The Source of Power

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Source of Power

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The title of today’s message is, “The Source of Power.”  What is the source of power?  

Introduction – Power 

Human beings have limitations in their own power. Why is that?  Because human beings were never created to live with their own strength.  Humans are spiritual beings, so we are created to live with God. What happens if we don’t have God’s power? We’re going to face realities where many aspects of our lives lack power, then these visible realities will lead to problems with our spirit, mind, and body. It’s evidence that we lack power.


If a patient has a disease, it means they don’t have the power to overcome the disease; that’s how they become a patient.  If someone is not a patient, it means they’re able to not be a patient because they have the power to overcome the disease. It’s the same.  Human beings were created to live with God’s power, then where does this power come from? Yes, it comes from God, but how can I gain this power? This is very important.  

If you’re saying something isn’t taking place, it means you don’t have power.  If you say this person is a problem, it means you don’t have the power to overcome that problem. If you can’t evangelize, it means you don’t have the power to evangelize.  If you’re poor, it means you lack financial power.  If you continuously have problems with other people, it means you lack the power to overcome that, but you keep making other excuses without realizing you lack power.  

You have so many words and no choice but to say words like, “It’s not taking place; it’s not working out,” but that person has to keep speaking the words of man because they don’t have the Word of God.


In order for us to have this power, we must be people who have fellowship with God.  Philippians 4:3 says, “Yes and I ask you loyal fellow, help these women who have consented at my side at the cause of the gospel.”  Those who are fellow workers can help save others.

1) Phil 4:3

If a powerless person tries to help others, they cannot do it.

2) Shepherd

What was the secret of David’s success as a shepherd? It was possible because he received the power from God while young.  He wouldn’t have been able to do this with research or books. We should keep research and books as reference, but the power is within God.  Every circumstance and every field is different.  If you just read something in a book and copy it exactly, it’s not going to turn out the same way because the field is different and the time schedule is different so you have to receive God’s guidance appropriately. 

Some family lines accept the gospel quickly and others that take a longer time, and we cannot control that; all of this has its time schedule.  We have to follow that time schedule appropriately. If you’re comparing yourself with another family that’s receiving the gospel quickly, it will be hard for you. That person has a background so that they’re bound to receive the gospel at this time.  But for this family, it’s not that it’s not taking place, we just have to wait for it.

It’s the same for the church. There’s a church A and church B, and of course they’re different. God raised them up for different purposes, and the way they were created and their time schedules are different.  Then what shall we do? We need to receive guidance well, that’s power.


What was the blessing Adam and Eve enjoyed in the Garden of Eden? It was God’s power, not their own.  The strength to rule and subdue over the earth comes with the strength of being with God.  

4) 1 Corinthians 1:9

God who has called you into fellowship with the son, Jesus Christ, our Lord is faithful.  There’s no limitation to the children of God who can now have fellowship with Him through Jesus Christ.  That’s where our power comes from.  It’s the same with finances as well as your education; everything comes from the Triune God. But because you don’t have this fellowship and you keep trying to do things with your own strength, you keep saying things like, “It’s not working out.” Or instead of having fellowship with God, you’re copying what someone else is doing, and it’s not working out for you. Everyone is different.

2. Word

THis power comes to us through the Word.  

1) 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Scripture is inspired by God, it’s not just some textbook we study in school.  This Bible was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and this meaning must come into me by the Holy Spirit.  I have a kakao group chat with my friends, and one psychologist keeps saying words that aren’t the answer, but it’s so elementary to me.  He says words without knowing what he’s saying, and one day, there was an incident in the group chat.  I called him over Kakao and said, “You shouldn’t react this way; it’s strange that you’re reacting this way.”  I was listening to his words and it turned out he received a scar while in the military. He was running in first place, but behind him, there was so much competition and many things took place.  This person was scarred by that so whenever he posted something on the Kakao page, the people behind him kept on attacking continuously, and he couldn’t endure it.

I told him, “Your trauma is very severe,” and he asked, “How does a pastor know psychological terms?” Because he doesn’t know the gospel, I left it as, “Spiritual things transcend psychology.”  This guy was trying to use psychology knowledge to lead his group of friends, but to me, it just looks frustrating, and then he said to me, “I’ve tried reading the Bible and it never said anything like that.”

What am I trying to tell you? It’s a book written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit so the context cannot go into someone that isn’t filled with the Holy Spirit.  So I just said one thing, “I see everything you guys are doing.”  Then he said, “From now on, we have to confirm everything we do with Pastor Park first.”  He confessed that because there were a lot of things that happened in this group chat with our friends and he doesn’t have the answers to his own problems in psychology and that’s why he said, “We need to confirm everything with Pastor Park first.”

It’s really obvious, people just keep circulating words but have no answer.  Later on, I quoted him, “You said this earlier today,” he didn’t even remember, he just copied and pasted a quote.  Because the scriptures are written by the Holy Spirit, the purpose of it is to raise up the body of Christ, to prepare God’s people for works of service so that the body of CHrist may be built up with the Word of God.  Not just any words of GOd, but the words that are moved by GOd.  Just like when Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Whom can we find who is filled with the Spirit of God like this man?”  It’s talking about the inspiration and moving of the Holy Spirit, opening our eyes so we understand and realize the word of God in more depth.

2) Psalm 119:97

Oh, how I love Your Law! I meditate on it all day long.  God’s word, make it so that God’s WOrd never departs from you. The fact that he was meditating on it all day long means he had it also, that becomes his prayer.  Prayer is personalizing God’s word into me, then you’re bound to receive answers.  A lot of people pray but pray so they will not receive any answers. These are buddhist-like prayers, and even unbelievers pray, but it’s that kind of prayer.

There is a pray that receives answers. This is what it means to be raised up in the church. Who is the One who can receive answers to teach that prayer to others.  But if you just have words and theory, you cannot save anyone. Later on, all of them don’t have strength, so they’re going to fall one by one.  You don’t raise up people by summarizing the word well, you don’t raise people up by giving them tutoring lessons or lectures, yes those things are necessary, but you cannot save people with that.  He meditated on the Word all day long.

3) Meditation

What is meditation?  You’re meditating with the Word of God. We’re chewing on the Word of God.  So if you receive the Word, don’t just pass over it, but chew it over and over again.  Meditation contains both the Word of God and prayer, completely. If you’re not able to meditate, you cannot raise new believers because, how could you raise someone else with theoretical words? You have to have this yourself in order for evidence to take place.  You yourselves have to chew and digest the Word of God, in order to raise others. Mediation. If you don’t know mediation, you cannot overcome those who do transcendental meditation.  It doesn’t matter how much you live your walk of faith, you cannot overcome your field.

4)Psalms 119:35

Psalms 119:35, “Direct me in the oath of your commands, for there I find delight.” Direct me in the path, meaning I will follow.  It’s not that I should have the Word of God, but of God.  It’s not like we’re the main figures who force ourselves to follow it, but if you remain within the word of God and prayer, it naturally takes place.  If I’m trying to fulfill the Word by myself.  I cannot do that, I’m simply going into God’s Word so that the Word of God drives me forward.  That’s why the word is continuously fulfilled, I’m not pulling or dragging the world along, it is naturally fulfilled, then the main figure is not me; it is God.  But if you don’t  meditate, your life is irrelevant to God’s Word.  

If you don’t meditate but you challenge yourself to obey and fulfill the Word of God, you’re not aligned with God. It’s extremely important for you to hold to the covenant and to pray in meditation. 

We call this concentration. We receive all strength from here. And as we have this concentrated meditation, we have the fruits of the age, but people who are unable to meditate must sit in the seat of mockers, and ultimately they will be destroyed, because they are people who are irrelevant to God’s word. God is controlling all of the universe with his word, but if I live my life irrelevant of God’s Word, that’s the way of destruction. It’s the same with healing. What do you think is the endpoint of healing? It is prayer.  I’m not talking about prayer like a repetitive chant. 24 hours prayer is the prayer that can turn every single thing towards God, that’s the end result of healing. That is the person who can save and raise others.  But we never pray, we have so much knowledge.  We teach others, but do you think that person will stand? I’m only relaying theory, and that person can’t pray.  Because I myself cannot praise, so I’m going to relay that inability to them, then do you think this person will receive healing? Never. I have to tell them this as a witness.  

Psalm 112:1

Praise the LORD, blessed is the man who fears the LORD and finds great delight in his commands. The word of Hod must be delightful, if the word of God isn’t joyful to you, then it means you have joy in the world, but if you’re finding joy in the world then your life is irrelevant to God’s word. But the blessed are those who are within God’s word. 

What does it mean to fear the LORD?  Yes, we are closest friends with God, but we fear the Word. What does that mean? It means we stand before God’s word. We must have this word; we cannot not have this word. If you think holding onto God’s word is optional, you’re not fearing God.  That’s not thinking of God  as our friend, but, it’s thinking, “I don’t care if God is here or not.” If someone says, “Yeah it’s good if I have the word this week, but I don’t need it” that person cannot save themselves or anyone else. Fearing the Lord means you absolutely need his word and you stand before him, and his lord is so delightful to me. My spirit should come to life. And depending on how much of this time you have, your life will change. THis is the power of God’s Word.

3. Prayer

Powerful prayer, in James 5:16.  Therefore, confession each other and pray for each other so you may be healed. There are a lot of people who will die before praying for others. I said it on Wednesday as well, but as soon as we finished the message, they stood up and left. It’s very frustrating.  Once you receive the word, you should pray about it, and we were also told to pray for one another, intercessory prayer.  But people who are too calculative cannot live a walk of faith. Because they’re too busy, why are they busy? Do you really want to try being busy? You think you’re going to be busy if you go to the hospital for a few months, right? I’m saying that you don’t understand what receiving true answers is, you think receiving answers to your own prayer is the answer.  That’s completely “me-centeredness.” God tells us to pray for each other. People misunderstand prayer so much they think, “if I’m praying for somebody else, that has nothing to do with me.” They are so calculative that they think that’s helping somebody else but it’s irrelevant to me. That person has not tasted the gospel yet, they are still centered on themselves. Their standard is “me”  when you pray, you receive answers. There’s no such thing as whether the answer is for me or that person, when you pray you receive answers. 

It says here in this version, “Pray for each other so you may be healed.” The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective, the righteous man is the one who believes and enjoys the gospel. The answers are given by God. I’m just praying for that person in the church, but the answer comes from heaven as necessary. But your ideology thinks of the church the same way as the world, and so you think, “If someone else is struggling what does that have to do with me?” That person needs more healing, and you have to realize that this person’s scar is very deep. And you have to pray for that person. But no matter how much I say, people don’t understand. You have no idea how huge of a blessing it is to pray for other people, because we receive answers. It doesn’t matter whether God gives it to me or not, God is the one giving the answers. 

Jesus Christ tells us to first seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness and to be honest, how is that relevant to me? Why do you think Jesus told us to first seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness even if it has nothing to do with me? Because when you do that everything you need will follow as well. You have to teach new believers prayer properly. If somebody doesn’t know this, they cannot raise another new believers, they will raise them very strangely. That person will ch age depending who their first teacher is. If someone who doesn’t know prayer at all teaches someone else, that person will not know prayer. And let’s say a person who doesn’t know how to meditate holding onto the word and prayer the person their teaching will never be raised up. If someone doesn’t have fellowship with God, the person their teaching will never be raised up. 

If you’re just teaching someone with the knowledge and theory you have, you should just send them to the tutoring academy. Someone’s spirit is not simply raised up. In the beginning of our church, I didn’t really place my hands on people’s heads and pray for them, but I started telling them to come to Early Morning Prayer, and they did, and they started getting better. In the past, Senior Deciness Lim couldn’t even come out of her room. And I said “All you have to do is come out to Early Morning Prayer.” And from her thoughts “I can barely crawl, how can I go?” And later on she said, “I don’t have a ride to go.”  Then I told her to take a taxi. People are so strange. They take a taxi to go to parties, and when they go to a restraunt to eat food, they’ll call any kind of Uber to go. One day she started coming to Early Morning Prayer. And then her kids keep on giving her the money to pay for the Uber so she can keep coming to Early Morning Prayer. But her personal thoughts were, “I can never do this.” And when we told her to do regional church too, she said she can’t do it because she was crawling at such a slow pace. But one day she said she was better. No one gave her any kid of special prayer, but because she was continuously receiving spiritual strength she overcame it. 

Our senior deaconess here had cancer and she decided not to get Chemotherapy, but she was healed.  Just pray. We receive spiritual strength through prayer. Then the work of the Holy Spirit which is beyond calculation will take place, this is the church. So when you do overnight prayer, or early morning prayer, that’s not a simple thing. 

And then you guys scatter into your fields and you gather together in your regional churches to pray. So you shouldn’t give the word and end it with that. That’s not a Darack Bang meeting. If you are just going to do that, it’s better to play the pulpit message recording for them there. The Darack Bang meeting must be in the direction of God’s word, prayer, and evangelism. That’s God’s direction. 

Acts 12:1-12

Peter was locked in prison and all the church prayed for him. When the entire church prayed, the prison doors opened, the angel of the Lord was commissioned out to brisk him out of the cell. When you pray, works like this will take place. Especially, when the church gathers together to pray in unison for the thing God desires, he will work. 

The characteristic of someone whose life isn’t working out is that they’re not able to pray. It’s not because of a lack of training, in other words, God’s word has not become personalized to them. It doesn’t matter how much of God’s word I know, if it doesn’t get personalized to me, it doesn’t give me any spiritual strength. 

3) Romans 1:9

Romans 1:9, “God who I serve with my whole heart and preaching the gospel of the son is my witness, how I constantly remember you.” And Paul received all the answers. When he was just roaming for people. But Paul was used in the greatest way. This is the leader. And the more people like this there are in the church, the better the church, the more mature the church. And the fewer people in the church know how to pray, this church is still being breastfed. And if the church is still breastfed, that’s the level of answer they will receive. But if someone is more mature, their vessel is bigger, and their faith is bigger, then that’s the answer God will fill them with. And if you don’t know personally, you have to break your own frame. 

4) Colossians 1:9-10 

For this reason, the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God . Pray. Young adults gather together and pray. We forum a lot about the word of God, but our prayer is weak. That’s not what the Bible tells us to do. The Bible says that they devoted themselves  to the apostles’ teachings and to prayer. Therefore, God had no choice but to work upon them. Wow the one who knows this time schedule is the one who leads. 

5) Matthew 9:36-38

When Jesus Christ saw the field, he had compassion on them because they were like helpless, harassed sheeps. Without a Shepherd, he saw the field had no Shepherd. In other words, the field doesn’t have a leader who can teach them about word, prayer, and evangelism. And therefore, look at this field and pray for workers for this harvest. Don’t say there are no workers, but look at this and pray for God to send us workers. A prayer that doesn’t know the field, honestly speaking, is not a prayer. Because if you don’t know the field it means you’re just roaming according to your thoughts and needs, and God told us not to do that. If this is necessary within the church, he told us to pray for it. 

Do you need workers in the field? Jesus told us to pray for that. This is how we receive all our answers, nothing is given for no reason.  God has prepared these workers so just pray for it, then God will send you the workers who are appropriate. “Our church doesn’t have any workers.” But you don’t pray about it, you’ll just talk about it. “Oh our church is lacking this, and lacking that.” I hope you’ll pray about it. If you pray about it and you need it then God will answer you. Then if you receive Tharp answers then everything is finished. Do you think it’s just workers that we need? 

Because I’m a pastor, I’m very sensitive to our need for workers.  Because I’m in a position where I have to look at everyone as a whole. But no matter how much you guys try to look at it holistically, you cannot because God didn’t make you that way. But you only look at the small aspects you know, and you misunderstand that to be the whole. Even when you go outside to the field you have to see the whole. If you don’t look at the whole but look at one component but think that’s the whole, then that’s a big problem. The owner of a company looks at everything as a whole. But if there’s someone in one particular department who keeps on emphasizing “this is the way to go” that’s not right with the owner. That’s why the owner has to be able to control the time schedule, resources and power, because there’s strength when everything moves in oneness. You don’t receive strength by doing things by yourself. That’s why God  gives you his word through the pulpit every week. 

God looks at everything holistically and gives you his word. And then I hold onto that word, and one by one I apply it and receive answers as I go. However, if you’re not following the stream of the word, then you keep on asking unnecessary questions. The answers constantly given to you by God through his word, but you didn’t listen. Because God talks to you through his word. And if something doesn’t have the word of God in it, you don’t need it. That’s how you should think about it. 

4. Obedience.

To be able to follow after God’s Word. God is omnipotent and omniscient.  God is the Creator and He is the One who creates and sustains the entire universe now; he is controlling everything by his word. Everything that takes Oakes is within God’s sovereignty. If you don’t think that, then you don’t believe in God. And because you don’t believe in God, there’s work of disbelief in your life. If you do believe, then you have works of faith. There’s no tiny thing that happens without God’s approval. We need to begin everything with this God. If this is not the beginning, then the methods and logic of humans becomes your first priority  instead of God’s absolute sovereignty.  

People who have a lot of scars do not acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty. Do you know why they are so hurt by scars? Because they cannot see God there. They only see people. “My parents did this to me, that person did this to me.” There is no God there. “Oh but I didn’t believe in God then.” It doesn’t matter whether you believe in God or not, he is still alive right now , and he is still working right now. It’s just that you personally didn’t believe at that time, but even then, God was moving all of creation with his word.  But you don’t acknowledge that God, so it came into you as a scar. But if you did acknowledge that, you would ask God, “Why did you allow this situation?” And he would give you an answer immediately. 

But even now our scars aren’t resolved. Because to the very end, we think this person did that to me. More accurately speaking, honestly, we did something to deserve that, think about it very carefully. If you are truly truly unfairly treated, then that’s a bug vessel. But also it always, the source and cause is me. In the same situation, one person receives a scar, and the other person does not. Or how is it that under the same parents, one child grows up healthy, and the other child grows up with  scars, even though they have the same parents. 

Even if they are non-believers. We don’t acknowledge this though. It’s always about  me, my centeredness, my thoughts. We always think I am correct. God is alive right now, but this person doesn’t believe. They don’t believe in the God of their past. They think, “I didn’t know this God in the past, so God didn’t exist back then.” But he did. You have to believe that God is moving every single incident. But you don’t believe that so the work of disbelief takes place. If you believe this, you can easily escape from scars. Because you escape from this thing called yourself. 

 Someone bringing something to me isn’t the problem. The problem is that I don’t have the strength to overcome that. You have to quickly escape from that, even right now you’re blaming things on other people. But that’s not the case, we should ask, “Why did God allow me to hear these words through this person?” We have to believe in God. But because we don’t really believe in God, we keep on asking, “why did this person say this to me?” It doesn’t matter if you ask that a hundred times, you’ll never resolve the question. God wanted you to hear this to give you an answer. 

I said this during early morning prayer, but let’s say there’s someone who wanted to live a very upright, clean life, but the person who borrowed money from them are not paying him back. Then this person will think the person who borrowed money from them and did not repay them is a problem. But they think that they themselves are in the right because they lent the money with a good heart.  Let’s say it’s not a small amount, it’s an incredible amount they lended, but they’re not paying you back, so you’re just going crazy with anger.

Do you think that will resolve anything? No.  Why do you think this person came to you?  Why is ti that this person didn’t even approach person B but came to you? Because you’re always under the misconception that you’re an okay person; you think you did it with a good heart.  But even before the good heart or attention, the spiritual state had no choice but to bring such people to you, but we never think about that.  The people attached to me are those who want to borrow money and not pay me back.  So instead of ever reflecting on our own spiritual state, we always say that person is a problem, so we’re filled with so much anger.

It’s the same with car accidents.  You can obey the speed limit all you want, you can stay within your lane, but it’s all useless.  People who don’t understand may fight back, “Pastor, of course we have to have bright thoughts and stay in the lane, how else should we live?” But one day, I’m not doing anything wrong, but there’s someone else who comes and runs into me. Why do you think these things happen?  Nothing can take place unless God allows it to happen. It’s my spiritual state.  I had a spiritual state that was bound to receive these things.  Physically speaking, yes it may be unfair, that person dosen’t acknowledge their spiritual state, they just say, “I was driving correctly.”

If we could live an upright life on our own, we wouldn’t need Jesus Chris and Jesus Christ would not have to come, but we have such a strange mixture of religion and legalism, and that’s why there’s constant, repetitive suffering and scars. These things move according to our spiritual state. What do you think the angels and heavenly hosts are doing at that time?  What do the angels who transcend time and space do at that time? My spiritual state was not in place where this could happen, but we keep talking about worship.  If you can miss out on worship and maintain your spiritual state, just do that. I’m not telling you this to threaten you if you don’t come to worship; that’s how much people misunderstand. 

I’m saying everything is determined by your spiritual state, but people don’t understand those words. They just think, “I just have to live well, I just have to work hard,” and that’s how they educate their children, but everything is determined by our spiritual state. Does that mean you shouldn’t work diligently? Of course not, it means you should work hard within this spiritual state.  It’s talking about God’s absolute sovereignty.  

A pastor said he used to be very successful in Korea but now things are slow in America. In the early days, he really did a lot of works.  He really did earn that reputation, but in America, it wouldn’t work out here especially when he tried to become a pastor, it got even worse, so he was concerned.  So he came here to study pastoral ministry and brought his own congregation members.  As we were talking, I was thinking, “it’s because God isn’t giving you the works; why did it work out in Korea? Because God was giving you the works.”  

You have to understand this well.  The church at which this person served in Korea was the first church that did the evangelism movement.  No matter what it is, God raises up a model in the beginning for all the other pastors to follow.  A missionary went to Russia and raised a paraplegic, but those things don’t take place in Korea. So he was wondering, why those things dont take place, he thought there was some kind of mystery. 

It’s because God has a plan for this at this time schedule.  God has his plan for his nation of Korea according to His time schedule. He can’t raise paraplegics in Korea; that would be bad.  You have to see God’s time schedule, otherwise you’re not going to know where God is going, so you’re just going to have to wander and struggle on your own, but if you do know God’s time schedule, you can wait.  But this person was suffering so much because of this disease.

He went to Korea and was doing a lot, and then came back and was healed.  but if we hold onto our human standards, we don’t understand anything, so of course we’re filled with many diseases.  I’m sorry to say this, but in America, we’ve had a lot of revival movements before, like Azusa and other places in LA, and during those times, there were miracles happening.  It wasn’t that the individuals were great. There was a reporter from the LA Times who went, and they heard rumors of miracles of people being healed and they went to report. They were really taking place, but why are they not taking place now, even though it’s the same LA? Because God has His time schedule.  That land, that time schedule, God has a plan. 

There was a great work of evangelism taking place in North Korea, but at that time, Seoul was very quiet.  So, they just don’t understand the evangelism movement.  They even said that the revival movement that took place in Pyongyang was the second wave of evangelism, then it should keep taking place there, right? But when did North Korea turn into Communism?  God brought all the people who had the gospel in the north down to the south and made South Korea the gospel center, and all of them are in different churches.  

You have to see God’s plan very well.  If the churches are not able to block out communism, then they get pushed out elsewhere.  They just broke down the churches, then they all have to escape, and that’s why God is doing world evangelization through South Korea.

Then in the 70s, there were great works taking place.  But now in Korea, there’s not even 90,000 Christians.  If you combine that with Catholics, it’s now 120,000, but in the past, it was 200,000.  Why is it that the numbers have gone down?  If you’re trying to understand the evangelism movement centered on people, you’ll never be able to understand it, you have to see God’s plan and God’s time schedule, then what is it that God desires for America?

There are many churches here, and all the famous seminaries in the world are here, and there are also very famous lecturers here, but the churches are continuously closing down, and the spiritual problems are getting worse. What do you think we’re lacking? You have to know that plan for the evangelization movement to take place; you have to know God’s plan.

You must see this age and see God’s plan.  I was wandering around to evangelize, and there’s a church by Echo Park that began in the early 1900s by a female pastor, and there was a lot of healing movement taking place. They built a very large church there; even now, it’s there, and the original pastor passed away, and he passed on to the next pastor.  About 100 years ago, people who had been in wheelchairs would come and receive healing and could walk, but nowadays, do we see that taking place?  Right now, because there’s such great medication, we don’t see people who lose usage of their limbs. Nowadays it’s not those illness, but it’s mental problems now.  LA 100 years ago and LA now are different.  

I went to the field and saw how God was working historically, and I was able to see the field now and how God was working at that time, and you need to have the answer with this meaning of healing.  Nowadays, we have such good medication that people do not lose usage of their limbs, and I haven’t met anyone who has lost sight in their eyes, either, but even 100 years ago, many people were like that.  

God has resolved all those problems with medical and scientific advances, but now there’s a problem that hospitals cannot solve: mental problems. It’s the problem of the age.  Do you know why missions does not take place? You have to see this accurately, that’s why. It doesn’t matter what took place long ago; this is the age we’re currently living in, and God is giving His Word regarding this age, and you have to have the answer for it, otherwise you yourself will not receive healing because the field is so severe like this, we’re in a state where it’s impossible for our minds to be in a normal state. 

Look at everything on your phone, it’s planting mental problems into people, and the more you look at your phone, the mental problems will only increase; they won’t decrease as you look at your phone. The more time passes, the more psychology we will have, and the longer everyone will live, but people will have more mental problems.  That’s the age we’re living in now. What do you think God wants? You have to know this to testify of God’s Word. This is evangelism.

But if we don’t know this at all and try to evangelize to anyone we meet, regardless of anything and recklessly, then it’s not really the work of God, it’s just people who are conveniently close to the church will come.  There was a revival in Korea where an entire apartment complex in front of a church was revived, so there were thousands of new believers with the recent development of apartment complexes.  but that doesn’t mean it’s the work of God; that’s not evangelism.  You can just do that by bribing people with gifts, but if you look at that evangelism in Korea and come here and say it’s not working out, that’s a headache. We spent too much time on this, but it’s just obedience.. 

1) John 14:21

Whoever has my commands and obeys them is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by My Father and I too will love him and show myself to him.  Stop trying to keep the Word of God, but hold onto the covenant and pray in meditation.  If you don’t understand this, you’re not going to be able to understand the 4th industrial revolution. You think you can obey and keep everything on your own, but if that’s the case, why did Jesus have to come?  If you listen to the words of religious people, they think they have to keep track of God’s Word, but if you listen to them more carefully, you’ll see they’re their own god. Once you realize the gospel, you realize, “I’m not the one keeping God’s Word, but God’s Holy Spirit fulfills the Word in me.” But we don’t understand these words.  People are so focused on their actions and behaviors that they don’t understand these words.  When the word of God is rooted into my thoughts and heart, my heart makes a decision based on what’s inside, so my life naturally follows, fulfilling God’s Word.

If the Word of God is not rooted in my heart, then even if I try in the beginning, I can’t continue and I’ll fall.  As long as the vine remains attached to the branch, it will bear fruit. What does it mean to remain attached to the vine? It means going into it, it means that I’m going into the Word of God and the Word of God comes into me through prayer, but you’re trying to bear fruit without that? 

People who have a lot of tenacity may be able to do this for a few days or months, and maybe for Seoul National University graduates, they can do this for weeks because they’re already so good at obeying, but you must be able to see that, “This guy’s going to fall one day,” but if you look at them and think, “They’re doing so well,” that’s foolishness.  Ever since they were young, they were so fine-tuned in religion and legalism, and they have such a structured life. But ultimately they cannot have continuation and they’ll fall.  Meditating on the Word of God’s covenant through prayer is the way to fulfill God’s Word. Word fulfillment takes  place according to God’s time schedule.

Luke 6:46-49

The Lord says, “Why do you call to me, “Lord, Lord,” and not do what I say?” What dos it mean to do what He says? It means to hold onto God’s Word and go into meditation, then this will naturally take place. That’s what this is saying.  This person is like a man building a house who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock, then when problems, crises, circumstances come, they will not fall.

The source of power, it’s someone who is in fellowship with God.  Someone who is moved and inspired by God’s Word. Someone who’s able to pray for one another.  Someone who has no choice but for the Word to be fulfilled within them.  You need to have this take place for your walk of faith to be fun.  Until this takes place, it’s best for you to just remain calm and quiet. When you move, you should move knowing this.  Then, according to God’s time schedule, things will come to life.


God, we thank You.  Allow us to remain within the source of power which is the Triune God, fellowship, Word, and prayer.  We pray for the works of God that will fulfill the Word of God that the life movement will take place in our fields.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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