is of the physical and the one who is of the spiritual are different. The logic of the world and the logic of God are different.

3) Early Church – Those Who Are Weak in the World
The Early Church was a gathering of weak people, they were just fishermen who were gathering. They were the leaders of Mark’s Upper Room Church. When you’re a fisherman, you don’t need an education, you were just born next to the Sea of Galilee and all you saw were fish, so anyone can be a fisherman. They are the weak people of the world; they are the uneducated in the world. For these people, Christ is the answer.

At first, they were trying to find Jesus Christ with the wrong question, and then when Jesus Christ died on the cross, they said, “Oh, this is the wrong answer,” and they all ran away. When did they confirm? After Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead, they confirmed the answer that, “Wow, this person really is God and I have to follow Him for the rest of my life. All I need is Jesus Christ Who is with me. If I just have Jesus Christ, my entire life is finished. If I just follow Jesus Christ, nothing will be a problem for me.” This is what these people confirmed when they saw Jesus Christ resurrect.

In fact, when they were in the most difficult situation of their lives was when they confirmed the answer of Christ, so don’t fall into your problems, but confirm the answer of Christ through your problems. When you come to church, you hear about Jesus, but He needs to be the answer to your life. Your life has a realistic problem. Do not have this as theoretical knowledge, but it has to be a realistic answer to your life’s problems.

This person who was blind gained real freedom, and these people saw something. People of the Early Church saw that the legalistic people are completely deceived by lies, and they knew that they would meet destruction and disasters. The Early Church saw that the Roman Empire seemed so powerful, but they would ultimately collapse one day, and they’re able to see their vision and their dream.

“Wow, now that I have this answer of Christ, I need to put my entire life into proclaiming this answer.” The people who thought this gathered in Mark’s Upper Room, and today, Mark’s Upper Room is restored. That’s what we call the biblical church. There are many churches, but there are churches that do not have the answer to life.

These people are all physically weak and poor, they can’t do anything on their own, and to those people, God promised the filling and working of the Holy Spirit. When you hold onto God’s promise and pray, God’s power comes upon you. When you pray, you should pray with a prayer that will have answers.

If you just pray like a Buddhist person, you cannot receive answers because a lot of today’s Christian churches are exactly the same. You need to have a prayer that has no choice but to receive answers. In other words, you know the Word of God will be fulfilled, so you pray, holding onto the Word of God.

What are you going to do if you pray with your thoughts? You need to pray, holding onto the things God has promised to give you. They did this and they received the answer. That answer was to save people’s lives. What is an answer? Are physical, material things your answer? The Lord does not say that is an answer. The real answer is if you use your material wealth to save people. Do you have material wealth? Then the real answer is to save this entire region by giving your money to Temple Construction.

Is your business successful? That’s not the real answer, you’re just being caught by yourself. What does your physical wealth have anything to do with saving people? That’s the real answer. Are you poor? That’s the answer to you if through your poverty, you are able to be interested in Christ and saving other people. The standards of God and the standards of the world are very different.


  1. The One Who Doesn’t Judge But Saves with the Gospel
    Let’s come to the conclusion. Do not judge, but save. Who is right, who is wrong? For years and years, the Jewish people were arguing about this. “In the church, this is a problem, that is a problem,” that person is useless. The one who prays in the name of Christ, that’s whom God will answer, and that’s the person who will save the church. No matter how much you worry about your own life, you won’t have an answer because the answer is that Christ is with me.
  2. By the Power of the Holy Spirit
    Therefore, I pray that you will be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Not one Who Explains But a Witness
    Not as one who explains, but as one who stands as a witness with a testimony and evidence. We don’t need a lot of people who talk a lot. We need a witness. That is why the Lord says, “We don’t need someone who speaks well or someone who is [gifted].”


May you have the blessing of saving throughout the week. Let us pray together holding onto the Word God gave us. Help me not to be an explainer, but help me to be a witness.  God, allow me not to kill other people with judgment, but to save other people with the gospel.  I pray that I will not be someone who collapses in discouragement when I look into the world, but may I be the one who will save the world.


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