The Way to Help the Evangelist (2 Cor. 1:11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Way to Help the Evangelist (2 Cor. 1:11)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

1. Representative Figure


State of Helping

Answer =/= Slave

Powerless, Poverty

This becomes a sin of disbelief because I don’t believe the work God is doing, so I’m not receiving answers.  God is already preparing the blessings for us to save the church and the world.


You are not within the covenant, so your powerlessness and poverty are a result of sin. Why do people suffer mentally? 

Mental Suffering

Spiritual Poverty

You’re spiritually poor so you cannot overcome depression and mental illness, but the reason is because you are not receiving spiritual blessings.  The only way to receive spiritual blessings is to believe in what God has promised.  Ultimately if you don’t have faith regarding God’s promises, you will go into “no answers” and spiritual poverty. 

Spiritual Filling (Strength)


The Holy Spirit is with us, and that gives me strength; otherwise I have no choice but to be spiritually poor and suffer.  How is God with me?

(Word, Power, Salvation)

I do not have the power because I do not believe.  Because God is with me, I should always have the works of missions, evangelism, and salvation.


My Thoughts X

Hold onto the Word of God’s covenant, that’s power. Pray for God’s power to be upon you. If you’re not able to pray, it means you don’t have power. Instead of praying, you worry. Instead of praying, you are afraid, always being obsessed with a boy or a girl, always thinking about them. There’s a lot of people like that. Yeah, we should have boyfriends and girlfriends, but there is a state where you’re always obsessed with this boy or girl without thinking of God’s Word.  Yes, we should watch YouTube videos, but you’re always obsessed with that.  That’s a state of spiritual emptiness.  The reason is because God is with you but you don’t have faith in that.  Because you don’t have faith in that, you are in spiritual powerlessness and it’s a repetitive cycle.

God is with us, meaning there is a plan of God within this meeting. It is not your plan but you are looking for God’s plan. Even today we are enjoying Immanuel.  Through today’s worship, how is the God who is with us, with us?  He is with us through His Word.  So, it’s not my thoughts; what is God’s Word?  When I meet with someone, it is not about my plans, but what is God’s plan?  You need to enjoy that Immanuel.  When you go to school, it is not just your friend or teacher, but what is God’s plan?  When you go to work, it is not just your coworkers; that’s just your thinking. What is God’s plan? You need to enjoy that Immanuel.

In my eyes, they seem so lacking but they need salvation, then what is God’s plan?  For us, we don’t enjoy Immanuel and we try not to be friends with people we think are lacking, and if somebody does something wrong, then God’s plan is for you to save that person.  But if you have the words of the law, you cannot enjoy Immanuel.  If you have the law, then you not only kill yourself but also other people.  Because you support the word of God based on the actions of people, so you judge other people with the word of God and make curses follow.  If you do this, then big things happen. 

In the ministry I saw this week, both parents are Christian but legalistic, cursing their kids with the Word of God.  They say things like, “You broke God’s Word so that is why you suffer like this,” but by giving them words like this, they cannot enjoy Immanuel.  “When I look at you from the Word of God, you’re lacking,” but it cannot end with that.  “God is with you, receive the strength of God being with you so you can fulfill God’s Word.” But they cannot say that, and they only give the words of legalism so they’re not able to enjoy Immanuel.  When an incident happens, they try to solve it by themselves, so this kid shot the man. 

They need to discover the plan of God in allowing this person to join their family, but instead, it’s “me-manuel.” You just have to know this, but they don’t know this.  Even though we talk about this so much, when they face reality, they don’t know this. 


Your mistakes in everything that happens, God fulfills His good purpose, but you must believe and tell people about that. if you don’t tell them about any of this and you talk about Christ, what does that mean?  You have to tell them the content for them to know Christ.  You need to help them understand Christ as the solution to all problems so now they have nothing to worry about.  You can have them know the three roles, but what’s the point of explaining “Christ”? Give them the content, “Christ is with me, with us, and with all things.”  I told Moses’ mom, “Within Christ, meaning, as long as Christ is with you, there’s no problem.”

Oneness.  Everything that happens, God will use for His good, relay this content and meaning of Christ to them. It’s not just enough to say “Christ.”  But if you relay the word, “Christ” to them, it makes a problem into a problem and you cannot save them. Help them to know God’s plan.  You need to make it so that they know the blessing of Immanuel through Christ.  God is with you and God is with your family. 

If someone knows this, they won’t commit suicide or fall for strange guys. It’s God’s plan.  “There’s this guy who’s trying to do something with my younger sister,” instead of using a gun, find God’s answer. It must be Immanuel.  Can you apply this now?  It’s okay if not; I’ll keep repeating it.

Power of the Throne

The One on the Throne of Heaven is with me. Ask Him to reign over you.  This power must reign upon my brain. We all suffer from depression, there’s nothing we can do with our own strength against it.  All of these emotions of anger inside of me, there’s nothing you can do about it; ask for God to reign over you.  Does that mean people who don’t get angry don’t need this power? They need power from somewhere else. 


God promised to give you powers to be witnesses until the ends of the earth. To enjoy this, just pray, “Christ finished all problems and is with me. Be with me in power to testify of Jesus Christ to all nations.” Finish everything with Christ. Even if I face a problem, I come to the answer in Christ. Even if I’m not that smart, receive the answer in Christ.  All the scars and failures of your past must turn into a springboard of blessings in front of Christ Who finished it.  You need to use the name of Christ, so that in front of the name of Christ, all the forces of darkness in your region are broken down.

You need to pray so that the power of Christ comes upon whatever’s inside of you that leaves you no choice but to leave you depressed and addicted. Christ is the solution to all problems, and even right now, use that name. Pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Stop worrying about what you’ll do in the future; pray in the name of Jesus Christ to reveal your future. Finish it in the name of Jesus Christ.  All of your bad habits you keep repeating cannot be stopped by yourself, so ask for God to work in power.


If you have evidence but it’s hard to witness, you don’t believe. Temple Construction is not hard; you don’t have power.  But if you receive the answer in the name of Jesus Christ, it becomes easy, because God promised to give you the evidence to be a witness.  God promised to give you the evidence with financial power as evidence to do world evangelization.  Remnants who don’t listen to the words of people and instead hold onto the word of God’s covenant and pray in faith, they receive answers.  Without a doubt, God gave the word for Egypt evangelism to Joseph and America evangelism to us.

“Let’s live with power from the words of the Bible”? They had no strength.  They had biblical knowledge but it was useless. Joseph held onto one covenant and God poured His power upon him. In the name of Jesus Christ, the problem of the seven years of famine were all finished.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Joseph went in as a slave and changed everything as a blessing, why?  Because he was holding onto the covenant of saving Egypt with the power of God, God poured His power upon them. 

The way to save is with Christ, in other words, I hope you will hold onto the name of Jesus Christ and receive power.  If you’re not able to do this, it doesn’t matter how smart you are or how high you fly, you cannot keep going, you cannot block the disasters of the age. Only Christ, you need to receive this through power for you to receive strength, but if you don’t have Christ, you cannot block disasters. That’s why it’s within Christ.  That’s why Paul confessed everything is within Christ.  So, everything he held onto momentarily, he let go of that, because God continuously pours answers because of Christ, for Christ. 

If you’re super dumb, like me, I hope you will pray for the Holy Spirit of Christ’s power to come upon your brain. You pray because you know when you’re weak, people who are smart don’t pray, so they have mental problems, because with their own brain, they can study and do whatever they want, so that’s why they have mental problems.  If anything, the people who don’t have that good of a brain and think they cannot do it are bound to pray.  You pray because you’re not that smart, but it turns out, the Holy Spirit works upon you, then that person receives answers like Joseph.

Then, just like in 1 Samuel 16:13, God’s power comes upon you as you’re anointed as king.  Now, pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Stop looking at your parents and getting discouraged; hold onto God’s promise to save your parents. You cannot save your parents, but in the name of Jesus Christ, you can.  When you hold onto the name of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit begins to work. I hope you will hold onto the name of Jesus Christ and save your school.

God only works through the name of Jesus Christ, but Paul held onto this as the greatest value, and he held onto testifying of this as the greatest plan.  Do you have any other better plan than testifying of the name of Christ? Do you or do you not?  You may have your own better plan, but that’s not God. “I’m going to meet a great person and marry them,” that may have value to you but not to God.  “I will raise a family for Christ,” that’s valuable.  “I need to go into the field with my talent and specialization to testify of Christ,” that is great value.  It doesn’t matter even if you go to an Ivy League School, that cannot save.

“Pastor, how can you know?” It’s in the Bible.  They had so many scholars in Egypt but they couldn’t solve the disaster.   Even if someone graduates from college, they cannot block their own disasters, so come up with the answer in the Bible. One person, Moses, applied the blood of the covenant Lamb. Have the strength in the covenant to block disasters, do you not know? You get it, right?  So, American education is important but it’s not that important. If your school tells you to study, just study. You can just do what you can do, whether you’re good at studying or not; the problem is, if you don’t have this, that’s a big problem. If you don’t have this, whether you do well or not, you’ll still fail because you cannot overcome disasters. You don’t have the strength to overcome mental problems because you have a problem with your brain.

Brain – Thoughts, Emotion

Deep Breathing

When you’re angry, it means your breathing gets short. If you get angry, you get angry even before you take a breath.  If it’s not even just once a year, but you get angry every day, you’ll shorten your lifespan, because you get angry quickly, you lack oxygen.  You lack oxygen but your brain uses so much oxygen so your brain is going to have a problem. 

Why is it that musicians and singers are healthy?  They breathe from their lower abdomen, they breathe very deeply and get a lot of oxygen.  So you need to save all your mental problems, depression, and panic attacks through deep breathing and spiritual strength.  That is why everyone says, when you get angry, take a few deep breaths.  For athletes, to maintain balance, they do deep breathing.  Even for boxers, even when they finish one round of boxing, they do deep breathing before the next round.

We do this every Saturday, and the remnants need to listen to this now to know which way to go into the future. The prayer that receives spiritual strength.  You need to tell this to others for them to receive healing.  Relay the deep meaning of this, then you will continue to receive strength to overcome. Right now there are so many mental problems in the kids, it’s not normal.  In this state, they go crazy.  The parents don’t even know this, they think their kids have to study well but they’re seized by demons on both ends and everyone is dying.  You yourselves need to receive this strength and answer and give this answer to the remnants. 

During the spirituality camp they told kids to draw pictures, and that reveals the spiritual problems, but you need to know what to do with the spiritual problems.  It’s not enough to just say “Christ” to the kids. The kids can only overcome when you relay the blessings of Christ, and do deep breathing with the kids because they themselves cannot do it.  Just do what I do on Saturdays. Explain the power of God within Christ.  They don’t understand the Holy Spirit, tell them to do deep breathing and pray in the name of Jesus Christ for the strength of God to go into your brain.  Pray for Jesus Christ to work within your family, then God will work.

The younger the kids are, the more they have nightmares or scary thoughts; tell them to pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  You need to give the answer that can help them overcome that is appropriate to their age. Especially for people who have problems in their brain, do deep breathing quickly. 

[2] Prayer

I don’t know if you’re aware or not, but your pastor evangelizes, so if you pray for the pastor, you evangelize as well. If you help a scammer, you’re a scammer’s accomplice. If you help others to scam well, you’re an accomplice to that scam.  Later on when you get married, if you’re both evangelists and pray for each other, you participate in the evangelism movement, but one of you is a scammer, then you’re an accomplice to the scam.  A “scam” means someone who doesn’t know evangelism and Christ, so you’re doing without knowing.  But if you hold onto the covenant and you meet someone, it’s finished. It’s not your power, but it’s the covenantal power that follows you.

Pray for your evangelist who is being persecuted, participate with them. What is our hope?  Our hope is world evangelization.  Hope that doesn’t have hope is not real hope; it is your fake hope.  Whatever God has promised you must become your hope, and it will be fulfilled no matter what. Whoever has hope, it will be broken. Even if you have depression, you cannot have hope.  Imagine how much Joseph suffered as a slave, but because he had the covenantal hope, God worked through him. It doesn’t matter how much you do outside of this, it’s useless.  That’s going on the side of the Pharisees.  It doesn’t matter if you know the Bible from a young age, if anything, it’s better if it comes in all of a sudden, but when you’re young, the word of God’s covenant must go into you.  Hold onto the work that will surely take place; if you hold onto the work that won’t take place, it’s useless.

Joseph’s brothers also held onto the word but it wouldn’t take place.  The moon, stars, and sun bowed down to him, that’s evangelism of the world, so hold onto what will take place, and it doesn’t matter even if you’re a slave.  It doesn’t matter if you’re persecuted.  That must become the hope of the remnants.  The covenant will be fulfilled. It doesn’t matter whether you’re good at studying or not; if you have the covenant, it does not change. 

It doesn’t mean you can play and goof off, that doesn’t mean you should skip school because the pastor says it’s okay.  Do your best and if you don’t get good grades, it’s okay because the covenant is more important. “I am a remnant to do world evangelization and save the 237 nations,” and you might think, “How could someone like me do that?” That’s normal. Within Christ, within the situation of Jesus Christ dying on the cross and resurrecting you are a new creation, so this is true.

Our background is with, Immanuel, oneness.  God is always with you.  How is God with you?  With the Word. Inside the crisis, God’s Word comes upon you, in the midst of the crisis, you pray and God’s power comes upon you.  That becomes evidence for the salvation ministry to take place through you.  If you ask a 3-year-old where is God, they say, “In my heart,” but they don’t know about the Word, prayer, and evangelism. If Tiffany says, “God is in my heart,” she’s a three year old. No one asks where, but you must ask, “How.” 

We just talk about the location of where He is, even when we’re adults, we’re like kids. God is with you and will give you evidence in the midst of problems.  Stand as a witness.  Finish everything with this.  No matter what happens, God is using you for His good purpose, so I acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty. If you ask why God allowed this to happen, you will receive an answer. Why do you think God made you tall?  Pray about it and you’ll receive an answer.  Whether you’re tall or short, it’s within God’s sovereignty. Don’t get knee surgery to get taller. If you’re short, don’t get surgery to get tall; acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty. Have victory as remnants.


God , we thank You. Please bless the remnants.  Allow them to have the covenant hope and power that has no choice but to work out.  In this age that doesn’t have the answer, we pray You will allow them to enjoy the answer, power and plan of Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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