The Resurrection and the Life (Psalm 1:1-6)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Resurrection and the Life (Psalm 1:1-6)

The world tells you to love yourself, but those are the words of the devil, telling you to love sin, love being separated from God, and to love Satan.  The Bible tells you to love God and to deny yourself.

I’m not talking about your body, but your thoughts, all the things inside of you and the thoughts you have, where do those come from? If you don’t quickly organize that, work will be difficult. Where did those come from?  They came from sin, of being separated from God. If you think you’re not like that, you’re rejecting the Bible, the Truth, so you have no choice but to seat in the seat of mockers.  It all comes from the place of being separated from God, and the “you” that is being enslaved by Satan.  If you do not know your fundamental self, you cannot deny yourself.

The world tells you to love yourself, but those are the words of the devil, telling you to love sin, love being separated from God, and to love Satan.  The Bible tells you to love God and to deny yourself.  The Bible tells you to let go of everything, of the scars in your past.  The more you meditate on God and His Word, the more you will overflow with this life.  For me, worship is my job but for you guys, it is your studies, your meetings, and may all those be blessed by God.  If you don’t pray like that, you’re going to live according to your ways, but you must deny yourself.  What must you love?  You must love being with the Lord, the Lord who is the life, so He comes upon you with the Holy Spirit.

The work that I’m doing and the work that God is doing must be the same, and I’m telling you this so that you can pray.  If you don’t know how to pray, you can’t enjoy life, “Lord, may You work upon my studies today.”  If you don’t, it’s okay if you get beaten up so that you can learn this.  When the remnants go into their online schools, pray that God will work upon your studies.  That’s the way for you, your job, and for God to have oneness, that’s what it means to be prosperous, that’s the path to success.  That is the seat of success of saving other people.

When you stand in front of your studies, you struggle or you don’t even want to do it, then how should you?  Imagine how hard life is.  It’s because you love the physical life, and because you love that physical life so much, you don’t even want to wake up in the morning, and it’s because you love yourself so much with an incorrect love.   When you wake up in the morning, you need love and to hold onto God’s Word.

I’m not telling you to hate your studies or your physical bodies; I’m telling you what to love, to love the Word of Christ, and in order to do that, you have to deny everything else.  There’s no way to hold onto only Christ while holding onto something else.  The one who hates the physical life and self-centeredness will possess eternal life.  In order to do that, you have to lay yourself down and let go of your studies.  You need to hold onto the Word of God and the Holy Spirit within your studies, then your studies will be used by God.  But you love your studies so you hate it so much and you don’t want to do it, but because it’s not working out the way you want, you hate it.

If you look at cows or dogs who are stubborn in their minds, they get beaten a lot.  Because they don’t follow, they get beaten up. It’s because they don’t know who they are.  People who desire to follow the Lord will follow His Word.  People who want to become their own king will follow their own words, but the real King will beat them.  Maybe you suffer from depression or panic attacks or financially or physical diseases. God is telling you to quickly follow.  What happens when you follow?  Then you remain in the place where Jesus is, which means it is the place where God’s Word is fulfilled, do you understand? Then God will honor you.  If people compliment you, that’s not even a compliment.  There’s nothing to compliment or curse anyone about. If the Lord compliments you, that’s everything.

“The Lord will honor me,” and that’s what the Bible is saying.  The most honored person in Egypt was Joseph.  Perhaps the courtiers would honor Pharaoh the most, but God honored Joseph the most.  God saw that Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were honored and precious.  You are also honored and considered precious by God, and you need the Word.

While you breathe, concentrate on God’s Word, and that is when your mind, body, and spirit become one with the Word. It’s such a simple thing, but because you love your physical life so much, you suffer.  After that, I’d feel the world is mine because everything belongs to God.  Santa Monica beach is mine.  The city of Santa Monica might maintain the beach, but it’s mine.  The trees planted around our church are for me.  If the trees weren’t there, it would be boring to look at.  God prepared this building from long ago for worship.  The building owner might think I’m crazy, but I belong to God.  This is where my mind is actually normal.  Your mind needs to be normal and correct so that you do not listen to the words of the world. 

First, your thoughts and your heart must become one.  How does that happen?  If you’ve done it before, you would know.  The world tells you to concentrate, but ultimately, your thoughts and your heart must become one with the Word of God.  Close your eyes in a very quiet time, then you meditate on holding the Word in your heart.  There’s nothing in the world that can make your heart and thought as one, but clear you mind and meditate on the Word for them to become one.

The Bible tells us that we have no choice but to walk in the path of sinners, those who are separated from God.  Why would we leave God?  Because there are so many nice things in the world.  The seat of mockers refers to those who are the center of their universe. How could you be the center of your universe?  Because your thoughts are centered on yourself, you hate everyone and everything, so you must quickly step out of those thoughts so that the Lord becomes your center.  Otherwise, what does it mean to prosper?  To be in the seat that God desires you to be, and doing what God wants.

The people of Psalm 1 will bear much fruit and save many people. If you do not, you’re irrelevant to God.  You work diligently irrelevant to God, so you’re under a misconception. Once the grace of God comes to you correctly, you go back to the seat of God. Unbelievers are completely deceived, they’re doing drugs and partying, but that’s nothing.  Worldly partying is saying, “We’re all broken so let’s just break each other.”  There isn’t anything special about it.

Keep going until the Word of God is held in your heart.  This is the method for us to live.  Your life, your studies, and your occupation cannot be separated from God’s Word. Your life in the church and in the field must be the same.  When you go to church, you should enjoy other people there.  This is only possible when you hold onto the Word.  Keep listening, don’t think this happens overnight; that’s your hastiness.  The time schedule is the Lord’s hands, our entire life is spending each and every day with God, then when you face a problem, everyone may say it’s a problem except you.

This is the life God has prepared for us.  Hold onto God’s Word, nothing else   When you wake up, when you go to school, when you go to bed, throughout the day, do this, but if you don’t do this and you leave, it becomes nothing.  Nothing taking place is an opportunity for blessings to take place.


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