The Remnant’s Ten Mysteries to Overcome the World (Matt. 28:18-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Remnant’s Ten Mysteries to Overcome the World (Matt. 28:18-20)

Who is the strongest person in this world? Superman? Is Superman strong? Who do you believe to be the strongest?  It’s a very simple question, so there will be a simple answer to a simple question.  Everyone knows God is strong, but I’m asking, who is the strongest person?  Is the oldest also the strongest?   Now the answer comes out, it is the person whom God is with. You’ve learned in textbooks that that is not who the strongest is.

Who is the strongest person from France?  Napoleon, why is he the strongest?  He conquered many nations while he was alive, so he’s the strongest person from France. But was Napoleon continuously strong?  In the end, Napoleon was banished and exiled from his land, and he was banished to an island where he was left alone until his death. 

Among historic figures, who is the strongest?  Who do you think might have been the greatest among historic figures?  Some may say, “My mom,” and children may say, “The devil is not stronger than my mom. Not even the devil can overcome my mom,” but the child is wrong.  You must have the accurate answer.

No one can overcome the person who is with God. It is a simple answer but everyone has lost hold of it. What can we do to be with God? There’s nothing we can do, but that is why we decide to follow the path of Christ.


Christ is the King of all Kings.  Christ is the One Who makes something out of nothing.  It is only through Christ that we can be with God. 

Priest, Blood, King, Prophet

If you know this, you will understand, “It can be only Christ.”  Without the three roles, you will be dragged around by Satan.  Listen, then confirm this in the field.  It’s okay to think it’s the same things repeated over and over again, because that’s according to your level, so that is why, if you live according to your level, you cannot overcome it. 

We are at a location where we can confirm this in our field, but we are not in a position where we can judge whether this is repeated. That is the state of being separated from God’s blessings.  That is the setting for disaster.  Try to escape from disaster, but you’re just putting yourself into problems.

If you don’t know Christ, you don’t know anything.  Even if you know everything about the world, if you don’t know Christ, you don’t know the fundamental Truth and blessings, so you don’t know anything. Those who succeeded in worship knew Who Jesus Christ was, and how God works through Christ.  If you go before Christ, God will pour His grace down endlessly.

Heaven and Earth > Authority

Worship, Trinity

If we hear this Biblical message, we worship.  Remnants come give worship before God in praise, meaning they raise Christ up inside of praise.  It is not a praise reminding you Who Christ is, but it lifts up Christ. During praise, you do not just praise, but you confess.  At that time, the Kingdom of God will be established in the remnants.  Once God’s grace comes upon you, one by one, these things will be solved, not by your efforts, but they go away. That’s what we call God’s grace.  These things are only solvable by God’s grace, You thought it was a big problem, but one day, it is no longer a problem.  That is the worship that goes before the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. 

Cain, who failed at giving true worship, killed his brother while giving worship. While giving worship, the Israelites were colonized by Babylon, because that wasn’t true worship to God.  You have to think of worship as a tool.  You have to think about giving worship as a tool in order to receive blessings.  Those people will die by Satan because Satan uses them. You think you’re fine if you don’t give worship.  People who properly give worship sincerely have no problems. 

10 Mysteries

1) Alone, Independence

You may find yourself alone with no one to help you. Do not be startled at this time.  But you will remain alive because God is with you.  David was alive even while alone. You must have the time to meditate on this message in prayer.  At that time, you will be revived, and not only that, you will be able to save. What else must we meditate on?

2) Spiritual Facts, Reality

People who don’t know spiritual truth will be at a loss.  Behind the reality, there is a truth.  Everything you see is not the truth; there are many sides to the truth.  If you cannot discern between the two, you will be trapped by reality. If things go well, or if things don’t work out, you’ll make your determination but you’re stuck in that reality even as you go to church. Remnants have to know not only the reality but the truth that lies behind this reality.  If not, you will just be dragged around by the flow of reality.

There’s these truths but there is something behind the truths, and those are the spiritual facts. This is where our spiritual state flows through.  If you’re not able to see this, you’re dragged around by reality.  Some people talk about the problems in reality, but people with a little more wisdom may mention the truth,  People work so they can reveal things in reality but they do not actually know what’s happening behind that. 

Because people start to know the truth, people get discouraged. They have no power to overcome.  You study but the moment you set foot in society, you start at the bottom. The moment they set foot, they’re hit by reality because the God they heard about is great and they think they’re great, but why do they have problems?  They are hit by reality.  It’s the same in the church and the family.  

See the spiritual facts and the spiritual state of the person.  If you’re not able to see this, there will be hegemony, division, fighting, and that’s what it’s like in the field.

3) Opposite Side

Many people have this misconception of whether the answers are revealed right in front of you. If you’re not able to see the opposite side, you may wonder why God is not giving you the answer but you have to consider the opposite side.  It is not in front of me, but according to this opposite side, God gives the answer.  This is all necessary in the field.  It is in the field that you must meditate on these things.  People who don’t meditate on this are captured by it.  If you meditate on this, the moment you face this problem in reality, you won’t be overcome by it, but you see the answer.

4) Synergy

Synergy is bringing everything together to raise it up.  Why is this important?  We try to differentiate between me and the other person.  This is something we learned from a young age, but if we continue on with this state, we will constantly be warring between one another. There’s division between couples because synergy is not possible except through God; we must meditate upon Synergy.  They are speaking correct words but they speak words of judgment.  God is raising up everyone.  But if this is not in your head, you will divide. Everything then crumbles down in the field. Knowing this, Joseph revived everything in his field, not only that, but because he was within the flow of synergy, he was receiving answers.

5) Crisis, Opportunity

If you do not meditate on these things in the field, you will not receive answers to these things. When you enjoy the Triune God being with you, you’re able to enjoy these answers.  As you enjoy these answers in the field, you must be able to relay the answer of enjoying these answers.

6) Winning without Fighting

Wherever you go, people will be divided and fight, so God has prepared for you an answer of winning without fighting.  God will guide you according to this answer.  Joseph became the governor without fighting, without competition.  No matter how much you know or want to believe in God, if you don’t have this, you will fight in the field. The field teaches the opposite thing, how to live in this world without God.  Remnants go into the field without these answers, then they will 100% fall down. 

Before they enter into the fields, they must go having already prepared. If they go into the field without having already prepared, they will speak words of division. Parents must know this well and teach their children well.  People think they just have to go back and forth from church but many things happen in the field.  You must let them know these answers prepared in the field for their children not to be shocked when they go to the field.

I see parents sing and praise out loud but their children do not have those answers in the field, so they’re powerless as the field is so different from church.  It is because they believe in God but they go out into the field without having prepared, without having knowledge.  When I look at those who have been Christian for a long time, these answers don’t seem to relate to them and the world, so the children leave the ministry because they don’t think the world is that harsh.

That is why the remnants leave the Upper Room movement because they don’t believe reality to be this harsh.  They are not leaving the church, but they aren’t able to overcome the world. If they received answers in the church, they would stay in the church, but they choose to live like an average person.  It’s because they don’t know this, so they hear the world is like this or that, so it’s a situation where the remnants go out into the world, and the pastors and everyone say, “Be the platform, raise the disciples,” but it doesn’t seem to be relevant.

According to their perspective, it seems trivial, but I think that either the church didn’t teach them correctly, or they didn’t have the correct imprint, but this happens in the field so they must prepare.  That’s how you meditate in the field.  Answers will come, so that is why, hold onto the mystery of knowing that answers have been prepared for you.  Then, the remnants will relay the message of having these answers, “This is exactly what was mentioned in the Bible.”  Why do they leave the church? They receive answers.  It’s simple, if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s the pastors’ fault.  No matter how well you teach, the children didn’t listen, they left, so it’s their fault.  That is why, the remnants know the answer.

7) Only, Uniqueness, Re-Creation

Without this answer, you have to struggle to find another answer, but they need something from their sin, so it breaks down.  We must teach them, they have the blessing of only, uniqueness, and re-creation.  This is a very important message.  If not, the children will gain success in the world, and that’s success without God, then they will be shaken.  The Israelites were not captured by Babylon, but they followed after Babylon. Giving worship means they adored and idolized the gods of the world.  Continuing idol worship, being made captive was the result.

Why do children speak about the successful people of the world and their methods? Because they don’t enjoy this mystery in prayer.  There are so many things to be shaken at when I don’t have this.  As soon as the remnants step out into the field, there are so many people to learn from, so many people who are so great without Christ.  Do not be shaken.  Only through Jesus Christ and the Triune God will you find the answer of uniqueness, and enjoy re-creation.  Teach this to the children.

8) Summit

Do not become the summit; receive the answer of the summit. Spiritual, skill, cultural summit.  This is the path Joseph walked.  Because this is not prevalent in the field, hold onto it accurately.  There aren’t many who walk this path so you may be confused, but walk towards like this.  God will raise you up as the summit and make you do world evangelization.  You are bound to shake, so pray inside your field.

9) Wasteland, Desert, Wilderness ) Nobody, Nothing

God will raise you up from Nobody to Everybody.  When you go, you have nothing, nobody to help you, you have no possessions, so people may look at those with something, and they become envious. From there comes resentment, so they look at God and resent Him, “Look at all those other people.”  Nobody, nothing, it’s okay to have nothing.  The Triune God is with me for eternity.  If you have the Triune God with you, these answers come upon you and you can enjoy this eternally so you must pray.

10) Why?

Without asking God, you come up with your own reasons but that cannot overcome the darkness and Satan, because the Triune God, transcending time and space as the Owner of all things, is with us.  Who is the owner of this time and place, of this possession?  You must ask God, “Why have you called me to give worship at this time and place?  If you do not ask why, you’ll think with your own experiences.  But your thoughts are from a place apart from God, so you lose hold of all blessings. 

So, because you lose hold of these blessings in the field, you must pray regarding each point.  I mentioned these several times, God has given this grace to upgrade this message to deliver it in a different way. It’s not something I do, but that is how I received the grace from God to relay this message regarding the answers in the field, otherwise you’re held captive by the field.

The church that does not know the field will be captured by the world.  The reason why we have evangelism camps or go to trainings is to realize what the field is, so they can be guided to take the path, God leads on, and when you pray with these things, the promise of the Triune God being with us will be revealed in the field. Prepare these things before going into the field, remnants.  All the questions in the field are answered in this way, and it’s not about it working out, but why is it not working out? God is with you with answers, but they don’t believe, they just know with their head, so they can’t believe these answers.

When the Triune God is with you, when you believe, you may know God will allow you to receive the 10 mysteries. Let us pray.


Thank You. Let them experience and enjoy the 10 mysteries of being with God through prayer. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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