The Sin Offering (Leviticus 4:1-12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Sin Offering (Leviticus 4:1-12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

Why do people have no choice but to sin? If they are not holding onto the Word, they act out of their nature which has no choice to be sinful. We must hold onto God’s covenant of Christ, the complete sin offering.

In Leviticus 4, it speaks about the method to go to God. After receiving salvation, the most important thing is being with God, and you re going into God’s plan to save the world. If you are spiritually counseling someone, the majority of people think they have to make this walk of faith by themselves. Though this is incorrect, they don’t acknowledge that they must convey this to other people. So, they lose this direction of the gospel and turn to legalism and the law. If that is the direction of our lives, it is not in line with God’s Word. We must overcome this to save people.

People ask, “What is the purpose of my life?” It is to save people; otherwise, you are not aligned with God’s direction, and you are headed in the direction of unbelievers who try to reveal their ow n power to other people. They don’t need God’s Word as they hold onto their own goals and thoughts, being captive to the world.

Did God just give us the Word haphazardly, as a random coincidence? No, God gave the Word. It is not by coincidence, but it is by God’s plan. Otherwise, I want to live by my own thoughts and stubbornness. Naturally, I will tend to do things according to what I want, and unbeknownst to me, I reject God’s Word. But when I meditate and concentrate on God’s Word, I will relay God’s love.

Humans are naturally all about hatred, greed, and betrayal, but by holding onto God’s Word, love will be expressed through the Word. Then, you can continuously follow God’s plan and pray about the Word that God is fulfilling, then the Word melts into our lives.

Why do people have no choice but to sin? If they are not holding onto the Word, they act out of their nature which has no choice to be sinful. We have our unbelief and sin, so we must hold onto God’s covenant of Christ and turn to God’s direction.

Although Jesus Christ died for our sins, do we still need the Word from Leviticus? Just because Jesus is the Christ, does that mean you will no longer sin and live a perfect life? That is why you must understand what the Word is saying. At the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, you identify yourself with a bull or animal; for us, we identify ourselves with Christ’s death, so that is what it means to hold onto the covenant.

“Outside the camp” is the place where the people reside, and it is where Jesus died, on a hill outside of the community. Hebrews 10:10-16 mentions this. The bodies are burnt outside the camp. If Jesus Christ died on the cross, it means my sins have been burnt up and forgiven; all problems are ended on the cross. Then, what does it become relevant to my life? Why does God give me this Word? If you don’t know the answer, you are separated from God. You need to be healed of your poverty and restore what true success is.

The true meaning of this is that, by going out of the camp, you bear the disgrace. More than Jesus Christ dying for me, God is giving us the Word that we must also burn up ourselves, for here, we are looking for the city that is to come. Why is Christ burnt outside? It means that this earth has nothing, so we shouldn’t put our hope in the world, in success and material possessions; we look at the Kingdom of God that is to come. Instead of holding onto those things, remember God.

Then how shall we live? In Hebrews 10:15, let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise. Do not expect anything from the temporary world, but have the sacrifice of praise, the fruit of the lips that profess His name. In verse 16, “Do not forget to do good and to share with others what God has given you.” Righteousness is salvation through the gospel, so share it with others, and God is pleased.

When unintentional sins are committed, the offering is burnt outside the city, sins committed without us even realizing, so unbeknownst to me, I’m going down this path. People around you will tell you about your nature, so you should listen. I might not know it, but people around me will know. Then what will happen? You have to hold onto the covenant of Christ and go to God, then you will not be deceived by Satan. If you hold onto God’s direction, God will guide you and lead you into having dominion over the world because God will save all nations through you. If not, you will be a slave to the world, so we hold onto the covenant of being with God as the greatest blessing.

In Hebrews 10, it talks about the curtain being split, so we have to restore being with God through Jesus Christ. When others talk about your actions, take to hear what they say. Don’t listen to their rumors, but if they talk about your behaviors, address it with God. People don’t listen and think, “I’m not that kind of person,” but those same patterns are expressed in their children. When it comes to light, that is a moment of grace. Because we exist in a community, we give our offerings together. When the priests and leaders of the community sin, that sin seeps into the rest of the community.

God gives us the Word to overcome no matter what, so we relay the Word and fulfill the Kingdom of God. Because God is with me, it is not that I can haphazardly do whatever I want, but there are unintentional sins we commit. Everyone must receive the Word that God gives throughout the week and day, and we pray to be with God. When we pray together, we pray while holding onto the Word that aligns us with God.


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