The Restoration of the Early Church was World Evangelization (Acts 19:1-8)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Restoration of the Early Church was World Evangelization (Acts 19:1-8)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

If you have a problem with your internal organs, it means there’s a problem with your internal circulation.  There’s a lot of problems that happen because blood circulation isn’t giving oxygen where it needs to go, and it’s not taking the toxins out, so I told her this principle.  I told her to inhale while engaging her core, and I told her, if she inhales for 3 seconds, then hold that breath for five seconds and exhale for seven seconds.  She said, “How wonderful!”

Simply put, when you come to church, there’s something to gain, and as you pray while deep breathing, you can spiritually digest.  When you’re sitting here on Sunday, you need to put strength into your lower core, expanding your diaphragm.  These are your lungs, and the oxygen goes in through your lungs, This is your bully button so if you extend your lower belly button, then your lungs will get bigger and you will have a lot of oxygen going in.  The reason we hold our breath is that the oxygen can go into our blood and circulate to where it needs to go.  Then, when you’re surrounded by a lot of people, exhale not through your mouth but your nose, then you will exhale CO2 and the toxins.  If you don’t engage your core and bring down your diaphragm, you won’t be able to bring in oxygen, and only a little CO2 will leave your body.

Do this on Sunday while worshiping. You’re not doing this while you study so do it while you worship.  Then, the people who aren’t able to do it here will say, “I’ll do it when I go home,” but they’re never able to do it.  Same with studying, “I’ll just do it tomorrow,” it won’t work, why?  Because when it becomes tomorrow, they put it off to tomorrow, so we’re practicing this now.  Exhale through your nose.  Keep it short, breathe in for 3 seconds, hold for 4, and breathe out for five.  At first, as you do this, you can’t listen to the message as you are counting your breaths, but it’s better to do this than to not do it at all.  Do this at work, at school, during lunchtime.  Instead of socializing, separate yourself from others and do this.

The Restoration of the Early Church Was World Evangelization (Acts 19:1-8)


Disciple of Christ – Platform – Answer (Studies)

For people who are working, if your work is trash, that’s not a platform. No one’s coming.  So, when you’re young, you should have studied while dreaming of this platform.  Simply put, you need to have the content that is able to bring many people. That’s the platform.  When you want to buy clothes, you go to a prepared platform.  Yesterday there were some pop-up shops that didn’t have good clothes so we didn’t buy any.  If you study hard in medicine but you can’t go to hospital, you don’t have the answer so you cannot save doctors or nurses, and you yourself struggle.  That’s why, whatever I’m studying, it’s to make this platform.  If you don’t do this now, it will be hard for you later on.  You yourself will struggle.

Watchtower – Darkness (Light)

If you go into darkness without knowing it’s darkness? Prepare your studies to be the watchtower to shine light into the darkness; otherwise you study hard and get trapped in darkness. The reason why the church officers are suffering now is because this wasn’t prepared when they were young. It’s the same for young adults, if you think you know this already, it’ll be a headache. You didn’t prepare your studies with these things. You think things are working well now but you can’t save anyone.

Antenna – Communication (Healing)

If you guys are not set up in this way, you have to wait for yourselves.  It doesn’t matter how much counseling you try to get; it’s all useless because you yourselves do not have the answer. You don’t have the answer to your own problems right now.  You don’t have your physical platform either, so people do not come. 

Golden Fishing Ground

I told Sharon at CSUN, “You have to prepare this at lunch or dinner time.  You are students right now, being at your school is a platform.  There are kids who will become teachers in the future.  Then, we’ll send you a team, set a time and give the answer. You have to give the answer, shine the light, and that’s the golden fishing ground. When these people receive the gospel and training, they’ll be commissioned to every school in LA.

Don’t lose hold of the golden fishing ground. If you want to save the elementary schools, save the teachers first.  If you want to save the hospital, you’ll have to save the doctors and nurses. Where is that? That’s the college which is the golden fishing ground.  Then, am I telling you not go to the elementary schools?  No, but the answer comes from the golden fishing grounds.  See the evangelism God is doing.

There’s the TTC where people learn technical schools.  It’s the same thing, in that golden fishing ground, set up the Darakbang for the regional church and God will send people to you as you shine the light.  Change them with God’s Word. What happens once you graduate? You’ll go into your skills, that golden fishing ground is the schools and colleges. Then, does that mean you shouldn’t go anywhere else?  You go but the answers come from this direction.

Same with music, to do Hollywood evangelism, save the students first. Yes, of course we have to go to the field of Hollywood, but there are so many students learning music to go to Hollywood, so everyone is gathered in these golden fishing grounds. Either way, if you set that or decide that and pray, you’ll know where the answers come from, then the answers come bunched up together.  Then, you’ll realize why God sent these people here. 

Let’s say these teachers you raised up are teachers in their schools, then they’re raised up as platforms in their schools.  Teach your skills very well so that the teachers are attached to you.  Have the answer, the evangelism that shines the light in the darkness. Run your business to do this.  But if you love something else, if you want to make a living more than loving God, you’re not worthy of God. That’s what it means.

Then, for church officers, you won’t do things when you’re set; begin now, doing this.  Our deaconess does this, and you have to have skills to gather people here.  If you don’t have the ability to do that, people won’t gather; you need the platform, you need to have the answer.  That’s how you give the answer of life to the people God sends to you. Prayer and evangelism that shines light in the darkness, that is why we are praying the prayer transcending time and space. We heal the people who have received the Word. You cannot do this alone so you need a team.  Then, your work will be used to save people, that’s the work of God.

Business, Studies, Work

God’s Kingdom must be established here.  Receive answers. If Satan holds onto your business, studies, and work, everything will be stolen away.  If your business is being used and you’re praying to become the platform, watchtower, and antenna, God is bound to work, and if you want to study to do those three things, God will answer. That’s just the work of God you must do. Otherwise you will not be aligned with God.

David was aligned with God. The fact He had God’s own heart didn’t mean he was nice, but his heart agreed with what God was doing. Then even if you ask God to stop giving you answers, He won’t. But if you don’t do this, it doesn’t matter if you study well or not. That’s darkness. Whether you study well or not, it’s darkness. If you make money or not, that’s darkness. That’s someone who has nothing to do with God, but you are disciples, and the disciples live for these three things.

Take up your own cross, break down your own ambition and goal, break down success for yourself.  Break down only living for your family, break down living only for your church.  Hold onto the covenant for all of America, the 237 nations of the world.  That is how you receive the biblical answers. It doesn’t matter even if you’re old but your life is only bitter because you’re old without this, and you cannot work and you get a lot of sickness. You can’t even communicate.  But what if you do camp with these three things? Then you’ll have strength you didn’t have before.

Even if you didn’t align before, you’ll go back to your youth, The bartizan we’re talking about is the disciple who has these three things.  It’s nothing else.  It’s the same for Senior Deaconess. You’re surrounded by elderly people, make a platform, shine the light to deliver the answer.  Heal them with the Word of God by relaying it to them. The Friday message, fundamentally heal them. That’s how you’re aligned with God, worthy of God, then God will work there.

The money you make is secondary.  If you miss worship to make money, it’s all useless.  I’m only telling her because she’s sitting right up close. Things won’t work out for your children. If they’re here, things will only work when the Word of God comes upon them. As a person, you may live, but we live for Jesus, and that’s how you save them.  It’s biblical.  Your children wander, the children know what the parents love.  Your children know better. They already know what my mother is talking about, and they already know what my father loves. But with that, your family will not change.

I’m not saying to cut them off recklessly.  You need to have something that cannot be changed or altered; this cannot be tied up, that’s what the darkness will break.  Darkness doesn’t break if you’re just nice to them.  That means you love your children more than you love Jesus. What happens when you don’t care about that?  They don’t think Jesus Christ is very charismatic, then, in 2 Tim 3, they will continuously suffer.

People don’t suffer because they don’t study well.  Many people in North Korea suffer while being happy.  In the Amazon rainforest, many people are poor and happy. But we have money, yet we suffer.


This person loves America more than Jesus? They will suffer tremendously.  Don’t hold onto America; hold onto the God Who created America.  But some people say, “Only my boyfriend” or “only my girlfriend,” but hold onto the God Who created them.  That is how you will receive true peace of God and save others.  Whatever you’re studying, whatever your skills are, pray to God to make it the best so people gather to get something from you. Studies are not everything but at least, get the basic foundation so your job is something people have no choice but to gather to. If you hold onto the answer, God will give both physical and mental strength; you shine the light into the darkness continuously, and the reason why you work is for this.

You can do regional church, you do evangelism camp, or for the people here, you fill them with God’s Word and establish them in the church. Young adults without this set will continue to suffer. Young adults are too busy working. They need to have this answer; have the reason why you’re there.  If you don’t know the reason why you’re there, you’ll be taken over by darkness, dragged as captives to Babylon.

We are called as remnants, the children of God to save America.  Don’t need another identity; I am a child of God to save America.  No need for pride, “I am a disciple of Christ.” If you have pride, it will only get stronger. “I am a disciple of Christ, called as a child of God to save the 237 nations.  I am studying so the studies will be used to save people as the bartizan,” then how will the answers come? If you’re aligned with these things, the answers will come, not because you work hard for it but you’re aligned with it and you’re worthy of it.

How are you as a person?  How people study is not what’s important. Are they worthy of God? Then God is bound to work upon them.  If you’re not ready as a person, it doesn’t matter how hard you try, you’re not aligned with God, and the remnants sitting here are blessed because at least you’re listening.

One day, God will work; we don’t do this with our own strength. If we can do this with human strength, one person would do everything but that’s not the Kingdom of God.  This is the flow of the message coming out now, and I’ve connected it with the pulpit message. You guys need to understand this.  I hope you will stand straight before God.

You received the Sunday message today, right? That could be the Bible Scripture.

Follow God’s Word, follow Christ, not the words of the law, but of Christ.  Then, look at it every day because He already gave it to you on Sunday.  Every day, you have different things, pray for God to give you the Word He desires. 

Isaiah 40:1-6

The Word of God stands forever.  Everything else is temporary.  Then, something fascinating takes place. What is that fascinating thing?  I’m able to reconfirm, “This is what God’s Word meant in this situation,” but of course it’s hard if you don’t have this experience and you try to get something from nothing. If people are impatient like me and things don’t work out, you get angry. But why does the situation have to align with you? You have to align with God. But you get angry if the situation doesn’t match with what you want. Why does it have to align with you?  If you are God, everything aligns with you, but you’re not; you are the creation.

“The Sunday message doesn’t match with me,” then ask God to give you the word you need for the field. Pray, thinking of the Word God has given to you. That can be the prayer journal message, it’s different for everybody.  There’s some people who really don’t like the church, then pray, “God, why did you send me to this church?” If you really hate your job, pray.  Why does the workplace have to fit with you? You’ll receive this answer.

If you don’t like America, then pray, “God, why did you send me to America?” Then God will give you an answer.  But what are you not doing?  Just because something doesn’t match with you, you’re frustrated, stressed, and you go crazy with a temper tantrum. You go crazy because you’re not God; you have to align yourself.  That’s evidence you’re centered on yourself.


Pray until God gives you an answer, then you stop. Do you understand? Because of yourself, your life isn’t working out. You suffer because you love yourself. Listen well. The pastor says to do something and you say, “I can’t do that.”  Where does that reaction come from? “I don’t agree with that,” but what do you even agree with?  You don’t even agree with your parents.  But we love ourselves more than we love God, we cut them off, “I can’t do this.”  But God is actually going to spit the circumstance and make you do it anyway.

The way to answers is simple, the resurrected Lord is with you right now, but we keep misaligning because we want Him to align to us.  When the pastor tells you something about saving lives and ministry, it is not a joke, but you guys don’t want to do it. It’s bothersome because you love yourself and you don’t make money off of it and you don’t want to do it.  You think that emotion was given to you by God, “I don’t feel comfortable doing this,” but it doesn’t matter how you feel. God said to do it. 

The reason why growing up and being educated in America is good is because you don’t want to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Regardless, even if God wants you to do it, you don’t because you like yourself more.  America has so much suffering, and people have mental problems ever since they’re young. Ever since they’re young, they have drug problems and shoot people because they suffer so much.  This is the culture we live in.

Egoism. Loving myself more than God, if you just think about this, you can just change yourself.  I’m not following the culture of America, but I follow God’s Word. How? By saving other people like you.  If you save them, everybody follows you.  I hope you will remember this thing called, “me.”  If the pastor tells you to do something, don’t just say, “I’ll pray about it,” or, “Pray for me,” but what will you do as you’re misaligned with God?

The restoration of the Early Church was world evangelization. 

1. John’s Baptism

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

The 12 disciples believed in Jesus Christ while being persecuted, but even that wasn’t enough. When the Lord Jesus was crucified, he cursed Jesus while running away. You may be saved but it won’t work; it must be the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  You know water baptism? As you’re underwater, you’re dead, and as you are brought up, you’re reborn as your new “you.” That’s the sign you believe in Jesus. In reality, the “you” must die and the Holy Spirit must work within you.

Visible ß à Word

Without knowing this, you cannot do South America or Latin America evangelism. Witch doctors pray and curse other people, and if you don’t know about this, you cannot do ministry. If you do not understand the power of the Spirit, it’s irrelevant to you.  The one who knows the power of the Spirit, God guides.  We call that, succeeding and staying still.  God guides them forward to save the 3 organizations, so that’s success.  It’s the success that naturally takes place, but if you’re not being guided by God, you cannot even have the answers to save yourself; you’ll be influenced by evil spirits at your job and struggle.

God knows that so He won’t give you success because that will be a big problem. God allowed you to succeed.  But Joseph’s older brothers received the baptism of John, so they always have to give handouts to people, and if the economy is bad, you have to worry about other people’s words.  Joseph never prayed to succeed. But whom can we find who is filled with the Spirit of God like this man? God was moving him.  Because he knew that, he gave the answer to the Pharaoh and the organizations around Pharaoh to overcome.

You must know the working of the Holy Spirit, you need to pray, but kids born here don’t understand. They understand the Holy Spirit but they don’t understand evil spirits, then the Holy Spirit isn’t that appealing to you because you only think about the Holy Spirit that helps you. The field is covered by evil spirits, and for you to save or change them, you need to know the spiritual world.  You need to see the spiritual world, so Elisha asked for a double portion of the Holy Spirit.  That’s why Jesus said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.”

The Jewish people who didn’t see the spiritual world held to the Bible even as they fell.  People who go to church are spiritually seized. Don’t be like them. Pray so you can understand this well. If you sit with a blank mind, it will be a headache. The darkness in the family linen will take over you, and no matter how much you7 try, it’s the spiritual flow, but if you do understand, then you pray for these three things, That means God will push you forward.  God pushed David forward.  David never asked to be the king, he was a shepherd, but God pushed him there. That’s the success the Bible talks about; that s sis prepared for you guys. 

Prepare your bartizan, then know what the baptism of the bartizan is. The filling of the Holy Spirit and the power of the throne of God are the same thing; if you don’t understand, or even if you believe, if you hear it, you may realize Jesus is the Christ. For 40 days, they were probably ashamed for rejecting Jesus Christ and they realized, “this is what God was talking about the whole time,” and the doors keep opening. They didn’t do anything, they concentrated in prayer for 10 days, and the doors to evangelism kept opening.  Before that point, they used all their strength to do something but it didn’t work.

5 Minutes

 Your life isn’t guaranteed; for some people, it is urgent. As you listen to today’s word, don’t give up and say, “I cannot do this,” but listen to the accurate Word. Go to the conclusion that this is why the Holy Spirit must come upon me, that’s the accurate Word, and therefore, it is possible for anybody because it is not by me, but by God.  I hope you will have that time of concentration.

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