The Reason for Only Christ (Heb. 4:12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Reason for Only Christ (Heb. 4:12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Why do people need God’s Word? It’s because God Himself is the Word.  Then, the characteristic of God’s word is that when it has been proclaimed, then without a doubt, it will be fulfilled because God’s Word is eternal.  The Word from the Old and New Testaments are eternal and being fulfilled even now, so the people who hold onto God’s Word will never be shaken by the problems in their lives or their environment, because God’s Word is alive.

God’s Word is alive, it’s not dead.  The words of people are physically necessary, like when I’m lost, someone can give me directions, but it cannot save or heal people’s inner, hidden aspects.  Why is it that God’s Word is able to save and heal us?  God’s Word is eternal, living and active, even now. As you hold onto this living Word, your spirit, soul, body, and mind will come to life. 

What is God’s Word?  John 1:1 says the Word is God and it also says the Word came in the flesh, that is Jesus.  All the many words in the Old Testament are necessary because they talk about Jesus Christ Who is to come.  The New Testament talks about the Jesus Christ Who has come, and this gospel goes towards the Jesus Christ Who will come again.

Then, why must we be centered on the gospel?  God’s Word is flowing centered on Jesus Christ through the Old and New Testaments about how Jesus Christ would come, Jesus Christ Who came, and Jesus Christ Who will return, so we must remain within God’s rest, under the reign and control of God. 

With this strength, we rule and subdue over the world, what does this mean? It means instead of chasing things around, these things should follow me. If you’re following after something else, it means something isn’t right with your perception of the image of God; you follow things around without rest, following after money, your studies, and people. 

But that’s not how humans were created.  Human were created such that within God’s rule and authority, we rule and subdue.  Whatever you chase will disappear, because you grab it, chasing with your own strength. That’s fake.  What are the true things God gives you? It is that God gives answers through me.  The characteristic of that is that God gives me His Word and gives the answers through His Word.

But in Gen. 3, because of Satan tempting Adam and Eve, our relationship with God has been broken and we are no longer under God’s control.  Romans 3:23 says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, so we need the offspring of the woman in Genesis 3:15, there’s no other way. Then the Old Testament talked about the offspring of the woman who would come.  Jesus Christ had not come in the Old Testament yet, but age by age, there were things that represented Christ like the blood sacrifice and the ark.  These all point to Jesus Christ Who was to come.

Genesis 6 talks of many things but the central point is the Ark, if you lose hold of this, you fall into disaster.  In Exodus 3:18, losing hold of the blood sacrifice, you become a slave, and the Israelites spent 400 years in slavery. That’s what happens when you lose hold of the Christ Who is to come, and you can only escape with the blood of the Lamb, and that’s why they had the Tabernacle.  It’s always Christ, Christ.

Why did they have to enter into Canaan?  Without the covenant of Christ, they wouldn’t.  You would only go if you knew the reason why you have to go. When you go, it seems like you’re facing death, so you don’t have a reason, because God’s promised Word hasn’t come to me in faith.  Christ has to come to this earth as the Lord and Savior, but we lose hold of that Word.  They didn’t lose hold of other words, but they lost hold of Jesus Christ, the reason to go to Canaan, meaning they didn’t have the reason to hold onto Christ.  Then they heard all these other words from people, and ultimately they died in the wilderness. 

Earlier, Grace asked me, “What’s the difference between our church and others?” They’re all the same, but this Word must be only Christ, and the evangelism that talks of only Christ, only by the power of God. That’s just the characteristic.  In every word of God, it is Christ.  If that doesn’t take place, then there are so many things in the world and it’s just words, but all these other things prevent you from holding onto Christ, and instead you fall into disasters by Satan. That’s the result of those who wandered the wilderness for 40 years and died.

… That’s why in John 5:39 (Luke 24:44?), Jesus Christ says, all the words of the Old Tesatment testify about him, but instead, they lose hold of Jesus Christ and God’s Word, then there’s no activeness in that. Jesus Christ came to the earth but they didn’t recognize Him.  Even though they memorized the Old Testament so much, they lost hold of Jesus Christ, and there are many reasons why they lost hold of Christ.  They don’t know people and they don’t know the spiritual things, why it must be only Christ.  Because of that, they live according to many different words, then what happens? It’s the law.

It’s still the Word of God but they don’t save, the law judges, you will oppress yourself because you don’t have the answer of Jesus Christ.  Then you keep looking at other people with the law, then the result that will manifest is fighting, conflicts, and division, even if you live your walk of faith. It means that the Word of God is not “only Jesus Christ” to you.

Paul didn’t know the scriptures pointed to Christ, but he had his own righteousness and diligence, but he was oppressed.  Some people are naturally diligent, and that’s why he was able to climb to the top, and he was more certain in the Word of God than anyone else, but he didn’t know Christ, then honestly, he didn’t know anything.  Then one day, he met Christ, then everything he had until now was rubbish. Rubbish doesn’t mean he didn’t need it, but that it didn’t help him need Christ.

Now I have Christ and everything is used for Christ.  I’m not telling you to not study but everything must be for only Christ.  Everything must have the answer of relaying the answer of only Christ. Everything must reach the answer of the working of the Holy Spirit that allows this to happen.  That’s what’s a little bit different between this church and others.  That’s the difference.  She may not understand, but it is different.

It’s not that the Word of God is different, we still read the same Bible, but the words relayed are only Christ.  People who are a little smarter, what’s their characteristic?  They start verse by verse and create Christ. There are some denominations that try to force the three roles of Christ into everything, and some pastors even do that. They start from the Old Testament and try to solve everything through the three roles of Christ. 

There’s another church where the pastor’s words are just the introduction.  The real message is when they gather together to eat, and they interpret everything through the three roles of Christ. Because they say only Jesus Christ, their spirit leads towards logically and textually, they find the three roles of Christ. They don’t care about what the pastor says. Why do these things happen?  It’s because they don’t have the reason why it’s only Jesus Christ, so they try to fit everything into only Christ.

Among that church, one person enrolled in Remnant University, and they received a lot of grace but didn’t understand because they really tried to use their brain to understand. Imagine how hard it is if you don’t have the reason, you have to know the reason.  If you know the reason, you will receive everything by grace.  But people who have the characteristic of diligence will say we have to interpret everything through Christ.  They don’t listen to the pastor, but the pastor changes a lot but these people never change. I’m not saying to be like them.

You have to know the reason why we need Jesus Christ as we read the Bible for the answer to come into you.  You have to originally understand why the Old Testament had to talk about Jesus Christ.  Then, it doesn’t mean you have to force your understanding, but just understand all these words are said because you have to relay Christ.

God is alive and humans are separated from God.  Can the law break through that?  The devil is alive and working, does the devil flinch from the law?  The devil uses the law to oppress us. It’s not that the devil doesn’t know God’s Word, the devil doesn’t flinch at all. Those who know the reason of Christ.  It’s the same when you look at the Old and New Testament and our lives today, why must it be the covenant of only Christ?  We’re talking about this Word of God.

That Word of God is living and active, because Christ is life, and the words of Christ save.  They save me, they save the diseased parts of my spirit. We don’t even know what’s wrong within our spirits, but the Word of Christ saves it.  The Word of God will save even from physical diseases, the areas we cannot see. 

Today after 1st service, I met with someone and their brother was diagnosed with leukemia.  I told the person, “The Word hasn’t been given to you for no reason.”  It doesn’t matter whether it’s leukemia or something else. It may be treatable through a doctor, but God must work through that doctor. What’s more important is that the words of God go into him, because there was a longstanding, deep problem that resulted in cancer.

Maybe he’s gone to church for a long time, but he has to receive the reason why it must be the gospel of Jesus Christ for that gospel to be living and active within them.  Human beings can’t do multiple things, it gets too complicated, with all the different words, we ultimately receive one thing: only Christ, it’s so easy. Through the 66 books, it’s only Christ.  Christ is through your environment and problems: that word is living and active. 

That Word goes into you and penetrates, dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, the thoughts and attitude, solving the hidden problems.  You can even know what the attitude of your heart is when the Word of God goes into you.  When you give them the words, the reaction to the words of Jesus is their inner state.  When you give the word to someone, their reaction to that word is their inner state being revealed, because everything is revealed in front of God’s Word.

So, it doesn’t matter how much they try to package themselves, but God’s Word reveals their inner state and attitude, because God sustains all things through His Word, so you must discover God’s Word in all things. Instead of following my own thoughts, finding the Word is how I live my life as my answer. That’s how I am restored and healed.

The reason Joseph didn’t shake is because he had the Word of God.  The sun, moon, and 11 stars would bow down to Joseph, so he went to Egypt, holding onto world evangelization and discovered that Word because God gave it to him through the death of his mother, because God moves in all incidences with His Word, so when Joseph began to pray about this, the Word of God went into him, so in this incident, God has a plan. If you are not able to see God’s word, you will fall into fear and resent people, “What if my father doesn’t love me anymore?”

That’s what happens if you go to church outside of the word.  His older brothers factually tried to kill him, but he thought, “God is trying to fulfill His Word,” so he doesn’t shake.  It doesn’t matter how much you shake. How do you overcome?  Do you need special training? Instead of having special training, you try to numb yourself with drugs and alcohol to overcome.  What about kids?  It’s something else, you do it at the kids level, let’s say for example, going on some trip.  People pack up their bags and take long weekend trips, that’s the culture, it means there’s a lot of leisure in America because on a long weekend, if you didn’t have leisure, you wouldn’t be able to go, but when you come back, the problem is still there, so it doesn’t solve anything.

If you keep venting or cursing, will you feel better? You might be a little relieved, but the more people use humanistic methods like that, the more useless your life is.  It’s the living Word of God because God will work according to His Word.  That’s what it means for you not to be shaken by circumstances and environments.

How can we keep holding onto the Word? We call this 24 hours.  May you hold onto the covenant 24 hours a day. How can you do 24 hours without the covenant?  If you get cancer, you’ll do 24 hour concentration on your cancer. If you face the threat of death, you will spend 24 hours concentrated on your fear of death, but do 24 hours concentration on the Word, then even when an incident comes your way, it won’t matter, so root down in that word.

The reason you shake when you face such an environment is because you’re weak, but later on, it’ll just pass you by.  It doesn’t matter if the problem is there or not because everything follows the Word. This changes depending on how much you’re rooted in the Word, enjoying 24 hour prayer.  As you’re holding onto this covenant of Jesus Christ and world evangelization, you realistically pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit and working of the Holy Spirit to control your thoughts, heart, spirit, and body. 

Go into God’s control because Christ is in you.  You give everything up to Him so that He can control your thoughts and hearts exactly as He needs it, so that’s the filling of the Holy Spirit and you receive power.  Not the strength of my thoughts, but thoughts become different and my emotions change, but the Holy Spirit doesn’t work without God’s Word. 

John 16 says the Holy Spirit teaches and reveals the Word of God because that Spirit is Truth, so hold onto the words of the covenant and pray for the Holy Spirit to come upon you. Do this right now, no need to do it at a special time. If you have to do it somewhere else, you can’t do world evangelization; you have to be able to do this while you work, you can’t just take a 3-day vacation for a prayer journey. You can’t do world evangelization that way.  You have to be able to do this even as a slave.

In any circumstance, it must be possible to do this.  You can’t look through your Bible if you don’t have it, so that’s why the entire Bible talks of Only Christ, so “May the Holy Spirit within me control me and fill me completely.”  You can only pray like this if you have faith, so pray so that the Holy Spirit works upon your studies and work, meaning the darkness is broken down.  But if it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that demons are cast out, the kingdom of God has come upon you.

In your school, field, and family, as you pray and the Holy Spirit works, the environment will change slowly.  But if you talk and try to fight back, you’re going to get fired. You can’t make much noise.  Joseph went there and quietly prayed and everything began to change.  The standard of physical success is that God gives you the signs and works so that unbelievers can recognize Christ, so that’s why it’s possible with even one student.

Christ, only the Holy Spirit, then you pray even as you study. If you want to close all your books and pray and kneel down, it’s hard during class.  You’re so busy listening to the teacher, trying to catch up, so you can’t kneel and pray, so you just pray. Even right now, just pray. You can’t pray at home, so pray right now.  This Sunday, you create a spiritual system so this is possible. 

That’s why we get the message from the Tabernacle and take it back to our families in the Tents and take it to the field and relay it exactly.  That’s how the working of the Holy Spirit regarding God’s Word will be relayed to your pulpits and fields. If that doesn’t take place, you have to forcefully assemble something, and even that is exhausting, you’re living a legalistic, religious life. It has to take place through this, so first and foremost, you have to know the reason.

You need to know the fundamental reason why you need the filling of the Holy Spirit in order for you to pray anywhere. But if you have found the conclusion of only Jesus Christ but you’re not satisfied, you have to look elsewhere, and you’ll head towards programs, “This looks great,” because you don’t know the reason for Christ. You know the Christ and everything but you don’t know the reason. You know love, but you don’t know the reason for only Christ.

Either way, pray, using the Word as the basis of Jesus Christ, asking for the spirit of God to completely control you. If you come to church and try to do work, what do you think will happen?  The work you have to do will keep increasing but you are the one who is dying. Does that mean you shouldn’t work?  I’m saying, do this blessed work because you’re serving the Lord, but do it with the strength of the Holy Spirit.  If you can’t do that, you’ll avoid work because you know you’ll fall anyways, but we have to keep waiting for these people.

People usually do the opposite in the work, asking for more work, and they panic if they don’t have enough, because it’s all about money. Their spirit is dying.  Their spiritual state is not in a situation where they can work physically like that, but because they need money, they are exhausted, oppressing themselves.  Do the work with only Christ, only with the power of the Holy Spirit. You do this work with the Lord, then that work is blessed, right?

If you’re not able to do that, you go to church so diligently and one day, eventually, you’ll get caught up in a trial. The devil is just waiting for that time.  No matter what, Satan is waiting 24 hours just to destroy you, because that’s what Satan does, He divides and destroys. As soon as you lose strength, Satan goes in to attack.  It’s the same in your work in the world and with all people you meet.

The reason for only Christ. Only the filling and the working of the Holy Spirit. Only then will your field change, only then will the covenant of Christ be relayed. It’s not complicated, but I’m complicated. We need to organize everything with the Word of God, but because we don’t have “only,” it becomes so complicated.  God knows our IQ is not that high, so He doesn’t give us complicated things. It only becomes complicated because you’ve lived without the gospel.  Once you receive the gospel, it becomes your own, then all the complicated things become simple because it falls into order.

This age is the age of disorder because instead of going into God’s Word, people do what they want, and it’s a state of chaos and emptiness, and no matter how much people attempt to fill their greed, they cannot fill that emptiness.  I have been researching Hinduism, Buddhism, and Transcendental Meditation.  Sometime ago, I’ve been going to UCLA for evangelism and brought back a pamphlet for Hinduism. Nowadays, I’ve been able to organize what Buddhism, Hinduism, and Transcendental Meditation say.

“All problems come because you haven’t discovered your true self, so your thoughts are the problem as they’re not the real ‘you.’” Because of that, and all the enemies you’ve made, you come to the conclusion is that you’re the problem.  Receiving this message, they realize, “I blamed that person and that person hurt me, but my problems are my thoughts,” so people are healed 50%.

You resent your scars, right? But it turns out it’s your own fault, do you understand? You got caught up in your own greed, but you guys all think it’s your parents and other people, you’re caught in it, but there are people who faced those exact same circumstances and are not caught in it. You won’t receive things according to your greed, so you say that person scarred you.  You come to church and if they say, “Receive this and that blessings,” you won’t be affected because your greed is never satisfied.

The world tells you your thoughts are wrong.  You hear things from the world that you’ve never heard from the church, and you conclude, “now my problems make sense” and you realize, “I thought the problem was the other person, but I was actually in the wrong,” then you can restore that relationship.  So now, there’s only one thing I must concentrate on, which is to find my true self through transcendental meditation.  These people haven’t tried it themselves, but this is the theory.

Buddhism is talking about discovering a state where you do not exist.  But there’s no such thing as really truly getting rid of your ego, so the Hindu and Buddhist doctrines meld together well, “The true ‘you’ is inside of you.  You think all your thoughts are you, but those are fake and there’s another true ‘you.’ And that’s why you have to meditate and pray.”  Life becomes simple for these people, but this is Satan’s deception.

Because it’s all they do, the devil works in this one space, but instead, when you go to churches, they say, “Do this and that to receive blessings,” but there’s no answer. “Try praying more diligently,” but there’s no answer.  Someone with the characteristic of diligence can stay, but the lazy people will leave, either they stop attending church or they’ll attend other meditation events because they say, “The church never gave me the answers,” and even though the other answers are wrong, they are satisfying their need.

People shave their heads and wear red robes and think there’s something mystical going on, but it’s Satan’s trap.  People say they received answers and healing from transcendental meditation and create followers like an idol group, so the church must be able to give the answer, but the Word of God that isn’t able to give the answer to these circumstances will be pushed aside by the Word, so the people of the church are dragged into idolatry because they don’t tell you the reason why it must be only Christ, they don’t tell you the reason why it must be “only.”

Only Christ, only the spirit of Christ, only the working of the spirit of Christ can save people and change the field.  You have to know this reason in order for you to organize it for yourself and to study and work in the world.  If you don’t have one answer of only Christ, that person will be complicated, it might be possible that this is their time schedule, they read the Bible here and there, but there’s more than one answer because they don’t have the reason.

This is what the church must talk about, every single week, you go with this certainty, you need to go, knowing prayer simply.  You need to go with certainty that the goal of the rest of your week is only Christ.  If the main passage is from Genesis 6, you have to hold onto the Ark of Christ.  If you’re bit by a venomous snake, and God says to look upon the bronze snake representing Christ, you have to do it.  My mouth gets sore talking about this because we say the same things over and over again, but it’s simple for those who have discovered this reason.

That Word of God saves me and can save everybody.  Coming to the answer of only Christ is what it means to simplify all the complexities.


God we thank You.  Bless the remnants.  We desire for the living works for only the kingdom of God and the filling of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


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