The Remnant’s Blessing of a Double Portion of Spirit to See and Heal the 3 Fields With God’s Word (2 Kings 2:9-11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Remnant’s Blessing of a Double Portion of Spirit to See and Heal the 3 Fields With God’s Word (2 Kings 2:9-11)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

2 Kings 2:9-11 was the main scripture passage of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd RCA messages.  I want to share with you the most fundamental word we received from RCA.  The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd messages of RCA had the main scripture as 2 Kings 2:9-11, and even though this is in the Old Testament, this was Elisha’s prayer topic.

Is it possible for me to be Elisha? This is the first thing we must conclude. Elisha is Elisha and I am myself, but how could I believe like Elisha?  People like that I hope you’ll listen again. There are only three positions who were anointed with oil with the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. Only the kings, prophets, and priests received the anointing of oil, with the filling of the holy spirit.  Of course, Elisha received the anointing with oil because he had to play one of those roles for God.  

The reason why God anointed David, Samuel, and Elisha with oil was because He had to perform one of those three roles through them. In order for David to be a proper king, he had to receive the working of the holy spirit. We’ve been hearing about the priests in Hebrews, and in order for the priest to do their role properly, God must give them the Holy Spirit.  The prophet can only do their role if they receive the Holy Spirit as well.  

Elisha had to take over the role of the prophet Elisha, so the words he said were rightful; they were not special words. “In order for me to take over this role, I need to receive the Holy Spirit.” Even if he hadn’t said those words, God would’ve given him the Holy Spirit to do this work, but the fact that Elisha requested this is something else. He recognized it’s impossible to do God’s work without this.

If the remnants and church officers listening to the Word of God think they are different from Elisha, then the Word of God will not go into them as their message. Jesus Christ completed this, He has completed the anointing of oil of the prophets, priests, and kings; there’s no need to anoint prophets, priests, and kings with oil anymore.  1 Peter 2:9 says God has made anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as a royal priesthood to declare the praises of him. If you want to speak in terms of the Old Testament, it means that through Christ, I am someone who can play the role of David, Samuel, and Elisha.  You have to believe that in order for you to understand the message of the Old Testament as your message.

If I were in the Old Testament, I would need this position like Elisha did, but there’s no need for me to take this role anymore because Christ has come.  Now, anyone who believes in Jesus Christ can play these three roles. Why were these three positions necessary in the Old Testament?  Because there are three roles for the three problems of mankind.

It’s not a matter of not eating, it’s not a matter of a lack of success. If you see problems that way, then you misunderstand the Bible and you don’t know God. Human beings have no choice but to fill themselves with these three roles.  Christ came to earth and completed this. Simply put, He has completed the source of all problems.  Now, within Christ, I have the right to be used as God used the ones in the Old Testament, like Joseph, David, Elijah, and Elisha.  

If you don’t have this, you’re going to feel very distant from the words of the Bible.  Christ has come to earth and you have received salvation without knowing the reason why He had to come.  But if you do know that meaning, then you realize Fhrist has really solved all problems, and I have been sent as an ambassador to relay that gospel to others.  That’s why I’m able to take on the role of the prophet, priest, and king.

If you understand from this perspective, you’ll know the reason why you need the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Elisha knew he needed a double portion of the Holy Spirit in order to take over Elijah’s role, but that was already destined to be given to Elisha. The issue is, does the person know they are supposed to receive it?  Saul did what he should not have done as a king.  He can’t do whatever he wants just because he’s the king.  When God raises the king, there’s a role the king must play, but Saul rudely took over the role of the priest as well. He overstepped his boundaries and that’s why God could not anoint him with the Holy Spirit.

God gave the king the strength to play the role of the king, and once he became the king, he didn’t know what he had to do.  That’s why he took away the working of the holy spirit and the anotingin and gave it to David. What does that mean? It means the person cannot play their role without the working of the Holy Spirit.  David himself was not good. His heart was aligned with God, meaning he was aligned with God’s covenant, and God poured His Spirit upon that through Samuel. That’s why David was able to do the role of the king. That’s what this means.

How was he able to do the role of the king? There was a role he had to play as a king.  He has to overcome all the other attacking nations, and he has to maintain the Israelite people on God’s behalf, but he won 100/100 battles, because God was doing the work by giving David the filling of the Holy Spirit.  God gave the Word through Moses. If God doesn’t give us His Word, we don’t know where we must move, and these are the three roles Christ completed.  

We can enjoy these three roles.  The pouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon us is rightfully given, because in order to do His work, God’s Holy Spirit must work and that’s why He promises in Acts 1:8. In order to do this work, you cannot do this with your own strength, then rightfully we must ask for this, just as Elisha rightfully asked. You shouldn’t worry about how you’re going to receive it. If you rightfully ask for it, you’ll receive it. You need to understand the messages very fundamentally in order to understand why he’s saying the messages he is, and receive them.

This Holy Spirit isn’t just given to anybody.  God pours the Holy Spirit upon the ones who will play these three roles. He pours it upon people like Elisha who will do the work of God.  The three roles of God, the work of the Prophet, Priest, and King.  Because people are so weak, God will give the Holy Spirit upon whoever does these roles. 

That’s why the Early Church rightfully asked God to give this to them, because  He promised to give it to them, and because the Holy Spirit did come upon them, they were able to play these three roles.  We have that status, it’s the same with Joseph.  There was a work God had to do through Joseph, then rightfully, the Holy Spirit must come upon him. It doesn’t matter how much he was a slave because it was a work God must do.  

“Who can we find filled with the Spirit of God like this man?” It means God’s spirit was with him, and Joseph knew that he couldn’t do anything unless the Spirit of God came upon him. That’s important.  Rightfully, it must come upon me, but I have to be aware of that, and that’s how I can go into that prayer. If you pray without knowing the reason, you’ll pray holding onto your own reason and it’s irrelevant to God’s reason.

Why do we say that all problems are finished when we believe in Jesus Christ?  Because all problems begin from sin, Satan, and hell.  Jesus Christ finished those three problems with the three roles.  Now, our status has changed to be one with the Triune God.  That means God is living within me, because the Triune God is connected in oneness.  The fact that the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, is with me, means that the Triune God’s spirit is within me.  

What is He doing?  They are working even now with the Word.  The entire universe is moving according to the principle of God’s word, ever since creation.  Creation was created because of God’s Word.  The fact that everything was created within God’s Word means that the principle under which it functions, is also within God’s word. It didn’t just materialize without the Word; that would be a huge problem.  It looks like it appeared out of nowhere; however, everything has a very good order where the earth is spinning on its axis.  

When the world was created, it means there was a water cycle, where the water evaporates into the clouds, and goes back into the system, was also a principle of creation.  Even the creation of cell phones that happened a long time after creation was within the principle of creation. Why am I saying this? Because everyone says they did it themselves. People believe they can do whatever they want; it means they do not know God.  

Everything from the moment God created the universe until the day Jesus Christ comes again, everything has been predetermined to function according to God’s 

Word. It doesn’t matter if you’re a believer or unbeliever.  Because regardless of whether someone is a believer or unbeliever, God will raise up the one he wants to develop his physical world according to His time schedule.  Then, how are humans created to function? Shall we live however we want?  That’s not how God created us, God did not create us to live however we want. There is a principle with which God created us.  The principle of our function is within the phrase, “The image of God.” What is that principle? It’s the principle where we live in communion with God. 

The fact that we’re created in God’s image means we’re created to live according to God’s Word, with God’s Holy Spirit, with God’s plan for missions and evangelism.  As soon as God created a plan for us, He had already given us the plan to rule over and conquer, to subdue over the world, so people are bound to live according to the principle of creation.

However, that process stopped; we were separated from God and God’s Word. The Spirit of God left. We no longer have the plan for world evangelization, but we’re in a state of being separated from God, so we’re enslaved by the world. Then what happens to people? We’re completely enslaved by Satan because the principle of our life function is built this way and that’s why God gave us the principle of restoration. 

That’s the offspring of the woman in Genesis 3:15. When you say the name, “Jesus,” He didn’t say, “I’m going to send Jesus” in Gen. 3:15, because it’s not about people. There are so many people named Jesus.  Who is the Jesus of which God speaks?  God knew this so he never said the name, he said the Offspring of woman.  He is saying the Messiah will come, but He will not be born of a man and woman normally, but God must directly give this child to a woman and that is the Messiah. 

It’s a gospel hidden from long ages past, meaning that even when God had created everything, He had included this in the principle.  As soon as God created mankind, He knew we would fall away and he prepared this gospel from long ages past.  Therefore, He will crush the head of the serpent, and the serpent will strike his heel.  We must escape from the authority of Satan. As he struck the heel of the Messiah, we must be absolved of our sin.  The Messiah finishes these two roles. The serpent striking the heel of the Messiah, talking about his death in the cross, and the fact that He overcomes the authority of Satan means that He overcomes the authority of death, in other words, He resurrects. It must be someone who dies and resurrects to be the offspring of the woman.  It doesn’t matter what you say about this or that; God is moving everything according to this principle.  The one who believes in this is restored, and once you’re restored, God gives His Word. That’s where God’s Holy Spirit works.  Because you must do the role of God which is world evangelization, and these are the words of God in the Bible.

Then what about the terms, “Platform, Watchtower, Antenna”?  These are terms that help us understand the word of God better. Why does he use the words, “Transcending time and space” even if it’s not necessary? You must know the reason why. The bible doesn’t say “transcending time and space” often, but why does it say this word? What extent is the field in the world in?  We are currently in an age where Satan is influencing the entire world, transcending time and space. Whether Satan is doing this online or through prayers, it is that age.  

That’s why we need to know the work of God that transcends time and space as well, but we don’t know this at all.  In the field, there are unbelievers who transcend time and space to exchange influence between nations, then what are we doing? We must know this, the devil is doing that work.  Then what are we doing? We need to know.  Transcending time and space.  If you don’t know this and you’re trying to live a walk of faith blank-mindedly, it will be hard.  

God has to mobilize His heavenly armies of angels, God has to use this Holy Spirit, and of course, the works of God that transcends time and space has to take place for you to influence the rest of the world with light. That’s 237.  It’s not saying that you alone are shining the light to the world, but it means every person you meet is connected to the 237 nations, meaning that everyone in your prayers will receive the light to shine to the 237 nations. That’s what this Word is saying.

If you believe in Jesus Christ, then the Triune God is with you.  God works upon me with His Word, right? God isn’t staying still right now; God is working according to His Word and currently fulfilling the ministry of salvation now.  God is pouring the working of the Holy Spirit upon me to do His work properly upon me, and that’s why nothing is a problem.

Do you understand?  Because God continuously pours upon his word. Whenever we face a problem, God gives us His word. If Jesus says all problems are finished but you say it’s not finished, God gives you His Word. “How am I supposed to live in the future?” God gives you His mission and Word, and God gives you the filling of the holy spirit so you can do that Word, then nothing is a problem.  Enjoy that.

If you try to live your life without enjoying this, then you will be able to live like a non-believer, but the people of the Lord are supposed to do the work of the Lord.  I hope you will let go of all your incorrect, religious thoughts from the Lord of life and church.  “Oh, only the pastor evangelizes and the common lay people don’t evangelize.”  I hope you will snap out of your misconception, that is the misconception of misconceptions. You learned that way without knowing what evangelism is.  Then, you have learned a great misconception about evangelism; that’s not what the Bible says.

Moreso than the servants of the Lord, Deacon Philip went and prayed. If anything, Lydia changed the field. People are so imprinted with religion that is not aligned with God.  That person doesn’t know what God is doing to them right now.  He is giving you His Word because He is His Word.  Even now, He is doing the ministry of salvation.  That’s why God pours upon me the working and filling of the holy spirit.  Then you’ll shut your mouth regarding words like, “only the pastor evangelizes.”

“How can I pray like this, how can I do that?” You’re under the misconception with the incorrect things you’ve learned, like the gifts, speaking in tongues, and healing.  I’m not saying they’re wrong; they’re correct in that moment, but you take these things that are only correct in certain aspects and make that the entirety of evangelism.  We have met the Triune God, and They’re not dozing off right now; They are currently working and I have to go into that, into God’s Word, into evangelism, into the working and filling of the holy spirit.  God is doing that work right now; I must not remain outside, I must go into it, and we must have this Remnant Time.

Go into the work God is doing. When you go in, the Word is fulfilled, evangelism takes place, and the working of the holy spirit takes place.  There’s nothing I’ve done, I’m simply getting dragged into the work God is doing.  That’s the life God has prepared for you, but if you try working so diligently and earnestly without that, you’re a slave to Satan,t hen you don’t know what God is doing in the field currently.  You come to church and force yourself to sit down in the pew to listen, but you don’t know what God is doing.

The most important thing is to know God well, and in order to know God well, you must know Christ well.  That’s how you will know the working of the holy spirit that transcends time and space upon your prayers.  So, the more this is organized in you, the simpler everything becomes.  

In the second message, we’re told to see the disaster zones, the blind spots, and the golden fishing grounds from the watchtower. Do you see them? What are you looking at? Look at that, but you look at something else and not those three things, then you’re not a watchtower.  You’re just someone who is at the bottom of the floor of the tower, living your everyday life as a commoner. Who is the one who goes to the top of the watchtower? The one who is guarding the tower goes to the top of the watchtower.  

It means you’re looking at everything, including where the enemies are coming from and what their numbers are.  If you’re not a watchtower and you want to stay at the ground level, you’re irrelevant to God because God called us as the watchtower, then what must we look at? The golden fishing grounds, the field where many people can gather. Why would they gather?  You need to look at that and pray for it, for the working of the Holy Spirit to do the ministry of salvation.

The fact that you see this means you’re always holding onto this. What are the golden fishing grounds in your region or field? What are the golden fishing grounds where you live? Look at that. Look at the blind spots where the gospel has been blocked from entering. First, I want to look at the people in the church. They come to church but the gospel isn’t in them. We cannot judge whether they have salvation or not; I’m not looking down on the church, but if this very vague or weak gospel is going in, that’s a blind spot. People go to church without having salvation, that’s a blind spot; we just assume that everyone received the gospel and pass over them. We must see that field.

If the gospel doesn’t go into these areas, it turns into the disaster zones because the “blind spot” talks about a field where the gospel has never gone in.  You need to see where no one else is going. How do you see that? You have to analyze and do research, and investigate. You need to look at the field of the world with these eyes.  But instead of looking at the field with these eyes, you look with the eyes of, “How can I make a lot of money, how can I succeed, how can I meet a good guy and get married well?” Then the entire field is dying and you don’t see any of it.  

Look at these fields and send the work of God there.  You send the work of God’s Holy Spirit there because we cannot do anything, but if you don’t see it, you’re not going to send it.  Then, you wait until answers come.  What will those answers be? It is the salvation of lives.  If someone says anything like, “Evangelism isn’t taking place,” they’re not a watchtower, but they’re on the ground level, living the life of a commoner.  If they don’t see this, then the entire tower is seized by Satan.

But if that one person is able to be at that watchtower to see the field and to send the work of God where it is needed, then they would see the answer of God’s work of 25 hours, taking place. We know the watchman.  It’s not talking about people in the Old Testament, but it’s saying to believe in Jesus Christ. I hope you’ll always believe this. The Old Testament has been completely with Jesus Christ, so all of those words apply to us.  The words of Obadiah apply to me, the words of Elisha apply to me, the words of David are words about me, because Christ has fulfilled all of those roles, all of the roles in the Old Testaments, are the roles I am playing now. That’s what it means for Christ to have come.

That’s why we no longer need High Priests because you are the priests, kings, and prophets now. That’s what it means.  In other words, through Christ, the three roles of the Old Testament have come into me.  The blessing of Elisha has come unto me so I can do this role as well. This is why we must go into this, why?  Because ever since we’re born, we have the nature of being centered on ourselves or humans, and it takes us into the 12 problems, so even when we listen to God’s word, we cannot hear it.  We constantly hold onto our own thoughts, but the Word of God does not come into us.  Then, we look at everything from our experiences as if something seems impossible, we think it’s not going to work, then it doesn’t matter how much God promises to give us these blessings, because it doesn’t seem probable to me, it’s not going to work.  Because Christ has completely fulfilled everything and the blessings of the Triune God is before me, we simply go into that.

If the Lord has gone into me, then I must go into the Lord.  It’s possible the students may say, “God is within me,” but now they must go into God.  Everybody knows God is within me, but now, we must go into God.  If God is within me, then I must go into God. Just as the vine is attached to the branches, the vine must go into the branch to bear fruit.  We must have this time. If we don’t have this time, we live our lives centered on my physical thoughts and we die, then my life becomes irrelevant to God’s Word. We have no choice but to live according to the unbelievers’ state, or I live with the same thoughts of religious people. This is why I must go into this blessing.

Then, do you think a problem will be a problem? Why would something be a problem?  It may be a problem to me, but God’s Word comes upon me.  If I live centered on myself, it’s a problem for me because I don’t have God. Even if someone does have God, if they live centered on themselves, then it’s a problem.  However, if someone is living their life centered on the Triune God, then this problem is an answer to them. 

Crises will come, there’s no one who doesn’t face crises.  But if I go into the blessing of the Triune God, then the crises become an opportunity. What would be a crisis to God? It’s only a crisis to someone who lives centered on themselves.  But if you are not centered on “me” and you are centered on the Triune God, you see it as an opportunity. Even unbelievers are able to go out of their own perspectives to see crises as opportunities. Everything is a crisis.  There’s an IMF crisis, there’s a coronavirus pandemic crisis, everything is a crisis, but there are unbelievers who change this into an opportunity because they’ve escaped from themselves, so it’s an opportunity.  But for us, when we go into the triune God, even if  something is a crisis to us, turns into an opportunity.

The work or studies we do, it must be aligned with God.  If it’s not aligned with God, I’m sorry to say, even after receiving salvation, the work you do is correlated with the devil.  If it’s connected with the devil, it means it will lead to the Tower of Babel of Genesis 11, it will be connected to the disaster of Noah’s flood.  It’s true even after receiving salvation, and that’s why the work I’m doing must be connected with God; I have to be connected with God.

The church must be connected with God, what is that?  It is telling us to talk about the gospel that was hidden from a long ages past. Because the gospel has finished all problems, we must speak about this. Now it is revealed, evangelism. That is what the church needs to talk about.  The gospel that was hidden being revealed is talking about evangelism. Then, for the members of the church, the depth, width of the Gospel becomes deeper and wider, and that’s why this gospel is eternal.

We’re eternally with the Word; the church must be connected with God. If the church isn’t connected with God, we should close our doors. We are the church; gathering is the church and we must be aligned with God. Saul was not aligned with God, and it’s possible we will not be, either. We must be aligned with God.  That’s how God uses the church.

The work, my businesses and studies must be aligned with God.  If it’s not aligned with God but you work diligently, then you’re a unbeliever. Then those are words you use before you knew God when you were a sinner, but there are some people who are like that when they come to church.  Then for people who don’t have faith, they’ll be disappointed in those people because they’re acting even worse than I did while I was an unbeliever.

They don’t have anything else, so when elites come to church, they look down on it.  “If you want to talk about diligence, these people are less diligent than I am, as an unbeliever, and these Christians aren’t even able to make as much money as I did as an unbeliever,” so if someone doesn’t know, that’s how they’ll be. That’s someone not connected to God.  But let’s say, even if this person has a small job that is worse off than mine, there’s something they are doing that is different. It turns out it’s all connected with God. 

The Master of your business is God; that’s the most basic thing. We know this but we can’t do this. It’s normal, because I have the nature of endlessly wanting to become my own master; we have this religion where we endlessly try to do something, with our greed and diligence.  This is the reason our work and studies must be connected to God, and that’s how God’s works take place there. 

God is alive, I have to be connected with Him, and the work I’m doing must be connected with Him.  The church I’m serving and the people I meet must all be connected with God; that’s what we call the antenna.  What is the antenna? You need to have an antenna to catch the radio signals so we can watch TV. I’m playing the role of the antenna that connects God to other people. You can only be the antenna if you yourselves are connected to God.

We talked about the main scripture passage of 2 Kings 2:9-11, these are the blessings God has given to us as well.  So, for the people who are able to change all of their thoughts in the morning into prayers, you should do that.  But for the people who are not able to do that, set a separate time. How?  Set a separate time of concentration.  If you’re trying to concentrate on your studies but you can’t concentrate, then your studies will not take place because your thoughts are seized by something else, then even if your book is open, your thoughts are open, so it’s not going to work. 

That’s why we need to have a time when we can concentrate.  That’s the time of prayer where I go into the covenant of the Triune God.  The person who has the restoration of their spiritual state will have the spiritual base where they can change all of the people they meet, and the things they think into prayer.  If it is possible for you to have this time in the evening, and then in the morning you change all your thoughts into prayer, that’s how you should change your pattern, that just depends on your personal circumstances.  Some people have to go to work at 4 or go to work at 9 or work far away.  

Either way, the standard is, I have to be in the spiritual state where I can change all my thoughts into prayer, then I change all my meetings and all the things I see into prayer, into communication with God. That’s my state. Whether you do this in the afternoon or early in the morning, you need to absolutely have a time where you’re deeply with God.  Even though the Triune God is with me, this is the way I go into Him. If you’re not able to pray, that’s a very severe state. It’s evidence you’re constantly living with your own thoughts, and that’s very severe.  God is with me, but I’m not going into Him, so that’s no ordinary thing.  Then that person is living like an unbeliever, holding onto their own thoughts.  Then even if they’re living with salvation, they cannot enjoy the blessings of missions and evangelism. They cannot receive the answer of Temple Construction because their thoughts are not there.

Answers come according to our thoughts.  People who say, “We cannot conquer Canaan,” will not be able to conquer; people who say, “We can conquer,” will receive that answer, and you will receive the evidence that you can conquer Canaan through God’s word. That’s why people who do not go into prayer holding onto God’s covenant just live for their physical needs like an unbeliever. That person cannot save their family line or their field. The blessing to save others is with us, but we throw it all away. If you live like that, it’s not like everything stays still, but your family falls spiritually.  Your region will influence them.  

The sons of God can either build the ark to save the people from the flood, or they can get swept up by the disasters.  There’s only two options: even if you’re a saved child of God, if you do not go into God’s covenant, you cannot make the ark, then you just diligently make money and study with your diligence.  With your diligence, you get married and go to weddings and funerals, and go to school diligently; you diligently go to college and sincerely go to your job.  Then a very diligent woman will meet a very diligent man, but you cannot block the spiritual disasters and problems.  If we don’t go into the covenant, our spirit cannot come to life.

Remnants, you must never forget this.  The one who puts this into practice can receive the answers.  But if you don’t put this into practice, then you’re not going to know what’s taking place or not, and the message will just be confusing to you.  Set a time where you can best do this for yourself and begin, that’s the fastest way.  If it is not taking place, you have to know it’s not taking place, “Oh, it’s not taking place for me,” and it’s God’s grace that you know.  But people who will never be able to do it will live their lives not knowing whether it’ll take place or not.

That’s why, remnants, for sure, without a doubt you must have this time.  Do it in a way that fits with you comfortably.  Some people write down the core words of the Bible, or if you can’t listen to all 40 minutes of the message, you can listen to 5-minute snippets.  Or you can just read and receive the Word from the scripture.  Only the one who does this will spiritually lead.  But if someone doesn’t know the reason why they have to do this or what to do, they will lose hold of many blessings.  

We need to have this spiritual structure. People have a structure of eating.  People who have to eat five meals a day will eat five meals a day.  This is the spiritual system you have to make; it’s not created overnight, but as you try, try, and try, it comes together over time.  Adults, keep doing it. Remnants, beginning is the fastest way. May you enjoy this blessing.


Let us hold onto the Word God has given us and pray. God is with us.  I have to go into that covenant so my spirit will be revived.  Especially as we gather together, we must pray for the working of God’s Holy Spirit upon the disaster zones and the blind spots, and the golden fishing grounds. That’s the reason God gets us to gather, so we can receive God’s grace and send it out into the field; otherwise, why do we gather? Why are we here without prayer? We have to receive it and relay it.  

Let us pray holding onto the Word God has given us and pray for the field as well. What are the fields to which many people are gathering around your field?  Where are the places where the gospel has never been relayed? Where is the true disaster zone? As you think about this in your field, let us pray.

Let us pray, November 28-29, there’s the regional winter retreat.  We’re all gathering in one location.  The message will be given online from Korea.  So, we have another opportunity to receive God’s Word through the winter retreat and we need to conclude the year with God’s Word, otherwise we will conclude it with something else.  There are so many end-of-the-year gatherings in all the different universities, but it’s very important to have these meetings habituated, starting and ending everything with God’s Word. I hope you will be aware of this and pray for it.

Let’s pray for the Sunday message.  I believe God is the One Who raises the church, gives us the Word, and fulfills the Word.  “God, give me the Word that will be fulfilled.” Let us pray, and let us pray for the new believers who come to the church. There’s nothing else for them, but to follow God’s covenant and to obey God’s mission. Let us pray together.

Let us pray for our missions fields.  Whenever we pray, God will work with His Holy Spirit. What happens if you don’t pray? Then the forces of darkness are working because the other organizations are doing this work every day.  Muslims pray five times a day.  We don’t even know what prayer is, but the forces of darkness are seizing LA.  Instead of seeing this, you see ways to make money, don’t you? So yo don’t see His Kingdom at all, but you only see the kingdom of the world and you’re a slave.

What do the Muslim people pray for, 5 times a day? This takes place all over the world, they’re close-by here, there’s about 1000 people down the street and they pray 5 times a day in their field.  These people spread into the field into mission homes and regional churches as we do, but they spread the work of the devil, and one day, their acts will come upon you. All these incidents that you didn’t plan for will happen to you, and you’re taken in by  it because you don’t know the blessings you have. All you have to do is be aware of this. 

If you don’t know this, you cannot call yourself a Christian. It’s not just the Muslims, the Freemason organization is doing the same work, but even though I haven’t seen them personally, I’m able to hear through Rev. Ryu’s words that Satan is doing this work through them, and even now, they are working. What must we do then? We must enjoy the blessing of prayer, so let’s pray together for the missions fields.

There are blind spots in the church.  This person suffers but no one sees it? That’s a blind spot, and the remnants are dying.  That’s a blind spot.  If someone is doing well, just leave them alone, but the light must go into the places where things are not going well. If our interest is there, we will pray for it, and when our prayer goes in, God’s Word goes in, but if we’re not interested at all, then we’re going to go somewhere else. There are blind spots in the church.

Every family and every time schedule is different.  If there’s someone who was so spiritually seized in their family, it takes them some time, it means their children will be attacked so much more.  You have to know this and you’ll know what you have to do.  Then I hope you will know there are blind spots in the church, and if you just leave them alone, they will turn into disaster zones.  If you don’t see this, then you’re not going to see the field in the world either, so I hope you will pray and be led.

Then there’s the remnant worship on the second floor. If I were a church officer, I would give worship during first service then go downstairs to see what the remnants are doing during the second message, because of course I have to see what the remnants are going through to pray for them, but if you’re not interested in doing that at all, it means your interest is somewhere else.  Then, we must all give our interest towards saving the few remnants in our church already.

The message is continuously coming out, it’s about the remnants but the remnants have nothing to do with you.  The multiethnic remnants are currently coming in and you have to see what’s going on with them.  That’s how you will receive your role of how you can pray for them, how you can support them, and what you can do, but you have no interest in that at all; you just wonder when God will give you finances. That’s a person who is worshiping idols, it’s the same as going to a temple, and I’m sure there’s no one like that in our church, but most churches are like that.

It’s a blind spot. God’s greatest interest is upon the weakest person. You don’t have to put your interest upon those who are doing well. If their parents are taking good care of their kids, you don’t have to worry about them, but all your interest must be placed upon the places of the least interest. That’s the church. It’s the same in the region. There are those appointed for salvation but the gospel is not being relayed to them because we don’t see them, and we see something else.  “How can I make money? How can I succeed?” That’s all you look at, I’m sorry to say, that person isn’t aligned with God.  Jesus tells us to first seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness, but instead we first seek the kingdom of the world, so we’re not aligned with God. All we have to do is align ourselves with God today, it’s not about your actions at all. Just turn your attention into this direction and the answers will follow.  

The most severe, critical point of our church are the multiethnic remnants, and among the adults, there are those who are spiritually suffering. May you pour all of your interest there.  A gathering of healthy people is not important.  God gave the grace of health to the spiritually healthy people to help the spiritually weak people, and if they’re not able to come, you need what it takes to go find them.  Once they come to life, the evangelism in this region will take place.

Let us pray for the weak people in our church, you must receive this blessing. Then you’ll know what God wants. Let us pray together. 

We received God’s word today so all you have to do is be interested in it, then prayer will come out.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who know the reason for why they must receive a double portion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the multiethnics, remnants, be upon all their businesses, work, and studies, be with us from now until forevermore, amen.  

Personal Prayer

Tim:  Jesus is Christ the son of the living GOd. Thank You for being the One who conquered all of our problems of sin, SAtan, and hell on the cross. Thank You for filling us with the Holy Spirit so that we can be attentive to Your Word and Your plan, to save the multiethnics and the remnants. At this time, I pray for Fanny and Chirs and Carlos, that they may stand as witnesses who believe and enjoy the fact that You are alive and working even at this time. I pray that You will fill Tracy and Steve with a double portion of your Holy Spirit so that they may stand as witnesses of Your saving power especially  in their family.  May You work upon Jacob Hwang and his family so that they may recognize the spiritual battle and overcome the darkness that has plagued their lives.  May You work powerfully upon Jordania and give her Your sure direction towards saving the world.  May You bless Jacob Kong so that he may one who enjoys the fact that You are real, may You liberate him completely from all of Satan’s snares and from the darkness that plagues his mind. May you give him the clarity to enjoy your work in his life.  May You work upon Chase and Kyuel so that they may receive Your gospel with gladness.  Help me to remember that it is not about being obedient or healthy, but it is simply that pure desire and interest towards the Word that will revive and save.  

Fanny: Dear God, thank you for allowing me to come and worship you even today. Allow me to open my spiritual eyes so that I may have the blessing to be on the watchmen’s watch tower of prayer to see and pray for the golden fishing grounds, disaster zones, and the blind spots. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen. 

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