The Tamed Tongue to Save the Field (James 3:1-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Tamed Tongue to Save the Field (James 3:1-15)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

Word come according to the state of a person’s heart.  The person’s state and heart may be different. You may think your heart is A but the words that come out are B, and sometimes this can happen.  Let’s look at some Biblical examples.

James 3:2 says, those who tame the young can keep their whole body in check.  In James 3:3, there is the example of a tame horse through the bit in their mouth. We do this so the horses can obey and serve us.  It is by the mouth that the horses are moved to be used as their whole body. 

James 3:4, it says a small rudder is used to steer the boat.  Likewise the tongue, a person’s life depends on what is being said. It’s not a matter of speaking well, but what is being said?  It is dependent on what is being said that a person’s life rests. 

James 3:5 says, “likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts,” so it is small but it can light our lives on fire.  James 3:6 says our tongue is also a fire.

James 3:6 continues.  James 3:7, how mankind has tamed all animals and birds and living creatures, as well as sea creatures like whales. This is stated in the Bible so it has taken effect from thousands of years ago.  In the past, you used to deliver messages by tying messages to birds’ feet and sending carrier pigeons. Dolphins are very smart, there are dolphin shows going on.  Long ago, during the Soviet Union, they used to carry out exercises in the United States by tying a bomb to a dolphin and sending them over. That’s how impressive people are. 

When I was in the army, I had soldiers under me, and I used to train them, and when there was an enemy, I would yell at them.  We would also have many animals trained under us to locate the enemy and tracking dogs to follow enemies who had run away.  I used to train people in the army. One instance, a dog wasn’t getting any training, and the trainer stood in the front lines, and the dogs being used are German shepherds, but the dog wasn’t trained and ran around freely, so the dog should only listen to the trainer’s words, and so, the untrained dog was supposed to only listen to the trainer’s words, but he listened to my words.  I told it to lie down or roll over, and it did.  The dog even picked up trash so that’s how I cleaned the courtyard.

You can make birds do the same thing as well, so the Bible says you can train animals, but James 3:8, “No human being can tame the tongue.”  No man or woman can tame his or her own tongue.  It continues, “It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.”  Why is that?  People who are born in Original Sin, separated from God, their tongue itself is a poison, meaning through the words of people, it kills.  We are sinners who are separated from God, so it’s bound to be solved.  No matter how much we try to change this, it doesn’t change because there’s already something else.  Instead of Jesus Christ, money, success, these are in my heart and my words follow accordingly, so my words are meant to kill.

The words reveal the heart.  James 3:9, “With the tongue we praise our Father and curse other human beings.”  James 3:10, “Out of the same mouth come blessings and curses, my brothers, this should not be.”  Meaning, out of this one spring, how can there be fresh water and salt water coming out?  James 3:12 says, “How can a grape tree bear olives or figs?  Even though you don’t express the state of your heart.

Why do people look down on others or curse others?  They’re not able to meet the other person’s standards.  But this person’s heart doesn’t contain the gospel, but the law, then what is the gospel?  The law is necessary for the gospel, I can tell that I myself and this other person are wrong, then what should happen?

Jesus Christ liberated us from the law of sin and death so we no longer need to be within this law of sin and death.  The Bible states there’s no one who is able to keep the law.  In doing so, we cannot judge other people because we ourselves cannot keep the law.  This law is actually a chance for you to look at yourself while you look at other people.  You must see.  Don’t judge the other person and condemn them, but rather, take a look at yourself. See that you’re not able to uphold the law and are committing sin.  But it was through the gospel of Jesus Christ that the words of the gospel continuously revive.  Then, spout words that save people. 

Anyone can fall under legalism where we’re just falling onto legalistic actions.  But seeing this, you have to help and support this person to come back to this gospel, those are the words you must speak. Your words can either save or kill people. But where are your worries right now?  It is on what you must do in the future. That’s important but there’s something even more important than that.  It is important to know what kind of words you’re going to speak in the future.  No matter how good you may be, if you judge and curse other people, you yourselves will be judged and condemned.  Because the words you speak depend on the state of your heart, if you hold onto the words of the gospel, words of saving will come out.  The reason you’re suffering in so much difficulty right now is because you have something else in your heart. 

If you hold to the covenant that is Jesus Christ then God is holding onto you and saving you, then that’s how you save other people with the gospel. When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, that’s when Satan and the forces of darkness are broken down and the Kingdom of God is established.  I hope you won’t fall asleep, but rather pray while hold to the word; otherwise you’ll die.

You have to be spiritually empowered through prayer. You know she wouldn’t be like that in class, she studies hard while sitting in the front of her class, but it doesn’t work out.  You have to pay attention and focus, don’t lean back on your chairs but sit upright properly so you won’t fall asleep. Put strength into your core to be healthy.  Seat yourself in the front third of the seat, don’t lean back, but place your butts on the edge of the seat and engage your core.  Placing strength in your  core is a fundamental step of deep breathing.

I taught you yesterday about deep breathing.  Just place strength into your core, your lower abdomen, and just do deep breathing. Listen carefully, the person who speaks words of saving are those who hold to the covenant of Jesus Christ and they go out into the world.  If you don’t have Jesus Christ in your heart, you’ll always speak words of worry, anxiety, and unease about the present time and the future.  They will be like this because that’s the state of their hearts, isn’t that right?

Look at Judas Iscariot who sold Jesus for money.  His heart was always on money and that’s why he wasn’t able to hear these important things.  He was always thinking, “How can I use the gospel to make money?” Later on, even though he had gotten this money, his heart was guilty and so he gave the money back and committed suicide. Life is more than money and suicide.  Even though Judas followed Jesus for three years and Jesus spoke directly to him, he committed suicide.

Middle schoolers, you have to be very careful. You speak whatever words you want in your youth. If you see people growing up properly, they speak words, but people say, “I will be the evangelist.”  Other people speak words to become physically better, but those following God’s Word will follow what God says. It is because God’s Word is inside of this person’s heart, so this is what they speak and it will come to be. 

For example, try cursing someone in Korea from here. Then that person didn’t hear you, so you think nothing will happen, but you have power in your words because spiritually, Satan is alive and God is alive. So this is very important.  But let’s say you speak words of saving to a person in Korea, then that will be delivered. God mobilizes angels.  Don’t be deceived by the world, they think you’re okay if you have power, but it’s important to have skill.  You can tell whether a person has received. They have a prayer to save their field.  It is the words they speak. 

I hope you will set time in your schools to say these words, inwardly or outwardly.  Set a time and place where you say words that will save people. This will save lives.  Speak these words that will bless these people who will proclaim the gospel to these people, who your friends are most troubled.  If you do not keep this in your heart, in your worldview, you’ll speak different words.  You’ll speak the same words as your colleagues and coworkers in the field.  You must kee pin your heart, “I must first do this, I’im a hild of God.

If it’s a big problem, I won’t fall because God is with me. No matter how many weaknesses you have, it doesn’t matter.


Nobody helps you, but you speak the blessing, in the name of Jesus Christ, all curses and forces of darkness be broken away.  No one will help you.  Occidental College is a Christian school.  I used to go there and evangelize at a young age, it’s founded on Presbyterian grounds. Nobody will help you, it doesn’t matter.  I want to hold to God’s Word and pray, speaking these words.  You may not know but it doesn’t matter.  Blessings will come according to the words of the covenant you speak.   That one person will change the entire environment of the field.

Don’t misunderstand. You lack this or that, but it’s just their hearts spouting incorrect words.  Kingdom of God, that’s it, speak the words to save the field and the 237 nations. Even within the praise songs we sing, there are words to save, and that’s why praise is important.  But some people just sing sad praises because they align with the state of their heart.  Their heart is depressed, but Satan moves people’s hearts using music. Proclaim the lyrics that speak of God’s covenant.  Everything will be fulfilled by what is proclaimed.

We are building a new praise team, so that’s why you have to choose songs with lyrics that will be fulfilled through the praises we sing.  Our praises are centered on the content, because as we pray about it, it will God works upon His covenant. 


Pray a blessing upon your teachers, you must first pray about the teacher you despise.  Some people study well because they like their teacher, so you have to have this prayer.  Even if there’s one person who can be raised up to do this, the elephant should just run away.  This is what it means for that one remnant to save the workplace.  Do this before going to work.  No one has this mystery so God has raised. I think Jacob will do this.  I’ve gone to Fairfax. It’s an environment

When you go to college, there’s even more talents and skills. Look at Joseph, what could he do? He studied and this changed all the fields.  I hope you set this time and place.   If it doesn’t take place, I hope you will enjoy. 


Dear Father God, thank You. Blessing the Remnants.  Let the words of prayer resound in the field to save people.

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