The Reason for Faith and the Reason for Disbelief (John 5:30-47)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Reason for Faith and the Reason for Disbelief (John 5:30-47)

Now that I see the remnants are arising and giving glory to God, I feel so delighted. Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. May the blessing of the Triune God be upon all the families and individuals who are worshiping at church and in their homes. The title of today’s sermon is, “The Reason for Faith and the Reason for Disbelief.” There is definitely a reason for the walk of faith. Jesus is talking to Jews who are very revered, but Jesus Christ was born in the countryside, which is low-class. However, when Jesus Christ heals the man who was sick for 38 years, and said that Jesus Christ was at the same level as God, the Jewish people began to persecute Him more.

When the truth comes in, all the false things are bound to come out. You can know whether your walk of faith is based on truth or lie when you face a problem or circumstance. When you face a big problem or circumstance, you will be able to see if your walk of faith is based on truth or lies. When Jesus Christ is having this discourse with the Jewish people, you can see this with us, whether we have a reason for faith or if we have a reason for disbelief.


  1. Reason for Faith in Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ says this in verse 30, “By myself, I can do nothing. I judge only as I hear, and I do only by Him who sent Me.” So, He doesn’t do anything on His own. The fact that Jesus Christ came to this earth as the Messiah was not his choice. He also says, “When I judge, it is not my judgment, but I am doing as my Father God has told me.” He Himself does not testify of Himself. Even when we have our walk of faith, there are four ways we can deepen our walk of faith in Jesus Christ.

1) Another Who Testifies in Favor of Jesus (John 5:32)
In verse 32, Jesus Christ says, “There is another who testifies in my favor.” If you look at John 3:34, you can see that that one is the Holy Spirit, because the One whom God sent is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit says what the LORD has said. The Holy Spirit does not speak on His own; He only testifies. 1 Corinthians 12:3 says, “No one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit,” so the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us continues to testify to us that Jesus Christ is Lord. When I believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit remains within me, continuously giving me the Words of life through Jesus Christ.

John 14:17 says that this Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. The Spirit of Truth means that it is the Spirit that speaks the Words of Truth, and it will bring glory to Jesus Christ by taking what is His and making it known to us. The Holy Spirit who lives inside of us is continuously giving us His Word. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit will teach us and remind us of what Jesus Christ has said and will give you peace, so do not be worried or anxious.When are we troubled? When are we worried? That is when the Holy Spirit gives us the Word. That is how all of our troubles and anxieties will turn into peace. This is not something we can get from people, but the Holy Spirit that lives within us can give us peace. Today, you may be receiving the Word of God through a person, but I hope you will listen to the words of the Holy Spirit within you that is testifying.

2) Jesus Christ
There is a second thing that testifies about Jesus Christ. In John 5:36, Jesus Christ said, “I have a testimony weightier than that of John, for the work that the Father has given me to finish, the work that I am doing, testify that the Father has sent me.” The works that Jesus Christ did, including healing the sick and the miracles He performed are testimonies and evidence that He is Jesus Christ, sent by God. It is not something Jesus Christ can do on His own; that is the evidence He is the True Messiah.

In Matthew 12:40, it says, “You look for signs and miracles, but the true sign is that I will die in three days and be resurrected.” So, Jesus Christ is testifying through the entire Bible about the works He will do as the Messiah, and we are looking at those works and testify that He is the Christ.

The incident of the Christ where Jesus Christ died and resurrected in three days is historical and real. It is situation that has nailed all the sins of mankind from the beginning until the end, and all the curses and disasters from that sin were nailed to that cross as well. When Jesus Christ resurrected, it was the only situation where the forces of death and darkness were broken down, so the very incident of the cross testifies that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.

If you don’t have faith, where do you turn to? I hope you will listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit because He is with you. That’s why, when you set up a time and lean your ears to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, He will definitely give you the Word. Where do you have to turn to? You have to go back to the cross; that’s the only evidence. He died on the cross for me, He resurrected and is with me now. If you don’t believe, you have to go back to that. You need to have faith in the realistic incident that happened, that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and resurrected.

3) Father God Has Himself Testified (John 5:37)
The third testimony of Jesus Christ is Father God Himself. In verse 37, Jesus Christ says to them, “You have never heard His voice or seen His form,” and verse 39, it says, “You study the scriptures diligently because you think in them you have eternal life. These are the very scriptures that testify about me,” so God the Father is using the scripture to testify of Jesus Christ. That is how we are able to confirm through the Bible that Jesus is the Christ.

However, the Jewish people only knew the outer form of the Bible. God told the Israelite people to obey the Sabbath so He could humans rest. However, when the Jewish people obey the Sabbath, they only look at the outer behaviors governing work. Jesus says that Moses’ laws accuse them. “If you believed in Moses, you would believe me,” because the five books of Moses were written so that they could see the Christ that God had sent, but they fell only into the law. They studied the law and the Word of God so diligently, but they lost hold of the main point which was to point them towards life, and they fell into legalism.

Because you’re living your walk of faith like that, you’re not able to gain any faith. So, no matter how you look at the Bible, you need to understand that these were the words given to us by our Father God so that we can gain eternal life.

4) Human – John the Baptist
Fourth and finally, He says, “John the Baptist testifies about me.” In other words, Jesus Christ is testified by people. Verse 33 says, “You have sent John and He has testified to the Truth,” and He says that John was a lamp, so he was not the light himself, but he was the lamp that shone the light. In other words, he was an instrument that relayed Jesus Christ, and we ourselves are instruments that relay Christ. There are four ways that testify about Jesus Christ so that we may believe that He is the Christ. There is the Holy Spirit, the incident of Jesus Christ on the cross, the Word of God through the 66 books of the Bible, and the words of human testimony.There must always be a basis for faith. If you don’t have the basis for faith, you can’t believe. “Oh, I can’t believe,” and there is a reason that prevents you from believing. If you do have faith, then there is a reason for you to have faith. The reason for your faith is further developed by God the Holy Spirit, God the Son—Jesus Christ, and God the Father in heaven as well as human testimonies. If you simply set a time to be quiet, alone, and listen to the words of the Holy Spirit within you, God will give you His Word. When you remember about the incident of the cross, where Jesus Christ died on the cross to save you, then you will gain faith. As you listen to the Word of God and read the Bible, you will absolutely gain more faith.</div

If you simply set a time to be quiet, alone, to listen to the words of the Holy Spirit within you, God will give you His Word.

Do not meet with nonbelievers, but meet with people who have faith. If you keep hanging out with people who have worries, their anxieties will be relayed to you. If someone has a lot of wrinkles on their forehead, it means they furrow their brows and stress so much. Don’t meet with them often. Instead, meet with someone who has faith. You have to be able to organize all of this. You only have one life; why would you waste it, living a nonbeliever’s life among nonbelievers? John himself was not the light, but he testified of the light.

  1. Reason for Disbelief in Jesus Christ
    The second point is the reason for disbelief. There is a reason why people don’t believe in Jesus Christ.

1) His Word Does Not Dwell in You (John 5:38)
.In John 5:38, it says the Word of God is not within you. Even when we speak a language, we have to listen to the language and memorize the words in order to speak it. The reason why children learn how to read, write, and speak when they’re little is so that they can communicate when they are older. However, the Jewish Pharisees studied so much about the Bible, but the Word of God did not go inside of them; instead, they were only looking at the outward appearances. When you go deeper and deeper into your faith, the living life of Jesus Christ needs to go into you. But instead, people study the Bible and they only become more rooted in justice, righteousness, upright morality, and thanksgiving.

But the human righteousness is actually much less than God. If righteousness is the center of your heart, how will you listen to the voice of God? If success is the goal of your entire life, how do you think you’ll listen to God’s word? If your heart believes that money is everything, how would you be able to accept God’s Word? Even though they studied the scriptures their entire lives, analyzing it and listening to it, Jesus Christ said, “the Word of God does not dwell in you.” They’re only filled and centered on the law and obeying traditions and forms.

2) Refuse to Gain Eternal Life (John 5:40)
In John 5:40, Jesus says, “You refuse to come to me to have eternal life.” You have to go to Jesus Christ to gain eternal life, but the Jewish people were not going to Him. If we do not believe something, there is a reason why we don’t believe; we don’t want to go to Jesus. Where would we want to go instead? In verse 41, Jesus Christ said, “I do not accept glory from human beings,” but on the other hand, we do want glory from other people. In verse 44, He says, “I know that you do not seek the glory that comes from God.” They are only living for their own glory, that is why they cannot gain more faith. We need to go out in life for the glory of God, but they have no interest in that. They’re only interested in the exaltation of human and human fame and human glory.

That’s why He says in verse 43, “If someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him,” so they accept people who come to glorify their own name, but they do not accept Jesus Christ who comes to glorify God. If you don’t have faith, there is a reason the faith is not occurring. You keep following the names of people, the renowned and powerful people in the world, or you follow the names of religious leaders in the world. Or if someone is very successful in the world, you’ll listen to their words. If someone makes a lot of money, you’ll follow after their words. Why do you think you follow that?

3) Do Not Love God (John 5:42)
Verse 42, Jesus says, “I know you do not have the love of God in your hearts,” so we use the Word of God but in reality, we don’t really love God. What do you think we’re interested in? We would be interested in cursory things. Instead of believing in the Creator God, we look at creation. A child should love their parents, but instead, they don’t care about the parents; they only care about the money their parents give them. Even though they’re following after their parents, they actually have no interest or care for their parents at all; they are looking for the scraps they can take from their parents.

So, Jesus Christ says, “The reason you do not believe is because you do not have the love of God in your heart.” It’s the same thing in 2 Timothy 3, that people will love themselves. Loving yourself is good, right? But we shouldn’t love ourselves more than we love God. It means that we’re more interested in the things we want and need more than we’re interested in God. Paul used to live like that; but one day, he met Jesus and he says, “I consider everything rubbish.” He’s not saying he doesn’t need anything else, but “Up until now, I lived for those things and I didn’t have the true love of God in my heart.”

Everyone has a reason why their faith is not taking place. If we’re interested in God and we see the value of God, then our faith is naturally bound to occur. Paul confessed, “All treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ,” so if you’re interested in the things you need, your faith will not work out and your walk of faith will not work out, and you’ll have no choice to love money because you need money more than you need God.As you’re sitting here in worship, I hope you will restore true worship. There are people who sit here for worship but do not give worship. True repentance means that you are fundamentally turning back to the state of loving God. If you are repenting but you do not go back to loving God, then anything you repent for is just for your outer appearance. If you don’t love God Himself and you only love God’s creation, then no matter how much you repent, that’s not true repentance. You’re only interested in the power you can get in the world through God, or you’re interested in the success that you can get through God, but you need to be able to have faith.

Money and success are not the reason for our faith, and it doesn’t even give me faith in myself. If you keep focusing on yourself, you’ll have no choice but to keep falling into disbelief. If you keep following after money and success, it is impossible for you to gain faith. You love pleasure because it is an incorrect happiness you’re chasing after. All these are signs that you do not love God. The Jewish people were so obsessed with God that, even before they wrote the name of Jehovah, they would have to bathe themselves, and they couldn’t even say that name out loud, so they regarded God as so holy, but they actually had no interest in Him. They kept saying, “Messiah, Messiah,” but instead of being concerned about Jesus, they were only worried about money. They said, “Jesus, Jesus,” but instead of worrying about Jesus, they were only worried about success, and that’s why faith wasn’t happening.

If you have any of this, I hope you will have the blessing of turning back to God completely. That is how faith will naturally occur within you. You yourself do not know what is blocking you, but however you’ve lived your life until now is not the standard, and reading a lot and knowing a lot is not the standard, either. Your position or attendance at church is not the standard, either; that is not the way you gain faith.

The reason why God gave us the laws is so that we can love God and love people. God gave us the law so that we can love. By our faith in Jesus Christ, we see the works of faith happen. So, the reason of our faith appears through God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, as well as the testimony of human witnesses. Do not ever lie to yourself, if you say, “I can’t believe,” it is because there is a reason within you that prevents you from believing. You have to quickly let go of all of your heart that chases after human glory, human power and success, as well as your desires and needs, then fundamentally turn back to God.

The Jewish people couldn’t do that, so they continued to suffer. They say they loved God, but they actually loved Babylon. God said to only love God; that is the very first of the ten commandments. You can only love God if you believe in Him; you have to believe that God is everything and that Jesus Christ is everything. Within Jesus Christ is true justice, true righteousness, and true human rights. Within Jesus Christ is the true me, true money, and true success.

If you organize that in your heart, you’ll have no choice but to return back to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and that person will be fine no matter where they go. Even if the coronavirus wave comes again, they’ll be okay; why? Because they know that God is working and doing His work even though this situation. However, if people are interested in money, if they have a financial problem, what do you think will happen? Their life is filled with worries, anxieties, and troubles, why? That is simply the result of what they were interested in to begin with. Instead of being interested in the true and eternal life that comes from Jesus Christ, you’re interested in the pleasure and things of this world, so you have no choice but to live and react in that way.

With this coronavirus pandemic, there are people whose faith is strengthening and there are people whose faith is weakening. It’s very simple, people are falling away from the faith because the reason for their faith was never with God; it was in themselves. As the coronavirus pandemic continues, worship will completely cease; however, for people who have faith, it doesn’t matter where they are; they will always worship. However, people who put the reason for their faith within themselves will look at their environment and say, “We don’t have school, I’m getting lazy,” and they’ll stop. That person’s standards is only on their own comfort or convenience.

We do not live our life for our own comfort. America is a very comfortable nation, why? Because we have many scientific advances. The more we have advancement, human beings do not have to do as much; we have machines to do everything. However, as we keep progressing this way, everyone’s faith declines sharply. Your body and physical self will continue to be suffering.

If you do not stress your body, you will keep gaining weight and one day find yourself with a disease. If you look at the people who live over 100 years old, they work every single day. Look at America, our technology and internet system is so advanced such that you can do anything in the world without leaving your house. Now, that age will progress even faster into the age of to-go deliveries, and human relationships will be further cut off and far away. There will be people who are okay in that situation and some people who are not okay.

People like Joseph are okay no matter where you put them. Where do you think he was looking? He was looking at the standard of the Triune God. Even here, the Holy Spirit is giving me His word, the evidence of faith is the cross, and even there, God is giving me His Word. That is our standard. When Joseph went as a slave, imagine how many needs he had. If Joseph happened to love material blessings that God gave him more than he loved God himself, then when he was sent as a slave, he would have committed suicide. When you face a problem, I hope you will believe in God.Why are you not able to believe in God? It is because you are putting the reason to believe on yourself. If you put the reason to believe on yourself, then you will move in the direction of your needs and desires and you won’t be able to believe. As time progresses, you won’t be able to endure because in Matthew 24 and 2 Timothy 3, the Bible specifically tells us that suffering and hardship will continue to increase.

How are you going to live, then? You have to change yourself fundamentally and you have to turn your fundamentals back to God. That person will be building his life on the rock instead of building a life on sand. It doesn’t matter whether this happens or that happens because the reason to believe is in God. Because I’ve already died on the cross with Christ and Christ lives in me, I have no problems anymore.

How are you going to live, then? you have to change yourself fundamentally and you have to turn your fundamentals back to God.

Because we have physical bodies, we might be momentarily deceived, and we may shake because we have a physical body, but quickly return to the reason for faith, that the Lord who has finished all problems on the cross is with me, in life and in spirit. Then, what is the Word of Truth that God the Father is telling me in this situation?Every time you face a problem, do not follow lies, but follow the truth. People keep falling deeper into their problems because they listen to the words of lies of people. You keep falling deeper into problems because you’re listening to your own experiences. Your past does not repeat exactly the same way. Even laws are different from nation to nation. In the past, they thought the earth was flat; now we know the earth is round. People say, “Vitamin C is good for you,” “Vitamin C is bad for you,” words are always changing; people always change their words, so you need to select the truth.

If you face a problem, then choose the correct truth. That is the way you can go on the correct path. Why do your ears keep itching to hear the fake lies instead of listening to the truth? Even if you’re facing death itself, you need to select truth. Even if you’re facing destruction, you need to choose the truth. “For the LORD is my shield and rock,” David seemed like he had power, but he wasn’t able to exist with his power alone. “The LORD is my truth, He is my light and my way.” You need to follow that way.

When you face a problem, do not follow your thoughts or the environment, but follow the Truth. The Triune God that is testifying of the Word. The works of Jesus Christ that has finished all problems on the cross, then your faith continues to increase. There is no way to please God without faith. Who do you think the devil loves the most? People who don’t have faith. Someone who doesn’t believe in God is beloved by the devil. The devil is our enemy. The thing that makes me fail is not people; it is the devil, our enemy, that makes us fail. The reason why Adam fell was not Eve; it was the devil. You need to know that. If you don’t know that, you’ll keep making enemies of people. I hope you will believe in God.

If you put the reason for your faith in your feelings, emotions, and experience, that is not going to be enough. You need to put the evidence for your faith in the Triune God.

  1. Reason for the Kingdom of God to be Established on the Earth
    Finally, if you have faith, you need to have the reason why the Kingdom of God must be established on earth. We are living in this world, in the nation of America, and the nation of America is being controlled by the American government, so you need to know that system, but that’s not enough. There is a spiritual world in America that is invisible to our eyes.

1) World
That’s spoken of in John 12:31 where He talks about the ruler and prince of the air. The prince of this world is not President Trump; it is Satan, the devil, who controls all the world’s leaders. Ephesians 2:2 says that the ruler of the kingdom of the air is now at work in those who are disobedient. That means, there is a spirit that is controlling the kingdom of the air, and this invisible force is controlling the visible world with such authority and power. How? In Ephesians 2:2, he controls the world with the culture of the world, so the norms that govern human interaction, what we call culture, is actually the culture of the devil. When we focus on the power of people or the capabilities of humans, it is actually following after the spirit of evil that takes us away from God.

The culture that takes place, that is so popular in America, is a culture that goes against God. The New Age culture is from the evil spirit, Satan, and they use the Word of God, however, they say that the universe is inside of you and that God is you. Even though human beings cannot become God, Satan uses the culture of the world to keep making humans become like God in some way.

Satan also creates religions and makes them follow after demons. That’s why the spiritual and mental problems continue to come into this earth. Why are mental problems accelerating? It’s because we are stuck in the ways of the world. Even when we listen to music, it is all centered on humans and the power of humans to become godlike. You study so much and work so hard, but one day you look back, and you’ve become the devil yourself. But you think you’re the best; that means you’ve become the devil, that means you’re continuing to follow the father of lies because you’ve become like God, saying, “People need me.” People need God; we can live with you. Because God will do whatever it takes and move whatever it takes to fulfill His will.

The culture of America is completely controlled by the invisible forces of the Three Organizations, just as Egypt was controlled by the political authority of the Pharaoh, but those people worshipped idols, serving a culture that does not have God, so when you look at it, you understand they are moving, completely seized by Satan. But how are the Christians in the world living? Ultimately, if you’re not able to understand the kingdom of God, then you’re going to spend your entire life living for the kingdom of Satan. Everything you do, in your studies, your job, and your family, needs to be used for the Kingdom of God, but you’re actually using it to establish the Kingdom of Satan, then that’s why God isn’t giving you strength because you’re helping people serve Satan better. The talent God gave you needs to be used to expand the Kingdom of God, but you’re only using it to expand the Kingdom of Satan.People work so diligently and gain success but it has nothing to do with God, so it is all for themselves, and ultimately, it is all for Satan. If God gives you all the blessings and riches of this world, but you use it for your own benefit, what does that have anything to do with God? Ultimately, you’re just using what you have as an instrument to help Satan, who is controlling this world. Just like how the Israelite people were used in helping build the idolatrous pyramids in Egypt, they’re being used to serve Satan. What does that have to do with God?

Everything that you do in your life, your studies and job, what does that have to do with God? If it’s all just so that you can eat and have clothes, it’s all for your physical self, but God will feed us and take care of us, all for the kingdom of God. Our entire life needs to be used in order to take the people who are living in the Kingdom of Satan and death, moving them into the Kingdom of Life in Jesus Christ.

If you look at Ephesians 2:3, it says that the people who live like this are in Satan’s Kingdom, by nature, objects of wrath. Even the pyramids and idols we build are by nature, objects of wrath by God. Human success is great; however, if it is not able to overcome the sin and separation from God, it is the object of God’s wrath.

2) Only
That is why we need only Jesus Christ. We should not hold onto only justice; we need to hold onto only Jesus Christ. We should not hold onto only righteousness; only Jesus Christ because none of that exists outside of Jesus Chirst, because everything exists within Jesus Christ. You need to love that true essence. Stop loving the results that come through Jesus Christ; love Jesus Christ Himself. Your life is a result of loving the incorrect things. I hope that your individual life and your family life will have a turning point, changing the flow of your life and family. Jesus Christ is the solution to all problems, He is the True God and Judge.

Only the Kingdom of God. You need to know this world in order to live for the Kingdom of God. It looks like this world is physical, but it is actually being moved by the forces of Satan, and you are living for the Kingdom of God in this world. That is why you have a reason for life. If you have not found the reason to live yet, and you’re chasing after physical things, that is why you help Satan. The reason is that the Holy Spirit of God needs to work upon you. If the Holy Spirit works upon us, we become witnesses until the ends of the earth.

That means that God will give us the evidence to become witnesses. People do not have any ability, and even your experiences have no power. Even your own thoughts and theology and good actions are useless. Only Christ. There is nothing that can break down the forces of darkness other than only Christ, and unless you have only Christ, the disasters will not break down. If only the Kingdom of God does not become the commission and plan of my life, then my life is spent on useless things. There is the Kingdom of God you must go to when you die, and there is the Kingdom of God that you need to establish on this earth now. This is why we pray for the working of God’s spirit. Whenever you hold onto that covenant and pray, God will work according to His time schedule.

If this does not take place for people, they’ll be filled with a lot of words. People who talk a lot use humanism, they keep using their brain because they have experiences of when their brain helped them before; however, the more you use your brain, the more you’ll be at a disadvantage because God is not someone who can be manipulated by our brain. We must pray for God to work. God will work according to the things He needs, like Temple Construction. God absolutely works through the people who have the plan of God within them. If someone is filled with material success and personal success and glory, they are not aligned with God’s plan.

3) Enjoy Life
Now we can enjoy life. Galatians 2:20 says that I have been crucified on the cross with Christ, so I no longer need myself. You’re not needed by God, but God is living through you, inside of you. Some people hear this and then say, “Should I not work hard anymore?” That person is only interested in being lazy or diligent, so even though they listen to the Word of God, they’re not able to hear or understand it. God’s Word says that God is doing it through you, but that person understands this as, “Then do I have to do it or not?” In other words, they are listening to the Word of God from a self-centered perspective. If God is doing it within you, you have to follow that God is doing, so you listen to the fact that God is doing it within you, but you think, “I don’t have to do anything, then,” and those are people who hear the Word of God but cannot hear.

The Lord lives within me and God carries out His Work. Jesus Christ Himself said, “I’m not doing this work by myself, I can’t do anything by myself, but my Father God does it through me.” Did Jesus Christ just sleep, then? You need to understand His Words. No, Jesus Christ was doing the Lord’s work 24 hours a day, that means He staked His life on the cross and did it. If you have the correct faith, you end up staking your life. If you’re already questioning, “Should I do it or not?” that’s not right, that’s hard. Put your entire life, all in, into the work that God is giving you.

God’s absolute plan is world evangelization. Matthew 24:14 says the gospel of the kingdom must be preached to all nations, and then the end will come. No matter what anyone says, God’s absolute plan will never change, and Jesus Christ is still doing the work of salvation even now. It doesn’t matter if the churches all turn away, it doesn’t matter if you succeed or fail. Just because you fail, it doesn’t mean that God stops working. Just because you don’t give your offering to God doesn’t mean God stops His work, because God’s plan is being fulfilled even today, and God works upon whoever goes into that plan. If someone is upset by this, and says, “I’m offended by God, so I’m not going to do His work,” that’s fine. The more you go against God, the more you will suffer. No one can overcome God, so quickly go back to God.

In fulfilling God’s plan, there is this absolute journey. We are following the journey God has prepared for us. We are walking the journey towards world evangelization, then we might face hardship. Just because you face a difficulty does not mean this is not the answer of God, because God is answering you through that situation as well. God is giving you His answer through good things as well. The standard is no longer whether things are easy or hard, good or bad, but it is all simply walking the journey towards God’s absolute plan.


  1. Works of the Triune God
    The reason for our faith is the Triune God.
  2. I Am a Witness
    The reason for our faith is witness of people who believe. That is our reason. If you cannot believe, there is a reason why you cannot believe as well. If you’re calling to God because of yourself for your own needs and own name, then you cannot gain any faith. People who have faith, the reason they are able to continue to maintain their faith is because they are living for God’s plan.
  3. God’s Plan of Saving Lives
    I pray that your life, your family, your home and job will become the regional church that is able to proclaim the gospel of Christ. There is nothing that can change people other than this. This is the work that can only be done by people who make the conclusion that everything is contained within Christ. I pray that every single person without fail will enter into this blessing.

Message Prayer
Now, let us hold onto the Word that God has given to us individually and pray. If the Word of God seems so far from my life right now, hold onto prayer topics that will shorten that gap. Do not pray for your desires; pray according to God’s Word. Let us pray.

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